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  1.  34
    Social Virtual Reality (VR) Involvement Affects Depression When Social Connectedness and Self-Esteem Are Low: A Moderated Mediation on Well-Being.Hyun-Woo Lee, Sanghoon Kim & Jun-Phil Uhm - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    While social interaction and play in a VR environment are becoming ever more popular, little is known about how social VR games affect users. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of several contingent factors in social VR games by modeling the relationships between involvement, well-being, depression, self-esteem, and social connectedness. A conditional process-moderated mediation model of the measured variables was analyzed with 220 pieces of collected data. The result showed that: the direct effect of involvement on (...)
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  2.  41
    Mechanism of organization increase in complex systems.Georgi Yordanov Georgiev, Kaitlin Henry, Timothy Bates, Erin Gombos, Alexander Casey, Michael Daly, Amrit Vinod & Hyunseung Lee - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):18-28.
  3.  34
    The Analysis of Self-Presentation of Fortune 500 Corporations in Corporate Web Sites.Hyehyun Hong, Hyunmin Lee & Jongmin Park - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (5):706-737.
    In the digital age, many corporations communicate with their publics via online channels. Among many channels, a corporation’s official Web site is often used for informing publics of its performance and other corporate-related information and for shaping a positive corporate image. This study quantitatively analyzed corporate Web sites, particularly the “About us” Web pages of Fortune 500 corporations based on symbolic convergence theory, which describes the formation of symbolic reality and the shared meaning of that symbolic reality among the public. (...)
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  4.  58
    Preliminary Results From a Randomized Controlled Study for an App-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Depression and Anxiety in Cancer Patients.Kyunghee Ham, Siyung Chin, Yung Jae Suh, Myungah Rhee, Eun-Seung Yu, Hyun Jeong Lee, Jong-Heun Kim, Sang Wun Kim, Su-Jin Koh & Kyong-Mee Chung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  5.  28
    Comparison of the end-of-life decisions of patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia after the enforcement of the life-sustaining treatment decision act in Korea.Moon Seong Baek, Kyeongman Jeon, Kyung Hoon Min, Jee Youn Oh, Jae Young Moon, Kwang Ha Yoo, Beomsu Shin, Hyun-Il Gil, Heung Bum Lee, Youjin Chang, Jin Hyoung Kim, Woo Hyun Cho, Hyun-Kyung Lee, Changhwan Kim, Hye Kyeong Park, Soohyun Bae, Sang-Bum Hong & Ae-Rin Baek - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundAlthough the Life-Sustaining Treatment (LST) Decision Act was enforced in 2018 in Korea, data on whether it is well established in actual clinical settings are limited. Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is a common nosocomial infection with high mortality. However, there are limited data on the end-of-life (EOL) decision of patients with HAP. Therefore, we aimed to examine clinical characteristics and outcomes according to the EOL decision for patients with HAP.MethodsThis multicenter study enrolled patients with HAP at 16 referral hospitals retrospectively from (...)
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  6.  22
    Reading Grosz"s Corporeal Feminism through the Lens of New Materialism: centered on the body as a "threshold" with "non-reductive sex difference".Hyun-jae Lee - 2023 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 97:1-29.
    이 논문은 엘리자베스 그로스의 육체유물론이 신유물론의 렌즈로 가장 잘 독해할 수 있음을 보인 후, 그의 ‘문지방’으로서의 몸이나 ‘비환원적 성차’와 같은 개념이야말로 생물학적 결정론이나 사회구성주의적 환원이라는 극단에 빠지지 않고 ‘몸’을 설명하는 이론임을 주장하고자 한다. 이를 위해 필자는 이 논문에서 우선 로지 브라이도티와 함께 신유물론 페미니즘이 물질을 살아있는 것, 다층적 관계를 맺는 이질적 집합체, 서로 다른 권력의 위치를 체현함, 되기의 과정으로 재형상화하고 있음을 설명한다. 나아가 필자는 그로스의 ‘문지방’으로서의 몸이야말로 이러한 신유물론적 물질 개념에 토대를 두고 있음을 보여준다. 이로써 몸은 수동성 대상이 아니라 몸과 (...)
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  7.  16
    Tumor‐infiltrating lymphocyte therapy: Clinical aspects and future developments in this breakthrough cancer treatment.Hyun Lee, Kwanghee Kim, Jiwon Chung, Mofazzal Hossain & Hee Jin Lee - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (7):2200204.
    Tumor‐infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy is a promising approach for treating refractory or advanced solid cancers by using autologous TILs harvested from cancer tissues. Despite the heterogeneity of cancer, TIL therapy can potentially produce a positive therapeutic response, including complete remission.After decades of research on lymphocyte functions, culture/expansion methods, therapeutic protocols, and multiple clinical trials, TIL therapy has finally reached a stage where it can be formally approved for clinical use.TIL therapy is expected to hold a unique position among anti‐cancer therapeutic (...)
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  8.  21
    A Pilot Study Testing the Efficacy of dCBT in Patients With Cancer Experiencing Sleep Problems.Kyong-Mee Chung, Yung Jae Suh, Siyung Chin, Daesung Seo, Eun-Seung Yu, Hyun Jeong Lee, Jong-Heun Kim, Sang Wun Kim & Su-Jin Koh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis pilot study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a digital cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with cancer experiencing sleep problems.MethodsA total of 57 participants aged 25–65 years were randomly assigned to three groups—21 participants to a dCBT program, 20 participants to an app-based attentional control program, and 16 participants to a waitlist control group—and evaluated offline before and after the program completion. Of the 57 participants, there were a total of 45 study completers, 15 participants in each group. The (...)
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  9.  14
    Social Identity Complexity, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Brand Love of Multiple Leagues in Professional Sport.Chanwook Do, Natasha T. Brison, Juho Park & Hyun-Woo Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    How can corporate social responsibility initiatives influence brand love? Based on the theory of social identity complexity, we examined whether greater complexity of a sport fan’s multiple identifications with sport leagues led to higher multicultural tolerance and more positive perceptions of leagues’ corporate social responsibility activities. Further, brand authenticity was tested as a variable intervening between perceived corporate social responsibility and brand love. We analyzed this serial mediation effect impacting sport fans’ brand love for their multiple, favored and less favored, (...)
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  10.  36
    Fourteen- to Eighteen-Month-Old Infants Use Explicit Linguistic Information to Update an Agent’s False Belief.Kyong-Sun Jin, Yoon Kim, Miri Song, Yu-Jin Kim, Hyuna Lee, Yoonha Lee, Minjung Cha & Hyun-Joo Song - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  11.  6
    Balancing act: BRCA2's elaborate management of telomere replication through control of G‐quadruplex dynamicity.So Young Joo, Keewon Sung & Hyunsook Lee - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (8):2300229.
    In billion years of evolution, eukaryotes preserved the chromosome ends with arrays of guanine repeats surrounded by thymines and adenines, which can form stacks of four‐stranded planar structure known as G‐quadruplex (G4). The rationale behind the evolutionary conservation of the G4 structure at the telomere remained elusive. Our recent study has shed light on this matter by revealing that telomere G4 undergoes oscillation between at least two distinct folded conformations. Additionally, tumor suppressor BRCA2 exhibits a unique mode of interaction with (...)
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  12.  55
    한국 유아를 위한 철학적 탐구공동체 활동의 실제.Hyun-Joo Lee & Dae-Ryun Chung - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 27:123-139.
    This paper is about activities of ‘community of inquiry’ on the basis of Lipman’s model applied at a kindergarten in Seoul, Korea. The activities of community of inquiry, basically, includes a series of activities, for example, reading textbooks, making up questions, discussing on themes, working out exercises and further responding. At the beginning of P4C lessons, young children had difficulties in reading texts with no pictures, and making up questions. Having philosophy lessons repeatedly, they were accustomed to the activities, felt (...)
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  13.  15
    John Dewey and Global Citizenship Education: Beyond American and Postcolonial Nationalism in an Age of Cultural Hybridity.Hyunju Lee - 2021 - Education and Culture 37 (1):121-142.
  14. Short Papers Part-Automated Reasoning-Context-Aware Product Bundling Architecture in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.Hyun Jung Lee & Mye M. Sohn - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 901-906.
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  15.  21
    Surface Stickiness Perception by Auditory, Tactile, and Visual Cues.Hyungeol Lee, Eunsil Lee, Jiye Jung & Junsuk Kim - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:471990.
    This study aimed to explore the psychophysical bases of multisensory surface stickiness perception by investigating how sensitively humans perceive different levels of stickiness intensity conveyed by auditory, tactile, and visual cues. First, we sorted five different sticky stimuli by perceived intensity in ascending order for each modality separately and evaluated the discrimination sensitivities of each participant using a fitted psychometric curve. Results showed that perceptual intensity orders were not identical to physical intensity order and that the sequential order of perceived (...)
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  16.  30
    Virtual Reality and Human Body, Identity and Interaction.Hyun-Jung Lee - 2020 - Cogito 91:7-26.
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  17.  26
    Walking Speed Influences the Effects of Implicit Visual Feedback Distortion on Modulation of Gait Symmetry.Gabrielle Maestas, Jiyao Hu, Jessica Trevino, Pranathi Chunduru, Seung-Jae Kim & Hyunglae Lee - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  18.  20
    Biculturals’ Flexible Identity Affects the Retrieval of Autobiographical Memories: an Online Replication of Wang (2008) Using a Pretest-Posttest Group Design.Benjamin Uel Marsh, Hyun Seo Lee & Janna Schirmer - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (3-4):244-255.
    The current study is a conceptual replication of Wang using a pretest-posttest design and an online sample through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Seventy-one Asian-Americans recalled a recent memory before and after being primed as either Asian or American. On pre-prime memories, conditions did not significantly differ. However, on post-prime memories, participants primed as American recalled more self-focused memories than relationally focused memories and those primed as Asian recalled more relationally focused memories than self-focused memories. In addition, memories of Asian-Americans primed as (...)
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  19.  11
    A Study on the Kim Chi-in’s Life and Confucianism-Buddhism-Taoism-Unity of Namhak line on Jinan in Junbuk.Suncheol Park & Hyungsung Lee - 2011 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 32:185-213.
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  20.  69
    A Study of Bioethical Knowledge and Perceptions in Korea.Young-Joon Park, Sujin Kim, Aeree Kim, Seung-Yeon Ha, Young-mee Lee, Bong-Kyung Shin, Hyun-joo Lee, Soojin Park & Han-Kyeom Kim - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):309-322.
    This study assessed the knowledge and perception of human biological materials (HBM) and biorepositories among three study groups in South Korea. The relationship between the knowledge and the perception among different groups was also examined by using factor and regression analyses. In a self‐reporting survey of 440 respondents, the expert group was found more likely to be knowledgeable and positively perceived than the others. Four factors emerged: Sale and Consent, Flexible Use, Self‐Confidence, and Korean Bioethics and Biosafety Action restriction perception. (...)
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  21.  19
    Sport Community Involvement and Life Satisfaction During COVID-19: A Moderated Mediation of Psychological Capital by Distress and Generation Z.Juho Park, Jun-Phil Uhm, Sanghoon Kim, Minjung Kim, Shintaro Sato & Hyun-Woo Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    How can sport community involvement influence life satisfaction during a pandemic? Self-expansion theory posits that individuals seek to gain resources such as positive interpersonal relationships for growth and achievement. By considering psychological capital as a dispositional resource intervening between sport community involvement and life satisfaction, we examined an empirical model to test the chain of effects. Based on the stress process model, distress and generational group were tested as moderators. Participants responded to the scale item questionnaire for model assessment. Supporting (...)
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  22.  90
    Medical Education for Social Justice: Paulo Freire Revisited. [REVIEW]Sayantani DasGupta, Alice Fornari, Kamini Geer, Louisa Hahn, Vanita Kumar, Hyun Joon Lee, Susan Rubin & Marji Gold - 2006 - Journal of Medical Humanities 27 (4):245-251.
    Although social justice is an integral component of medical professionalism, there is little discussion in medical education about how to teach it to future physicians. Using adult learning theory and the work of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, medical educators can teach a socially-conscious professionalism through educational content and teaching strategies. Such teaching can model non-hierarchical relationships to learners, which can translate to their clinical interactions with patients. Freirian teaching can additionally foster professionalism in both teachers and learners by ensuring that (...)
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