Results for 'Hugo Wernekke'

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  1. On Life After Death, From the Germ., by H. Wernekke.Gustav Theodor Fechner & Hugo Wernekke - 1906
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    Argumentation: its adaptiveness and efficacy.Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (2):94-111.
    Having defended the usefulness of our definition of reasoning, we stress that reasoning is not only for convincing but also for evaluating arguments, and that as such it has an epistemic function. We defend the evidence supporting the theory against several challenges: People are good informal arguers, they reason better in groups, and they have a confirmation bias. Finally, we consider possible extensions, first in terms of process-level theories of reasoning, and second in the effects of reasoning outside the lab.
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    Self-deception: Adaptation or by-product?Hugo Mercier - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (1):35-35.
    By systematically biasing our beliefs, self-deception can endanger our ability to successfully convey our messages. It can also lead lies to degenerate into more severe damages in relationships. Accordingly, I suggest that the biases reviewed in the target article do not aim at self-deception but instead are the by-products of several other mechanisms: our natural tendency to self-enhance, the confirmation bias inherent in reasoning, and the lack of access to our unconscious minds.
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  4. Die acht Urbilder des I Ging.Emil Hugo Gräfe - 1968 - Oberstedten/Oberursel Ts.,: H. Gräfe.
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  5. III. Ancien testament.Adrian Schenker & Philippe Hugo - 2005 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 85 (1-2):313.
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    Kapitel 1: Was ist und was soll der Vertex?Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2017 - In Elemente Einer Metaphysik der Immanenz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 159-212.
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  7. How Emotions Are Shaped by Bodily States.Hugo D. Critchley & Yoko Nagai - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):163-168.
    The state of the body is central to guiding motivational behaviours. Here we discuss how afferent information from face and viscera influence the processing and communication of emotional states. We highlight (a) the fine-grained impact that facial muscular and patterned visceral responses exert on emotional appraisal and communicative signals; (b) short-term changes in visceral state that bias brain responses to emotive stimuli; (c) the commonality of brain pathways and substrates mediating short- and long-term bodily effects on emotional processes; (d) how (...)
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    Posiblidades del in-sistencialismo: sus implícitos re-estructurantes, ideológicos, éticos y sociales: hacia una ética global de los derechos humanos ; Sobre el esto y el este que somos: ensayo de antropología in-sistencial.Roberto Hugo Vitta - 2008 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Dunken.
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  9. La creciente desilusión con la democracia moderna en América Latina.Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla - 2008 - Res Publica. Murcia 20.
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    Influence of Tactical and Situational Variables on Offensive Sequences During Elite European Handball Matches.Willian Ferrari, Hugo Sarmento, Adilson Marques, Gonçalo Dias, Tiago Sousa, Pedro Antonio Sánchez-Miguel, José Gama & Vasco Vaz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main objective of this study was to analyze the influence of tactical and situational variables on offensive sequences during elite European handball matches. A sample of 55 games and 5.857 offensive sequences from the European Handball Federation Champions League, the selected teams were classified as the top eight teams in the league, were analyzed using X2 and logistic regression analyses. Results indicated that positional attacks [odds ratio = 0.34; 95% CI: 0.28–0.42; p < 0.001] and fast attacks decreased the (...)
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    Del método científico al método filosófico (y viceversa).Hugo Flórez Beltrán - 1985 - Universitas Philosophica 4:63-78.
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  12. La fe según Xavier Zubiri: una aproximación al tema desde la perspectiva del problema teologal del hombre.Gudiel García & C. Hugo - 2006 - San Salvador: Departamento de Teología, Universidad Centroamericana.
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    The function of reasoning: Argumentative and pragmatic alternatives.Hugo Mercier - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (3-4):488-494.
    The question of the function of reasoning is drawing increased attention. One suggestion is that the function of reasoning is argumentative: to find arguments to convince others and to evaluate others’ arguments. Darmstadter offers an alternative. According to this pragmatic theory the function of reasoning is to minimally adjust our beliefs so that they remain sound guides for action. This theory is similar to the classical view, which sees reasoning as a way of improving the reasoner's beliefs and decisions. The (...)
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    Observaciones latinoamericanas.Sergio Caba M. & Hugo Zemelman (eds.) - 2012 - Valparaíso [Chile]: Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
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    Empirismus und operationismus: Die beiden wissenschaftslehren e-lehre und o-lehre in ihrem verhältnis.Hugo van Dingler - 1952 - Dialectica 6 (4):343-376.
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    Petrus christus's our lady of the dry tree.Hugo van der Velden - 1997 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 60 (1):89-110.
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    Straight out the barrio: Ozomatli and the importance of place in the formation of Chicano/a popular culture in Los Angeles.Victor Hugo Viesca - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (4):445-473.
    Ozomatli's history of formation, the multiplicity of its sounds, the role played by its music in enabling political activism and political coalitions illuminate the relations between identities and politics at the present moment. The group is grounded in Los Angeles contemporary Chicano/a culture and in the new social relations, new knowledges, and new sensibilities of an emerging global city in a transnational era. Speaking from the interstices between commercial culture and the new social movements, Ozomatli's music and political work offers (...)
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    Kapitel 1: Hinführung.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2017 - In Elemente Einer Metaphysik der Immanenz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 23-90.
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  19. Toldot ha-filosofyah ha-ḥadashah.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1970 - Jerusalem: Mosad Bialiḳ.
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    Frontmatter.Dan Sperber & Hugo Mercier - 2017 - In Dan Sperber & Hugo Mercier, The Enigma of Reason. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
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    7. How We Use Reasons.Dan Sperber & Hugo Mercier - 2017 - In Dan Sperber & Hugo Mercier, The Enigma of Reason. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press. pp. 109-127.
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  22. Depósitos Sedimentares e variações Paleoambientais no Pleistocénico Final e Holocénico do Alto Ribatejo (Portugal).Hugo Gomes, Cristiana Ferreira & Pierluigi Rosina - 2013 - Revista Techne 1 (1).
  23. Anashim u-derakhim.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1967
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    Der Kampf um das Kausalgesetz in der jüngsten Physik.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1929 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
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    God as spirit.Geoffrey William Hugo Lampe - 1977 - Oxford [Eng.]: Clarendon Press.
    This book sets out to present a Christian understanding of God in terms of the fundamental category of 'God as Spirit'.
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    Grundlinien der Kunstpsychologie.Othmar Hugo Sterzinger - 1938 - Graz,: Leykamverlag.
    Bd. l. Die Sinnenwelt.-- Bd. 2. Die innere Welt.
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    Del autoengaño y sus logros1.Hugo Aznar - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 38:353-358.
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  28. Prototipo para la determinación de la velocidad Del sonido.Hugo Armando Gallego Becerra, G. Hoover Orozco & Williams Yee Calle - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 17.
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  29. Comprender y explicar. Notas a partir de Schleiermacher.Hugo Renato Ochoa Disselkoen - 2007 - Universitas Philosophica 49 (49):79-94.
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    El carácter dialógico de la hermenéuitica de Schleiermacher: su fundamento y sentido.Hugo Renato Ochoa Disselkoen - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 39:81-95.
    La hermenéutica contemporánea, en general, ha sostenido una autonomía del texto y se le ha reprochado a Schleiermacher el tener una perspectiva psicologizante. No obstante, en este artículo se pretende mostrar que el fundamento de la prioridad de la "parte psicológica", como la llama Schleiermacher, estriba en que éste concibe la interpretación como una forma de diálogo, en la medida que, desde su perspectiva en todo texto alguien le dice algo a alguien, independientemente de que el intérprete sea o no (...)
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    Radicale subsidiariteit.Hugo Durieux - 2012 - Res Publica 54 (1):87-97.
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    Una aproximación a la lírica de Paul Celan.Hugo Echagüe - 2007 - Tópicos 15:77-86.
    It is necessary to specify in which sense the concept "Silence" is to be used in Celan's poetry. If on one hand it can be said that his Lyric is an answer to Adorno's impossibility of poetry after Auschwitz, and that it arose in the frame of the annihilation of war and Nazism that also devastated language , on the other hand, it is in a dialectical way that this allusion to Silence, neither positively nor factically determinable, could be explored, (...)
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    Montesquieu und die „gesellschaftliche Funktion“.Hugo Laitenberger - 1977 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 3:205-224.
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    Mulheres e esporte: processo civilizador ou (des) civilizador.Hugo Rodolfo Lovisolo - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 17 (2):29-38.
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  35. La necesidad de una teoría crítica de la modernización ante las realidades de la segunda mitad del siglo XX.Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla - 2008 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 21:6.
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  36. Modernidad o posmodernidad.Hugo Ochoa - 2002 - Universitas Philosophica 38:331-343.
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    La defensa de un culpable: Una justificación moral.Hugo Omar Seleme - 2012 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 37:17-60.
    La condena popular pesa sobre los abogados que, conscientes de la culpabilidad de su cliente, argumentan en favor de su inocencia, cuestionando la validez y la fuerza de la evidencia en su contra. El propósito de este trabajo es ofrecer una nueva réplica al argumento que sirve de base para esta condena. La refutación que es ofrecida en el trabajo está fundada en la concepción prospectiva de obligación.
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    Die Nebenwirkung einer Reise? Darwins Theorie und ihre Folgen.Hugo Staudinger - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 38 (2):167-185.
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    La conciencia de lo corporal: Una visión fenomenológica-cognitiva.Hugo Mauricio Rodríguez Vergara - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (142):25-47.
    Este escrito es un esfuerzo por mostrar la importancia de un enfoque fenomenológico para clarificar, en cierto sentido, las explicaciones cognitivas sobre una posible awareness corporal. Shaun Gallagher, por ejemplo, es uno de los autores que ha intentado implementar descripciones fenomenológicas de..
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    Bierce, Ambrose: La mirada cínica.Hugo Aznar - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 55:199-201.
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    Lógica deóntica y verdad.Hugo R. Zuleta - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (1):115-133.
    El objeto principal de este trabajo consiste en discutir una propuesta de C. Alchourrón y A. Martino para hacer frente al problema de la fundamentación de la lógica deóntica, planteado por el dilema de Jørgensen. La propuesta criticada se basa en la idea de que no existe obstáculo alguno en compatibilizar la idea de que las normas carecen de valor de verdad con la idea de que poseen una lógica, una vez que se renuncia al "prejuicio filosófico" de que es (...)
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    MUÑOZ, Ceferino P.D.: Objetividad y ciencia en Cayetano. Una prefiguración de la Modernidad, Santiago de Chile, RIL editores, 2016, 291 pp. [REVIEW]Hugo Costarelli Brandi - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:405.
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    Martí, José. Todo lo olvida Nueva York en un instante. Escritos sobre el nacimiento de la cultura del consumo (1881-1891). Selección y estudio introductorio de José Miguel Marinas. Cenaltes Ediciones, Viña del Mar, 2016. [REVIEW]Hugo Herrera Pardo - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (1):265-268.
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    Hugo Schuchardt on Esperanto.Hugo Schuchardt - 1908 - The Monist 18 (1):152-152.
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  45. Briefe Franz brentanos an Hugo Bergmann.Hugo Bergmann & Franz Brentano - 1946 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7 (1):83-158.
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    Moslem Account as to the Origin of Christian Sects in Syria.H. Wernekke - 1905 - The Monist 15 (3):466-468.
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    Bergmann, Hugo, Dr. phil. Untersuchungen zum Problem der Evidenz der inneren Wahrnehmung.Hugo Bergmann - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Demo(s) : philosophy-pedagogy-politics.Hugo Letiche, Geoffrey Lightfoot & Jean-Luc Moriceau (eds.) - 2016
    This book is framed as a dialogue, between Hugo Letiche's iconoclastic appeals to demontrate (as in a demo) for pedagogy/philosophy/politics of (re-)territoralization (as in the demos), and Jacques Rancière's call for dissensus and a new sensibility (le partage du sensible) that may lead to critical democratization. Writing here are: Asmund Born, Damian O'Doherty, Joanna Latimer, Hugo letiche, Geoff Lightfoot, Simon Lilley, Alphonso Lingis, Stephen Linstead, Garance Maréchal, Jean-Luc Moriceau, Rolland Munro, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Peter pelzer, Yvon Pesqueux, Burkard (...)
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  49. Hugo grotius, moral scepticism and the use of arguments in utramque partem.Hugo Grotius - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):145-166.
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  50. Europäische Aufklärung. Herbert Dieckmann Zum 60. Geburtstag. Hrsg. Von Hugo Friedrich Und Fritz Schalk.Hugo Friedrich, Herbert Dieckmann & Fritz Schalk - 1967 - Fink.
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