Results for 'Guy LeBlanc'

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  1.  68
    The Balm of Gilead: Is the Provision of Treatment to Those Who Seroconvert in HIV Prevention Trials a Matter of Moral Obligation or Moral Negotiation?Charles Weijer & Guy J. LeBlanc - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (4):793-808.
    Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?In July of 2004, Cambodian sex workers staged a protest of an HIV prevention trial set to enroll 900 sex workers in Phnom Penh, charging the study planners with exploitation. The Cambodian study was one of a series of international clinical trials sponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and (...)
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    Revisiting the Ethics of HIV Prevention Research in Developing Countries.Charles Weijer & Guy LeBlanc - unknown
    Issues: We present key aspects of our paper, commissioned by UNAIDS in 2005, entitled, “Revisiting the ethics of HIV prevention research in developing countries.” In 2004 and 2005 we witnessed the closure or suspension of three international clinical trials testing tenofovir in the prevention of HIV infection in high risk groups due to the failure to provide free treatment to those who seroconvert during the conduct of the study. We examine critically moral claims for the provision of treatment to those (...)
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    Edward Said on the Prospects of Peace in Palestine and Israel. By John Randolph LeBlanc. Pp. x, 195, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, £55.00. [REVIEW]Guy Lancaster - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):538-539.
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  4. Beyond sacrificial harm: A two-dimensional model of utilitarian psychology.Guy Kahane, Jim A. C. Everett, Brian D. Earp, Lucius Caviola, Nadira S. Faber, Molly J. Crockett & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (2):131-164.
    Recent research has relied on trolley-type sacrificial moral dilemmas to study utilitarian versus nonutili- tarian modes of moral decision-making. This research has generated important insights into people’s attitudes toward instrumental harm—that is, the sacrifice of an individual to save a greater number. But this approach also has serious limitations. Most notably, it ignores the positive, altruistic core of utilitarianism, which is characterized by impartial concern for the well-being of everyone, whether near or far. Here, we develop, refine, and validate a (...)
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  5. Three symbol ungrounding problems: Abstract concepts and the future of embodied cognition.Guy Dove - 2016 - Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 4 (23):1109-1121.
    A great deal of research has focused on the question of whether or not concepts are embodied as a rule. Supporters of embodiment have pointed to studies that implicate affective and sensorimotor systems in cognitive tasks, while critics of embodiment have offered nonembodied explanations of these results and pointed to studies that implicate amodal systems. Abstract concepts have tended to be viewed as an important test case in this polemical debate. This essay argues that we need to move beyond a (...)
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    Dialogical Ethics and Responsive Evaluation as a Framework for Patient Participation.Tineke Abma & Guy Widdershoven - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (6):27-29.
    In Western societies, participation is promoted as fundamental right of citizens and a prerequisite for better health and quality of life. Over the last 10 years, individual parti-cipation in treat...
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    Probability Theory and Probability Logic.Peter Roeper & Hugues Leblanc - 1999 - University of Toronto Press.
    As a survey of many technical results in probability theory and probability logic, this monograph by two widely respected scholars offers a valuable compendium of the principal aspects of the formal study of probability. Hugues Leblanc and Peter Roeper explore probability functions appropriate for propositional, quantificational, intuitionistic, and infinitary logic and investigate the connections among probability functions, semantics, and logical consequence. They offer a systematic justification of constraints for various types of probability functions, in particular, an exhaustive account of (...)
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  8. Cultivating Doxastic Responsibility.Guy Axtell - 2021 - Humana Mente 14 (39):87-125.
    This paper addresses some of the contours of an ethics of knowledge in the context of ameliorative epistemology, where this term describes epistemological projects aimed at redressing epistemic injustices, improving collective epistemic practices, and educating more effectively for higher-order reflective reasoning dispositions. Virtue theory and embodiment theory together help to tie the cultivation of moral and epistemic emotions to cooperative problem-solving. We examine one cooperative vice, ‘knavery,’ and how David Hume’s little-noticed discussion of it is a forerunner of contemporary game (...)
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  9. The ordinary and the experimental: Cook Wilson and Austin on method in philosophy.Guy Longworth - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (5):939-960.
    To what extent was ordinary language philosophy a precursor to experimental philosophy? Since the conditions on pursuit of either project are at best unclear, and at worst protean, the general question is hard to address. I focus instead on particular cases, seeking to uncover some central aspects of J. L. Austin’s and John Cook Wilson’s ordinary language based approach to philosophical method. I make a start at addressing three questions. First, what distinguishes their approach from other more traditional approaches? Second, (...)
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  10. Needing and Necessity.Guy Fletcher - 2011 - In Mark Timmons, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 170-192.
    Claims about needs are a ubiquitous feature of everyday practical discourse. It is therefore unsurprising that needs have long been a topic of interest in moral philosophy, applied ethics, and political philosophy. Philosophers have devoted much time and energy to developing theories of the nature of human needs and the like. -/- Philosophers working on needs are typically committed to the idea that there are different kinds of needs and that within the different kinds of needs is a privileged class (...)
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  11. Epistemic Value, Duty, and Virtue.Guy Axtell - 2021 - In Brian C. Barnett, Introduction to Philosophy: Epistemology. Rebus Community.
    This chapter introduces some central issues in Epistemology, and, like others in the open textbook series Introduction to Philosophy, is set up for rewarding college classroom use, with discussion/reflection questions matched to clearly-stated learning objectives,, a brief glossary of the introduced/bolded terms/concepts, links to further open source readings as a next step, and a readily-accessible outline of the classic between William Clifford and William James over the "ethics of belief." The chapter introduces questions of epistemic value through Plato's famous example (...)
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    Beauty Looks After Herself.Guy Lemieux - 1934 - Modern Schoolman 12 (1):22-22.
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    Outline of the Problem of Beauty.Guy Lemieux - 1934 - Modern Schoolman 12 (4):93-94.
  14.  20
    Outline of the Problem of Beauty, conclusion.Guy Lemieux - 1935 - Modern Schoolman 12 (4):96-96.
  15.  32
    Dialogical Nursing Ethics: the Quality of Freedom Restrictions.Tineke A. Abma, Guy Am Widdershoven, Brenda Jm Frederiks, Rob H. Van Hooren, Frans van Wijmen & Paul Lmg Curfs - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (6):789-802.
    This article deals with the question of how ethicists respond to practical moral problems emerging in health care practices. Do they remain distanced, taking on the role of an expert, or do they become engaged with nurses and other participants in practice and jointly develop contextualized insights about good care? A basic assumption of dialogical ethics entails that the definition of good care and what it means to be a good nurse is a collaborative product of ongoing dialogues among various (...)
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  16.  39
    Autonomy in Predictive Brain Implants: The Importance of Embodiment and Dialogue.Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Gerben Meynen & Damiaan Denys - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (4):16-18.
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  17. Une métaphysique propre à Thomas d’Aquin?Guy-François Delaporte - 2017 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 73 (2):167-180.
    Résumé : Le thème de la Métaphysique de l’acte d’être a connu un succès jamais démenti au cours du siècle dernier, avec des auteurs comme Gilson, Maritain ou Fabro, pour ne citer que les plus célèbres. Pourtant, des questions de fond n’ont jamais reçu de réponse satisfaisante, et ont laissé le sentiment d’une doctrine inachevée et inachevable. Trois observations contribuent à cette insatisfaction : la quasi-absence d’une telle problématique chez Thomas d’Aquin, les désaccords entre certains points de la théorie ainsi (...)
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    (1 other version)Rights, citizenship and political struggle.Guy Aitchison - 2015 - European Journal of Political Theory 17 (1):1474885115578052.
    This paper adds a new perspective to recent debates about the political nature of rights through attention to their distinctive role within social movement practices of moral critique and social struggle. The paper proceeds through a critical examination of the Political Constitutionalist theories of rights politics proposed by Jeremy Waldron and Richard Bellamy. While political constitutionalists are correct to argue that rights are ‘contestable’ and require democratic justification, they construe political activity almost exclusively with reference to voting, parties and parliamentary (...)
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    Process Pragmatism: Essays on a Quiet Philosophical Revolution.Guy Debrock (ed.) - 2003 - Rodopi.
    This book discusses Process Pragmatism, the view that whatever is, derives from interactions. The contributors examine and defend its merits by focusing on major topics, including truth, the existence of unobservables, the origin of knowledge, scientific activity, mathematical functions, laws of nature, and moral agency.
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    Texte, discours, cognition.Guy Achard-Bayle - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (223):71-86.
    Résumé Le but de cet article est d’interroger les trois notions de texte, discours et cognition, et les modèles théoriques, complémentaires ou opposés, qui les illustrent et les défendent. Pour cela, les notions ne seront pas analysées à la suite, une par une, mais en parallèle, deux par deux. Reprenant les orientations de mes travaux actuels en linguistique textuelle et en linguistique cognitive, je les confronterai en deux temps : texte vs. discours et texte vs. cognition. Cette double confrontation, avec (...)
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    Logic and dialectics in the madhyamakakārikās.Guy Bugault - 1983 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 11 (1):7-76.
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    Les métiers du textile en Grèce ancienne.Guy Labarre - 1998 - Topoi 8 (2):791-814.
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    Le jugement du peuple : le procès Clinton.Guy Lachapelle - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (1).
    Cet article propose une analyse du procès Clinton en se penchant sur les différentes étapes de l’affaire, les stratégies des acteurs en jeu et les choix de l’opinion publique américaine. En nous révélant l’image d’une société américaine à la recherche d’un modèle politique s’appuyant tant sur le libéralisme interventionniste que sur le conservatisme, le procès Clinton a mis en lumière la dérive partisane dont il a été l’objet. L’auteur nous montre cependant à quel point l’opinion publique américaine a su rester (...)
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  24. Angèle Kremer-Marietti, Entre le signe et l'histoire: l'anthropologie positiviste d'Auguste Comte Reviewed by.Guy Lafrance - 1984 - Philosophy in Review 4 (3):116-117.
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    Continuité et absolue nouveauté dans la durée bergsonienne.Guy Lafrance - 1968 - Dialogue 7 (1):94-101.
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  26. Gaston Bachelard, profils épistémologiques, coll. « Philosophica ».Guy Lafrance - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (3):364-365.
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    Gaston Bachelard: profils épistémologiques.Guy Lafrance (ed.) - 1987 - Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa.
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  28. Égalité et justice: une idée de l'homme.Guy Lafrance - 1989 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 43 (3):352.
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    Les Deux Principes de la Justice selon Rawls.Guy Lafrance - 1978 - Dialectica 32 (2):115-123.
    RésuméCet article est consacréà la présentation et à l'examen critique des principes de la justice élaborés dans l'ouvrage du professeur John Rawls intituléA Theory of Justice. L'auteur examine notamment l'approche contractuelle utilisée par Rawls de même que son inspiration Kantienne et le type de rationalité qu'il met en œuvre pour construire sa théorie.
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    Le néo-libéralisme et les droits fondamentaux.Guy Lafrance - 1991 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 47 (3):357-365.
  31. La philosophie sociale de Bergson.Guy Lafrance - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (3):361-361.
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  32.  49
    Le Québec et l'éthique libérale de la sécession.Guy Laforest - 1992 - Philosophiques 19 (2):199-214.
  33.  52
    Les Études Bergsoniennes, Volume X. Dirigées par André Robinet. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1973.Guy Lafrance - 1974 - Dialogue 13 (2):419-423.
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  34. L'interprétation éthico-juridique du Contrat social.Guy Lafrance - 1995 - Etudes Jean-Jacques Rousseau 7:27.
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    Marcel Mauss et l’épistémologie structuraliste.Guy Lafrance - 1977 - Philosophy Research Archives 3:680-695.
    The first intention of this article is to show, with some essays of Marcel Mauss, how his way of studying cultural facts anticipates the structural analysis method in anthropology.The concept of "fait social total" is confronted with the concept of structure as developed by Claude Lévi-Strauss, so that we could see the similarities and the distinctions.As well as reconstructing a decisive period of the history of structuralism within the French philosophical and sociological tradition, this article seeks to show the elements (...)
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  36. Pouvoir et tyrannie.Guy Lafrance - 1986 - Philosophica.(Ottawa) 31:7-181.
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    Remarques sur le Rousseau de Victor Goldschmidt.Guy Lafrance - 1977 - Dialogue 16 (2):281-297.
  38. Éthique Et Droits Fondamentaux.Guy Lafrance - 1989
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    The liberal understanding of nationalism: The need for a more prudent approach.Guy Laforest - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (4):505-509.
  40.  24
    Une contrepartie à Marx: la théorie de la justice de Rawls.Guy Lafrance - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (1):14-26.
    L'Ambitieux Projet du professeur John Rawls dans son important ouvrage intitulé «A Theory of Justice» consiste essentiellement dans l'élaboration d'une théorie de la justice qui prétend offrir une «solution de rechange viable» aux doctrines traditionnelles de la justice représentées par l'utilitarisme, l'intuitionisme, les théories contractuelles, etc …, mais une théorie qui, en méme temps, se présente comme une tentative pour «généraliser et porter a un plus haut niveau d'abstraction la theorie traditionnelle du contrat social telle que representee par Locke, Rousseau (...)
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  41.  28
    Fundamentalism and Evangelicals. By Harriet A. Harris.Guy Lancaster - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):909-910.
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    Language and Religious Identity: Women in Discourse. Edited by Allyson Jule.Guy Lancaster - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):883-884.
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    The Nature of Hate. By Robert J. Sternberg and Karin Sternberg.Guy Lancaster - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (3):521-522.
  44.  15
    Du bon usage de la notion de « professionnalisation ».Guy Lapostolle - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (4):1.
  45.  21
    Achieving Good Ethical Practice in Hospital Health Care. Proposals for a European Development Initiative.Guy Lebeer - 2002 - In Ethical function in hospital ethics committees. Washington, D.C.: IOS Press. pp. 203--212.
  46. Ethical Function in Hospital Ethics Committees 191 G. Lebeer (Ed.) IOS Press, 2002.Guy Lebeer - 2002 - In Ethical function in hospital ethics committees. Washington, D.C.: IOS Press. pp. 51--191.
  47. La bioéthique comme production ordinaire.Guy Lebeer - 1996 - In Jacques Lemaire & Charles Susanne, Bioéthique, jusqu'où peut-on aller? Bruxelles, Belgique: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
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    Prédestination de l'Occident: XVIe-XVIIe siècle: les forces formatrices d'un futur très incertain.Guy Pierre Leccia - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'auteur de cet essai s'attache à montrer, par l'étude des grands penseurs du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle —- Ficin, Nicolas de Cues, Galilée, Pascal, Descartes, Luther, Calvin, Leibniz -—, que l'histoire n'est pas livrée au hasard mais obéit à des déterminismes complexes auxquels l'homme moderne peut d'autant moins échapper qu'il pense, contre maints bons esprits des siècles passés, être libre et voué au bonheur, alors que l'accomplissement sans fin de l'Occident ne peut avoir que des conséquences tragiques. Un livre (...)
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  49. Pour l'histoire.Guy Dhoquois - 1971 - Paris,: Anthropos.
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    Insecure attachment is associated with math anxiety in middle childhood.Guy Bosmans & Bert De Smedt - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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