Results for 'Hanno Botsch'

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  1.  54
    Die Burg Waldeck Festivals 1964-1969. Chanson, Folklore International. Mit Beiträgen von Eckard Holler, Hanns Dieter Hüsch, Jürgen Kahle, Diethart Kerbs, helm König, Oss & Hein Kröher, Carsten Linde, Thomas Rothschild, Lothar Sauer, Hotte Schneider. [REVIEW]Hanno Botsch - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (2):203-205.
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    Moral Judgments as Educated Intuitions.Hanno Sauer - 2017 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    Rationalists about the psychology of moral judgment argue that moral cognition has a rational foundation. Recent challenges to this account, based on findings in the empirical psychology of moral judgment, contend that moral thinking has no rational basis. In this book, Hanno Sauer argues that moral reasoning does play a role in moral judgment—but not, as is commonly supposed, because conscious reasoning produces moral judgments directly. Moral reasoning figures in the acquisition, formation, maintenance, and reflective correction of moral intuitions. (...)
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  3. The Appropriateness of Emotions. Moral Judgment, Moral Emotions, and the Conflation Problem.Hanno Sauer - 2011 - Ethical Perspectives 18 (1):107-140.
    What is the connection between emotions and moral judgments? Neo-sentimentalism maintains that to say that something is morally wrong is to think it appropriate to resent other people for doing it or to feel guilty upon doing it oneself. But intuitively, it seems that there is no way to characterize the content of guilt and resentment independent from the fact that these emotions respond to morally wrong actions. In response to this problem of circularity, modern forms of sentimentalism have favoured (...)
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    Moral teleology: a theory of progress.Hanno Sauer - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book develops a unified theory of moral progress. The author argues that there are mechanisms in place that consistently drive societies towards moral improvement and that a sophisticated, naturalistically respectable form of teleology can be defended. The book's main aim is to flesh out the process of moral progress in more detail, and to show how, when the right mechanisms and institutions of moral progress are matched together, they create pressure for the desired types of moral gains to manifest. (...)
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    „… die Wissenschaft geschenkt“. Hundert Jahre nach dem „Meißnertreffen“: Die Deutsche Jugendbewegung.Gideon Botsch - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (4):406-414.
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    Metzler Lexikon Literatur. Begriffe und Definitionen.Gideon Botsch - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 60 (3):285-285.
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  7. Utopie und Eschatologie.Hanno Kesting - forthcoming - Archiv für Rechts Und Sozialphilosophie.
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  8. Vernunft und Öffentlichkeit. Habermas über den internen Zusammenhang von Rechtsstaat und Demokratie.Hanno Sauer - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95.
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  9. Educated Intuitions. Automaticity and rationality in moral judgement.Hanno Sauer - 2012 - Philosophical Explorations 15 (3):255-275.
    Moral judgements are based on automatic processes. Moral judgements are based on reason. In this paper, I argue that both of these claims are true, and show how they can be reconciled. Neither the automaticity of moral judgement nor the post hoc nature of conscious moral reasoning pose a threat to rationalist models of moral cognition. The relation moral reasoning bears to our moral judgements is not primarily mediated by episodes of conscious reasoning, but by the acquisition, formation and maintenance (...)
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    Debunking Arguments in Ethics.Hanno Sauer - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this crisply written book, Hanno Sauer offers the first book-length treatment of debunking arguments in ethics, developing an empirically informed and philosophically sophisticated account of genealogical arguments and their significance for the reliability of moral cognition. He breaks new ground by introducing a series of novel distinctions into the current debate, which allows him to develop a framework for assessing the prospects of debunking or vindicating our moral intuitions. He also challenges the justification of some of our moral (...)
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  11. Psychopaths and Filthy Desks: Are Emotions Necessary and Sufficient for Moral Judgment?Hanno Sauer - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (1):95-115.
    Philosophical and empirical moral psychologists claim that emotions are both necessary and sufficient for moral judgment. The aim of this paper is to assess the evidence in favor of both claims and to show how a moderate rationalist position about moral judgment can be defended nonetheless. The experimental evidence for both the necessity- and the sufficiency-thesis concerning the connection between emotional reactions and moral judgment is presented. I argue that a rationalist about moral judgment can be happy to accept the (...)
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    Inferentialism at Work: The Significance of Social Epistemology in Theorising Education.Hanno Su & Johannes Bellmann - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (2):230-245.
    In connecting educational theory to a neo-pragmatist social epistemology, we set out to understand education as knowledge practices that yield ‘the cultural world again’ by retelling culture or by making explicit what is implicit in culture. Recent trends in German educational studies towards holistic understanding of education demonstrate that such a holistic, non-representationalist framework is deliberately placed outside the traditional procedure of merely applying knowledge gained in the so-called foundational disciplines such as philosophy, sociology or psychology to the field of (...)
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    Dirk Rupnow/Veronika Lipphardt/Jens Thiel/Christina Wessely (Hg.): Pseudowissenschaft. Konzeptionen von Nichtwissenschaftlichkeit in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte.Gideon Botsch - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 62 (3):296-298.
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  14. Morally irrelevant factors: What's left of the dual process-model of moral cognition?Hanno Sauer - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (6):783-811.
    Current developments in empirical moral psychology have spawned a new perspective on the traditional metaethical question of whether moral judgment is based on reason or emotion. Psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists such as Joshua Greene argue that there is empirical evidence that emotion is essential for one particularly important subclass of moral judgments: so-called ?deontological judgments.? In this paper, I scrutinize this claim and argue that neither the empirical evidence for Greene's dual process-theory of moral judgment nor the normative conclusions it (...)
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  15. Moral progress: Recent developments.Hanno Sauer, Charlie Blunden, Cecilie Eriksen & Paul Rehren - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (10):e12769.
    Societies change over time. Chattel slavery and foot-binding have been abolished, democracy has become increasingly widespread, gay rights have become established in some countries, and the animal rights movement continues to gain momentum. Do these changes count as moral progress? Is there such a thing? If so, how should we understand it? These questions have been receiving increasing attention from philosophers, psychologists, biologists, and sociologists in recent decades. This survey provides a systematic account of recent developments in the understanding of (...)
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  16. Can’t We All Disagree More Constructively? Moral Foundations, Moral Reasoning, and Political Disagreement.Hanno Sauer - 2015 - Neuroethics 8 (2):153-169.
    Can’t we all disagree more constructively? Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in political partisanship: the 2013 shutdown of the US government as well as an ever more divided political landscape in Europe illustrate that citizens and representatives of developed nations fundamentally disagree over virtually every significant issue of public policy, from immigration to health care, from the regulation of financial markets to climate change, from drug policies to medical procedures. The emerging field of political psychology brings the tools (...)
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  17. The invention of good and evil: a world history of morality.Hanno Sauer - 2024 - London: Profile Books. Translated by Jo Heinrich.
    In this sweeping new history of humanity, told through the prism of our ever-changing moral norms and values, Hanno Sauer shows how modern society is just the latest step in the long evolution of good and evil and everything in between. What makes us moral beings? How do we decide what is good and what is evil? And has it always been that way? Hanno Sauer's sweeping new history of humanity, covering five million years of our universal moral (...)
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  18. It’s the Knobe Effect, Stupid!: How to Explain the Side-Effect Effect.Hanno Sauer - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (4):485-503.
    People asymmetrically attribute various agential features such as intentionality, knowledge, or causal impact to other agents when something of normative significance is at stake. I will argue that three questions are of primary interest in the debate about this effect. A methodological question about how to explain it at all; a substantive question about how to explain it correctly: and a normative question about whether to explain it in terms of an error or a legitimate judgmental pattern. The problem, I (...)
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  19.  8
    Der Mensch im Bild der Geschichte.Hanno Helbling - 1969 - Berlin,: Duncker Und Humblot.
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  20. Federico Chabod.Hanno Helbling - 1961 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 23 (1):153-154.
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    Hanno Sauer. Vernunft und Öffentlichkeit. Vernunft und Öffentlichkeit. Habermas über den internen Zusammenhang von Rechtsstaat und Demokratie (Rezensionsabhandlung). [REVIEW]Hanno Sauer - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (1):132-139.
  22.  24
    Zur Gestaltung von Philosophie: Eine diagrammatische Kritik.Hanno Depner - 2016 - Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
    Unter den gegenwärtigen Bedingungen von Medienwandel und Erkenntnispluralismus lässt sich die Gestaltung von Philosophie kaum mehr als unerheblich übersehen. In einer historisch weit gespannten Studie unternimmt Hanno Depner eine kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Kritik der blinden Bevorzugung von Diskursivität. Im Fokus steht die Konturierung des epistemischen Potentials von Diagrammen im Verhältnis zu Schrift und Bild. Dabei wird das Diagramm als Paradigma einer Philosophie vorgeschlagen, die sich als Orientierung versteht. Das erfordert jedoch die angemessene Berücksichtigung der ästhetischen Dimension des Diagramms, wofür (...)
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    Prekäre Genres: zur Ästhetik peripherer, apokrypher und liminaler Gattungen.Hanno Berger, Frédéric Döhl & Thomas Morsch (eds.) - 2015 - Bielefeld: [Transcript].
  24. Gestaltreinheit und Gestalthöhe.Hanno Ehses - 1972 - Ulm,: Institut für Umweltplanung der Universität Stuttgart. Edited by Gerhald Wiesenfarth.
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  25.  10
    Saeculum humanum; Ansätze zu einem Versuch über spätmittelalterliches Geschichtsdenken.Hanno Helbling - 1958 - Napoli: [Istituto italiano per gli studi storici].
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  26. The argument from agreement: How universal values undermine moral realism.Hanno Sauer - 2019 - Ratio 32 (4):339-352.
    The most popular argument against moral realism is the argument from disagreement: if there are mind‐independent moral facts, then we would not expect to find as much moral disagreement as we in fact do; therefore, moral realism is false. In this paper, I develop the flipside of this argument. According to this argument from agreement, we would expect to find lots of moral disagreement if there were mind‐independent moral facts. But we do not, in fact, find much moral disagreement; therefore, (...)
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  27.  80
    Against moral judgment. The empirical case for moral abolitionism.Hanno Sauer - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 24 (2):137-154.
    In this paper, I argue that recent evidence regarding the psychological basis of moral cognition supports a form of (moderate) moral abolitionism. I identify three main problems undermining the epistemic quality of our moral judgments – contamination, reliability, and bad incentives – and reject three possible responses: neither moral expertise, nor moral learning, nor the possibility of moral progress succeed in solving the aforementioned epistemic problems. The result is a moderate form of moral abolitionism, according to which we should make (...)
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  28.  73
    Butchering Benevolence Moral Progress beyond the Expanding Circle.Hanno Sauer - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):153-167.
    Standard evolutionary explanations seem unable to account for inclusivist shifts that expand the circle of moral concern beyond strategically relevant cooperators. Recently, Allen Buchanan and Russell Powell have argued that this shows that that evolutionary conservatism – the view that our inherited psychology imposes significant feasibility constraints on how much inclusivist moral progress can be achieved – is unjustified. Secondly, they hold that inclusivist gains can be sustained, and exclusivist tendencies curbed, under certain favorable socio-economic conditions. I argue that Buchanan (...)
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  29.  21
    Alternativen zum „Vulgärdemokratismus“.Gideon Botsch - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (2):197-204.
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    Christoph Nonn: Antisemitismus.Gideon Botsch - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (3):296-298.
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    Neues vom Mufti? Palästina und der Nationalsozialismus.Gideon Botsch - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (3):280-286.
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    Stefan Breuer: Die Völkischen in Deutschland. Kaiserreich und Weimarer Republik.Gideon Botsch - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (1):96-98.
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  33. (1 other version)Mit Diagrammen philosophieren? Zur philosophisch relevanten Gestaltung von Anschaulichkeit am Beispiel des Buch-Bausatzes Kant für die Hand.Hanno Depner - 2015 - In Visuelle Philosophie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Moral Thinking, Fast and Slow.Hanno Sauer - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    In recent research, dual-process theories of cognition have been the primary model for explaining moral judgment and reasoning. These theories understand moral thinking in terms of two separate domains: one deliberate and analytic, the other quick and instinctive. -/- This book presents a new theory of the philosophy and cognitive science of moral judgment. Hanno Sauer develops and defends an account of "triple-process" moral psychology, arguing that moral thinking and reasoning are only insufficiently understood when described in terms of (...)
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  35. Social Intuitionism and the Psychology of Moral Reasoning.Hanno Sauer - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (10):708-721.
    Rationalism about the psychology of moral judgment holds, among other things, that the justifying moral reasons we have for our judgments are also the causally effective reasons for why we make those judgments. This can be called the ‘effectiveness’-thesis regarding moral reasoning. The theory that best exemplifies the thesis is the traditional conscious reasoning-paradigm. Current empirical moral psychology, however, poses a serious challenge to this thesis: it argues that in fact, emotional reactions are necessary and sufficient to account for moral (...)
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    Die Faktizität des Rechts.Hanno Rehlinger - 2022 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 108 (3):375-395.
    The aim of this essay is to defend Walter Benjamin’s postulate that law is inherently violent in the context of modern democracies. The re-reading of Benjamin’s canonical essay “critique of violence” from the point of view of communication theory allows for a critical assessment of Jürgen Habermas’ philosophy of law. Building on Hannah Arendt’s distinction between power and violence, this essay identifies a contradiction between Habermas’ earlier concept of “the colonization of the lifeworld” and his later justification of positive law, (...)
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  37. Chairmen, Cocaine, and Car Crashes: The Knobe Effect as an Attribution Error.Hanno Sauer & Tom Bates - 2013 - The Journal of Ethics 17 (4):305-330.
    In this paper, we argue that the so-called Knobe-Effect constitutes an error. There is now a wealth of data confirming that people are highly prone to what has also come to be known as the ‘side-effect effect’. That is, when attributing psychological states—such as intentionality, foreknowledge, and desiring—as well as other agential features—such as causal control—people typically do so to a greater extent when the action under consideration is evaluated negatively. There are a plethora of models attempting to account for (...)
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    Rückzug ins Offene!Hanno Rauterberg - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2021 (1):10-19.
    The stronger the centrifugal forces of globalization become, the more people have to be on the move, the more uprooted they feel, the stronger the need for connection and encounter becomes. The desire for ›Heimat‹ is growing. But the digital transformation, which permeates all spheres of society and makes unexpected alliances possible, has little impact on housing, of all things. It favors new living desires that break away from old ideas of order and security and promote hybrid forms of behavior (...)
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  39.  10
    Auf der Seite der Erziehung: zur rekursiven Form erziehungswissenschaftlicher Bildungstheorie.Hanno Su - 2017 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Hanno Su entwickelt den Rahmen einer erziehungswissenschaftlichen Bildungstheorie, der Bildung über den differenziellen Wissensbezug pädagogischer Kommunikation fasst. Dadurch wird die Frage ins Zentrum gerückt, wie eine ausdrücklich erziehungstheoretische Problematisierung von Bildung sich gegenüber der herkömmlichen bildungstheoretischen Problematisierung von Erziehung abhebt. Anlass dieses Aufrisses ist eine Verwunderung darüber, dass hinsichtlich der Verschränkung von Erziehung und Bildung auch in der Erziehungswissenschaft vorwiegend individual- bzw. subjekttheoretische Rahmungen der Bildungstheorie genutzt werden, anstatt sich etwa mit sozialtheoretischen Rahmungen der Erziehungstheorie als erziehungswissenschaftliche Bildungstheorie in (...)
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    Visuelle Philosophie.Hanno Depner (ed.) - 2015 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Lässt sich in Bildern philosophieren, nicht nur über sie oder mit ihnen? Trotz ihrer enormen erkenntnistheoretischen Aufwertung in den letzten Jahren bleiben Bilder in der akademisch dominierten Philosophie lediglich auf Untersuchungsobjekte oder didaktische Hilfsmittel beschränkt. Dieser Bildgebrauch wird unter dem noch nicht festgelegten Begriff einer 'Visuellen Philosophie' hinterfragt. Der vorliegende Band stellt verschiedene Konzepte visuellen Philosophierens mit vielfältigem, teils ganz neuem Anschauungsmaterial vor. Er konzentriert sich dabei auf die Beziehungen zwischen Gestaltung, Didaktik und Erkenntnistheorie."--Back cover.
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    Steuerungsabstinenz als Ordnungsvision: Soziologische Beobachtungen zur Rational Expectations Revolution in der Makroökonomik.Hanno Pahl - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 2 (2):285-313.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 2 Heft: 2 Seiten: 285-313.
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    No excuses for moral realism.Hanno Sauer - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (3):553-578.
    Many believe that there is at least some asymmetry between the extent to which moral and non-moral ignorance excuse. I argue that the exculpatory force of moral ignorance—or lack thereof—poses a thus far overlooked challenge to moral realism. I show, firstly, that if there were any mind-independent moral truths, we would not expect there to be an asymmetry in exculpatory force between moral and ordinary ignorance at all. I then consider several attempts the realist might make to deny or accommodate (...)
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  43.  22
    An extension of Noether's theorem to transformations involving position-dependent parameters and their derivatives.Hanno Rund - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (11-12):809-838.
    Guided by the example of gauge transformations associated with classical Yang-Mills fields, a very general class of transformations is considered. The explicit representation of these transformations involves not only the independent and the dependent field variables, but also a set of position-dependent parameters together with their first derivatives. The stipulation that an action integral associated with the field variables be invariant under such transformations gives rise to a set of three conditions involving the Lagrangian and its derivatives, together with derivatives (...)
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    Invariance identities associated with finite gauge transformations and the uniqueness of the equations of motion of a particle in a classical gauge field.Hanno Rund - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (1):93-114.
    A certain class of geometric objects is considered against the background of a classical gauge field associated with an arbitrary structural Lie group. It is assumed that the components of these objects depend on the gauge potentials and their first derivatives, and also on certain gauge-dependent parameters whose properties are suggested by the interaction of an isotopic spin particle with a classical Yang-Mills field. It is shown that the necessary and sufficient conditions for the invariance of the given objects under (...)
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    Health data research on sudden cardiac arrest: perspectives of survivors and their next-of-kin.Dick L. Willems, Hanno L. Tan, Marieke T. Blom, Rens Veeken & Marieke A. R. Bak - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundConsent for data research in acute and critical care is complex as patients become at least temporarily incapacitated or die. Existing guidelines and regulations in the European Union are of limited help and there is a lack of literature about the use of data from this vulnerable group. To aid the creation of a patient-centred framework for responsible data research in the acute setting, we explored views of patients and next-of-kin about the collection, storage, sharing and use of genetic and (...)
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  46.  36
    Peter Walkenhorst: Nation – Volk – Rasse. Radikaler Nationalismus im Deutschen Kaiserreich 1890-1914. [REVIEW]Gideon Botsch - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 62 (1):95-97.
  47.  11
    Infra Low Frequency Neurofeedback Training for Trauma Recovery: A Case Report.Hanno W. Kirk & Monica Geers Dahl - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This paper reviews how and why ILF Neurofeedback has proven to be a parsimonious and efficient way to remediate the neuro-physiological effects of trauma. Reference is made to several large- and small-scale institutional proof of concept experimental studies each addressing a specific kind of trauma. It ends with a case report by the author working with an American combat veteran. It makes the argument that given its success that ILF Neurofeedback and Alpha-Theta training become accepted as part of an integrative (...)
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    Janet Radcliffe Richards: Human Nature after Darwin.Hanno Sandvik - 2003 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 38 (1-2):182-185.
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    The Wrong Kind of Mistake: A Problem for Robust Sentimentalism about Moral Judgment.Hanno Sauer - 2014 - Journal of Value Inquiry 48 (2):247-269.
    IntroductionIn a 1971 interview broadcast on Granada TV Manchester, Woody Allen made one of his trademark self-deprecating remarks about an early film of his: “It was a boring picture, as I recall.” The interviewer responded with surprise: “I rather enjoyed it.” To which Allen replied: “Yes, but you’re mistaken.” In the world of humor, Allen’s reply sounds odd – which is why it is funny. In the moral domain, an exchange like this would not sound weird at all. What is (...)
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    Economic Exceptionalism? Justice and the Liberal Conception of Rights.Hanno Sauer - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (1):151-167.
    Are political and economic rights equally basic? This is one of the main issues liberal egalitarians and classical liberals disagree about. The former think political rights should be more strongly protected than economic ones; classical liberals thus accuse them of an unjustified and politically biased ‘economic exceptionalism’. Recently, John Tomasi has developed a special version of this challenge, which is targeted against Murphy and Nagel’s account of the relationship between property rights and just taxation. In this paper, I analyze this (...)
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