Results for 'Health education, empowerment, experiential knowledge, narrative-based medicine, care'

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  1.  15
    Penser l’expérience dans le processus d’autonomisation en santé : enjeux des médiations narratives.Anne-France Hardy & Jerôme Eneau - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (3):51-63.
    This research questions the prevention and health promotion practices developed for young people, in France, and re-examines the nature of competences enlisted in the classical model of empowerment in health education. Moving away from the epidemiological postulate of evidence based medicine (EBM), it explores another approach of these educational practices. The research uses the perspective of narrative mediation; it tries also to identify issues about a better knowledge of oneself, making more comprehensive the issues of young (...)
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    The European Biomedical Ethics Practitioner Education Project: An experiential approach to philosophy and ethics in health care education.Donna Dickenson & Michael J. Parker - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):231-237.
    The European Biomedical Ethics Practitioner Education Project (EBEPE), funded by the BIOMED programme of the European Commission, is a five-nation partnership to produce open learning materials for healthcare ethics education. Papers and case studies from a series of twelve conferences throughout the European Union, reflecting the ‘burning issues’ in the participants' healthcare systems, have been collected by a team based at Imperial College, London, where they are now being edited into a series of seven activity-based workbooks for individual (...)
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    Patient education as empowerment and self-rebiasing.Fabrice Jotterand, Antonio Amodio & Bernice S. Elger - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (4):553-561.
    The fiduciary nature of the patient-physician relationship requires clinicians to act in the best interest of their patients. Patients are vulnerable due to their health status and lack of medical knowledge, which makes them dependent on the clinicians’ expertise. Competent patients, however, may reject the recommendations of their physician, either refusing beneficial medical interventions or procedures based on their personal views that do not match the perceived medical indication. In some instances, the patients’ refusal may jeopardize their (...) or life but also compromise the clinician’s moral responsibility to promote the patient’s best interests. In other words, health professionals have to deal with patients whose behavior and healthcare decisions seem counterproductive for their health, or even deteriorate it, because of lack of knowledge, bad habits or bias without being the patients’ free voluntary choice. The moral dilemma centers on issues surrounding the limits of the patient’s autonomy (rights) and the clinician’s role to promote the well-being of the patient (duties). In this paper we argue that (1) the use of manipulative strategies, albeit considered beneficent, defeats the purpose of patient education and therefore should be rejected; and (2) the appropriate strategy is to empower patients through patient education which enhances their autonomy and encourages them to become full healthcare partners as opposed to objects of clinical intervention or entities whose values or attitudes need to be shaped and changed through education. First, we provide a working definition of the concept of patient education and a brief historical overview of its origin. Second, we examine the nature of the patient-physician relationship in order to delineate its boundaries, essential for understanding the role of education in the clinical context. Third, we argue that patient education should promote self-rebiasing, enhance autonomy, and empower patients to determine their therapeutic goals. Finally, we develop a moral framework for patient education. (shrink)
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  4. Epistemology and ethics of evidence-based medicine: putting goal-setting in the right place.Piersante Sestini - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (2):301-305.
    While evidence-based medicine (EBM) is often accused on relying on a paradigm of 'absolute truth', it is in fact highly consistent with Karl Popper's criterion of demarcation through falsification. Even more relevant, the first three steps of the EBM process are closely patterned on Popper's evolutionary approach of objective knowledge: (1) recognition of a problem; (2) generation of solutions; and (3) selection of the best solution. This places the step 1 of the EBM process (building an answerable question) in (...)
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    Beyond evidence-based medicine: complexity and stories of maternity care.Soo Downe - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):232-237.
    Despite the entrenched acceptance of normal science in health care, it appears that authoritative, positivist, linear, risk averse, certainty-based thinking can only get us so far along the route of optimum health. This paper examines labor and childbirth as a paradigm case of a complex adaptive system (CAS) and offers the example of techniques used in a master-level course on normal childbirth to illustrate how maternity care clinicians can be introduced to complexity-based thinking through (...)
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    Educating Nurses for Ethical Practice in Contemporary Health Care Environments.Grace Pam & Milliken Aimee - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (S1):13-17.
    Because health care professions exist to provide a good for society, ethical questions are inherently part of them. Such professions and their members can be assessed based on how effective they are in developing knowledge and enacting practices that further the health and well‐being of individuals and society. The complexity of contemporary health care environments makes it important to prepare clinicians who can anticipate, recognize, and address problems that arise in practice or that prevent (...)
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    Scientific supremacy as an obstacle to establishing and sustaining interdisciplinary dialogue across knowledge paradigms in health care and medicine.Birgitta Haga Gripsrud & Kari Nyheim Solbrække - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):631-637.
    This is a response to a short communication on our research presented in Solbrække et al. (Med Health Care Philos 20(1):89–103, 2017), which raises a series of serious allegations. Our article explored the rise of ‘the breast cancer gene’ as a field of medical, cultural and personal knowledge. We used the concept biological citizenship to elucidate representations of, and experiences with, hereditary breast cancer in a Norwegian context, addressing a research deficit. In our response to Møller and Hovig’s (...)
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  8. Evidence-Based Medicine and Power Shifts in Health Care Systems.Rein Vos, Rob Houtepen & Klasien Horstman - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (3):319-328.
    It is important and urgent to question therelationship between evidence-based medicineand power shifts in health care systems.Although definitions of EBM are phrased as ascientific approach to medicine, EBM is anormative concept: it aims to improve medicineand health care. Both proponents and opponentsuse a normative concept. More particularly,they provide particular views on positions,responsibilities, possibilities, norms andrelationships between professionals, patientgroups, governments and other parties in healthcare and society. From this perspective, wewant to analyse the role of EBM (...)
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  9.  29
    The practice of health care: Wisdom as a model. [REVIEW]Ricca Edmondson & Jane Pearce - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (3):233-244.
    Reasoning and judgement in health care entail complex responses to problems whose demands typically derive from several areas of specialism at once. We argue that current evidence- or value-based models of health care reasoning, despite their virtues, are insufficient to account for responses to such problems exhaustively. At the same time, we offer reasons for contending that health professionals in fact engage in forms of reasoning of a kind described for millennia under the concept (...)
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  10.  60
    Subject to empowerment: the constitution of power in an educational program for health professionals.Truls I. Juritzen, Eivind Engebretsen & Kristin Heggen - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):443-455.
    Empowerment and user participation represents an ideal of power with a strong position in the health sector. In this article we use text analysis to investigate notions of power in a program plan for health workers focusing on empowerment. Issues addressed include: How are relationships of power between users and helpers described in the program plan? Which notions of user participation are embedded in the plan? The analysis is based on Foucault’s idea that power which is made (...)
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    Evaluating the impact of an evidence‐based medicine educational intervention on primary care doctors' attitudes, knowledge and clinical behaviour: a controlled trial and before and after study.Kerem Shuval, Eldar Berkovits, Doron Netzer, Igal Hekselman, Shai Linn, Mayer Brezis & Shmuel Reis - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):581-598.
  12.  49
    The Centrality of Narratives in the Mental Health Clinic, Care and Research.Octavio Domont de Serpa, Erotildes Maria Leal & Nuria Malajovich Muñoz - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (2):155-164.
    The end of the 1990s witnessed the development of evidence-based medicine, which proposed to screen, organize, and classify knowledge production in the health sciences. In this period, an increasing number of scientific publications started to incorporate the digital format and became easily accessible through the Internet. Since then, we have become used to the idea that there is a hierarchy in medical evidence. Its upper stratum, the gold standard of evidence, contains systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized clinical (...)
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    Solicitude: balancing compassion and empowerment in a relational ethics of hope—an empirical-ethical study in palliative care.Erik Olsman, Dick Willems & Carlo Leget - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (1):11-20.
    The ethics of hope has often been understood as a conflict between duties: do not lie versus do not destroy hope. However, such a way of framing the ethics of hope may easily place healthcare professionals at the side of realism and patients at the side of hope. That leaves unexamined relational dimensions of hope. The objective of this study was to describe a relational ethics of hope based on the perspectives of palliative care patients, their family members (...)
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  14.  23
    Art is Patient: A Museum-Based Experience to Teach Trauma-Sensitive Engagement in Health Care.Eva-Marie Stern - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (4):481-501.
    Psychological trauma is ubiquitous, an often hidden yet influential factor in care across clinical specialties. Interdisciplinary health professions education is mobilizing to address the importance of trauma-sensitive care. Given their attention to complex human realities, the health humanities are well-poised to shape healthcare learners’ responses to trauma. Indeed, many such arts and humanities curricula propose narrative exercises to strengthen empathy, self-reflection, and sensitive communication. Trauma, however, is often unwordable, fragmentary, and physically encoded, incompatible with storying (...)
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    Data, information and knowledge: the health informatics model and its role in evidence‐based medicine.Andrew Georgiou - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):127-130.
  16.  64
    Narrative and Medicine: Premises, Practices, Pragmatism.Elizabeth Lanphier - 2021 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 64 (2):211-234.
    Narrative is now a commonly used term in medical education, ethics, and practice. Yet the concept of narrative defies singular definition, and definitional and functional pluralism about narrative in health care remains underappreciated. Diverse conceptualizations of narrative are generically grouped under umbrella terms like “medical humanities” or “narrative medicine.” Such broad grouping risks undermining attention to relevant differences in use, meaning, or theory of narrative, overestimating the scope of certain criticisms of (...) practice or use, while overlooking more insidious concerns. This essay moves toward a conceptual clarification of narrative in medicine through a process of naming and sorting. Narrative conceptualizations are grouped into narrative premises which include descriptive and normative claims about narrative, and narrative practices, which put narrative into action as process, method, or tool. A philosophical pragmatist approach to narrative in medicine reworks narrative anxieties about fact and fiction, truth or falsehood, in terms of the justifiability of belief, the inclusion or exclusion of experience, and the rationality of practices that are never perfect and always up for revision. (shrink)
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    Focus on Performance: The 21 st Century Revolution in Medical Education.F. Davidoff - 2008 - Mens Sana Monographs 6 (1):29.
    _For centuries medicine was predominantly a tradition-based "trade" until the introduction of science transformed it into an intellectually rigorous discipline. That transformation contributed heavily to the dominance in medical education of the learning of biomedical concepts ("knowing that") over learning how to translate that knowledge into clinical performance ("knowing how"). The recent emergence of performance-oriented educational initiatives suggests, however, that the balance between these two complementary approaches is changing, a change that has been referred to as "the Flexnerian revolution (...)
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    End-of-life ethics and disability: differing perspectives on case-based teaching. [REVIEW]Joseph Kaufert, Rhonda Wiebe, Karen Schwartz, Lisa Labine, Zana Marie Lutfiyya & Catherine Pearse - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (2):115-126.
    The way in which medical professionals engage in bioethical issues ultimately reflects the type of care such patients are likely to receive. It is therefore critical for doctors and other health care professionals to have a broad understanding of disability. Our purpose in this paper is to explore ways of teaching bioethical issues to first year medical students by integrating alternative approaches. Such approaches include (a) the use of the narrative format, (b) the inclusion of a (...)
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  19. Innovating Medical Knowledge: Undestanding Evidence-Based Medicine as a Socio-medical Phenomenon.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2012 - In Nikolaos Sitaras, Evidence Based Medicine: Closer to Patients or Scientists? InTech Open Science.
    Because few would object to evidence-based medicine’s (EBM) principal task of basing medical decisionmaking on the most judicious and up-to-date evidence, the debate over this prolific movement may seem puzzling. Who, one may ask, could be against evidence (Carr-Hill, 2006)? Yet this question belies the sophistication of the evidence-based movement. This chapter presents the evidence-based approach as a socio-medical phenomenon and seeks to explain and negotiate the points of disagreement between supporters and detractors. This is done by (...)
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  20.  35
    (3 other versions)Health care history.Godelieve van Heteren - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2 (2):157-163.
    The accounts of Wunderlich and Lee, which have been presented in the second part of this brief series, are two representative examples of a well-respected 19th-century genre of international comparison of medical systems. Since these early comparative accounts consist of observations on medical systems by doctor-travellers at a time when intense medical reform debates about the national significance of medicine were taking place, the focus of attention is often intra-professional. In texts such as those by Wunderlich and Lee, creating coherence (...)
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    Narrative inquiry in a nursing practicum.Gail M. Lindsay & Faith Smith - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (2):121-129.
    Narrative inquiry in a nursing practicum One approach to creating research‐based nursing education is to think and write narratively about the daily life of a BScN program student and her teacher in diverse settings and over time. Gail, as a nurse‐teacher, and Faith, as a nursing student and now Public Health Nurse, reconstruct their teaching–learning experiences in an integrated practicum in maternal–child health services as a narrative inquiry. After presenting this reconstruction of experience at a (...)
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  22.  11
    Knowledge in interactive practice disciplines: an analysis of knowledge in education and health care.Anneli Sarvimäki - 1988 - Helsinki: Dept. of Education, University of Helsinki.
    This study formulates a conception of knowledge in interactive practice disciplines such as education and health care and clarifies different types of knowledge in these disciplines. Focus is on the relationship between practical and theoretical knowledge. Four theses are discussed: (1) the role of knowledge in an interactive practice is to guide practice; (2) different types of knowledge in an interactive practice consist of value-knowledge, factual knowledge and procedural knowledge, parts of which are unarticulated, parts articulated; (3) science (...)
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    Practitioner Narrative Competence in Mental Health Care.Diana B. Heney - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (2):115-127.
    This paper1 aims to develop a model of practitioner narrative competence specifically for mental health care. I begin by considering the status of narratives as a form of evidence. Following Rita Charon and Cheryl Misak, I claim that there is no distinction to be made between evidence-based medicine and narrative medicine. I then explore Charon’s model of practitioner narrative competence, and suggest that it can be fruitfully adapted for mental health care contexts, (...)
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  24.  28
    Novel Integration of a Health Equity Immersion Curriculum in Medical Training.Kendra G. Hotz, Allison Silverstein & Austin Dalgo - 2024 - Journal of Medical Humanities 45 (2):193-199.
    Health disparities education is an integral and required part of medical professional training, and yet existing curricula often fail to effectively denaturalize injustice or empower learners to advocate for change. We discuss a novel collaborative intervention that weds the health humanities to the field of health equity. We draw from the health humanities an intentional focus retraining provider imaginations by centering patient narratives; from the field of health equity, we draw the linkage between stigmatized social (...)
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    Marginalisation as a Possible Health Issue: an Exercise in Practice-Based Ethical Education.Trine Myhrvold - 2012 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):42-57.
    With the point of departure in the ongoing discussion of the professional and moral responsibility for those who are not equally included in the established health services, the question of how to include individuals and groups facing marginalisation is one of the major challenges within the ethics of care. This makes marginalisation a core concept in our time, which is challenged by, among other things, differentness with respect to ethnicity and social status as well as breach with norms (...)
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  26. Current epistemological problems in evidence based medicine.R. E. Ashcroft - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (2):131-135.
    Evidence based medicine has been a topic of considerable controversy in medical and health care circles over its short lifetime, because of the claims made by its exponents about the criteria used to assess the evidence for or against the effectiveness of medical interventions. The central epistemological debates underpinning the debates about evidence based medicine are reviewed by this paper, and some areas are suggested where further work remains to be done. In particular, further work is (...)
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    Suffering-based medicine: practicing scientific medicine with a humanistic approach.Auro del Giglio - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):215-219.
    Suffering, defined as a state of undergoing pain, distress or hardship, is a multidimensional concept; it can entail physical, psychological and spiritual distress that prompts the sufferer to seek medical attention. As a construct originating from and unique to each patient, no patient’s suffering is equal to another’s or completely reducible to any generalizable frame of understanding. As it happens in a common medical encounter, the suffering patient requires an anamnesis provided by attentive and comprehensive listening to both the said (...)
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    Creating clinically relevant knowledge from systematic reviews: the challenges of knowledge translation.N. Ann Scott, Carmen Moga, Pamela Barton, Saifudin Rashiq, Donald Schopflocher, Paul Taenzer & Christa Harstall - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):681-688.
  29.  31
    The Family Education Diabetes Series (FEDS): community‐based participatory research with a midwestern American Indian community.Tai J. Mendenhall, Jerica M. Berge, Peter Harper, Betty GreenCrow, Nan LittleWalker, Sheila WhiteEagle & Steve BrownOwl - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (4):359-372.
    MENDENHALL TJ, BERGE JM, HARPER P, GREENCROW B, LITTLEWALKER N, WHITEEAGLE S and BROWNOWL S. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17: 359–372 The Family Education Diabetes Series (FEDS): community‐based participatory research with a midwestern American Indian communityIndigenous people around the globe tend to struggle with poorer health and well‐being than their non‐indigenous counterparts. One area that this is especially evident is in the epidemic of diabetes in North America’s American Indians (AIs) – who evidence higher prevalence rates and concomitant disease‐related (...)
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    A Value-Added Health Systems Science Intervention Based on My Life, My Story for Patients Living with HIV and Medical Students: Translating Narrative Medicine from Classroom to Clinic.Jonathan C. Chou, Jennifer J. Li, Brandon T. Chau, Tamar V. L. Walker, Barbara D. Lam, Jacqueline P. Ngo, Suad Kapetanovic, Pamela B. Schaff & Anne T. Vo - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (4):659-678.
    In 2018-2019, at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, we developed and piloted a narrative-based health systems science intervention for patients living with HIV and medical students in which medical students co-wrote patients’ life narratives for inclusion in the electronic health record. The pilot study aimed to assess the acceptability of the “life narrative protocol” from multiple stakeholder positions and characterize participants’ experiences of the clinical and pedagogical implications of the (...)
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    Response: Clinical Wisdom and Evidence-Based Medicine Are Complementary.Julian De Freitas, Omar S. Haque, Abilash A. Gopal & Harold J. Bursztajn - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (1):28-36.
    A long-debated question in the philosophy of health, and contingent disciplines, is the extent to which wise clinical practice (“clinical wisdom”) is, or could be, compatible with empirically validated medicine (“evidence-based medicine”—EBM). Here we respond to Baum-Baicker and Sisti, who not only suggest that these two types of knowledge are divided due to their differing sources, but also that EBM can sometimes even hurt wise clinical practice. We argue that the distinction between EBM and clinical wisdom is poorly (...)
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    From risk factors to health resources in medical practice.Hanne Hollnagel - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (3):255-262.
    The healing and preventive powers of people's health resources and self-assessed knowledge have so far been grossly underestimated in medicine. In this article, we call attention to ethical and epistemological dilemmas related to knowledge, values, communication, and autonomy embedded in the prevailing risk-oriented epidemiology, and suggest a patient-centred salutogenetic approach to promote a better balance between resources and risks in medicine. Identification and intervention upon risk factors can provide hypotheses about origins of disease and predict and sometimes prevent disease (...)
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  33.  10
    Complementary medicine, evidence based medicine and informed consent.John Gruner - 2000 - Monash Bioethics Review 19 (3):13-27.
    In this paper I argue that evidence based medicine (EBM) offers a more transparent system of knowledge and medical care than complementary medicine (CM). While an individual’s choice to use CM should be respected, users of this form of medicine, nevertheless, risk loss of autonomy. This loss of autonomy is an outcome of CM’s offering fewer transparent possibilities for informed patient consent In both EBM and CM patients risk physical harm(s) but science gives EBM patients the benefit of (...)
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    Whither our art? Clinical wisdom and evidence-based medicine.Malcolm Parker - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (3):273-280.
    The relationship between evidence-based medicine (EBM) and clinical judgement is the subject of conceptual and practical dispute. For example, EBM and clinical guidelines are seen to increasingly dominate medical decision-making at the expense of other, human elements, and to threaten the art of medicine. Clinical wisdom always remains open to question. We want to know why particular beliefs are held, and the epistemological status of claims based in wisdom or experience. The paper critically appraises a number of claims (...)
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    Decolonial, intersectional pedagogies in Canadian Nursing and Medical Education.Taqdir K. Bhandal, Annette J. Browne, Cash Ahenakew & Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12590.
    Our intention is to contribute to the development of Canadian Nursing and Medical Education (NursMed) and efforts to redress deepening, intersecting health and social inequities. This paper addresses the following two research questions: (1) What are the ways in which Decolonial, Intersectional Pedagogies can inform Canadian NursMed Education with a focus on critically examining settler‐colonialism, health equity, and social justice? (2) What are the potential struggles and adaptations required to integrate Decolonial, Intersectional Pedagogies within Canadian NursMed Education in (...)
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    Medical Education in an Era of Health-Care Reform.Jordan J. Cohen - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (1):61-67.
    In considering the challenges medical educators face in addressing the needs of today's health-care system, it is instructive to review the challenges Abraham Flexner (1910) was called upon to address at the turn of the last century. As Flexner surveyed the state of U.S. medical schools 100 years ago, he found a legacy system of medical education that was failing to prepare 20th-century physicians to meet the evolving needs and expectations of patients. That legacy system was based (...)
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    Patients’ and professionals’ views related to ethical issues in precision medicine: a mixed research synthesis. [REVIEW]Claudia Bozzaro, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter & Anke Erdmann - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-18.
    BackgroundPrecision medicine development is driven by the possibilities of next generation sequencing, information technology and artificial intelligence and thus, raises a number of ethical questions. Empirical studies have investigated such issues from the perspectives of health care professionals, researchers and patients. We synthesize the results from these studies in this review.MethodsWe used a systematic strategy to search, screen and assess the literature for eligibility related to our research question. The initial search for empirical studies in five data bases (...)
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    The Anticipatory Corpse: Medicine, Power, and the Care of the Dying.Jeffrey Paul Bishop - 2011 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    In this original and compelling book, Jeffrey P. Bishop, a philosopher, ethicist, and physician, argues that something has gone sadly amiss in the care of the dying by contemporary medicine and in our social and political views of death, as shaped by our scientific successes and ongoing debates about euthanasia and the "right to die"--or to live. __The Anticipatory Corpse: Medicine, Power, and the Care of the Dying__, informed by Foucault's genealogy of medicine and power as well as (...)
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    Professional, ethical, legal, and educational lessons in medicine: a problem based learning approach.Kirk Lalwani, Ira Todd Cohen, Ellen Y. Choi, Berklee Robins & Jeffrey R. Kirsch (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Professional, Ethical, Legal, and Educational Lessons in Medicine: A Problem Based Approach provides a comprehensive review of the complex and challenging field of professional medical practice. Its problem-based format incorporates a vast pool of practical, board-exam-style multiple-choice questions for self-assessment, and is an ideal resource for exam preparation as well as ongoing clinical education among trainees and clinicians The practice of medicine is not only about clinical care of patients. Physicians must navigate ethical conundrums, legal pitfalls, and (...)
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    Reproductive health status, knowledge, and access to health care among female migrants in Shanghai, China.Wang Feng, Ping Ren, Zhan Shaokang & Shen Anan - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (5):603.
    As the largest labour flow in human history, the recent rise in migration in China has opened up unprecedented opportunities for millions of Chinese to rearrange their lives. At the same time, this process has also posed great challenges to Chinese migrants, especially female migrants, who not only face a bias against ‘outsiders’ but also have a greater need for reproductive health-related services in their migratory destinations. Based on data collected via multiple sources in Shanghai, China’s largest metropolis, (...)
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    The hamster wheel: a case study on embodied narrative identity and overcoming severe obesity.Eli Natvik, Målfrid Råheim & Randi Sviland - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (2):255-267.
    Based in narrative phenomenology, this article describes an example of how lived time, self and bodily engagement with the social world intertwine, and how our sense of self develops. We explore this through the life story of a woman who lost weight through surgery in the 1970 s and has fought against her own body, food and eating ever since. Our narrative analysis of interviews, reflective notes and email correspondence disentangled two storylines illuminating paradoxes within this long-term (...)
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    The Benefit of Narrative Analysis to Patient-Centred Practice in Medicine: Comment on “Shanachie and Norm” by Malcolm Parker.Janet Crowden & Andrew Crowden - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (2):267-268.
    The art of medicine stimulates the attitude of mind which concedes that on certain issues the patient knows what is right for him or her, and the public senses what is best for it. Not because they are right, but because on these issues there is no absolute right. —Anthony MooreThe benefits of fine literature, narrative analysis, and the listening to and telling of stories in education are well known (Carson 2001; Guillemin and Gillam 2006; Hunter 1996; Moore 1978; (...)
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    Knowledge and Perceptions of Honorary Authorship among Health Care Researchers: Online Cross-sectional Survey Data from the Middle East.Reema Karasneh, Dania Qutaishat & Mayis Aldughmi - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (3):1-19.
    One of the core problems of scientific research authorship is honorary authorship. It violates the ethical principle of clear and appropriate assignment of scientific research contributions. The prevalence of honorary authorship worldwide is alarmingly high across various research disciplines. As a result, many academic institutions and publishers were trying to explore ways to overcome this unethical research practice. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommended criteria for authorship as guidance for researchers submitting manuscripts to biomedical Journals. However, despite (...)
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    Work engagement, psychological empowerment and relational coordination in long‐term care: A mixed‐method examination of nurses' perceptions and experiences.Helen Rawson, Sarah Davies, Cherene Ockerby, Ruby Pipson, Ruth Peters, Elizabeth Manias & Bernice Redley - forthcoming - Nursing Inquiry:e12598.
    Nurse engagement, empowerment and strong relationships among staff, residents and families, are essential to attract and retain a suitably qualified and skilled nursing workforce for safe, quality care. There is, however, limited research that explores engagement, empowerment and relational coordination in long‐term care (LTC). Nurses from an older persons’ mental health and dementia LTC unit in Australia participated in this study. Forty‐one nurses completed a survey measuring psychological empowerment, work engagement and relational coordination. Twenty‐nine nurses participated in (...)
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    Experiential knowledge in clinical medicine: use and justification.Mark R. Tonelli & Devora Shapiro - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (2):67-82.
    Within the evidence-based medicine construct, clinical expertise is acknowledged to be both derived from primary experience and necessary for optimal medical practice. Primary experience in medical practice, however, remains undervalued. Clinicians’ primary experience tends to be dismissed by EBM as unsystematic or anecdotal, a source of bias rather than knowledge, never serving as the “best” evidence to support a clinical decision. The position that clinical expertise is necessary but that primary experience is untrustworthy in clinical decision-making is epistemically incoherent. (...)
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  46. The Semantics and Pragmatics of Medical Knowledge.Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh - 2011 - In Handbook of Analytic Philosophy of Medicine. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer.
    At least as important as a particular item of medical knowledge itself is to know something about the relationships of that knowledge to the experiential world it is talking about. The reason is that the patients the physician is concerned with are parts of that experiential world. So, when using any knowledge in her practice, e.g., some knowledge on infectious diseases, a morally conscientious doctor will be interested in whether, and in what way, this knowledge relates to the (...)
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    The evidence‐based health care debate – 2006. Where are we now?Andrew Miles, Andreas Polychronis & Joseph E. Grey - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):239-247.
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    Developments in the evidence‐based health care debate – 2004.A. Miles, J. E. Grey, A. Polychronis, N. Price & C. Melchiorri - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (2):129-142.
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    Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and use of complementary and integrative medicine among health-major students in Western Pennsylvania and their implications on ethics education.Kiarash Aramesh, Arash Etemadi, Lindsay Sines, Alayna Fry, Taylor Coe & Kaylan Tucker - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):243-261.
    Various branches of Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CIM) are growing fast in Western Pennsylvania, similar to other parts of the United States and the world. Little or no knowledge is available about what healthcare providers know and how they think and act regarding CIM. Such knowledge is important for planning for education about CIM and its ethical ramifications for future generations of healthcare providers. In this study, after a qualitative study and literature review, a questionnaire was developed to assess the (...)
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    Patient Autonomy and Quality of Care in Telehealthcare.Giovanni Rubeis, Maximilian Schochow & Florian Steger - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):93-107.
    Telemedicine is a complex field including various applications and target groups. Especially telehealthcare is seen by many as a means to revolutionize medicine. It gives patients the opportunity to take charge of their own health by using self-tracking devices and allows health professionals to treat patients from a distance. To some, this means an empowerment of patient autonomy as well as an improvement in the quality of care. Others state the dangers of depersonalization of medicine and the (...)
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