Results for 'Hiroshi Sakurai'

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  1.  36
    Ecology of technology: Survival and compatibility. [REVIEW]Hiroshi Sakurai - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (2):157-163.
    Continuous and patient inflow of new human and financial resources by the government or by private industry based on the strong will of top management backed by the concensus of constituents of the organisation is the main factor which contributes to the prosperity of any technology.
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    Regulation of the ras signalling network.Hiroshi Maruta & Antony W. Burgess - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (7):489-496.
    The mitogenic action of cytokines such as epidermal growth factor (EGF)d̊ or platelet dericed growth factor (PDGF) involves the stimulation of a signal cascade controlled by a small G protein called Ras. Mutations of Ras can cause its constitutive activation and, as a consequence, bypass the regulation of cell growth by cytokines. Both growth factor‐induced and oncogenic activation of Ras involve the conversion of Ras from the GDP‐bound (D‐Ras) to the GTP‐bound (T‐Ras) forms. T‐Ras activates a network of protein kinases (...)
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  3. Sugō Hiroshi chosakushū: kyōiku no shijin.Hiroshi Sugō - 1980 - Tōkyō: Hakujusha.
    dai 1-kan. Ningen, kyōiku ga umarekawaru tame -- dai 2-kan. Ningen to no deai, kyōiku to no deai -- dai 3 kan. Ningenrashiku naru tedate -- dai 4-kan. Jinrui no kibō, osanago -- dai 5-kan. Shishū, ushinawareta kisetsu o motomete -- dai 6-kan. Aru mazushiki shōgai no kiroku -- [7] Kyōiku to kyōikugaku.
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  4. Nagata Hiroshi Nihon shisō shi kenkyū.Hiroshi Nagata - 1967
  5. Nagata Hiroshi senshū.Hiroshi Nagata - 1948
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    Ten no ana chi no ana: Noma Hiroshi seimei taiwa.Hiroshi Noma - 1991 - Tōkyō: Shakai Shisōsha. Edited by Wahei Tatematsu.
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    Semistationary and stationary reflection.Hiroshi Sakai - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (1):181-192.
    We study the relationship between the semistationary reflection principle and stationary reflection principles. We show that for all regular cardinals Λ ≥ ω₂ the semistationary reflection principle in the space [Λ](1) implies that every stationary subset of $E_{\omega}^{\lambda}\coloneq \{\alpha \in \lambda \,|\,{\rm cf}(\alpha)=\omega \}$ reflects. We also show that for all cardinals Λ ≥ ω₃ the semistationary reflection principle in [Λ](1) does not imply the stationary reflection principle in [Λ](1).
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    Nishida Kitarō mikōkai nōto-rui kenkyū shiryōka.Hiroshi Asami, Yūta Nakajima & Sachiko Yamanada (eds.) - 2018 - Ishikawa-ken Kahoku-shi: Ishikawa-ken Nishida Kitarō Kinen Tetsugakukan.
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    Nihon ni okeru yuibutsuron no kaitakusha: Nagata Hiroshi no shōgai to gyōseki.Hiroshi Nagata - 2008 - Tōkyō: Gakushū no Tomosha. Edited by Makoto Ajisaka.
    『日本唯物論史』などで知られるわが国の唯物論哲学の開拓者・永田廣志の生涯をまとめ、その理論活動の意義を解明。哲学研究者と在野の郷土史家との共同研究が生み出した成果。本邦初公開の貴重な資料や秘蔵写真も多 数紹介。.
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    A competitive test of the descriptive accuracy of the characteristic function, power function, and shapley value based function.Melvin M. Sakurai - 1980 - Theory and Decision 12 (3):259-278.
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    Generalized Prikry forcing and iteration of generic ultrapowers.Hiroshi Sakai - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (5):507-523.
    It is known that there is a close relation between Prikry forcing and the iteration of ultrapowers: If U is a normal ultrafilter on a measurable cardinal κ and 〈Mn, jm,n | m ≤ n ≤ ω〉 is the iteration of ultrapowers of V by U, then the sequence of critical points 〈j0,n | n ∈ ω〉 is a Prikry generic sequence over Mω. In this paper we generalize this for normal precipitous filters.
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  12. Meiyo to chijoku.Sht̄arō Sakurai - 1971
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  13. Rogosu to patosu.Hiroshi Shimodo & Takeo Iwasaki (eds.) - 1949
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  14.  65
    Geopolitical Mission Strategy: The Case of the Unification Church in Japan and Korea.Sakurai Yoshihide - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 37 (2):317-334.
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    Matching versus optimal data selection in the Wason selection task.Hiroshi Yama - 2001 - Thinking and Reasoning 7 (3):295 – 311.
    It has been reported as a robust effect that people are likely to select a matching case in the Wason selection task. For example, they usually select the 5 case, in the Wason selection task with the conditional "if an E, then a not-5". This was explained by the matching bias account that people are likely to regard a matching case as relevant to the truth of the conditional (Evans, 1998). However, because a positive concept usually constructs a smaller set (...)
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  16.  8
    Monad & Thou: Phenomenological Ontology of Human Being.Hiroshi Kojima - 2000 - Ohio University Press.
    The genesis for this volume was in the bombing of Japan during World War II, where the author, as a young boy, watched the bombers overhead, speculating about the lives of the pilots and their relationship with those huddled on the ground._ From this disturbing diorama, Professor Hiroshi Kojima, the translator of Martin Buber into Japanese, unfolds a new approach to Buber's “I-Thou” relation, drawing upon insights from Husserl, Heidegger, and others in the tradition of continental philosophy to extend (...)
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  17. 西田幾多郎:世界のなかの私.Kan Sakurai - 2007 - Tokyo: Chōbunsha.
    世界に日本文化として「禅の思想」を広めた鈴木大拙。彼の無二の親友であり近代日本が生み出した最大の哲学者といわれている、西田幾多郎。その、難解といわれる西田の思想を「普段の生活の中から掴み出し現実化し、 具体的な経験と結びつけて解き明かした」画期的入門書。.
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  18.  70
    Chang’s Conjecture and weak square.Hiroshi Sakai - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (1-2):29-45.
    We investigate how weak square principles are denied by Chang’s Conjecture and its generalizations. Among other things we prove that Chang’s Conjecture does not imply the failure of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}ω1,2{\square_{\omega_1, 2}}\end{document}, i.e. Chang’s Conjecture is consistent with \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}ω1,2{\square_{\omega_1, 2}}\end{document}.
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  19.  16
    Can Reflective Inclusiveness Mitigate the Cultural Confrontation Caused by International Migration?Tetsu Sakurai - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (1):30-44.
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  20.  26
    On Katětov and Katětov–Blass orders on analytic P-ideals and Borel ideals.Hiroshi Sakai - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (3-4):317-327.
    Minami–Sakai :883–898, 2016) investigated the cofinal types of the Katětov and the Katětov–Blass orders on the family of all \ ideals. In this paper we discuss these orders on analytic P-ideals and Borel ideals. We prove the following:The family of all analytic P-ideals has the largest element with respect to the Katětov and the Katětov–Blass orders.The family of all Borel ideals is countably upward directed with respect to the Katětov and the Katětov–Blass orders. In the course of the proof of (...)
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  21. The dialectic of absolute emptiness: revisiting Watsuji's engagement with Hegel.Hiroshi Abe - 2025 - In Gregory S. Moss & Takeshi Morisato, The dialectics of absolute nothingness: the legacies of German philosophy in the Kyoto school. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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  22.  5
    二人称の死:西田・大拙・西谷の思想をめぐって.Hiroshi Asami - 2003 - Yokohama: Shunpusha.
  23. Nininshō no shi: Nishida, Daisetsu, Nishitani no shisō o megutte.Hiroshi Asami - 2003 - Yokohama-shi: Shunpūsha.
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  24.  11
    哲学の世界・総論.Hiroshi Ban - 1990 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
  25.  14
    Gendai no ronrigaku.Hiroshi Endō - 1990 - Tōkyō: Nansōsha. Edited by Mitsuo Shiraishi.
  26. The Symbolism of the Shishi Performance as a Community Ritual: The Okashira Shinji in Ise.".Sakurai Haruo - 1988 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 15 (2-3):137-53.
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    Information technology and civilization.Hiroshi Inose & John Pierce - 1984 - World Futures 19 (3):293-303.
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    Hōtetsugaku.Hiroshi Kamemoto - 2011 - Tōkyō: Seibundō.
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  29. Shakai Shiso Shi.Hiroshi Mizuta - 1968 - Yuhikaku.
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  30. Yuibutsu-benshōhō kōwa.Hiroshi Nagata - 1938
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  31. Kokumin dōtoku to gendai shisō.Kenzō Sakurai - 1925
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  32. Gendai hōgaku kōza.Hiroshi Suekawa (ed.) - 1952 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha.
    dai 1-kan. Hōgaku no kiso riron -- dai 2-kan. Gendai hōgaku no taikei. Kōhō, shakaihō -- dai 3-kan. Gendai hōgaku no taikei. Shihō, gaikokuhō.
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  33. Hōritsu.Hiroshi Suekawa - 1961 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  34.  71
    The Strong Completeness of a System Based on Kleene's Strong Three-Valued Logic.Hiroshi Aoyama - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (3):355-368.
    The present work, which was inspired by Kripke and McCarthy, is about a non-classical predicate logic system containing a truth predicate symbol. In this system, each sentence A is referred to not by a Gödel number but by its quotation name 'A'.
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  35.  22
    Using deceased people’s personal data.Hiroshi Nakagawa & Akiko Orita - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-19.
    It is important to manage individuals’ personal data after their death to maintain their dignity or follow their wishes as much as possible. From this perspective, this report describes the real-world commercialization of immortal digital personalities, which gives eternal life to the deceased in a digital form. We identify the problems with the commercialization of deceased users’ images and personal data, which becomes postmortem entertainment. Considering these problems, we seek out the ideal form of deceased users’ personal data for commercialization. (...)
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  36.  27
    The authoritarian orientation in liberal democracies: Labor market and workplace authoritarianism.Takamichi Sakurai - forthcoming - Constellations.
  37.  30
    The Semantic Completeness of a Global Intuitionistic Logic.Hiroshi Aoyama - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (2):167-175.
    In this paper we will study a formal system of intuitionistic modal predicate logic. The main result is its semantic completeness theorem with respect to algebraic structures. At the end of the paper we will also present a brief consideration of its syntactic relationships with some similar systems.
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  38.  8
    Nishida Kitarō: seimei to shūkyō ni fukamariyuku shisaku.Hiroshi Asami - 2009 - Yokohama-shi: Shunpūsha.
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    Takahashi Fumi: mikan no josei tetsugakusha, Takahashi Fumi.Hiroshi Asami - 1997 - Ishikawa-ken Kahoku-gun Nanatsuka-machi: Ishikawa-ken Nanatsuka-machi.
  40.  10
    Tetsugaku no sekai sōron.Hiroshi Ban - 1990 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
  41. Chemical interpretation of creation and origin of life accorfing to Athanasius Kircher.Hiroshi Hirai - 2007 - Annals of Science 64 (2):217-234.
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  42. Kyōiku hōhō no kihon genri.Hiroshi Inoue - 1957
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  43. Kaizōshugi no kyōikugaku.Hiroshi Inoue - 1967
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  44. Shoshi seisen.Hiroshi Ishida - 1974 - Kasama Shoin.
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  45. Kyōiku kiso ron.Hiroshi Maeda - 1970
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  46. Kindai tetsugaku no genten.Hiroshi Ogawa - 1971
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  47. Tōyō rinrigaku shi.Hiroshi Ogiwara - 1934
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  48.  30
    Political theories of narcissism: towards self-reflection on knowledge and politics from the psychoanalytic perspectives of Erich Fromm and Fujita Shōzō.Takamichi Sakurai - 2018 - Zürich: Lit.
    Does the psychoanalytic concept of narcissism contribute to enhancing the disciplinary quality and features of political theory? This book tries to portray the foundations of democracy as both a universal value and a system of values embedded in specific cultural systems of meaning from its psychoanalytic perspective. This cross-disciplinary normative attempt makes possible the constructive dialogue between contemporary Western and Japanese culture by focusing on how the psychological foundations of democracy are treated within a common disciplinary framework in two different (...)
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  49. Keizai tetsugaku no hōhō josetsu.Hiroshi Segawa - 1970
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  50. Tetsugaku sōron.Hiroshi Shimoda - unknown
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