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    Critical Feelings and Pleasurable Associations.Kam Shapiro - forthcoming - Theory and Event 13 (4).
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    Virtual plurality and polemical synthesis: Carl Schmitt and the staging of a public.Kam Shapiro - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (2):243-258.
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    Books in Review.Kam Shapiro - 2004 - Political Theory 32 (5):734-736.
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    Confounding solidarity singular, universal and particular subjects in the artworks of tehching Hsieh and the politics of the new left.Kam Shapiro - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (4):195-210.
    This essay takes the performance artworks of Tehching Hsieh as instructive allegories for a global ethics as theorized by a variety of left academics who ground universalism in a singularity that escapes the predicates of identity. Hsieh's projects, I argue, also place universal estrangement in the service of liberation for particular marginalized groups whose lives confound our fantasies of recognition. At the same time, they illustrate some of the challenges facing attempts to treat particular struggles as embodiments of universal conflicts.
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    From dream to desire: at the threshold of old and new utopias.Kam Shapiro - 2000 - Theory and Event 4 (4).
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  6.  44
    Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin.Kam Shapiro - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):121-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter BenjaminKam Shapiro (bio)Life is not a mushroom growing out of death.—Carl Schmitt, The Visibility of the ChurchTo isolate death from life, not leaving the one intimately woven in the other, and each one entering into the other’s midst—this is what one must never do.—Jean-Luc Nancy, L’intrus1Carl Schmitt’s theory of the exception was bound up (...)
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    Reviving Habit: Félix Ravaisson's Practical Metaphysics.Kam Shapiro - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (4).
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    Violence and politeness: From Walter Benjamin's “Critique” to the streets of Chicago.Kam Shapiro - 2020 - Constellations 27 (3):438-451.
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    Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas. [REVIEW]Kam Shapiro - 2008 - Teaching Philosophy 31 (3):289-292.