Results for 'Ivan Stodola'

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  1.  13
    HONNETH, Axel: Idea socializmu. Pokus o aktualizáciu. Rozšírené vydanie. Preložila Patrícia Elexová.Ivan Stodola - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (2):159-164.
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    A Theoretical Framework for How We Learn Aesthetic Values.Hassan Aleem, Ivan Correa-Herran & Norberto M. Grzywacz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:565629.
    How do we come to like the things that we do? Each one of us starts from a relatively similar state at birth, yet we end up with vastly different sets of aesthetic preferences. These preferences go on to define us both as individuals and as members of our cultures. Therefore, it is important to understand how aesthetic preferences form over our lifetimes. This poses a challenging problem: to understand this process, one must account for the many factors at play (...)
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    Reflexiones en torno a la crítica foucaultiana del neoliberalismo.Iván Gabriel Dalmau - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 56:31-58.
    El propósito de este trabajo es indagar la crítica foucaultiana del neoliberalismo desarrollada en las conferencias que Michel Foucault dictó en el Collège de France en 1979. En dicho curso, el filósofo francés propuso un abordaje crítico de la economía política al que denominó crítica política del saber. Por lo tanto, el foco de este artículo es la crítica política del saber económico que despliega en el curso mencionado. Investigación arqueo-genealógica en la que el neoliberalismo no es estudiado ni como (...)
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    Valores, Verdade e Investigação: uma alternativa pragmatista ao não cognitivismo de Russell.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):245-268.
    Resumo Este artigo apresenta um referencial pragmatista para compreender o estatuto epistêmico da valoração que é produzida na reflexão acerca das consequências sociais de propostas científicas e tecnológicas. O problema é posto, seguindo-se as considerações de Bertrand Russell sobre o impacto da ciência na sociedade. Russell argumenta que a valoração de arranjos sociais fica fora dos limites do conhecimento, porque valorações não podem ser verdadeiras ou falsas, em sentido correspondencial. Isso leva o pensamento social a um impasse, pois não se (...)
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    The effect of subjective awareness measures on performance in artificial grammar learning task.Ivan I. Ivanchei & Nadezhda V. Moroshkina - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 57:116-133.
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    Conill Sancho, J. (2021). Nietzsche frente a Habermas. Genealogías de la razón. Madrid: Tecnos.Iván Sanz Marcos - 2024 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 25:261-265.
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    O definícii autonómnych zbraňových systémov.Ivan Koniar - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (6):621-636.
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  8. Pozitsii︠a︡ta.Ivan Kirilov - 1974
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    The Unexpected Merits of Oppression.Ivan Klima - 1990 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 2 (1):37-42.
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    The European Cultural Tradition and the Limits of Growth.Ivan Klíma - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):77-83.
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    Filozofska hrestomatija.Ivan Kolarić - 2000 - Užice: Učiteljski Fakuatet.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ na konkretnoto: sbornik v chest na prof. Raĭcho Pozharliev.Ivan Georgiev Kolev, Stoi︠a︡n Asenov & Raĭcho Pozharliev (eds.) - 2016 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Filozofsko teološki leksikon.Ivan Kolarić - 2010 - Čačak: Legenda K.D..
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    Filozofija: učilo za gimnazije i srednje stručne škole.Ivan Kolarić - 2006 - Zlatibor: [Ivan Kolarić].
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    Freedom and its incomprehensibility. To the history of the concept of freedom.Ivan Kordić - 2009 - Disputatio Philosophica 11 (1):23 - 41.
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    Freiheit in Verantwortung vor Transzendenz. Ethische Fragen bei Karl Jaspers.Ivan Kordić - 2004 - Disputatio Philosophica 6 (1):147-165.
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    Freiheit und ihre Unbegreiflichkeit. Zur Geschite des Freiheitsbegrieffs.Ivan Kordić - 2009 - Disputatio Philosophica 11 (1):23-41.
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    Philosophie und Theologie im Denken von Martin Heidegger.Ivan Kordic - 2003 - Prolegomena 2 (1):19-39.
    The relation between philosophy and theology in Martin Heidegger’s thought is multilayered and tense. On the one hand, he admits that his theological origin, i.e. his Christian-Catholic rootedness, determines the direction of his thought, while on the other hand, he has been fighting against theology that is too much tinted with philosophy. At the same time, he opposes that his thought be called theistic or atheistic. In the analytic of Dasein he wants to create assumptions that would enable him to (...)
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    Grenada Chocolate Company: Big Decisions for a Young Social Enterprise on a Small Island.Tara L. Ceranic, Ivan Montiel & Wendy S. Cook - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 10:327-337.
    Three partners founded the Grenada Chocolate Company in 1999: Mott Green, Doug Browne and Edmond Brown. Several years ago Doug passed away of cancer and in June 2013 Mott suffered a fatal electrocution while repairing a piece of equipment. Edmond was now thrust into the leadership position and left to decide what direction GCC should take. The GCC product line was becoming increasingly popular both on the island and internationally and demand was high,but the original vision for the company was (...)
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  20.  24
    Métodos de formación jurídica por conceptos, problemas y elecciones.Iván Daldoss - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
    Este artículo se ubica en el ámbito de la formación jurídica y expone tres macro estrategias del aprendizaje, que bien pueden, como aquí se afirma, interactuar y complementarse entre sí. En primer lugar, se representa el modelo educativo centrado en la transmisión de conceptos, sin duda el más arraigado y tradicional en el contexto europeo-continental. En segundo lugar, se procede examinando el paradigma formativo por problemas, enfocado en el desarrollo de la capacidad analítica. En tercer lugar, se ilustra el método (...)
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  21.  15
    Mirar-actuar a distancia Esfera pública, sufrimiento y compasión.Jorge Iván Bonilla Vélez - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):11-38.
    Este texto recoge parte de las reflexiones y del desarrollo del capítulo 5 del libro La barbarie que no vimos: Fotografía y memoria en Colombia. Aquí algunas preguntas que se intentan responder en este ensayo: ¿son las tecnologías las únicas responsables de la imposibilidad de ejercer una contemplación activa frente al infortunio de los demás? A propósito de la Parábola del Buen Samaritano, ¿este habría sido reemplazado por el espectador distante o implicado? ¿Qué sucede cuando ese espectador, de tanto ver (...)
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    Itinerary of Political Action in Antonio Gramsci.Miguel Ivân Mendonça Carneiro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):255-269.
    As result of the ongoing doctoral research, this paper composes the Communication delivered at the First National Post-Graduate Meeting in Philosophy of the University of Brasilia. The thesis relates to the real political action arising from liberty and immanent power. Structured in two moments of the Gramscian thought, that is: a) the juvenile phase (1914-1919), correspondent to the initial period of political engagement towards adherence to the Turin labor movement; and b) the analysis of the 48th § of Volume 3 (...)
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    Otade sistemot.Ivan D︠Ž︡eparoski - 2000 - Skopje: Kultura.
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  24. Filosofskoe zaveshchanie V. I. Lenina i sovremennostʹ. Lushchit︠s︡kiĭ & Ivan Nikolaevich (eds.) - 1973
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    Business ethics and the spirit of global capitalism: Moral leadership in the context of global Hegemony1.Dr Ivan Manokha - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):27-41.
    This article carries out a critical analysis of the discourse/practice of Business Ethics that has developed to an unprecedented extent in the last decade or so. It argues that in the late-modern global political economy (GPE) there develops a form of a Gramscian hegemony of transnational capital and the discourse/practice of Business Ethics can be seen as a form of moral leadership in the context of the emerging hegemonic order.
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    Ontological Branding: Power, Privilege, and White Supremacy in a Colorblind World.Bonard Iván Molina García - 2022 - Lexington Books.
    Applying Heideggerian tool ontology to antiblack racism in the United States, Ontological Branding argues that race is a tool to constrain nonwhite persons, especially Black persons, to ways of being in service to the white world. U.S. law’s colorblind “equality” safeguards white supremacy, and racial justice instead requires ontological equality.
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    Gênero e formação escolar: reflexões para potencializar a relação.Jenerton Arlan Schütz, Ivan Luís Schwengber & Cláudia Fuchs - 2018 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 34 (1).
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    Baron d'Holbach, philosopher of common sense.Ivan Sviták - 1976 - Chico: California State University.
  29.  34
    Problematicity of the national cultural identification of Ukrainian philoso-phy.Ivan Lysyi - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):160-167.
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    A misfortune or a benefit? Young people’s quality of life and romantic relationships during the Covid-19 pandemic.Ivan Lukšík, Denisa Hnatkovičová & Nikola Kallová - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (2):241-266.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has brought unexpected changes in important aspects of young people’s lives. The academic literature contains many studies on the risks and adverse effects, while any potential positive aspects have been side-lined. This paper examines quality of life and relationships among young people in emerging and young adulthood in order to identify the negatives and benefits of the pandemic. In this qualitative research a “letter to a friend” free-writing exercise was used as the data collection method on a (...)
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    Alain Badiou: El siglo. Ediciones Manantial, Buenos Aires, 2005.Iván Llamazares - 2006 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 6:178-180.
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    The Subjective Perception of Music: Stanislav Vomela and Subjective Research in Psychophysiology in 1930s Czechoslovakia.Ivan Loginov - 2023 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 45 (1):95-114.
    This paper explores the subjective psychophysiological research of the so-called subjective audition conducted by the Czech physician and endocrinologist Stanislav Vomela in the 1930s. It examines Vomela’s attempts to analyze his own peculiar experience of hearing what he called subjective music (music heard only by the subject) and introduces the concept of acousmatics Vomela developed to study this kind of auditory perception. Vomela’s methodology is studied against the background of J. E. Purkyně’s understanding of the subjective empiricist methodology of self-knowing (...)
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  33.  21
    An ideal equation of forgetting derived for overlearning.Ivan D. London - 1951 - Psychological Review 58 (1):54-59.
  34.  13
    An Algebraic Theory of English Pronominal Reference : Plurals from Singulars.Ivan Lowe - 1974 - Semiotica 10 (1):43-74.
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    An Algebraic Theory of English Pronominal Reference.Ivan Lowe - 1969 - Semiotica 1 (4).
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    Vascular section estimation in medical images using combined feature detection and evolutionary optimization.Iván Macía & Manuel Graña - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 503--513.
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    Al-qaeda terrorism and global poverty: New social banditry.Ivan Manokha - 2008 - Journal of Global Ethics 4 (2):95 – 105.
    This article examines the relationship between global poverty and terrorism. The approach is built around a concept of ‘social bandit’ developed by Eric Hobsbawm. By social bandits, Hobsbawm refers to those outlaws in pre-capitalist societies who robbed the rich, and gave to the poor. What was common to social bandits is a myth that surrounded their activity, and a strong popular sympathy and support. This article uses Hobsbawm's notion of social bandit to deal with the fact that in today's international (...)
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    : A World Without Hunger: Josué de Castro and the History of Geography.Ivan da Costa Marques - 2025 - Isis 116 (1):204-205.
  39. Development, ethics, and the ethics of development.Ivan Marquez - 2005 - World Futures 61 (4):307 – 316.
    This article investigates three things: (1) what development might be, (2) how development and ethics might be related, and (3) what an ethics of development might look like. First, I show how if we move away from an essentialist metaphysics of being to a possibilist-functionalist metaphysics of becoming in our understanding of development, we can reconceptualize ethics as self-directed ontogeny. Thus, ethics turns out to be a part of development. Secondly, I sketch out the possibility of an ethics of development, (...)
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  40. Globalization-induced transformation of international cooperation : holistic assessment.Tatiana A. Alekseeva & Ivan D. Loshkariov - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin, Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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  41.  18
    Ronald Dworkin: Una biografía intelectual, edición y traducción de Leonardo García Jaramillo (2021), Trotta, 320 p.Iván Garzón Vallejo - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):337-342.
    Mi comentario se divide en tres partes que obedecen, sin método ni exhaustividad, a las tres facetas que más me han interesado de Dworkin y que esta biografía me permitió revisitar: su faceta de intelectual público, su liberalismo ético o perfeccionista y un breve colofón sobre su generosidad académica.
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  42. Istoricheskoe i logicheskoe v marksistskoĭ filosofii.Ivan Ivanovich Grit︠s︡enko - 1969
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    Actual Self-Image Versus Ideal Self-Image: An Exploratory Study of Self-Congruity Effects on Gambling Tourism.Mao-Hua Li & Ivan Ka Wai Lai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aims to apply self-congruity theory to examine the relationship between self-congruity of tourists and their perceived image of a gambling destination. This study employs the Euclidean distance model and extends Malhotra's pars of adjectives with five new items about gambling motives. A face-to-face questionnaire survey was used, and a total of 152 samples were collected from tourists in Macau. The results show that the actual self-image of tourists is more related to their perception of Macau image. For actual (...)
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  44. Marksistskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ prava.Ivan Petrovich Podvolot︠s︡kiĭ - 1923 - Moskva,:
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  45.  29
    Linear paradoxes: On Borges and Cervantes.Jorge Ivan Salazar - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (131):118-120.
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    Symbolic coping: Young people’s perspectives during the Covid-19 pandemic in three Central European countries.Regina Scheitel, Ivan Lukšík & Barbora Petrů Puhrová - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (2):241-254.
    The aim of this study was to find out what interpretive repertoires young people use in the symbolic management of the pandemic. Qualitative research using several methods on a sample of 172 young people in three countries, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Austria, and the subsequent discursive analysis showed that young people symbolically coped during the Covid-19 pandemic with the help of widespread concepts such as cutting off, closing sci-fi and panic. The interpretations used by young people to symbolically deal (...)
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    Toma Akvinski o sreći i blaženstvu: (Summa Theologiae I-II, q. 1-5).Ivan Šestak - 2018 - Zagreb: Nacionalna Sveučilišna Knjižnica.
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    A critical study of Pentecostal understanding of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts.Kalis Stevanus, Ivan Th J. Weismann, Christopher J. Luthy, Daniel Ronda & Randy F. Rouw - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):6.
    In faith and practice, Pentecostals put emphasis on practical issues as well as spiritual experience in their theological understanding and doctrinal teachings. The Pentecostals take their doctrine from certain empirical events. One of the spiritual experiences often underlined is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In interpreting the Book of Acts, Pentecostals tend to emphasise the theological character of the narratives and seldom their historical uniqueness. That is why Pentecostals stress the normative theological intent of the historical record for contemporary (...)
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  49. Kapitoly z dějin středověcké filosofiee.Ivan Sviták - 1952 - Praha,: Státní nakl. učebnic.
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    Herrera Guevara, Asunción (2018). La conspiración de la ignorancia: Una reflexión sobre el progreso y sus paradojas.Iván Teimil García - 2019 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 63:143.
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