Results for 'Irene Clausen'

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  1.  15
    Lip, lip, hurra.Irene Clausen (ed.) - 1974 - Røde Hane : [eksp., DBK],:
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    Exploring Public Health Research for Corporate Health Policy: Insights for Business and Society Scholars.Lilia Raquel Rojas-Cruz, Irene Henriques & Bryan W. Husted - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Despite the growing interest in societal impact in the business and society literature, there remains a notable gap in research on the impact of health interventions on physical and mental health and social welfare. To address this gap, we shift the unit of analysis to the intervention, akin to the level of analysis used in health research. Drawing on a curated subset of health interventions in the workplace from the public health literature, we argue that management scholars can adopt the (...)
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    Defining the Scope of Business & Society.Dirk Matten, Bryan Husted, Irene Henriques & Andrew Crane - 2015 - Business and Society 54 (4):427-434.
  4. Mandelaism.Julius Niringiyimana, Robert Kakuru, Ibilate Waribo-Naye & Judith Irene Nagasha - 2021 - In Abdul Karim Bangura (ed.), African isms: Africa and the globalized world. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Understanding cultural values, norms and beliefs that may impact participation in genome‐editing related research: Perspectives of local communities in Botswana.Setlhomo Koloi-Keaikitse, Mary Kasule, Irene Kwape, Dudu Jankie, Dimpho Ralefala, Dolly Mogomotsi Ntseane & Gaonyadiwe George Mokone - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    Gene‐editing research is a complex science and foreign in most communities including Botswana. Adopting a qualitative deliberative framework with 109 participants from 7 selected ethnic communities in Botswana, we explored the perceptions of local communities on cultural values, norms, and beliefs that may motivate or deter likely participation in the use of gene‐editing related research. What emerged as the ethnic community's motivators for research participation include the potential for gene‐editing technologies to promote access to individualized medications, and the possibility of (...)
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    Ethical considerations around volunteer payments in a malaria human infection study in Kenya: an embedded empirical ethics study.Dorcas Kamuya, Vicki Marsh, Melissa Kapulu, Philip Bejon, Irene Jao, Esther Awuor Owino & Primus Che Chi - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-13.
    Human Infection Studies have emerged as an important research approach with the potential to fast track the global development of vaccines and treatments for infectious diseases, including in low resource settings. Given the high level of burdens involved in many HIS, particularly prolonged residency and biological sampling requirements, it can be challenging to identify levels of study payments that provide adequate compensation but avoid ‘undue’ levels of inducement to participate. Through this embedded ethics study, involving 97 healthy volunteers and other (...)
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    The Ethical Interest of Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus: A Literature Review 200 Years After Its Publication.Irene Cambra-Badii, Elena Guardiola & Josep-E. Baños - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2791-2808.
    Two hundred years after it was first published, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, the modern Prometheus remains relevant. This novel has endured because of its literary merits and because its themes lend themselves to analysis from multiple viewpoints. Scholars from many disciplines have examined this work in relation to controversial scientific research. In this paper, we review the academic literature where Frankenstein is used to discuss ethics, bioethics, science, technology and medicine. We searched the academic literature and carried out a content (...)
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    Can individuals with a significant risk for cardiovascular disease be adequately identified by combination of several risk factors? Modelling study based on the Norwegian HUNT 2 population.Halfdan Petursson, Linn Getz, Johann A. Sigurdsson & Irene Hetlevik - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):103-109.
  9.  16
    Education, Play, and the Political Valence of Art: Revisiting the Hermeneutic Interpretation of Schiller.Haley Irene Burke - 2024 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 58 (3):20-39.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer criticizes Friedrich Schiller for inaugurating a merely aesthetic disposition toward reality. Such an aesthetic disposition, on Gadamer's account, is overly subjective. It also robs one of a genuine encounter with beauty that contributes to one's understanding. In my view, Schiller's position is not reducible to Gadamer's critique of it. Indeed, following scholars like John Pizer and Nathan Ross, I affirm that Gadamer does not fully appreciate the practical, political, and theoretical aspects of Schiller's aesthetics. In the following, I (...)
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    Signum est in praedicadmento relationis.Laurent Cesalli & Irène Rosier-Catach - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 6 (1).
    Roger Bacon is a remarkable figure for his theory of the sign. According to the new reading hypothesis presented in this article, the whole theory is grounded on the relational nature of the sign. Every sign is involved in two relations: one to the interpreter, the other to the significate, the first being “more essential” than the second. The hypothesis allows for a better understanding of Bacon’s central claim that speakers constantly re-impose words in colloquial practice, as well as of (...)
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    A Tribute to Charlie Chaplin: Induced Positive Affect Improves Reward-Based Decision-Learning in Parkinson’s Disease.K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Nelleke C. van Wouwe, Guido P. H. Band, Scott A. Wylie, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Pieter van Hees, Jessika Buitenweg, Irene van de Vijver & Wery P. M. van den Wildenberg - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Stakeholder Value Management System.Sybille Sachs, Ruth Schmitt & Irene Perrin - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:470-482.
    Corporate success is understood as stakeholder value, which is based on three licenses: the licenses to innovate, to compete, and to operate. Stakeholders contribute to these three licenses through their benefit and risk potentials. Based on four cases, a stakeholder value management system is developed which provides managers with a tool to systematically use the benefit potentials that lie in stakeholder relations. The links between corporate value creation and stakeholders are identified.
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    Efficacy of Hypnosis-Based Treatment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Pilot Study.Arianna Palmieri, Johann Roland Kleinbub, Vincenzo Calvo, Gianni Sorarù, Irene Grasso, Irene Messina & Marco Sambin - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Epistemological and Anthropological Thoughts About Neurophilosophy: An Initial Framework.Sonia París Albert & Irene Comins Mingol - 2013 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 13 (13):63-84.
    At the dawn of the twenty-first century, neurophilosophy appears as a branch of neurosciences. The aim of this article is to review critically some of the epistemological and anthropological debates which neurophilosophy is putting on question again. In this sense the philosophical research conducted by the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace will be used as the main thread of the analysis. To accomplish this critical review, the article has been organized into two parts: the first is of epistemological nature, (...)
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    Philosophische Werke / Über die Beredsamkeit in der Volkssprache I: Lat. /Dt.Dante Alighieri, Francis Cheneval, Ruedi Imbach, Irène Rosier-Catach & Tiziana Suarez-Nani - 2007 - Meiner, F.
    In dieser Schrift begründet Dante die Priorität der Volks- und Muttersprache vor der lateinischen Gelehrtensprache und fordert eine italienische Hochsprache. Er untermauert seine Ausführungen durch eine anthropologische Erörterung der menschlichen Sprachfähigkeit. Dank einer originellen Interpretation des biblischen Mythos vom Turmbau von Babel legt er eine vernünftig begründete Neubewertung der Vielfalt und der historischen Entwicklung der Sprachen vor. Das Problem der Sprache stellt sich im Denken Dantes in zweifacher Weise: als Problem der Sprache der Philosophie und unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Philosophie (...)
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  16. A comparison of teacher roles in three exemplary hands‐on elementary science programs.John T. Wilson & Irene Chalmers‐Neubauer - 1990 - Science Education 74 (1):69-85.
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    Healthcare Workers Who Work With COVID-19 Patients Are More Physically Exhausted and Have More Sleep Problems.Henrico van Roekel, Irene M. J. van der Fels, Arnold B. Bakker & Lars G. Tummers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this survey study of 7,208 Dutch healthcare workers, we investigate whether healthcare workers dealing with COVID-19 patients experience lower general health, more physical and mental exhaustion and more sleep problems than other healthcare workers. Additionally, we study whether there are differences in well-being within the group of healthcare workers working with COVID-19 patients, based on personal and work characteristics. We find healthcare workers who are in direct contact with COVID-19 patients report more sleep problems and are more physically exhausted (...)
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    NACHWEIS AUS RICHARD ANTHONY PROCTOR, UNSER STANDPUNKT IM WELTALL (1877): mitgeteilt von Irene Treccani.Irene Treccani - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):327-329.
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    The moral imagination: essays on literature and ethics.Christopher Clausen - 1986 - Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
    "Spanning many historical and literary contexts, Moral Imagination brings together a dozen recent essays by one of America's premier cultural critics. David Bromwich explores the importance of imagination and sympathy to suggest how these faculties may illuminate the motives of human action and the reality of justice. These wide-ranging essays address thinkers and topics from Gandhi and Martin Luther King on nonviolent resistance, to the dangers of identity politics, to the psychology of the heroes of classic American literature. Bromwich demonstrates (...)
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  20. Fra ærbøllings natur-historiefortælling til moderne trækfugleforskning.Preben Clausen - 2009 - In Ole Hã¸Iris & Thomas Ledet (eds.), Modernitetens Verden: Tiden, Videnskab, Historien Og Kunst. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. pp. 239.
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    Transklassische Logik und neue disziplinäre wie interdisziplinäre Ansätze.Lars Clausen, Ernst Kotzmann & Reinhard L. F. Strangmeier (eds.) - 1997 - München: Profil.
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    13 Noam Chomsky: the struggle continues.Irene Gendzier - 2005 - In James McGilvray (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky. Cambridge University Press. pp. 260.
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  23. Springer Handbook of Neuroethics.Jens Clausen & Neil Levy (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht.
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  24. Semantics in generative grammar.Irene Heim & Angelika Kratzer - 1998 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Angelika Kratzer.
    Written by two of the leading figures in the field, this is a lucid and systematic introduction to semantics as applied to transformational grammars of the ...
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    Peirce’s universal categories: On their potential for gesture theory and multimodal analysis.Irene Mittelberg - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (228):193-222.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Where Now for Post-Normal Science?: A Critical Review of its Development, Definitions, and Uses.Irene Lorenzoni, Mavis Jones & John Turnpenny - 2011 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 36 (3):287-306.
    ‘‘Post-normal science’’ has received much attention in recent years, but like many iconic concepts, it has attracted differing conceptualizations, applications, and implications, ranging from being a ‘‘cure-all’’ for democratic deficit to the key to achieving more sustainable futures. This editorial article introduces a Special Issue that takes stock of research on PNS and critically explores how such research may develop. Through reviewing the history and evolution of PNS, the authors seek to clarify the extant definitions, conceptualizations, and uses of PNS. (...)
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    Mencius.Irene Bloom (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known throughout East Asia as Mengzi, or "Master Meng," Mencius was a Chinese philosopher of the late Zhou dynasty, an instrumental figure in the spread of the Confucian tradition, and a brilliant illuminator of its ideas. Mencius was active during the Warring States Period, in which competing powers sought to control the declining Zhou empire. Like Confucius, Mencius journeyed to one feudal court after another, searching for a proper lord who could put his teachings into practice. Only a leader who (...)
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    Function Is Not Enough.Irene Olivero - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (1):105-129.
    The “nature” of an artifact is often equated with its function. Clearly, an artifactual function must be an extrinsic property. This feature of functions has important implications on the semantics of artifactual kind terms: it enables us to vindicate that artifactual kind terms have an externalist semantics. Any alleged externalist theory, indeed, must show that the referents of the considered terms share a common nature (i.e., an extrinsic property), whether we know or could possibly ever know what that nature is. (...)
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  29. E-type pronouns and donkey anaphora.Irene Heim - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (2):137--77.
  30. Physiology of non-excitable cells.T. Clausen - 1981 - In G. Adam, I. Meszaros & E.I. Banyai (eds.), Advances in Physiological Science. pp. 3--209.
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  31. A modest proposal: Accounting for the virtuousness of modesty.Irene McMullin - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (241):783-807.
    Recent attempts to explain why modesty should be considered a virtue have failed. A more adequate account is that modesty involves understanding how far one's accomplishments ought to be taken as definitive of one's value. Modest people communicate this self-understanding through behaviour motivated by the desire to ensure that their accomplishments do not cause pain to others. This virtuous mode of self-awareness involves recognizing that one is both defined by social standards of success and irreducible to these assessments. Modest agents (...)
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  32. Introduction: exploring gender, environment and climate change.Irene Dankelman - 2010 - In Gender and Climate Change: An Introduction. Earthscan. pp. 1--20.
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    Alternative questions used in conversational repair.Irene Koshik - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (2):193-211.
    This article adds to the conversation analytic literature on repair and on preference structure by examining a previously-undescribed otherinitiated repair practice, using the form of an alternative question, and the various actions that this practice is used to accomplish. Alternative question repair initiations can present alternate hearings or understandings of a prior utterance for clarification. They can also be used to initiate error correction by targeting a trouble source in a prior utterance with the first alternative and providing a candidate (...)
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  34. Love Life: Aristotle on Living Together with Friends.Irene Liu - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (6):579-601.
    According to Aristotle, the most characteristic activity of friendship is “living together” [to suzên]. This paper seeks to understand living together in the light of his famous, foundational claim that humans are social by nature. Based on an interpretation of Nicomachean Ethics 9.9, I explain our need for friends in terms of a more fundamental human need to appreciate one's life as a whole. I then argue that friendship is built into the very structure of human life itself such that (...)
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    Born to be Wild.Irene Klaver, Jozef Keulartz & Henk van den Belt - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (1):3-21.
    With the turning of wilderness areas into wildlife parks and the returning of developed areas of land to the forces of nature, intermediate hybrid realms surface in which wild and managed nature become increasingly entangled. A partitioning of environmental philosophy into ecoethics and animal welfare ethics leaves these mixed territories relatively uncharted—the first dealing with wild (animals), the second with the welfare of captive or domestic animals. In this article, we explore an environmental philosophy that considers explicitly these mixed situations. (...)
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  36. Speech Perception: A Philosophical Analysis.Irene Appelbaum - 1995 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    The overall goal of speech perception research is to explain how spoken language is recognized and understood. In the current research framework it is assumed that the key to achieving this overall goal is to solve the lack of invariance problem. But nearly half a century of sustained effort in a variety of theoretical perspectives has failed to solve this problem. Indeed, not only has the problem not been solved, virtually no empirical candidates for solving the problem have been produced. (...)
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  37. Better off Without Parents? Refugee Children and Family Reunification: Norms and Ethical Concerns.Irene Olivero - 2024 - In Ellen Desmet, Milena Belloni, Dick Vanheule, Jinske Verhellen & Ayse Güdük (eds.), Family reunification in Europe: Exposing Inequalities. London: Routledge. pp. 119-135.
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    Covariate effects of resting heart rate variability on affective ratings and startle reflex during cognitive reappraisal of negative emotions.Irene Jaén, Nieves Fuentes-Sánchez, Miguel A. Escrig, Carlos Suso-Ribera, Gustavo Reyes del Paso & M. Carmen Pastor - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-10.
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    Arnd Wasserloos (2005) Wessen Gene, wessen Ethik? Die genetische Diversit t des Menschen als Herausforderung f r Bioethik und Humanwissenschaften.Freiburg I. Br Jens Clausen - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (1):73-76.
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    Clinical Brain-Machine-Interfaces: Ethical Legal and Social Implications.Clausen Jens - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  41. Kant on Radical Evil and the Origin of Moral Responsibility.Irene McMullin - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (1):49-72.
    The notion of radical evil plays a more important role in Kant's moral theory than is typically recognized. In Religion Within the Limits of Mere Reason, radical evil is both an innate propensity and a morally imputable act – a paradoxical status that has prompted commentators to reject it as inconsistent with the rest of Kant's moral theory. In contrast, I argue that the notion of radical evil accounts for the beginning of moral responsibility in Kant's theory, since the act (...)
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    How nurses understand and care for older people with delirium in the acute hospital: a Critical Discourse Analysis.Irene Schofield, Debbie Tolson & Valerie Fleming - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (2):165-176.
    SCHOFIELD I, TOLSON D and FLEMING V. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 165–176 [Epub ahead of print]How nurses understand and care for older people with delirium in the acute hospital: a Critical Discourse AnalysisDelirium is a common presentation of deteriorating health in older people. It is potentially deleterious in terms of patient experience and clinical outcomes. Much of what is known about delirium is through positivist research, which forms the evidence base for disease‐based classification systems and clinical guidelines. There is little (...)
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    A Typology of Communicative Strategies in Online Privacy Policies: Ethics, Power and Informed Consent.Irene Pollach - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (3):221-235.
    The opaque use of data collection methods on the WWW has given rise to privacy concerns among Internet users. Privacy policies on websites may ease these concerns, if they communicate clearly and unequivocally when, how and for what purpose data are collected, used or shared. This paper examines privacy policies from a linguistic angle to determine whether the language of these documents is adequate for communicating data-handling practices in a manner that enables informed consent on the part of the user. (...)
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    Visitor restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ethical case study.Irene Hartigan, Ann Kelleher, Joan McCarthy & Nicola Cornally - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1111-1123.
    To prevent and reduce the transmission of the coronavirus to vulnerable populations, the World Health Organization recommended the restriction of visitors to nursing homes. It was recognised that such restrictions could have profound impact on residents and their families. Nonetheless, these measures were strictly imposed over a prolonged period in many countries; impeding families from remaining involved in their relatives’ care and diluting the meaningful connections for residents with society. It is timely to explore the impact of public health measures (...)
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    Existential Flourishing: A Phenomenology of the Virtues.Irene McMullin - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    By putting existential phenomenology into conversation with virtue ethics, this book offers a new interpretation of human flourishing. It rejects characterizations of flourishing as either a private subjective state or an objective worldly status, arguing that flourishing is rather a successfully negotiated self-world fit – a condition involving both the essential dependence of the self upon the world and others, and the lived normative responsiveness of the agent striving to be in the world well. A central argument of the book (...)
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    Clinical ethics committees – also for mental health care? The Norwegian experience.Irene Syse, Reidun Førde & Reidar Pedersen - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (2-3):81-86.
    Background The aim was to explore how the clinical ethics committees in Norway have worked and functioned within mental health care and addiction treatment services. Methods Analysis of 256 annual reports from clinical ethics committees from 2003 to 2012 and a survey to clinicians who had used a clinical ethics committee. Results Dilemmas related to coercion, confidentiality, information, and patient autonomy dominated. The committees established only for psychiatric hospitals, had received more cases from mental health and addiction services than the (...)
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    Time and the shared world: Heidegger on social relations.Irene McMullin - 2013 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: Time and the shared world -- The "subject" of inquiry -- Mineness and the practical first-person -- Being and otherness: Sartre's critique -- Heideggerian aprioricity and the categories of being -- The temporality of care -- Fursorge: acknowledging the other Dasein -- Authenticity, inauthenticity, and the extremes of Fursorge -- Conclusion.
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    Wh-questions used as challenges.Irene Koshik - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (1):51-77.
    This article uses a conversation analytic framework to describe a type of wh-question used to challenge a prior utterance, specifically to challenge the basis for or right to do an action done by the prior utterance. These wh-questions are able to do challenging because, rather than asking for new information, they are used to convey a strong epistemic stance of the questioner, a negative assertion. The utterances are designed as requests for an account for a prior claim or action, but (...)
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    Non-standard Emotions and Aesthetic Understanding.Irene Martínez Marín - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 57 (2):135-149.
    Winner of the Fabian Dorsch ESA Essay Prize.For cognitivist accounts of aesthetic appreciation, appreciation requires an agent (1) to perceptually respond to the relevant aesthetic features of an object o on good evidential grounds, (2) to have an autonomous grasp of the reasons that make the claim about the aesthetic features of o true by pointing out the connection between non-aesthetic features and the aesthetic features of o, (3) to be able to provide an explanation of why those features contribute (...)
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    Knowledge Painfully Acquired: The K'un-Chih Chi of Lo Ch 'in-Shun'.Irene Bloom (ed.) - 1987 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This 16th-century book of reading notes and reflections on philosophy and history was written by Lo Ch'in-shun, a philosopher of Ming China. This translation includes an introduction providing a brief biography of Lo and placing his work in a historical context.
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