Results for 'Luis Rabelo'

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  1.  21
    A Framework for Determining the Return on Investment of Simulation-Based Training in Health Care.Hatim Bukhari, Pamela Andreatta, Brian Goldiez & Luis Rabelo - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801668717.
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    The Legal Surrealism as a Method for Legal Education to Warat.Ana Flávia Costa Eccard & Leonardo de Matos Silva Rabelo - 2016 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 2 (2):116-131.
    This work is aimed at interested reflection of the thought of Luis Alberto Warat under the aegis of legal education, it is a reinterpretation of the work The Legal Science and her two husbands, which addresses the carnavalizado imaginary. This proposal is born motivated concepts and deconstructions made by the author in question. It is analyzing the legal doctrine from a deconstruction that takes the intertwining of Law and Art, passing the love having as a method the legal surrealism. (...)
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  3. Deontological evidentialism, wide-scope, and privileged values.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):485-506.
    Deontological evidentialism is the claim that we ought to form and maintain our beliefs in accordance with our evidence. In this paper, I criticize two arguments in its defense. I begin by discussing Berit Broogard’s use of the distinction between narrow-scope and wide-scope requirements against W.K. Clifford’s moral defense of. I then use this very distinction against a defense of inspired by Stephen Grimm’s more recent claims about the moral source of epistemic normativity. I use this distinction once again to (...)
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    Political theory of global justice: a cosmopolitan case for the world state.Luis Cabrera - 2004 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Could global government be the answer to global poverty and starvation? Cosmopolitan thinkers challenge the widely held belief that we owe more to our co-citizens than to those in other countries. This book offers a moral argument for world government, claiming that not only do we have strong obligations to people elsewhere, but that accountable integration among nation-states will help ensure that all persons can lead a decent life. Cabrera considers both the views of those political philosophers who say we (...)
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  5. Ampliative Transmission and Deontological Internalism.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (2):174-185.
    Deontological internalism is the family of views where justification is a positive deontological appraisal of someone's epistemic agency: S is justified, that is, when S is blameless, praiseworthy, or responsible in believing that p. Brian Weatherson discusses very briefly how a plausible principle of ampliative transmission reveals a worry for versions of deontological internalism formulated in terms of epistemic blame. Weatherson denies, however, that similar principles reveal similar worries for other versions. I disagree. In this article, I argue that plausible (...)
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  6. Rossian totalism about intrinsic value.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (8):2069-2086.
    This paper defends a novel account of how to determine the intrinsic value of possible worlds. Section 1 argues that a highly intuitive and widely accepted account leads to undesirable consequences. Section 2 takes the first of two steps towards a novel account by clarifying and defending a view about value-contribution that is based on some of W. D. Ross’ claims about the value of pleasure. Section 3 takes the second step by clarifying and defending a view about value-suppression that (...)
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  7. Lost in dissociation: The main paradigms in unconscious cognition.Luis M. Augusto - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:293-310.
    Contemporary studies in unconscious cognition are essentially founded on dissociation, i.e., on how it dissociates with respect to conscious mental processes and representations. This is claimed to be in so many and diverse ways that one is often lost in dissociation. In order to reduce this state of confusion we here carry out two major tasks: based on the central distinction between cognitive processes and representations, we identify and isolate the main dissociation paradigms; we then critically analyze their key tenets (...)
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  8. Cornell Realism, Explanation, and Natural Properties.Luis R. G. Oliveira & Timothy Perrine - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):1021-1038.
    The claim that ordinary ethical discourse is typically true and that ethical facts are typically knowable seems in tension with the claim that ordinary ethical discourse is about features of reality friendly to a scientific worldview. Cornell Realism attempts to dispel this tension by claiming that ordinary ethical discourse is, in fact, discourse about the same kinds of things that scientific discourse is about: natural properties. We offer two novel arguments in reply. First, we identify a key assumption that we (...)
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    Schopenhauer's Concept of Character.Luis Eduardo Navia - 1974 - Journal of Critical Analysis 5 (3):85-91.
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    Actualidad y futuro de la fenomenología. Una perspectiva hispanoamericana.Luis Niel - 2009 - Arbor 185 (736):327-337.
    El presente artículo ofrece una perspectiva personal y singular sobre la actualidad intelectual de la fenomenología. Dentro de este marco se rescatan y subrayan algunos motivos centrales que originaron la fenomenología y sobre los cuales se funda. En función de dichas motivaciones, se la presenta como descripción de lo propio, de la propia experiencia, para ulteriormente extraer de allí una consecuencia fundamental: escribir en nombre propio, más allá de las referencias bibliográficas y de remisiones a autores o pensadores determinados. A (...)
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    Grammatical Gender Inhibition in Bilinguals.Luis Morales, Daniela Paolieri & Teresa Bajo - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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  12. Quine en Haack.Luis Camacho - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41 (103):101-106.
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  13. Armindo de Sousa: o que passa e o que fica.Luis Duarte - 2001 - História 2:175-182.
    A short introduction to the medievalist Armindo de Sousa, in which the author analyses the most relevant aspects of this scholar's professional and academic life and illustrates the most significant lines of study and features of his work.
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  14. Rousseau o la utopía. De la soberanía poder a la soberanía libertad.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1978 - Pensamiento 34 (134):177.
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  15. El empirismo fantasma de algunos dialécticos.Luis Camacho - 1983 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 54:123-132.
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  16. Esclavitudes de nuestro tiempo.Luis Cencillo - 2004 - Critica 54 (919):42-47.
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    Sobre la filosofía y su no-lugar en el marxismo.Luis Crespo & Josep Ramoneda - 1974 - Barcelona: Editorial Laia. Edited by Josep Ramoneda.
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  18. Para una bióteca socrática.Luis A. Fallas López - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 48 (125):9-26.
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  19. Cosmopolitismo y experiencia.Carlos Thiebaut Luis - 1999 - Laguna 1:101-120.
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    Filosof1a de la religión: sus problemas fundamentales.Luis Farré - 1969 - Editorial Losada.
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  21. Fundamentación metafísica de la estética.Luis FarrÉ - 1959 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 18 (69/70):201.
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  22. Pedagogía, Filosofía e Idiomas Clásicos.Luis FarrÉ - 1960 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 19 (72):65.
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  23. REGIONAL E NACIONAL (Um traque eo troco).Luís Augusto Fischer - 1986 - História 3:92.
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  24. Many-valued logics. A mathematical and computational introduction.Luis M. Augusto - 2020 - London: College Publications.
    2nd edition. Many-valued logics are those logics that have more than the two classical truth values, to wit, true and false; in fact, they can have from three to infinitely many truth values. This property, together with truth-functionality, provides a powerful formalism to reason in settings where classical logic—as well as other non-classical logics—is of no avail. Indeed, originally motivated by philosophical concerns, these logics soon proved relevant for a plethora of applications ranging from switching theory to cognitive modeling, and (...)
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    Understanding Cognition via Complexity Science.Luis H. Favela - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Cincinnati
    Mechanistic frameworks of investigation and explanation dominate the cognitive, neural, and psychological sciences. In this dissertation, I argue that mechanistic frameworks cannot, in principle, explain some kinds of cognition. In its place, I argue that complexity science has methods and theories more appropriate for investigating and explaining some cognitive phenomena. -/- I begin with an examination of the term 'cognition.' I defend the idea that "cognition" has been a moving target of investigation in the relevant sciences. As such it is (...)
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    Jonás, el no-profeta de la globalización.Luis F. Girón Blanc - 2003 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 8:61-70.
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  27. Marcuse.Luis Blanco - 1971 - Madrid,: (Vizcaya), Zero;.
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    El mandato público, su fundamento y su ejercicio.Luis Bossano - 1955 - Quito,: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana.
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    Teaching ethics to employees of a state public utilities company in a developing country: A case study.Luis Camacho - 2006 - Ethics and Economics 4 (2).
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    Self-Deception in Terminal Patients: Belief System at Stake.Luis E. Echarte, Javier Bernacer, Denis Larrivee, J. V. Oron & Miguel Grijalba-Uche - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Sobre la adquisición de los conceptos matemáticos.Luis Alberto Canela Morales - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (3):114-127.
    En perspectiva kantiana, la posibilidad del conocimiento surge de la conjunción o unidad sintética de la espontaneidad del entendimiento (categorías) con las formas a priori de la sensibilidad. La tarea es entender cómo se efectúa esa conjunción o unidad sintética analizando cada una de sus condiciones por separado y en su conjunto. En la Crítica de la razón pura, específicamente en el apartado “Del esquematismo de los conceptos puros del entendimiento” (A 137–147/B 176–187) se muestra este mecanismo. Teniendo en mente (...)
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  32. Unamuno o człowieku. Natura i kultura w życiu tragicznym.Luis Jimenez Moreno - 1999 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 5.
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    Sequential congruency effects in implicit sequence learning.Luis Jiménez, Juan Lupiáñez & Joaquín M. M. Vaquero - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):690-700.
    We deal with situations incongruent with our automatic response tendencies much better right after having done so on a previous trial than after having reacted to a congruent trial. The nature of the mechanisms responsible for these sequential congruency effects is currently a hot topic of debate. According to the conflict monitoring model these effects depend on the adjustment of control triggered by the detection of conflict on the preceding situation. We tested whether these conflict monitoring processes can operate implicitly (...)
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  34. Teología sobre la Iglesia. Estados y vocaciones eclesiales.Luis Marín de San Martín - 2003 - Revista Agustiniana 44 (133):305-332.
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  35. Utopijne posługiwanie się przestrzeniami.Luis Marin - 1986 - Colloquia Communia 25 (2-3):233-238.
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  36. Un relato de la conquista de Al-Andalus.Luis Molina Martínez - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (1):39-66.
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  37. ¿ Podemos pensar la persona humana como subsistente relacional?Luis Baliña - 2011 - Analogía Filosófica 25 (1):179-182.
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    Cuerpo, Alma Y espíritu: La antropología agustiniana como elemento fundante de la bioética.Luis Jesús Guadarrama Medina - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro, El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 34.
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  39. Nuevas variedades del pensamiento analítico.Luis Ml Valdés - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido, El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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    El itinerario hacia Dios: dos dimensiones existenciales, hermenéuticas y metafísicas.Luis Romera - 2004 - Acta Philosophica: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 13 (1):99-124.
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  41. L'Origine e il male: Spunti per una riflessione alla luce di Tommaso d'Aquino.Luis Romera - 2002 - Divus Thomas 105 (2):104-137.
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  42. La emergencia de la filosofía analítica.Luis Ml Valdés - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido, El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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  43. La palabra y el tiempo.Luis Díaz Viana - 2011 - In Joaquín Esteban Ortega & Rafael Argullol, Palabra y ficción: literatura y pensamiento en tiempo de crisis cultural. Valladolid: Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.
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    Multinational Oil Companies and the Adoption of Sustainable Development: A Resource-Based and Institutional Theory Interpretation of Adoption Heterogeneity.Luis Fernando Escobar & Harrie Vredenburg - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):39-65.
    Sustainable development is often framed as a social issue to which corporations should pay attention because it offers both opportunities and challenges. Through the use of institutional theory and the resource-based view of the firm, we shed some light on why, more than 20 years after sustainable development was first introduced, we see neither the adoption of this business model as dominant nor its converse, that is the total abandonment of the model as unworkable and unprofitable. We focus on multinational (...)
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  45. En torno a la metafísica.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1949 - Pensamiento 5 (17):62-70.
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  46. Los tipos de "Weltanschauung" de G. Dilthey.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1952 - Pensamiento 8 (29):5.
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    Santo Tomás de Aquino. Cuestiones disputadas acerca de la verdad.Luis Lituma - 1975 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 1:107-130.
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    From Self-Transcendence to Collective Transcendence: In Search of the Order of Hierarchies in Maslow’s Transcendence.Luis Felipe Llanos & Lorena Martínez Verduzco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Maslow’s Human Motivation extended Theory, in its late version, proposed transcendence as one of the highest levels, inclusive or holistic in the Human consciousness. Through Meaning Theory, Victor Frankl and Paul Wong suggested that self-transcendence is a fundamental expression of our spiritual nature and a distinctive concept. However, it is not clear whether at present, with an extensive offer of individualistic currents, transcending involves a personal issue or is rather a collective issue, related to community and culture. The objective of (...)
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  49.  12
    Modernidad, progreso y violencia: algunas claves para un concepto jurídico de revolución.Luis Alberto Pérez Llody - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
    Las revoluciones han constituido un fenómeno central en la caracterización de la historia moderna; sus consecuencias se evidencian desde fines del siglo XVIII para las Trece Colonias de Norteamérica y Francia hasta los múltiples ejemplos aportados por el siglo XX. Tal apreciación ha sido sometida a estudios de diversa índole; sin embargo, no todos han sido capaces de explicar de forma ordenada la relación que se implica en sus decursos con la ciencia del derecho. De acuerdo con este criterio, el (...)
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    The Melody of Life. Merleau-Ponty, Reader of Jacob von Uexküll.Luis António Umbelino - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:351.
    This paper aims to meditate on the importance of Jacob von Uexküll’s notion of Umwelt in Merleau-Ponty’s research of an ontophenomenological path - that is to say, in Merleau-Ponty’s putting to the test of some of the thesis and presuppositions that were at the heart of both La structure du Comportement and the Phénoménologie de la perception. As Merleau-Ponty is looking for a way to develop and overcome the results of an investigation based on the point of view of consciousness, (...)
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