Results for 'Hubert Schwabl'

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  1.  10
    The tyranny of phylogeny—A plea for a less dogmatic stance on two‐species comparisons.Wolfgang Goymann & Hubert Schwabl - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (8):2100071.
    Phylogenetically controlled studies across multiple species correct for taxonomic confounds in physiological performance traits. Therefore, they are preferred over comparisons of two or few closely‐related species. Funding bodies, referees and journal editors nowadays often even reject to consider detailed comparisons of two or few closely related species. Here, we plea for a less dogmatic stance on such comparisons, because phylogenetic studies come with their own limitations similar in magnitude as those of two‐species comparisons. Two‐species comparisons are particularly relevant and instructive (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Quantum Theory and Measurement.John Archibald Wheeler & Wojciech Hubert Zurek - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (3):480-481.
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    Revisiting the Fact/Value Dichotomy: A Speech Act Approach to Improve the Integration of Ethics in Health Technology Assessment.Georges-Auguste Legault, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Christian A. Bellemare, Jean-Pierre Béland, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon, Monelle Parent & Johane Patenaude - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (5):578-593.
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    Mathematics anxiety reduces default mode network deactivation in response to numerical tasks.Belinda Pletzer, Martin Kronbichler, Hans-Christoph Nuerk & Hubert H. Kerschbaum - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  5.  28
    Ethical Evaluation in Health Technology Assessment: A Challenge for Applied Philosophy.Georges-Auguste Legault, Jean-Pierre Béland, Monelle Parent, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Christian A. Bellemare, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon & Johane Patenaude - 2019 - Open Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):331-351.
    The integration of ethical analysis in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) has proven difficult to implement even though it is explicitly recognized as an important component of such assessments in HTA literature. When compared to the standardized scientific method for systematic reviews in HTA, the diversity of ethical analysis has been characterized as a fundamental barrier to the integration of ethics. The present paper aims to identify the theoretical and practical differences between the approaches underpinning ethical analysis in HTA and clarify (...)
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    Eliciting Value-Judgments in Health Technology Assessment: An Applied Ethics Decision Making Paradigm.Georges-Auguste Legault, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Jean-Pierre Béland, Christian A. Bellemare, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon, Monelle Parent & Johane Patenaude - 2021 - Open Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):307-325.
    The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has shed more light on the difficulty of making health care decisions integrating scientific knowledge and values associated to life and death issues, human suffering, quality of life, economic losses, liberty of movement, etc. But the difficulties related to health care decisions and the use of innovative drugs or technologies are not new, and many countries have created agencies that have the mandate to evaluate new technologies in health care. Health Technological Assessment (HTA) reports’ aim is (...)
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  7. Denker ohne wirkung.Bela Juhos—Ein Typisches Schicksal & Konstanz von Hubert Schleichert - 1971 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 5:5.
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    Leopold Flam (1912-1995): een filosoof van gisteren voor een wereld van morgen.Léopold Flam, Willem Elias & Hubert Dethier (eds.) - 2010 - Brussel: VUBPress.
    "Leopold Flam (1912-1995) is samen met Leo Apostel wellicht de belangrijkste figuur van het filosofische gebeuren tussen de jaren vijftig en tachtig van de vorige eeuw. Toch is hij in de vergetelheid geraakt.
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    Bridge Over an Aging Population: Examining Longitudinal Relations Among Human Resource Management, Social Support, and Employee Outcomes Among Bridge Workers.Klaske N. Veth, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Hubert P. L. M. Korzilius, Annet H. De Lange & Ben J. M. Emans - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Amaranth and meadowfoam: Two new crops?Holly Hauptli, Subodh Jain, B. Lennart Johnson, J. Giles Waines, Royce S. Bringhurst, James F. Hancock, Victor Voth, Paul G. Smith, Paulden F. Knowles & Hubert B. Cooper - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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  11. Materie, Bewegung, kosmische Entwicklung.Walter Hollitscher & Unter Mitarbeit von Hubert Horstmann - 1983 - In Walter Hollitscher, Hubert Horstmann & John Erpenbeck, Natur und Mensch im Weltbild der Wissenschaft: Materie, Bewegung, kosmische Entwicklung. Herausgegeben von Hubert Horstmann. Wien ;: Globus.
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    Chronique : Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Steve Bélanger, Marie-Pierre Bussières, Lucian Dîncã, Moa Dritsas-Bizier, Steve Johnston, Jean-Michel Lavoie, Louis Painchaud, Tim Pettipiece, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Tuomas Rasimus, Thomas Schmidt & Eric Crégheur - 2005 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 61 (1):175-205.
  13.  20
    Nachdruck:: Wissenschaftswissenschaft und Wissenschaftsgeschichte – zu den Grundlagen ihres Zusammenhangs.Günter Kröber, Eginhard Fabian & Hubert Laitko - 2010 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 18 (3):383-392.
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  14. Wissenschaft: Stellung, Funktion und Organisation in der entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft.Günter Kröber & Hubert Laitko (eds.) - 1975 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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    Denken in de spiegel: Hubert Dethier: filosofie en zingeving voor de 21ste eeuw.Hubert Dethier - 2015 - Brussel: ASP. Edited by Julien Libbrecht.
    Dit boek is een hommage aan de filosoof Hubert Dethier (°21 juli 1933), die we zeker in de rij kunnen plaatsen van denkers als Jaap Kruithof, Hans Achterhuis en Etienne Vermeersch. Deze hommage is geen chronologische biografie. Het is daarentegen wel een verhaal waarin het leven van Hubert Dethier verweven wordt met de geschiedenis van zijn denken. Een denken dat zich situeert in de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw en het begin van de huidige eeuw en zich (...)
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    Retrieving Realism.Hubert Dreyfus & Charles Taylor - 2015 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Taylor.
    For Descartes, knowledge exists as ideas in the mind that represent the world. In a radical critique, Hubert Dreyfus and Charles Taylor argue that knowledge consists of much more than the representations we formulate in our minds. They affirm our direct contact with reality—both the physical and the social world—and our shared understanding of it.
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  17. Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus.Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall & J. E. Malpas - 2000
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    Dialogue avec Hubert Mono Ndjana: sur la politique, la science et la société.Hubert Mono Ndjana - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Philippe Nguemeta.
    Les Presses universitaires de France ont publié, en 1994, une Encyclopédie universelle de philosophie, dans laquelle Hubert Mono Ndjana est présenté comme un spécialiste de la pensée des hommes politiques. Il avait en effet traduit en français Obiang Nguema Mbasogo en 1980 (Un Pari pour la liberté), publié un ouvrage en 1985 sur le chef d'Etat de son pays (L'Idée sociale chez Paul Biya), et deux autres sur la pensée et le pays de Kim Il Sung (Révolution et création (...)
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    All Things Shining: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Age.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2011 - Free Press. Edited by Sean Kelly.
    Our contemporary nihilism -- Homer's polytheism -- From Aeschylus to Augustine : monotheism on the rise -- From Dante to Kant : the attractions and dangers of autonomy -- Fanaticism, polytheism, and Melville's "evil art" -- David Foster Wallace's nihilism -- Conclusion : lives worth living in a secular age.
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  20. The Wave-Function as a Multi-Field.Mario Hubert & Davide Romano - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):521-537.
    It is generally argued that if the wave-function in the de Broglie–Bohm theory is a physical field, it must be a field in configuration space. Nevertheless, it is possible to interpret the wave-function as a multi-field in three-dimensional space. This approach hasn’t received the attention yet it really deserves. The aim of this paper is threefold: first, we show that the wave-function is naturally and straightforwardly construed as a multi-field; second, we show why this interpretation is superior to other interpretations (...)
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  21.  23
    Visual Working Memory of Chinese Characters and Expertise: The Expert’s Memory Advantage Is Based on Long-Term Knowledge of Visual Word Forms.Hubert D. Zimmer & Benjamin Fischer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:494445.
    People unfamiliar with Chinese characters show poorer visual working memory (VWM) performance for Chinese characters than do literates in Chinese. In a series of experiments, we investigated the reasons for this expertise advantage. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that the advantage of Chinese literates does not transfer to novel material. Experts had similar resolution as novices for material outside of their field of expertise, and the memory of novices and experts did not differ when detecting a big change, e.g., when (...)
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  22.  9
    Devianz und Dynamik: Festschrift für Hubert Seiwert zum 65. Geburtstag.Hubert Michael Seiwert & Edith Franke (eds.) - 2014 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Religiose Vielfalt ist nicht erst eine Erscheinung der "westlichen Moderne". Vielmehr existierten schon in fruhen Zeiten und an verschiedenen Orten der Welt oft mehrere Religionen nebeneinander, sei es dass diese unterschiedlichen Ursprungs waren oder sich aufgrund divergierender Auffassungen der religiosen Akteure innerhalb einer gemeinsamen Tradition ausdifferenzierten. Nicht immer war und ist diese Koexistenz eine friedliche. Die Religion der anderen wird haufig als "deviant" wahrgenommen oder gar als "nonkonformistisch" stigmatisiert und sanktioniert, bis hin zur physischen Vernichtung der "Devianten". Im vorliegenden Band (...)
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    Robert Ginsberg, J.Z. Hubert, Philemon A. Peonides, Dinal V. Picotti C.Robert Ginsberg, J. Z. Hubert, Philemon A. Peonides & Dinal V. Picotti C. - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:613-613.
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  24.  54
    On the Internet.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2001 - Routledge.
    _Internet_ is een van de eerste boeken waarin het filosofische inzicht -van Plato tot Kierkegaard - betrokken wordt op het debat over de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van het internet. Dreyfus laat zien dat de onstoffelijke, 'vrij zwevende' websurfer zijn oorsprong vindt in Descartes' scheiding van geest en lichaam, en hoe Kierkegaards inzichten in de opkomst van het moderne leespubliek vooruitlopen op de nieuwsgierige, maar elk risico vermijdende internet-junkie. Uitgaande van recente onderzoeken naar het isolement dat veel internetgebruikers ervaren, toont Dreyfus (...)
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  25.  8
    Wissenschaft in Berlin um 1930.Hubert Laitko - 1998 - In Ulrich Dirks & Hans Poser, Hans Reichenbach, Philosophie Im Umkreis der Physik. De Gruyter. pp. 139-156.
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  26. What Computers Still Can’T Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1992 - MIT Press.
    A Critique of Artificial Reason Hubert L. Dreyfus . HUBERT L. DREYFUS What Computers Still Can't Do Thi s One XZKQ-GSY-8KDG What. WHAT COMPUTERS STILL CAN'T DO Front Cover.
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  27. Introduction - Levels of binding: types, mechanisms and functions of binding in remembering.Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Lindenberger & Ulman - 2006 - In Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger, Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
  28.  34
    Background Practices: Essays on the Understanding of Being.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2017 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Mark A. Wrathall.
    This volume presents a selection of Hubert Dreyfus's pioneering work in bringing phenomenology and existentialism to bear on the philosophical and scientific study of the mind. Each of the thirteen essays interprets, develops, and extends the insights of his predecessors working in the European philosophical tradition. One of Dreyfus' central contributions to reading the historical canon of philosophy comes from his recognition that great philosophers help us to understand the -background practices- of a culture - the practices that shape (...)
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    Selected Works of Giuseppe Peano.Hubert C. Kennedy & Giuseppe Peano - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (1):177-180.
  30. 20. What Computers Can’t Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2014 - In Bernard Williams, Essays and Reviews: 1959-2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 90-100.
  31.  49
    What Makes Customers Discontent with Service Providers? An Empirical Analysis of Complaint Handling in Information and Communication Technology Services.C. Y. Chan Hubert & E. W. T. Ngai - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S1):73 - 110.
    The effectiveness of complaint handling and service recovery policies in customer retention has been the focus of both scholars and service organizations. In the past decade, Justice Theory has provided the basis of the dominant theoretical framework for complaint management and service recovery. However, it does not explicitly address unfair trade practices, which constitute an ethical issue. Favorable outcomes in complaint handling may not be able to restore the reputation of a company and the potential harm perceived by consumers. Using (...)
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  32.  68
    The Reaction to Relativity Theory I: The Anti-Einstein Campaign in Germany in 1920.Hubert Goenner - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (1):107-133.
    The ArgumentDevelopments in theoretical physics, even when they are revolutionary for physics, usually donotenter public awareness. The reaction to the special relativity theory is one of the few exceptions. The conceptual changes brought by special relativity to our notions of space and time, induced a lively debate not only within intellectual circles but in many strata of the educated middle class. In this article, I focus on a particular moment of public reaction to special and general relativity theory and to (...)
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  33.  33
    Introduction.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1999 - Philosophical Topics 27 (2):5-6.
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    De Causalitate Sacramentorum juxta Scholam Franciscanam.Hubert P. Coughlin - 1932 - New Scholasticism 6 (1):88-88.
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    Theory of Religion and Historical Research. A Critical Realist Perspective on the Study of Religion as an Empirical Discipline.Hubert Seiwert - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 28 (2):207-236.
    The article discusses the connection between theory formation and historical research in the study of religion. It presupposes that the study of religion is conceived of as an empirical discipline. The empirical basis of theories is provided primarily by historical research, including research in the very recent past, that is, the present time. Research in the history of religions, therefore, is an indispensable part of the study of religion. However, in recent discussions on the methods, aims, and theoretical presuppositions of (...)
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  36. Understanding Physics: ‘What?’, ‘Why?’, and ‘How?’.Mario Hubert - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-36.
    I want to combine two hitherto largely independent research projects, scientific understanding and mechanistic explanations. Understanding is not only achieved by answering why-questions, that is, by providing scientific explanations, but also by answering what-questions, that is, by providing what I call scientific descriptions. Based on this distinction, I develop three forms of understanding: understanding-what, understanding-why, and understanding-how. I argue that understanding-how is a particularly deep form of understanding, because it is based on mechanistic explanations, which answer why something happens in (...)
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  37.  11
    Wie man mit Fundamentalisten diskutiert, ohne den Verstand zu verlieren: Anleitung zum subversiven Denken.Hubert Schleichert - 2019
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    Peano. Life and Works of Giuseppe Peano.Hubert C. Kennedy - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):503-504.
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    A practical role-based approach for autonomous vehicle moral dilemmas.Hubert Etienne - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Autonomous vehicle moral dilemmas matter less for the particular outcomes of potential accidents than for their role in defining the values of the society we wish to live in. Different approaches have been suggested to determine the ethical settings that autonomous vehicles should be implemented in and identify the legitimate agents for making such decisions. Most of these, however, fail on theoretical grounds, facing severe issues related to moral justifications and compliance to the law, or on practical grounds, being insufficiently (...)
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  40.  11
    Comprendre sans prévoir, prévoir sans comprendre.Hubert Krivine - 2018 - [Paris]: Cassini. Edited by J. C. Ameisen.
    L'idée que comprendre permet de prévoir est une idée moderne. Elle est fondée sur la découverte, que le monde physique obéit à des lois (Galilée, et surtout Newton). Elle a mis fin à la pensée magique, et elle est à la base de la révolution scientifique et du monde moderne. Or nous assistons à la dissociation de ces deux choses. D'une part, on réalise par exemple que les lois mathématiques de certains phénomènes, mêmes parfaitement connues, sont si sensibles à la (...)
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  41.  6
    Enquête sur le secret des créateurs.Hubert Ripoll - 2015 - Paris: Payot.
    A l'origine, non pas une inspiration, une illumination, un don, mais une émotion de l'enfance, toujours simple, parfois banale, jamais anodine. Cette émotion, chacun peut l'éprouver. Pourquoi certains basculent-ils dans la création? Quel rôle a joué leur entourage? Comment entretiennent-ils leur flamme? Et jusqu'où sont-ils prêts à aller? Fidèle à sa méthode croisant science et entretiens approfondis, Hubert Ripoll a rencontré pour ce livre 24 créateurs, de tous horizons, tous et toutes consacrés, parmi lesquels Enki Bilal, Yves Bonnefoy, Claude (...)
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  42.  42
    Der Traktat De isoperimetris, der unmittelbar aus dem Griechischen ins Lateinische übersetzt worden ist.Hubert Ll Busard - 1980 - Mediaeval Studies 42 (1):61-88.
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  43.  39
    (1 other version)A High School Essay Contest.Hubert G. Alexander - 1969 - Journal of Critical Analysis 1 (3):260-261.
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  44.  24
    The Language and Logic of Philosophy.Hubert Griggs Alexander - 1972 - Princeton, NJ, USA: Upa.
    This book focuses on two primary concerns, language and philosophical thinking. The first part of the book examines the ways that language, particularly the English language, shapes and channels our thoughts. The second part considers the three basic processes in concept formation: abstracting, imagining and generalizing. Lastly, the rational process itself is examined, looking at definition, rational inquiry and philosophical system building. First published in 1967, this edition is a reprint of the 1972 enlarged edition published by University of New (...)
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  45.  12
    The Parables of Christ are Timeless: An example of Roland Allen’s originality introduced by his grandson.Hubert J. B. Allen - 2012 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 29 (3):186-188.
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  46. The pictorial signifying system of Hans holbein the younger's the ambassadors: Iconicity and intertextuality in blackout (troude memoire}{.Hubert Aquin & Julie Leblanc - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte, Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 128.
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    La Filosofia del Padre Gratry.Hubert G. Alexander - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (2):279-280.
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    De partijkongressen van de BSP sinds de tweede wereldoorlog : Proeve tot analyse naar frekwentie en besluitvorming.Hubert Lyben - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (4):701-724.
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  49. The mathematical philosophy of Giuseppe peano.Hubert C. Kennedy - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (3):262-266.
    Because Bertrand Russell adopted much of the logical symbolism of Peano, because Russell always had a high regard for the great Italian mathematician, and because Russell held the logicist thesis so strongly, many English-speaking mathematicians have been led to classify Peano as a logicist, or at least as a forerunner of the logicist school. An attempt is made here to deny this by showing that Peano's primary interest was in axiomatics, that he never used the mathematical logic developed by him (...)
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    Arguments from Ostension.Hubert Marraud - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (3):309-327.
    My purpose here is to describe a type of argument characterized by the fact that one of its premises is a directive—i.e. what is expressed by a directive sentence: a general instruction how to proceed or act. This directive premise brings an ostensive mechanism for the inclusion of visual or multimodal elements in an argument. If an argument is an invitation to inference, by using such a directive utterance the addresser is inviting the addressee to make an inference from an (...)
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