Results for 'Ihtsham Haq'

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  1.  32
    Secondary Worsening Following DYT1 Dystonia Deep Brain Stimulation: A Multi-country Cohort.Takashi Tsuboi, Laura Cif, Philippe Coubes, Jill L. Ostrem, Danilo A. Romero, Yasushi Miyagi, Andres M. Lozano, Philippe De Vloo, Ihtsham Haq, Fangang Meng, Nutan Sharma, Laurie J. Ozelius, Aparna Wagle Shukla, James H. Cauraugh, Kelly D. Foote & Michael S. Okun - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Explaining Helping Behavior in the Workplace: The Interactive Effect of Family-to-Work Conflict and Islamic Work Ethic.Inam Ul Haq, Zahid Rahman & Dirk De Clercq - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1167-1177.
    Drawing from conservation of resources theory, this study investigates the interactive effect of employees’ family-to-work conflict and Islamic work ethic on their helping behavior, theorizing that the negative relationship between family-to-work conflict and helping behavior is buffered by Islamic ethical values. Data from Pakistan reveal empirical support for this effect. Organizations whose employees suffer resource depletion at work because of family obligations can still enjoy productive helping behaviors within their ranks, to the extent that they support relevant work ethics.
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    Personalized Movie Summarization Using Deep CNN-Assisted Facial Expression Recognition.Ijaz Ul Haq, Amin Ullah, Khan Muhammad, Mi Young Lee & Sung Wook Baik - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
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    Improvement of writing skills using activity based method of learning at grade-VI.Zahoor Ul-Haq & Bushra Ahmed Khurram - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):17-27.
    This study was undertaken to investigate the outcome of using the activity based learning method on the development of writing skills of students of grade 6. The study used pretest post-test equivalent group design. 50 students were randomly selected from a government school as sample for this study. They were divided into experimental and control groups based on the scores they achieved in pre-test. Students in the experimentalgroup received instruction through activity based method of learning. In contrast, the traditional method (...)
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    Can religion motivate people to blow the whistle?Shoaib Ul-Haq, Muhammad Asif Jaffer & Wajid Hussain Rizvi - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    While major religions espouse moral values encouraging prosocial behavior, the empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of religious influence on such behavior, as proposed by the religious pro-sociality hypothesis, remains inconclusive. To explore this further, we conducted two studies to test this hypothesis in Pakistan, a Muslim-majority Asian nation, focusing on whistleblowing as a prosocial behavior. The first study gathered cross-sectional data from 323 undergraduate business students in Karachi, Pakistan, utilizing hypothetical scenarios of academic cheating and bank embezzlement. Participants completed a (...)
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    Mutiara hidup manusia Jawa: menggali butir-butir ajaran lokal Jawa untuk menuju kearifan hidup dunia dan akhirat.Muhammad Zaairul Haq - 2011 - Malang: Aditya Media.
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    Politics of A-humanism in Derrida.Jalalul Haq - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 30:25-30.
    Derrida, especially in his late work Politics of Friendship (1997), has introduced the concept of ‘a‐humanist’ politics in the context of his general project of the deconstruction of politics as following upon his showing all such words as state, nation, democracy, justice, law, community et al to be fundamentally breached by their own opposites. All these notions may be retained at one level but also transcended and transgressed by confronting them with their binaries. Derrida’s entire discursive endeavour indeed is characterized (...)
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  8. On the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam.Nomanul Haq (ed.) - 2002 - Oup Pakistan.
    The Studies in Islamic Philosophy begins with a highly readable, annotated translation of Ghazali's Faysal al Tafriqa. Abu Hamid al Ghazali, one of the most famous Muslim intellectuals in the history of Islam set out to provide a legally sanitized definition of Unbelief as the basis for a criterion for determining who, as far as theology is concerned, is to be considered a Muslim and who is not.
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    COVID-19: A Psychosocial Perspective.Syed Hassan Raza, Wajiha Haq & Muhammad Sajjad - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The World Health Organization declares coronavirus disease 2019 as a pandemic, and The World Economic Forum argues that the COVID-19-induced global lockdown is the biggest psychological experiment. This study is an attempt to empirically evaluate the possible adverse psychosocial effects caused by COVID-19-related lockdown, if any. To do so, a cross-sectional study is conducted based on a comprehensive online survey using snowball sampling to analyze the level of social and psychological impacts during the early stage of the outbreak in Pakistan. (...)
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    Educational Philosophy of the Holy Qurʼān.Mahar Abdul Haq - 1990 - Institute of Islamic Culture.
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    Islam.S. Nomanul Haq - 1991 - In Dale Jamieson, A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 111–129.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Qur'ānic metaphysics of nature The normative tradition: Hadīth material The legal tradition: principles of Himā, Haram, and discourses on wastelands.
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    Radicalization Through the Lens of Situated Affectivity.Hina Haq, Saad Shaheed & Achim Stephan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Affective bonding to radical organizations is one of the most prominent features of a recruit’s personality. To better understand how affective bonding is established during the recruitment of youth for radicalization and how it is maintained afterward, it seems promising to adopt new insights and developments from the field of situated cognition and affectivity, particularly the concepts of Affective Scaffolding, Mind Invasion, and Self-Stimulatory Loops of Affectivity (SSLA). The three notions highlight both the intended structuring of the affective bonding by (...)
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    The Interactive Effect of Religiosity and Perceived Organizational Adversity on Change-Oriented Citizenship Behavior.Inam Ul Haq, Dirk De Clercq, Muhammad Umer Azeem & Aamir Suhail - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):161-175.
    This study adds to business ethics research by examining how employees’ religiosity might enhance their propensity to engage in change-oriented citizenship behavior, as well as how this effect may be invigorated in adverse organizational climates with respect to voluntarism. Two-wave survey data collected from employees in Pakistan show that change-oriented citizenship activities increase to the extent that employees can draw on their personal resource of religiosity and perceive little adversity, measured in this study with respect to whether voluntarism is encouraged. (...)
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    Computational Analysis of Complex Population Dynamical Model with Arbitrary Order.Fazal Haq, Kamal Shah, Ghaus ur Rahman, Yongjin Li & Muhammad Shahzad - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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    Fireweed Issue 16: ‘Women of Colour’. 1983 ISSN 0706 3857 Fireweed Inc. PO Box 279, Station B, Toronto Canada M5T 2W2.Shaheen Haq - 1984 - Feminist Review 17 (1):111-112.
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    La philosophie des alchimistes et l'alchimie des philosophes: J'bir ibn Hayy'n et les "Frères de la Pureté"Yves Marquet.S. Haq - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):120-121.
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    Does Despotic Leadership Harm Employee Family Life: Exploring the Effects of Emotional Exhaustion and Anxiety.Shazia Nauman, Tasneem Fatima & Inam Ul Haq - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Do advertisements with a social message elevate subjective well‐being?: An examination of empirical associations.Iqra Manzoor & Zia ul Haq - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (3):488-514.
    Advertising, a form of publicity, can pass on a social message so that people understand their sobligation towards society. The purpose of this study was to look into how consumers responded to socially conscious advertisements. This study conceptualizes the antecedents of attitude towards commercial advertisements that incorporate the social message, including advertising creativity, informativeness, and emotional appeal; each one can influence consumers' behavior. This study also examined the relationship between (i) Attitude towards the ad with a social message and purchase (...)
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    USAD: An Intelligent System for Slang and Abusive Text Detection in PERSO-Arabic-Scripted Urdu.Nauman Ul Haq, Mohib Ullah, Rafiullah Khan, Arshad Ahmad, Ahmad Almogren, Bashir Hayat & Bushra Shafi - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-7.
    The use of slang, abusive, and offensive language has become common practice on social media. Even though social media companies have censorship polices for slang, abusive, vulgar, and offensive language, due to limited resources and research in the automatic detection of abusive language mechanisms other than English, this condemnable act is still practiced. This study proposes USAD, a lexicon-based intelligent framework to detect abusive and slang words in Perso-Arabic-scripted Urdu Tweets. Furthermore, due to the nonavailability of the standard dataset, we (...)
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    Names, Natures, and Things: The Alchemist Jābir ibn Ḥayyān and His Kitāb al-Aḥjār (Book of Stones)Names, Natures, and Things: The Alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan and His Kitab al-Ahjar.Y. Tzvi Langermann & Syed Nomanul Haq - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):793.
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    Comparison of the X-ray photoelectron and electron-energy-loss spectra of the nitrogen-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon bond.D. Zeze, S. Silva, S. Haq & S. Harris - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (16):1937-1947.
    The composition of nitrogen-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon films grown in a magnetically confined rf plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition system has been determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and compared with that determined using a combination of elastic recoil detection analysis, Rutherford back-scattering and nuclear reaction analysis. The importance of nitrogen doping or 'incorporation' in hydrogenated amorphous carbon films is discussed in relation to the significant variation in the sp 2 -to-sp 3 ratio that takes place. At 7 at.% N in the (...)
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  22. God, Life, and the Cosmos. Christian and Islamic Perspectives.Ted Peters, Muzaffar Iqbal & Syed Nomahul Haq - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (1):187-187.
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  23. Al-farabi.Syed Nomanul Haq - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis, Medieval Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 47.
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    A Violent Threat to Conservation of Wetlands and the Existing Laws of Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis.Tahmina Haq - 2013 - Philosophy and Progress 53 (1):113.
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    Jalan Sufi Ranggawarsita.Muhammad Zaairul Haq - 2011 - Kreasi Wacana.
    On sufism of Ranggawarsita teachings on Javanese philosophy.
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    Post-modernity, paganism, and Islam.Jalalul Haq - 1999 - Miami, [U.S.A.]: Minerva Press.
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  27. The Indian and Persian Background.Syed Nomanul Haq - 1996 - In Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr, The History of Islamic Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 57.
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    Tradition, Transmission, Transformation: Proceedings of Two Conferences on Pre-Modern Science Held at the University of Oklahoma.S. Nomanul Haq, F. Jamil Ragep, Sally P. Ragep & Steven Livesey - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):323.
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    Why and When can CSR toward Employees Lead to Cyberloafing? The Role of Workplace Boredom and Moral Disengagement.Marc Ohana, Ghulam Murtaza, Inam ul Haq, Esraa Al-Shatti & Zhang Chi - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (1):133-148.
    Researchers have recently indicated that employee perceptions of their firm’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) may shape their work behaviors. However, why and when CSR perceptions lead to counterproductive work behavior, such as cyberloafing, remains unclear. In this article, we first investigate the mediating role of workplace boredom in explaining the effect of perceived CSR toward employees on cyberloafing behaviors. We further examine the moderating role of moral disengagement in this process. Overall, the results of our cross-sectional, experimental, and three-wave studies (...)
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  30. Muslim graveyard groves: plant diversity, ecosystem services, and species conservation in Northwest Pakistan.Shujaul Mulk Khan Abdullah, Zahoor Ul Haq & Zeeshan Ahmad - 2022 - In Chris Coggins & Bixia Chen, Sacred forests of Asia: spiritual ecology and the politics of nature conservation. New York: Routledge.
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  31. Muslim graveyard groves: plant diversity, ecosystem services, and species conservation in Northwest Pakistan.Shujaul Mulk Khan Abdullah, Zahoor Ul Haq & Zeeshan Ahmad - 2022 - In Chris Coggins & Bixia Chen, Sacred forests of Asia: spiritual ecology and the politics of nature conservation. New York: Routledge.
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    The ethical philosophy of Miskawaih.M. Abdul Haq Ansari - 1964 - Aligarh,: Aligarh.
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    Malaysia’s Political Orientation in Diplomatic Neutrality.Kazi Fahmida Farzana & Md Zahurul Haq - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (S I #1):783-798.
    In practical terms, the word “neutrality” means a policy of avoidinginteractions with nations that are engaged in armed conflict, or of trying tocure war while avoiding their contamination. In Malaysia, politicians andgovernment officials often use expressions such as that Malaysia will continueits stance of neutrality, or that it wants to remain neutral and friendly toeveryone. This study critically examines Malaysia’s stance on diplomaticneutrality, with particular focus on its past and present. It argues that neutralityis used as a political concept to (...)
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    ASEAN countries CG disclosure practices: a comparative analysis of one-tier and two-tier board structures.Safia Nosheen, Naveed ul Haq & Tahseen Mohsan Khan - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14 (3):317.
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    Images of Black Women Organizing.Ingrid Pollard, Pratibha Parmar & Shaheen Haq - 1984 - Feminist Review 17 (1):90-95.
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  36. Inner Light Perception of Vihangam Yogis: A Qualitative Study.Ravi Prakash, Z. Ul Haq, O. Prakash, S. Sarkhel & D. Kumar - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (2-3):124-140.
    Meditation hasrecently emerged as a topic of interest for the medicinal scientists as well as for the neuropsychological scientists for different reasons. The methods used by both of these approaches have been mostly objective. This quest of objectification has led to vigorous use of tools like EEG and ERP, which has definitely led to revealing of marvellous aspects of meditation. However, the subjective states of meditation have been much less explored, especially when seen in contrast to the objective states. The (...)
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    Single Trial EEG Patterns for the Prediction of Individual Differences in Fluid Intelligence.Emad-ul-Haq Qazi, Muhammad Hussain, Hatim Aboalsamh, Aamir Saeed Malik, Hafeez Ullah Amin & Saeed Bamatraf - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  38. Beyond the abyss.Anwar-ul-Haq Sehmi - 1979 - Lahore: Islamic Publications.
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    Pursuit to Post: Ethical issues of social media use by international medical volunteers.Zachary Tabb, Laurel Hyle & Heather Haq - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (3):102-110.
    Developing World Bioethics, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page 102-110, September 2021.
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  40. Aristotle’s Theological System of Concepts Reconsidered.Es`haq Taheri Sarteshnizi - 2013 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 11 (2):5-28.
    Aristotle’s theology is founded upon his physical studies. Aristotle, originally following the goal of pre-Socratic natural philosophers, has organized a set of philosophical concepts including ousia, matter, form, potentiality, actuality and entelechia to explain natural changes and motions. His way of study, therefore, is based on experience and observation. In this way, he has proved the existence of an unmoved mover and presented a concept of God. Yet, the failures and ambiguities of the concepts, their essential state of naturality and (...)
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    Religion, politics and science education in Pakistan: Analysis of Islamisation of science textbooks in tribal districts.Qasim Jan, Shakir Ullah, Baha Ul Haq & Yi Xie - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
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    Şebbîr Ahmed osmânî ve “fethu’l-mülhi̇m bi̇-şerhi̇ sahîhi̇’l-i̇mâm müsli̇m” adli eseri̇.Erdinç Ahatli & Inam Ul Haq - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:21-52.
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    Isolated Handwritten Pashto Character Recognition Using a K-NN Classification Tool based on Zoning and HOG Feature Extraction Techniques.Juanjuan Huang, Ihtisham Ul Haq, Chaolan Dai, Sulaiman Khan, Shah Nazir & Muhammad Imtiaz - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Handwritten text recognition is considered as the most challenging task for the research community due to slight change in different characters’ shape in handwritten documents. The unavailability of a standard dataset makes it vaguer in nature for the researchers to work on. To address these problems, this paper presents an optical character recognition system for the recognition of offline Pashto characters. The problem of the unavailability of a standard handwritten Pashto characters database is addressed by developing a medium-sized database of (...)
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    Deradicalising religious education: Teacher, curriculum and multiculturalism.Irham Irham, Sansan Ziaul Haq & Yudril Basith - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):39-54.
    This articles discusses deradicalization attempts in religious educational settings. It closely examines the roots of religious radicalism and offers the deradicalisation models in religious educational institutions. The discussion contributes to the current scholarship on the role of religious education in deradicalization programs and how create an Islamic educational institution that corfims and applies principles of multiculturalism. The paper particularly addresses the roles of teacher, the curriculum aspect of learning, and the translation of multiculturalism into Islamic education. Managerial aspect will be (...)
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    The effect of minor additions of Nb on the mechanical properties of precipitation-hardened Cu-2% Co alloys.A. H. M. Zia-Ul-Haq & K. V. Gow - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (6):1467-1471.
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    Why and When Do Employees Feel Guilty About Observing Supervisor Ostracism? The Critical Roles of Observers’ Silence Behavior and Leader–Member Exchange Quality.Muhammad Umer Azeem, Inam Ul Haq, Dirk De Clercq & Cong Liu - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):317-334.
    This study investigates why and when employees’ observations of supervisors’ ostracism of coworkers elicit their own feelings of guilt. In this connection, observers’ silence might function as a mediator, and leader–member exchange quality could moderate the process. The tests of these predictions rely on two studies, undertaken in Pakistan: a temporally separated field study using three-wave data (N = 219) and a scenario-based experiment (N = 118). The combined results indicate that employees feel guilty for remaining silent when they witness (...)
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    Now you feel it, now you don’t.Susanne Quadflieg, Israr Ul-Haq & Nikolaos Mavridis - 2016 - Interaction Studies 17 (2):211-247.
    Robots seemingly in possession of an experiential mind, as well as humans allegedly incapable thereof, have been reported to elicit feelings of eeriness in their perceivers. The current work re-examined this claim, asking participants to rate both robots and humans in various social situations regarding their mind capacities, non-mind qualities, and overall appeal. It was found that feelings of eeriness towards both targets formed a distinct emotional response that was separable from simple dislike. Yet, unexpectedly, eeriness towards both targets intensified, (...)
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    On the detection of local order in co-rich precipitates in aged Cu-Co-Nb alloys.A. H. M. Zia-ul-haq & K. V. Gow - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (179):1091-1093.
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    Muhammad Shahidullah Felicitation Volume.A. A. & Muhammad Enamul Haq - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):359.
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    Challenge–Hindrance Stressors, Helping Behavior and Job Performance: Double-Edged Sword of Religiousness.Muhammad Umer Azeem, Inam Ul Haq, Ghulam Murtaza & Hina Jaffery - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (3):687-699.
    Building on conservation of resource (COR) theory, this study adds to the business ethics literature by examining how employees' religiousness might help them cope with a stressful work environment. In doing so, this study examines the differential effects of challenge and hindrance stressors on employees’ job performance and their helping behaviors; and the moderating role of religiousness in this process. Findings from a multisource and three-wave survey data, collected from dyads of employees and their supervisors in Pakistan-based organizations, indicate that (...)
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