Results for 'Hubert Aquin'

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  1. The pictorial signifying system of Hans holbein the younger's the ambassadors: Iconicity and intertextuality in blackout (troude memoire}{.Hubert Aquin & Julie Leblanc - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte (eds.), Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 128.
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    Diversité des approches actuelles de la pensée de saint Thomas d'Aquin.Hubert Jacobs - 2005 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 127 (3):389-402.
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    Lust ( delectatio) und Freude ( gaudium) bei Thomas von Aquin.Hubert Benz - 2002 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 7 (1):1-23.
    Thomas Aquinas’s theory of pleasure and joy has many implications of Plato’s thinking, that pleasure must have a certain measure and different degrees, and especially of Aristotle’s teaching about the relationship between pleasure and affection, pleasure and action. Thomas holds pleasure to be given, when a present good is comprehended as attractive, when a soul turns to it and reaches the point of rest in it. Thomas is convicted, that the delectationes intelligibiles are superior to the delectationes sensibiles by reason (...)
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    La mélancolie d'Hubert Aquin.Monique Larue - 1992 - Horizons Philosophiques 3 (1):31-41.
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    L'homme exorbité : Réflexion sur la notion de fatigue culturelle chez Hubert Aquin.Daniel Jacques - 1992 - Horizons Philosophiques 3 (1):1-9.
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  6. Third World Citizens and the Information Technology Revolution.Nicolas Adam - 2012 - Journal of Critical Realism 11 (4):515-522.
    Third World Citizens and the Information Technology Revolution Content Type Journal Article Category Review Pages 515-522 DOI 10.1558/jcr.v11i4.515 Authors Nicolas Adam, Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation, Université du Québec à Montréal, 400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Pavillon Hubert-Aquin, 1er étage, bureau A-1560, Montréal H2L 2C5 Canada Journal Journal of Critical Realism Online ISSN 1572-5138 Print ISSN 1476-7430 Journal Volume Volume 11 Journal Issue Volume 11, Number 4 / 2012.
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    Thomas Handbuch.Volker Leppin (ed.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: From an international and interdisciplinary viewpoint, Thomas Aquinas was the most important scholastic philosopher and theologian. His life, work and legacy are set out in this four section handbook which provides orientation in what is currently known about the man, his affinities and character, his work and its impact. The volume offers a summary of research up until now, as well as a basis for further investigation. Comprehensive indexes and literature sources mean it can be used as a (...)
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  8. The Physics and Metaphysics of Primitive Stuff.Michael Esfeld, Dustin Lazarovici, Vincent Lam & Mario Hubert - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (1):133-61.
    The article sets out a primitive ontology of the natural world in terms of primitive stuff—that is, stuff that has as such no physical properties at all—but that is not a bare substratum either, being individuated by metrical relations. We focus on quantum physics and employ identity-based Bohmian mechanics to illustrate this view, but point out that it applies all over physics. Properties then enter into the picture exclusively through the role that they play for the dynamics of the primitive (...)
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    Dialogue avec Hubert Mono Ndjana: sur la politique, la science et la société.Hubert Mono Ndjana - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Philippe Nguemeta.
    Les Presses universitaires de France ont publié, en 1994, une Encyclopédie universelle de philosophie, dans laquelle Hubert Mono Ndjana est présenté comme un spécialiste de la pensée des hommes politiques. Il avait en effet traduit en français Obiang Nguema Mbasogo en 1980 (Un Pari pour la liberté), publié un ouvrage en 1985 sur le chef d'Etat de son pays (L'Idée sociale chez Paul Biya), et deux autres sur la pensée et le pays de Kim Il Sung (Révolution et création (...)
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    Devianz und Dynamik: Festschrift für Hubert Seiwert zum 65. Geburtstag.Hubert Michael Seiwert & Edith Franke (eds.) - 2014 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Religiose Vielfalt ist nicht erst eine Erscheinung der "westlichen Moderne". Vielmehr existierten schon in fruhen Zeiten und an verschiedenen Orten der Welt oft mehrere Religionen nebeneinander, sei es dass diese unterschiedlichen Ursprungs waren oder sich aufgrund divergierender Auffassungen der religiosen Akteure innerhalb einer gemeinsamen Tradition ausdifferenzierten. Nicht immer war und ist diese Koexistenz eine friedliche. Die Religion der anderen wird haufig als "deviant" wahrgenommen oder gar als "nonkonformistisch" stigmatisiert und sanktioniert, bis hin zur physischen Vernichtung der "Devianten". Im vorliegenden Band (...)
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    Traité de l'interprétation d'Aristote: commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin (complément de Thomas de Vio dit Cajétan).Thomas D'Aquin & Thomas Cajetan - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Guy-François Delaporte & Tommaso de Vio Cajetan.
    " En écrivant son Traité de l'Interprétation, Aristote a trempé sa plume à l'encre de son esprit! " L'antique remarque de Cassiodore vaut encore aujourd'hui tant la matière étudiée est complexe et le style ramassé. Aristote démonte les mécanismes du langage philosophique, aux confins de la linguistique et de la métaphysique. Il offre à cette occasion des développements fondateurs sur la formulation de la vérité, les règles de mise en contradiction, les propositions universelles, la contingence des jugements sur le futur, (...)
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    Binding of intrinsic and extrinsic features in working memory.Ullrich Kh Ecker, Murray Maybery & Hubert D. Zimmer - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):218.
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    On the Internet.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2001 - Routledge.
    _Internet_ is een van de eerste boeken waarin het filosofische inzicht -van Plato tot Kierkegaard - betrokken wordt op het debat over de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van het internet. Dreyfus laat zien dat de onstoffelijke, 'vrij zwevende' websurfer zijn oorsprong vindt in Descartes' scheiding van geest en lichaam, en hoe Kierkegaards inzichten in de opkomst van het moderne leespubliek vooruitlopen op de nieuwsgierige, maar elk risico vermijdende internet-junkie. Uitgaande van recente onderzoeken naar het isolement dat veel internetgebruikers ervaren, toont Dreyfus (...)
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    Denken in de spiegel: Hubert Dethier: filosofie en zingeving voor de 21ste eeuw.Hubert Dethier - 2015 - Brussel: ASP. Edited by Julien Libbrecht.
    Dit boek is een hommage aan de filosoof Hubert Dethier (°21 juli 1933), die we zeker in de rij kunnen plaatsen van denkers als Jaap Kruithof, Hans Achterhuis en Etienne Vermeersch. Deze hommage is geen chronologische biografie. Het is daarentegen wel een verhaal waarin het leven van Hubert Dethier verweven wordt met de geschiedenis van zijn denken. Een denken dat zich situeert in de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw en het begin van de huidige eeuw en zich (...)
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    The use of personalized medicine for patient selection for renal transplantation: Physicians' views on the clinical and ethical implications.Marianne Dion-Labrie, Marie-Chantal Fortin, Marie-Josée Hébert & Hubert Doucet - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):5-.
    BackgroundThe overwhelming scarcity of organs within renal transplantation forces researchers and transplantation teams to seek new ways to increase efficacy. One of the possibilities is the use of personalized medicine, an approach based on quantifiable and scientific factors that determine the global immunological risk of rejection for each patient. Although this approach can improve the efficacy of transplantations, it also poses a number of ethical questions.MethodsThe qualitative research involved 22 semi-structured interviews with nephrologists involved in renal transplantation, with the goal (...)
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  16. Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus.Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall & J. E. Malpas - 2000
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    Mind Over Machine.Hubert Dreyfus, Stuart E. Dreyfus & Tom Athanasiou - 1986 - Simon & Schuster.
    Human intuition and perception are basic and essential phenomena of consciousness. As such, they will never be replicated by computers. This is the challenging notion of Hubert Dreyfus, Ph. D., archcritic of the artificial intelligence establishment. It's important to emphasize that he doesn't believe that AI is fundamentally impossible, only that the current research program is fatally flawed. Instead, he argues that to get a device (or devices) with human-like intelligence would require them to have a human-like being in (...)
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    Klassische chinesische Philosophie: eine Einführung.Hubert Schleichert - 1990 - Frankfurt am Main: V. Klostermann.
  19. Holism and Hermeneutics.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):3 - 23.
    OF THE many issues surrounding the new interest in hermeneutics, current debate has converged upon two.
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  20. How is organ transplantation depicted in internal medicine and transplantation journals.Céline Durand, Andrée Duplantie, Yves Chabot, Hubert Doucet & Marie-Chantal Fortin - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):39.
    In their book Spare Parts, published in 1992, Fox and Swazey criticized various aspects of organ transplantation, including the routinization of the procedure, ignorance regarding its inherent uncertainties, and the ethos of transplant professionals. Using this work as a frame of reference, we analyzed articles on organ transplantation published in internal medicine and transplantation journals between 1995 and 2008 to see whether Fox and Swazey’s critiques of organ transplantation were still relevant.
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  21. The Logic of Religious Thought: An Answer to Professor Eddington.R. Gordon Milburn, Leonard Hodgson, Hubert M. Foston, S. D. Mcconnell, Joseph Herschel Coffin & James Young Simpson - 1930 - Humana Mente 5 (20):647-649.
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Jennifer K. Wees, Charles Mercure, Serge Cazelais, Marie-Pierre Bussières, Eric Crégheur, Timothy Pettipiece, Michael Kaler, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Louis Painchaud & Dominique Côté - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (3):563-604.
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    New strategies for HIV prevention for men who have sex with men (MSM): pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and an ethical evaluation of its potential and its problems.Mathias Wirth, Jennifer Inauen & Hubert Steinke - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (4):351-368.
    Stellen Kondome einen potenten Schutz sowohl vor HIV als auch von anderen sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen (STIs) dar, und besteht außerdem ein barrierefreier Zugang zur HIV-Postexpositionsprophylaxe (PEP) (z. B. nach Kondom-Fatigue), muss präzise sondiert werden, wann die sich zunehmend etablierende HIV-Präexpositionsprophylaxe (PrEP) die bessere Wahl darstellt. Vor dem Hintergrund einer generalisierten everyone at risk-Annahme über MSM wird die PrEP zunehmend zu einem standard of care. Zwar kann kein Zweifel daran bestehen, dass dies für bestimmte MSM mit einem bestimmten Risikoprofil wünschenswert ist. (...)
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    Auf die Verfasser von Lexika.Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 6-6.
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    Autoren und Autorinnen.Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 427-432.
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    Begriffe, Ausdrücke, Orte.Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 433-434.
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    Einleitung.Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 1-5.
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    Humanismus: Grundbegriffe.Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.) - 2016 - De Gruyter.
    "Humanismus" ist eine kulturelle Bewegung, ein Bildungsprogramm, eine Epoche, eine Tradition, eine Weltanschauung, eine Form von praktischer Philosophie, eine politische Grundhaltung, welche für die Durchsetzung der Menschenrechte und für humanitäre Praxis eintritt. Das Kompendium erfasst die einfachen und allgemeinen Begriffe in ihrem Zusammenhang und stellt den Nutzen für die Erkenntnis gegenwärtiger Probleme in Medizin, Ethik, Ökonomie, Recht und Politik dar. Der Band enthält einen systematischen Teil und einen Teil mit den Grundbegriffen. Die verschiedenen Richtungen und Institutionen der humanistischen Bewegung in (...)
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    Personen.Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 435-436.
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    Siglen.Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 425-426.
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    Vorwort.Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter.
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    What Should We Do with Patients Who Buy a Kidney Overseas?Marie-Chantal Fortin, Delphine Roigt & Hubert Doucet - 2007 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 18 (1):23-34.
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    Nachdruck:: Wissenschaftswissenschaft und Wissenschaftsgeschichte – zu den Grundlagen ihres Zusammenhangs.Günter Kröber, Eginhard Fabian & Hubert Laitko - 2010 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 18 (3):383-392.
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    Denken als openheid: Liber Amicorum Hubert Dethier.Hubert Dethier, Else Walravens & Johan Stuy (eds.) - 1998 - Brussel: Vubpress.
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  35. Overcoming the Myth of the Mental: How Philosophers Can Profit from the Phenomenology of Everyday Expertise.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2005 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 79 (2):47 - 65.
    Back in 1950, while a physics major at Harvard, I wandered into C.I. Lewis’s epistemology course. There, Lewis was confidently expounding the need for an indubitable Given to ground knowledge, and he was explaining where that ground was to be found. I was so impressed that I immediately switched majors from ungrounded physics to grounded philosophy.
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    Wie man mit Fundamentalisten diskutiert, ohne den Verstand zu verlieren: Anleitung zum subversiven Denken.Hubert Schleichert - 2019
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  37. De vetustissimis christianorum libris in linguam latinam versis.Hubert Petersmann - 1993 - Augustinianum 42:305-324.
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  38. Why computers must have bodies in order to be intelligent.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):13-32.
    IN SEPTEMBER 1957, Herbert Simon, a pioneer in cognitive simulation, predicted that within ten years, i.e., by now, a computer would be world chess champion and would prove an important mathematical theorem. This prediction was based on Simon's early initial success in writing a program that could play legal chess and one able to prove simple theorems in logic and geometry. But the early successes turned out to be based on the solution of problems that were simple for machines, and (...)
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  39. From micro-worlds to knowledge representation: AI at an impasse.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1981 - In J. Haugel (ed.), Mind Design. MIT Press. pp. 161--204.
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  40. Making a mind versus modeling the brain: AI at a crossroads.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 1988 - Daedalus.
  41. 10 How Heidegger defends the possibility of a correspondence theory of truth with respect to the entities of natural science.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2002 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall (eds.), Heidegger reexamined. New York: Routledge. pp. 4--219.
  42. Heidegger on the connection between nihilism, art, technology andpolitics.Hubert Dreyfus - unknown
    Martin Heidegger's major work, Being and Time, is usually considered the culminating work in a tradition called existential philosophy. The first person to call himself an existential thinker was Soren Kierkegaard, and his influence is clearly evident in Heidegger's thought. Existential thinking rejects the traditional philosophical view, that goes back to Plato at least, that philosophy must be done from a detached, disinterested point of view. Kierkegaard argues that our primary access to reality is through our involved action. The way (...)
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  43. Heidegger's Critique of the Husserl/Searle Account of Intentionality.Hubert Dreyfus - 1993 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 60:17-38.
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    Society in the Self: A Theory of Identity in Democracy.Hubert J. M. Hermans - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    Society in the Self: A Theory of Identity in Democracy shows how society is working in the deeper regions of self and identity. This book is an exploration of the democratic potentials of self and identity in a globalizing and localizing society.
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  45. A History of Christian Doctrine In Succession to the Earlier Work of G P Fisher.Hubert Cunliffe Jones - 1978
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    All Things Shining: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Age.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2011 - Free Press. Edited by Sean Kelly.
    Our contemporary nihilism -- Homer's polytheism -- From Aeschylus to Augustine : monotheism on the rise -- From Dante to Kant : the attractions and dangers of autonomy -- Fanaticism, polytheism, and Melville's "evil art" -- David Foster Wallace's nihilism -- Conclusion : lives worth living in a secular age.
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  47. Heidegger: A Critical Reader.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Harrison Hall - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (1):153-154.
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    Les paris de l'éducation.Hubert Hannoun - 1996 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    L'acte d'éduquer est, parfois à l'insu de l'éducateur lui-même, fondé sur des présupposés à la fois fondamentaux et instrumentaux. Eduquer suppose que l'humanité soit capable de faire elle-même son bonheur et que l'homme soit perfectible... Eduquer suppose de même que l'éducation ne réalise pas seulement ce que l'environnement, sans elle, aurait réalisé. Eduquer, à l'école, suppose que le maître en ait la capacité et la volonté, que le message adressé à tous sera reçu par chacun, que la motivation de l'élève (...)
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  49. A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism is a complete guide to two of the dominant movements of philosophy in the twentieth century. Written by a team of leading scholars, including Dagfinn Føllesdal, J. N. Mohanty, Robert Solomon, Jean–Luc Marion Highlights the area of overlap between the two movements Features longer essays discussing each of the main schools of thought, shorter essays introducing prominent themes, and problem–oriented chapters Organised topically, around concepts such as temporality, intentionality, death and nihilism Features essays on (...)
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  50. Le Raisonnement Juridique. Legal Reasoning. Actes du Congrès Mondial de Philosophie du Droit Et de Philosophie Sociale, Bruxelles, 30 Aôut-3 Septembre 1971. Publiés Par Hubert Hubien.Hubert Hubien - 1971 - E. Bruylant.
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