Results for 'Iggy Pop'

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    Caesar Lives.Iggy Pop - 2015 - Arion 23 (1):187.
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    Editorial: Special Issue Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: ‘Sport and Psychoanalysis’.Sandra Meeuwsen - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):1-6.
    ‘Cause of a Lust for LifeI got a Lust for LifeGot a Lust for LifeOh, a Lust for Life’Iggy Pop, 1977Why this Special Issue on Sport & Psychoanalysis, a still relatively little explored approach in c...
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    Un lugar sin límites: música, nihilismo y políticas del desastre en tiempos del amanecer neoliberal.Alberto Santamaría - 2022 - Tres Cantos, Madrid, España: Ediciones Akal, S.A..
    En 1976, mientras Milton Friedman recoge el Premio Nobel de Economía por sus logros en los campos del análisis del consumo y la teoría monetaria, el punk expande su mensaje de disonancia empujando los límites de lo decible hacia espacios hasta entonces poco conocidos. En ese mismo momento bandas como Iron Maiden comienzan a generar imaginarios extraños que canalizan algunas tendencias sociales; las pistas de baile exploran nuevas formas de relación cultural, y el espíritu nihilista de Iggy Pop flota (...)
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    Derivations and Constraints in Phonology.Iggy Roca (ed.) - 1997 - Oxford University Press UK.
    For the first time in over thirty years a revolution is happening in phonology, with the advent of constraint-based approaches which directly oppose the rule-and-derivation tradition of mainstream Generative Phonology. The success of Optimality Theory and the rapidity of its spread since its official launch in 1993 is remarkable even by the general standards of post-1950s linguistics. Many phonologists appear to have been caught up in the whirlwind, as witnessed by the substance of many current working papers and conferences the (...)
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    "Inside a Stratified Whale.Marcel Cornis-Pop - 1985 - Semiotics:286-301.
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    A Study on the First Generation of Romanian Women- Painters and the Continuity of Their Modernity.Pop Mihaela - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 65 (2).
    This work intends to discuss about the first generation of Romanian womenpainters within the wider context of the condition of woman within the Romanian society during the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. We will develop the following path: a) the movement of women’s emancipation in Romania – characteristics and phases; b) the Romanian art-world and this movement of women-painters.
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    Lucian Blaga: ontologia culturii.Traian Pop - 2006 - Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință.
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    A genetic programming approach for solving the linear ordering problem.Petrica C. Pop & Oliviu Matei - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho (eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 331--338.
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    Approximation of B-continuous and B-differentiable functions by GBS operators defined by finite sum.Ovidiu T. Pop - forthcoming - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature.
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    Normal and abnormal and the body-soul relationship in some ancient medical texts.Mihaela Pop - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):185-196.
    This essay intends to reveal the contribution of some Aristotelian concepts – such as “just measure” (metron, meson) and “lack of measure” (alloiosis) as well as some other connected pathological affections (pathe) of the human volitive part of the soul (thymos), caused by certain changes of the humoral mixtures, especially the ones of the black bile, a humoral substance that was considered largely responsible for the severe alterations of the normal rational activity of the human soul (logismos). – to the (...)
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  11. Fregean realism: Frodo Lives! and other fictions.Andrei Pop - 2025 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Andrei Pop argues that Frege's distinction between sense and reference, concept and object, and asserted and unasserted thought provides a superior account of the overlapping categories of fiction and art. This book also tackles case studies in Fregean art history and theory.
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    The Wizards of the Violet Flame. A Magical Mystery Tour of Romanian Politics.Doru Pop - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):155-171.
    This study presents the manifestations of irrational practices in recent Romanian politics. Providing a short history of the mystical and the occult in Romanian politics, this research uses as a case study the alleged use of the occult “violet flame” in the presidential campaign of 2009. By showing how public religiousness and the daily mystical practices are changing, the author is describing the transformations of the national political communication under the pressure of the news media, which are becoming more and (...)
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    Emplotting Difference.Marcel Cornis-Pop - 1987 - Semiotics:274-286.
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    Mots et images animées.Mihaela Pop - 2011 - Philotheos 11:141-151.
    This work applies the meaning of empsychia (animation) to the domain of graphe empsychos (animated word or image) using some funerary orations written by Gregory of Naziansus (IV-th century) and Michael Psellos (XI-th century). In our opinion, a certain continuity of this Byzantine tradition could be traced in the Romanian culture of the XVI-th century.
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    Reviste de filosofie și sociologie.Grigore Traian Pop - 1979 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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    Misrepresentation of Muslims and Islamophobic public discourses in recent Romanian media narratives.Doru Pop - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (44):33-51.
    This paper represents a case study interpretation of the political and media discourses in Romania referring to Islam and the threat of Muslim refugees. Using a selection of media narratives from the public debates that took shape immediately after the Brussels attacks on March 22, 2016, this study uses a critical discourse analysis approach as an interpretative tool to understanding how in Romania the opinion leaders, the political elites and the media are building an anti-Islam propaganda. By applying a textual (...)
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    A Matter of Telling Stories.Marcel Cornis-Pop - 1986 - Semiotics:125-139.
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    Dario Argento Et la Mère-Sorcière : Psychanalyse D’Une Image Obsédante.Ioan Pop-curșeu - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:19-37.
    Dario Argento and the Mother-Witch: Psychoanalysis of an Obsessive Image. This paper tries to present the complexity of the maternal figures in the work and biography of film director Dario Argento. The methods of interpretation are inspired by psychoanalysis, because Argento often referred to Freud’s writings in his films or in his recent autobiography, Fear, published in 2014. The criminal mothers depicted in some films signed by Dario Argento show, through violent narratives, the difficulties he had in dealing with the (...)
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    Goya and the Paradox of Tolerance.Andrei Pop - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 44 (2):242-274.
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    Introducere în opera lui Ioan Petru Culianu: sistemul de gândire.Listeș Pop & Adriana Dana - 2015 - Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință.
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    Lecturi filosofice.Grigore Traian Pop - 1991 - [București]: Scrisul Românesc.
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    La poétique du conte populaire.Mihai Pop - 1970 - Semiotica 2 (2).
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    Simona Nicoarã, Istorie si imaginar – eseuri de antropologie istoricã/ History and Imaginary - Essays in Historical Anthropology.Liviu Pop - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):225-226.
    Simona Nicoarã, Istorie si imaginar – eseuri de antropologie istoricã (History and Imaginary - Essays in Historical Anthropology) Editura Presa Universitarã Clujeanã, Cluj-Napoca, 2000.
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    Textual Anastomosis: About the Vanishing Body and the Resurrection of a Character. A Transversal Reading of Black Water (1992) and Mudwoman (2012) by Joyce Carol Oates.Andreea Pop - 2016 - Human and Social Studies 5 (3):77-92.
    In 1992, the much acclaimed prolific American writer Joyce Carol Oates publishes Black Water – a very harsh and condensed literary reenactment of a gruesome event having taken place more than twenty years before and known as the “Chappaquiddick incident”. Another twenty years later, through her 2012 novel Mudwoman, the author seems to revisit the topic that had haunted her for decades. This paper aims at establishing a certain narrative pattern connecting the two novels not only thematically, but also phantasmatically: (...)
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    An improved hybrid algorithm for capacitated fixed-charge transportation problem.C. -M. Pintea & P. C. Pop - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (3):369-378.
  26.  44
    Additional Observations Regarding the Phrase Religio Romana in a Transylvanian Document Dated 6 June 1574.Ioan Aurel Pop - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (41):3-21.
    After studying a Latin record issued on 6 June 1574, the specialists expressed different opinions regarding the expression romana videlicet seu graeca religio, i.e. “Roman or Greek religion”. The author believes that the issuer of the 1574 document only transposed into Latin a phrase commonly used in the Romanian Transylvanian environment, so that the “Romanian religion” became practically naturally, in Latin, religio romana, all the more so as we are dealing with an internal document, not intended for the Holy See (...)
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    Medicinska etika.Nada Pop-Jordanova - 2003 - Skopje: Kultura.
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  28. Marx-Engels.Traian Pop - 1973 - Cluj,: "Dacia,".
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    Religiones and Nationes in Transylvania During the 16th Century: Between Acceptance and Exclusion.Ioan-Aurel Pop - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):209-236.
    At the beginning of the 16 th century, Transylvania had been an officially Catholic land belonging to the Kingdom of Hungary and led by an elite consisting of three nations, the Hungarian nobles (increasingly referred to as the Hungarian nation), the Saxons and the Szeklers. However, the general population, deprived of any political power, consisted of Orthodox Romanians. In other words, in Transylvania the Latin West met the Byzantine Orient. The old Hungary fell apart between 1526 and 1541, its central (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Enhancing play skills, engagement and social skills in a play task in ASD children by using robot-based interventions. A pilot study.Cristina A. Pop, Sebastian Pintea, Bram Vanderborght & Daniel O. David - 2014 - Interaction Studies 15 (2):292-320.
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  31. A Survey of Expectations About the Role of Robots in Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children with ASD: Ethical Acceptability, Trust, Sociability, Appearance, and Attachment.Mark Coeckelbergh, Cristina Pop, Ramona Simut, Andreea Peca, Sebastian Pintea, Daniel David & Bram Vanderborght - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):47-65.
    The use of robots in therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder raises issues concerning the ethical and social acceptability of this technology and, more generally, about human–robot interaction. However, usually philosophical papers on the ethics of human–robot-interaction do not take into account stakeholders’ views; yet it is important to involve stakeholders in order to render the research responsive to concerns within the autism and autism therapy community. To support responsible research and innovation in this field, this paper identifies a (...)
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    Le Laboratoire de Sémiotique de l’Université de Bucarest, Roumanie.Mihai Pop - 1972 - Semiotica 5 (3).
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    On the post-truth as a lie.Rodica Pop - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):64-76.
    The value systems established by centuries have been reversed under the pressure of the political correctness. I intend to talk about a way of communicating and transmitting messages in the public space nowadays. I write about post-truth, arguing that it is a lie cosmeticized, hidden in a language that astounds and is supported by ideas that challenge not only refined intelligence, but also common sense. When I write the word truth, I do not consider the concept of truth, which philosophy (...)
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  34. The Creative Value of Folklore.Otilia Pop-Miculi - 2011 - Analysis and Metaphysics 10:162-167.
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    An efficient Reverse Distribution System for solving sustainable supply chain network design problem.Petrică C. Pop, Camelia-M. Pintea, Corina Pop Sitar & Mara Hajdu-Măcelaru - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (2):105-113.
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    Culture and religion in the Balkans: philosophical approaches.Mihaela Pop & Oana Șerban (eds.) - 2014 - București: Editura Universității din București.
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  37. Osnovi na pravoto.Dimitar Pop-Georgiev - 1961 - Skopje,:
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  38. Music critics and aestheticians are, on the surface, advocates and guardians of good music. But what exactly is “good”.Pop Music - 2004 - In Christopher Washburne & Maiken Derno (eds.), Bad music: the music we love to hate. New York: Routledge. pp. 62.
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    Art and Form: From Roger Fry to Global Modernism.Andrei Pop - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (4):502-505.
    Art and Form: From Roger Fry to Global ModernismROSESAMPenn State University Press. 2019. pp. 224. £71.95.
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    Resurrection of the Dead as an Element of Factionalism in the Corinthian Church Community.Andrei D. Pop - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (5):73-80.
    Human tragedy could be summed up a single word—death. One first encounters it through the death of others, and then everyone faces it for themselves. The Christian faith confronts humanity’s final foe head on, delivering sustained hope amidst the sorrow and despair of impending death. This paper will first address the central role of the resurrection of the dead in First Corinthians. Second, the paper will present Paul’s retort to several challenges raised against the notion of the resurrection. Finally, the (...)
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    A novel memetic algorithm for solving the generalized traveling salesman problem.Ovidiu Cosma, Petrică C. Pop & Laura Cosma - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (4):576-588.
    This paper investigates the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP), which is an extension of the well-known Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), and it searches for an optimal tour in a clustered graph, such that every cluster is visited exactly once. In this paper, we describe a novel Memetic Algorithm (MA) for solving efficiently the GTSP. Our proposed MA has at its core a genetic algorithm (GA), completed by a Chromosome Enhancement Procedure (CEP), which is based on a TSP solver and the (...)
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    Stem Cells Therapy and Research. Benefits and Ethical Challences.Nicolae Ovidiu Grad, Ionel Ciprian Pop & Ion Aurel Mironiuc - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):190-205.
    The research on stem cell-based therapies has greatly expanded in recent years. Our text attempts to seek those religious and ethical challenges that stem cell therapy and research bring into debate. Our thesis is that bioethics can defend its principle without a religious background. We will develop our argumentation on three major points: firstly, a comparison between secular ethics and religious views will clarify why stem cell therapy and research are important from a scientific point of view, addressing the very (...)
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    Book Review: Suspicion: Vaccines, Hesitancy, and the Affective Politics of Protection in Barbados by Nicole Charles. [REVIEW]Cristina A. Pop - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (5):764-766.
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    Christopher S. Wood A History of Art History. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2019. 472 pp. [REVIEW]Andrei Pop - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (2):417-418.
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    A comparative study of neural network architectures for software vulnerability forecasting.Ovidiu Cosma, Petrică C. Pop & Laura Cosma - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The frequency of cyberattacks has been rapidly increasing in recent times, which is a significant concern. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities present in the software components that constitute the targeted system. Consequently, the number of vulnerabilities within these software components serves as an indicator of the system’s level of security and trustworthiness. This paper compares the accuracy, trainability and stability to configuration parameters of several neural network architectures, namely Long Short-Term Memory, Multilayer Perceptron and Convolutional Neural Network. These architectures are utilized (...)
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    Gender in the Afterlife: An Exploration of Dynamic Gender Stereotypes in the Epitaphs of the Merry Cemetery of Săp'nţa.Petru L. Curşeu & Ioan Pop-Curşeu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:348676.
    Gender stereotypes are shaped by the roles men and women fulfill in society. Our study uses a cultural artifact analysis and explores the way in which remunerated jobs, development across lifespan and historical time frames influence the content of gender stereotypes. We coded the feminine and masculine attributes in a selection of epitaphs written on the painted crosses of the Merry Cemetery of Săpânţa (Romania) between 1935 and 2010. This novel historical approach allowed us to explore the dynamic nature of (...)
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    Denial jamming attacks on wireless sensor network using sensitive agents.Camelia-M. Pintea, Petrică C. Pop & Ioana Zelina - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (1).
  48.  13
    Book Review: On Becoming a Teen Mom: Life before Pregnancy by Mary Patrice Erdmans and Timothy Black and System Kids: Adolescent Mothers and the Politics of Regulation by Lauren J. Silver. [REVIEW]Cristina A. Pop - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (5):858-862.
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    Jean-Marie Schaeffer. Beyond Speculation: Art and Aesthetics without Myth. Trans. Daffyd Roberts. Chicago: Seagull Books, 2015. 372 pp. [REVIEW]Andrei Pop - 2017 - Critical Inquiry 43 (3):760-761.
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    Nt conclusion harles bla korby, Wal er oss rt & davi Donaldson.Pop Lation Princip E. Critica-Level & He Repugn - 2004 - In Torbjörn Tännsjö & Jesper Ryberg (eds.), The Repugnant Conclusion: Essays on Population Ethics. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 45.
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