Results for 'Irwin Bailey'

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  1. Epicurus: The Extant Remains of the Greek Text.Cyril Epicurus, Irwin Bailey, Bruce Edman, Rogers & Limited Editions Club - 1947 - Limited Editions Club. Edited by Cyril Bailey, Irwin Edman & Bruce Rogers.
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  2. No bare particulars.Andrew M. Bailey - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (1):31-41.
    There are predicates and subjects. It is thus tempting to think that there are properties on the one hand, and things that have them on the other. I have no quarrel with this thought; it is a fine place to begin a theory of properties and property-having. But in this paper, I argue that one such theory—bare particularism—is false. I pose a dilemma. Either bare particulars instantiate the properties of their host substances or they do not. If they do not, (...)
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  3. Incompatibilism and the Past.Andrew M. Bailey - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (2):351-376.
    There is a new objection to the Consequence Argument for incompatibilism. I argue that the objection is more wide-ranging than originally thought. In particular: if it tells against the Consequence Argument, it tells against other arguments for incompatibilism too. I survey a few ways of dealing with this objection and show the costs of each. I then present an argument for incompatibilism that is immune to the objection and that enjoys other advantages.
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  4. Reconceiving Surrogacy: Toward a Reproductive Justice Account of Indian Surrogacy.Alison Bailey - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (4):715-741.
    My project here is to argue for situating moral judgments about Indian surrogacy in the context of Reproductive Justice. I begin by crafting the best picture of Indian surrogacy available to me while marking some worries I have about discursive colonialism and epistemic honesty. Western feminists' responses to contract pregnancy fall loosely into two interrelated moments: post-Baby M discussions that focus on the morality of surrogacy work in Western contexts, and feminist biomedical ethnographies that focus on the lived dimensions of (...)
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  5. Horgan and Tienson on phenomenology and intentionality.Andrew Bailey & Bradley Richards - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (2):313-326.
    Terence Horgan, George Graham and John Tienson argue that some intentional content is constitutively determined by phenomenology alone. We argue that this would require a certain kind of covariation of phenomenal states and intentional states that is not established by Horgan, Tienson and Graham’s arguments. We make the case that there is inadequate reason to think phenomenology determines perceptual belief, and that there is reason to doubt that phenomenology determines any species of non-perceptual intentionality. We also raise worries about the (...)
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  6. The incompatibility of composition as identity, priority pluralism, and irreflexive grounding.Andrew M. Bailey - 2011 - Analytic Philosophy 52 (3):171-174.
    Some have it that wholes are, somehow, identical to their parts. This doctrine is as alluring as it is puzzling. But in this paper, I show that the doctrine is inconsistent with two widely accepted theses. Something has to go.
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  7. Locating Traitorous Identities: Toward a View of Privilege-Cognizant White Character.Alison Bailey - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):27 - 42.
    I address the problem of how to locate "traitorous" subjects, or those who belong to dominant groups yet resist the usual assumptions and practices of those groups. I argue that Sandra Harding's description of traitors as insiders, who "become marginal" is misleading. Crafting a distinction between "privilege-cognizant" and "privilege-evasive" white scripts, I offer an alternative account of race traitors as privilege-cognizant whites who refuse to animate expected whitely scripts, and who are unfaithful to worldviews whites are expected to hold.
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  8. The Nonworseness Claim and the Moral Permissibility of Better-Than-Permissible Acts.Adam D. Bailey - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (2):237-250.
    Grounded in what Alan Wertheimer terms the nonworseness claim, it is thought by some philosophers that what will be referred to herein as better-than-permissible acts —acts that, if undertaken, would make another or others better off than they would be were an alternative but morally permissible act to be undertaken—are necessarily morally permissible. What, other than a bout of irrationality, it may be thought, would lead one to hold that an act (such as outsourcing production to a sweatshop in a (...)
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  9. The SAGE handbook of philosophy of education.Richard Bailey (ed.) - 2010 - Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publication.
    This book provides an authoritative, yet accessible guide to the philosophy of education, its scope, its key thinkers and movements, and its potential ...
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  10. Liberty Should Win: We May Choose Our Children's Sexual Orientation.Aaron Greenberg & Michael Bailey - 2007 - Bioethics Forum 28:146.
  11. Measuring high-altitude aerosol.E. P. Palmer & D. H. Bailey - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 45--274.
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  12. Making Waves and Drawing Lines: The Politics of Defining the Vicissitudes of Feminism.Cathryn Bailey - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):17-28.
    If there actually is a third wave of feminism, it is too close to the second wave for its definition to be clear and uncontroversial, a fact which emphasizes the political nature of declaring the existence of this third wave. Through an examination of some third wave literature, a case is made for emphasizing the continuity of the second and third waves without blurring the differences between older and younger feminists.
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  13. Karl Marx on Greek Atomism.Cyril Bailey - 1928 - Classical Quarterly 22 (3-4):205-.
    The first volume of the collected works of Karl Marx, which is being issued by the Marx-Engels Institute of Moscow, opens with a dissertation entitled ‘Über die Differenz der demokritischen und epikureischen Naturphilosophie’, which he presented for his doctorate at the University of Jena in 1841. It is interesting to find one who was afterwards to win fame in very different fields starting his career with an enthusiastic tract on Greekphilosophy, which he evidently intended to make his work for years (...)
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  14. On Intersectionality and the Whiteness of Feminist Philosophy.Alison Bailey - 2010 - In George Yancy, Barbara Applebaum, Susan E. Babbitt, Alison Bailey, Berit Brogaard, Lisa Heldke, Sarah Hoagland, Cynthia Kaufman, Crista Lebens, Cris Mayo, Alexis Shotwell, Shannon Sullivan, Lisa Tessman & Audrey Thompson, The Center Must Not Hold: White Women Philosophers on the Whiteness of Philosophy. Lexington Books.
    In this paper I explore some possible reasons why white feminists philosophers have failed to engage the radical work being done by non-Western women, U.S. women of color and scholars of color outside of the discipline. -/- Feminism and academic philosophy have had lots to say to one another. Yet part of what marks feminist philosophy as philosophy is our engagement with the intellectual traditions of the white forefathers. I’m not uncomfortable with these projects: Aristotle, Foucault, Sartre, Wittgenstein, Quine, Austin, (...)
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  15. Analysing the Good Will: Kant's Argument in the First Section of the Groundwork.Tom Bailey - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (4):635-662.
    This article contends that the first section of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals provides a sophisticated and valid argument, and that commentators are therefore mistaken in dismissing this section as flawed. In particular, the article undertakes to show that in this section Kant argues from a conception of the goodness of a good will to two distinctive features of moral goodness, and from these features to his ?formula of universal law?. The article reveals the sophistication and validity of (...)
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    Philosopher's Quest.Max Black & Irwin Edman - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (5):601.
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    Notes on Ovid's Poems from Exile.D. R. Shackleton Bailey - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (02):390-.
    I would refer to the introductory paragraphs of J. Diggle's ‘Notes on Ovid's Tristia, Books I-II’ , 401–19). His list of modern editions does not include F. Della Corte, I Tristia , which I too have not seen. For Book IV we have an edition by T. J. de Jonge.
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    Notes on Seneca's Quaestiones Naturales.D. R. Shackleton Bailey - 1979 - Classical Quarterly 29 (02):448-.
    ‘In spite of the efforts of scholars to improve matters, the condition of Seneca's text remains in many places most uncertain or quite irrecoverable. Again and again one has to be content with conjectures which, while often giving the general sense of a passage, must not be taken as certainly Seneca's words’ . 1. praef. 5 o quam contempta res est homo, nisi supra humana surrexerit! quam diu cum affectibus colluctamur, quid magnifici facimus, etiam si superiores sumus? portenta vincimus: quid (...)
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    Sex. Clodius—Sex. Cloelius.D. R. Shackleton Bailey - 1960 - Classical Quarterly 10 (1-2):41-.
    People who trust modern indexes will suppose that the name of Sex. Clodius, the disreputable henchman of Publius, comes twice in the Ad Atticum letters, 14. 13. 6 and 14. 13 A. 2. The manuscripts give it as follows.
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    Curtiana.D. R. Shackleton Bailey - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (01):175-.
    The text of Quintus Curtius benefited greatly from Conrad Müller's edition of 1954 . In particular, his thorough investigation of Curtius' rhythms enabled him to settle many hitherto doubtful points. Problems remain, unsolved or undetected. In Curtius, as in other prose texts, scribal omissions are a prolific source of corruption, sometimes productive of interpolation. Most of the following notes postulate corruptions of this type.
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    Cicero, Pro Cluentio 73.D. R. Shackleton Bailey - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (03):265-.
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    Eugene E. Ryan, 1926-2006.George Bailey - 2006 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 80 (2):114 -.
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    On an Idiomatic use of Possessive Pronouns in Latin.D. R. Shackleton Bailey - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):8-9.
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    White Self-Criticality Beyond Anti-Racism: How Does It Feel to Be a White Problem?Rebecca Aanerud, Barbara Applebaum, Alison Bailey, Steve Garner, Robin James, Crista Lebens, Steve Martinot, Nancy McHugh, Bridget M. Newell, David S. Owen, Alexis Sartwell & Karen Teel - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    George Yancy gathers white scholarship that dwells on the experience of whiteness as a problem without sidestepping the question’s implications for Black people or people of color. This unprecedented reversion of the “Black problem” narrative challenges contemporary rhetoric of a color-evasive world in a critically engaging and persuasive study.
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    (1 other version)Ethics for Behavior Analysts.Jon S. Bailey - 2011 - New York: Brunner-Routledge. Edited by Mary R. Burch.
    First published: Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005.
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    The Case of Samuel Golubchuk and the Right to be Spared an Excruciating Death.Tracey Bailey & Brendan Leier - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):67-68.
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    The Meaning of Cleanness: Parable as Effective Sign.T. D. Kelly & John T. Irwin - 1973 - Mediaeval Studies 35 (1):232-260.
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  28. Review: Mothering, Diversity, and Peace Politics. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (2):188 - 198.
    The most popular uniting theme in feminist peace literature grounds women's peace work in mothering. I argue if maternal arguments do not address the variety of relationships different races and classes of mothers have to institutional violence and/or the military, then the resulting peace politics can only draw incomplete conclusions about the relationships between maternal work/thinking and peace. To illustrate this I compare two models of mothering: Sara Ruddick's decription of "maternal practice" and Patricia Hill Collins's account of racial-ethnic women's (...)
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  29. Review of: The Waning of Materialism. [REVIEW]Andrew M. Bailey - 2011 - Mind 120 (478):534-538.
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    (1 other version)Philosopher's Quest. [REVIEW]H. T. C. & Irwin Edman - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (17):476.
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    Deciding about your Health Care: The Ethicist as Policy-Maker. [REVIEW]Ronald Bailey - 2001 - Health Care Analysis 9 (3):265-281.
    The author demonstrates that professional bioethics is culturally very risk averse when it comes to evaluating the possible ethical consequences of new technologies such as genetic testing, human embryonic stem cells, and reproductive cloning. Deeper involvement in the Federal regulatory process by bioethicists will exacerbate this tendency toward risk aversion. This cultural bias toward caution will tempt many bioethicists to look to the so-called precautionary principle for policy guidance. Adopting the precautionary principle would harm patients by slowing the development of (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Book review: Chris Cuomo. The philosopher queen: Feminist essays on war, love, and knowledge. Lanham, md.: Rowman and Littlefield publishers, inc., 2003. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):218-221.
    The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge. By Chris Cuomo. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003. The Philosopher Queen is a powerful illustration of what Cherríe Moraga calls a "theory in the flesh." That is, theorizing from a place where "physical realities of our lives—our skin color, the land or concrete we grow up on, our sexual longings—all fuse to create a politic [and, I would add, an ethics, spirituality, and epistemology] born out of necessity" (...)
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    Kant's Theory of Morals Bruce Aune Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. 217. Cloth $16.50; Paper $4.95. [REVIEW]John A. Bailey - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (2):360-364.
  34. Review: Alfredo Ferrarin (ed.), Congedarsi da Kant? [REVIEW]Tom Bailey - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (2):328-330.
    Maurizio Ferraris’ Goodbye Kant! Cosa resta oggi della Critica della ragion pura has been a notable success in the field of popular philosophical writing in Italy. With refreshing irreverence and wit, the book mounts a sustained attack on the supposed confusions of Kant’s first Critique, and bemoans their influence on later philosophy. In particular, Ferraris argues that by attempting to found the necessary features of experience on physics, Kant confuses experience and ontology with science and epistemology and arrives at the (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Naomi Zack Women of Color and Philosophy. Malden, Mass., Blackwell Publishers, 2000. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):220-225.
    Naomi Zack’s unique and important collection, Women of Color and Philosophy, brings together for the first time the voices of twelve philosophers who are women of color. She begins with the premise that the work of women of color who do philosophy in academe, but who do not write exclusively on issues of race, ethnicity, and gender, merits a collection of its own. It’s rare that women of color pursue philosophy in academic contexts; Zack counts at most thirty among the (...)
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  36. Book Notes. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey, Jan M. Boxill, Emmett L. Bradbury, Maudemarie Clark, Samir J. Haddad & Colin M. Patrick - 2003 - Ethics 113 (4):923-928.
    It's surprising that contemporary moral philosophers have not thought more about food. The rapidly expanding industrialized landscape of modern western agribusiness raises moral concerns about large-scale livestock production, the increased usage of genetically modified crops, and the effects these now common practices may have on long-term environmental and human health. Here Pence argues that biotechnology is more helpful than harmful, on the ground that it will abate world hunger. Positioning himself as an "impartialbioethicist" he sets about the task of sorting (...)
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  37. The Uses of Philosophy an Irwin Edman Reader.Irwin Edman - 1955 - Simon & Schuster.
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    An Interview by Irwin C. Lieb: Charles Hartshorne's Recollections of Editing the Peirce Papers.Irwin C. Lieb & Charles Hartshorne - 1970 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 6 (3/4):149 - 159.
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    Tradition and Reason in the History of Ethics: T. H. IRWIN.T. H. Irwin - 1989 - Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (1):45-68.
    Students of the history of ethics sometimes find themselves tempted by moderate or extreme versions of an approach that might roughly be called ‘historicist’. This temptation may result from the difficulties of approaching historical texts from a ‘narrowly philosophical’ point of view. We may begin, for instance, by wanting to know what Aristotle has to say about ‘the problems of ethics’, so that we can compare his views with those of Aquinas, Hume, Kant, Sidgwick, and Rawls, and then decide what (...)
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    Nicomachean Ethics.Terence Irwin & Aristotle of Stagira - 1999 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing.
    Building on the strengths of the first edition, the second edition of the Irwin Nicomachean Ethics features a revised translation (with little editorial intervention), expanded notes (including a summary of the argument of each chapter), an expanded Introduction, and a revised glossary.
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    The Pursuit of Existentialism: From Sartre and de Beauvoir to Zizek and Badiou.Jones Irwin - 2013 - Routledge.
    _The Pursuit of Existentialism_ explores how existentialism has survived and how its key themes and concerns remain integral to continental philosophy today. _The Pursuit of Existentialism_ places the creation of existentialism - in the work of Sartre, Camus and Beauvoir - in its historical context, assessing how it drew on the work of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard. The book then goes on to focus on the complex heritage of post-Sartrean thinking from Heidegger to today. Theorists and schools covered include: Heidegger's infamous (...)
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    Expectancy effects revisited.Irwin Silverman - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):404-405.
  43. Empathy and Testimonial Trust.Olivia Bailey - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 84:139-160.
    Our collective enthusiasm for empathy reflects a sense that it is deeply valuable. I show that empathy bears a complex and surprisingly problematic relation to another social epistemic phenomenon that we have reason to value, namely testimonial trust. My discussion focuses on empathy with and trust in people who are members of one or more oppressed groups. Empathy for oppressed people can be a powerful tool for engendering a certain form of testimonial trust, because there is a tight connection between (...)
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  44. Aristotle's first principles.Terence Irwin - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Exploring Aristotle's philosophical method and the merits of his conclusions, Irwin here shows how Aristotle defends dialectic against the objection that it cannot justify a metaphysical realist's claims. He focuses particularly on Aristotle's metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and ethics, stressing the connections between doctrines that are often discussed separately.
  45. Plato's ethics.Terence Irwin - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This exceptional book examines and explains Plato's answer to the normative question, "How ought we to live?" It discusses Plato's conception of the virtues; his views about the connection between the virtues and happiness; and the account of reason, desire, and motivation that underlies his arguments about the virtues. Plato's answer to the epistemological question, "How can we know how we ought to live?" is also discussed. His views on knowledge, belief, and inquiry, and his theory of Forms, are examined, (...)
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    Aristotle’s Second Thoughts on Justice in advance.Terence Irwin - 2016 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
    The Aristotelian Corpus contains two extended treatments of justice as a virtue of character: Magna Moralia i 33 and Nicomachean Ethics Book V (or Eudemian Ethics Book IV). Differences between the two treatments include these: (1) MM denies, but EN V affirms, that natural justice is part of political justice; (2) MM denies, but EN V affirms, that general (or ‘universal’) justice is an other-directed virtue that should concern us in the treatment of justice as a virtue; (3) MM does (...)
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    Utilitarianism - Ed. Bailey.Andrew Bailey (ed.) - 2016 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _Utilitarianism_ is a classic work of ethical theory, arguably the most persuasive and comprehensible presentation of this widely influential position. Mill argues that it is pleasure and pain that ought to guide our decision-making&and not the pleasure and pain of any one person or group, but the summative experience of all who are affected by our actions. While he didn’t invent utilitarianism, Mill offered its clearest expression and strongest defense, and expanded the theory to account for the variety in quality (...)
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    Should Talking be Allowed during Exams?Irwin Yu-Shing Chan - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 44 (4):487-512.
    In a group exam, students first do an exam individually and then redo the same exam in small groups. Studies have shown that group exams provide a number of benefits, including improvements in performance, learning, motivation, and preparation, as well as a reduction in anxiety. However, little has been written on whether group exams are fair. This paper aims to discuss and reject three fairness concerns that arise from (i) improved performance, (ii) improved learning, and (iii) accessibility. It also discusses (...)
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    Logical Constants: Part I.Irwin C. Lieb - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (1):36 - 52.
    Fully adequate answers to these questions are best provided in a comprehensive philosophy of logic. Within shorter compass, it is nevertheless possible to be guided by some conditions that are necessary to adequate answers. These will be results of the analysis of propositions and statements. They are necessary, since no answers to the questions about the constants will be acceptable if, for example, it follows from the answers that propositions or statements cannot be unities, or that propositions or statements cannot (...)
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  50. Citizen science: a study of people, expertise, and sustainable development.Alan Irwin - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    We are all concerned by the environmental threats facing us today. Environmental issues are a major area of concern for policy makers, industrialists and public groups of many different kinds. While science seems central to our understanding of such threats, the statements of scientists are increasingly open to challenge in this area. Meanwhile, citizens may find themselves labelled as "ignorant" in environmental matters. In Citizen Science Alan Irwin provides a much needed route through the fraught relationship between science, the (...)
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