Results for 'Irina Glukhova'

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  1.  10
    “Reluctant philosopher” or suffering from our own being. Psychoanalysis in daseinsanalytical perspective.Irina Glukhova - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (2):89-108.
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    “Either Bullshit or You’re Screwed”: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Experience of Stigmatizing Students with Depression in St. Petersburg and Helsinki.Maria Glukhova - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (3):182-209.
    Even though depression has become one of the most common diseases in the world and significantly worsens the quality of life, many people who encounter its symptoms do not seek professional help and remain without treatment. One reason for avoiding medical care for depression could be the fear of stigmatization. Considering the varying levels of stereotypes and prejudices about mental illness and how it is treated in different cultures, it is interesting to compare the experience of dealing with stigma in (...)
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    Paradoksy teorii mnozhestv i dialektika.Irina Nikolaevna Burova - 1976 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  4. Znachenie leninskogo analiza revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii v fizike.A. A. Glukhova - 1962 - Moskva,: Izd-vo VPSh i AON. Edited by A. M. Dzhigkaev.
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    Інформаційна підтримка маркетингу на підприємстві харчової промисловості.Irina Maltseva - 2016 - Схід 3 (143):33-37.
    The paper looks into one branch of Ukrainian economy - the food industry. It is established that marketing activities of food industry companies have some specific features, namely mismatching of an agricultural performance period and production time; a perishable nature of products, which necessitates tight time frames of storage and sales; production focus on the direct consumer; a high level of materials consumption of products released, which requires a large quantity of feedstock as well as high qualification skills and expertise (...)
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  6. La transestética de Baudrillard: simulacro y arte en la época de simulación total.Irina Vaskes - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 38:197-220.
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    Experiment and Animal Minds: Why the Choice of the Null Hypothesis Matters.Irina Mikhalevich - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):1059-1069.
    In guarding against inferential mistakes, experimental comparative cognition errs on the side of underattributing sophisticated cognition to animals, or what I refer to as the underattribution bias. I propose eliminating this bias by altering the method of choosing the default, or null, hypothesis. Rather than choosing the most parsimonious null hypothesis, as is current practice, I argue for choosing the best-evidenced hypothesis. Doing so at once preserves the risk-controlling structure of the current statistical paradigm and introduces a sensitivity to probability-conferring (...)
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    When Empathic Concern and Perspective Taking Matter for Ethical Judgment: The Role of Time Hurriedness.Irina Cojuharenco & Francesco Sguera - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):717-725.
    Based on a dual process view of ethical judgment, we examine the role of empathic concern and perspective taking on the acceptability of lying to protect the company. We hypothesize that these traits will matter to a different extent under conditions of high and low perceived time hurriedness. Our research hypotheses are tested in a survey of 134 US workers. Results show that empathic concern reduces the acceptability of lying to protect the company for individuals who tend to do things (...)
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    Addressing ethical gaps in ‘Technology for Good’: Foregrounding care and capabilities.Irina Shklovski, Sebastián Lehuedé, Funda Ustek-Spilda & Alison B. Powell - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    This paper identifies and addresses persistent gaps in the consideration of ethical practice in ‘technology for good’ development contexts. Its main contribution is to model an integrative approach using multiple ethical frameworks to analyse and understand the everyday nature of ethical practice, including in professional practice among ‘technology for good’ start-ups. The paper identifies inherent paradoxes in the ‘technology for good’ sector as well as ethical gaps related to (1) the sometimes-misplaced assignment of virtuousness to an individual; (2) difficulties in (...)
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    Benefits of Distinguishing between Physical and Social-Verbal Aspects of Behavior: An Example of Generalized Anxiety.Irina Trofimova & William Sulis - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  11. Minds without spines: evolutionarily inclusive animal ethics.Irina Mikhalevich - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (1).
    Invertebrate animals are frequently lumped into a single category and denied welfare protections despite their considerable cognitive, behavioral, and evolutionary diversity. Some ethical and policy inroads have been made for cephalopod molluscs and crustaceans, but the vast majority of arthropods, including the insects, remain excluded from moral consideration. We argue that this exclusion is unwarranted given the existing evidence. Anachronistic readings of evolution, which view invertebrates as lower in the scala naturae, continue to influence public policy and common morality. The (...)
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  12. Hospitality and the Maternal.Irina Aristarkhova - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (1):163-181.
    This article engages the concept of hospitality as it relates to the maternal. I critically evaluate the current conceptions of hospitality by Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida, focusing on their dematerialized definition of the feminine found at the heart of hospitality, and Derrida's aporia of hospitality that deals with ownership. The foundation of hospitality, I show, is the maternal relation and its specific acts of hospitality that encompass the notions of gift and generosity. While remaining unthought in philosophy, however, maternal (...)
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    In memoriam Alexander Moiseevich Piatigorsky.Irina Avramets & Silvi Salupere - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2/4):383-387.
    Alexander Moiseevich Piatigorsky was, as we can read from numerous sources, an internationally renowned Russian and English philosopher, buddhologist, indologist, translator and writer.
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    Using Google Sites Technology to Teach Undergraduate Courses.Irina Dudina - 2012 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 2 (1):1-12.
    The paper reports the outcomes of the collaborative use of Google Sites in teaching undergraduate courses in Economic Terminology at Volgograd State University. Based on a students’ survey, that allowed the project team to collect relevant data grouped according to four criteria: accessibility, interactive capacity, problem solving facilities, and feasibility of online tasks, as well as on a teachers’ questionnaire where page creation potential, interactive capacity, problem solving facilities, and task formulation options were assessed. The findings demonstrated that Google Sites (...)
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    Genesis of the Rationality in the Old Russian Book: From the Sensual Image to the Abstract Concept.Irina Gerasimova & Vladimir Milkov - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 6:52-62.
    In the article the authors put and discuss the problem of rationality in the culture of Old Russia in the context of contemporary discussions on the prob- lems of rationality. Enlighteners of Peter's time adhered to the view of the total absence of intellectual life in Old Russia. Authors distinguish various areas of intellectual activity: the study of nature, mathematical and chronological works, the use of logical tools in apologetics and polemics, medical practices, political strategies, translation activity, understanding of the (...)
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    The Problem of Morality in Contemporary Russian Psychology.Irina A. Mironenko - 2013 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (4):51-63.
    The author discusses the three main approaches taken by contemporary Russian psychologists to the problem of moral reference points and finds them all unsuited to life in a multicultural world.
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    The Modernity of Andrei Platonov: On the Understanding of the Writer’s Essential Ideas.Irina I. Myurberg - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (3):95-104.
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  18. Залізнична криза в донбасі в роки першої світової війни: Погляд представницьких організацій підприємців.Irina Shandra - 2015 - Схід 7 (139):60-71.
    Representative organizations of employers massively occur in Russian Empire in the post-reform period as a form of protection of the interests of industrialists and businessmen in terms of development of capitalist relations. One of the issues related to the common interests of entrepreneurs in the First World War were rail transportation. Transport problems during the war was most acute for business associations, and became for them some kind a test of the efficiency. Analysis of periodicals and record keeping documentation of (...)
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  19. Концептуальні засади формування системи фармацевтичної безпеки україни.Irina Susharina & Iryna Kyrychenko - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):70-72.
    У статті визначено концептуальні засади формування системи фармацевтичної безпеки України. Автори констатують фрагментарність наукових досліджень у вітчизняній фармацевтичній науці щодо стану та механізмів гарантування фармацевтичної безпеки держави та неузгодженість пріоритетів і механізмів функціонування окремих суб'єктів фармацевтичного ринку України. У зв'язку з цим вони обгрунтовують, що першочерговим завданням, яке має бути відображено в Концепції фармацевтичної безпеки України, є залучення відповідних органів влади, провідних науково-дослідних установ, інших суб'єктів фармацевтичної галузі до розширення та вдосконалення розробки нормативно-правових актів у цій сфері.
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    Rosanov, Vasilii. Religión, Filosofía, Cultura.Irina Usiatinskaya - 1996 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 1:261.
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    Thought experiments in mathematics.Irina Starikova & Marcus Giaquinto - unknown
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    Manifest ambiguity: Intermediate forms, variation, and mammal paleontology in Argentina, 1830–1880.Irina Podgorny - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 66:27-36.
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    Hospitality of the Matrix: Philosophy, Biomedicine, and Culture.Irina Aristarkhova - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    The question "Where do we come from?" has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and artists for generations. This book reorients the question of the matrix as a place where everything comes from (_chora_, womb, incubator) by recasting it in terms of acts of "matrixial/maternal hospitality" producing space and matter of and for the other. Irina Aristarkhova theorizes such hospitality with the potential to go beyond tolerance in understanding self/other relations. Building on and critically evaluating a wide range of historical and contemporary (...)
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    Different Populations Agree on Which Moral Arguments Underlie Which Opinions.Irina Vartanova, Kimmo Eriksson, Isabela Hazin & Pontus Strimling - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    People often justify their moral opinions by referring to larger moral concerns. Is there a general agreement about what concerns apply to different moral opinions? We used surveys in the United States and the United Kingdom to measure the perceived applicability of eight concerns to a wide range of moral opinions. Within countries, argument applicability scores were largely similar whether they were calculated among women or men, among young or old, among liberals or conservatives, or among people with or without (...)
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    Preventing Plagiarism in Academia: A Literature Review on the Impacts of Psychology, Culture, Law and Education.Irina Dimitrova - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-18.
    The current literature review is part of a project-based study exploring the perceptions of university students, scholars, and policymakers in Bulgaria on the issue of academic plagiarism. The paper focuses on plagiarism prevention. The review explores the issue of plagiarism in light of the psychological motivations behind the conscious act of the misconduct, outlining possible directions for minimizing the misconduct in academia in the areas of psychology, law and education separately and in combination. The current literature review considers the misconduct (...)
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  26. Logos, Platon, Aristotel: Platonova i Aristotelova koncepcija logosa.Irina Deretić - 2009 - Belgrade:
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    Impression Management in the Job Interview: An Effective Way of Mitigating Discrimination against Older Applicants?Irina Gioaba & Franciska Krings - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Thought Experiment and Logic.Irina Griftsova - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 49 (3):48-52.
    This paper considers the article by V.P. Filatov from the perspective of the role played by logic in a thought experiment. It is shown that this role depends on the way reasoning ant its correlation with logical inference are interpreted. It is suggested to view a model developed within informal logic as the most relevant to the role V.P. Filatov assigns to a thought experiment (turning the layer of implicit knowledge into explicit).
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    O diálogo na linguística soviética dos anos 1920-1930.Irina Ivanova, Dóris Arruda C. Da Cunha & Heber de O. Costa Silva - 2011 - Bakhtiniana 6 (1):239-267.
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    The Problem of the Choice of the Russian Development Strategy in the Conditions of Global Instability.Irina Krylova - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 5:31-47.
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    Філософський аналіз проблем соціальної адаптації та дезадаптації родин, які виховують особливу дитину.Irina Orlenko - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:55-73.
    У статті проаналізовано наукові підходи та сучасні дослідження проблеми соціальної адаптації та дезадаптації. Із філософської точки зору розглядається взаємозв'язок процесів адаптації та дезадаптації батьків й вихованням дитини з вадами психофізичними розвитку. Проаналізовано співвідношення понять соціальна адаптація та соціальна дезадаптація. У статті доведено, що народження та виховання особливої дитини викликає у батьків комплекс негативних реакцій і переживань, кризових емоційних станів з притаманними їм емоційною пригніченістю, депресивними тенденціями, ситуативною та особистісною тривожністю, що є ознаками соціальної дезадаптації.
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    Drama of Life.Irina Polyakova - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):177-188.
    This article discusses attempts of Russian philosophers of the 19th and 20th centuries (e.g. Vladimir Solovyev, Vladimir Ern, Nikolay Berdyaev) to suggest thegenre of “philosophical biography” as a special kind of philosophical work. So, philosophical biography is treated as an understanding of life. The most important features of philosophical biography in Russian thinkers’ interpretation are as follows: the focus on comprehension of life-drama, in which thoughts and senses act as personal events; the demand of spiritual affinity as a condition for (...)
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  33. Reading a woman.Irina Protopopova & Alexei Garadja - 2018 - Schole 12 (2):426-432.
    The article analyzes a passage from Plato’s Republic that has long since caused confusion and debate amongst editors and translators: οἷον ἰατρικὸν µὲν καὶ ἰατρικὴν τὴν ψυχὴν [ὄντα] τὴν αὐτὴν φύσιν ἔχειν ἐλέγοµεν· ἢ οὐκ οἴει;. Can ἰατρικὴ τὴν ψυχὴν translate as ‘capable of healing psychically’ and refer to a female doctor, or is this passage “hopelessly corrupt”, the feminine flexion in ἰατρική only putting the reader off the track? The authors give a brief summary of the readings and emendations (...)
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    Ontologies for data and knowledge sharing in biology: plant ROS signaling as a case study.Irina G. Strizh - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (2):199-210.
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    A Study of the Coupling of FET Temperament Traits with Major Depression.Irina N. Trofimova & William Sulis - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  36. Using the Visual World Paradigm to Study Retrieval Interference in Spoken Language Comprehension.Irina A. Sekerina, Luca Campanelli & Julie A. Van Dyke - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    From Practice to New Concepts: Geometric Properties of Groups.Irina Starikova - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (1):129-151.
    Cet article cherche à montrer comment la pratique mathématique, particulièrement celle admettant des représentations visuelles, peut conduire à de nouveaux résultats mathématiques. L'argumentation est basée sur l'étude du cas d'un domaine des mathématiques relativement récent et prometteur: la théorie géométrique des groupes. L'article discute comment la représentation des groupes par les graphes de Cayley rendit possible la découverte de nouvelles propriétés géométriques de groupes.
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    Socially responsible consumption in Russia: Testing the theory of planned behavior and the moderating role of trust.Irina Petrovskaya & Fazli Haleem - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 30 (1):38-53.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Experiment and animal minds: Why statistical choices matter.Irina Mikhalevich - unknown
    Comparative cognition is the interdisciplinary study of nonhuman animal cognition. It has been criticized for systematically underattributing sophisticated cognition to nonhuman animals, a problem that I refer to as the underattribution bias. In this paper, I show that philosophical treatments of this bias at the experimental level have emphasized one feature of the experimental-statistical methodology at the expense of neglecting another feature. In order to eliminate this bias, I propose a reformulation of the standard statistical framework in comparative cognition. My (...)
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  40.  22
    Rudolf Carnap’s Ideas in Philosophy of Language in the Context of Conceptual Engineering.Irina N. Griftsova & Natalya Yu Kozlova - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1):122-133.
    The past decade has seen notable development of conceptual engineering – a field of analytical philosophy that focuses on the critical evaluation of concepts. Most authors engaged with this area identify Rudolf Carnap’s ideas as its methodological framework and theoretical origin, placing particular emphasis on the philosopher’s method of explication. This article highlights the unquestionable influence Carnap’s thought had on conceptual engineering whilst by no means reducing it to the utilisation and advancement of explication within this field of analytical philosophy: (...)
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    Do we need hermeneutics at all? Plato on the art of interpretation.Irina Deretic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (2):215-228.
    Platonove refleksije o poreklu, metodama i svrsi umeca tumacenju su mnogo aktuelnije nego sto se to obicno pretpostavlja. U ovome radu nastojacemo da rasvetlimo i kriticki preispitamo da li su njegovi pogledi o hermeneutici, koji se artikulisu u filozofskom razgovoru izmedju Sokrata i Protagore u dijalogu Protagora, adekvatni, konzistentni i jos uvek relevantni. Takodje cemo pokusati da pokazemo kojem su stajalistu u savremenim raspravama o hermeneutici najblize Platonove ideje i stavovi o sustini i dometima interpretativnog umeca.
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    Nemački povratak Grcima.Irina Deretić - 1997 - Theoria 40 (4):173-176.
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  43. Историја српске филозофије III, прилози истраживању.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2014
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    The historicity of philosophy: Hegel and Gadamer.Irina Deretić - 1995 - Theoria 38 (3):31-46.
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    Yuch as Biblion: Cognitive dispositions and pleasures at Philebus 38e12-40c.Irina Deretić - 2009 - Theoria: Beograd 52 (2):69-80.
  46.  13
    A Perspective of the General Scientific Picture of the World: Collisions and Trends.Irina A. Gerasimova - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):6-18.
    The article discusses the problems of constructing a scientific picture of the world in a technogenic civilization at the stage of its globalization. The interdependence of science, technology and society generates a number of issues of a socio-humanitarian and, in particular, ideological nature. Interdisciplinary forms of organization of sciences contribute to the development of borderline methodologies. These methodologies integrate the achievements and problems of specific disciplines into a certain overall picture. The ambitions of this worldview include space, planetary nature with (...)
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  47. Using a mobile Virtual Reality and computer game to improve visuospatial self-efficacy in middle school students.Irina Kuznetcova, Michael Glassman, Shantanu Tilak, Ziye Wen, Marvin Evans, Logan Pelfrey & Tzu-Jung Lin - 2022 - Computers and Education 192.
    Visuospatial (VS) skills, or one’s ability to mentally manipulate spatial information about objects, are critical to STEM enrollment, retention, and achievement. Low level of VS skills may deter some people from joining the STEM workforce or complicate their learning experience. While there is plenty of evidence suggesting that VS skills can be improved through training, few accessible training programs exist as of now, particularly for younger students. The current study proposes a new direction of VS training focusing on the development (...)
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    Ethics in participatory research for health and social well-being.Irina McLean - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (2):200-201.
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    From Shock to Shift–A Qualitative Analysis of Accounts in Mid-Career About Changes in the Career Path.Irina Nalis, Bettina Kubicek & Christian Korunka - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Career shocks are the norm, not the exception. Yet, much of research and counseling on career-development holds unrealistic assumptions of a makeable career. Little is understood about the role of shocks on the career path and how the interplay of individual reactions to shocks shapes careers. The purpose of this study is to provide understanding of responses to different attributes of career shocks and career shocks as antecedents to career and job change. A qualitative approach was chosen and data were (...)
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  50. After the end of philosophy : ethical exegesis and ethical body.Irina Poleshchuk - 2025 - In Christopher Buckman, Melissa Bradley, Jack Marsh & James McLachlan (eds.), The event of the good: reading Levinas in a Levinasian way. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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