Results for 'Herman Gunsteren'

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    Public and Private.Herman van Gunsteren - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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  2. Admission to citizenship.Herman R. Van Gunsteren - 1988 - Ethics 98 (4):731-741.
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    Gerard Drosterij, Politics as jurisdiction: a new understanding of public and private in political theory.Herman Gunsteren - 2009 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 38 (3):261-262.
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    De preventiestaat.Herman van Gunsteren - 2008 - Res Publica 50 (4):445-461.
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    Sterke posities in de politieke filosofie.Grahame Lock, Etienne Balibar & Herman R. van Gunsteren - 1989 - Leiden: Stenfert Kroese. Edited by Herman R. van Gunsteren & Étienne Balibar.
    Bundel opstellen over de belangrijkste stromingen in en auteurs over politieke filosofie, waarin thema's als het zoeken naar waarheid en rechtvaardigheid centraal staan.
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  6. La politique sans l'Etat. Sur la définition néorépublicaine de la citoyenneté de Herman van Gunsteren.Patrice Maniglier - 1998 - Actuel Marx 23:218-219.
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    La politique sans l’État. Sur la définition néorépublicaine de la citoyenneté de Herman van Gunsteren.Patrice Maniglier - 1998 - Actuel Marx 23 (1):149.
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    Siyaset Teorisinde Vatandaşlık Modelleri: Herman R. Van Gunsteren'ın Sınıflandırması.Hüseyin Bal - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 14):17-17.
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  9. The Reinterpretation of Luther.Edga M. Carlson & Herman Amberg Preus - 1948
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  10. A critical Analysis of the Initial Condition in Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”.Volker Herman Kriegisch - 1978 - The Owl of Minerva 10 (1):9-9.
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  11. A guided tour of conceptual engineering and conceptual ethics.David Plunkett & Herman Cappelen - 2019 - In Alexis Burgess, Herman Cappelen & David Plunkett (eds.), Conceptual Engineering and Conceptual Ethics. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 1–26.
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    Focus groups as collaborative research performances.Fernando Bosco & Thomas Herman - 2010 - In Dydia DeLyser (ed.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative geography. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 193--207.
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    Frontiers in American Philosophy Volume Ii.Robert W. Burch & Herman J. Saatkamp (eds.) - 1996 - Texas A & M University Press.
    This second volume arising from the Frontiers in American Philosophy Conference held at Texas A&M University is "festive, celebrating the diversity of thought and influences in American philosophy," say its editors. In these thirty-six essays, there is no attempt to define an American ethos; in fact, the editors conclude that, even pragmatism, identified by Tocqueville as America's defining attribute, should not be described as a national philosophy. It is, as Gerard Deledalle notes in his essay, "the new universal philosophy, because (...)
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  14. An Organisational Perspective on Military Ethics.Eric-Hans Kramer, Herman Kuipers & Miriam de Graaff - 2022 - In Désirée Verweij, Peter Olsthoorn & Eva van Baarle (eds.), Ethics and Military Practice. Leiden Boston: Brill.
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  15. The role of challenge-skills balance in task engagement.Mehdi Mirlohi & David Herman - 2024 - In Joy Egbert & Priya Panday-Shukla (eds.), Task engagement across disciplines: research and practical strategies to increase student achievement. New York: Routledge.
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  16. The Religion of Shared Experience.John Herman Randall Jr - 1940 - In John Dewey (ed.), The Philosopher of the common man. New York,: Greenwood Press.
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    Religie en waarheid.Herman De Dijn - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51:407-426.
    Religion and science are altogether too different to be rationally incompatible . If—as is done here—one defends such a thesis, one seems to sever the link between religion and truth. This link seems to many to be really essential: is not the highest requirement of a person, especially a religious person, „to live in the truth” ? And is it not necessary for rational beings to try and give a rational justification for one's religious beliefs? But perhaps „the truth” which (...)
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    Transcendentie en exterioriteit. Een antwoord aan Carlos Steel.Arnold Burms & Herman De Dijn - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49:492-500.
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  19. (1 other version)Readings in philosophy.John Herman Randall, Justus Buchler & Evelyn Urban Shirk (eds.) - 1946 - New York,: Barnes & Noble.
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    (6 other versions)The Letters of George Santayana, Book Two, 1910--1920: The Works of George Santayana, Volume V.William G. Holzberger & Herman J. Saatkamp (eds.) - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Since the first selection of George Santayana's letters was published in 1955, shortly after his death, many more letters have been located. The Works of George Santayana, Volume V, brings together a total of more than 3,000 letters. The volume is divided chronologically into eight books of roughly comparable length. Book Two covers Santayana's first decade as a "freelance philosopher," following his resignation from Harvard University and move to Europe. Of particular interest is Santayana's continuing correspondence with the American philosopher (...)
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  21. Philosophy after Darwin: Chapters for the Career of Philosophy Volume III and Other Essays.John Herman Randall & Beth J. Singer - 1979 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (3):202-203.
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    The ethical challenge of a pluralistic society.John Herman Randall - 1959 - [New York]: New York Society for Ethical Culture.
  23. T H Green: the Development of English Thought from J S Mill to F H Bradley.John-Herman Randall-Jr - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas:217-244.
    This is an analysis of the relation of green to nineteenth century thought. the author believes that green stands for three ideas. first, he is the major nineteenth century critic of utilitarianism. second, he is the main critic of laissez-faire individualism. third, he is the major critic of empiricism. green believed that experience is identical with thought; the real world is the intelligible world. the human mind, in knowing, establishes relations with the eternal mind. the author concludes that green is (...)
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  24. The mastery of life.John Herman Randall - 1931 - New York,: R. M. McBride & company.
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    Reformation(en) und Moderne: philosophisch-theologische Erkundungen.Hans Schelkshorn & Herman Westerink (eds.) - 2017 - Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Vienna University Press.
    Luther ist nur eine Stimme unter den spätmittelalterlichen Reformbewegungen. Die historische Forschung stellt die Lutherische Reformation inzwischen in den breiten Strom christlicher Reformbewegungen seit dem 13. Jahrhundert. Vor diesem Hintergrund muss auch das aufklärerische Bild von Luther als einem Protagonisten der Neuzeit revidiert werden. Die Vielfalt spätmittelalterlicher Reformbewegungen bis hin zum Trienter Konzil bildet zusammen mit dem Renaissancehumanismus ein reiches Reservoir an geistigen Aufbrüchen, von denen zahlreiche Beziehungen zur Moderne ausgehen. Mit diesem komplexen Geflecht zwischen christlichen Reformation(en) und Moderne beschäftigen (...)
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    Reason, emotion, and music: towards a common structure for arts, sciences, and philosophies, based on a conceptual framework for the description of music.Leo Apostel, Herman Sabbe & Fernand J. Vandamme (eds.) - 1986 - Ghent: Communication & Cognition.
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    Reflectie en spiritualiteit.Herman De Dijn - 1997 - de Uil Van Minerva 14 (1):41-54.
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  28. Religie in de 21ste eeuw.Herman De Dijn - 2006 - de Uil Van Minerva 21:230-233.
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  29. Spinoza: Reason and Intuitive Knowledge.Herman De Dijn - 1989 - Philosophy 13:1-22.
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    Waarden en normen, idealen en principes.Herman De Dijn - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (2):261-276.
    Two sorts of values are to be distinguished: economic values which are related to the subjective needs and desires of sensitive beings, and non-economic or spiritual values which are related to persons living in a common culture. The present 'crisis of values' has to do with a confusion between these two different kinds of values. Spiritual values and norms should also be distinguished from ideals and related principles. Ideals and principles are abstractions originating in the attempt to organize human life (...)
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    Weerstand, hermeneutiek en monsterassimilatie.Herman De Dijn - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (4):705-730.
    This paper is a reply to my critics on three points: -My book is not an apologetics for Catholic tradition in general or traditional moral views in bio-ethics, but a plea for a philosophical-hermeneutical reappropriation of metaphors and insights from that tradition; -My book is not a defence of the traditional natural law approach, but an attempt atan hermeneutical and internal critical elucidation of ethical sensibility; -I disagree with a pragmatic attitude leading to 'monster assimilation' and with pleas for a (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Spinoza. The Way to Wisdom.Herman De Dijn - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (2):231-232.
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    Effects of redundancy level and presentation method on the paired-associate learning of educable retardates, third graders, and eighth graders.Herman H. Spitz - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (1):164.
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    Effects of stimulus information reduction on search time of retarded adolescents and normal children.Herman H. Spitz - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):482.
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    Subgoal length versus full solution length in predicting Tower of Hanoi problem-solving performance.Herman H. Spitz, Shula K. Minsky & Candace L. Bessellieu - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (4):301-304.
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    A Thematic Unity for Heidegger’s Was Heisst Denken?Herman E. Stark - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 6:242-248.
    This essay is primarily an analysis of Heidegger's Was Heisst Denken? I aim to provide a thematic unity for this enigmatic text, thereby rendering Heidegger's thoughts on thinking more available to those investigating the nature of human rationality and thinking. The procedure is to gather together some of the sundry themes and puzzling features resolved by unpacking this sentence: 'Most thought-provoking in our thought-provoking time is that we are still not thinking.' The chief results of this study include the establishment (...)
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    Expertise and Rationality.Herman E. Stark - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 45:242-247.
    I explore the connection between expertise and rationality. I first make explicit the philosophically dominant view on this connection, i.e., the ‘expert-consultation’ view. This view captures the rather obvious idea that a rational way of proceeding on a matter of importance when one lacks knowledge is to consult experts. Next, I enumerate the difficulties which beset this view, locating them to some extent in the current philosophical literature on expertise and rationality. I then propose that different lessons should be drawn (...)
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    Fallacies and Logical Errors.Herman E. Stark - 2000 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 20 (1):23-32.
    I explore a distinction that is philosophically significant but rarely a cynosure. The distinction is betvveen fallacies and logical errors, and I approach it by advancing overlooked albeit deleterious logical errors that are not fallacies but that fall squarely within the purview of Critical Thinking if not also Informal Logic. One key claim to emerge is that these logical errors -- just as basic and thought-impeding as the fallacies -- demand that we take a hard look at what is and (...)
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    Instructions and stimulus properties in processing relevant-redundant information.Herman Staudenmayer & Roger W. Schvaneveldt - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (1):175.
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    Logic in a Pincers.Herman E. Stark - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (2-3):61-69.
    The essay challenges the de facto dichotomy between the discipline of logic and the activity of social criticism, i.e., it provides an illustrated reminder to philosophers that the gulf between these two areas of philosophy is not quite as wide as our curriculum andspecialization designations tend to suggest. Social criticism plays some necessary roles in certain branches of logic, and the second-order accounting of the contents of these branches leads back to social criticism. These points suggest an adjusted conception of (...)
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    Ongedeeld integer.Nicolaas Jacob Herman Huls (ed.) - 2009 - Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
    Bijdragen aan een congres waarin de integriteit van juridische professionals bediscussieerd wordt.
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    Professor or Professionals?Herman De Dijn - 2015 - Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 7 (2):40-45.
    Books and articles are written with titles like The Last Professors and The End of the University. Of course these headings should not be taken literally. What they indicate are deep changes in the nature of the university and in the understanding of what is a professor. They also demonstrate a profound malaise, especially - but not only-among academics in the Humanities. In this brief paper an attempt is made to understand what is happening. Universities have been changing from institutions (...)
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    Einstein en Spinoza.Herman de Dijn - 1991
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    Filosofie van de dood: filosofie van de mens.Herman De Dijn - 2000 - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur 16 (3):191-193.
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  45. Geluksmachines in context. Filosofisene essays.Herman de Dijn - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (2):404-405.
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    Kritiek van de kunstmatige rede.Herman De Dijn - 1993 - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur 10 (1):29-35.
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    Spinoza on Truth, Religion, and Salvation.Herman De Dijn - 2013 - Review of Metaphysics 66 (3):545-564.
    According to Spinoza, the implications of the new scientific worldview of his time are diametrically opposed to the fundamental philosophical-theological tenets of traditional thought and religion. Yet, paradoxically, this does not bring him to the rejection of the notion of God, of notions of good and bad, or even of ordinary religion. On the contrary, his philosophy as a whole can be seen as a radical reconsideration of religion in the light of the modern situation, and not at all as (...)
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  48. Spinoza 's Logic or Art of Perfect Thinking - Résumé.Herman De Dijn - 1986 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 2:24.
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  49. End of life.Chris Gastmans & Herman Nys - 2014 - In Yann Joly & Bartha Maria Knoppers (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel.William G. Holzberger & Herman J. Saatkamp (eds.) - 1995 - Bradford.
    Published in 1935, George Santayana's The Last Puritan was the American philosopher's only novel. It became an instant best-seller, immediately linked in its painful voyage of self discovery to The Education of Henry Adams. It is essentially a novel of ideas, expressed in the birth, life, and early death of Oliver Alden.The Last Puritan is volume four in a new critical edition of The Works of George Santayana that restores Santayana's original text and provides important new scholarly information. Books in (...)
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