Results for 'Hela Michot-Dietrich'

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  1.  21
    Holistic Health and Biomedical Medicine. [REVIEW]Hela Michot-Dietrich - 1992 - International Studies in Philosophy 24 (1):115-116.
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    Infant-directed speech supports phonetic category learning in English and Japanese.Janet F. Werker, Ferran Pons, Christiane Dietrich, Sachiyo Kajikawa, Laurel Fais & Shigeaki Amano - 2007 - Cognition 103 (1):147-162.
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    Mahnke, Dietrich, Der Wille zur Ewigkeit.Dietrich Mahnke - 1920 - Kant Studien 25 (1).
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  4. Beyond the Game: Perceptions and Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Professional Sport Industry.Hela Sheth & Kathy M. Babiak - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (3):433-450.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an area of great interest, yet little is known about how CSR is perceived and practiced in the professional sport industry. This study employs a mixed-methods approach, including a survey, and a qualitative content analysis of responses to open-ended questions, to explore how professional sport executives define CSR, and what priorities teams have regarding their CSR activities. Findings from this study indicate that sport executives placed different emphases on elements of CSR including a focus on (...)
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    Ethik des Arztes, Ethik des Patienten, Ethik der Gesellschaft: Basis für ein zukunftsfähiges Gesundheitssystem.W. Janzarik, Hermes A. Kick, W. Schmitt & Dietrich von Engelhardt (eds.) - 2012 - Berlin: Lit.
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  6. Brain electrical activity and subjective experience during altered states of consciousness: Ganzfeld and hypnagogic states.Jirí Wackerman, Peter Pütz, Simone Büchi, Inge Strauch & Dietrich Lehmann - 2002 - International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2):123-146.
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    Mahnke, Dietrich, Das unsichtbare Königreich des deutschen Idealismus.Dietrich Mahnke - 1920 - Kant Studien 25 (1).
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    (1 other version)The comparative neuroprimatology 2018 road map for research on How the Brain Got Language.Michael A. Arbib, Francisco Aboitiz, Judith M. Burkart, Michael C. Corballis, Gino Coudé, Erin Hecht, Katja Liebal, Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi, James Pustejovsky, Shelby S. Putt, Federico Rossano, Anne E. Russon, P. Thomas Schoenemann, Uwe Seifert, Katerina Semendeferi, Chris Sinha, Dietrich Stout, Virginia Volterra, Sławomir Wacewicz & Benjamin Wilson - 2018 - Interaction Studies 19 (1-2):370-387.
    We present a new road map for research on “How the Brain Got Language” that adopts an EvoDevoSocio perspective and highlights comparative neuroprimatology – the comparative study of brain, behavior and communication in extant monkeys and great apes – as providing a key grounding for hypotheses on the last common ancestor of humans and monkeys and chimpanzees and the processes which guided the evolution LCA-m → LCA-c → protohumans → H. sapiens. Such research constrains and is constrained by analysis of (...)
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    Religionswissenschaft.Hermann Reifenberg, Günter Rager, Salcia Landmann, Ulrike Mayer, Hans Liermann, Georg Nádor, Jens-Rüdiger Liebermann, Angelus A. Häußling, H. -J. Greschat, Hans-Joachim Schoeps & Dietrich Blaufuß - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (1-4):172-192.
  10.  42
    Is information theory, or the assumptions that surround it, holding back neuroscience?Lee de-Wit, Vebjørn Ekroll, Dietrich Samuel Schwarzkopf & Johan Wagemans - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The challenges raised in this article are not with information theory per se, but the assumptions surrounding it. Neuroscience isn't sufficiently critical about the appropriate ‘receiver’ or ‘channel’, focuses on decoding ‘parts’, and often relies on a flawed ‘veridicality’ assumption. If these problematic assumptions were questioned, information theory could be better directed to help us understand how the brain works.
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    Lebendes bild–haptisches bild.Philine Helas - 2013 - In Iris Wenderholm, Jörg Trempler & Markus Rath, Das haptische bild: Körperhafte bilderfahrung in der neuzeit. De Gruyter. pp. 69-92.
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    Pädagogik, Politik und kritische Theorie, Erziehungswissenschaft in Verantwortung für eine emanzipatorische Praxis: Dietrich Hoffmann zum 80. Geburtstag.Dietrich Hoffmann, Horst Kuss, Karl Neumann & Kathrin Rheinländer (eds.) - 2014 - Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač.
  13. Knowing the Unknown. Ibn Taymiyya's commentary on Avicenna's Ishărāt, namaṭ X.Yahya M. Michot - 2018 - In Abdelkader Al Ghouz, Islamic philosophy from the 12th to the 14th century. Bonn: Bonn University Press.
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    L'eschatologie d'Avicenne selon F.D. al-Râzî (I).Jean R. Michot - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (2):235-263.
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    Pensée arabo-islamique.Jean R. Michot - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (2):301-323.
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  16. Mentalism versus Behaviourism in Economics: A Philosophy-of-Science Perspective.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2015 - Economics and Philosophy 32 (2):249-281.
    Behaviourism is the view that preferences, beliefs, and other mental states in social-scientific theories are nothing but constructs re-describing people's behaviour. Mentalism is the view that they capture real phenomena, on a par with the unobservables in science, such as electrons and electromagnetic fields. While behaviourism has gone out of fashion in psychology, it remains influential in economics, especially in ‘revealed preference’ theory. We defend mentalism in economics, construed as a positive science, and show that it fits best scientific practice. (...)
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    Berührbarkeit als conditio humana: Emotionale Phänomene in Hannah Arendts politischem Denken.Héla Hecker - 2021 - transcript Verlag.
    Hannah Arendts leidenschaftliches Denken offenbart sich in ihrem Werk u.a. durch die häufige Nennung emotionaler Phänomene wie Wut, Liebe, Mut oder Mitleid. Bislang wurde diese affektive Argumentationsebene jedoch nicht systematisch untersucht. Héla Hecker argumentiert dafür, dass Arendt Gefühle und Affekte nicht als per se apolitisch, sondern als welteröffnende bzw. -verschließende Artikulationen einer grundsätzlich menschlichen Berührbarkeit bewertet. Das Politische ist der Bereich, in dem diese Berührbarkeit als conditio humana frei und geschützt gelebt werden kann. Gleichzeitig bürgt die Fähigkeit, sich vom Anderen (...)
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    (1 other version)« L’épître sur la disparition des formes intelligibles vaines après la mort » d’Avicenne. Édition critique, traduction et index.J. R. Michot - 1987 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 29:152-170.
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    La philosophie d'Athènes à Rome et ses philosophes.Félicia Michot - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La philosophie commence avec l'étonnement. Et l'étonnement engendre l'interrogation et la connaissance. C'est Aristote qui structure les connaissances et l'intelligence. D'après M. Conche, la philosophie est « la recherche de la Vérité par la lumière naturelle », et cela au sujet du Tout de la réalité, et de la place de l'homme dans ce Tout. Et lorsque, dans cette recherche, une Vérité s'offre à nous, alors notre esprit, comme le pensait Cicéron, est empli du plus noble plaisir humain. Ce nouveau (...)
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  20. 'Misled and Misleading' ... 'Yet Central in their Intellectual Influence!' Ibn Taymiyya's Views on Ikhwan al-Safa.Yahya J. Michot - 2008 - In Nader El-Bizri, Epistles of the Brethren of Purity: the Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ and their Rasāʾil: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Theodoricus Teutonicus de Vriberg De iride et radialibus impressionibus: Dietrich von Freiburg Über den Regenbogen und die durch strahlen erzeugten Eindrücke.Dietrich - 1914 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff. Edited by Joseph Würschmidt.
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    (1 other version)Ethics.Dietrich Bonhoeffer - 1995 - New York: Simon & Schuster. Edited by Eberhard Bethge.
    The Christian does not live in a vacuum, says the author, but in a world of government, politics, labor, and marriage. Hence, Christian ethics cannot exist in a vacuum what the Christian needs, claims Dietrich Bonhoeffer, is concrete instruction in a concrete situation. Although the author died before completing his work, this book is recognized as a major contribution to Christian ethics. The root and ground of Christian ethics, the author says, is the reality of God as revealed in (...)
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  23. Sich-Verantworten in der globalisierten high-tech-Zivilisation. Ein Diskurs zwischen Hans Jonas, Karl-Otto Apel und der sokratischen Dialogpragmatik.Dietrich Bohler - 2007 - In Ewa Czerwińska-Schupp, Values and Norms in the Age of Globalization. Peter Lang. pp. 1--30.
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    Women’s Leadership and Firm Performance: Family Versus Nonfamily Firms.Mehdi Nekhili, Héla Chakroun & Tawhid Chtioui - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):291-316.
    We evaluate the relationship between the appointment of women to CEO or Chair positions and firm performance, and shed light on the differences between family and nonfamily firms. By using a propensity score matching approach on a sample of 394 French firms over the period 2001–2010, we find major discordances between women’s leadership style and family business expectations relative to firm performance, as measured by return on assets and Tobin’s q. Notably, our results support the conjecture that family firms, which (...)
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  25. Epistemic Democracy with Defensible Premises.Franz Dietrich & Kai Spiekermann - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (1):87--120.
    The contemporary theory of epistemic democracy often draws on the Condorcet Jury Theorem to formally justify the ‘wisdom of crowds’. But this theorem is inapplicable in its current form, since one of its premises – voter independence – is notoriously violated. This premise carries responsibility for the theorem's misleading conclusion that ‘large crowds are infallible’. We prove a more useful jury theorem: under defensible premises, ‘large crowds are fallible but better than small groups’. This theorem rehabilitates the importance of deliberation (...)
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    Dietrich von Hildebrand's Struggle Against German National Socialism.Dietrich von Hildebrand - 2006 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 9 (4):145-172.
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    Emotionale und affektive Phänomene im Werk Hannah Arendts und ihre Relevanz für das Politische.Héla Hecker - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2019 (2):10-34.
    The Political in Hannah Arendt’s view is a realm of relationships, a certain connection between people and the world, as well as between individuals and their peers. In my paper, I explore how emotional phenomena can be meaningfully inserted into the political space: How do affects shape this specific web of human relation- ships? When do they become destructive? How can they provide worldly inspiration for the establishment of a political value system? By analyzing Hannah Arendt’s implicit affect theory, I (...)
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    Die pragmatische Wende: Sprachspielpragmatik oder Transzendentalpragmatik?Dietrich Böhler, Tore Nordenstam & Gunnar Skirbekk - 1986
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    «L'épître sur la connaissance de l''me rationnelle et de ses états» attribuée à Avicenne. Présentation et essai de traduction.Jean Michot - 1984 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 82 (56):479-499.
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    (1 other version)Les sciences physiques et métaphysiques selon la Risālah fī Aqsām al-ʿUlūm d’Avicenne. Essai de traduction critique.Jean Michot - 1980 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 22 (1):62-73.
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    Shadow History with a Hidden Agenda? Francis Bacon als Positivist in der Dialektik der Aufklärung.Dietrich Schotte - 2018 - In Winfried Schröder & Sonja Lavaert, Aufklärungs-Kritik Und Aufklärungs-Mythen: Horkheimer Und Adorno in Philosophiehistorischer Perspektive. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 83-112.
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    Untersuchungen über die Banach‐Logik.Dietrich Schwartz - 1979 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 25 (7-12):111-118.
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  33. Decision under normative uncertainty.Franz Dietrich & Brian Jabarian - 2022 - Economics and Philosophy 38 (3):372-394.
    While ordinary decision theory focuses on empirical uncertainty, real decision-makers also face normative uncertainty: uncertainty about value itself. From a purely formal perspective, normative uncertainty is comparable to (Harsanyian or Rawlsian) identity uncertainty in the 'original position', where one's future values are unknown. A comprehensive decision theory must address twofold uncertainty -- normative and empirical. We present a simple model of twofold uncertainty, and show that the most popular decision principle -- maximising expected value (`Expectationalism') -- has different formulations, namely (...)
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  34. Bayesian group belief.Franz Dietrich - 2010 - Social Choice and Welfare 35 (4):595-626.
    If a group is modelled as a single Bayesian agent, what should its beliefs be? I propose an axiomatic model that connects group beliefs to beliefs of group members, who are themselves modelled as Bayesian agents, possibly with different priors and different information. Group beliefs are proven to take a simple multiplicative form if people’s information is independent, and a more complex form if information overlaps arbitrarily. This shows that group beliefs can incorporate all information spread over the individuals without (...)
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  35. Arrow's theorem in judgment aggregation.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2007 - Social Choice and Welfare 29 (1):19-33.
    In response to recent work on the aggregation of individual judgments on logically connected propositions into collective judgments, it is often asked whether judgment aggregation is a special case of Arrowian preference aggregation. We argue for the converse claim. After proving two impossibility theorems on judgment aggregation (using "systematicity" and "independence" conditions, respectively), we construct an embedding of preference aggregation into judgment aggregation and prove Arrow’s theorem (stated for strict preferences) as a corollary of our second result. Although we thereby (...)
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  36. The aggregation of propositional attitudes: Towards a general theory.Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Epistemology 3.
    How can the propositional attitudes of several individuals be aggregated into overall collective propositional attitudes? Although there are large bodies of work on the aggregation of various special kinds of propositional attitudes, such as preferences, judgments, probabilities and utilities, the aggregation of propositional attitudes is seldom studied in full generality. In this paper, we seek to contribute to filling this gap in the literature. We sketch the ingredients of a general theory of propositional attitude aggregation and prove two new theorems. (...)
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  37. What are Social Norms?Franz Dietrich & Kai Spiekermann - manuscript
    While the importance of social norms for shaping and transforming communities is uncontested, their nature and normativity are controversial. Most recent theorists take social norms to arise if members hold certain attitudes, such as expectations on others, perhaps along with certain behaviours. Yet attitudes do not create norms, let alone social norms or social normativity. Social norms are instead ‘made’: through a social process. Social norming processes are special communication processes, often non-verbal and informal. We present different versions of a (...)
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  38. Reasoning in attitudes.Franz Dietrich & Antonios Staras - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1–31.
    People reason not only in beliefs, but also in intentions, preferences, and other attitudes. They form preferences from existing preferences, or intentions from existing beliefs and intentions, and so on. This often involves choosing between rival conclusions. Building on Broome (Rationality through reasoning, Hoboken, Wiley., 2013) and Dietrich et al. (J Philos 116:585–614., 2019), we present a philosophical and formal analysis of reasoning in attitudes, with or without facing choices in reasoning. We give different accounts of choosing, (...)
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  39. Abstract rationality: the ‘logical’ structure of attitudes.Franz Dietrich, Antonios Staras & Robert Sugden - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (1):12-41.
    We present an abstract model of rationality that focuses on structural properties of attitudes. Rationality requires coherence between your attitudes, such as your beliefs, values, and intentions. We define three 'logical' conditions on attitudes: consistency, completeness, and closedness. They parallel the familiar logical conditions on beliefs, but contrast with standard rationality conditions like preference transitivity. We establish a formal correspondence between our logical conditions and standard rationality conditions. Addressing John Broome's programme 'rationality through reasoning', we formally characterize how you can (...)
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  40. Discrete thoughts: Why cognition must use discrete representations.Eric Dietrich & Arthur B. Markman - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (1):95-119.
    Advocates of dynamic systems have suggested that higher mental processes are based on continuous representations. In order to evaluate this claim, we first define the concept of representation, and rigorously distinguish between discrete representations and continuous representations. We also explore two important bases of representational content. Then, we present seven arguments that discrete representations are necessary for any system that must discriminate between two or more states. It follows that higher mental processes require discrete representations. We also argue that discrete (...)
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    First-order and counting theories of ω-automatic structures.Dietrich Kuske & Markus Lohrey - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (1):129-150.
    The logic L (Qu) extends first-order logic by a generalized form of counting quantifiers ("the number of elements satisfying... belongs to the set C"). This logic is investigated for structures with an injectively ω-automatic presentation. If first-order logic is extended by an infinity-quantifier, the resulting theory of any such structure is known to be decidable [6]. It is shown that, as in the case of automatic structures [21], also modulo-counting quantifiers as well as infinite cardinality quantifiers ("there are χ many (...)
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  42. Judgment aggregation: (Im)possibility theorems.Franz Dietrich - 2006 - Journal of Economic Theory 1 (126):286-298.
    The aggregation of individual judgments over interrelated propositions is a newly arising field of social choice theory. I introduce several independence conditions on judgment aggregation rules, each of which protects against a specific type of manipulation by agenda setters or voters. I derive impossibility theorems whereby these independence conditions are incompatible with certain minimal requirements. Unlike earlier impossibility results, the main result here holds for any (non-trivial) agenda. However, independence conditions arguably undermine the logical structure of judgment aggregation. I therefore (...)
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  43. Computationalism.Eric Dietrich - 1990 - Social Epistemology 4 (2):135-154.
    This paper argues for a noncognitiveist computationalism in the philosophy of mind. It further argues that both humans and computers have intentionality, that is, their mental states are semantical -- they are about things in their worlds.
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  44. (Mis)interpreting Mathematical Models: Drift as a Physical Process.Michael R. Dietrich, Robert A. Skipper Jr & Roberta L. Millstein - 2009 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 1 (20130604):e002.
    Recently, a number of philosophers of biology have endorsed views about random drift that, we will argue, rest on an implicit assumption that the meaning of concepts such as drift can be understood through an examination of the mathematical models in which drift appears. They also seem to implicitly assume that ontological questions about the causality of terms appearing in the models can be gleaned from the models alone. We will question these general assumptions by showing how the same equation (...)
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  45. Functional neuroanatomy of altered states of consciousness: The transient hypofrontality hypothesis.A. Dietrich - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (2):231-256.
    It is the central hypothesis of this paper that the mental states commonly referred to as altered states of consciousness are principally due to transient prefrontal cortex deregulation. Supportive evidence from psychological and neuroscientific studies of dreaming, endurance running, meditation, daydreaming, hypnosis, and various drug-induced states is presented and integrated. It is proposed that transient hypofrontality is the unifying feature of all altered states and that the phenomenological uniqueness of each state is the result of the differential viability of various (...)
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  46. A generalised model of judgment aggregation.Franz Dietrich - 2007 - Social Choice and Welfare 4 (28):529-565.
    The new field of judgment aggregation aims to merge many individual sets of judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a single collective set of judgments on these propositions. Judgment aggregation has commonly been studied using classical propositional logic, with a limited expressive power and a problematic representation of conditional statements ("if P then Q") as material conditionals. In this methodological paper, I present a simple unified model of judgment aggregation in general logics. I show how many realistic decision problems can (...)
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  47. A Broomean Model of Rationality and Reasoning.Franz Dietrich, Antonios Staras & Robert Sugden - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy 116 (11):585-614.
    John Broome has developed an account of rationality and reasoning which gives philosophical foundations for choice theory and the psychology of rational agents. We formalize his account into a model that differs from ordinary choice-theoretic models through focusing on psychology and the reasoning process. Within that model, we ask Broome’s central question of whether reasoning can make us more rational: whether it allows us to acquire transitive preferences, consistent beliefs, non-akratic intentions, and so on. We identify three structural types of (...)
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    Gottesbegegnung und Selbstunterscheidung: Das protestantische Prinzip in Ökumene und multikultureller Gesellschaft.Dietrich Korsch - 1993 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 37 (1):281-296.
    Arevision of the 19th century debate and of the actual discussion about a protestant principle shows that the most precise description of that principle might be given by connecting mankind's immediate encounter with God and human self-differentiation. It is argued that this principle is above all of outstanding hermeneutical value, because it opens a series of approaches to self-understanding, bothin the field of christian faith and of christian ethics. Moreover, it relates protestantism with the innumerable multitude of other self-interpretations, in (...)
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    Ethische Fragen um das moderne Arzneimittel.Dietrich Von Oppen - 1965 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 9 (1):239-247.
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    Über statistische untersuchungen AlS beitrag zur geschichte Des hebammenwesens im ausgehenden 18. jahrhundert.Dietrich Tutzke - 1956 - Centaurus 4 (4):351-359.
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