Results for 'Ione Bentz'

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  1.  22
    Processo de participação coletiva na internet: uma ética para o ciberespaço.Fabio Pezzi Parode, Maximiliano Zapata & Ione Bentz - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (1):36-46.
    Este ensaio tem como objetivo problematizar o papel da internet como agente de difusão de informação, ferramenta produtora de conhecimento e cultura. Os processos participativos em rede, as comunidades virtuais, colocam em evidência as tensões entre um antigo modelo calcado em estruturas de poderes centralizados, e a emergência de uma ordem dispersiva e fragmentária na dinâmica social. É nesse contexto que surgem as polêmicas em torno do Marco Civil da Internet, nosso objeto de estudo. A instauração do Marco Civil, deu (...)
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    Transformative Phenomenology as an Antidote to Technological Deathworlds.Valerie Malhotra Bentz, David Rehorick, James Marlatt, Ayumi Nishii & Carol Estrada - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:189-220.
    The concept of lifeworld as posited by Husserl and developed by Schutz reveals key aspects of human social life. What happens when organized forces of human control tear lifeworlds apart? Gebser warned that without a transformation of consciousness humans would destroy their world. Habermas pointed out that humans were destroying lifeworlds with little awareness of the consequences due to the predominance of rational/legal thinking, thus creating “Deathworlds”. Transformative Phenomenology has become a community-of-practice that is an antidote to Deathworld-Making. Transformative phenomenology (...)
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  3. Binele și răul.Ion Grigoraș - 1971 - [Iași],: "Junimea,".
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    Ion Ianoși 80.Ion Ianoși, Aura Christi & Alexandru Ștefănescu (eds.) - 2008 - București: EuroPress Group.
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    Mindful Inquiry in Social Research, V.M. Bentz and J.J. Shapiro. [REVIEW]V. M. Bentz & J. J. Shapiro - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (3):251-259.
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    La philosophie de gorgias, une ontologie du logos, II.Ion Banu - 1990 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 134 (1-2):195-212.
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  7. Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, and Ilja Srubar (eds.), Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners.Valerie Malhotra Bentz - 2010 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Lifeworldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science:205-210.
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  8. Noica, între dandysm și mitul școlii.Ion Dur - 1994 - [Bucharest]: Editura Eminescu.
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  9. The Reciprocal of The Butterfly Theorem.Ion Pătrașcu & Florentin Smarandache - unknown
    In this paper, we present two proofs of the reciprocal butterfly theorem. The statement of the butterfly theorem is: Let us consider a chord PQ of midpoint M in the circle Ω(O). Through M, two other chords AB and CD are drawn, such that A and C are on the same side of PQ. We denote by X and U the intersection of AD respectively CB with PQ. Consequently, XM = YM. For the proof of this theorem, see [1]. The (...)
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  10. Pentru cultura critică.Ion Bogdan Lefter - 2003 - Dilema 529:20.
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  11. Determinismul și știința.Ion Tudosescu - 1971 - București,: Editura științifică.
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    Ordine și hazard.Ion Tudosescu - 1996 - București: Adevărul.
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  13. Canon and Canonicity in the Bibles of Samuil Micu and Andrei Șaguna: Resemblances, Differences and Controversies.Ion Reșceanu - 2020 - Romanian Orthodox Old Testament Studies 4 (2):57-66.
    The present study aims to carry out an analysis of the relation between the Bibles of Samuil Micu and Andrei Șaguna from an isagogic perspective, with a particular focus on the canon and canonicity of the books of the Holy Scripture. We believe that, through such an analysis, we can observe what they have in common, but also what differentiates the two Transylvanian editions of the Holy Scripture so that we can help those interested in understanding the reasons behind the (...)
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    How legal institutions impact countries 'financial development'.Ion Zăuleţ - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
  15. Centration et décentration dans la phénoménologie pure husserlienne. Le cas du noyau noématique.Ion Copoeru - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1):45-59.
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    Estetică și moralitate: omagiu profesorului Ion Ianoși, la 70 de ani de viață.Ion Ianoși & Marin Diaconu (eds.) - 1998 - București: Crater.
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  17. Husserl on the World as an Ontologically Dependent Correlate of the Transcendental Subject.Ion Constantin - 2012 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 11:103-108.
  18.  15
    O radiografie necesara – Ortodoxie si Globalizare/ A Necessary Radiography: Orthodoxy And Globalisation.Ion Cordoneanu - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):182-191.
    The two works this paper focuses on (Anastasios Yannopoulos, Orthodoxy and the Problems of Contemporary World and Georgios Mantzaridis, Globalization and Universality. Phantom and Truth) represent a thorough analysis of contemporary history, in which globalization is the direction and purpose of the new vision in human relations and community. The lost of the individuality of these relations is considered to be a disease which has very strong religious and anthropological effects. The common feature is the reaffirmation of community in the (...)
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  19.  22
    On The Philosophy With Juridical Norms.Ion Craiovan - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 40:31-38.
    My paper tackles the generic relationship between philosophy and law, the necessity of applying philosophy to law, the legitimacy and range of such an approach, the configuration of the way in which philosophy has left its mark in the juridical sphere. It surveys, in a chronological order, as well as in terms of their co-existence, the various stages of the relationship between philosophy and law. 1. Although both have been “within the walls”, law secludes itself, relatively speaking, in “the world (...)
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  20. Silogistica: teoria clasică și interpretările moderne.Ion Didilescu & Petre Botezatu - 1976 - [București]: Editura Didactică și Pedagogică. Edited by Petre Botezatu.
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    Metaphysics of Infinity: The Problem of Motion and the Infinite Brain.Ion G. Soteropoulos - 2013 - Lanham: Upa.
    Ion Soteropoulos reconciles the contradiction between the finite and infinite and transforms this reconciliation into the founding principle of motion. This book will appeal to readers interested in the logical mechanics of the physical universe, the hidden powers of our finite brain, and the utility of robots in the future.
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    Commentary III.Valerie Malhotra Bentz - 1995 - Human Studies 18 (4):435 - 437.
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    Philosophie und Kunst.Ion Euthydemos, Kritias Timaios & Siebte Brief - 2010 - In Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Michael Schramm, Musik in der antiken Philosophie: eine Einführung. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann ;.
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  24. Kandinsky and Klee: Chromatic Chords, Polyphonic Painting and Synesthesia.A. Ione - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies:11--3.
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    Nature exposed to our method of questioning.Amy Ione - 1995 - Berkeley, Calif.: The Diatrope Press.
    Nature Exposed to our Method of Questioning explores how we create our cultural assumptions about personhood, culture and nature.
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    Structured Propositions, Unity, and the Sense-Nonsense Distinction.Octavian Ion - 2018 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):319-334.
    Back in the Good Old Days of Logical Positivism, theories of meaning were part of a normative project that sought not merely to describe the features of language and its use, but so to speak to separate the wheat from the chaff. In this paper, I side with Herman Cappelen (2013) in thinking that we need to rethink and reintroduce the important distinction between sense and nonsense that was ditched along with other normative aspirations during Logical Positivism’s spectacular demise. Despite (...)
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    Vivre et écrire la politique chez Machiavel : le paradigme du ritratto.Cristina Ion - 2005 - Archives de Philosophie 3 (3):525-544.
    Le lien entre l’expérience acquise par Machiavel au service de la République florentine (1498-1512) et l’œuvre politique écrite après son éloignement forcé des affaires est explicite. Tous les commentateurs se sont attachés à déceler, dans la correspondance diplomatique et les écrits mineurs ante res perditas, les thèmes qui réapparaîtront de manière aboutie dans les textes majeurs de Machiavel. Cependant, le passage de la pratique à la « théorie » n’est pas immédiat. Le ritratto, composé d’extraits d’expérience regroupés autour d’une question (...)
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  28. Despre epoca inflaţiei limbajului.Ion Bogdan Lefter - 2002 - Dilema 493:10.
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  29. Orfeu, bucuria cunoașterii.Ion Maxim - 1976 - București: "Univers".
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  30. Estetica între știință și artă.Ion Pascadi - 1971 - București "Albatros,":
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  31. Substantive Due Process, Criminal Liability, and the Philosophy of Legal Sanctions.Ion Ristea - 2009 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 8:213-217.
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    Mycenaean centaurs still.Ione Mylonas Shear - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:166.
  33. L'absurdité de l'identité selon Wittgenstein.Ion Vezeanu - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137 (1).
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  34.  22
    La philosophie de gorgias, une ontologie du logos, I.Ion Banu - 1987 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 131 (1-2):231-244.
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  35. Empiric și teoretic în cunoașterea științifică.Ion Ceapraz - 1987 - Craiova [Romania]: Scrisul Românesc.
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    Descartes or the origins of modern thinking.Ion Cordoneanu - 2016 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2 (1):53-65.
    Descartes is considered to be the founder of modern rationalism. This is a clear statement which, however, does not show the manner in which rationalism as such appeared in the history of science, taking into account the turmoil of the Renaissance centuries, the significance of the Reform and the birth of modern science. As a founder of a new metaphysics, Descartes, through his work, remains par excellence the case in which the scholastic and Renaissance aftermaths as well as the Reform (...)
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    Sartre on Literature.Ion Georgiou - 2009 - Philosophy Now 75:8-9.
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    Constantin Noica și critica Occidentului: o filosofie a istoriei la Constantin Noica.Ion Militaru - 2001 - [Romania]: Cartea Românească.
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  39. Estetică și umanism.Ion Pascadi (ed.) - 1979 - București: Editura Eminescu.
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  40. Schopenhauer Viata Si Opera.Ion Petrovici - 1995
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    Unitatea științei: studiu monografic asupra reducției interteoretice și interdisciplinare.Ion C. Popescu - 1990 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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  42. Das Sein der Kopula oder was hat Heidegger bei Brentano Versäumt?Ion Tǎnǎsescu - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (1):97-123.
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    AN INTRODUCTION TO HEGEL'S LECTURES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION by Jon Stewart, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2022, pp.304, £75.00, hbk. [REVIEW]Jan Bentz - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1110):253-256.
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    Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, and Ilja Srubar (eds.), Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners; Sandra P. Thomas and Howard R. Pollio, Listening to Patients, A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice; Matthew Ratcliffe, Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation. [REVIEW]Valerie Malhotra Bentz, William S. Hamrick & Mary Beth Morrissey - 2010 - Schutzian Research 2:204-226.
    Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, and Ilja Srubar (eds.), Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners; Sandra P. Thomas and Howard R. Pollio, Listening to Patients, A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice; Matthew Ratcliffe, Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation.
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    From Playing Child to Aging Mentor: The Role of Human Studies in my Development as a Scholar. [REVIEW]Valerie Malhotra Bentz - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (4):499-506.
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    L'espoir du Grand Synode orthodoxe.Ion Bria - 1977 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 8 (1):51-54.
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  47. Mircea Eliade and the anthropological signification of religious symbolism.Ion Cordoneanu - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (15):24-29.
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    Tratat de teoria generală a dreptului.Ion Craiovan - 2020 - București: Universul Juridic.
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    Against behaviouralism: a critique of behavioural science.Edmund S. Ions - 1977 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
  50. Esteticieni români.Ion Pascadi - 1969 - [București]: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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