Results for 'Internet Philosophy'

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  1.  6
    There Is No Ethical Automation: Stanislav Petrov’s Ordeal by Protocol.Technology Antón Barba-Kay A. Center on Privacy, Usab Institute for Practical Ethics Dc, Usaantón Barba-Kay is Distinguished Fellow at the Center on Privacy Ca, Hegel-Studien Nineteenth Century European Philosophy Have Appeared in the Journal of the History of Philosophy, Among Others He has Also Published Essays About Culture The Review of Metaphysics, Commonweal Technology for A. Broader Audience in the New Republic & Other Magazines A. Web of Our Own Making – His Book About What the Internet Is The Point - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):277-288.
    While the story of Stanislav Petrov – the Soviet Lieutenant Colonel who likely saved the world from nuclear holocaust in 1983 – is often trotted out to advocate for the view that human beings ought to be kept “in the loop” of automated weapons’ responses, I argue that the episode in fact belies this reading. By attending more closely to the features of this event – to Petrov’s professional background, to his familiarity with the warning system, and to his decisions (...)
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    Media temporalities of the internet: Philosophies of time and media in Derrida and Rorty.Mike Sandbothe - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (4):421-434.
    My considerations are organised into four sections. The first section provides a survey of some significant developments that determine contemporary philosophical discussion on the subject of ‘time’. In the second section, I show how the question of time and the issue of media are linked with one another in the views of two influential contemporary philosophers: Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Finally, in the third section, the temporal implications of cultural practices which are developing in the new medium of the (...)
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    Teaching Philosophy on the Internet.Garth Kemerling - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 43:54-59.
    I defend the practical value of teaching undergraduate philosophy courses in the Internet. Three important objectives of philosophical education can be achieved as effectively by electronic means as in the classroom. First, information about the philosophical tradition can be conveyed by hypertext documents on the World-Wide Web. Second, philosophical dialogue can be conducted through participation in an electronic forum. Third, close supervision of student writing can be achieved by means of e-mail submission of written assignments. In each case, (...)
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    Internet Stings Directed at Pedophiles: A Study in Philosophy and Law.Joseph S. Fulda - 2007 - Sexuality and Culture 11 (1):52-98.
    The article is intended to, in Sections I and II, flesh out and put within a metaphilosophical framework the theoretical argument first made in 2002 in “Do Internet Stings Directed at Pedophiles Capture Offenders or Create Offenders? And Allied Questions” (Sexuality & Culture 6(4): 73–100), with some modifications (See note 14). Where there are differences, I stand by this version as the final version of the argument. Section III addresses three experimental or empirical studies which might be thought to (...)
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    Philosophy@The.Internet.Mitch Hodge - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 16:64-64.
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    Philosophy@The.Internet.Mitch Hodge - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 15:21-21.
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  7. (1 other version)Philosophy of economics “, Internet”.D. M. Hausman - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Brad Dowden & J. Feiser (eds.) - 1995 - Martin, TN: Univ. of Tennessee Martin.
    The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy was founded in 1995 for the purpose of providing detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. Articles are peer-reviewed and blind-refereed. The IEP offers access to a keyword site search engine and is free of charge to all Internet users. It is continuously revised and updated. It had 880 articles in 2024, and it is has 6.9 million different visitors every year.
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    The Internet is Not What You Think It Is: A History, a Philosophy, a Warning.Justin E. H. Smith - 2022 - Princeton University Press.
    An original deep history of the internet that tells the story of the centuries-old utopian dreams behind it—and explains why they have died today Many think of the internet as an unprecedented and overwhelmingly positive achievement of modern human technology. But is it? In The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is, Justin Smith offers an original deep history of the internet, from the ancient to the modern world—uncovering its surprising origins in nature and centuries-old (...)
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  10. Parmenides (internet Encylcopedia of Philosophy).Jeremy Curtis DeLong - 2016
    Parmenides of Elea Parmenides of Elea was a Presocratic Greek philosopher. As the first philosopher to inquire into the nature of existence itself, he is incontrovertibly credited as the “Father of Metaphysics.” As the first to employ deductive, a priori arguments to justify his claims, he competes with Aristotle … Continue reading Parmenides →.
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  11. The Internet: A Philosophical Inquiry.Gordon Graham - 1999 - Routledge.
    _The Internet: A Philosophical Inquiry_ develops many of the themes Gordon Graham presented in his highly successful radio series, _The Silicon Society_. Exploring the tensions between the warnings of the Neo-Luddites and the bright optimism of the Technophiles, Graham offers the first concise and accessible exploration of the issues which arise as we enter further into the world of Cyberspace. This original and fascinating study takes us to the heart of questions that none of us can afford to ignore: (...)
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  12. Philosophy of the Internet. A Discourse on the Nature of the Internet.Laszlo Ropolyi - 2013 - Budapest: Eötvös University.
  13. Spanish philosophy on the Internet.P. Sismisova & P. Krakornik - 2000 - Filozofia 55 (2):170-178.
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    Media philosophy and media education in the age of the internet.Mike Sandbothe - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 34 (1):53–69.
    When, as a philosopher, you concern yourself with issues of media theory, you are often confronted with the largely rhetorical question as to what philosophy has to do with media. That logical, ethical, aesthetic and epistemological issues, or questions concerning the philosophy of science and of language, are genuine philosophical questions seems self-evident to us today. The neologisms ‘philosophical media theory’ or ‘media philosophy’, however, sound unaccustomed, irritating, suspect. To some they may even appear to be a (...)
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  15. The Internet – Proposing an Infrastructure for the Philosophy of Virtualness.Katrina Burt - 2009 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 13 (1):50-68.
    This paper proposes a preliminary infrastructure for future philosophical discourse on the virtual, interactive, visual, top layer of the Internet. The paper begins by introducing thoughts on such words as real, virtual, reality, knowledge, and truth. Next, news summaries are provided illustrating some effects from the “real world” on the virtual part of the Internet, and vice versa. Subsequently, nine major categories of Internet variables are identified. Finally, over one hundred questions about the philosophical nature of the (...)
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  16. Toward a Philosophy of the Internet.Laszlo Ropolyi - 2018 - APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 17 (2):40-49.
    The paper argues for the necessity of building up a philosophy of the Internet and proposes a version of it, an «Aristotelian» philosophy of the Internet. First, an overview of the recent trends in the Internet research is presented. This train of thoughts leads to a proposal of understanding the nature of the Internet in the spirit of the Aristotelian philosophy i. e., to conceive the Internet as the Internet, as a (...)
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  17. An 'Aristotelian' Philosophy of the Internet.Laszlo Ropolyi - 2021 - WebSci '21: 13th ACM Web Science Conference 2021June 2021 (ACM Digital Library).
    The paper argues for the necessity of building up a philosophy of the internet and proposes a version of it, an ‘Aristotelian’ philosophy of the internet. First, a short overview of some recent trends in the internet research is presented. This train of thoughts leads to a proposal of understanding the nature of the internet in the spirit of the Aristotelian philosophy i.e., to conceive “the internet as the internet”, as a (...)
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    At the Intersections Between Internet Studies and Philosophy: “Who Am I Online?”.Charles Ess - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):275-284.
    This special issue fosters joint exploration of personal identity by both philosophers, on the one hand, and scholars and researchers in Internet Studies, on the other. The summary of articles gathered here leads to a larger collective account of personal identity that highlights embodiment and thereby the continuities between online and offline senses and experiences of selfhood. I connect this collective account with other contemporary works at the intersections between philosophy and IS, such as on trust and virtual (...)
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  19. Komputer, Kecerdasan Buatan dan Internet: Filsafat Hubert L. Dreyfus tentang Produk Industri 3.0 dan Industri 4.0 (Computer, Artificial Intelligence and Internet: Dreyfus’s Philosophy on the Product of 3.0 and 4.0 Industries).Zainul Maarif - 2019 - Prosiding Paramadina Research Day.
    The content of this paper is an elaboration of Hubert L. Dreyfus’s philosophical critique of Artificial Intelligence (AI), computers and the internet. Hubert L. Dreyfus (1929-2017) is Ua SA philosopher and alumni of Harvard University who teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University of California, Berkeley. He is a phenomenological philosopher who criticize computer researchers and the artificial intelligence community. In 1965, Dreyfus wrote an article for Rand Corporation titled “Alchemy and Artificial Intelligence” which criticizes the (...)
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    (3 other versions)Philosophy@the.Internet.Jeremy Stangroom - 1997 - The Philosophers' Magazine 1:61-61.
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    Philosophy@The.Internet.Thomas Ryan Stone - 1999 - The Philosophers' Magazine 5 (7):27-27.
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    The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is: A History, A Philosophy, A Warning.John Danaher - 2023 - The Philosophers' Magazine 99:87-89.
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  23. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.James Fieser & Bradley Dowden (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
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  24. Inequality, Internet likes, and the rules of philosophy, by Ren*t* S*lecl.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    How can we explain why certain historically discriminated groups are under-represented in English-speaking analytic philosophy? I present a hypothesis which appeals to rules, rather than relying upon the social theories of Pierre Bourdieu. I do by means of an attempted pastiche of Renata Salecl, my third attempt.
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    Philosophy@the.Internet.Mitch Hodge - 2002 - The Philosophers' Magazine 16 (20):28-28.
  26. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Justin Tiwald - 2006
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    (1 other version)Philosophy@The.Internet.Mitch Hodge - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 15:21-21.
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    Philosophy@The.Internet.Mitch Hodge - 2002 - The Philosophers' Magazine 18:21-21.
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    Philosophy@The.Internet.Thomas Stone - 1999 - The Philosophers' Magazine 7:61-61.
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  30. 'Metaepistemology' Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Kyriacou Christos - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Internet and Greek Pontian Associations in Thrace.Chrysi Tellidou - 2018 - Science and Philosophy 6 (2):15-26.
    Greeks of Pontian ancestry migrated, forcibly, from Pontus to Greece where they founded Pontian Greek communities, mainly in northern Greece. The rapid increase in usage of the Internet during the past years appears to be significantly affecting the activity of cultural associations in general. The Greek Pontian associations of Thrace have begun taking advantage of the Internet and social networks for their diversified activities, a “modernization” which has not been studied extensively thus far. In this paper, a corresponding (...)
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    Internet : de quel séisme parle-t-on?Pierre Lévy - 2008 - Multitudes 32 (1):189.
    The recent book from Marc Le Glatin Internet, un séisme dans la culture?, performs three intellectual acts. First, it resumes the main facts concerning the evolution of cultural practices on the Internet, particularly the multiplication of « free » downloading of works that are in principle protected by intellectual property. Second, it interrogates the notions of intellectual property and cultural diversity in relation to the new possibilities opened up by the Net. Third, it proposes some tentative solutions for (...)
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    Internet Atlas on Youth : Volunteerism.Philip Cam, In-suk Cha & Mark Gustaaf Tamthai - 1998
    In this volume philosophers from throughout the Asia-Pacific region discuss a wide range of topics related to the development of democratic values and ways of life. The papers explore ideas, values and practices related to democracy from the different perspectives of the great religious and philosophical traditions of Asia, as well as considering both philosophical issues and the place of philosophy in a democratic society. While the contributors represent different philosophical traditions, they are connected through a common concern with (...)
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  34. Internet Addiction and Well-Being: Daoist and Stoic Reflections.Hui Jin & Edward H. Spence - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (2):209-225.
    This article explores the phenomenon of Internet addiction and its possible amelioration, from both Eastern and Western philosophical perspectives. Internet addiction is caused by the excessive use of the Internet and its resulting dependence, having negative effects on human well-being. The ideas of a key ancient Chinese Daoist thinker Zhuangzi 莊子 and his Western contemporaries, the Stoics, as viewed through the world, the things and beings in it, and their relationships, offer insights which may be used to (...)
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  35. Extended Cognition and the Internet: A Review of Current Issues and Controversies.Paul Smart - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (3):357-390.
    The Internet is an important focus of attention for those concerned with issues of extended cognition. In particular, the application of active externalist theorizing to the Internet gives rise to the notion of Internet-extended cognition: the idea that the Internet can form part of an integrated nexus of material elements that serves as the realization base for human mental states and processes. The current review attempts to survey a range of issues and controversies that arise in (...)
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    Buddhism, the internet, and digital media: the pixel in the lotus.Gregory Price Grieve & Daniel M. Veidlinger (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Buddhism, the Internet and Digital Media: The Pixel in the Lotus explores Buddhist practice and teachings in an increasingly networked and digital era. Contributors consider the ways Buddhism plays a role and is present in digital media through a variety of methods including concrete case studies, ethnographic research, and content analysis, as well as interviews with practitioners and cyber-communities. In addition to considering Buddhism in the context of technologies such as virtual worlds, social media, and mobile devices, authors ask (...)
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    The Internet as Idea.Dominic Smith - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (3):381-410.
    This article has two related aims: to examine how the Internet might be rendered an object of coherent philosophical consideration and critique, and to contribute to divesting the term “transcendental” of the negative connotations it carries in contemporary philosophy of technology. To realise them, it refers to Kant’s transcendental approach. The key argument is that Kant’s “transcendental idealism” is one example of a more general and potentially thoroughgoing “transcendental” approach focused on conditions that much contemporary philosophy of (...)
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    Dialogic: education for the Internet age.Rupert Wegerif - 2013 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Dialogic: Education for the Digital Age argues that despite rapid advances in communications technology, most educational research still relies on traditional approaches to education, built upon the logic of print, and dependent on the notion that there is a single true representation of reality. In practice, the use of the Internet disrupts this traditional logic of education by offering an experience of knowledge as participatory and multiple. The challenge identified in Wegerif's text is the growing need to develop a (...)
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  39. Does the Internet have an unconscious?: Slavoj Žižek and digital culture.Clint Burnham - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Internet memes as internet signs.Sara Cannizzaro - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (4):562-586.
    This article argues for a clearer framework of internet-based “memes”. The science of memes, dubbed ‘memetics’, presumes that memes remain “copying units” following the popularisation of the concept in Richard Dawkins’ celebrated work, The Selfish Gene (1976). Yet Peircean semiotics and biosemiotics can challenge this doctrine of information transmission. While supporting a precise and discursive framework for internet memes, semiotic readings reconfigure contemporary formulations to the – now-established – conception of memes. Internet memes can and should be (...)
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  41. Internet Neutrality: Ethical Issues in the Internet Environment.Matteo Turilli, Antonino Vaccaro & Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (2):133-151.
    This paper investigates the ethical issues surrounding the concept of Internet neutrality focusing specifically on the correlation between neutrality and fairness. Moving from an analysis of the many available definitions of Internet neutrality and the heterogeneity of the Internet infrastructure, the common assumption that a neutral Internet is also a fair Internet is challenged. It is argued that a properly neutral Internet supports undesirable situations in which few users can exhaust the majority of the (...)
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    The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is: A History, A Philosophy, A Warning. [REVIEW]Peter West - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1408-1410.
    One of the most fascinating entries in Samuel Pepys diaries, from the 13th May 1665, recounts his experience of having been gifted a new pocket watch:To the ‘Change after office, and received my watch from the watchmaker, and a very fine [one] it is, given me by Briggs, the Scrivener… But, Lord! to see how much of my old folly and childishnesse hangs upon me still that I cannot forbear carrying my watch in my hand in the coach all this (...)
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    The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is: A History, a Philosophy, a Warning. [REVIEW]Erwin Warkentin - 2023 - The European Legacy 29 (3):450-451.
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    Sex Addiction on the Internet.Mark Griffiths - 2004 - Janus Head 7 (1):188-217.
    The Internet appears to have become an ever-increasing part in many areas of people’s day-to-day lives. One area that deserves further examination surrounds sex addiction and its relationship with excessive Internet usage. It has been alleged by some academics that social pathologies are beginning to surface in cyberspace and have been referred to as “technological addictions.” This article examines the concept of “Internet addiction” in relation to excessive sexual behavior. It contains discussions of the concept of sexual (...)
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  45.  12
    Protests, Internet and Cultural Change in Bulgaria.Ambareva Hristin - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 65 (2).
    Writing this article was motivated by the wave of protests in 2013 in Bulgaria. The long and massive protest in the summer of 2013 combined three important features: 1) young people and middle class as the main driver of the events, 2) political action for non-economic value and 3) denial of partisanship and political representation, and support for participatory democracy. These features of the protest relate well to the Inglehart’s framework and describe the profile of “postmaterialists”: people with self-expression values. (...)
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    Democracy after the Internet - Brazil between Facts, Norms, and Code.Moura Ribeiro & S. Samantha - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book throws new light on the way in which the Internet impacts on democracy. Based on Jürgen Habermas' discourse-theoretical reconstruction of democracy, it examines one of the world's largest, most diverse but also most unequal democracies, Brazil, in terms of the broad social and legal effects the internet has had. Focusing on the Brazilian constitutional evolution, the book examines how the Internet might impact on the legitimacy of a democratic order and if, and how, it might (...)
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    Internet Culture.Wesley Cooper - 2003 - In Luciano Floridi, The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information. Blackwell. pp. 92–105.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Internet Culture? Balance Utopianism Inherence Dystopianism Inherence Instrumentalism Conclusion Acknowledgments.
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    Tying Internet Studies Together.David Ribes - 2008 - Metascience 17 (2):261-262.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ Seti Internet: shkola Bernarda Lonergana i slavi︠a︡nskiĭ opyt.L. F. Kompant︠s︡eva - 2006 - Luhansk: Znanie.
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    La contribution de Stephen Clark à la philosophie sur Internet.Stephen Clark - 1996 - Horizons Philosophiques 6 (2):95.
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