Results for 'Hugo Durieux'

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    Radicale subsidiariteit.Hugo Durieux - 2012 - Res Publica 54 (1):87-97.
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    The paradox of scientific expertise: A perspectivist approach to knowledge asymmetries.Hugo Fjelsted Alrøe & Egon Noe - 2011 - Fachsprache - International Journal of Specialized Communication (3–4):152-167.
    Modern societies depend on a growing production of scientific knowledge, which is based on the functional differentiation of science into still more specialised scientific disciplines and subdisciplines. This is the basis for the paradox of scientific expertise: The growth of science leads to a fragmentation of scientific expertise. To resolve this paradox, the present paper investigates three hypotheses: 1) All scientific knowledge is perspectival. 2) The perspectival structure of science leads to specific forms of knowledge asymmetries. 3) Such perspectival knowledge (...)
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    Sur les Elogia (1553) de Janus Vitalis et les Antiquitez de Rome de Joachim Du Bellay.George Hugo Tucker - 1985 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 47 (1):103-112.
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    L'argument d'interférence minimale contre la peine capitale.Hugo Adam Bedau & Alexia Autenne - 2003 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 101 (1):138-150.
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    Emotions and Sport Management: A Bibliometric Overview.Hugo Baier-Fuentes, María Huertas González-Serrano, Manuel Alonso-Dos Santos, Williams Inzunza-Mendoza & Victor Pozo-Estrada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Sol y sombra en la obra educativa de Jaime Torres Bodet.Víctor Hugo Bolaños - 2002 - México: Editorial Porrúa.
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    The metaphysics of inventiveness.Hugo De Fer - 1975 - Albuquerque: American Classical College Press.
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  8. Spinozae Opera Philosophica. Herausg. Von H. Ginsberg.Benedict Spinoza & Hugo Wilhelm Ginsberg - 1882
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    Sociology in Brazil: A Brief Institutional and Intellectual History.Veridiana Domingos Cordeiro & Hugo Neri - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book provides an overview of the institutional and intellectual development of sociology in Brazil from the early 1900s to the present day; through military coups, dictatorships and democracies. It charts the profound impact of sociology on Brazilian public life and how, in turn, upheavals in the history of the country and its universities affected its scientific agenda. This engaging account highlights the extent of the discipline’s colonial inheritance, its early institutionalization in São Paulo, and its congruent rise and fall (...)
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  10. ʻAl Prof. Ḥayim Yehudah Rot, zal.Samuel Hugo Bergman, Nathan Rotenstreich & Mosheh Shṭernberg (eds.) - 1963 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y. L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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  11. La ansiedad metodológica como búsqueda de objetividad: La construcción de filogenias moleculares.Edna Suárez & Víctor Hugo Anaya - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (31):33-64.
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  12. Three levels of semiosis: Three kinds of kinds.F. Alrøe Hugo - 2016 - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 23 (2):23-38.
    In philosophy, there is an as yet unresolved discussion on whether there are different kinds of kinds and what those kinds are. In particular, there is a distinction between indifferent kinds, which are unaffected by observation and representation, and interactive kinds, which respond to being studied in ways that alter the very kinds under study. This is in essence a discussion on ontologies and, I argue, more precisely about ontological levels. The discussion of kinds of kinds can be resolved by (...)
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    La dualité démocratique : entre l’État administratif et la société civile.Hugo Cossette-Lefebvre - 2016 - Ithaque 19:169-187.
    Les démocraties s’articulent autour de deux pôles qui ne se réduisent pas l’un à l’autre, mais qui doivent communiquer constamment : la société civile et l’État. Or, l’équilibre à rechercher entre ces deux éléments est mis à mal par la consolidation de l’État administratif qui tend à autonomiser son action par rapport au reste de la société ; la société civile y est d’ordinaire exclue des prises de décisions. Cette exclusion peut toutefois être considérée positivement ou négativement. Comme il sera (...)
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    Jewish ethics & Catholic doctrine.Hugo De Fer - 1972 - Albuquerque, N.M.]: American Classical College Press.
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  15. Arguments with early film theory. The psychology of the photoplay.Hugo Münsterberg - 2010 - In Marc Furstenau (ed.), The film theory reader: debates and arguments. New York: Routledge.
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    Morality and Religion.Hugo Meynell W. W. Bartley - 1972 - Philosophical Books 13 (1):3-4.
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    Kritik des reaktionären Denkens.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Reaktionäres Denken ist wieder in Mode. Aber was ist das eigentlich? Wodurch unterscheidet es sich von anderen Formen des Denkens? Und welche philosophischen Instrumente können gegen dessen erneutes Erstarken wirken? Robert Hugo Ziegler analysiert beispielhaft Autoren wie Jünger, Heidegger, Schmitt und Rand und schlägt einen systematischen Begriff des reaktionären Denkens vor. Damit entmystifiziert er eine Diskursform, die letztlich nur in der eigenen Mystifizierung besteht, und bezieht auch politisch Stellung gegen das Wiederaufleben der Reaktion.
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    Von der Natur.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2024 - transcript Verlag.
    Wir sind Teil einer Natur, die uns übersteigt - Grund genug, die Natur wieder zum Gegenstand philosophischer Reflexionen zu machen. Durch den Essentialismus-Verdacht schien der Begriff bereits für die Philosophie disqualifiziert. Doch Robert Hugo Ziegler zeigt, gestützt unter anderem auf Lukrez und Spinoza, dass die Natur, sobald man sie ernsthaft ins Auge fasst, alles andere als essentialistisch ist. Er ordnet das philosophische Problem der Natur damit in eine Wiederentdeckung metaphysischer Fragestellungen ein, die er originell vorantreibt - und beweist, dass (...)
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  19. Mavo le-torat-ha-higayon.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1953
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  20. III. Ancien testament.Adrian Schenker & Philippe Hugo - 2005 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 85 (1-2):313.
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    A Way of Looking at Heidegger.Hugo Meynell - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (4):613-629.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A WAY OF LOOKING AT HEIDEGGER HUGO MEYNELL University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta IN THE FOLLOWING essay I w;ant to examine some of rthe ba1Sic ~deas of Heidegger from SIOmething of a " transcendiental Thomist " pevspective, 1 as represented by Bernard Lonergian's " generalized empirical method." I believe that there are a nlllmber of important insights :to be gained from Heidegger's work but that it contains a (...)
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    Reseña de "Ética y feminismo" de Graciela Hierro.Víctor Hugo Méndez Aguirre - 1999 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (2):211-214.
  23. La tentative.Jane Lake & Hugo Wolf - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):25-26.
    This piece, framed by sight and sound, is an (un)written essay on repetition, memory, rhythm, and marks made by the passage of time. The authorship condenses at once in the music, the initial creation, and then in the movement of the image, created with the memory of music spooling out in the silence of a train through the Rhône-Alpes. The result, an attempt— une tentative —a temptation, marks moments of feeling kept aloft through seeing what was once heard and marking (...)
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    Person And Society.George F. McLean & Hugo Anthony Meynell (eds.) - 1988 - Lanham: University Press Of America.
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    Summary.Wayne Smith & Hugo Armendariz - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (2):97.
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    Reported Affect Changes as a Function of Response Delay: Findings From a Pooled Dataset of Nine Experience Sampling Studies.Gudrun Eisele, Hugo Vachon, Inez Myin-Germeys & Wolfgang Viechtbauer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Delayed responses are a common phenomenon in experience sampling studies. Yet no consensus exists on whether they should be excluded from the analysis or what the threshold for exclusion should be. Delayed responses could introduce bias, but previous investigations of systematic differences between delayed and timely responses have offered unclear results. To investigate differences as a function of delay, we conducted secondary analyses of nine paper and pencil based experience sampling studies including 1,528 individuals with different clinical statuses. In all (...)
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  27. Shelomoh Maimon.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1935
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  28. Philosophie der werte.Hugo Münsterberg - 1908 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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  29. Hermenéutica y Símbolo en el Psicoanálisis Freudiano.M. F. Víctor Hugo Valdés Pérez - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 88.
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    Förhållandet mellan moral och religion med särskild hänsyn till "den Ritschelska skolan.".Hugo Rosén - 1919 - Lund,: P. Lindstedt.
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  31. Einleben in die Verfassung oder Verfassungsänderung?Georg Anton Hugo von Below - 1926 - Langensalza,: H. Beyer.
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  32. Fenomenología y sentido. Husserl y Heidegger en la discusión sobre la practicidad originaria de la existencia.Hugo Eduardo Herrera - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (250):939.
  33.  36
    María Arcelia Gonzáles Butrón, Ética de la economía, Reflexiones y propuestas de otra economía desde América Latina, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (coedición), Morelia, 2010, 274 p. [REVIEW]Hugo Amador Herrera Torres - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    El sólo título Ética de la economía, con que bautiza la Dra. Gonzáles Butrón a su libro, resulta sugerente. El prólogo se manifiesta también sugerente. Cerutti, quien lo escribe, explica que la economía implica valores y que estos valores determinan criterios que colocan a los seres humanos en determinadas posiciones, donde las neutralidades son meras apariencias. Cerutti argumenta que las posiciones que implican pisar las cabezas, los cuerpos, las necesidades y las dignidades de los otros y ..
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    Hugo Schuchardt on Esperanto.Hugo Schuchardt - 1908 - The Monist 18 (1):152-152.
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    Bergmann, Hugo, Dr. phil. Untersuchungen zum Problem der Evidenz der inneren Wahrnehmung.Hugo Bergmann - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
  36. Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness.Hugo D. Critchley, Stefan Wiens, Pia Rotshtein, Arne Öhman & Raymond J. Dolan - 2004 - Nature Neuroscience 7 (2):189-195.
  37. Hugo grotius, moral scepticism and the use of arguments in utramque partem.Hugo Grotius - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):145-166.
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  38. Europäische Aufklärung. Herbert Dieckmann Zum 60. Geburtstag. Hrsg. Von Hugo Friedrich Und Fritz Schalk.Hugo Friedrich, Herbert Dieckmann & Fritz Schalk - 1967 - Fink.
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  39. Briefe Franz brentanos an Hugo Bergmann.Hugo Bergmann & Franz Brentano - 1946 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7 (1):83-158.
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    Note de lecture.Guillaume Durieux - 2014 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3:121.
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    Intuitive and reflective inferences.Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish (eds.), In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 149--170.
    Much evidence has accumulated in favor of such a dual view of reasoning. There is however some vagueness in the way the two systems are characterized. Instead of a principled distinction, we are presented with a bundle of contrasting features - slow/fast, automatic/controlled, explicit/implicit, associationist/rule based, modular/central - that, depending on the specific dual process theory, are attributed more or less exclusively to one of the two systems. As Evans states in a recent review, “it would then be helpful to (...)
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  42. The rights of war and peace.Hugo Grotius - unknown
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    (1 other version)Complementarity in quantum mechanics: A logical analysis.Hugo Bedau & Paul Oppenheim - 1961 - Synthese 13 (3):201 - 232.
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    Five pathways into one profession: Fifty years of debate on differentiated nursing practice.Hugo Schalkwijk, Martijn Felder, Pieterbas Lalleman, Manon S. Parry, Lisette Schoonhoven & Iris Wallenburg - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12631.
    The persistence of multiple educational pathways into the nursing profession continues to occupy scholars internationally. In the Netherlands, various groups within the Dutch healthcare sector have tried to differentiate nursing practice on the basis of educational backgrounds for over 50 years. Proponents argue that such reforms are needed to retain bachelor‐trained nurses, improve quality of care and strengthen nurses' position in the sector. Opponents have actively resisted reforms because they would mainly benefit bachelor‐trained nurses and neglect practical experience and technical (...)
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    Dignity in nursing: A synthesis review of concept analysis studies.Hugo Franco, Sílvia Caldeira & Lucília Nunes - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics:096973302096182.
    Nursing research using concept analysis plays a critical role for knowledge development, particularly when concerning to broad and foundational concepts for nursing practice, such as dignity. This study aimed to synthesize research concerning concept analysis of dignity in nursing care. Based on a literature review, electronic databases were searched using the terms “dignity,” “human dignity,” “concept analysis,” and nurs*. Papers in Portuguese or English were included. The research synthesis was conducted independently by two reviewers. A total of 35 citations were (...)
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    Knowledge of the Whole in Friedrich Hölderlin’s “Being Judgement Possibility”.Hugo E. Herrera - 2020 - Idealistic Studies 50 (3):221-232.
    In “Being Judgement Possibility,” Hölderlin posits that the division between subject and object produced in conscious knowledge requires admitting a being as the ground of that knowledge’s unity. Commentators argue over the way to access such being according to Hölderlin. For Dieter Henrich, being is a presupposition recognized reflexively. Manfred Frank, by contrast, maintains that Hölderlin grants direct access to it in an “intellectual intuition.” This article addresses the respective interpretations of both authors. It shows that Frank’s interpretation is closer (...)
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    Punishment.Hugo Adam Bedau - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  48. Bioethics and secular humanism: the search for a common morality.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 1991 - Philadelphia: Trinity Press International.
    "A book from the Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith, and Ethics." Includes bibliographical references (p. [141]-195) and index.
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    The Photoplay: A Psychological Study.Hugo Munsterberg - 2017 - Pinnacle Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  50. On the law of war and peace.Hugo Grotius - unknown
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