Results for 'Hippolyte Gros'

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  1.  18
    What we count dictates how we count: A tale of two encodings.Hippolyte Gros, Jean-Pierre Thibaut & Emmanuel Sander - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104665.
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    Sonnengötter & Sodomie.Bernhard Winkler - 2017 - Psyche 71 (6):479-505.
    Racines »Phèdre« wird zum Opfer eines tödlichen Schamkonflikts. Der tief in ihre Psyche eingeschriebene Familienfluch ihrer sexuell devianten Vorfahren sowie die Erfahrung des Liebesverlusts, der aus der Zurückweisung ihres Stiefsohns Hippolytes resultiert, bringen sie dazu, den letzten Zielpunkt ihrer Scham zum Tode – den Suizid – auszuführen. Racines Seelenspektakel wird durchgehend von dem Affekt der Scham strukturiert. Stets ist die Figur vom brennenden Blick ihres mythisch-göttlichen Großvaters Helios begleitet. Racine verortet die unlösbaren Konflikte der Tragödie im Inneren der Figur und (...)
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  3. Proletarian Days: A Hippolyte Havel Reader.Nathan Jun & Hippolyte Havel (eds.) - 2018 - Oakland: AK Press.
    In this, the first published collection of writings by Hippolyte Havel (1871–1950), Nathan Jun brings a crucial, yet largely forgotten revolutionary figure back into historical focus. Havel was a Czech anarchist at the center of New York’s political and artistic circles at the turn of the twentieth century. He was an editor of numerous publications, including Emma Goldman’s Mother Earth and his influence on several writers, artists, and intellectuals (including Eugene O’Neill, Joseph Stieglitz, and Sadakichi Hartmann) helped shape American (...)
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  4. La Comtesse d'Houdetot, Sa Famille--Ses Amis.Hippolyte Buffenoir & Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1905 - H. Leclerc.
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  5. La vie de sainte Théoctiste de Lesbos.Hippolyte Delehaye - 1924 - Byzantion 1:191-200.
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  6. Un linguiste français du 18e siècle: Le président de Brosses.Hippolyte Sautebin - 1971 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
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  7. Gegarvesti pʻilisopʻayutʻyun.Hippolyte Taine - 1936 - Herevan: Pethrat.
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    Rje Guṅ-thaṅ Blo-gros-rgya-mtshoʾs mdzad paʾi blo rtags mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas daṅ.Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho - 1999 - Lanzhou: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
    On the fundamental essence of Buddhist logic and dialectical studies.
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  9. Minor Angels: Toward an Aesthetics of Conflict.Jean-Louis Hippolyte - 2003 - Substance 32 (2):67-78.
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    Jewish lifeworlds and Jewish thought: Festschrift presented to Karl E. Grözinger on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Karl-Erich Grözinger & Nathanael Riemer (eds.) - 2012 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    The areas of interest of the scholar of religious studies, Karl E. Grozinger, are diverse. His research is concentrated on the religious and cultural history of Judaism throughout the ages: Israel in antiquity, the era of rabbinical traditional literature, philosophy of religion during the Middle Ages, the kabbalistic tradition, as well as Jewish thinkers and devout movements in contemporary times. On the occasion of Professor Grozinger's seventieth birthday, numerous scholars present the first fruits of their current research as a first (...)
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  11. Christian Oster: From Courtly Love to Modern Malaise.Jean-Louis Hippolyte - 2006 - Substance 35 (3):23-34.
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    Lectures on art.Hippolyte Taine - 1875 - [New York,: AMS Press.
    1st ser. The philosophy of art. The ideal in art.--2d ser. The philosophy of art in Italy. The philosophy of art in the Netherlands. The philosophy of art in Greece.
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    Philosophie de l'art.Hippolyte Taine & Jean François Revel - 1921 - Paris,: Hachette. Edited by Jean-François Revel.
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  14. Yi shu zhe xue.Hippolyte Taine - 1963 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Lei Fu.
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    Notes sur Auguste Comte.Hippolyte Philémon Deroisin - 1909 - Paris: G. Crès et cie.
  16. De la Destinée humaine.Hippolyte Taine & Enrico Martial - 1989 - Torino: Accademia delle scienze. Edited by Enrico Martial.
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  17. Frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ pervoĭ poloviny devi︠a︡tnadt︠s︡atago vi︠e︡ka.Hippolyte Taine - 1896
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    Les Philosophes français du XIXe siècle, extraits.Hippolyte Taine - 1966 - Paris,]: J.-J. Pauvert.
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  19. Philosophie de l'art.Hippolyte Taine - 1964 - Paris,: Hermann. Edited by Jean-François Revel.
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    Disobey!: a guide to ethical resistance.Frédéric Gros - 2020 - New York: Verso Books. Edited by David Fernbach.
    The world is out of joint, so much so that disobeying should be an urgent question for everyone. In this provocative essay, Frédéric Gros explores the roots of political obedience. Social conformity, economic subjection, respect for authorities, constitutional consensus? Examining the various styles of obedience provides tools to study, invent and induce new forms of civic disobedience and lyrical protest. Nothing can be taken for granted: neither supposed certainties nor social conventions, economic injustice or moral conviction. Thinking philosophically requires (...)
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  21. Sefer maʻadanim le-nafshekha: śihọt ḳodesh ṿe-sipure tsadiḳim ha-shaṿim le-khol nefesh, ʻarvim le-shomʻehem ha-meʻorerim levav ṿe-nefesh ha-adam la-ʻavodat boreʼo ule-tikụn ha-midot.Gros, Yoʼel & $C. ha-Kohen (eds.) - 2012 - Bruḳlin, Nyu Yorḳ: hotsaʼat Maʻadanim le-nafshekha.
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  22. Ibn òHazm on history : a few remarks.Gabriel Martinez-Gros - 2013 - In Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro & Sabine Schmidtke (eds.), Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba: the life and works of a controversial thinker. Boston: Brill.
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    (1 other version)Les philosophes français du XIXe siècle.Hippolyte Taine - 1857 - Paris,]: J.-J. Pauvert.
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    Bioéthique et genre.Anne-Françoise Zattara-Gros (ed.) - 2013 - Issy-les-Moulineaux: LGDJ, Lextenso éditions.
    La 4ème de couverture indique : "Cet ouvrage, qui réunit juristes, sociologues, anthropologue et psychanalyste, se propose de saisir la place du genre en bioéthique à l'heure de questions sociétales liées tant aux progrès de la médecine reproductive qu'aux rôles assignés aux femmes et aux hommes à l'intérieur de la famille ou en dehors de celle-ci. Il s'agit, au travers de regards croisés, d'éclairer le débat du genre au sein de la sphère bioéthique en identifiant, au sein et au-delà des (...)
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    The Relationship Between Supervisor Personality, Supervisors’ Perceived Stress and Workplace Bullying.Gro Ellen Mathisen, Ståle Einarsen & Reidar Mykletun - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (4):637-651.
    This study investigated the relationship between supervisor personality and subordinate reports of exposure to bullying and harassment at work. Three research questions were examined: Is there a direct relationship between supervisor personality and reports of workplace bullying? Is there an interaction between supervisor personality and supervisors’ perceived stress as predictors of workplace bullying? Will subordinates who experience bullying at their workplace rate their supervisor’s personality more negatively? The sample consisted of 207 supervisors and employees within 70 Norwegian restaurants. Supervisors low (...)
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  26. Bernhard HF Taureck-Politische Unschuld? In Sachen Martin Heidegger.Jürgen Große - 2010 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 63 (2):123.
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    Socio-economic determinants of keeping goats and sheep by rural people in southern Benin.Luc Hippolyte Dossa, Barbara Rischkowsky, Regina Birner & Clemens Wollny - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):581-592.
    An understanding of factors influencing the decision of rural people to keep sheep and/or goats is crucial when formulating technologies and policies that support village-based small ruminant production. The knowledge of such factors will also improve assessment of impact intervention strategies on the livelihoods of rural people. Structured questionnaires administered in 228 households were used to study the ownership patterns of small ruminants in southern Benin. The ownership of goats was higher (91%) than sheep (35%) because goats are not affected (...)
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  28. Foucault e la verità cinica.Frédéric Gros - 2012 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 25 (2):289-298.
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  29. Sefer Śefat Ḥayim: maʼamarim ṿe-śiḥot, ʻetsot niflaʼot, ṿe-hadrakhot yesharot, asher neʼemru la-ḥaverim maḳshivim, dorshe H.Avraham Ḥayim Elimelekh Gros - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "ʻAṭeret Mosheh".
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    A philosophy of walking.Frédéric Gros - 2014 - London: Verso.
    Explores the role and influence of walking in the lives of such thinkers as Kant, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Robert Louis Stevenson, Gandhi, and Jack Kerouac.
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  31. „„Die namenlose Dummheit, die das Resultat des Fortschritts ist “–Lebensphilosophische und dialektische Kritik der Moderne “.Michael Großheim - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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  32. Foucault Et la Philosophie Antique Actes du Colloque International du 21-22 Juin 2001.Frédéric Gros & Carlos Lévy - 2003
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  33. Geschichtlichkeit gegen Gestalt: Ein Kapitel aus der Genese der Existenzphilisophie.Michael Großheim - 1995 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 102 (2):322-339.
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    Stochastic contingency machines feeding on meaning: on the computational determination of social reality in machine learning.Richard Groß - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    In this paper, I reflect on the puzzle that machine learning presents to social theory to develop an account of its distinct impact on social reality. I start by presenting how machine learning has presented a challenge to social theory as a research subject comprising both familiar and alien characteristics (1.). Taking this as an occasion for theoretical inquiry, I then propose a conceptual framework to investigate how algorithmic models of social phenomena relate to social reality and what their stochastic (...)
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  35. The structure of the brain and the process of thinking.W. E. Le Gros Clark - 1950 - In Peter Laslett (ed.), The Physical Basis Of Mind. Ny: Macmillan.
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  36. vor der Schlacht an der Milvischen Brücke (312).Die Religionspolitik Kaiser Constantins des Großen - 1988 - Hermes 116:76-94.
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    Alfred Schutz on Phenomenological Psychology and Transcendental Phenomenology.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (2):214-239.
    Alfred Schutz is, without a doubt, one of the phenomenologists that contributed the most to the reflection on how to apply insights from phenomenological philosophy to the, empirical and theoretical, human and social sciences. However, his work tends to be neglected by many of the current advocates of phenomenology within these disciplines. In the present paper, I intend to remedy this situation. In order to do so, I will systematically revisit his mundane and social-scientifically oriented account of phenomenology, which, as (...)
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  38.  26
    Grand article: Cours du 6 janvier 1982.Frédéric Gros & Michel Foucault - 2000 - Cités 2:141-178.
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    Kunst, Geschichte und Technik. Konstellationen von Heideggers Denken im Lichte seines Gesprächs mit Hegel und Friedrich Georg Jünger.Andreas Großmann - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 52 (1):40 - 63.
    Der Beitrag unternimmt es, Grundkonstellationen von Heideggers spätem Denken - der Frage nach einem "anderen Anfang" der von der Metaphysik und dem Ge-Stell der Technik beherrschten Geschichte - über eine Vergegenwärtigung seines Gesprächs mit Hegel und Friedrich Georg Jünger luzide zu machen. Zeigt sich Heideggers Suche nach einem "anderen Anfang" der Geschichte in Kunst und Dichtung vom Widerspruch gegen Hegel geprägt, so finden seine seinsgeschichtlichen Erörterungen des Wesens der Technik eine aufschlußreiche Entsprechung in den Arbeiten Friedrich Georg Jüngers, insbesondere dessen (...)
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    Vérités et contre-vérités.Frédéric Gros - 2020 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 292 (2):9-15.
    J’aimerais présenter quelques réflexions autour du concept de vérité dans les travaux de Michel Foucault. Elles seront extrêmement schématiques, et pourtant ce problème de la vérité est, chez Foucault, à la fois compliqué et central. Il est particulièrement présent dans le dernier cours prononcé au collège de France, à travers par exemple l’analyse de la mort de Socrate ou l’étude des cyniques. La question qu’on pourrait poser, à travers cette relecture, est celle du rapport entre vérité et obéissance, vérité et (...)
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  41. Rgyan drug mchog gñis kyi rnam thar daṅ lta ba mdor bsdus pa: lives and brief accounts of the philosophy of the eight Mahāyāna sages of India known as the "Rgyan drug Mchog gñisʼ and Śer leʼi rnam bśad blo bzaṅ rgyan: a commentary on the ninth chapter of the Bodhicaryāvatāra of Śāntideva.Blo-Gros-Bzaṅ-Po - 1979 - Delhi: Jamyang Samten. Edited by Blo-Gros-Bzaṅ-Po.
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  42. Gott: die Ur-Tatsache, der Ur-Grund, das Ur-Geheimnis.Conrad Gröber - 1937 - Freiburg im Breisgau,: Herder.
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  43. » Orte Hegels und Hegels Ort. Bemerkungen zur> Topographie< des Idealismus «.Andreas Großmann - 1993 - Hegel-Studien 28:57-79.
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    Frühneuhochdeutsche medizinische Fachprosa in Böhmen.Hilde-Marie Groß & Gundolf Keil - 2003 - Berichte Zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte 26 (2):143-143.
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    Foucault, penseur de la violence?Frédéric Gros - 2012 - Cités 50 (2):75-86.
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    (1 other version)Quality and Quantity.Johannes Gros - 1905 - The Monist 15 (3):361-374.
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    State Event Logic.Gerd Groβe & Hesham Khalil - 1996 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 4 (1):47-74.
  48. Alternative Bestattungsformen und postmortales Weiterwirken im 21. Jahr-hundert–eine thematische Einführung.Dominik Groß, Brigitte Tag & Christoph Schweikardt - 2011 - In Dominik Gross, Brigitte Tag & Christoph Schweikardt (eds.), Who wants to live forever?: Postmoderne Formen des Weiterwirkens nach dem Tod. New York: Campus-Verlag. pp. 11--23.
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  49. die arabische Philosophie. Eine Studie zu den Quellen seines Kommentars zum Liber de causis.Albert der Große - 1954 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 63:1314150.
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  50. A lenda do Grande Inquisidor : a noite das crenças.Frédéric Gros - 2010 - In Adauto Novaes (ed.), Mutações: a invenção das crenças. São Paulo, SP: Edições SESC SP.
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