Results for 'Hugo Dormagen'

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  1. De taak der rechtssociologie.Hugo Sinzheimar - 1935 - Haarlem,: H. D. Tjeenk Willink & zoon, n.v..
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    Psychology and industrial efficiency.Hugo Münsterberg - 1917 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 83 (19):196-199.
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    Posición original, equilibrio reflexivo y deontologismo.Hugo Omar Seleme - 2004 - Análisis Filosófico 24 (1):83-110.
    Un aspecto poco estudiado del argumento de Michael Sandel en contra del carácter neutral de la justicia como equidad, es el modo en que funda sus conclusiones en el entendimiento que tiene de otros tres aspectos de la concepción rawlsiana de justicia: su carácter deontológico, el equilibrio reflexivo, y la posición original. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar que Sandel no ha cometido cuatro errores independientes, sino que poseer un entendimiento equivocado del carácter deontológico de la teoría lo ha llevado a caracterizar (...)
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  4. Ästhetik, socialpolitik und entwicklungslehre.Hugo Spitzer - 1899 - [Leipzig und Wien,: C. Fromme.
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  5. La cuestión de la propiedad en Locke.Hugo Aznar Gómez - 1991 - El Basilisco 7:39-45.
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    Syrien im 1.-7. Jahrhundert nach Christus. Edited by Dmitrij Bumazhnov and Hans Reinhard Seeliger.Hugo Méndez - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (3).
    Syrien im 1.-7. Jahrhundert nach Christus. Edited by Dmitrij Bumazhnov and Hans Reinhard Seeliger. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, vol. 62. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011. Pp. viii + 284. €64.
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    A notice.Hugo Münsterberg - 1895 - Psychological Review 2 (3):286-286.
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    (1 other version)Psychological atomism.Hugo Münsterberg - 1900 - Psychological Review 7 (1):1-17.
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    O ensaio como irresolução. Contemporaneidades de Eduardo Lourenço.Hugo Monteiro - 2024 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 43 (2).
    Marcado desde sempre pela relação entre filosofia e literatura, o pensamento de Eduardo Lourenço (1923-2020) desenvolve-se ao longo de uma vasta produção intelectual – parte ainda inédita – correspondente a uma profunda, atenta e responsável atenção ao seu tempo. Este artigo parte dessa atenção, intentando demonstrar os contornos da sua originalidade, bem como mapear os traços principais do seu relevo filosófico-literário. Passando pelas noções de “heterodoxia”, de “ensaísmo” e de “temporalidade”, pretende-se acompanhar algumas vias percorridas pela obra do pensador, esclarecendo (...)
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    Sismografias: a, de derrida.Hugo Monteiro - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):147-168.
    Resumo: Este texto parte da letra A, da sua importância e da sua centralidade na Desconstrução de Derrida. Em função dessa letra iniciática, indício da “ironia muda” da différance como sincategorema do pensamento de Derrida, tentar-se-á acompanhar o modo como se apresenta à Filosofia Contemporânea como uma espécie de sismo, de abalo e de nova propulsão. Sismografias tenta então reconhecer, na postura e no desenvolvimento dessa letra “A”, a forma como o trabalho de Derrida abala pela base o território dos (...)
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    Now, the Real Foundations of Bioethics. [REVIEW]Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 31 (6):46-47.
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    The paradox of scientific expertise: A perspectivist approach to knowledge asymmetries.Hugo Fjelsted Alrøe & Egon Noe - 2011 - Fachsprache - International Journal of Specialized Communication (3–4):152-167.
    Modern societies depend on a growing production of scientific knowledge, which is based on the functional differentiation of science into still more specialised scientific disciplines and subdisciplines. This is the basis for the paradox of scientific expertise: The growth of science leads to a fragmentation of scientific expertise. To resolve this paradox, the present paper investigates three hypotheses: 1) All scientific knowledge is perspectival. 2) The perspectival structure of science leads to specific forms of knowledge asymmetries. 3) Such perspectival knowledge (...)
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    Nature quality in organic farming: A conceptual analysis of considerations and criteria in a european context.K. Tybirk, Hugo F. Alrøe & P. Frederiksen - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (3):249-274.
    Nature quality in relation to farming is a complex field. It involves different traditions and interests, different views of what nature is, and different ways of valuing nature. Furthermore there is a general lack of empirical data on many aspects of nature quality in the farmed landscape. In this paper we discuss nature quality from the perspective of organic farming, which has its own values and goals in relation to nature – the Ecologist View of Nature. This is in contrast (...)
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    Wissen ohne Vorstellungen.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2023 (1):176-195.
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    Reported Affect Changes as a Function of Response Delay: Findings From a Pooled Dataset of Nine Experience Sampling Studies.Gudrun Eisele, Hugo Vachon, Inez Myin-Germeys & Wolfgang Viechtbauer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Delayed responses are a common phenomenon in experience sampling studies. Yet no consensus exists on whether they should be excluded from the analysis or what the threshold for exclusion should be. Delayed responses could introduce bias, but previous investigations of systematic differences between delayed and timely responses have offered unclear results. To investigate differences as a function of delay, we conducted secondary analyses of nine paper and pencil based experience sampling studies including 1,528 individuals with different clinical statuses. In all (...)
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    The egyptian Helen.Hugo von Hofmannsthal - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (2):205-214.
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    Die Rückkehr des Realen.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (4):611-626.
    We are witnessing a return of the real which philosophy seems illequipped to handle. I argue (1) that this return of the real must be read as a rejection of those philosophical tendencies which were prevalent in the past decades and which I call philosophies of mediation: They supplanted all references to something real by the sole reference to those processes in which reality was supposed to be given or shaped (in interpretations, linguistic structures, historical or social conditions, media…). The (...)
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    Quantale Valued Sets: Categorical Constructions and Properties.José G. Alvim, Hugo L. Mariano & Caio de A. Mendes - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-54.
    This work mainly concerns the—here introduced—category of \(\mathscr {Q}\) -sets and functional morphisms, where \(\mathscr {Q}\) is a commutative semicartesian quantale. We prove it enjoys all limits and colimits, that it has a classifier for regular subobjects (a sort of truth-values object), which we characterize and give explicitly. Moreover: we prove it to be \(\kappa \) -locally presentable, (where \(\kappa =max\{|\mathscr {Q}|^+, \aleph _0\}\) ); we also describe a hierarchy of monoidal structures in this category.
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  19. Science and idealism.Hugo Münsterberg - 1906 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin and Co..
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    Francisco Romero on culture east and west.Hugo Rodriguez-Alcala - 1952 - Philosophy East and West 2 (2):155-165.
  21. Spinozae Opera Philosophica. Herausg. Von H. Ginsberg.Benedict Spinoza & Hugo Wilhelm Ginsberg - 1882
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  22. La ansiedad metodológica como búsqueda de objetividad: La construcción de filogenias moleculares.Edna Suárez & Víctor Hugo Anaya - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (31):33-64.
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    Sur les Elogia (1553) de Janus Vitalis et les Antiquitez de Rome de Joachim Du Bellay.George Hugo Tucker - 1985 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 47 (1):103-112.
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    Morality and Religion.Hugo Meynell W. W. Bartley - 1972 - Philosophical Books 13 (1):3-4.
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    Von der Natur.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2024 - transcript Verlag.
    Wir sind Teil einer Natur, die uns übersteigt - Grund genug, die Natur wieder zum Gegenstand philosophischer Reflexionen zu machen. Durch den Essentialismus-Verdacht schien der Begriff bereits für die Philosophie disqualifiziert. Doch Robert Hugo Ziegler zeigt, gestützt unter anderem auf Lukrez und Spinoza, dass die Natur, sobald man sie ernsthaft ins Auge fasst, alles andere als essentialistisch ist. Er ordnet das philosophische Problem der Natur damit in eine Wiederentdeckung metaphysischer Fragestellungen ein, die er originell vorantreibt - und beweist, dass (...)
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    Defending the Guilty.Hugo Omar Seleme - 2013 - Ethical Perspectives 20 (2):299-327.
  27. Las musas como metáfora de la inspiración poética: las musas y el problema de la inspiración poética en la Antigüedad Clásica.Hugo F. Bauzá - 1993 - Escritos de Filosofía 12 (23-24):115-130.
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    Method Instead of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science.Hugo Dingler - 1988 - Science in Context 2 (2):369-408.
    The peculiar situation of epistemology has often been remarked upon, meaning that sort of epistemology which issued from English empiricism and whose father is taken to be John Locke. Epistemology in the general sense has existed as long as there has been scientific philosophy, and in truth it has always formed the basis and core of all scientific philosophizing.
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  29. Fichte. Fundamentos de la querella sobre el ateísmo.Hugo Renato Ochoa Disselkoen - 2004 - Philosophica 27:173-184.
    El presente trabajo pretende establecer los fundamentos de la querella sobre el ateismo en el que se ve envuelto Fichte y que le significa ser exonerado de la Universidad de Jena. A este respecto se establece que el primado de la libertad, como carácter constitutivo del sujeto, supone no sólo una conciencia autónoma en el ámbito moral y un primado de la razón práctica, como proponía Kant, sino también la exclusión de un orden trascendente que pueda intervenir directamente sobre el (...)
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    Una aproximación a la lírica de Paul Celan.Hugo Echagüe - 2007 - Tópicos 15:77-86.
    It is necessary to specify in which sense the concept "Silence" is to be used in Celan's poetry. If on one hand it can be said that his Lyric is an answer to Adorno's impossibility of poetry after Auschwitz, and that it arose in the frame of the annihilation of war and Nazism that also devastated language , on the other hand, it is in a dialectical way that this allusion to Silence, neither positively nor factically determinable, could be explored, (...)
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  31. (1 other version)El escepticismo clásico y moderno como precursores de las teorías postmodernistas.Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 47 (2):10-11.
    Las teorías posmodernas no son tan originales como sus seguidores lo presumen. El escepticismo clásico de la era helenística constituye el más interesante precursor del posmodernismo a causa de su inexorable relativismo y, paradójicamente, por su propensión al oportunismo ideológico y el conservatismo político. Los antiguos escépticos y los posmodernos contemporáneos han solido ser gentes desilusionadas con las doctrinas revolucionarias y los sistemas filosóficos de supuesta validez universal. De allí han evolucionado una muy razonable tendencia antidogmática y algunas técnicas para (...)
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  32. Calculating rfPred scores with package rfPred.Hugo Varet, Fabienne Jabot-Hanin & Jean-Philippe Jais - manuscript
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    Philosophy and Religion.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 11:11-17.
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  34. Shelomoh Maimon.Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1935
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    The metaphysics of inventiveness.Hugo De Fer - 1975 - Albuquerque: American Classical College Press.
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    Förhållandet mellan moral och religion med särskild hänsyn till "den Ritschelska skolan.".Hugo Rosén - 1919 - Lund,: P. Lindstedt.
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  37. Einleben in die Verfassung oder Verfassungsänderung?Georg Anton Hugo von Below - 1926 - Langensalza,: H. Beyer.
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    Rationality applied: resolving the two envelopes problem.Christian Hugo Hoffmann - 2023 - Theory and Decision 94 (4):555-573.
    The Two Envelopes Problem is a beautiful and quite confusing problem in decision theory which is ca. 35 years old and has provoked at least 150 papers directly addressing the problem and displaying a surprising variety of different responses. This paper finds decisive progress in an approach of Priest and Restall in 2003, contends that the recent papers having appeared since did not really go beyond that paper, argues further that Priest’s and Restall’s solution is still not complete, and proposes (...)
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    Influence of Tactical and Situational Variables on Offensive Sequences During Elite European Handball Matches.Willian Ferrari, Hugo Sarmento, Adilson Marques, Gonçalo Dias, Tiago Sousa, Pedro Antonio Sánchez-Miguel, José Gama & Vasco Vaz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main objective of this study was to analyze the influence of tactical and situational variables on offensive sequences during elite European handball matches. A sample of 55 games and 5.857 offensive sequences from the European Handball Federation Champions League, the selected teams were classified as the top eight teams in the league, were analyzed using X2 and logistic regression analyses. Results indicated that positional attacks [odds ratio = 0.34; 95% CI: 0.28–0.42; p < 0.001] and fast attacks decreased the (...)
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    The epidemiology of cognitive development.Ava Guez, Hugo Peyre, Camille Williams, Ghislaine Labouret & Franck Ramus - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104690.
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  41. Les témoignages de la langue hébraïque. [REVIEW]Hugo Gressmann - 1916 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 4 (20):229.
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    BERNARDO, Fernanda: Derrida – em nome da justiça. Do cosmopolitismo à alter-mundialização por vir, Palimage, Coimbra, 2021, 396p. [REVIEW]Hugo Monteiro - 2021 - Agora 41 (1).
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  43. Review: George Boole, Armando Asti Vera, Analisis Matematico de la Logica. Ensayo de un Calculo del Razonamiento Deductivo. [REVIEW]Hugo Ribeiro - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (1):104-105.
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    María Arcelia Gonzáles Butrón, Ética de la economía, Reflexiones y propuestas de otra economía desde América Latina, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (coedición), Morelia, 2010, 274 p. [REVIEW]Hugo Amador Herrera Torres - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    El sólo título Ética de la economía, con que bautiza la Dra. Gonzáles Butrón a su libro, resulta sugerente. El prólogo se manifiesta también sugerente. Cerutti, quien lo escribe, explica que la economía implica valores y que estos valores determinan criterios que colocan a los seres humanos en determinadas posiciones, donde las neutralidades son meras apariencias. Cerutti argumenta que las posiciones que implican pisar las cabezas, los cuerpos, las necesidades y las dignidades de los otros y ..
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  45. Briefe Franz brentanos an Hugo Bergmann.Hugo Bergmann & Franz Brentano - 1946 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7 (1):83-158.
  46. Hugo grotius, moral scepticism and the use of arguments in utramque partem.Hugo Grotius - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):145-166.
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    Bergmann, Hugo, Dr. phil. Untersuchungen zum Problem der Evidenz der inneren Wahrnehmung.Hugo Bergmann - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Hugo Schuchardt on Esperanto.Hugo Schuchardt - 1908 - The Monist 18 (1):152-152.
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  49. The rights of war and peace.Hugo Grotius - unknown
  50. Global bioethics: the collapse of consensus.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt (ed.) - 2006 - Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
    This collection of essays, Global Bioethics: The Collapse of Consensus, deals with the issue of the repeated failure of attempts to derive a universal set of ...
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