Results for 'Guy LeBlanc'

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  1.  67
    The Balm of Gilead: Is the Provision of Treatment to Those Who Seroconvert in HIV Prevention Trials a Matter of Moral Obligation or Moral Negotiation?Charles Weijer & Guy J. LeBlanc - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (4):793-808.
    Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?In July of 2004, Cambodian sex workers staged a protest of an HIV prevention trial set to enroll 900 sex workers in Phnom Penh, charging the study planners with exploitation. The Cambodian study was one of a series of international clinical trials sponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and (...)
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    Revisiting the Ethics of HIV Prevention Research in Developing Countries.Charles Weijer & Guy LeBlanc - unknown
    Issues: We present key aspects of our paper, commissioned by UNAIDS in 2005, entitled, “Revisiting the ethics of HIV prevention research in developing countries.” In 2004 and 2005 we witnessed the closure or suspension of three international clinical trials testing tenofovir in the prevention of HIV infection in high risk groups due to the failure to provide free treatment to those who seroconvert during the conduct of the study. We examine critically moral claims for the provision of treatment to those (...)
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    Edward Said on the Prospects of Peace in Palestine and Israel. By John Randolph LeBlanc. Pp. x, 195, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, £55.00. [REVIEW]Guy Lancaster - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):538-539.
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    Hand Transplants and Bodily Integrity.Guy Widdershoven & Jenny Slatman - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (3):69-92.
    In this article, we present an analysis of bodily integrity in hand transplants from a phenomenological narrative perspective, while drawing on two contrasting case stories. We consider bodily integrity as the subjective bodily experience of wholeness which, instead of referring to actual bodily intactness, involves a positive identification with one’s physical body. Bodily mutilations, such as the loss of a hand, may severely affect one’s bodily integrity. A possible restoration of one’s experience of wholeness requires a process of re-identification. Medical (...)
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    Moral values of Dutch physicians in relation to requests for euthanasia: a qualitative study.Guy Widdershoven, Natalie Evans, Fijgje de Boer & Marjanne van Zwol - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundIn the Netherlands, patients have the legal right to make a request for euthanasia to their physician. However, it is not clear what it means in a moral sense for a physician to receive a request for euthanasia. The aim of this study is to explore the moral values of physicians regarding requests for euthanasia. MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with nine primary healthcare physicians involved in decision-making about euthanasia. The data were inductively analyzed which lead to the emergence of themes, (...)
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    How to Support Patient and Family in Dealing with Ethical Issues? The Relevance of Moral Case Deliberation.Guy Widdershoven, Margreet Stolper, Bert Molewijk & Suzanne Metselaar - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):70-72.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 70-72.
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  7. Against Online Public Shaming.Saladin Meckled-Garcia & Guy Aitchison - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (1):1-31.
    Online Public Shaming is a form of norm enforcement that involves collectively imposing reputational costs on a person for having a certain kind of moral character. OPS actions aim to disqualify her from public discussion and certain normal human relations. We argue that this constitutes an informal collective punishment that it is presumptively wrong to impose on others. OPS functions as a form of ostracism that fails to show equal basic respect to its targets. Additionally, in seeking to mobilise unconstrained (...)
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    How to combine hermeneutics and Wide Reflective Equilibrium?: A comment on M. Ebbesen and B. Pedersen, How to formulate normative ethical principles by use of empirical investigations within biomedicine.Guy A. M. Widdershoven - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (1):49-52.
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    (1 other version)A Completeness Result for Quantificational Tense Logic.Robert P. McArthur & Hugues Leblanc - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):89-96.
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  10. Partiality Traps and our Need for Risk-Aware Ethics and Epistemology.Guy Axtell - 2023 - In Eric Siverman, Virtuous and Vicious Expressions of Partiality. Routledge.
    Virtue theories can plausibly be argued to have important advantages over normative ethical theories which prescribe a strict impartialism in moral judgment, or which neglect people’s special roles and relationships. However, there are clear examples of both virtuous and vicious partiality in people’s moral judgments, and virtue theorists may struggle to adequately distinguish them, much as proponents of other normative ethical theories do. This paper first adapts the “expanding moral circle” concept and some literary examples to illustrate the difficulty of (...)
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    Fragility as Strength: The Ethics and Politics of Hunger Strikes.Guy Aitchison - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (4):535-558.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Freiheitsentziehende Maßnahmen in Altenpflegeheimen – rechtliche Grundlagen und Alternativen der Pflege.Guy Walther - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (4):289-300.
    Freiheitsentziehende Maßnahmen in Altenpflegeheimen sind unter pflegerischen und ethischen, aber auch betreuungsrechtlichen und vor allem strafrechtlichen Gesichtspunkten von besonderer Bedeutung. Häufig sind eingeschränkte Mobilität, Verringerung der kognitiven Funktionen, große Hilfsbedürftigkeit des älteren Menschen der auslösende Faktor für den Einsatz derartiger Einschränkungen. Daneben gibt es jedoch Hinweise, dass die Anwendung freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen auch mit organisatorischen Abläufen in Altenpflegeeinrichtungen zusammenhängt. Der vorliegende Beitrag diskutiert, wieweit freiheitsentziehende und freiheitsbeschränkende Maßnahmen bei alten Menschen überhaupt zulässig sind und zeigt auf, dass die Entwicklung von alternativen (...)
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    Recovering a "Disfigured" Face.Gili Yaron, Guy Widdershoven & Jenny Slatman - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (1):1-23.
    Prosthetic devices that replace an absent body part are generally considered to be either cosmetic or functional. Functional prostheses aim to restore (some degree of) lost physical functioning. Cosmetic prostheses attempt to restore a “normal” appearance to bodies that lack (one or more) limbs by emulating the absent body part’s looks. In this article, we investigate how cosmetic prostheses establish a normal appearance by drawing on the stories of the users of a specific type of artificial limb: the facial prosthesis. (...)
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    Self-harm in immigration detention: political, not (just) medical.Guy Aitchison & Ryan Essex - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):786-793.
    Self-harm within immigration detention centres has been a widely documented phenomenon, occurring at far higher rates than the wider community. Evidence suggests that factors such as the conditions of detention and uncertainty about refugee status are among the most prominent precipitators of self-harm. While important in explaining self-harm, this is not the entire story. In this paper, we argue for a more overtly political interpretation of detainee self-harm as resistance and assess the ethical implications of this view, drawing on interviews (...)
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  15. Problems of Religious Luck, Chapter 6: The Pattern Stops Here?Guy Axtell - 2018 - In Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement. Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    This book has argued that problems of religious luck, especially when operationalized into concerns about doxastic risk and responsibility, can be of shared interest to theologians, philosophers, and psychologists. We have pointed out counter-inductive thinking as a key feature of fideistic models of faith, and examined the implications of this point both for the social scientific study of fundamentalism, and for philosophers’ and theologians’ normative concerns with the reasonableness of a) exclusivist attitudes to religious multiplicity, and b) theologically-cast but bias-mirroring (...)
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    An inquiry into the modes of existence of mathematical beings.Guy Wallet & Stefan Neuwirth - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:83-108.
    L’objet de cet essai est l’accueil des entités mathématiques dans l’architecture des modes d’existence proposée par Bruno Latour dans le cadre de son ontologie pluraliste du monde moderne [Latour 2012]. Les travaux de Reviel Netz sur l’émergence des mathématiques grecques [Netz 1999] et de Charles Sanders Peirce sur la dimension diagrammatique de l’activité mathématique [Peirce 1933-1958], [Peirce 1976] sont employés pour proposer une réponse dans le cadre d’une conception empirique des mathématiques basée sur la notion d’expérience chère à William James (...)
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    Changing the Sail: Propertius 3.21, Catullus 64 and Ovid, Heroides 5.Guy Westwood - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):247-254.
    Concentrating on Propertius 3.21 in particular, this article identifies a previously unnoticed network of allusions by three Roman poets (Catullus, Propertius and Ovid) to one another and to Book 1 of Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica. It shows that these intertextual links are pivoted on the three poets’ common use of the verse-ending lintea malo in scenes of departure by sea, and on their common interest in framing other aspects of the nautical context (especially the naval equipment involved and the presence of (...)
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    Habit-Formation and the Science of TeachingStuart H. Rowe.Guy Montrose Whipple - 1911 - International Journal of Ethics 21 (2):234-235.
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    Response to the Commentaries.Guy Widdershoven - 1999 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 6 (4):267-270.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to the CommentariesGuy A. M. Widdershoven (bio)Keywordscognitive psychology, Bolton and Hill, hermeneutics, Gadamer, theoretical and practical holism, trauma, PTSDIt is not easy to engender a dialogue between two theoretical traditions. At least three conditions have to be fulfilled before such a dialogue can get started. In the first place, there has to be a common interest. Secondly, there has to be a divergence of perspectives. Thirdly, both parties (...)
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    The Maker of the Song.Guy Woodward - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (1):191-198.
    This article seeks explore the complex relations between Beauty and the Sublime. The exploration is guided by two very powerful, but very different, thinkers: Swiss Catholic metaphysical theologian Hans Urs von Balthasat and American naturalist metaphysician Robert S. Corrington. Through reflection upon von Balthasar’s themes of Beauty, Splendor and Being and Corrington’s themes of the Sublime and the Encompassing it is hoped implications of the complex relations between Beauty and the Sublime might be evoked and engaged.
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  21. Epistemic Value, Duty, and Virtue.Guy Axtell - 2021 - In Brian C. Barnett, Introduction to Philosophy: Epistemology. Rebus Community.
    This chapter introduces some central issues in Epistemology, and, like others in the open textbook series Introduction to Philosophy, is set up for rewarding college classroom use, with discussion/reflection questions matched to clearly-stated learning objectives,, a brief glossary of the introduced/bolded terms/concepts, links to further open source readings as a next step, and a readily-accessible outline of the classic between William Clifford and William James over the "ethics of belief." The chapter introduces questions of epistemic value through Plato's famous example (...)
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  22. Objectivity in the Natural Sciences [Chapter 3 of Objectivity].Guy Axtell - 2015 - In Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents. Polity; Wiley. pp. 69-108.
    Chapter 3 surveys objectivity in the natural sciences. Thomas Kuhn problematized the logicist understanding of the objectivity or rationality of scientific change, providing a very different picture than that of the cumulative or step-wise progress of theoretical science. Theories often compete, and when consensus builds around one competitor it may be for a variety of reasons other than just the direct logical implications of experimental successes and failures. Kuhn pitted the study of the actual history of science against what Hans (...)
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  23. An Inductive Risk Account of the Ethics of Belief.Guy Axtell - 2019 - Philosophy. The Journal of the Higher School of Economic 3 (3):146-171.
    From what norms does the ethics of belief derive its oughts, its attributions of virtues and vices, responsibilities and irresponsibilities, its permissioning and censuring? Since my inductive risk account is inspired by pragmatism, and this method understands epistemology as the theory of inquiry, the paper will try to explain what the aims and tasks are for an ethics of belief, or project of guidance, which best fits with this understanding of epistemology. More specifically, this chapter approaches the ethics of belief (...)
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  24.  50
    Probability Theory, Intuitionism, Semantics and the Dutch Book Argument.Charles G. Morgan & Hugues Leblanc - 1983 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24 (3):289-304.
  25.  46
    (1 other version)Foucault, democracy and the ambivalence of rights.Guy Aitchison - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy:1-17.
  26. Ethics and Objectivity [Chapter 6 of Objectivity].Guy Axtell - 2015 - In Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents. Polity; Wiley. pp. 172-206.
    In earlier chapters, we described debates between objectivists and relativists over methodology in the sciences, and over science and values. We have been led to talk about the role of value judgments in various areas of thought, but in this final chapter we turn more directly to the age – old question of the objectivity of values. Objectivists and relativists populate debate over this question just as we found them populating other questions we have addressed. There is a general, deep (...)
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  27. Objectivity in the Human and Behavioral Sciences [Chapter 4 of Objectivity].Guy Axtell - 2015 - In Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents. Polity; Wiley. pp. 109-136.
    Contentious debate has played out in the ‘science wars’ generally, but perhaps nowhere has the possibility and value of objectivity been more controversial than in respect to the social sciences and historiography, the writing of history. Most of the individual social sciences took shape and became academic disciplines during the 19th century, and the issue of differences between studying humankind and studying the natural world goes back at least this far as well. How should we understand the relationship between the (...)
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  28. Natural Thoughts and Unnatural ‘Oughts’: Lessing, Wittgenstein, and Contemporary CSR.Guy Axtell - 2023 - In Robert Vinten, Wittgenstein and the Cognitive Science of Religion: Interpreting Human Nature and the Mind. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Wittgenstein’s “Lectures on Religious Belief” (LRB) provide a source for as yet unexplored connections to religious ideas as treated in Robert N. McCauley’s book Why Religion is Natural and Science is Not (2013), and to other CSR scholars who focus attention on how “cognitively speaking it is religion that is natural and science that is largely unnatural.” Tensions are explored in this paper between our “maturationally natural” religious inclinations to adopt religious ideas and the “unnatural” demands sometimes made upon people, (...)
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  29. Objectivity Rehabilitated [Chapter 5 of Objectivity].Guy Axtell - 2015 - In Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents. Polity; Wiley. pp. 139-170.
    In Part II we primarily studied the key philosophical concept of objectivity through its applications in methodologically divergent fields like those of the natural and behavioral sciences, and. In Part III we will take a different approach and primarily study different defenses, critiques, and reconstructions of the concept. Chapters 5 engages thinkers and schools of thought that sometimes reject the value of the concept itself, as well as those that criticize specific conceptions of objectivity but that still accept the value (...)
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  30. Wittgenstein and Contemporary Belief-Credence Dualism.Guy Axtell - forthcoming - In Pritchard Duncan & Venturinha Nuno, Wittgenstein and the Epistemology of Religion. Oxford University Press.
    This paper examines religious epistemics in relationship to recent defenses of belief-credence dualism among analytic Christian philosophers, connecting what is most plausible and appealing in this proposal to Wittgenstein’s thought on the nature of religious praxis and affectively-engaged language-use. How close or far is Wittgenstein’s thought about faith to the analytic Christian philosophers’ thesis that “beliefs and credences are two epistemic tools used for different purposes”? While I find B-C dualism appealing for multiple reasons, the paper goes on to raise (...)
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  31. Objectivity and ‘First Philosophies’ [Chapter 1 of Objectivity].Guy Axtell - 2015 - In Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents. Polity; Wiley. pp. 19-45.
    Interest in the concept of objectivity is part of the legacy of Modern Philosophy, tracing back to a new way of understanding the starting point of philosophical reflection. It traces back to an “epistemological turn” that attended the development of New Science of the 16th and 17th Century. These origins are an indication that what a thinker takes as the starting point of philosophical reflection deeply affects how they approach key philosophical concepts, including truth, knowledge, and objectivity. Chapter 1 Introduces (...)
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  32. Problems of Religious Luck, Ch. 4: "We Are All of the Common Herd: Montaigne and the Psychology of our 'Importunate Presumptions'".Guy Axtell - 2018 - In Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement. Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    As we have seen in the transition form Part I to Part II of this book, the inductive riskiness of doxastic methods applied in testimonial uptake or prescribed as exemplary of religious faith, helpfully operationalizes the broader social scientific, philosophical, moral, and theological interest that people may have with problems of religious luck. Accordingly, we will now speak less about luck, but more about the manner in which highly risky cognitive strategies are correlated with psychological studies of bias studies and (...)
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  33. Objectivism, Relativism, and the Cartesian Anxiety [Chapter 2 of Objectivity].Guy Axtell - 2015 - In Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents. Polity; Wiley. pp. 46-65.
    Chapter 2 primarily discusses Bernstein’s account and its differences both from Nagle’s metaphysical realism and Rorty’s postmodern pragmatism. Trying to diagnose assumptions that polarize thinkers to become objectivists and relativists, Bernstein articulates a Cartesian Anxiety he thinks they ironically both share. Descartes’ anti-skeptical wave of rigor was presented as a rationalistic project of rebuilding an unstable and dilapidated ‘house of knowledge’ on secure philosophical and scientific foundations. His overtly foundationalist metaphor of rebuilding from timbers set “in rock or hard clay” (...)
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  34. Problems of Religious Luck, Ch. 5: "Scaling the ‘Brick Wall’: Measuring and Censuring Strongly Fideistic Religious Orientation".Guy Axtell - 2018 - In Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement. Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    This chapter sharpens the book’s criticism of exclusivist responsible to religious multiplicity, firstly through close critical attention to arguments which religious exclusivists provide, and secondly through the introduction of several new, formal arguments / dilemmas. Self-described ‘post-liberals’ like Paul Griffiths bid philosophers to accept exclusivist attitudes and beliefs as just one among other aspects of religious identity. They bid us to normalize the discourse Griffiths refers to as “polemical apologetics,” and to view its acceptance as the only viable form of (...)
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    Chuang Tzu's Existential Hermeneutics.Guy C. Burneko - 1986 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13 (4):393-409.
  36. Problems of Religious Luck, Chapter 3: "Enemy in the Mirror: The Need for Comparative Fundamentalism".Guy Axtell - 2018 - In Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement. Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    Measures of inductive risk and of safety-principle violation help us to operationalize concerns about theological assertions or a sort which, as we saw in Part I, aggravate or intensify problems of religious luck. Our overall focus in Part II will remain on a) responses to religious multiplicity, and b) sharply asymmetrical religious trait-ascriptions to religious insiders and outsiders. But in Part II formal markers of inductive norm violation will supply an empirically-based manner of distinguishing strong from moderate fideism. As we (...)
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  37. Les vitraux médiévaux: caractérisation physico-chimique de l'altération.Jérôme Sterpenich & Guy Libourel - 1997 - Techne 6:70-78.
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    From biomechanics to sport psychology: the current oscillatory approach.Guy Cheron - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Demystifying Meaning.Guy Longworth - 2001 - Philosophical Papers 30 (2):145-167.
    Abstract Some philosophers find linguistic meaning mysterious. Two approaches suggest themselves for removing the felt mystery, or demystifying meaning. One involves providing a substantive account of meaning in meaning-free terms. Although this approach has come under serious attack in recent years, Paul Horwich has recently presented a version of the approach that might be thought impervious. A preliminary attempt is made to argue that Horwich's version is vulnerable to the considerations felt to undermine other versions of the substantive approach to (...)
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  40. Reviewed by Elena Isayev.Guy Bradley - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (4):279-288.
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    The Starry Night Sky.Guy Burneko - 2013 - World Futures 69 (4-6):231 - 247.
    (2013). The Starry Night Sky. World Futures: Vol. 69, The Complexity of Life and Lives of Complexity, pp. 231-247.
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    Impartialité et neutralité: (Méditation pour le temps de guerre).Georges Guy-Grand - 1916 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 23 (3):517 - 541.
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  43. Jacques Chevalier: "histoire De La Pensée. Tome Iii: La Pensé Moderne De Descartes A Kant".Alain Guy & Staff - 1964 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 23 (89/91):361.
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    Joaquim Xirau, supporter of personalism.Reine Guy - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:63.
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    LE PROCÈS DE LA DÉMOCRATIE (Suite et fin).Georges Guy-Grand - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18 (5):694 - 710.
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    Beyond lockdown? The ethics of global movement in a new era.Guy Aitchison - 2021 - Ethics and Global Politics 14 (1).
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    Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist. George J. Stigler.Guy Alchon - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):392-393.
  48.  27
    Van Steenberghen, Fernand, maître siger de Brabant.Guy-H. Allard - 1979 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 35 (1):98.
  49. Rahner, Karl.Guy Woodward - 2015
    Karl Rahner Karl Rahner was one of the most influential Catholic philosophers of the mid to late twentieth century. A member of the Society of Jesus and a Roman Catholic priest, Rahner, as was the custom of the time, studied scholastic philosophy, through which he discovered Thomas Aquinas. From Aquinas’ epistemology and philosophical … Continue reading Rahner, Karl →.
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  50. Charles Journet, théologien, cardinal, prêtre avant tout.Guy Boissard - 2010 - Nova et Vetera 85 (1):21-29.
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