Results for 'Ideal legislator'

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  1.  22
    From the ideal legislator to the competent speaker: uncovering the deception in legislative intent.Francesca Poggi & Francesco Ferraro - 2024 - Jurisprudence 15 (4):464-481.
    Central to the legal positivism of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century was the dogma of the Ideal Legislator. Legal materials were to be interpreted as the work of an omniscient, coherent, consistent legislator. We argue that this dogma persists in the different guise of the competent speaker model, on which legal materials are the work of a competent speaker, who follows all the pertinent semantic and pragmatic rules. We will first lay out (...)
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    From the ideal legislator to the competent speaker: uncovering the deception in legislative intent.Francesca Poggi & Francesco Ferraro - 2024 - Jurisprudence 15 (4):464-481.
    Central to the legal positivism of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century was the dogma of the Ideal Legislator. Legal materials were to be interpreted as the work of an omniscient, coherent, consistent legislator. We argue that this dogma persists in the different guise of the competent speaker model, on which legal materials are the work of a competent speaker, who follows all the pertinent semantic and pragmatic rules. We will first lay out (...)
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    The gap between the real and the ideal: the right to education amid fiscal equity legislation in a democratic culture.Denise De Vito - 2007 - Ethics and Education 2 (2):173-180.
    Lack of understanding about the relationship between federal and state educational institutions brings confusion into discussions of democracy, equity and equality in schools. The 'right to education' continues to be espoused by American society as a birthright, yet it does not figure in federal documentation. This matter has repeatedly come to the attention of legislative courts, who have insisted that the question of education as a fundamental right be addressed. Numerous court cases have attempted to bring closure on this issue, (...)
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    Law and Legislator in the Philosophy of Julian the Emperor.Dominic J. O’Meara - 2021 - Polis 38 (3):610-622.
    This paper surveys the conceptions of law and of legislation to be found in the philosophy of Julian the Emperor. A hierarchy of levels of law is described, going from transcendent divine orders and paradigmatic laws down to the laws of nature, laws innate in human souls and regional laws. Julian’s ideal legislator is discussed, as inspired by transcendent, paradigmatic laws and as subordinate to law and its protector. An example of Julian’s legislation is discussed. Attention is paid (...)
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  5. Legislating Taste.Kenneth Walden - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):1256-1280.
    My aesthetic judgements seem to make claims on you. While some popular accounts of aesthetic normativity say that the force of these claims is third-personal, I argue that it is actually second-personal. This point may sound like a bland technicality, but it points to a novel idea about what aesthetic judgements ultimately are and what they do. It suggests, in particular, that aesthetic judgements are motions in the collective legislation of the nature of aesthetic activity. This conception is recommended by (...)
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    Brandt’s Ideally Rational Moral Legislation.Conrad D. Johnson - 1981 - Social Theory and Practice 7 (2):205-221.
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    Uncertain legislator: Georges Cuvier's laws of nature in their intellectual context.Dorinda Outram - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (3):323-368.
    We should now be able to come to some general conclusions about the main lines of Cuvier's development as a naturalist after his departure from Normandy. We have seen that Cuvier arrived in Paris aware of the importance of physiology in classification, yet without a fully worked out idea of how such an approach could organize a whole natural order. He was freshly receptive to the ideas of the new physiology developed by Xavier Bichat.Cuvier arrived in a Paris also torn (...)
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    Legislation on ethical issues: Towards an interactive paradigm. [REVIEW]Wibren Van Der Burg & Frans W. A. Brom - 2000 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (1):57-75.
    In this article, we sketch a new approach to law and ethics. The traditional paradigm, exemplified in the debate on liberal moralism, becomes increasingly inadequate. Its basic assumptions are that there are clear moral norms of positive or critical morality, and that making statutory norms is an effective method to have citizens conform to those norms. However, for many ethical issues that are on the legislative agenda, e.g. with respect to bioethics and anti-discrimination law, the moral norms are controversial, vague (...)
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    Two ideals and the death penalty.Tom Sorell - 2002 - Criminal Justice Ethics 21 (2):27-35.
    The two ideals referred to are the ideal of the just state and the ideal of responsible agency. The view of Kant was that not every civil state could rightfully take the life of those that commit murder because not every civil state recognises the freedom, equality, and independence of citizens in the idealised civil state envisioned by Kant. The question is whether the death penalty can be justified in a properly constituted state even if most of the (...)
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  10.  40
    Platonic Legislations: An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece.David Lloyd Dusenbury - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses how Plato, one the fiercest legal critics in ancient Greece, became – in the longue durée – its most influential legislator. Making use of a vast scholarly literature, and offering original readings of a number of dialogues, it argues that the need for legal critique and the desire for legal permanence set the long arc of Plato’s corpus—from the Apology to the Laws. Modern philosophers and legal historians have tended to overlook the fact that Plato was (...)
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  11.  17
    Vues legislatives pour les femmes 1790: a reformist-feminist vision 'And we too are citizens'.F. Gordon - 1999 - History of Political Thought 20 (4):649-673.
    Marie Madeleine Jodin, actress, philosophe and feminist, published in 1790 her Vues legislatives pour les femmes, addressed to the National Assembly, one of the first signed, woman-authored, feminist works of the Revolutionary period, which has been largely neglected by scholars. This study analyses her treatise's arguments in detail, relating its two principal themes; the reform of prostitution and a plea for the Assembly to pass laws permitting divorce, to the context of Enlightenment thought, as well as to Jodin's own experience. (...)
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  12.  18
    Legislation and Exposition: Critical Analysis of Differences between the Philosophy of Kant and Hegel.Nathan Rotenstreich - 1984 - Bonn: Felix Meiner Verlang.
    Aus dem Inhalt I. Unity and Hierarchy II. Beyond Unity towards Totality III. Cognition and Action IV. On some Transformations of the Concept of Ideal V. Ethics instead of the Dogmatic Dress VI. From Religion to Speculation VII. Religion and its Misplacement VIII. Will and Social Contract IX. Architectonics and Edifice Print-on-Demand-Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1984.
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  13.  39
    Beyond Duty: Kantian Ideals of Respect, Beneficence, and Appreciation.Thomas E. Hill - 2021 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    A collection of 17 essays on Kantian moral theory and practical ethics, including papers on autonomy, human dignity, utopian thinking, O'Neill and Rawls on constructivism, tragic choices, philanthropy, conscientious object, suicide, respect, self-respect, and an ideal attitude of appreciation beyond art, nature, and gratitude. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations for Kant’s Works INTRODUCTION PART II: KANT AND KANTIAN PERSPECTIVES (1) The Groundwork (2) Kant on Imperfect Duties to Oneself (3) Kantian Autonomy and Contemporary Ideas of Autonomy (4) Rüdiger Bittner on (...)
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  14. On Ritual and Legislation.Eric L. Hutton - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (2):45-64.
    Confucian thinkers have traditionally stressed the importance of li 禮, or “ritual” as it is commonly translated, and believed that ancient sages had established an ideal set of rituals for people to follow. Now, most scholars of Confucianism understand li as distinct from law, and hence do not typically discuss Confucian sages as great lawgivers. Nevertheless, I suggest that there is something valuable to be learned from considering the similarities and dissimilarities between great lawgivers and the sages. In particular, (...)
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    The Ideal in Law. [REVIEW]K. V. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (1):152-154.
    This book is divided into four parts with a total of nine chapters, all of which had been previously published, some as far back as 1959. The first part, entitled "Custom versus Ideal: A Case Study in the Evolution of Law and Mores," includes two articles dealing with "The Negro in Our Law." The second part, "Of Obligation: The Citizen and the Law," also contains two articles addressing, independently, the problems of civil disobedience and the relation between the lawyer (...)
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  16. The Ideal of the Presumption of Innocence.Victor Tadros - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (2):449-467.
    This article clarifies and further defends the view that the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, protected by Article 6(2) of the European Convention of Human Rights has implications for the substantive law. It is shown that a ‘purely procedural’ conception of the presumption of innocence has absurd implications for the nature of the right. Objections to the moderate substantive view defended are considered, including the acceptability of male prohibits offences, the difficulty of ascertaining intentions of legislatures and (...)
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  17. Why the Kantian ideal survives medical learning curves, and why it matters.B. Brecher - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):511-512.
    The ‘Kantian ideal’ is often misunderstood as invoking individual autonomy rather than rational self-legislation. Le Morvan and Stock’s otherwise insightful discussion of ‘Medical learning curves and the Kantian ideal’, for example, draws the mistaken inference that that ideal is inconsistent with the realities of medical practice. But it is not. Rationally to be a patient entails accepting its necessary conditions, one of which is the ineliminable existence of medical learning curves. Their rational necessity, therefore, offers no grounds (...)
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  18.  40
    Democratic Equality Requires Randomly Selecting Legislators.Eric Shoemaker - 2024 - Public Affairs Quarterly 38 (2):132-152.
    In this paper, I argue that on an equality-based theory of democracy's value, randomly selecting legislators is more democratic than electing them. In sections 1 and 2, I describe how a legislature composed of randomly selected legislators might operate and what an equality-based theory of democracy's value consists in. In section 3, I evaluate arguments made in support of election-based democracy by democratic theorists and demonstrate why these arguments fail on their own terms. In section 4, I argue that when (...)
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  19.  8
    Enacting Civic‐Minded Early Childhood Pedagogy in the Context of Chauvinistic Education Legislation.Joy Dangora Erickson & Winston C. Thompson - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (5):662-681.
    Amid efforts to limit “divisive concepts” in educational settings, this article investigates the obstruction of a civic-focused early childhood curriculum. Joy Dangora Erickson and Winston Thompson analyze the challenges faced by a resourceful kindergarten teacher striving to uphold curriculum goals despite constraints imposed by the state legislature. Through an empirically informed exploration of political and pedagogical factors, this conceptual analysis elucidates the moral complexities of risks, costs, and outcomes as educators navigate non-ideal political conditions. By doing so, the authors (...)
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  20.  31
    Freedom as non-domination, education and the common avowable interests of pupils: A neo-republican critique of the Romanian educational legislation.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):34-52.
    An important branch of neo-republicanism holds that freedom as non-domination is the supreme ideal that should be pursued in a polity. In this paper I set out to better specify what neo-republicanism has to say about education. I propose a series of reforms that ought to track the common avowable interests of children, focusing on two important dimensions: i) establishing a proper institutional framework through which children can effectively influence decisions that will in turn affect them; and ii) how (...)
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  21.  39
    Design and Shit: Reality, Materiality and Ideality in the works of Jean Baudrillard and Slavoj Žižek.Lisa Banu - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (4).
    This paper analyzes the fecal metaphor utilized in the philosophies of Jean Baudrillard and Slavoj Zizek; and considers how the fecal metaphor explain social relations mediated by consumption and production. For both philosophers, the fecal metaphor exposes epistemological and practical processes latent in both biological and artificial production. Adding to their questions, Dominique LaPorte and his, 1978 History of Shit, couples civilization with the publicly legislated private containment of shit. This paper investigates the relevance of these metabolic metaphors of consumption (...)
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  22.  14
    Can a magic wand plausibly be used in serious psychological research? The complications of researching the ideal age at which to be a parent through the eyes of the child.Hana Konečná, Jiřina Kocourková, Boris Burcin, Tomáš Kučera & Karolína Davidová - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (3):354-362.
    There is a growing trend in European countries for childbearing to occur later in women’s lives. The recent increase in the use of ART, together with the long-term trend towards later childbearing, raises questions as to the acceptable age of childbearing in contemporary society. ART legislation varies considerably across Europe and age limits for access to fertility treatment are rarely defined. The legislation takes into account the preferences of potential parents; children’s preferences, however, are not ascertained. The article discusses a (...)
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  23. Relating Kant's Theory of Reflective Judgment to the Law.Rudolf Makkreel - 2013 - Washington University Jurisprudence Review 6 (1):147-160.
    The legislative sense of law of Kant's first two Critiques shows what conditions must be met to assure that every constituent within an ideal context will be treated equally. The evaluative and judicial sense of law that relates to reflective judgment in the third Critique and can be carried forward to the philosophy of right has the more difficult task of reconciling conflicting interests that manifest themselves in more limited regional contexts.
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    Thinking constitutionally: The problem of deliberative democracy.Stephen L. Elkin - 2004 - Social Philosophy and Policy 21 (1):39-75.
    A variety of arguments have been advanced that deliberation should be at the center of any good political regime in which there is popular self-government. Deliberation is to be the basis for lawmaking, that is, for the making of the collectivity's binding decisions. Thus, John Rawls says, “[O]f course, actual constitutions should be designed as far as possible to make the same determinations as the ideal legislative procedure.” This procedure, in turn, is defined as having laws that result from (...)
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  25. Isocrates, Plato, and Aristotle on Rhetoric.Chloe Balla - 2004 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 1:45-71.
    Scholars often regard the 4th century controversy on education as a rivalry between philosophy, which is represented by Plato and Aristotle, and rhetoric, which is represented most prominently by Isocrates. The problem with this view is that it presupposes a distinction between philosophy and rhetoric which seems to be the product rather than the cause of the controversy. In this paper I discuss certain aspects of Isocrates’ thought which allow us to place him in the beginning of a tradition which (...)
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    Capabilities and justice for people who lack the capacity for reason and rationality.Iva Martinić & Elvio Baccarini - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (3):495-507.
    In the article, we consider the objections of the capability approach to Rawls’s theory of public justification. The objection is that Rawls’s theory is considered with an exclusive focus on reason and rationality as essential properties of justice, excluding from the domain of justice people who do not possess these properties (such as people with severe cognitive impairments). We point out the shortcomings of the alternative proposal to the capability theory, which is based on the dignity of the species, because (...)
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    Guarding against imperium: The implications of Pettit’s theoretical framework for a model of neo-republican democracy.Nicholas Dzoba - 2025 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 28 (2):307-330.
    The idea of ‘counter-control’ has greatly added to Philip Pettit's theoretical framework of freedom as non-domination, not only helping Pettit to meet prominent analytical criticisms from contemporary liberal theorists, but also helping to better illuminate the possibility of ‘unmoralized’ interference without domination. But while this idea has helped to increase the attractiveness of freedom as non-domination as a philosophical ideal, it has also revealed some disparities between Pettit’s theoretical framework and the practical model of governance to which he ascribes (...)
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  28.  52
    Hate Speech Law: A Philosophical Examination.Alexander Brown - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Hate speech law can be found throughout the world. But it is also the subject of numerous principled arguments, both for and against. These principles invoke a host of morally relevant features and practical considerations . The book develops and then critically examines these various principled arguments. It also attempts to de-homogenize hate speech law into different clusters of laws/regulations/codes that constrain uses of hate speech, so as to facilitate a more nuanced examination of the principled arguments. Finally, it argues (...)
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  29.  29
    Plato as Critical Theorist.Jonny Thakkar - 2018 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    What is the best possible society? How would its rulers govern and its citizens behave? Such questions are sometimes dismissed as distractions from genuine political problems, but in an era when political idealism seems a relic of the past, says Jonny Thakkar, they are more urgent than ever. A daring experiment in using ancient philosophy to breathe life into our political present, Plato as Critical Theorist takes seriously one of Plato’s central claims: that philosophers should rule. What many accounts miss (...)
  30. A Critique of FAWC’s Five Freedoms as a Framework for the Analysis of Animal Welfare.Steven P. McCulloch - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (5):959-975.
    The Brambell Report of 1965 recommended that animals should have the freedom to stand up, lie down, turn around, groom themselves and stretch their limbs. The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) developed these into the Five Freedoms, which are a framework for the analysis of animal welfare. The Five Freedoms are well known in farming, policy making and academic circles. They form the basis of much animal welfare legislation, codes of recommendations and farm animal welfare accreditation schemes, and are the (...)
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  31.  58
    Key Points for Developing an International Declaration on Nursing, Human Rights, Human Genetics and Public Health Policy.Gwen Anderson & Mary Varney Rorty - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (3):259-271.
    Human rights legislation pertaining to applications of human genetic science is still lacking at an international level. Three international human rights documents now serve as guidelines for countries wishing to develop such legislation. These were drafted and adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Human Genome Organization, and the Council of Europe. It is critically important that the international nursing community makes known its philosophy and practice-based knowledge relating to ethics and human rights, and contributes to (...)
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  32.  49
    Pluralism and consensus in deliberative democracy.José Luis Martí - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5):556-579.
    A central discussion in the theory of deliberative democracy in recent decades has focused on whether democratic deliberation, and consequently those participating in it, should aim, at least ideally, for political consensus. Thus, pluralist deliberative democrats have criticized the consensualist approach to deliberative democracy for neglecting the moral importance of political disagreement because of their fixation with reaching consensus. The debate between these two positions, initiated in the 1990s, has evolved in recent years toward more precision and sophistication. However, some (...)
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  33.  22
    Nursing Law and Ethics.John Tingle & Alan Cribb - 2013 - Wiley.
    Nursing Law and Ethics explores a variety of key legal and ethical issues in nursing practice using a thought-provoking and holistic approach. It addresses both what the law requires and what is right, and explores whether these two are always the same. The book provides an overview of the legal, ethical and professional dimensions of nursing, followed by exploration of key issues in greater depth. This edition features updated legislation and new material on patient safety. Key topics are accompanied by (...)
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  34.  43
    Lottocracy or psephocracy? Democracy, elections, and random selection.Daniel Hutton Ferris - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Would randomly selecting legislators be more democratic than electing them? Lottocrats argue (reasonably) that contemporary regimes are not very democratic and (more questionably) that replacing elections with sortition would mitigate elite capture and improve political decisions. I argue that a lottocracy would, in fact, be likely to perform worse on these metrics than a system of representation that appoints at least some legislators using election – a psephocracy (from psēphizein, to vote). Even today's actually existing psephocracies, which are far from (...)
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  35. Why a right to explanation of automated decision-making does not exist in the General Data Protection Regulation.Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - International Data Privacy Law 1 (2):76-99.
    Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that the GDPR will legally mandate a ‘right to explanation’ of all decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems. This right to explanation is viewed as an ideal mechanism to enhance the accountability and transparency of automated decision-making. However, there are several reasons to doubt both the legal existence and the feasibility of such a right. In contrast to (...)
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  36.  50
    Ethics and Public Policy: A Philosophical Inquiry.Jonathan Wolff - 2011 - Routledge.
    Train crashes cause, on average, a handful of deaths each year in the UK. Technologies exist that would save the lives of some of those who die. Yet these technical innovations would cost hundreds of millions of pounds. Should we spend the money? How can we decide how to trade off life against financial cost? Such dilemmas make public policy is a battlefield of values, yet all too often we let technical experts decide the issues for us. Can philosophy help (...)
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  37. Libertarianism Without Inequality.Michael Otsuka - 2003 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Michael Otsuka sets out to vindicate left-libertarianism, a political philosophy which combines stringent rights of control over one's own mind, body, and life with egalitarian rights of ownership of the world. Otsuka reclaims the ideas of John Locke from the libertarian Right, and shows how his Second Treatise of Government provides the theoretical foundations for a left-libertarianism which is both more libertarian and more egalitarian than the Kantian liberal theories of John Rawls and Thomas Nagel. Otsuka's libertarianism is founded on (...)
  38.  31
    Kant’s Theory of Normativity: Exploring the Space of Reason.Konstantin Pollok - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Konstantin Pollok offers the first book-length analysis of Kant's theory of normativity that covers foundational issues in theoretical and practical philosophy as well as aesthetics. Interpreting Kant's 'critical turn' as a normative turn, he argues that Kant's theory of normativity is both original and radical: it departs from the perfectionist ideal of early modern rationalism, and arrives at an unprecedented framework of synthetic a priori principles that determine the validity of our judgments. Pollok examines the hylomorphism in Kant's theory (...)
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    Critica della proprietà intellettuale in Locke.Cezary Błaszczyk - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (63):161-186.
    Locke’s theory of property is irreconcilable with intellectual property. Property-like titles in ideal objects cannot be introduced within the framework of the natural law, because they could constrain others from acts necessary for their survival. Nevertheless, followers of Locke’s theory of politics choose to belittle this conclusion and even Locke himself supported early copyright legislation. The inconsistency is important, for it depicts the problem of legitimization of intellectual property as political and demonstrates liberal reification of various aspects of social (...)
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    Spór o społeczne znaczenie wartości. Polityczna asymilacja zdobyczy hermeneutyki.Jacek Grzybowski - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 13:81-105.
    Question about values asked in a community life context, is therefore a kind of a political question. It is especially noticeable in interpretations and relations made by institutions of European Union towards legal and moral regulations of member countries. At present, in the European Union, the principle of legalissation and legislation based on a idea of value syncretism is proposed. Because in the EU, which is a specific national-state conglomeration of infl uences and traditions, different systems and moral judgments possessing (...)
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    Amazing Grace in John Newton: Slave-ship Captain, Hymnwriter, and Abolitionist.John Donald Wade & Donald Davidson - 2001 - Mercer University Press.
    In "Amazing Grace," the best-loved of all hymns, John Newton's allusions to the drama of his life tell the story of a youth who was a virtual slave in Sierra Leone before ironically becoming a slave trader himself. Liverpool, his home port, was the center of the most colossal, lucrative, and inhumane slave trade the world has ever known. A gradual spiritual awakening transformed Newton into an ardent evangelist and anti-slavery activist. Influenced by Methodists George Whitefield and John Wesley, Newton (...)
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    Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age by Maria Serena Mirto (review).Joseph W. Day - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (2):337-340.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age by Maria Serena MirtoJoseph W. DayMaria Serena Mirto. Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age. Trans. by A. M. Osborne. Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture 44 Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012. x + 197 pp. 10 black-and-white figs. Paper, $19.95.Mirto (with Osborne) has given us a readable book on a topic of (...)
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    The Naivety of Faith in the Abstraction of Legal Order.Bernard Špoljarić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (3):605-622.
    From the perspective of the political theory such is the one in Tractatus Theologico-Politicus by Benedictus Spinoza, the purpose of the state as a legal order is the establishment of the permanent condition of security and preservation of the people’s liberty. This also presumes instrumental-functional purposefulness of the state apparatus, which reflects in the combination of protection and obedience. Such a legislative establishment has its real and abstract dimension. Ideally, the latter is in service of the former. Problems that occur (...)
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    For Public Responsibility for Spaceship Earth.Joseph Agassi - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 29:13-18.
    The present global political situation is serious and desperately invites public awareness and concern. Global problems cannot be solved locally; they must be studied locally with an eye towards a mass-movement that would raise awareness of the severity of the problems as well as the absence of viable solutions. A comprehensive view should evolve through critical discussions regarding both problems and possible solutions. The movement must seek to create minimal scientific literacy. The movement must be educational and democratic; it must (...)
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  45. Public justification versus public deliberation: the case for divorce.Kevin Vallier - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):139-158.
    I drive a wedge between public deliberation and public justification, concepts tightly associated in public reason liberalism. Properly understood, the ideal of public justification imposes no restraint on citizen deliberation but requires that those who have a substantial impact on the use of coercive power, political officials, advance proposals each person has sufficient reason to accept. I formulate this idea as the Principle of Convergent Restraint and apply it to legislators to illustrate the general reorientation I propose for the (...)
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    Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin.Kam Shapiro - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):121-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter BenjaminKam Shapiro (bio)Life is not a mushroom growing out of death.—Carl Schmitt, The Visibility of the ChurchTo isolate death from life, not leaving the one intimately woven in the other, and each one entering into the other’s midst—this is what one must never do.—Jean-Luc Nancy, L’intrus1Carl Schmitt’s theory of the exception was bound up (...)
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    Making Sense of It All: Transforming Political Theory into Educational Policy.Meira Levinson - 1999 - In The Demands of Liberal Education. Oxford University Press UK.
    Addresses the practical implementation of the liberal educational ideal. Section 5.1 identifies the ways in which choice, cultural coherence, and citizenship fit together within an autonomy‐driven education, and also discusses three other possible liberal or educational aims that should potentially help guide the implementation of the liberal ideal: economic competitiveness, democratic self‐reflection, and equality. Section 5.2 constructs a public policy of liberal education, arguing for strict state regulation of schools as well as for school choice in the form (...)
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  48.  10
    Joseph Barthélémy et les Commissions permanentes de la Chambre des Représentants de Belgique.Claude Courtoy - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (4):587-601.
    Some French infiuences have to be found to explain how the two functions of the Standing Committees of the Belgian House of Representatives have evolved. In 1920, when the first Standing Committees system was introduced in the Belgian House of Representatives, a direct French contribution can already be noticed. As a matter of fact, the Speaker of the Committee of Parliamentary Procedures derives his report directly from one made a few months earlier by Joseph Barthélémy for the French House of (...)
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    Brennan and Democracy.Frank I. Michelman - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    In Brennan and Democracy, a leading thinker in U.S. constitutional law offers some powerful reflections on the idea of "constitutional democracy," a concept in which many have seen the makings of paradox. Here Frank Michelman explores the apparently conflicting commitments of a democratic governmental system where key aspects of such important social issues as affirmative action, campaign finance reform, and abortion rights are settled not by a legislative vote but by the decisions of unelected judges. Can we--or should we--embrace the (...)
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    La constitution de la démocratie: égalité et communauté chez Ronald Dworkin.Juliette Roussin - 2022 - Paris: Hermann.
    D'où la démocratie tire-t-elle sa valeur? De ce que le plus grand nombre y exerce le pouvoir politique? Ou bien de la protection des droits et des libertés que ses institutions législatives, exécutives et judiciaires y garantissent à chaque personne? Connu en France en tant que philosophe du droit, penseur du libéralisme et des fondements de la justice sociale, Ronald Dworkin a aussi développé une conception originale de la démocratie. Pour lui, la démocratie n'est pas une procédure, mais une communauté, (...)
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