Results for 'Heike Stumpf'

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    "--wollet mir jetzt durch die phantastisch verschlungenen Kreuzgänge folgen!": metaphorisches Sprechen in der Musikkritik der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts.Heike Stumpf - 1996 - New York: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Poetisierende Musikbeschreibungen werden von der Wissenschaft, von Musikern und Konzertbesuchern heute mehr belächelt als ernst genommen. Durch das Ansprechen von Einbildungskraft und Gefühl haben sie aber eine Unmittelbarkeit, die der kompositionstechnischen Analyse in der Regel fehlt. Die Wurzeln einer metaphorischen Musikbeschreibung um die Wende zum 19. Jahrhundert sind dabei gleichermaßen historisch wie systematisch zu fassen. Zahlreiche Zitate aus den Fachzeitschriften bis zur Jahrhundertmitte dokumentieren die Herausbildung eines festumrissenen Bildervorrats, um musikalische Eindrücke zur Sprache zu bringen. Der kreative Umgang mit Beschreibungskonventionen (...)
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    Heike Delitz: Arnold Gehlen.Heike Delitz & Christian Hauck - 2015 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 68 (1):038-050.
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    A gem from the past: Pleikart Stumpf's (1911) anticipation of the aperture problem, Reichardt detectors, and perceived motion loss at equiluminance.P. Stumpf - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--10.
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    Muss Strafe sein?: Kolloquium zum 60. Geburtstag von Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Heike Jung.Heike Jung & Henning Radtke (eds.) - 2004 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    German; one contribution each in English and French.
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    Zur Einteilung der Wissenschaften.C. Stumpf - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (10):271-275.
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    Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language Continuum.Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou, Shanley Allen, Oliver Bunk, Natalia Gagarina, Kateryna Iefremenko, Maria Martynova, Tatiana Pashkova, Vicky Rizou, Christoph Schroeder, Anna Shadrova, Luka Szucsich, Rosemarie Tracy, Wintai Tsehaye, Sabine Zerbian & Yulia Zuban - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We argue for a perspective on bilingual heritage speakers as native speakers of both their languages and present results from a large-scale, cross-linguistic study that took such a perspective and approached bilinguals and monolinguals on equal grounds. We targeted comparable language use in bilingual and monolingual speakers, crucially covering broader repertoires than just formal language. A main database was the open-access RUEG corpus, which covers comparable informal vs. formal and spoken vs. written productions by adolescent and adult bilinguals with heritage-Greek, (...)
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  7. Das Tier in der philosophischen und theologischen Ethik.Heike Baranzke - 1997 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 50 (2).
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    4. Die Universalität der Menschenwürde in der Krise. Diskurse im Spannungsfeld zwischen Biopolitik und Tradition.Heike Baranzke - 2005 - In Axel Bohmeyer & Johannes Frühbauer, Profile: christliche Sozialethik zwischen Theologie und Philosophie. Münster: Lit. pp. 3--37.
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    Produktive Missverständnisse.Heike Behnke - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2020 (2):192-195.
    Günther Anders, Die Weltfremdheit des Menschen. Schriften zur philosophischen Anthropologie, hrsg. von Christian Dries unter Mitarbeit von Henrike Gätjens, München: C. H. Beck 2018.
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    Jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft?: zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft.Heike Egner & Martin Schmid (eds.) - 2012 - München: Oekom.
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    Text und Emotion: Theorie, Methode undAnwendungsbeispiele emotionslinguistischer Textanalyse.Heike Ortner - 2014 - Tübingen: Narr Verlag.
    Nachdem der Zusammenhang zwischen Sprache und Emotion in der Linguistik lange Zeit vernachlässigt wurde, erhält diese Frage seit etwa 25 Jahren so hohe Aufmerksamkeit, dass von einem 'emotional turn' gesprochen werden kann. Der vorliegende Band dient als Zusammenfassung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes zu diesem komplexen Thema. Berücksichtigt werden Erkenntnisse aus verschiedenen Teildisziplinen, z.B. Semiotik, Lexikologie, Pragmatik, Kognitive Linguistik und Textlinguistik. Im methodischen Teil wird gezeigt, wie eine emotionslinguistische Analyse emotive Strukturen in Texten offenlegen kann, wobei die vorgeschlagene Methode leicht an verschiedene (...)
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    Narration and Hero: Recounting the Deeds of Heroes in Literature and Art of the Early Medieval Period.Heike Sahm & Victor Millet (eds.) - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    The volume provides an overview of the origins of early medieval aristocratic literature. Although there are regional, linguistic and formal differences, one can observe a number of similarities. Oral literature disseminates a range of themes that are shared by narratives in most parts of the continent. The authors address these similarities in Roman, Nordic, Anglo-Saxon and Germanic literature and use different methodologies to explain them.
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    Was wollen wir, wenn alles möglich ist?: Fragen zur Bioethik.Heike Zirden (ed.) - 2003 - München: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.
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    Contesting Visibility: Photographic Practices on the East African Coast.Heike Behrend - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Since the introduction of photography by commercial studio photographers and the colonial state in Kenya, this global medium has been intensely debated and contested among Muslims on the cosmopolitan East African coast. This book does not only explore the making, circulation, and consumption of popular photographs, but also the other side, their rejection and obliteration, an essential aspect of a medium's history that should not be neglected. It deals with various »social spaces of refusal« in the local Muslim milieu and (...)
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  15. Philosophische Reden ünd Vorträge.Carl Stumpf - 1911 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 71:91-95.
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    Towards Transparency by Design for Artificial Intelligence.Heike Felzmann, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Christoph Lutz & Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (6):3333-3361.
    In this article, we develop the concept of Transparency by Design that serves as practical guidance in helping promote the beneficial functions of transparency while mitigating its challenges in automated-decision making environments. With the rise of artificial intelligence and the ability of AI systems to make automated and self-learned decisions, a call for transparency of how such systems reach decisions has echoed within academic and policy circles. The term transparency, however, relates to multiple concepts, fulfills many functions, and holds different (...)
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  17. Stumpf’s “Einleitung zu Brentanos Briefen an mich”, followed by selected letters from Brentano and Stumpf.Carl Stumpf - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli, Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi. pp. 491-530.
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    Rationality, representation, and race.Deborah K. Heikes - 2016 - [New York]: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Heikes challenges Enlightenment rationality's tendency to be an achievement concept which excludes non-whites and non-males. She examines post-Cartesian criticisms of modernism, and pre-modern efforts to address the functional diversity of human cognition, arguing that such approaches offer a rationality that is diverse and morally substantive.
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    Numbers, Language, and the Human Mind.Heike Wiese - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    What constitutes our number concept? What makes it possible for us to employ numbers the way we do; which mental faculties contribute to our grasp of numbers? What do we share with other species, and what is specific to humans? How does our language faculty come into the picture? This 2003 book addresses these questions and discusses the relationship between numerical thinking and the human language faculty, providing psychological, linguistic and philosophical perspectives on number, its evolution and its development in (...)
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    Towards a Liberatory Epistemology.Deborah K. Heikes - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a compelling examination of our moral and epistemic obligations to be reasonable people who seek to understand the social reality of those who are different from us. Considering the oppressive aspects of socially constructed ignorance, Heikes argues that ignorance produces both injustice and epistemic repression, before going on to explore how our moral and epistemic obligations to be understanding and reasonable can overcome the negative effects of ignorance. Through the combination of three separate areas of philosophical interest- (...)
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    Ancient Philosophy: A Companion to the Core Readings.Andrew Stumpf - 2018 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press. Edited by Robert M. Martin.
    _Ancient Philosophy: A Companion to the Core Readings_ is designed as an approachable guide to the most important and influential works of ancient philosophy. The book begins with a brief overview of ancient Greek mythology and the pre-Socratic philosophers. It then examines a number of the most important works from Plato and Aristotle, including _Euthyphro_, _Meno_, _Republic_, the _Categories_, the _Physics_, and the _Nicomachean Ethics_, before concluding with a brief look at Hellenistic philosophy and the origins of Neoplatonism. Readers who (...)
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    Kurzschlüsse in der Tierrechtsdiskussion. Zur Frage der Rechtspersonalität von Tieren aus ethischer Sicht.Heike Baranzke - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 63 (1):21-33.
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    Idioms of polymediated practices and the techno-social accomplishment of co-presence in transnational families.Heike Monika Greschke - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (5):828-849.
    Drawing on data from a comparative ethnographic study on media usage in transnational families, this paper contributes to a reappraisal of polymedia theory. Two main theoretical assumptions are reconsidered. First, it is demonstrated why the equal availability assumption has to be revised in light of the complex interactions between the corporeal, communicative and social mobilities which together constitute transnational migration. Second, it is argued that the techno-socially accomplished co-presence in transnational families depends more on the creative appropriation and combination of (...)
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  24. Dogville or An Illustration of Some Properties of General Equilibrium.Heike Harmgart - unknown
    In this note we argue that Lars von Trier’s movie Dogville can be viewed as an illustration of a simple economy where one agent has only her body as initial endowment. The movie illustrates some interesting comparative statics of equilibrium allocations. It shows how life would be like in a world where, in the absence of constitutional or legal constraints, economic forces reign freely and raises some fundamental issues of voluntary exchange versus force that apply to a number of contentious (...)
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    Recht und Moral: Beiträge zu einer Standortbestimmung.Heike Jung, Heinz Müller-Dietz & Ulfrid Neumann (eds.) - 1991 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Die Untersuchungen von Niels Stensen über die Haut. Versuch einer kritischen Betrachtung.Heike Kohlsaat & Carl Schirren - 1971 - Centaurus 15 (1):51-71.
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  27. Model up-scaling in landscape research.Heike Lischke - 2007 - In Felix Kienast, Otto Wildi & S. Ghosh, A changing world: challenges for landscape research. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
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    Index.Heike Sahm & Victor Millet - 2014 - In Heike Sahm & Victor Millet, Narration and Hero: Recounting the Deeds of Heroes in Literature and Art of the Early Medieval Period. De Gruyter. pp. 447-452.
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    Taking Sides in the Oilfields: For a Politically Engaged Anthropology.Heike Schaumberg - 2008 - In Heidi Armbruster & Anna Lærke, Taking Sides: Ethics, Politics, and Fieldwork in Anthropology. Berghahn Books. pp. 199.
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  30. Metaphysik. Vorlesung.Carl Stumpf & Edited by Robin Rollinger - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli, Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi.
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    Social Philosophy and Aesthetics.Samuel Enoch Stumpf - 1966 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):100-100.
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  32. Vom ethischen Skeptizismus.Carl Stumpf - 1910 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 69:533-534.
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    Insondabilidad, existencia colectiva, imaginación del pueblo: ontología de lo político y teoría de la sociedad en Helmuth Plessner.Heike Delitz & Kilian Lavernia - 2021 - Isegoría 65:01-01.
    The article takes Helmuth Plessner’s Political Anthropology from 1931 as a postfoundationalist theory of society avant la lettre - which is very similar to the later works of Claude Lefort, Ernesto Laclau, and Chantal Mouffe. Or, the article takes Plessner’s essay as an ‘ontology’ of the Political. After introducing remarks on the historical debates, in which Plessner aimed to intervene, his theory of the Political is reconstructed, within the three categories of ‘unfathomability’, of the constitutive outside, and of the vulnerability (...)
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    Higher Miller forcing may collapse cardinals.Heike Mildenberger & Saharon Shelah - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1721-1744.
    We show that it is independent whether club $\kappa $ -Miller forcing preserves $\kappa ^{++}$. We show that under $\kappa ^{ \kappa $, club $\kappa $ -Miller forcing collapses $\kappa ^{<\kappa }$ to $\kappa $. Answering a question by Brendle, Brooke-Taylor, Friedman and Montoya, we show that the iteration of ultrafilter $\kappa $ -Miller forcing does not have the Laver property.
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    Gefühl und Gefühlsempfindungen.Carl Stumpf - 1928 - Verlag von Johann Ambrosis Barth.
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    Über Den Psychologischen Ursprung Der Raumvorstellung. - Primary Source Edition.Carl Stumpf - 2013 - Nabu Press.
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections (...)
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    Nonverbal signals speak up: Association between perceptual nonverbal dominance and emotional intelligence.Heike Jacob, Benjamin Kreifelts, Carolin Brück, Sophia Nizielski, Astrid Schütz & Dirk Wildgruber - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (5):783-799.
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    Exactly two and exactly three near-coherence classes.Heike Mildenberger - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (1).
    We prove that for [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] there is a forcing extension with exactly n near-coherence classes of non-principal ultrafilters. We introduce localized versions of Matet forcing and we develop Ramsey spaces of names. The evaluation of some of the new forcings is based on a relative of Hindman’s theorem due to Blass 1987.
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    Don’t be Ignorant.Deborah K. Heikes - 2018 - Southwest Philosophy Review 34 (1):49-57.
    “Ignorance” is receiving an increased amount of philosophical attention. The study of it even has its own name, “agnotology.” Some ignorance remains simply a case of not having enough information, but increasingly philosophers are recognizing a whole other type of ignorance, one that is socially constructed and often actively promoted. In the first section of this paper I examine perhaps the best known type of socially constructed ignorance, “white ignorance.” White ignorance reflects a lack of genuine understanding of the social (...)
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  40. Autonomie (Kant).Heike Baranzke - 2013 - In Antje Kapust, Rolf Gröschner & Oliver W. Lembcke, Wörterbuch der Würde. München: UTB.
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    Does Beast Suffering Count for Kant: A Contextual Examination of § 17 in The Doctrine of Virtue.Heike Baranzke - 2004 - Essays in Philosophy 5 (2):4.
    Ever since Schopenhauer ́s accusation, it has been disputed whether Kant ́s few remarks concerning the ethical human-animal-relationship in the Lectures and in the Doctrine of Virtue fail to support ethical arguments on behalf of animals. One critique that plays a central role is whether Kant would have forbidden cruelty to brutes for educational purposes. In addition to these old objections, Kant ́s ethics is charged to be speciesistic by animal ethicists and animal rights philosophers at present.The following article examines (...)
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    Kreaturwürde.Heike Baranzke - 2018 - In Johann S. Ach & Dagmar Borchers, Handbuch Tierethik: Grundlagen – Kontexte – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. pp. 173-178.
    ›Kreatur‹ und ›Geschöpf‹ sind wie creatio theologische Reflexionsbegriffe, die sich auf die in der hebräischen Bibel narrativ und hymnisch gefassten mythischen Ursprungsvorstellungen von Welt und Mensch beziehen. »Kreaturwürde«, »geschöpfliche Würde« und ›Mitgeschöpflichkeit‹ sind neuzeitliche schöpfungstheologische Fortbildungen, die zu Grundbegriffen einer christlichen Ethik der Mensch-Tier/Natur-Beziehung geworden sind. Während ›Mitgeschöpf‹ eine pietistische Prägung des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts ist, wurde ›Mitgeschöpflichkeit‹ von dem evangelischen Theologen Fritz Blanke als »Gegenstück zur Mitmenschlichkeit« entwickelt. Die Begriffe ›Würde der Kreatur‹ und ›Tier als Mitgeschöpf‹ haben im letzten (...)
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  43. Wer ist eine Person? : zur bioethischen Brisanz einer Frage im Ausgang von John Locke.Heike Baranzke - 2013 - In Inga Römer & Matthias Wunsch, Person: anthropologische, phänomenologische und analytische Perspektiven. Münster: Mentis.
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    Phase-field simulations: Materials Science meets Biology and Medicine.Heike Emmerich & Rui Travasso - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (1):1-2.
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  45. Zeitgestaltung als Aufgabe der Lebenskunst Sommerakademie zu Ethik und Ökologie sowie VISION e. V. Als Impulsgeber für die Lebensführung.Heike Engelhardt, Bianca Blancke & Hans C. Henning - 2018 - In Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann, Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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  46. In Situ Rationality: A Defense Of Realism.Deborah Heikes - 2003 - Metaphysica 4 (2):123-136.
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  47. The bias paradox.Deborah Heikes - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Feminist philosophers are often concerned with rejecting Cartesian notions of objectivity which eliminate all subjectivity on the part of knowers. However, this rejection of a notion of pure (non-subjective) neutrality has led the dilemma that Louise Antony calls the “bias paradox” (Antony 1993, 188-90). At the heart of this paradox lies the seeming choice between objectivism and relativism. It has two fundamental commitments that clearly focus this dilemma: (1) the explicit rejection of the concept of impartial objectivity and (2) the (...)
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    The Bias Paradox.Deborah Heikes - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 154–155.
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    Technical reproduction and the question of material duration.Heike Klippel - 2010 - In Jo Alyson Parker, Paul Harris & Christian Steineck, Time: Limits and Constraints. Brill. pp. 13--137.
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    Natur und Kultur, zweite Natur.Heike Koenig & Jörn Bohr - 2021 - In Jörn Bohr, Gerald Hartung, Heike Koenig & Tim-Florian Steinbach, Simmel-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 85-93.
    Die begriffliche Unterscheidung von Natur und Kultur sowie die Deutung von Kultur als einer zweiten Natur des Menschen sind von systematischer Bedeutung für die Kulturtheorie Georg Simmels. Um den Nebensinn der zweiten Natur als einer bloßen Gewohnheit, die man auch ablegen könnte, nicht zu evozieren, verwendet Simmel selbst den Ausdruck zweite Natur nicht, bewegt sich aber in einer bestimmten Theorietradition, die diesen auf Cicero zurückgehenden Ausdruck programmatisch adaptiert. Von einer Theorie des objektiven Geistes in der Nachfolge von Moritz Lazarus ausgehend, (...)
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