Results for 'Hans Akkermans'

938 found
  1.  23
    e3service: An ontology for needs-driven real-world service bundling in a multi-supplier setting.Sybren De Kinderen, Pieter De Leenheer, Jaap Gordijn, Hans Akkermans, Rose-Marie Dröes & Franka Meiland - 2013 - Applied ontology 8 (4):195-229.
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    Our Broad Present: Time and Contemporary Culture.Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Considering a range of present-day phenomena, from the immediacy effects of literature to the impact of hypercommunication, globalization, and sports, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht notes an important shift in our relationship to history and the passage of time. Although we continue to use concepts inherited from a "historicist" viewpoint, a notion of time articulated in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the actual construction of time in which we live in today, which shapes our perceptions, experiences, and actions, is no longer (...)
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  3. Relativitätstheorie und Erkenntnis apriori.Hans Reichenbach - 1920 - Annalen der Philosophie 2:493.
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    Eine Axiomatisierung der Allgemeinen Mechanik.Hans Hermes - 1938 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):119-120.
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    Die nackte Wahrheit.Hans Blumenberg - 2019 - Berlin: Suhrkamp. Edited by Rüdiger Zill.
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    The Movement and the Experience of "Iconic Presence". An Introduction.Hans Belting, Ivan Foletti & Martin F. Lešák - 2019 - Convivium 6 (1):11-15.
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    Leben, Gattung, Selbstbewusstsein.Hans-Georg Bensch - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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  8. Responsibility as a fundamental human phenomenon.Hans-Werner Bierhoff & Ann Elisabeth Auhagen - 2001 - In Ann Elisabeth Auhagen & Hans Werner Bierhoff, Responsibility: the many faces of a social phenomenon. New York: Routledge.
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  9. A letter concerning an early draft of Spinoza's treatise on religion and politics.Hans Willem Blom & J. M. Kerkhoven - 1985 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 1:371-380.
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    Realität und Realismus.Hans Blumenberg - 2020 - Berlin: Suhrkamp. Edited by Nicola Zambon.
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    Durch syntaktische rekursion definierte Klassen.Hans Kleine Büning - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (3):169-175.
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    Die Bedeutung von Konstellation und Kondition für ärztliches Handeln.Hans-Erhard Bock - 1975 - New York: Springer Verlag.
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    A sacramental journey to the beatific vision: The intellectualism of Pierre Rousselot.Hans Boersma - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (6):1015-1034.
    This essay traces the intellectualist position of Pierre Rousselot (1878–1915) as he developed it in reaction to neo‐Thomist scholasticism, and argues that at the heart of Rousselot's approach lay a sacramental ontology. Rousselot's 1908 dissertations on St. Thomas's intellectualism and on love in the Middle Ages are best understood in the context of the 1907 condemnations of Modernism. Rousselot questioned the firmly entrenched rationalist approach of the neo‐Thomist revival. While continuing in the Thomist intellectualist tradition, he argued for a chastened (...)
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  14. Hegel and constitutional monarchy-Reflections on Hegel's idea of the state from the viewpoint of constitutional history (in the context of Hegel's' Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts', 1920).Hans Boldt - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    The incompatibility of values and the importance of consequences: Max Weber and the Kantian legacy.Hans Henrik Bruun - 2010 - Philosophical Forum 41 (1-2):51-67.
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    Functional and computational aspects of perception.Hans Buffart - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):659.
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    Transkulturelle Logik: Universalität in der Vielfalt.Hans Lenk - 2014 - Bochum: Projekt Verlag. Edited by Gregor Paul.
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    Josephus the physician: A mediæval legend of the destruction of jerusalem.Hans Lewy - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 1 (3):221-242.
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    Bemerkung.Hans Reichenbach - 1932 - Erkenntnis 3 (1):427-428.
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    The benefit of broad horizons: intellectual and institutional preconditions for a global social science: festschrift for Bjorn Wittrock on the occasion of his 65th birthday.Hans Joas - 2010 - Leiden [etc.]: Brill. Edited by Björn Wittrock, Hans Joas & Barbro Sklute Klein.
    More than perhaps anybody else in the world, the Swedish social scientist Björn Wittrock has contributed - both on the intellectual and institutional level - to making a truly global science possible. This book is devoted to an appreciation of his contributions.
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    Anonymus, Quaestio de delectatione intellectuali determinata in quodlibeto Lipsiensi A. D. 1450.Hans-Ulrich Wöhler - 2012 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 15 (1):181-199.
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    Arthur Schopenhauer; hundert Jahre später.Hans Matthias Wolff - 1960 - Bern,: Francke.
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  23. Bernard Bolzano und die Grundlegung der Analysis.Hans Wussing - 1982 - In Eduard Winter & Heinrich Scheel, Bernard Bolzano: zur 200. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages am 5. Oktober 1981: dem Wirken Eduard Winters gewidmet. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Convention and Assertion.Hans Georg Zilian - 1989 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 36 (1):109-119.
    Donald Davidson has shocked his readers by arguing that assertion is not a conventional activity, thus attacking what was taken to be a truism by most philosophers of language. The paper claims that Davidson's argument is seriously flawed by his failure to distinguish a number of questions which should be kept separate. Assertion is a matter of seriousness, not of sincerity; departures from seriousness are marked by techniques which are undeniably conventional. There are no parallel indicators of seriousness, i. e. (...)
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    Wiederkehr der Geschichte?Hans Maier, Rüdiger Bubner, Konrad Cramer & Reiner Wiehl - 1993 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    Die neue Welle Wirtschaftsethik – aus der Sicht der Evangelischen Akademien.Hans May - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 33 (1):283-295.
    The Evangelical Academies are a forum to open debate on any matters relating to a furtherance of a responsible approach to future directions in society. The contribution discusses in the author's view in which way, for which reasons and on which sociallevels questions of ethics in economy have occured in the Academie's work. The author proposes to establish interdisciplinary teams developing norms to connect ethics and economy, and points out a nurober of tasks for the future work.
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    Webers Quellen. Eine Fußnote zur Protestantischen Ethik.Hans-Dieter Metzger - 2005 - In Udo Sträter, Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 325-338.
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    Abendländische Weltanschauung: Die Weltanschauung des Altertums.Hans Meyer - 1967 - Paderborn,: Schöningh [1949-53; v..
    Bd. 1. Die Weltanschauung des Altertums.--Bd. 2. Vom Urchistentum bis zu Augustin.--Bd. 3. [Die Weltanschauung des Mittelalters.] --Bd. 5. Die Weltanschauung der Gegenwart. 2., verm. Aufl.
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  29. Die Geltung des natürlichen Sittengesetzes—nisi daretur deus.Hans Meyer - 1953 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 62:159-175.
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  30. Systematische Philosophie, Bd. I.Hans Meyer - 1957 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 11 (3):470-475.
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  31. Competition and price changes.Hans Neisser & Walther Lederer - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  32. Stability in late capitalism: A survey.Hans Neisser - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    The phenomenological basis of Descartes' doubt.Hans Neisser - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (4):572-574.
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    Verbaut die Kirche Ihre Zukunft?: ein Deutscher Katholik fragt nach.Hans-Harald Sedlacek - 2012 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    English summary: [Is the Church spoiling its own future? A German Catholic inquires] Hans-Harald Sedlacek, a catholic non-professional, turns out to be a quite inspiring maverick. He looks for the reasons for the crisis of faith, which the roman-catholic church is presently deploring as well. With sharp-witted arguments he gets to the bottom of the truths of Christian beliefs, he scrutinizes the alleged infallibility and points out the problems of the sexual morals of the Church including the causes for (...)
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  35. Anthropologie des Alten Testaments.Hans Walter Wolff - 1973
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    Wittgensteins Sprachspielkonzeption.Hans Billing - 1980 - Bonn: Bouvier.
  37. Immagini del mondo e modelli del mondo.Hans Blumenberg - 2001 - Discipline Filosofiche 11 (1).
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    Über Ernst Cassirers Philosophie der symbolischen Formen.Hans-Jürg Braun, Helmut Holzhey & Ernst Wolfgang Orth (eds.) - 1988 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Marx und die Naturfrage: ein Wissenschaftsstreit um die Kritik der politischen Ökonomie.Hans Immler - 2011 - Kassel: Kassel University Press. Edited by Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik.
  40. Pragmatism and historicism: Mead's philosophy of temporality and the logic of historiography.Hans Joas - 2016 - In Hans Joas & Daniel R. Huebner, The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead. London: University of Chicago Press.
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  41. Puissance ou impuissance de la subjectivité ?Hans Jonas, Christian Arnsperger & Nathalie Frogneux - 2001 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 191 (3):388-388.
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  42. transtechnical issues, any attempt at clarification can be of use, even without novelty. Even if the philosophical reflection should in the end achieve no more than the realization that in the dialectics of this area.Hans Jonas - forthcoming - Bioethics: Basic Writings on the Key Ethical Questions That Surround the Major, Modern Biological Possibilities and Problems.
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  43. Collective security.Hans Simons - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    International Ethical Regulations on Placebo‐Use in Clinical Trials: A Comparative Analysis.Hans-jörg Ehni & Urban Wiesing - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (1):64-74.
    The ethical aspects of placebo control in clinical trials have been extensively and controversially debated in the last decade. However, a thorough analytical comparison of the different existing international regulations, their terminologies and their ethical principles concerning placebo, is still missing. The central issue in the ongoing controversy is the justification of placebo‐use, if proven treatment exists. All present versions of the examined guidelines propose such justifications, but each guideline differs from the others in relevant details. Therefore the conditions justifying (...)
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  45. Philosophy of language.Hans Aarsleff - 2006 - In Knud Haakonssen, The Cambridge history of eighteenth-century philosophy. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--451.
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    Fichte und die hermetische Demokratie der Freimaurer.Hans-Helmut Lawatsch - 1991 - Fichte-Studien 3:204-218.
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    Technology and Modality.Hans Poser - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 48:49-55.
    Modal concepts as possibility, necessity, contingency and reality belong to the most important means of reflection. They constitute philosophical systems - but they are not used in a systematic way to characterize technology. The central ontological problem consists in the fact that technology is based on new ideas, which at the beginning are a mere possibility, because the intended artifacts and processes never existed up to that moment. Even the blueprint expresses a possibility. But these possibilities must be realizable, since (...)
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    Peroxisome biogenesis.Hans R. Waterham & James M. Cregg - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (1):57-66.
    Peroxisomes are eukaryotic organelles that are the subcellular location of important metabolic reactions. In humans, defects in the organelle's function are often lethal. Yet, relative to other organelles, little is known about how cells maintain and propagate peroxisomes or how they direct specific sets of newly synthesized proteins to these organelles (peroxisome biogenesis/assembly). In recent years, substantial progress has been made in elucidating aspects of peroxisome biogenesis and in identifying PEX genes whose products, peroxins, are essential for one or more (...)
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    (1 other version)Kommentar I.Hans-Konrat Wellmer - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13 (1-2):129-130.
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  50. Die Intoleranz der Wahrheit. Zur moralischen Bewertung methodologischer Strategien.Hans Jürgen Wendel - 1994 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 5 (3):410.
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