  1.  74
    New Types of Solidarity in the European Welfare State.Rob Houtepen - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (4):329-340.
  2.  60
    Autonomous Decision Making and Moral capacities.Albine Moser, Rob Houtepen, Harry van der Bruggen, Cor Spreeuwenberg & Guy Widdershoven - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (2):203-218.
    This article examines how people with type 2 diabetes perceive autonomous decision making and which moral capacities they consider important in diabetes nurses' support of autonomous decision making. Fifteen older adults with type 2 diabetes were interviewed in a nurse-led unit. First, the data were analysed using the grounded theory method. The participants described a variety of decision-making processes in the nurse and family care-giver context. Later, descriptions of the decision-making processes were analysed using hermeneutic text interpretation. We suggest first- (...)
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  3.  88
    Realizing autonomy in responsive relationships.Albine Moser, Rob Houtepen, Cor Spreeuwenberg & Guy Widdershoven - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (3):215-223.
    The goal of this article is to augment the ethical discussion among nurses with the findings from empirical research on autonomy of older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. There are many factors influencing autonomy. These include: health conditions, treatment, knowledge, experience and skills, personal approach as well as familial patterns, type of relationship, life history and social context. Fifteen older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus were interviewed in a nurse-led diabetes clinic. These participants perceive three processes which support (...)
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  4.  93
    Evidence-Based Medicine and Power Shifts in Health Care Systems.Rein Vos, Rob Houtepen & Klasien Horstman - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (3):319-328.
    It is important and urgent to question therelationship between evidence-based medicineand power shifts in health care systems.Although definitions of EBM are phrased as ascientific approach to medicine, EBM is anormative concept: it aims to improve medicineand health care. Both proponents and opponentsuse a normative concept. More particularly,they provide particular views on positions,responsibilities, possibilities, norms andrelationships between professionals, patientgroups, governments and other parties in healthcare and society. From this perspective, wewant to analyse the role of EBM in modernwestern societies. By using (...)
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  5.  50
    Nurses and the Virtues of Dealing with Existential Questions in Terminal Palliative Care.Rob Houtepen & David Hendrikx - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (4):377-387.
    We have conducted a small qualitative empirical study into the problems that nurses encounter in delivering existential support in their care of dying patients. We found that nurses are confronted with four types of problem: determining whether the patient actually has put a genuine question for existential support on the agenda; assessing what the import of such a question is; devising an adequate procedure for offering existential support; and organizing adequate support for themselves. Our analysis shows that it takes a (...)
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  6.  80
    Health care ethics and health law in the Dutch discussion on end-of-life decisions: a historical analysis of the dynamics and development of both disciplines.Loes Kater, Rob Houtepen, Raymond De Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):669-684.
    Over the past three or four decades, the concept of medical ethics has changed from a limited set of standards to a broad field of debate and research. We define medical ethics as an arena of moral issues in medicine, rather than a specific discipline. This paper examines how the disciplines of health care ethics and health care law have developed and operated within this arena. Our framework highlights the aspects of jurisdiction and the assignment of responsibilities . This theoretical (...)
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  7.  21
    Health care ethics and health law in the Dutch discussion on end-of-life decisions: a historical analysis of the dynamics and development of both disciplines.Loes Kater, Rob Houtepen, Raymond De Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):669-684.
    Over the past three or four decades, the concept of medical ethics has changed from a limited set of standards to a broad field of debate and research. We define medical ethics as an arena of moral issues in medicine, rather than a specific discipline. This paper examines how the disciplines of health care ethics and health care law have developed and operated within this arena. Our framework highlights the aspects of jurisdiction and the assignment of responsibilities. This theoretical framework (...)
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  8.  73
    The Expectation(s) of Solidarity: Matters of Justice, Responsibility and Identity in the Reconstruction of the Health Care System. [REVIEW]Rob Houtepen & Ruud ter Meulen - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (4):355-376.
    We analyse solidarity as a mixture of social justice on the onehand and a set of cultural values and ascriptions on the otherhand. The latter defines the relevant sense of belonging togetherin a society. From a short analysis of the early stages of theDutch welfare state, we conclude that social responsibility wasoriginally based in religious and political associations. In theheyday of the welfare state, institutions such as sick funds,hospitals or nursing homes became financed collectively entirelyand became accessible to people of (...)
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