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  1.  85
    Socrates on Why the Belief that Death is a Bad Thing is so Ubiquitous and Intractable.Irina Deretić & Nicholas D. Smith - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (1):107-122.
    As a cognitivist about emotions, Socrates takes the fear of death to be a belief that death is a bad thing for the one who dies. Socrates, however, thinks there are reasons for thinking death is not a bad thing at all, and might even be a blessing. So the question considered in this paper is: how would Socrates explain the fact that so many people believe death is bad?
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  2. Aspasia: Woman in Crises.Irina Deretić - 2021 - In Women in Times of Crisis. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. pp. 35-47.
    Like Socrates, Aspasia did not leave any writings. We know about her from secondary sources. In this paper, I will show a number of things in the reports of what Aspasia said and did that are philosophically interesting, especially in what they show about dealing with various kinds of crises, from marital to political ones. First, I will argue for the most probable reconstruction of her life. Second, I will elucidate what kind of method Aspasia employed when considering marital issues. (...)
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  3. Konstantin Ljevin: Usamljeni intelektualac.Irina Deretic - 2024 - In Slobodan Kanjevac, Zbornik Kruševačke filozofsko-književne škole. Kruševac: pp. 75-82.
    In this analysis, I will delve into the ethical and philosophical concepts associated with Konstantin Levin, a prominent literary figure in Leo Tolstoy's renowned work,* Anna Karenina*. The examination will entail a comparative study of two distinct forms of intellectuals: Sergej Ivanovich, who is actively engaged in aristocratic spheres, and Levin, who maintains a deliberate distance from such political and public involvement. Levin's pursuits center on a meticulously planned overhaul of his economy, prioritizing the welfare of the peasantry. Furthermore, Levin's (...)
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  4. Аница Савић Ребац о парадоксалности Платонове естетике.Irina Deretić - forthcoming - In Драгана Димитријевић, Аница Савић Ребац - Хероина српске културе.
    Циљ овог рада је да критички преиспита парадоксалност коју Аница Савић Ребац приписује Платоновој „естетици.“ Нaјпре ћу предочити којом се методом служи наша ауторка. Тежићу, потом, да покажем оригиналност Аничиног разумевања Платоновог односа филозофије и трагичког песништва. Кључни део овог рада биће посвећен Платоновом „парадоксу“, као и томе како Платон схвата космичку лепоту, и зашто је она лепша од било које људске творевине. Такође ћу преиспитати, следећи промишљања Анице Савић Ребац, како је Платон у дијалогу Гозба успео да изрази суштину (...)
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  5.  51
    The Number Ten Reconsidered: Did the Pythagoreans Have an Account of the Dekad?Irina Deretić & Višnja Knežević - 2020 - Rhizomata 8 (1):37-58.
    We critically reconsider an old hypothesis of the role of the dekad in Pythagorean philosophy. Unlike Zhmud, we claim that: 1) the dekad did play a role in Philolaus’ astronomical system, and 2) Aristotle did not project Plato’s theory of the ten eidetic numbers onto the Pythagoreans. We claim that the dekad, as the τέλειος ἀριθμός, should be understood in Philolaus’ philosophy as completeness and the basis of counting in Greek – as in most other languages – in a decimal (...)
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  6. Ksenija Atanasijević on Epicurus: Atomism and Hedonism [Ксенија Атанасијевић о Епикуру: атомизам и хеленизам].Irina Deretić - 2019 - In Irina Deretić & Aleksandar Kandić, History of Serbian Philosophy. Essays and contributions IV. Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade. pp. 235-258.
    Ksenija Atanasijevic was not only the first female lecturer at the University of Belgrade but also the first expert in the Ancient Greek Philosophy. In this paper, I will not engage with all of her writings about Ancient Greek thought. Instead, I will place the emphasis on her interpretation of Epicurus, because her best and most profound works are dedicated to his philosophy, including her book on the Epicurus’s atomism written in French under the title L’atomisme d’Épicure. I will critically (...)
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  7. Why Should Women Be Given The Same Education As Men? Plato's Account of Gender Equality in Education in The Laws.Irina Deretić - 2024 - In Lj Radenović, D. Dimitrijevic & I. Akkad, Paideia: The Language and Philosophy of Education. pp. 31-41.
    Abstract: The political views of Plato on women in the Laws have been a subject of debate among scholars. The reintroduction of families and private property in his late dialogue can potentially impact the role of women in the state. Furthermore, it remains a matter of contention whether Plato altered some of his political views on women while writing the Laws. In this debate, I will analyze the inconsistencies in Plato’s Laws, endeavoring to determine whether Plato provided women with equal (...)
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  8. Human Excellence: Past and Present.Irina Deretić - 2010 - In 21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.. pp. 526-535.
    The word excellence is derived from the Latin word excellentia, and it means the quality of being extremely good. Human excellences could be defined as those human qualities that make a person outstanding, exceptional, superior, or, in one word, the best of one's kind in any field of human activities. Frequently, it is synonymously used with the word virtue, narrowly meaning moral excellence.
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  9.  23
    Protágoras de Platón y la pregunta por quiénes somos.Irina Deretić - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31:1-23.
    En el Gran Discurso de Protágoras, en el diálogo platónico que lleva su nombre, Platón pone en boca de Protágoras un mito acerca del origen, desarrollo y naturaleza del ser humano, que es de gran relevancia filosófica. Se expresa que los dioses crearon a los seres mortales desde dos elementos: la tierra y el fuego. A su vez, también asignaron dos titanes, Epimeteo y Prometeo, para que proveyeran a los mortales de sus facultades. ¿Acaso esto implica que la creación no (...)
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  10. Слово и словесност: Српска рецепција грчке филозофије од Великог рата до средине XX века (Аница Савић, Ксенија Атанасијевић, Милош Н. Ђурић).Irina Deretić - 2020
  11. U odbranu Sokrata: Sokratovi argumenti protiv Trasimahovog shvatanja pravednosti.Irina Deretić - 2015 - Theoria: Beograd 58 (3):41-68.
    Nemali broj interpretatora Platonove Države smatra kako Sokratova argumentacija protiv Trasimaha u prvoj knjizi Države nije zadovoljavajuća, valjana i uverljiva. U ovom radu autorka nastoji da pokaže u čemu leže smisao, snaga i validnost Sokratovih argumenata protiv imoralističkog stanovišta o prirodi pravednosti. Njegovi argumenti nemaju samo elenktičku, pobijajuću vrednost, nego nam daju i uvid u neka načelna pitanja, poput prirode umeća, pleoneksije, funkcije, vrline, eudajmonije, te pružaju putokaz u kojem pravcu će se kretati dalja rasprava u Državi.
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  12. Историко-философские дискуссии по «неписаному учению» Платона.Irina Deretić - 2008 - In Алексей Владиславович Халапсис, Постнеклассическая метафизика истории. pp. 129 - 146.
    С тех пор как был сформулирован новый способ прочтения Платона, осно- ванный на «неписаном учении», он стал предметом споров. Однако свидетель- ства его существования неоспоримы. Выражение Платона «неписаное учение» было использовано Аристотелем в «Физике», а описание этого учения можно найти как у Аристотеля, так и у других классических мыслителей. Есть три ключевых момента, имеющих решающее значение для «неписаного учения» Платона, т. е. его устных лекций, прочитанных в Академии, — это, во-первых, учение о принципах, т. е. о Едином и неопределенной Двоице, (...)
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  13. Plato on the social role of women: critical reflections.Irina Deretić - 2013 - International Journal Skepsis 1 (XXIII):152-168.
    Plato was the first philosopher who gave an account for the highly controversial claim that both genders are principally equal in respect to their talents and abilities. Consequently, one may advocate the thesis that in Plato’s view, the gender differences are rather the outcomes of social, cultural and political influences, than of natural factors. The aim of this paper is to elucidate the meaning and validity of Plato’s arguments for the gender equality in the Republic, which will be supplemented with (...)
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  14. Достоевский: размышляя о парадоксах гуманизма.Irina Deretić - 1982 - In С.А Мартьянова, К.С Соколов, Н.К Гаврилова, И.А Костылева & А.П Склизкова, Художественная литература и философия: контексты и взаимодействия. pp. 26-31.
  15. Филозофско и књижевно у мистичкој еротологији Анице Савић Ребац.Irina Deretić - 2014 - In Историја српске филозофије III, прилози истраживању.
    Три су битне претпоставке за разумевање еротологије Анице Савић Ребац, а то су: 1. однос филозофије и књижевности; 2. специфичност њене методе; 3. мистичка духовна историја. У овом раду ће се настојати да се покаже како Аница Савић Ребац има кохерентно схватање двострукости и јединства Ероса у грчкој филозофији и књижевности, које је у извесним сегментима и оригинално. Ући ће се у продуктиван, критички дијалог са кључним рефлексијама о Еросу Анице Савић Ребац како би се одредили домети и границе њене (...)
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    Egoism, Utility, and Friendship in Plato’s Lysis.Irina Deretić - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 32:e-032341.
    Many scholars consider that Socrates in the Lysis holds that friendship and love are egoistic and utility-based. In this paper, I will argue against those readings of Plato’s Lysis. I will analyze how Socrates treats utility and egoism in the many different kinds of friendship he discusses in the dialogue, from parental love, like-to-like, and unlike-to-unlike relationships, to the accounts of friendship rooted in the human relation to the good and the ways in which we can belong with some other (...)
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  17.  28
    From Humanism to Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism?Irina Deretić & Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The relationship between humanism, metahumanism, posthumanism and transhumanism is one of the most pressing topics concerning many current cultural, social, political, ethical and individual challenges. There have been a great number of uses of the various terms in history. Meta-, post- and transhumanism have in common that they reject the categorically dualist understanding of human beings inherent in humanism. The essays in this volume consider the relevant historical discourses, important contemporary philosophical reflections and artistic perspectives on this subject-matter.
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    El Plato’s Protagoras on Who We Are?Irina Deretić - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    In Protagoras’ so called Great Speach, in Plato’s dialogue named after him, the Greek philosopher attributes the sophist a myth about the origin, development and nature of human beings, which has philosophical relevance. It is said that the gods created the mortal beings out of two elements, earth and fire. They assigned two titans, Epimetheus and Prometheus, to provide mortals with their faculties. Do this implies that creation had not been finished by the gods? To what extent do the gods (...)
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    A Myth on the Origin of Humans in Plato’s Protagoras.Irina Deretić - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 2 (2):77-81.
    The aim of this paper is to elucidate the origin, development and nature of human beings as it is described in Plato’s Protagoras myth. My main claim is that, according to this story, the human is a multi-dimensional being with various aspects and dispositions. After the creation of mortals had been finished, the human dispositions were further developed and differentiated through time. The creation and further development of living beings is to be divided into four stages, out of which the (...)
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    Aristotle's philosophical foundation of the rhetorical phenomenon.Irina Deretić - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (7):47-64.
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    Dispute About Plato's.Irina Deretić - 2003 - Philosophical Inquiry 25 (3/4):87-97.
  22.  44
    Do we need hermeneutics at all? Plato on the art of interpretation.Irina Deretic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (2):215-228.
    Platonove refleksije o poreklu, metodama i svrsi umeca tumacenju su mnogo aktuelnije nego sto se to obicno pretpostavlja. U ovome radu nastojacemo da rasvetlimo i kriticki preispitamo da li su njegovi pogledi o hermeneutici, koji se artikulisu u filozofskom razgovoru izmedju Sokrata i Protagore u dijalogu Protagora, adekvatni, konzistentni i jos uvek relevantni. Takodje cemo pokusati da pokazemo kojem su stajalistu u savremenim raspravama o hermeneutici najblize Platonove ideje i stavovi o sustini i dometima interpretativnog umeca.
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    Gadamer kao platoničar?Irina Deretić - 1997 - Theoria 40 (4):55-70.
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  24. History of Serbian Philosophy. Essays and contributions IV.Irina Deretić & Aleksandar Kandić (eds.) - 2019 - Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade.
    Зборници Историја српске филозофије. Прилози истраживању представљају главни резултат рада на пројекту „Историја српске филозофије“ (евиденциони број 179064) који од 2011. године подржава Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије. Пројекат, чији је носилац Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Београду, успешно се реализује у сарадњи са готово десет научно-истраживачких институција широм земље, укључујући и Аутономну Покрајину Косово и Метохија. Иако је првобитно планирано да пројекат траје само четири године, он се тренутно налази у десетој години постојања, а уз то је (...)
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  25. Iz Platonove filozofije.Irina Deretić - 2010 - Beograd: Plato.
    Kako je moguće baviti se Platonom danas, ukoliko je filozofija „svoje vreme obuhvaćeno mislima“? Autor Platonovom delu ne pristupa kao dogmatskom štivu, već kao tekstu prožetom paradoksima, koje izmiče svakom unapred pripremljenom, šematizovanom modelu čitanja. Obratiti se Platonu kao filozofskoj paradigmi isplativo je ukoliko filozofi koji progovaraju iz dubine vremena mogu nešto važno da nam saopšte i ukoliko smo kadri da im postavimo autentično pitanje. Zato filozofi moraju imati dah delfskog ronioca, jer biser se ne nalazi u svakoj školjci. Knjiga (...)
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  26. Историја српске филозофије II, прилози истраживању.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2012
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  27. Logos,Written Logoi and Pharmakon in Plato’s Phaedrus.Irina Deretić - unknown - Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 3.
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  28. Logos, Platon, Aristotel: Platonova i Aristotelova koncepcija logosa.Irina Deretić - 2009 - Belgrade:
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    Nemački povratak Grcima.Irina Deretić - 1997 - Theoria 40 (4):173-176.
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  30. Platonova filozofska mitologija: studija o Platonovim mitovima.Irina Deretić - 2014 - Belgrade: Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd.
  31.  32
    Retorika i demokratija (Zbornik Filozofija i društvo V, 1994, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd).Irina Deretić - 1995 - Theoria 38 (3):101-108.
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  32. Историја српске филозофије III, прилози истраживању.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2014
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  33. 21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2010 - Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc..
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  34. Slovo i slovesnost.Irina Deretić - 2020 - Belgrade: Srpsko filozofsko društvo.
    Srpska recepcija grčke filozofije od Velikog rata do sredine XX veka (Anica Savić Rebac, Ksenija Atanasijević, Miloš N. Đurić).
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    The historicity of philosophy: Hegel and Gadamer.Irina Deretić - 1995 - Theoria 38 (3):31-46.
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  36. Историја српске филозофије I, прилози истраживању.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2011
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    Why does a woman’s deliberative faculty have no authority? Aristotle on the political role of women.Irina Deretic - 2015 - Filozofija I Društvo 26 (4):902-916.
    In this paper I will discuss Aristotle?s controversial philosophical views on women. I will critically examine three main interpretations of his claim that women have deliberative faculty?without authority?. According to the first line of interpretation, Aristotle has in mind that women?s incapacity of advice-giving and decision-making in public affairs are determined by conventions in the political context of his time. I will attempt to point out the disadvantages of this kind of interpretation. Furthermore, I will put forward the reasons why (...)
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  38. Women in Times of Crisis.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2021 - Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
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  39.  89
    Yuch as Biblion: Cognitive dispositions and pleasures at Philebus 38e12-40c.Irina Deretić - 2009 - Theoria: Beograd 52 (2):69-80.
    In this paper the author attempts to elucidate comparison with the illustrated book in the Philebus (38e12) in a more detailed manner in order to find out what cognitive dispositions underlie our experiencing a variety of pleasures, particularly the pleasures of anticipation. In doing so, she shall argue against the commentators of the Philebus, who claim that only perception and memory are responsible for forming perceptual judgments concerning pleasures, supporting the interpretation, according to which our capacity to think (dianoia) is (...)
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