Results for 'Hanna Urbankowska'

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  1. Heidegger i myśl Wschodu – w poszukiwaniu wspólnych dróg.Hanna Urbankowska - 2014 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 90.
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    Kant, science, and human nature.Robert Hanna - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Hanna argues for the importance of Kant's theories of the epistemological, metaphysical, and practical foundations of the "exact sciences"--relegated to the dustbin of the history of philosophy for most of the 20th century. In doing so he makes a valuable contribution to one of the most active and fruitful areas in contemporary scholarship on Kant.
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    Hanna Fenichel Pitkin: politics, justice, action.Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Dean Mathiowetz.
    Hanna Pitkin has made key contributions to the field of political philosophy, pushing forward and clarifying the ways that political theorists think about action as the exercise of political freedom. In so doing, she has offered insightful studies of the problems of modern politics that theorists are called to address, and has addressed them herself in a range of theoretical genres. She is an innovator in bringing conceptual work inspired by ordinary language philosophy to the field of political philosophy, (...)
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    Hanna Pitkin's The Concept of RepresentationThe Concept of Representation.Haskell Fain & Hanna Pitkin - 1980 - Noûs 14 (1):109.
  5. Wittgenstein and Justice: On the Significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein for Social and Political Thought.Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - 1972 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
    Hanna Pitkin argues that Wittgenstein's later philosophy offers a revolutionary new conception of language, and hence a new and deeper understanding of ourselves and the world of human institutions and action.
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  6. Kształcenie akademickie w Niemczech a propozycje reformy studiów w Polsce.Hanna Mioduszewska - 1998 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 4.
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    Paul of Pyskowice's Commentary on Aristotle's Categories.Hanna Wojtczak - 2018 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach. Edited by Hanna Wojtczak.
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  8. Responsibility without Blame for Addiction.Hanna Pickard - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):169-180.
    Drug use and drug addiction are severely stigmatised around the world. Marc Lewis does not frame his learning model of addiction as a choice model out of concern that to do so further encourages stigma and blame. Yet the evidence in support of a choice model is increasingly strong as well as consonant with core elements of his learning model. I offer a responsibility without blame framework that derives from reflection on forms of clinical practice that support change and recovery (...)
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  9. Kant and the foundations of analytic philosophy.Robert Hanna - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Hanna presents a fresh view of the Kantian and analytic traditions that have dominated continental European and Anglo-American philosophy over the last two centuries, and of the connections between them. But this is not just a study in the history of philosophy, for out of this emerges Hanna's original approach to two much-contested theories that remain at the heart of contemporary philosophy. Hanna puts forward a new 'cognitive-semantic' interpretation of transcendental idealism, and a vigorous defense of (...)
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  10.  75
    A Study of Concepts.Robert Hanna - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (3):541.
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    Responsibility without Blame: Philosophical Reflections on Clinical Practice.Hanna Pickard - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    My first experience as a clinician was in a Therapeutic Community for service users with personality disorder. As well as having personality disorder, many of the Community members also suffered from related conditions, such as addiction and eating disorders. Broadly speaking, these conditions are what we might call ‘disorders of agency’. Core diagnostic symptoms or maintaining factors of disorders of agency are actions and omissions: patterns of behaviour central to the nature or maintenance of the condition. For instance, borderline personality (...)
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    Psychometric properties and convergent and predictive validity of an executive function test battery for two-year-olds.Hanna Mulder, Huub Hoofs, Josje Verhagen, Ineke van der Veen & Paul P. M. Leseman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  13. Justice: On relating private and public.Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - 1981 - Political Theory 9 (3):327-352.
  14.  98
    The Attack of the Blob: Hannah Arendt’s Concept of the Social.Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book is thus a battle of wits. . . . [A] vivid sketch of the conflict between two basic outlooks."—Library Journal "[O]ne leaves this book feeling enriched and challenged.
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  15. Libertarian Paternalism, Manipulation, and the Shaping of Preferences.Jason Hanna - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (4):618-643.
    “Libertarian paternalism” aims to harness cognitive biases in order to improve prudential decision-making. Some critics have objected that libertarian paternalism is wrongly manipulative. I argue that this objection is mostly unsuccessful. First, I point out that some strategies endorsed by libertarian paternalists can help people to better appreciate reasons. Second, I develop an account of manipulation according to which an agent manipulates her target by worsening the target’s deliberative position. The means of influence defended by libertarian paternalists—for instance, the judicious (...)
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  16. The scope and limits of scientific objectivity.Joseph F. Hanna - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (3):339-361.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: first to sketch a framework for classifying a wide range of conceptions of scientific objectivity and second to present and defend a conception of scientific objectivity that fills a neglected niche in the resulting hierarchy of viewpoints. Roughly speaking, the proposed ideal of scientific objectivity is effectiveness in the informal but technical sense of an effective method. Science progresses when "higher levels of communicative discourse" are reached by transforming subjective judgments regarding the generation (...)
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    Googling.Hanna Gunn & Michael P. Lynch - 2018 - In David Coady & James Chase (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Applied Epistemology. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 41-53.
    In a recent New Yorker cartoon, a man is fixing a sink. His partner, standing nearby skeptically asks, “Do you really know what you are doing, or do you only google-​know?” This cartoon perfectly captures the mixed relationship we have with googling, or knowing via digital interface, particularly via search engines. On the one hand, googling is now the dominant source of socially useful knowledge. The use of search engines for this purpose is almost completely integrated into many of our (...)
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  18. Kant's theory of judgment.Robert Hanna - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Children’s Fear Responses to Real-Life Violence on Television: The Case of the 1973 Middle East War.Hanna Adoni & Akiba A. Cohen - 1980 - Communications 6 (1):81-94.
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    Cognition Content and a Priori: A Study in the Philosophy of Mind and Knowledge.Robert Hanna - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Robert Hanna works out a unified contemporary Kantian theory of rational human cognition and knowledge. Along the way, he provides accounts of intentionality and its contents, sense perception and perceptual knowledge, the analytic-synthetic distinction, the nature of logic, and a priori truth and knowledge in mathematics, logic, and philosophy. This book is specifically intended to reach out to two very different audiences: contemporary analytic philosophers of mind and knowledge, and contemporary Kantian philosophers or Kant-scholars. At the same time, it (...)
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  21.  24
    Fortune is a Woman: Gender and Politics in the Thought of Niccolò Machiavelli.Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - 1984 - Chicago, IL: University of California Press.
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    The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Science of Addiction.Hanna Pickard & Serge H. Ahmed (eds.) - 2018 - Routledge.
    The problem of addiction is one of the major challenges and controversies confronting medicine and society. It also poses important and complex philosophical and scientific problems. What is addiction? Why does it occur? And how should we respond to it, as individuals and as a society? The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Science of Addiction is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting subject. It spans several disciplines and is the first collection of (...)
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    Cognitive costs of decision-making strategies: A resource demand decomposition analysis with a cognitive architecture.Hanna B. Fechner, Lael J. Schooler & Thorsten Pachur - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):102-122.
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  24. (1 other version)The mind-body-body problem.Robert Hanna & Evan Thompson - 2003 - Theoria Et Historia Scientiarum 7 (T):24-44.
    ? We gratefully acknowledge the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, Tucson, which provided a grant for the support of this work. E.T. is also supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the McDonnell Project in Philosophy and the Neurosciences. 1 See David Woodruff Smith.
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    Nursing effectiveness reconsidered: Some fundamental reflections on the nature of nursing.Hanna Mayer & Martin Wallner - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12505.
    Despite being considered the proverbial backbone of our healthcare systems, nursing still seems to struggle to scientifically demonstrate its contribution to care experiences and patient outcomes. This leads to erosive tendencies that threaten the development of the profession and its progress as an academic discipline. With this paper, we want to contribute to the theoretical discourse concerning the nature of nursing and the research into its effectiveness. We begin by outlining a set of prevailing paradoxes and their consequences relating to (...)
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    Denial in Addiction.Hanna Pickard - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (3):277-299.
    I argue that denial plays a central but insufficiently recognized role in addiction. The puzzle inherent in addiction is why drug use persists despite negative consequences. The orthodox conception of addiction resolves this puzzle by appeal to compulsion; but there is increasing evidence that addicts are not compelled to use but retain choice and control over their consumption in many circumstances. Denial offers an alternative explanation: there is no puzzle as to why drug use persists despite negative consequences if these (...)
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  27. The inner and the outer: Kant's 'refutation' reconstructed.Robert Hanna - 2000 - Ratio 13 (2):146–174.
    In Skeptical idealism says that possibly nothing exists outside my own conscious mental states. Purported refutations of skeptical idealism – whether Descartes's, Locke's, Reid's, Kant's, Moore's, Putnam's, or Burge's – are philosophically scandalous: they have convinced no one. I argue (1) that what is wrong with the failed refutations is that they have attempted to prove the wrong thing – i.e., that necessarily I have veridical perceptions of distal material objects in space, and (2) that a charitable reconstruction of Kant's (...)
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  28. Kant and nonconceptual content.Robert Hanna - 2005 - European Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):247-290.
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    Demographic factors associated with moral sensitivity among nursing students.Hanna Tuvesson & Kim Lützén - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (7):847-855.
    Background: Today’s healthcare environment is often characterized by an ethically demanding work situation, and nursing students need to prepare to meet ethical challenges in their future role. Moral sensitivity is an important aspect of the ethical decision-making process, but little is known regarding nursing students’ moral sensitivity and its possible development during nursing education. Objectives: The aims of this study were to investigate moral sensitivity among nursing students, differences in moral sensitivity according to sample sub-group, and the relation between demographic (...)
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  30. Kantian non-conceptualism.Robert Hanna - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 137 (1):41 - 64.
    There are perceptual states whose representational content cannot even in principle be conceptual. If that claim is true, then at least some perceptual states have content whose semantic structure and psychological function are essentially distinct from the structure and function of conceptual content. Furthermore the intrinsically “orientable” spatial character of essentially non-conceptual content entails not only that all perceptual states contain non-conceptual content in this essentially distinct sense, but also that consciousness goes all the way down into so-called unconscious or (...)
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  31. Privacy concerns and identity in online social networks.Hanna Krasnova, Oliver Günther, Sarah Spiekermann & Ksenia Koroleva - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (1):39-63.
    Driven by privacy-related fears, users of Online Social Networks may start to reduce their network activities. This trend can have a negative impact on network sustainability and its business value. Nevertheless, very little is understood about the privacy-related concerns of users and the impact of those concerns on identity performance. To close this gap, we take a systematic view of user privacy concerns on such platforms. Based on insights from focus groups and an empirical study with 210 subjects, we find (...)
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    Renaissance Humanism: The Pursuit of Eloquence.Hanna H. Gray - 1963 - Journal of the History of Ideas 24 (4):497.
  33. X-Knowledge of Action Without Observation.Hanna Pickard - 2004 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 104 (3):203-228.
    This paper argues that perception of one's body ‘from the inside’ provides one with an awareness of acting, and that this awareness explains a previously overlooked feature of one's knowledge of one's own actions. Actions are events: they occur during periods of time. Knowledge of such events must be sensitive to their course through time. Perception of one's body ‘from the inside’ allows one to monitor one's actions as they unfold, thereby sustaining one's knowledge of what one is doing over (...)
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    Early Executive Function at Age Two Predicts Emergent Mathematics and Literacy at Age Five.Hanna Mulder, Josje Verhagen, Sanne H. G. Van der Ven, Pauline L. Slot & Paul P. M. Leseman - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ästhetik der Autonomie: Philosophie der Performance-Kunst.Hanna Heinrich - 2020 - transcript Verlag.
    Performance-Kunst ist mehr als ein kulturindustrielles Spektakel, denn sie will auf die Beteiligten existenziell einwirken. Hanna Heinrich entwickelt Analysekategorien, die die Kommunikationsmodi dieser Kunstform ebenso wie ihren gesellschaftstransformativen Anspruch philosophisch ergründen. Dazu bedient sie sich der ästhetischen Positionen G.W.F. Hegels, Friedrich Nietzsches, Martin Heideggers, Alain Badious und Michel Foucaults, die der Kunst große emanzipatorische und soziopolitische Kraft zusprechen sowie politischer Philosophien und Ethiken und zeigt damit auf: »Gelungene« Performances stellen sich als exemplarische Handlungsräume mit utopischem Potenzial der gegenwärtigen Entfremdung (...)
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  36. Rationality and Logic.Robert Hanna - 2006 - Bradford.
    In Rationality and Logic, Robert Hanna argues that logic is intrinsically psychological and that human psychology is intrinsically logical. He claims that logic is cognitively constructed by rational animals and that rational animals are essentially logical animals. In order to do so, he defends the broadly Kantian thesis that all rational animals possess an innate cognitive "logic faculty." Hanna 's claims challenge the conventional philosophical wisdom that sees logic as a fully formal or "topic-neutral" science irreconcilably separate from (...)
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    The Moral Status of Nonresponsible Threats.Jason Hanna - 2011 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (1):19-32.
    Most people believe that it is permissible to kill a nonresponsible threat, or someone who threatens one's life without exercising agency. Defenders of this view must show that there is a morally relevant difference between nonresponsible threats and innocent bystanders. Some philosophers, including Jonathan Quong and Helen Frowe, have attempted to do this by arguing that one who kills a bystander takes advantage of another person, while one who kills a threat does not. In this paper, I show that the (...)
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    How Should We Build Epistemic Community?Hanna Kiri Gunn - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (4):561-581.
    ABSTRACT One of the promises of the internet was its power to unite individual knowers with one another, democratizing knowledge and spurring our collective efforts toward truth. In what sense is our current epistemic life a collective effort? This article examines the idea of the epistemic community. I contrast epistemic community with a collection of individual epistemic agents aiming for truth. I propose that this latter conception of epistemic life permits neglecting our epistemic and moral duties. I argue that healthy (...)
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  39. .Pickard Hanna & Pearce Steve - 2013
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    Direct reference, direct perception, and the cognitive theory of demonstratives.Robert Hanna - 1993 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 74 (2):96-117.
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    Near Term Artificial Intelligence and the Ethical Matrix.Hanna Gunn & Cathy O'Neil - 2023 - In Francisco Lara & Jan Deckers (eds.), Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 235-269.
    In this paper we take up the issue of near-term artificial intelligence (AI). "Near-term AI" is used to denote artificial intelligence algorithms that are already in place in a variety of public and private sectors, guiding decision that pertain to advertising, credit ratings, and sentencing in the justice system. Our focus here is to contribute to a critical discussion of the ways that AI is already being widely used in decision-making procedures in these areas. We will argue that developers and (...)
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  42. Routledge Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophy.Robert Hanna - 2008
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  43. Change in teachers' knowledge of subject matter: A 17‐year longitudinal study.Hanna J. Arzi & Richard T. White - 2008 - Science Education 92 (2):221-251.
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    Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Blochs Philosophie des Noch-Nicht-Bewussten und Freuds Theorie des Unbewussten.Hanna Gekle - 1986 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  45. An Anthology of Philosophical Studies, Volume 8.Patricia Hanna (ed.) - 2014 - Athens, Greece: ATINER.
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  46. Inexpressible reading : the efficacious non-discursivity of drinking the Qur'an.Hanna Nieber - 2023 - In Urmila Mohan (ed.), The efficacy of intimacy and belief in worldmaking practices. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
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  47. Motywacja podmiotu moralnego jako relacja między normą moralną a działaniem w etyce środowiskowej Dietera Birnbachera.Hanna Schudy - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:57-78.
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  48. Harm: Omission, Preemption, Freedom.Nathan Hanna - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (2):251-73.
    The Counterfactual Comparative Account of Harm says that an event is overall harmful for someone if and only if it makes her worse off than she otherwise would have been. I defend this account from two common objections.
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  49. Mathematics for humans: Kant's philosophy of arithmetic revisited.Robert Hanna - 2002 - European Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):328–352.
    In this essay I revisit Kant's much-criticized views on arithmetic. In so doing I make a case for the claim that his theory of arithmetic is not in fact subject to the most familiar and forceful objection against it, namely that his doctrine of the dependence of arithmetic on time is plainly false, or even worse, simply unintelligible; on the contrary, Kant's doctrine about time and arithmetic is highly original, fully intelligible, and with qualifications due to the inherent limitations of (...)
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  50. Addiction and the self.Hanna Pickard - 2021 - Noûs 55 (4):737-761.
    Addiction is standardly characterized as a neurobiological disease of compulsion. Against this characterization, I argue that many cases of addiction cannot be explained without recognizing the value of drugs to those who are addicted; and I explore in detail an insufficiently recognized source of value, namely, a sense of self and social identity as an addict. For people who lack a genuine alternative sense of self and social identity, recovery represents an existential threat. Given that an addict identification carries expectations (...)
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