Results for 'Ignác Martinovics'

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  1. Martinovics Ignác "Harmonia naturalis" című értekezés: (latin-magyar szövegközlés).Ignác Martinovics - 1783 - Szeged: Scriptum Rt. Edited by Anna Mária Újj & Ignác Martinovics.
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    Investigation of the Impact of an Ethical Framework and an Integrated Ethics Education on Accounting Students’ Ethical Sensitivity and Judgment.Nonna Martinov-Bennie & Rosina Mladenovic - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):189-203.
    This research is motivated by the criticism levelled at the academic community for its failure to incorporate sufficient ethics education into the accounting curriculum :53–71, 2004; Madison and Schmidt 2006). The inclusion of ethics decision-making frameworks by professional bodies in their codes of conduct or as a standalone tool and the encouragement of their use as a part of ethics education to help students to identify and think through ethical issues in a business context has been subject to very limited (...)
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  3. The Strength of an Accounting Firm’s Ethical Environment and the Quality of Auditors’ Judgments.Nonna Martinov-Bennie & Gary Pflugrath - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (2):237-253.
    This study examines the impact of the strength of an accounting firm's ethical environment on the quality of auditor judgment, across different levels of audit expertise. Using a 2 × 2 full factorial 'between subjects' experimental design, with audit managers and audit seniors, the impact of different levels of strength of the ethical environment on auditor judgments was assessed with a realistic audit scenario, requiring participants to make judgments in respect of an inventory writedown. Based on prior research, and as (...)
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    U traganju za iskazom neiskazivoga.Vedrana Martinović - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (1):195-204.
    Knjige Predraga Fincija "Poetofilozofski eseji" i "Umjetnost uništenog" – sličnog stila i tematski komplementarne – daju nam jedinstvenu predodžbu o njegovu načinu pisanja. U "Poetozofskim esejima" tretira sam subjekt filozofije na najvišoj razini općenitosti, dok je druga knjiga, "Umjetnost uništenog", izgrađena na njegovoj povezanosti sa konkretnim zadatkom: tema holokausta i nesposobnost čovječanstva suočiti se i razmotriti holokaust na odgovarajući način. Umjetnost koja bi uspjela u takvom zadatku, estetika, kao i kritika, mora rješenja tražiti izvan klasičnih, tradicionalnih kriterija. Pristup »temeljnom pitanju« (...)
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    La solidarité chez Hegel, von Hartmann, Tocqueville et Mill.Ignace Haaz - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Selon une psychologie empiriste, aucune vie mentale inconsciente n'existe ; la conscience devrait être vue comme intérieure au sujet. Au contraire, la psychologie idéaliste soutient une philosophie de l'inconscient (et non pas de l'inconscience). La multiplicité et la finalité ne sont pas représentables comme des produits de l'évolution ou du destin des individus ; notre image du monde est conscience du monde. Nietzsche (1874), le premier, réagit contre cette thèse ; il y voit un tourbillon de consciences étroites : "l'homme (...)
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    Banished Bodies and Spectral Identities: The Aging Actress in William Hazlitt’s Retirement Essays.Nevena Martinović - 2020 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 39:261-280.
    This article argues that eighteenth-century theatrical reviews and biographical descriptions equate the physical decline of the aging actress with the loss of her identity. It analyses disappearing selfhood through an investigation of the intersection of gender and age in William Hazlitt’s essays on retiring players: namely, “Miss O’Neill’s Retirement,” “Mr. Kemble’s Retirement,” and “Mrs. Siddons’ Lady Macbeth.” In these essays, Hazlitt suggests that the actress only maintains her public identity through an early departure from the stage. This is enforced by (...)
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    Frane Petrić i renesansne filozofske tradicije. Uz temu.Ivica Martinović - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):355-357.
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    Placenta : le maillon indispensable dans les expertises pour pathologie cérébrale périnatale.Jelena Martinovic - forthcoming - Médecine et Droit.
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    Petrićevi prigovori Aristotelovu pojmu neprekidnine.Ivica Martinović - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):467-485.
    Druga knjiga Petrićeve Pancosmije potpuno nam otkriva što je Petrić mislio de continuo ili de divisibilitate quantitatis te nam ujedno nudi mnoge detalje Petrićeve neuspješne strategije pri osporavanju Aristotelovih pojmova neprekidnine i potencijalne beskonačnine. Prigovarajući Aristotelu, Petrić i ne htijući upozorava na glavne domete Aristotelova nauka o neprekidnini, ali nudi svoja, drugačija rješenja, poput zamisli o najmanjoj nedjeljivoj crti. Iako svojim rješenjima ne uspijeva postići ono što je Aristotel blistavo postigao pojmom neprekidnine u tumačenju prirode i matematike, Petrić unutar polemike (...)
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    Wat bedoelen wij wanneer wij God zeggen?Ignace Verhack - 2011 - Kalmthout: Uitgerverij Pelckmans.
    Filosofische speurtocht naar een verantwoorde wijze om over God te spreken, tegen de achtergrond van de huidige religieuze crisis in de westerse cultuur.
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    Complexity of networks II: The set complexity of edge‐colored graphs.Tomasz M. Ignac, Nikita A. Sakhanenko & David J. Galas - 2012 - Complexity 17 (5):23-36.
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    Russian blues reveal the limits of language influencing colour discrimination.Jasna Martinovic, Galina V. Paramei & W. Joseph MacInnes - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104281.
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    Acquisition of colour categories through learning: Differences between hue and lightness.Jasna Martinovic - 2024 - Cognition 242 (C):105657.
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    Aspekti kolaborativne kreativnosti u nastavi glazbe u osnovnoj školi.Jelena Martinović-Bogojević - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 27 (1):127-148.
    The socio-cultural dimension of creativity is an essential aspect of theoretical examinations of the phenomenon of musical creativity. Empirical research and practical experience have resulted in the need to reconceptualise and reinterpret the concept of musical creativity in education. The concept of collaborative creativity developed through the socio-cultural context itself. In school practice, collaborative creativity can be achieved among pupils, as well as among teachers who cooperate through integrative teaching, extracurricular activities, and project teaching. This paper will present some ways (...)
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    Exhibition on the Polyhistor Ruder Bošković in Dubrovnik.Ivica Martinovic - 1994 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 2 (1):121-121.
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    Josip Franjo Domin’s Exam Thesauri De corpore universim (1785, 1786); Josip Franjo Domin.Ivica Martinović - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (3):525-574.
    Two exam thesauri De corpore universim by Josip Franjo Domin, composed of 25 theses in the field of “experimental physics”, the last published in Györ in 1785 and the first published in Pecs in 1786, saw light soon after the printing of his treatise Dissertatio physica de aeris factitii genesi, natura, et utilitatibus, and expounded the core of natural philosophy in the form of a doctrine of the structure of matter, fundamental forces in nature, and general properties of physical bodies, (...)
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    Ignać Goldziher: His Life and Scholarship as Reflected in His Works and CorrespondenceIgnac Goldziher: His Life and Scholarship as Reflected in His Works and Correspondence.M. Perlmann, Róbert Simon, Ignać Goldziher, Robert Simon & Ignac Goldziher - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):439.
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    Als een vlam.Ignace Verhack - 1992 - Nova et Vetera 70 (5):388-393.
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    De filosofie Van de logica Van wittgensteins tractatus.Ignace Verhack - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (4):617 - 652.
    In the commentaries on Wittgenstein's Tractatus, due attention has always been paid to the philosophy of logic contained in this work. In particular the statement that a picture and reality must have their form in common has attracted the attention of the commentators. This statement has been explained now in an extreme realistic way, now in the sense of a linguistic kantianism. Both of the interpretations have this in common that they tend to give a kind of metaphysical status to (...)
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  20. De mens en zijn onrust. Over het ‘raadsel van de beweging’.Ignace Verhack - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (3):619-621.
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  21. Geen zachte hand. Over gezag en orde in gezin en school.Ignace Verhack - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (4):680-680.
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    Religie vandaag.Ignace Verhack - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (1):146 - 153.
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    Alienation: from the past to the future.Ignace Feuerlicht - 1978 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This work, the most comprehensive treatment of alienation ever published, deals with the philosophical, sociological, psychological, religious, political, and literary aspects of the problem. Among the topics discussed are the lost self, the fragmented self, alienated leisure, measurements of social alienation, counterculture, anti-intellectualism, and cures for alienation.
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    (1 other version)Die neue Erde.Ignace Lepp - 1962 - Olten,: Walter-Verlag.
  25. La philosophie chrétienne de l'existence.Ignace Lepp - 1953 - Paris,: Aubier.
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    The faith of men.Ignace Lepp - 1967 - New York,: Macmillan.
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    Les fonctions psychologiques et les œuvres.Ignace Meyerson - 1948 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Problèmes de la personne.Ignace Meyerson (ed.) - 1973 - Paris,: Mouton.
    No detailed description available for "Problèmes de la personne".
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  29. Fejezetek a politikai és jogi gondolkodás történetéből (1950-1970).Ignác Papp - 1975 - Szeged: Szegedi József Attila Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kara.
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    De louteringsgang Van Eros.Ignace Verhack - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1):119 - 142.
    After the 'death of God', it would be a mistake to continue to think of eros in terms of a longing for possession ofthat which one is lacking, especially in matters of religion. Alongside Plato's Diotima, Kierkegaard, Levinas and even Heidegger, an alternative view of eros is proposed in which eros is gradually letting go of its possessive cravings in order to open itself for the other. In this way, eros is bent in the directionof the unselfish service of the (...)
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  31.  21
    Spiritualiteit en filosofie: Kans op een nieuwe ontmoeting?Ignace Verhack - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):71 - 96.
    Today, we can notice a renewed interest in spirituality, often as an alternative for established religions. Does this also mean that after centuries of growing apart and mutual diffidence, our time would offer a new opportunity for a meeting between spirituality and philosophy? At first glance this seems rather improbable. The origin of the term 'spirituality' is not philosophical, but Christian. There, it means a life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Today, the content of a spirituality can be (...)
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    Business Students’ Insights into Their Development of Ethical Decision-Making.Rosina Mladenovic, Nonna Martinov-Bennie & Amani Bell - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1):275-287.
    Motivated by the call for more research on students’ perceptions of their ethical development in business education programs, this study examines students’ reflections on how their understanding of ethics was challenged and/or changed, and what facilitated the development of ethical decision-making approaches in a first-year accounting course. The results indicate that students developed more sophisticated and contextualised views of ethical issues in business, government and social contexts including the need to consider their impact on various stakeholders. Students attributed this development (...)
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    Managing and teaching ethics in higher education: policy, skills and resources: International Conference report 2018.Ignace Haaz (ed.) - 2019 - Geneva:
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    L'existence authentique.Ignace Lepp - 1950 - Paris,: La Colombe.
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    Teilhard et la foi des hommes.Ignace Lepp - 1963 - Paris,: Éditions universitaires.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Riječanin Josip Zanchi o Rabljaninu Marku Antunu de Dominisu.Ivica Martinović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):689-707.
    Tijekom svoje kratke filozofske profesure na Bečkom sveučilištu i u plemićkom zavodu Collegium Theresianum , ali i potom dok je bio profesorom teologije u Beču, isusovac Josip Zanchi, riječki plemić, četiri je puta tiskao svoj udžbenik Physica particularis, koji je sadržavao raspravu iz meteorologije. U svim je tim izdanjima izlaganje o uzroku dúge započeo povijesnom bilješkom, u kojoj je sažeto prikazao de Dominisov, Descartesov i Newtonov doprinos objašnjenju dúge. Potraga za Zanchijevim izvorom u optičkim i prirodnofilozofskim djelima objavljenim nakon Newtonova (...)
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    Time Course of Information Processing in Visual and Haptic Object Classification.Jasna Martinovic, Rebecca Lawson & Matt Craddock - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  38. » The Early Reception of Bošković's Naturai Philosophy: The'Benvenuti Case'.«.I. Martinović - 1993 - Synthesis Philosophica 8:307-333.
  39. Mélanges.L. E. Pseudo-Ignace - 1900 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 1:61.
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    Hoe het verlangen te bewaren?Ignace Verhack - 2011 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 73 (2):341.
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    Discours de la connoissance des bestes.Ignace Gaston Pardies & Sébastien Mabre-Cramoisy - 1972 - New York,: Johnson Reprint.
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    La construction discursive des identités dans la parole des évêques catholiques du Congo : Présentation et perspectives d’une recherche en cours.Ignace Ndongala Maduku - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):431-455.
    Ignace Ndongala Maduku | : Cet article entend vérifier la plausibilité sociale et politique de la parole épiscopale. Il a pour objet un Message de l’épiscopat congolais qu’il approche à partir de l’analyse du discours tel que systématisé par Ruth Amossy et Patrick Charaudeau. Il examine la visée persuasive, les modes d’argumentation et de légitimation de la parole épiscopale. Il rend compte de la manière dont les évêques congolais construisent leur identité et celle de leur auditoire ainsi que de la (...)
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  43. Christ Figures in Literature.Ignace Feuerlicht - 1967 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4):461.
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    Hoe onderwijs opvoedend kan zijn.Ignace Verhack - 1991 - Nova et Vetera 69 (1-2):19-39.
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    The Meaning of the Moral Imperative.Ignace Verhack - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (4):232-253.
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    Terugkeer van religie?Ignace Verhack - 1992 - Bijdragen 53 (2):152-181.
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    Wittgenstein’s Deictic Metaphysics.Ignace Verhack - 1978 - International Philosophical Quarterly 18 (4):433-444.
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    The ‘Real-World Approach’ and Its Problems: A Critique of the Term Ecological Validity.Gijs A. Holleman, Ignace T. C. Hooge, Chantal Kemner & Roy S. Hessels - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:529490.
    A popular goal in psychological science is to understand human cognition and behavior in the ‘real-world.’ In contrast, researchers have typically conducted their research in experimental research settings, a.k.a. the ‘psychologist’s laboratory.’ Critics have often questioned whether psychology’s laboratory experiments permit generalizable results. This is known as the ‘real-world or the lab’-dilemma. To bridge the gap between lab and life, many researchers have called for experiments with more ‘ecological validity’ to ensure that experiments more closely resemble and generalize to the (...)
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  49. L'invention des conventions de justice chez Hume et sa skepsis envers la rétribution.Ignace Haaz - 2009 - In Philippe Saltel, L'invention philosophique humienne. Vrin - Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage No 26. pp. 235-272.
    Promise keeping and the virtue of integrity are understandable only if the sense of justice and of injustice doesn't come from nature but results from education and of some of the most inventive human conventions. We comment this argument that we find in the Treatise of Nature, book III and present how it impacts the notion of retribution and punishment in general.
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  50. Ethics and Overcoming Odious Passions: Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism through Shared Human Values in Education.Ignace Haaz, Jakob Bühlmann Quero & Khushwant Singh (eds.) - 2023 - Geneva (Switzerland): Globethics Publications.
    This publication articulated in three parts, and twelve chapters endeavours to engage with the complex negative emotions and consequent phenomenon of self-deceit, radicalisation and extremism. First part: Emotions as Lines of Demarcation or Guidelines to Our Self. The Psychodynamic Surrounding of our Intentional Self; second part: Case Studies of Some Concrete Societal Encapsulations of the Negative Passions; and third part: Resisting the Colonisation of Tyrannical Affections. Possible Paths of Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism. What kind of educational responses can be given (...)
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