Results for 'Holger Hoge'

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  1. Korzenie estetyki empirycznej.Holger Hoge - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 9 (9/10):144-161.
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  2. Baumann, Holger (2007). Making sense of ourselves. In: Leist, Anton. Action in Context. Berlin/New York: Springer, 275-284.Holger Baumann (ed.) - 2007
  3. Baumann, Holger (2011). Emotion-oriented systems and the autonomy of persons. In: Petta, Paolo; Pelachaud, Catherine; Cowie, Roddy. Emotion-oriented systems. The humain handbook. Berlin: Springer, 735-752.Holger Baumann, Paolo Petta, Catherine Pelachaud & Roddy Cowie (eds.) - 2011
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  4. Biochemical approaches to learning and memory Holger Hyden.Holger Hyden - 1969 - In Arthur Koestler & John Raymond Smythies, Beyond reductionism: new perspectives in the life sciences. London,: Hutchinson. pp. 85.
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    Demonstratives, joint attention, and the emergence of grammar.Holger Diessel - 2006 - Cognitive Linguistics 17 (4):463-489.
    Drawing on recent work in developmental and comparative psychology, this paper argues that demonstratives function to coordinate the interlocutors' joint focus of attention, which is one of the most basic functions of human communication. The communicative importance of demonstratives is reflected in a number of properties that together characterize them as a particular word class: In contrast to other closed-class expressions, demonstratives are universal, they are generally so old that their roots cannot be traced back to other linguistic items, they (...)
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  6. A Regularity Theory of Causation.Holger Andreas & Mario Günther - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 105 (1):2-32.
    In this paper, we propose a regularity theory of causation. The theory aims to be reductive and to align with our pre‐theoretic understanding of the causal relation. We show that our theory can account for a wide range of causal scenarios, including isomorphic scenarios, omissions, and scenarios which suggest that causation is not transitive.
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  7. Natural law in the ideas of Bloch, Hegel and Marxism.Holger Glinka - 2024 - In Henk de Berg & Cat Moir, Rethinking Ernst Bloch. Boston: Brill.
  8. A Survey Investigation of Students' Historical Time Knowledge.John D. Hoge - 1991 - Journal of Social Studies Research 15 (1):16-29.
  9. Semantic holism in scientific language.Holger Andreas - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (4):524-543.
    Whether meaning is compositional has been a major issue in linguistics and formal philosophy of language for the last 2 decades. Semantic holism is widely and plausibly considered as an objection to the principle of semantic compositionality therein. It comes as a surprise that the holistic peculiarities of scientific language have been rarely addressed in formal accounts so far, given that semantic holism has its roots in the philosophy of science. For this reason, a model-theoretic approach to semantic holism in (...)
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    Objektive Ideen: Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Idee, Begriff und Begründung bei Rene Descartes und in der nachkartesischen Philosophie des 17. Jahrhunderts.Holger Gutschmidt - 2014 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: In this volume, Holger Gutschmidt has gathered together several studies on the concept of the idea and its relationship to the notion of justification in selected 17th century theories. His main focus is on the philosophy of Rene Descartes, who introduced the concept of the idea into modern epistemology. He devotes further chapters to Antoine Arnauld as well as to the logic of Port Royal, Spinoza, and finally Leibniz. The study of the concept of the idea in (...)
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    Phonological abstraction without phonemes in speech perception.Holger Mitterer, Odette Scharenborg & James M. McQueen - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):356-361.
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  12. Counterfactuals for causal responsibility in legal contexts.Holger Andreas, Matthias Armgardt & Mario Gunther - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (1):115-132.
    We define a formal semantics of conditionals based on _normatively ideal worlds_. Such worlds are described informally by Armgardt (Gabbay D, Magnani L, Park W, Pietarinen A-V (eds) Natural arguments: a tribute to john woods, College Publications, London, pp 699–708, 2018) to address well-known problems of the counterfactual approach to causation. Drawing on Armgardt’s proposal, we use iterated conditionals in order to analyse causal relations in scenarios of multi-agent interaction. This results in a refined counterfactual approach to causal responsibility in (...)
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    The development of relative clauses in spontaneous child speech.Holger Diessel & Michael Tomasello - 2001 - Cognitive Linguistics 11 (1-2).
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    Robert Spaemann's philosophy of the human person: nature, freedom, and the critique of modernity.Holger Zaborowski - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The German philosopher Robert Spaemann provides an important contribution to a number of contemporary debates in philosophy and theology, opening up possibilities for conversation between these disciplines. He engages in a dialogue with classical and contemporary positions and often formulates important and original insights which lie beyond common alternatives. In this study Holger Zaborowski provides an analysis of the most important features of Spaemann's philosophy and shows the unity of his thought. The question 'Who is a person?' is of (...)
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  15. Difference-Making Causation.Holger Andreas & Mario Günther - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (12):680-701.
    We put forth an analysis of causation. The analysis centers on the notion of a causal model that provides only partial information as to which events occur, but complete information about the dependences between the events. The basic idea is this: an event causes another just in case there is a causal model that is uninformative on both events and in which the first event makes a difference as to the occurrence of the other. We show that our analysis captures (...)
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    The State Space of Artificial Intelligence.Holger Lyre - 2020 - Minds and Machines 30 (3):325-347.
    The goal of the paper is to develop and propose a general model of the state space of AI. Given the breathtaking progress in AI research and technologies in recent years, such conceptual work is of substantial theoretical interest. The present AI hype is mainly driven by the triumph of deep learning neural networks. As the distinguishing feature of such networks is the ability to self-learn, self-learning is identified as one important dimension of the AI state space. Another dimension is (...)
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    Demonstratives in Spatial Language and Social Interaction: An Interdisciplinary Review.Holger Diessel & Kenny R. Coventry - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:555265.
    This paper offers a review of research on demonstratives from an interdisciplinary perspective. In particular, we consider the role of demonstratives in current research on language universals, language evolution, language acquisition, multimodal communication, signed language, language and perception, language in interaction, spatial imagery, and discourse processing. Traditionally, demonstratives are analyzed as a particular class of spatial deictics. Yet, a number of recent studies have argued that space is largely irrelevant to deixis and that demonstratives are primarily used for social and (...)
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  18. Die Bedeutung des Machschen Prinzips in der Kosmologie.Holger Dambmann - 1990 - Philosophia Naturalis 27 (2):234-271.
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    Space and Movement in Philodemus’ De dis 3: an Anti-Aristotelian Account.Holger Essler - 2014 - In Christoph Horn, Christoph Helmig & Graziano Ranocchia, Space in Hellenistic Philosophy: Critical Studies in Ancient Physics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 101-124.
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    'Henri matisse'la danse'. Zur semantik der oberflaeche in der malerei der moderne (matisse's' la danse': On the semantics of the surface in modern painting).Otten Holger - 2008 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 45 (2).
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    § 2-34. A General and Comperative Study of the Demotic Hymns and Praises to Isis.Holger Kockelmann - 2008 - In Praising the Goddess: A Comparative and Annotated Re-Edition of Six Demotic Hymns and Praises Addressed to Isis. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Metadiskursive Argumentation: linguistische Untersuchungen zum russischen philosophischen Diskurs von Lomonosov bis Losev.Holger Kusse - 2004 - München: Sagner.
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    Name und Person: Beiträge zur russischen Philosophie des Namens.Holger Kusse (ed.) - 2006 - München: O. Sagner.
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  24. Objektive Beschreibung und Meßprozeß in der Quantenmechanik.Holger Neumann - 1990 - Philosophia Naturalis 27 (1):8.
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    Nietzsches Gedanke der tragischen Erkenntnis.Holger Schmid - 1984 - Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Kant über Ausserirdische: zur Figur des Alien im vorkritischen und kritischen Werk.Holger Wille - 2005 - [Münster]: Verlagshaus Monsenstein und Vannerdat.
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    Iconicity of sequence: A corpus-based analysis of the positioning of temporal adverbial clauses in English.Holger Diessel - 2008 - Cognitive Linguistics 19 (3).
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    Platonic patterns: a collection of studies.Holger Thesleff - 2009 - Las Vegas [Nev.]: Parmenides.
    Platonic Patterns is a reprint collection of many of Holger Thesleff's studies in Plato—spanning from 1967 to 2003. It includes three books, four articles and a new introduction by the author, which sets the general outline of his interpretation of Plato. Whereas much of the scholarship on Plato has tended to operate within the frame of one language and/or a single school of thought, Thesleff constructively combines several discoveries and theories of various scholars with his own research, focusing on (...)
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  29. The link between speech perception and production is phonological and abstract: Evidence from the shadowing task.Holger Mitterer & Mirjam Ernestus - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):168-173.
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    The Recognition of Phonologically Assimilated Words Does Not Depend on Specific Language Experience.Holger Mitterer, Valéria Csépe, Ferenc Honbolygo & Leo Blomert - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (3):451-479.
    In a series of 5 experiments, we investigated whether the processing of phonologically assimilated utterances is influenced by language learning. Previous experiments had shown that phonological assimilations, such as /lean#bacon/→ [leam bacon], are compensated for in perception. In this article, we investigated whether compensation for assimilation can occur without experience with an assimilation rule using automatic event-related potentials. Our first experiment indicated that Dutch listeners compensate for a Hungarian assimilation rule. Two subsequent experiments, however, failed to show compensation for assimilation (...)
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    Phonological Abstraction in Processing Lexical-Tone Variation: Evidence From a Learning Paradigm.Holger Mitterer, Yiya Chen & Xiaolin Zhou - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (1):184-197.
    There is a growing consensus that the mental lexicon contains both abstract and word-specific acoustic information. To investigate their relative importance for word recognition, we tested to what extent perceptual learning is word specific or generalizable to other words. In an exposure phase, participants were divided into two groups; each group was semantically biased to interpret an ambiguous Mandarin tone contour as either tone1 or tone2. In a subsequent test phase, the perception of ambiguous contours was dependent on the exposure (...)
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    Lokale Symmetrien und Wirklichkeit: eine naturphilosophische Studie über Eichtheorien und Strukturenrealismus.Holger Lyre - 2004 - Mentis.
    In der Debatte um den wissenschaftlichen Realismus gewinnt zunehmend der Strukturenrealismus - dessen Auffassung zufolge der Realgehalt wissenschaftlicher Theorien in deren mathematisch-logischer Struktur liegt - an Bedeutung. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht diese These anhand der in unserer fundamentalen Physik bedeutsamsten Klasse von Theorien, den Eichtheorien, die durch spezielle lokale Symmetriestrukturen gekennzeichnet sind. Die Arbeit bietet dem Leser in ihren ersten Kapiteln einen Einstieg in die zentralen Themen Symmetrien, wissenschaftlicher Realismus und Eichtheorien. In den im Mittelteil durchgeführten Analysen werden Quanten- und (...)
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  33. New account of empirical claims in structuralism.Holger Andreas - 2010 - Synthese 176 (3):311 - 332.
    In this paper, a new account of empirical claims in structuralism is developed. Its novelty derives from the use that is made of the linguistic approach to scientific theories despite the presumed incompatibility of structuralism with that approach. It is shown how the linguistic approach can be applied to the framework of structuralism if the semantic foundations of that approach are refined to do justice to the doctrine of indirect interpretation of theoretical terms. This doctrine goes back to Carnap but (...)
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    A Structuralist Theory of Belief Revision.Holger Andreas - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (2):205-232.
    The present paper aims at a synthesis of belief revision theory with the Sneed formalism known as the structuralist theory of science. This synthesis is brought about by a dynamisation of classical structuralism, with an abductive inference rule and base generated revisions in the style of Rott (2001). The formalism of prioritised default logic (PDL) serves as the medium of the synthesis. Why seek to integrate the Sneed formalism into belief revision theory? With the hybrid system of the present investigation, (...)
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    Kunst des Hörens: Orte und Grenzen philosophischer Spracherfahrung.Holger Schmid - 1999 - Köln: Bohlau Verlag.
  36. Holism and structuralism in U(1) gauge theory.Holger Lyre - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (4):643-670.
    After decades of neglect philosophers of physics have discovered gauge theories--arguably the paradigm of modern field physics--as a genuine topic for foundational and philosophical research. Incidentally, in the last couple of years interest from the philosophy of physics in structural realism--in the eyes of its proponents the best suited realist position towards modern physics--has also raised. This paper tries to connect both topics and aims to show that structural realism gains further credence from an ontological analysis of gauge theories--in particular (...)
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  37. Pastors in Transition: Why Clergy Leave Local Church Ministry.Dean Hoge & Jacqueline Wenger - 2005
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    Studies in Plato's two-level model.Holger Thesleff - 1999 - Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica.
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    Dynamic Tractable Reasoning: A Modular Approach to Belief Revision.Holger Andreas - 2020 - Cham, Schweiz: Springer.
    This book aims to lay bare the logical foundations of tractable reasoning. It draws on Marvin Minsky's seminal work on frames, which has been highly influential in computer science and, to a lesser extent, in cognitive science. Only very few people have explored ideas about frames in logic, which is why the investigation in this book breaks new ground. The apparent intractability of dynamic, inferential reasoning is an unsolved problem in both cognitive science and logic-oriented artificial intelligence. By means of (...)
  40.  28
    Carnaps Wissenschaftslogik: eine Untersuchung zur Zweistufenkonzeption.Holger Andreas - 2007 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Als Wissenschaftslogik bezeichnet Carnap jene Disziplin, welche die Nachfolge der traditionellen Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert antreten sollte. Den zentralen Bezugspunkt von Carnaps wissenschaftslogischen Arbeiten bildet die von Frege und Russell entwickelte mathematische Logik. Dies gilt auch für die Zweistufenkonzeption, mit der Carnap ein allgemeines Schema zur Analyse der Bedeutung von Begriffen nichtmathematischer Theorien entwirft. Dabei wird die Abhängigkeit der begrifflichen Bedeutung von den Aussagen der jeweiligen Theorie explizit anerkannt, was eine Überwindung der Dogmen des Empirismus innerhalb des Logischen Empirismus einschlieβt. (...)
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    Eine Frage von Irre und Schuld?: Martin Heidegger und der Nationalsozialismus.Holger Zaborowski - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.
    Heideggers Verstrickung in den Nationalsozialismus war schon immer Gegenstand großer Kontroversen, doch gab es seit den Forschungen von Hugo Ott von vor 20 Jahren keine neuen Materialien mehr, auf deren Basis Heideggers Wirken beurteilt werden konnte. Holger Zaborowski hat nun erstmals umfassend bisher unbekannte Dokumente gesichtet und kann ein ganz neues und nüchternes Bild des großen Philosophen im Nationalsozialismus zeichnen.
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    Kants „Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft” : gestern und heute.Holger Lyre - 2006 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (3):401-416.
    Ausgehend von der These, dass Kant seine transzendentalphilosophische Methode als erkenntnistheoretisches Mittel zu einem übergeordneten naturphilosophischen Zweck, nämlich der Apriori-Begründung der fundamentalen Grundgesetze der Physik, entwickelte, zeichnet der Aufsatz zunächst die historische Entwicklung der „Metaphysischen Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft“ sowie ihre wesentlichen technischen Mängel auf. In einem zweiten Schritt wird dann der Frage nachgegangen, welche modernen Umsetzungsoptionen sich für das kantische Programm bieten, wobei weiterhin für eine strenge, das heißt nicht relativierende Sichtweise des Apriori plädiert wird, deren Bestätigung jedoch, anders als (...)
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    Platonic Chronology.Holger Thesleff - 1989 - Phronesis 34 (1):1-26.
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    ROBERT C. HOLUB, Crossing Borders: Reception Theory, Poststructuralism, Deconstruction.Holger Briel - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (4):640-641.
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    Die Idee des Diskurses: interdisziplinäre Annäherungen.Holger Burckhart, Horst Gronke & Jens Peter Brune (eds.) - 2000 - Markt Schwaben: Eusl-Verlagsgesellschaft.
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  46. Das Ereignis auf der Bühne? : zur Inszenierung von Geschichte im historischen Drama : eine Monumentaufnahme um 1830.Holger Dainat - 2003 - In Thomas Rathmann, Ereignis: Konzeption eines Begriffs in Geschichte, Kunst und Literatur. Köln: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    Scientia et Religio: religionsphilosophische Orientierungen: Festschrift für Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz.Holger Ebelt, René Kaufmann & Hanna Gerl-Falkovitz (eds.) - 2005 - Dresden: Thelem.
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    >Nus< bei Aristoteles und bei Hegel.Holger Gutschmidt - 2009 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 51:35-59.
    The following study should be considered as a contribution to the understanding of both Hegel's interpretation of Aristotle's concept of νου̑ς and Hegel's own concept of subjectivity as principle of self-knowledge in his theoretic writings. Its starting point is a closer examination of the famous quotation from Aristotle's Metaphysics Lambda 7 which can be found at the end of the Berlin Enzyklopädie. Hegel himself gives a thorough discussion of Aristotle's metaphysics in his Vorlesungen zur Geschichte der Philosophie which should be (...)
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    »Verbindung der verbindung und nichtverbindung«, »identität der identität und der nichtidentität« – zwei nicht-dialektische formeln Des frühen Hegel.Holger Gutschmidt - 2004 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 6 (1):129-134.
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  50. Money Matters: Personal Giving in American Churches.Dean R. Hoge, Charles Zech, Patrick McNamara & Michael J. Donahue - 1996
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