Peroxisomes are eukaryotic organelles that are the subcellular location of important metabolic reactions. In humans, defects in the organelle's function are often lethal. Yet, relative to other organelles, little is known about how cells maintain and propagate peroxisomes or how they direct specific sets of newly synthesized proteins to these organelles (peroxisome biogenesis/assembly). In recent years, substantial progress has been made in elucidating aspects of peroxisome biogenesis and in identifying PEX genes whose products, peroxins, are essential for one or more of these processes. The most progress has been made in understanding the mechanism by which peroxisome matrix proteins are imported into the organelles. Signal sequences responsible for targeting proteins to the organelle have been defined. Potential signal receptor proteins, a receptor docking protein and other components of the import machinery have been identified, along with insights into how they operate. These studies indicate that multiple peroxisomal protein‐import mechanisms exist and that these mechanisms are novel, not simply variations of those described for other organelles.