Results for 'Heike Bauer'

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  1.  10
    Book Review: Doubting Sex: Inscriptions, Bodies and Selves in Nineteenth Century Hermaphrodite Case Histories. [REVIEW]Heike Bauer - 2014 - Feminist Review 107 (1):e4-e5.
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    Veronika Fuechtner; Douglas E. Haynes; Ryan M. Jones . A Global History of Sexual Science, 1880–1960. xiii + 437 pp., notes, index. Oakland: University of California Press, 2017. $34.95 . ISBN 9780520293397. [REVIEW]Heike Bauer - 2019 - Isis 110 (1):204-205.
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    Welche Natur brauchen wir? Analyse einer anthropologischen Grundproblematik des 21. Jahrhunderts.Gerald Hartung & Thomas Kirchhoff (eds.) - 2014 - Freiburg: Alber.
    Was Natur für uns ist und welche Bereiche unserer Umwelt als natürlich erfahren werden, scheint sich einer prinzipiellen Bestimmung zu entziehen. Auch ist weitgehend unklar, worauf sich der verantwortliche Umgang "des" Menschen mit "der" Natur beziehen soll? Etwa auf die Erhaltung des Status quo der Natur oder auf die maßvolle Steuerung des Wandels der Natur? Ist in den gegenwärtigen umweltpolitischen und den Naturschutz betreffenden Überlegungen tatsächlich "die" Natur der Referenzrahmen verantwortlichen Handelns oder geht es uns vor allem um die Erhaltung (...)
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    Heike Delitz: Arnold Gehlen.Heike Delitz & Christian Hauck - 2015 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 68 (1):038-050.
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    Towards Transparency by Design for Artificial Intelligence.Heike Felzmann, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Christoph Lutz & Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (6):3333-3361.
    In this article, we develop the concept of Transparency by Design that serves as practical guidance in helping promote the beneficial functions of transparency while mitigating its challenges in automated-decision making environments. With the rise of artificial intelligence and the ability of AI systems to make automated and self-learned decisions, a call for transparency of how such systems reach decisions has echoed within academic and policy circles. The term transparency, however, relates to multiple concepts, fulfills many functions, and holds different (...)
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    Muss Strafe sein?: Kolloquium zum 60. Geburtstag von Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Heike Jung.Heike Jung & Henning Radtke (eds.) - 2004 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    German; one contribution each in English and French.
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    Contesting Visibility: Photographic Practices on the East African Coast.Heike Behrend - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Since the introduction of photography by commercial studio photographers and the colonial state in Kenya, this global medium has been intensely debated and contested among Muslims on the cosmopolitan East African coast. This book does not only explore the making, circulation, and consumption of popular photographs, but also the other side, their rejection and obliteration, an essential aspect of a medium's history that should not be neglected. It deals with various »social spaces of refusal« in the local Muslim milieu and (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir. Philosophy, and Feminism.Nancy Bauer - 2001 - Columbia University Press.
    " Nancy Bauer begins her book by asking: "Then what kind of a problem does being a woman pose?
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  9. The bias paradox: Why it's not just for feminists anymore.Deborah K. Heikes - 2004 - Synthese 138 (3):315 - 335.
    The bias paradox emerges out of a tension between objectivism and relativism.If one rejects a certain the conception objectivity as absolute impartiality and value-neutrality (i.e., if all views are biased), how, then, can one hold that some epistemic perspectives are better than others? This is a problem that has been most explicitly dealt with in feminist epistemology, but it is not unique to feminist perspectives. In this paper, I wish to clearly lay out the nature of the paradox and the (...)
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    Rationality and Feminist Philosophy.Deborah K. Heikes - 2010 - Continuum.
    Exploring the history of the concept of 'rationality', Deborah K. Hakes argues that feminism should seek to develop a virtue theory of rationality.
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  11. Dogville or An Illustration of Some Properties of General Equilibrium.Heike Harmgart - unknown
    In this note we argue that Lars von Trier’s movie Dogville can be viewed as an illustration of a simple economy where one agent has only her body as initial endowment. The movie illustrates some interesting comparative statics of equilibrium allocations. It shows how life would be like in a world where, in the absence of constitutional or legal constraints, economic forces reign freely and raises some fundamental issues of voluntary exchange versus force that apply to a number of contentious (...)
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    Comments on Josué Piñeiro’s “Epistemic Peerhood and Standpoint Theory.Deborah K. Heikes - 2021 - Southwest Philosophy Review 37 (2):13-16.
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  13. In Situ Rationality: A Defense Of Realism.Deborah Heikes - 2003 - Metaphysica 4 (2):123-136.
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    "--wollet mir jetzt durch die phantastisch verschlungenen Kreuzgänge folgen!": metaphorisches Sprechen in der Musikkritik der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts.Heike Stumpf - 1996 - New York: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Poetisierende Musikbeschreibungen werden von der Wissenschaft, von Musikern und Konzertbesuchern heute mehr belächelt als ernst genommen. Durch das Ansprechen von Einbildungskraft und Gefühl haben sie aber eine Unmittelbarkeit, die der kompositionstechnischen Analyse in der Regel fehlt. Die Wurzeln einer metaphorischen Musikbeschreibung um die Wende zum 19. Jahrhundert sind dabei gleichermaßen historisch wie systematisch zu fassen. Zahlreiche Zitate aus den Fachzeitschriften bis zur Jahrhundertmitte dokumentieren die Herausbildung eines festumrissenen Bildervorrats, um musikalische Eindrücke zur Sprache zu bringen. Der kreative Umgang mit Beschreibungskonventionen (...)
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    Zukunftsfelder der Wissenschaftsgeschichte – aus technikhistorischer Gegenwartsperspektive.Heike Weber - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):439-443.
    Fields for Innovative Future Research in History of Science – A Historian of Technology's Perspective. The observations at hand present a historian of technology's perspective and sketch three fields for innovative future research: (past) ‘futures’ and future scenarios in themselves; the challenges as imposed by recent developments in science, technology, and society (e.g. digitization, climate change); and the twisting and flipping of established perspectives (e.g. by focusing on ‘failed’ or ‘old’ science and technology and their declension). Moreover, historians of science, (...)
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    How palliative care patients’ feelings of being a burden to others can motivate a wish to die. Moral challenges in clinics and families.Heike Gudat, Kathrin Ohnsorge, Nina Streeck & Christoph Rehmann‐Sutter - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (4):421-430.
    The article explores the underlying reasons for patients’ self‐perception of being a burden (SPB) in family settings, including its impact on relationships when wishes to die (WTD) are expressed. In a prospective, interview‐based study of WTD in patients with advanced cancer and non‐cancer disease (organ failure, degenerative neurological disease, and frailty) SPB was an important emerging theme. In a sub‐analysis we examined (a) the facets of SPB, (b) correlations between SPB and WTD, and (c) SPB as a relational phenomenon. We (...)
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    Towards a paradigm for research on social representations.Martin W. Bauer & George Gaskell - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (2):163–186.
    Based on Moscovici’s classical study on the cultivation of psychoanalytic ideas in France in the 1950’s and our own research on modern biotechnology, we propose a paradigm for researching social representations. Following a consideration of the nature of representations and of the ‘iconoclastic suspicion’ that haunts them, we propose a model of the emergence of meaning relating three elements: subjects, objects, and projects. The basic unit of analysis is the elongated triangle of mediation : subject 1, object, project, and subject (...)
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    The power of hope? Powerlessness and strong democratic hope.Katharina Bauer - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (6):887-905.
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    Tierethik, Tiernatur und Moralanthropologie im Kontext von § 17, Tugendlehre.Heike Baranzke - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (3):336-363.
    Vor mehr als 150 Jahren formulierte Arthur Schopenhauer in seiner Preisschrift über die Grundlage der Moral Kritikpunkte an Äußerungen Kants zum moralischen Verhältnis des Menschen zu den Tieren, die seither zu den tierethischen Standardvorwürfen an die Adresse der Kantischen Ethik gehören und ihr völlige tierethische Leistungsunfähigkeit attestieren. Schopenhauer sieht jede „ächte Moral“ durch den Satz beleidigt, daß die vernunftlosen Wesen Sachen wären und daher auch bloß als Mittel, die nicht zugleich Zweck sind, behandelt werden dürften. In Uebereinstimmung hiemit wird, in (...)
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    On Milliken-Taylor Ultrafilters.Heike Mildenberger - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (4):381-394.
    We show that there may be a Milliken-Taylor ultrafilter with infinitely many near coherence classes of ultrafilters in its projection to ω, answering a question by López-Abad. We show that k -colored Milliken-Taylor ultrafilters have at least k +1 near coherence classes of ultrafilters in its projection to ω. We show that the Mathias forcing with a Milliken-Taylor ultrafilter destroys all Milliken-Taylor ultrafilters from the ground model.
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    Rationality, representation, and race.Deborah K. Heikes - 2016 - [New York]: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Heikes challenges Enlightenment rationality's tendency to be an achievement concept which excludes non-whites and non-males. She examines post-Cartesian criticisms of modernism, and pre-modern efforts to address the functional diversity of human cognition, arguing that such approaches offer a rationality that is diverse and morally substantive.
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  22. Kant's Subjective Deduction.Nathan Bauer - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (3):433-460.
    In the transcendental deduction, the central argument of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant seeks to secure the objective validity of our basic categories of thought. He distinguishes objective and subjective sides of this argument. The latter side, the subjective deduction, is normally understood as an investigation of our cognitive faculties. It is identified with Kant’s account of a threefold synthesis involved in our cognition of objects of experience, and it is said to precede and ground Kant’s proof of the (...)
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  23.  17
    Numbers, Language, and the Human Mind.Heike Wiese - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    What constitutes our number concept? What makes it possible for us to employ numbers the way we do; which mental faculties contribute to our grasp of numbers? What do we share with other species, and what is specific to humans? How does our language faculty come into the picture? This 2003 book addresses these questions and discusses the relationship between numerical thinking and the human language faculty, providing psychological, linguistic and philosophical perspectives on number, its evolution and its development in (...)
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  24.  33
    Causal Powers and the Intentionality Continuum.William A. Bauer - 2022 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Why does anything happen? What is the best account of natural necessity? In this book, William A. Bauer presents and defends a comprehensive account of the internal structure of causal powers that incorporates physical intentionality and information. Bauer explores new lines of thought concerning the theory of pure powers, the place of mind in the physical world, and the role of information in explaining fundamental processes. He raises probing questions about physical modality and fundamental properties, and explores the (...)
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    Home-Based Telemedicine: A Survey of Ethical Issues.Keith A. Bauer - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10 (2):137-146.
    In the past decade, digital technology, fiber optics, cellular phones, satellite television, home computers, and the Internet have substantially transformed business, education, and leisure practices. These technologies are becoming so integrated into our daily routines that their ubiquity often goes unnoticed. We are, nonetheless, in the midst of a telecommunications revolution, and the healthcare industry is becoming a major player. The burgeoning field of home-based telemedicine is evidence of this.
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  26. Autonomie (Kant).Heike Baranzke - 2013 - In Antje Kapust, Rolf Gröschner & Oliver W. Lembcke (eds.), Wörterbuch der Würde. München: UTB.
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    Die Mensch-Tier-Beziehung in Kirche und Umweltbewegung der DDR. Hintergründe zu einem vernachlässigten Thema.Heike Baranzke - 1995 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 39 (1):65-74.
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    Maimónides: un sabio de la edad media.Ignacio Bauer - 1999 - [Fuenlabrada]: Ediciones Alcántara.
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    And what about the chinese?Heike Behrens & Michael Tomasello - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1014-1014.
    We discuss other recent studies on the acquisition of the German plural that do not support the dual-mechanism model. The attested overgeneralizations are not by default only, nor completely random, but predictable from subregularities based on the grammatical gender and the phonology of the noun. In addition, the dual-mechanism model creates a number of problems for acquisition (theory) rather than solving existing ones.
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  30. It is not my time that is thus arranged..." : Bergson, the "category project," and the structuralist turn.Heike Delitz - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.), The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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  31. Zeitgestaltung als Aufgabe der Lebenskunst Sommerakademie zu Ethik und Ökologie sowie VISION e. V. Als Impulsgeber für die Lebensführung.Heike Engelhardt, Bianca Blancke & Hans C. Henning - 2018 - In Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann (eds.), Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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    On Being Reasonably Different.Deborah K. Heikes - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (1):53-61.
    The age of Enlightenment has, upon refl ection, turned out to be an age of exclusion. Part of the explanation for this is that Descartes’ inward turn leaves reason unable to rely on anything other than its own resources. Rather than give in to cultural relativism, philosophers of the time deny the epistemic and moral agency of those who are different from themselves. Even as philosophy rejects its Cartesian heritage, the same dilemma faces us: fi nd some uniformity and regularity (...)
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    »So wie der Mensch sich sieht, wird er.« Überlegungen zur politischen Verantwortung der philosophischen Anthropologie im Anschluss an Helmuth Plessner.Heike Kämpf - 2005 - In Alexandra Manzei, Mathias Gutmann & Gerhard Gamm (eds.), Zwischen Anthropologie Und Gesellschaftstheorie: Zur Renaissance Helmuth Plessners Im Kontext der Modernen Lebenswissenschaften. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 217-232.
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    The minimal cofinality of an ultrapower of ω and the cofinality of the symmetric group can be larger than b+.Heike Mildenberger & Saharon Shelah - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1322-1340.
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    Social Influence by Artefacts.Martin W. Bauer - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):68-83.
    A review of the paradigms of social influence – suggestion, imitation, normalization, conformity, compliance, conversion – leads me to diagnose a triple malaise: the shrinkage of paradigms to cognitive dual-processing theories of information; the dominant methodology of laboratory experiments falls short of the reality of (mass) communication; and the focus of social influence on inter-subjectivity is only half of the story. I will suggest two extensions of social influence theory to include mass media communication and the inter-objectivity of artefacts. We (...)
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    Laughing at the Devil: Seeing the World with Julian of Norwich. By Amy Laura Hall.Heike Peckruhn - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 40 (1):169-170.
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    History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): collected studies.Dominique Bauer & Randall Lesaffer (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
    The thought and work of the Jesuit Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) is widely acknowledged as the culmination point of the contribution of the theologians and jurists of the so-called School of Salamanca to the development of modern Western law. This collection of studies on the legal work of Suárez explores some of his major forays into the law. Both his theoretical system-building as well as his interventions in practical questions are covered. Next to discussions on the nature of law and its (...)
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    A complementary processes account of the development of childhood amnesia and a personal past.Patricia J. Bauer - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (2):204-231.
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    Technomoral Resilience as a Goal of Moral Education.Katharina Bauer & Julia Hermann - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (1):57-72.
    In today’s highly dynamic societies, moral norms and values are subject to change. Moral change is partly driven by technological developments. For instance, the introduction of robots in elderly care practices requires caregivers to share moral responsibility with a robot (see van Wynsberghe 2013 ). Since we do not know what elements of morality will change and how they will change (see van der Burg 2003 ), moral education should aim at fostering what has been called “moral resilience” (Swierstra 2013 (...)
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    Covering the Baire space by families which are not finitely dominating.Heike Mildenberger, Saharon Shelah & Boaz Tsaban - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 140 (1):60-71.
    It is consistent that each union of many families in the Baire space which are not finitely dominating is not dominating. In particular, it is consistent that for each nonprincipal ultrafilter , the cofinality of the reduced ultrapower is greater than . The model is constructed by oracle chain condition forcing, to which we give a self-contained introduction.
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    The importance of researcher's gender in the in-depth interview:: Evidence from two case studies of male nurses.E. Joel Heikes & Christine L. Williams - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (2):280-291.
    Sociologists who use in-depth interview methods have become sensitized to the ways that race-ethnicity and class can form barriers to rapport with respondents, but the question of gender has been largely unexamined. This article compares data from two independently conducted in-depth interview studies of male nurses: one by a female researcher and one by a male researcher. Observed differences in how the men in the samples framed their responses to questions in the two studies are discussed. It is argued that (...)
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    Changing cardinal characteristics without changing ω-sequences or cofinalities.Heike Mildenberger & Saharon Shelah - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 106 (1-3):207-261.
    We show: There are pairs of universes V1V2 and there is a notion of forcing PV1 such that the change mentioned in the title occurs when going from V1[G] to V2[G] for a P-generic filter G over V2. We use forcing iterations with partial memories. Moreover, we implement highly transitive automorphism groups into the forcing orders.
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    More canonical forms and dense free subsets.Heike Mildenberger - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 125 (1-3):75-99.
    Assuming the existence of ω compact cardinals in a model on GCH, we prove the consistency of some new canonization properties on ω. Our aim is to get as dense patterns in the distribution of indiscernibles as possible. We prove Theorem 2.1. thm2.1Suppose the consistency of “ZFC+GCH + there are infinitely many compact cardinals”. Then the following is consistent: ZFC+GCH + and for every family 0 (...))
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    How to Do Things With Pornography.Nancy Bauer - 2015 - Harvard Univeristy Press. Edited by Sanford Shieh & Alice Crary.
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    The Virtue of Feminist Rationality.Deborah K. Heikes - 2012 - Continuum.
    In The Virtue of Feminist Rationality the author develops a specifically feminist account of rationality, an account which treats reason as a virtue concept. Contrary to some feminists claims that reason is inherently and irredeemably masculine, Heikes argues that the coherence of feminism demands a rational ground and that feminists must be willing to challenge the masculine connotations that have been historically linked to reason. While acknowledging contemporary philosophy’s vehement rejections of Enlightenment accounts of rationality, the author develops an understanding (...)
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    Prisca Bauer, Words matter. A hermeneutical-phenomenological account to mental health.Francesca Bauer Brencio - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:68-77.
    The problem of names of illnesses is both a problem of words and values that should address not only the classification of disorders, but also a fundamental question both for medical sciences and humanities: can psychiatric nosology and classifications fit with the ontological constitution of human beings? This paper aims to discuss the so-called “psychiatric object” and its language and it intends to provide a hermeneutical-phenomenological account to mental health. In doing so, the paper will firstly examine the “psychiatric object” (...)
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    Specialising Aronszajn trees by countable approximations.Heike Mildenberger & Saharon Shelah - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (7):627-647.
    We show that there are proper forcings based upon countable trees of creatures that specialise a given Aronszajn tree.
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  48. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity.Walter Bauer, Georg Strecker, Robert A. Kraft & Gerhard Krodel - 1971
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  49. It is not my time that is thus arranged..." : Bergson, the "category project," and the structuralist turn.Heike Delitz - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.), The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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    Kollektive aus Menschen und Nichtmenschen.Heike Delitz - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 10 (1):15-44.
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