Results for 'Bernhard Winkler'

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  1.  22
    Is there a Relation Between Ecological Practices and Spirituality? The Case of Benedictine Monasteries.Bernhard Freyer, Valentina Aversano-Dearborn, Georg Winkler, Sina Leipold, Harald Haidl, Karl Werner Brand, Michael Rosenberger & Thomas Wallnig - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (5):559-582.
    For decades there has been a controversial debate over how far religious faith communities are specifically engaged in ecological practices (EP). Therefore we studied four Austrian and two German Benedictine monasteries religious ethics and spirituality as a means of a driving force for initiating EP. We draw upon theories of organizational learning processes and capacity-building of sustainability to interpret our empirical findings. The majority of monasteries are highly engaged in EP, initiated either as an outcome of individual activities or through (...)
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    Correction to: Is There a Relation Between Ecological Practices and Spirituality? The Case of Benedictine Monasteries.Bernhard Freyer, Valentina Aversano-Dearborn, Georg Winkler, Sina Leipold, Harald Haidl, Karl Werner Brand, Michael Rosenberger & Thomas Wallnig - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (2):355-356.
    In the original publication of this article, the equally contributed article note was missed.
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    Sonnengötter & Sodomie.Bernhard Winkler - 2017 - Psyche 71 (6):479-505.
    Racines »Phèdre« wird zum Opfer eines tödlichen Schamkonflikts. Der tief in ihre Psyche eingeschriebene Familienfluch ihrer sexuell devianten Vorfahren sowie die Erfahrung des Liebesverlusts, der aus der Zurückweisung ihres Stiefsohns Hippolytes resultiert, bringen sie dazu, den letzten Zielpunkt ihrer Scham zum Tode – den Suizid – auszuführen. Racines Seelenspektakel wird durchgehend von dem Affekt der Scham strukturiert. Stets ist die Figur vom brennenden Blick ihres mythisch-göttlichen Großvaters Helios begleitet. Racine verortet die unlösbaren Konflikte der Tragödie im Inneren der Figur und (...)
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    Eberhard Winkler: Die Leichenpredigt im deutschen Luthertum bis Spener. (Forschungen zur Geschichte und Lehre des Protestantismus, 10. Reihe, Bd. XXXIV). Chr. Kaiser Verlag, München 1967, 247 pp. [REVIEW]Bernhard Klaus - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 23 (4):383-384.
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    Christliche Sozialethik--Orientierung welcher Praxis?: Friedhelm Hengsbach SJ zu Ehren.Bernhard Emunds & Friedhelm Hengsbach (eds.) - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Welche Problemlagen fordern Christen heute heraus, sich politisch zu engagieren? In welchen Formen reagieren sie darauf? Wie soll sich Christliche Sozialethik auf solche "Politik aus dem Glauben" beziehen und wie kann sie diese orientierend unterstutzen? Das Buch ist dem Theorie-Praxis-Verhaltnis der Christlichen Sozialethik gewidmet, das fur das Denken von Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Hengsbach SJ zentral ist. Aus Anlass seines 80. Geburtstags setzen sich 22 namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren mit dieser Fragestellung auseinander. Neben Beitragen zum Wandel der politischen Praxis von Christen (...)
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    Phenomenology and Naturalism.Rafael Winkler (ed.) - 2017 - London, New York: Routledge.
    At present, ‘naturalism’ is arguably the dominant trend in both Anglo-American and European philosophy. Owing to the influence of the works of W.V.O. Quine, Wilfred Sellars, and Hillary Putnam, among others, naturalism both as a methodological and ontological position has become one of the mainstays of contemporary analytic approaches to knowledge, mind and ethics. From the early 1990s onward, European philosophy in the English-speaking world has been witnessing a turn from the philosophies of the subjects of phenomenology, hermeneutics and existentialism (...)
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  7. Elusive Externalism.Bernhard Salow - 2019 - Mind 128 (510):397-427.
    Epistemologists have recently noted a tension between (i) denying access internalism, and (ii) maintaining that rational agents cannot be epistemically akratic, believing claims akin to ‘p, but I shouldn’t believe p’. I bring out the tension, and develop a new way to resolve it. The basic strategy is to say that access internalism is false, but that counterexamples to it are ‘elusive’ in a way that prevents rational agents from suspecting that they themselves are counterexamples to the internalist principles. I (...)
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  8. In den Netzen der Lebenswelt.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (4):649-651.
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    Deutsch-französische Gedankengänge.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1995 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  10.  5
    Perdidos para la literatura.Aurora Freijo Corbeira - 2011 - Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
    Tomemos el camino iniciado por Ricœur, quien, de la mano de Aristóteles, reconoce en el Mythos, en la trama, la estructura lingüística más conveniente para decir aquello en lo que consiste “devenir un sí mismo”. ¿Caben relatos que digan más pertinentemente qué es un sí mismo? La aparición, cada vez más insistente, de otros modos de narrar ―extraños y peculiares por su falta de estructura y por su condición de narraciones decepcionantes― cuestionan que la trama sea el modo narrativo que (...)
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  11. Die Eintrübung des reinen Bewusstseins.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1987 - Philosophische Rundschau 34:74.
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  12. Simbolismo, creatividad y responsividad.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1997 - Ideas Y Valores 46 (105):17-29.
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  13. Zrcalo, sled in pogled. H genezi slike Mirror, Trace and the Gaze. Towards the Genealogy of the Painting.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2004 - Phainomena 49.
    Večina slikovnih koncepcij boleha za tem, da začenjajo previsoko, namreč na ravni slikovnih del in slikovnih medijev. Zaradi tega pri doživljanju slike nismo pozorni na razpoke in brezna. Ta očitek zadeva tako filozofske teorije slike kot tudi umetnostno teorijo, umetnostno zgodovino in muzejsko prakso, ki se ne zna več čuditi temu, da obstaja nekaj takega kot slike. Naslednji razmisleki se vrtijo okoli geneze slike, ki omogoča vdor v zaprtost nekega v lepi ali nič več lepi videz ujetega estetskega sveta, tako (...)
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    The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy.Kenneth P. Winkler, Anne Conway, Allison P. Coudert & Taylor Corse - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (4):585.
    Anne Conway’s Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, first published in 1690, is probably the most ambitious contribution to early modern metaphysics by a woman writing in the English language. This beautifully prepared edition makes Conway’s treatise available to twentieth-century readers in an accessible English translation of the 1690 Latin text—itself a translation of an original English manuscript that has long been lost.
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    Is Dupras and Bunnik’s Framework for Assessing Privacy Risks in Multi-Omic Research and Databases Still Too Exceptionalist?Karla Alex & Eva C. Winkler - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):80-82.
    Dupras and Bunnik’s strong statement against the normative approach of genetic exceptionalism, which can no longer be justified in the midst of multi-omic research, is of great importance fo...
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  16. The Role of Kinds in the Semantics of Ceteris Paribus Laws.Bernhard Nickel - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (10):1729-1744.
    This paper investigates the interaction between semantic theories for cp-laws (roughly, laws that hold “all things equal”) and metaphysical theories of kinds in the special sciences. Its central conclusion is that cp-laws concerning kinds behave differently from cp-laws concerning non-kinds: “ravens are black” which concerns the kind corvus corax, behaves differently from from “albino ravens are white” which concerns the non-kind grouping of albino ravens. I argue that this difference is in the first instance logical: the two sorts of cp-laws (...)
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  17.  38
    Ethical Challenges for Military Health Care Personnel: Dealing with Epidemics.Daniel Messelken & David Winkler (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    Outbreaks of epidemics like Ebola trigger difficult ethical challenges for civilian and military health care personnel. This book offers theoretical reflections combined with reports from recent military and NGO missions in the field. The authors of this volume focus on military medical ethics adding a distinct voice to the topic of epidemics and infectious diseases. While military health care personnel are always crucially involved during disaster relief operations and large-scale public health emergencies, most of the current literature treats ethical issues (...)
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    Klug werden aus dem Widerspruch im Bundesverfassungsgericht!Hans-Bernhard Wuermeling - 1998 - Ethik in der Medizin 10 (2):112-113.
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    Der Stachel des Fremden.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1990
    Die in diesem Band enthaltenen Beiträge gehören in den Umkreis von Waldenfels' 1987 erschienenem Buch Ordnung im Zwielicht. Der dort vorgelegte Grundriß wird hier auf mannigfache Weise ausgeführt und fortgeführt - ein Materialienband also zu Ordnung im Zwielicht, doch gleichzeitig ein Vorbereitungsband zur Behandlung dessen, was Waldenfels dort responsive Rationalität genannt hat.
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    Computational complexity of terminological reasoning in BACK.Bernhard Nebel - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 34 (3):371-383.
  21. Verantwortete Forschungsfreiheit bei der Anwendung der Gentechnik.Bernhard Irrgang - 1991 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 2 (4):595.
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  22. Transzendentale Methode und thomistische Erkenntnismetaphysik.Bernhard Jansen - 1928 - Theologie Und Philosophie 3 (3):341.
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    Die angewandte Kunst des Denkens: von, für und gegen Rudolf Burger, zum Achzigsten.Bernhard Kraller & Rudolf Burger (eds.) - 2019 - Wien: Sonderzahl.
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  24. Menschliche Existenz und rituelle Verwandlung in Marokko Ein Essay in phänomenologischer Anthropologie1.Bernhard Leistle - 2006 - In Aleida Assmann & Jan Assmann (eds.), Verwandlungen. München: Fink. pp. 9--155.
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    From conventionalism to social authenticity : Heidegger’s anyone and contemporary social theory.Schmid Hans Bernhard & Thonhauser Gerhard (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This edited volume offers a new approach to understanding social conventions by way of Martin Heidegger. It connects the philosopher's conceptions of the anyone, everydayness, and authenticity with an analysis and critique of social normativity. Heidegger’s account of the anyone is ambiguous. Some see it as a good description of human sociality, others think of it as an important critique of modern mass society. This volume seeks to understand this ambiguity as reflecting the tension between the constitutive function of conventions (...)
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    Religion der Erfahrung: Einführung in das Denken Franz Rosenzweigs.Bernhard Casper - 2004 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
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    Gestalt – Ritus – Kollektiv: Ludwik Fleck im Kontext der zeitgenössischen Gestaltpsychologie, Ethnologie und Soziologie.Bernhard Kleeberg & Sylwia Werner - 2014 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 22 (1-2):1-7.
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    Traffic Pattern Analysis in a Flight Simulator: Subjective and Physiological Mental Workload Assessment Techniques.Raphaëlle Roy, Benjamin Winkler, Fabian Honecker, Sébastien Scannella, Frédéric Dehais & Axel Schulte - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Learning from history: the need for a synthetic approach to human cognition.Bernhard Hommel & Lorenza S. Colzato - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  30. Topological Nexttime Logic.Bernhard Heinemann - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 99-112.
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  31. Beyond Meaning and Understanding.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2001 - Phainomena 37.
    We have grown used to leading the hermeneutics to its philosophical honorary status up various steps. It begins relatively innocently with the skill of interpretation and explanation: it goes on with philosophical hermeneutics which prepares the general epistemological and theoretical framework for methodical understanding, and it ends with the hermeneutic philosophy, in which both philosophizing and pre-philosophical life are decisively defined as understanding and mutual understanding. This hermeneutic philosophy need not restrict itself to the hermeneutics of texts, but can extend (...)
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  32. Coming and Going of Time.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2015 - In David Morris & Kym Maclaren (eds.). Ohio University Press.
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  33. Die Spannweite der platonischen Dialektik.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1975 - Philosophische Rundschau 21:87.
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  34. Europe of Many Voices.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2009 - Phainomena 68.
    The Europe of many voices is founded on a balance between me and us. Even if persons, regions and countries communicate with their own voices, each voice is imbued with its inner and outer alienness, which can be represented but not replaced by others. There is no single European language, there is a variety of European languages. Interregional, international and intercultural experiences are characterized by the interweaving of one’s own and the foreign. We can be more or less close to (...)
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  35. In den Netzen der Lebenswelt, coll. « Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft ».Bernhard Waldenfels - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (2):232-232.
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  36. L'homme comme être des limites.Bernhard Waldenfels, Francesco Gregorio, Frédéric Moinat, Arno Renken & Michel Vanni - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137 (4):297-310.
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  37. Limiti dell’ordine. Prefazione all’edizione italiana.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2003 - Discipline Filosofiche 13 (1).
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  38. Mens sive cerebrum. Intentionalität in mentalistischer Sicht.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1984 - Philosophische Rundschau 31:22.
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  39. Consciousness and control in task switching.Nachshon Meiran, Bernhard Hommel, Uri Bibi & Idit Lev - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):10-33.
    Participants were required to switch among randomly ordered tasks, and instructional cues were used to indicate which task to execute. In Experiments 1 and 2, the participants indicated their readiness for the task switch before they received the target stimulus; thus, each trial was associated with two primary dependent measures: (1) readiness time and (2) target reaction time. Slow readiness responses and instructions emphasizing high readiness were paradoxically accompanied by slow target reaction time. Moreover, the effect of task switching on (...)
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    Generics.Bernhard Nickel - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 437–462.
    Generics exhibit genericity, and though a theory of generics is closely connected to a theory of genericity, the two are distinct. They raise a host of interesting linguistic and philosophical issues, both separately and in their interaction. This chapter begins with a fairly manifest phenomenon one can observe in natural language. There is a range of sentences that, speaking intuitively, one can use to talk about kinds. It argues that there's no simple statistical criterion that systematically captures the patterns of (...)
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  41. Bildung der Widerstandsfähigkeit und Selbstbefreiung : Konturen eines praxisphilosophischen Verständnisses von Bildung im Kontext kritischer Pädagogik.Armin Bernhard - 2013 - In Bernd Lederer (ed.), "Bildung": was sie war, ist, sein sollte: zur Bestimmung eines strittigen Begriffs: Fortführung der Diskussion. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
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    Nietzsches Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.Bernhard Bueb - 1970 - Stuttgart,: E. Klett.
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    Grundfragen des Humanen: Studien zur Menschlichkeit des Menschen.Bernhard Casper - 2014 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
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    Coming to Terms with Biomedical Technologies in Different Technopolitical Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of Focus Groups on Organ Transplantation and Genetic Testing in Austria, France, and the Netherlands.Peter Winkler, Maximilian Fochler & Ulrike Felt - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (4):525-553.
    In this comparative analysis of twelve focus groups conducted in Austria, France, and the Netherlands, we investigate how lay people come to terms with two biomedical technologies. Using the term ‘‘technopolitical culture,’’ we aim to show that the ways in which technosciences are interwoven with a specific society frame how citizens build their individual and collective positions toward them. We investigate how the focus group participants conceptualized organ transplantation and genetic testing, their perceptions of individual agency in relation to the (...)
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  45. Die gesellschaftlichen Mächte in der französischen Kultur.Ernst Bernhard - 1922 - Rivista di Filosofia 11:71.
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  46. Philosophische und naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Psychologie.Ernst Adolf Bernhard - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:433.
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    Integrating body movement into attractiveness research.Bernhard Fink, Bettina Weege, Nick Neave, Michael N. Pham & Todd K. Shackelford - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    (1 other version)Continuous Creation1.Kenneth P. Winkler - 2011 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 35 (1):287-309.
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    Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity.Daniel Messelken & David Winkler (eds.) - 2021 - Springer.
    This book sheds light on various ethical challenges military and humanitarian health care personnel face while working in adverse conditions. Contexts of armed conflict, hybrid wars or other forms of violence short of war, as well as natural disasters, all have in common that ordinary circumstances can no longer be taken for granted. Hence, the provision of health care has to adapt, for example, to a different level of risk, to scarce resources, or uncommon approaches due to external incentives or (...)
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    Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity – Introduction to the Volume.Daniel Messelken & David T. Winkler - 2021 - In Daniel Messelken & David Winkler (eds.), Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity. Springer. pp. 1-15.
    This chapter introduces to the main topic of the volume, namely the influence of the changing nature of warfare on the provision of medical care and the ethical challenges that occur. It presents the main ideas of relevant concepts such as asymmetrical warfare, hybrid warfare, and complex emergencies before illustrating the ethical challenges that new forms of warfare create for military and humanitarian health care providers. Examples of ethical challenges include embedding medical personnel in combating forces, questions regarding the treatment (...)
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