Results for 'Imitation Social aspects.'

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  1.  84
    Imitation, Mind Reading, and Social Learning.Philip S. Gerrans - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (1):20-27.
    Imitation has been understood in different ways: as a cognitive adaptation subtended by genetically specified cognitive mechanisms; as an aspect of domain general human cognition. The second option has been advanced by Cecilia Heyes who treats imitation as an instance of associative learning. Her argument is part of a deflationary treatment of the “mirror neuron” phenomenon. I agree with Heyes about mirror neurons but argue that Kim Sterelny has provided the tools to provide a better account of the (...)
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    Sociality and Anti-sociality in Spinoza’s Theory of Affects.Sun-woo Jung - 2020 - Modern Philosophy 15:45-77.
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    Imitation, Violence, and Exchange.Per Bjørnar Grande - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):221-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Imitation, Violence, and ExchangeGirard and MaussPer Bjørnar Grande (bio)RECIPROCAL VIOLENCE AND THE DESIRE FOR WHAT THE OTHER DESIRESIn this article, I would like to draw attention to the potentially violent outcome of exchange interactions between individuals and groups. Both Girard and Mauss examine violence in a wider social and political process.1 According to Mauss, the smallest difference, such as a lack of reciprocity, may evoke a desire (...)
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    Mímesis e invisibilización social: interdividualidad colectiva en América Latina.Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, José Luís Jobim, Méndez Gallardo & B. Mariana (eds.) - 2017 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    Imitation, Mirror Neurons, and Mimetic Desire: Convergence Between the Mimetic Theory of René Girard and Empirical Research on Imitation.Scott R. Garrels - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):47-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Imitation, Mirror Neurons, and Mimetic Desire:Convergence Between the Mimetic Theory of René Girard and Empirical Research on ImitationScott R. GarrelsIntroductionUntil recently, the pervasive and primordial role of imitation in human life was either largely ignored or misunderstood by empirical researchers. This is no longer the case. It is now clear that investigations on human imitation are among the most profound and revolutionary areas of research contributing (...)
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    Imitation, indwelling and the embodied self.Stephen Burwood - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (2):118–134.
    In this paper I argue that recent developments in higher education presuppose a conceptual framework that fails plausibly to account for indispensable aspects of educational experience—in particular that a university education is fundamentally a project of personal transformation within a particular social order. It fails, I suggest, primarily because it consists of mutually supporting but erroneous conceptualisations of knowledge and the human subject. In pursuit of transparency and codification we have seemingly forgotten education's existential dimension: that education is closely (...)
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    “We Copy to Join in, to Not Be Lonely”: Adolescents in Special Education Reflect on Using Dramatic Imitation in Group Dramatherapy to Enhance Relational Connection and Belonging.Amanda Musicka-Williams - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:588650.
    This paper focuses on doctoral research which explored relationships and interpersonal learning through group dramatherapy and creative interviewing with adolescents in special education. A constructivist grounded theory study, positioning adolescents with intellectual/developmental disabilities as experts of their own relational experiences, revealed a tendency to“copy others.”The final grounded theory presented“copying”as a tool which participants consciously employed “to play with,” “learn from,”and“join in with”others. Commonly experiencing social ostracism, participants reflected awareness of their tendency to“copy others”being underpinned by a need to belong. (...)
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    Saykūlūjīyat al-taqlīd wa-al-iltizām al-dhātī.Ḥasan Aḥmad al-Qurrah Ghūlī - 2018 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Ayyām lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Spinoza’s Doctrine of the Imitation of Affects and Teaching as the Art of Offering the Right Amount of Resistance.Johan Dahlbeck - unknown
    Proposal Information: In this paper it is argued that although Spinoza, unlike other great philosophers of the Enlightenment era, never actually wrote a philosophy of education as such, he did – in his Ethics – write a philosophy of self-improvement that is deeply educational at heart. When looked at against the background of his overall metaphysical system, the educational account that emerges is one that is highly curious and may even, to some extent at least, come across as counter-intuitive in (...)
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    Social Networks and Knowledge Transmission Strategies among Baka Children, Southeastern Cameroon.Sandrine Gallois, Miranda J. Lubbers, Barry Hewlett & Victoria Reyes-García - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (4):442-463.
    The dynamics of knowledge transmission and acquisition, or how different aspects of culture are passed from one individual to another and how they are acquired and embodied by individuals, are central to understanding cultural evolution. In small-scale societies, cultural knowledge is largely acquired early in life through observation, imitation, and other forms of social learning embedded in daily experiences. However, little is known about the pathways through which such knowledge is transmitted, especially during middle childhood and adolescence. This (...)
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  11. Images of postmodern society: social theory and contemporary cinema.Norman K. Denzin - 1991 - Newbury Park: Sage Publications.
    "A book well worth reading as its expose of postmoderism has a clarity others would do well to imitate." --Tim Gay in NATFHE Journal Blue Velvet, sex, lies and videotape, Do the Right Thing, and Wall Street are just some of the provocative films that Denzin explores for their portrayal of the postmodern self. He examines the basic thesis that members of the contemporary world are voyeurs who, adrift in a sea of symbols, recognize and anchor themselves through cinema and (...)
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    Philosophy of science and social philosophy.H. G. Schrickel - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (3):208-212.
    A problem of tremendous import confronts the social scientists of our day. Having accumulated a vast amount of detailed data on human relations the social scientists are now being asked about the significance of their data. Two major aspects of this questioning are these: How can we synthesize all available scientific data on human relations so that this knowledge can be successfully applied to the solution of current social problems; and secondly, since some of the data accumulated (...)
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    The mystery of emotional mimicry: multiple functions and processing levels in expression imitation.Klaus R. Scherer - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):781-784.
    Mimicry of appearance or of facial, vocal, or gestural expressions emerges frequently among members of different species. When such mimicry directly relates to affective aspects of an interaction, researchers talk about “emotional mimicry”. Emotional mimicry has been amply documented but its functionality is still debated. Why and when do people mimic the expressions of others, who benefits, the mimicker or the mimicked, and how do they benefit? Which processes underlie emotional mimicry? Is it completely automatic and unconscious or can it (...)
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    Shared Intentionality and Automatic Imitation: The case of La Ola.Piotr Tomasz Makowski - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (5):465-492.
    This article argues that such large-scale cases of crowd behavior as the Mexican Wave ( La Ola) constitute forms of shared intentionality which cannot be explained solely with the use of the standard intentionalistic ontology. It claims that such unique forms of collective intentionality require a hybrid explanatory lens in which an account of shared goals, intentions, and other propositional attitudes is combined with an account of the motor psychology of collective agents. The paper describes in detail the intentionalistic ontology (...)
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    Postural and Gestural Synchronization, Sequential Imitation, and Mirroring Predict Perceived Coupling of Dancing Dyads.Martin Hartmann, Emily Carlson, Anastasios Mavrolampados, Birgitta Burger & Petri Toiviainen - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13281.
    Body movement is a primary nonverbal communication channel in humans. Coordinated social behaviors, such as dancing together, encourage multifarious rhythmic and interpersonally coupled movements from which observers can extract socially and contextually relevant information. The investigation of relations between visual social perception and kinematic motor coupling is important for social cognition. Perceived coupling of dyads spontaneously dancing to pop music has been shown to be highly driven by the degree of frontal orientation between dancers. The perceptual salience (...)
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    Primate Culture and Social Learning.Andrew Whiten - 2000 - Cognitive Science 24 (3):477-508.
    The human primate is a deeply cultural species, our cognition being shaped by culture, and cultural transmission amounting to an “epidemic of mental representations” (Sperber, 1996). The architecture of this aspect of human cognition has been shaped by our evolutionary past in ways that we can now begin to discern through comparative studies of other primates. Processes of social learning (learning from others) are important for cognitive science to understand because they are cognitively complex and take many interrelated forms; (...)
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    Debt Forgiveness, Social Justice and Solidarity.Johan Verstraeten - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (1):18-28.
    Along with the question of what kind of debt reduction we should grant to the third world, one must also ask the question of why such a reduction is needed, and what is the ethical justification for it. This question belongs in a specific context: that of the jubilee year. In Leviticus 25, it is said that every fifty years on the day of atonement the ram's horn is sounded and liberty is proclaimed “throughout the land to all its inhabitants; (...)
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    Anthropological and axiological dimensions of social expectations and their influence on society’s self-organization.І. M. Hoian & V. P. Budz - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:76-86.
    Purpose. The paper aimed at analyzing the anthropological and axiological dimensions of human social expectations in the aspect of the self-organization processes of social phenomena and revealing their essence. Theoretical basis. The research is based on the synergetic paradigm, the theory of shared intentionality as well as the concept of hidden influence on the processes of socialization, synchronization of social influence on moral decisions, benefits of the cooperative learning, interpretation of social expectations as epistemological norms and (...)
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    ‘Binge’ drinking in the UK: a social network phenomenon.Paul Ormerod & Greg Wiltshire - 2009 - Mind and Society 8 (2):135-152.
    In this paper, we analyse the recent rapid growth of ‘binge’ drinking in the UK. This means the rapid consumption of large amounts of alcohol, especially by young people, leading to serious anti-social and criminal behaviour in urban centres. British soccer fans have often exhibited this kind of behaviour abroad, but it has become widespread amongst young people within Britain itself. Vomiting, collapsing in the street, shouting and chanting loudly, intimidating passers-by and fighting are now regular night-time features of (...)
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    The evolution of ethics: human sociality and the emergence of ethical mindedness.Blaine J. Fowers - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The profound reinterpretation of human nature wrought by evolutionary theory deeply challenges standard approaches to ethics. In this ground-breaking book, Aristotelian and evolutionary understandings of human social nature are brought together to provide an integrative, psychological account of human ethics. Fowers explores seven domains of sociality—attachment, intersubjectivity, imitation, cooperation, social norms, group membership, and social hierarchy—moving on to identify and elaborate a set of natural human goods that are inherent in these social domains, such as (...)
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  21. The Technologisation of the Social: A Political Anthropology of the Digital Machine.Paul O'Connor & Marius Ion Benta (eds.) - 2021 - London, UK: Routledge.
    In an era of digital revolution, artificial intelligence, big data and augmented reality, technology has shifted from being a tool of communication to a primary medium of experience and sociality. Some of the most basic human capacities are increasingly being outsourced to machines and we increasingly experience and interpret the world through digital interfaces, with machines becoming ever more ‘social’ beings. Social interaction and human perception are being reshaped in unprecedented ways. This book explores this technologisation of the (...)
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  22. The deep structure of confucianism: A social psychological approach.Kwang-Kuo Hwang - 2001 - Asian Philosophy 11 (3):179 – 204.
    The deep structure of Confucianism is identified through structuralist analysis in order to provide a conceptual framework for conducting social psychological research in Chinese society. Through understanding and imitating the Way of Heaven (tiendao), Confucians constructed the Way of Humanity (rendao), which consists of two aspects; ethics for ordinary people and ethics for scholars. Ethics for ordinary people adopts the principle of Respecting the Superior for procedural justice and the principle of Favouring the Intimate for distributive justice; the person (...)
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    The challenges of joint attention.Frédéric Kaplan & Verena V. Hafner - 2006 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 7 (2):135-169.
    This article discusses the concept of joint attention and the different skills underlying its development. Research in developmental psychology clearly states that the development of skills to understand, manipulate and coordinate attentional behavior plays a pivotal role for imitation, social cognition and the development of language. However, beside the fact that joint attention has recently received an increasing interest in the robotics community, existing models concentrate only on partial and isolated elements of these phenomena. In the line of (...)
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    Social aspects of scientific knowledge.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):447-468.
    From its inception in 1987 social epistemology has been divided into analytic and critical approaches, represented by Alvin I. Goldman and Steve Fuller, respectively. In this paper, the agendas and some basic ideas of ASE and CSE are compared and assessed by bringing into the discussion also other participants of the debates on the social aspects of scientific knowledge—among them Raimo Tuomela, Philip Kitcher and Helen Longino. The six topics to be analyzed include individual and collective epistemic agents; (...)
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    Social aspects of the application of the Heberprot-P in the Angiology service at Manuel Ascunce Domenech Hospital.Irma Niurka Falcón Fariñas, Aylín Nordelo Valdivia, Odalys Escalante Padrón & Ana C. Campal Espinosa - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):98-114.
    En la actualidad Cuba desarrolla un Programa de Atención Integral al Paciente con Úlcera de Pie Diabético mediante el uso del Heberprot-P, esencial para disminuir la amputación y la discapacidad. El trabajo tiene el objetivo de realizar un diagnóstico sobre la aplicación del Heberprot-P en el Servicio de Angiología del Hospital Provincial Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech de Camagüey. Se realizaron encuestas a pacientes para identificar necesidades sentidas relacionadas con el tratamiento y para las actitudes manifiestas, y se hicieron entrevistas al (...)
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  26. The social aspect of language.Donald Davidson - 1994 - In Brian F. McGuinness & Gianluigi Oliveri (eds.), The Philosophy of Michael Dummett. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1--16.
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  27. Some Social Aspects of the Soul of Multiverse Hypothesis: Human Societies and the Soul of Multiverse.Nandor Ludvig - 2023 - Journal of Neurophilosophy 2 (1).
    As a continuation of this author’s previous cosmological neuroscience papers on the hypothesized Soul of Multiverse and its possible laws, the present work examined the social aspects of four of these laws. The following key aspects were recognized: (1) Knowing about the cosmic Law of Coexistence in Diversity can let our mind respect not only the endless diversity of human beings but also the cohesive force of space-time in which all are connected. This may help realizing the superiority of (...)
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  28. Social Aspects of Early Christianity.Abraham J. Malherbe, Gerd Theissen & John Bowden - 1977
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    Looking at the Social Aspects of Nature of Science in Science Education Through a New Lens.Sila Kaya, Sibel Erduran, Naomi Birdthistle & Orla McCormack - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (5-6):457-478.
    Particular social aspects of the nature of science, such as economics of, and entrepreneurship in science, are understudied in science education research. It is not surprising then that the practical applications, such as lesson resources and teaching materials, are scarce. The key aims of this article are to synthesize perspectives from the literature on economics of science, entrepreneurship, NOS, and science education in order to have a better understanding of how science works in society and illustrate how such a (...)
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    The Social Aspects of Aristotle’s Theory of Action.Dorothea Frede - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (1):39-57.
    Some contemporary philosophers of action have contended that the intentions, decisions, and actions of collective social agency are reducible to those of the individuals involved. This contention is based on two assumptions: (1) that collective agency would require super-minds, and (2) that actions presuppose causes that move our bodies. The problem of how to account for collective action had not been regarded as a problem in the history of philosophy earlier.The explanation of why ancient Greek philosophers did not see (...)
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  31. Social aspects of efficiency.N. Anderson - 1971 - Humanitas 6 (3):263-276.
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    Social Aspects of Communication.S. Encel - 1978 - Communications 4 (3):271-288.
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  33. Social Aspects of Ageing: Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions.Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.) - 2024 - London: IntechOpen.
    Social Aspects of Ageing - Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions, focuses on the key challenges underlined by the United Nations during the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030). The authors introduce studies in areas crucial for older people, their families, and communities, such as combatting ageism, age-friendly environments, and care provision. The volume also examines issues linked to the global, national, regional, and local implementation of age-specific and intergenerational solutions, initiatives, and programs towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (...)
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    (2 other versions)Orientation in relation to self and other.Jessica A. Meyer & R. Peter Hobson - 2004 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 5 (2):221-244.
    With the aim of studying foundations for self-other relations and understanding, we conducted an experimental investigation of a specific aspect of imitation in children with autism: the propensity to copy self-other orientation. We hypothesised that children with autism would show limitations in identifying with the stance of another person. We tested 16 children with autism and 16 non-autistic children with learning difficulties, matched on both chronological and verbal mental age, for their propensity to imitate the self- or other-orientated aspects (...)
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    Мімезис: Антропокультурний вимір подвоєння.Taras Lyuty - 2020 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 5:3-14.
    The article deals with the historical, cultural and anthropological aspects of the notion of mimesis. It is often considered to be an aesthetic phenomenon and a signified imitation or a doubling. However, such simplification cannot be justified in all instances. Something is always lost when trying to reduce mimesis to simple mechanical imitation. In antiquity, mimesis was not confined to aesthetics but acquired anthropological significance and had an impact on social or pedagogical processes. In this study, mimesis (...)
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    Ethical and Social Aspects of Neurorobotics.Christine Aicardi, Simisola Akintoye, B. Tyr Fothergill, Manuel Guerrero, Gudrun Klinker, William Knight, Lars Klüver, Yannick Morel, Fabrice O. Morin, Bernd Carsten Stahl & Inga Ulnicane - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2533-2546.
    The interdisciplinary field of neurorobotics looks to neuroscience to overcome the limitations of modern robotics technology, to robotics to advance our understanding of the neural system’s inner workings, and to information technology to develop tools that support those complementary endeavours. The development of these technologies is still at an early stage, which makes them an ideal candidate for proactive and anticipatory ethical reflection. This article explains the current state of neurorobotics development within the Human Brain Project, originating from a close (...)
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    Model and Copy in Byzantium.Anthony Cutler - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (183):57-67.
    Few aspects of social behavior tell us more about a culture than those practices that involve the roles it assigns to models and copies. Under interpretation, such conduct reveals its attitudes toward authority and antiquity, its sense of identity and regard for security, and the relative importance that it attached to imitation and invention. To varying degrees, all societies display these concerns, but in none were they so firmly grounded in a considered theory of the relation between prototype (...)
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    Ethical, legal, and social aspects of symptom checker applications: a scoping review.Regina Müller, Malte Klemmt, Hans-Jörg Ehni, Tanja Henking, Angelina Kuhnmünch, Christine Preiser, Roland Koch & Robert Ranisch - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):737-755.
    Symptom Checker Applications (SCA) are mobile applications often designed for the end-user to assist with symptom assessment and self-triage. SCA are meant to provide the user with easily accessible information about their own health conditions. However, SCA raise questions regarding ethical, legal, and social aspects (ELSA), for example, regarding fair access to this new technology. The aim of this scoping review is to identify the ELSA of SCA in the scientific literature. A scoping review was conducted to identify the (...)
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    Will humans ever become conscious? Jiddu Krishnamurti’s thought about AI as a fresh perspective on current debates.Shai Tubali - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    In 1980, the 85 year-old mystic and thinker Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986), having been introduced to the subject of artificial intelligence by computer scientists, became engrossed in the challenge posed to the human mind by the prospect of the machine taking over its processes and faculties. What makes Krishnamurti’s angle worthy of separate discussion is that it accentuates not social and cultural ramifications, but a mostly overlooked potential philosophical and psychological crisis. As a thinker and mystic whose life work entirely (...)
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    Linking Cognitive and Social Aspects of Sound Change Using Agent‐Based Modeling.Jonathan Harrington, Felicitas Kleber, Ulrich Reubold, Florian Schiel & Mary Stevens - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):707-728.
    Using agent‐based modelling, Harrington, Kleber, Reubold, Schiel & Stevens (2018) develop a unified model of sound change based on cognitive processing of human speech and theories of how social factors constrain the spread of change throughout a community. They conclude that many types of change result from how biases in the phonetic distribution of phonological categories are transmitted via accommodation processes between individuals in interaction.
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  41. Ethical, legal and social aspects of brain-implants using nano-scale materials and techniques.Francois Berger, Sjef Gevers, Ludwig Siep & Klaus-Michael Weltring - 2008 - NanoEthics 2 (3):241-249.
    Nanotechnology is an important platform technology which will add new features like improved biocompatibility, smaller size, and more sophisticated electronics to neuro-implants improving their therapeutic potential. Especially in view of possible advantages for patients, research and development of nanotechnologically improved neuro implants is a moral obligation. However, the development of brain implants by itself touches many ethical, social and legal issues, which also apply in a specific way to devices enabled or improved by nanotechnology. For researchers developing nanotechnology such (...)
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    Social Aspects of Sham Surgeries.Hilary S. Leeds - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):70-71.
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    Technology:Philosophical and Social Aspects.Joseph Agassi & Yôsef Agasî - 1985 - Springer.
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    Ethical and social aspects of policy: chapters on selected issues of transformation.Milan Katuninec & Marcel Martinkovič (eds.) - 2016 - Bratislava: VEDA, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, PL Academic Research.
    The main goals of this work are: Ethical and social aspects of policy, contemporary liberal democratic structures, morality in political decision-making, human rights and their individual conceptions, political-philosophical ideas, function of a social-scientific education, selected aspects of security policy, environmental policy, eco-social market economy and religion and law.
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    The Social Aspects of Pride: Comments on Taylor's Reflecting Subjects.Genevieve Lloyd - 2019 - Hume Studies 45 (1):161-168.
    My comments on Jacqueline Taylor's rich and interesting study1 will focus on a theme which I found particularly thought provoking: the discussion of Hume's treatment of pride. I think the topic of pride is central to the book's structure—closely integrated with the recurring consideration of what is distinctive in Hume's approach to the social significance of the passions.I am going to come at this theme indirectly—through consideration of the differences between Hume and Spinoza on the nature and significance of (...)
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    Social aspects of crime in England between the wars.W. Norwood East - 1942 - The Eugenics Review 34 (1):29.
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    The mental representation and social aspect of expressives.Stanley A. Donahoo & Vicky Tzuyin Lai - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1423-1438.
    Despite increased focus on emotional language, research lacks for the most emotional language: Swearing. We used event-related potentials to investigate whether swear words have content dist...
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  48. Reviews: Social Aspects of Science; Religion-Studies in the Culture of Science in France and Britain Since the Enlightenment. [REVIEW]Maurice P. Crosland & P. Bret - 1998 - Annals of Science 55 (4):430-432.
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    Social Aspects of Industrial Problems. Gertrude Williams.C. Delisle Burns - 1924 - International Journal of Ethics 34 (4):397-398.
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    Social Aspects of the Functioning of Religious Values.G. V. Pyrog - 2003 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 26:30-37.
    The relevance of the study of the problem of Christian axiology is due to the growing interest in religion and the associated change in world outlook and values ​​in contemporary Ukrainian society. The study of religious values ​​is caused by the urgent problem of finding universal moral values ​​of social development and clarifying the content, structure and nature of their functioning. The scientific study of religious values ​​is also relevant because this problem is closely linked to the value aspects (...)
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