Results for 'Guy Debord, Louis Althusser, modernity, postmodernity and Walter Benjamin.'

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  1. On Debord's Square of Modernity.Eurico Carvalho - 2017 - Aufklärung 4 (2):121-139.
    In this paper, I will focus on the nature of the modernity from the perspective of a «logical» square. On the basis of its vectorial orientation, I will show the value of Guy Debord’s work, according to which, undeniably, there is a need to articulate two core issues of our time: «How does a multitude turn into a class?» (Benjamin’s question) and «How does the individual become a subject?» (Althusser’s question). It is precisely the nexus between these questions that allows (...)
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    El concepto de “interpelación fantasmagórica”: una propuesta teórica a partir de Walter Benjamin y Louis Althusser.Marc Berdet - 2019 - Isegoría 61:505-524.
    This article aims at presenting the concept of “phantasmagorical interpellation”. This theoretical effort is inspired by Walter Benjamin’s concept of “phantasmagoria” and Louis Althusser’s concept of “ideological interpellation”. The proposal is to ally their respective philosophical work-in-progress in their “anthropological” and “aleatory” materialisms in order to provide a socio-political analysis of today’s capitalist aesthetics as displayed in postmodern architecture or the design of everyday life. The aim is also to open new perspectives of resistance to the normativity of (...)
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    “Interpelação fantasmagórica”: Compreender E subverter a estética da Vida cotidiana com Walter Benjamin E Louis Althusser.Marc Berdet - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (139):175-194.
    RESUMO Este artigo pretende introduzir o conceito de “interpelação fantasmagórica”. O esforço teórico se inspira nos conceitos de “fantasmagoria”, de Walter Benjamin, e de “interpelação ideológica”, de Louis Althusser. A proposta é aliar suas respectivas filosofias em processo a seus materialismos “antropológico” e “aleatório”, a fim de fazer uma análise sociopolítica da estética capitalista de hoje, tal como ela aparece na arquitetura pós-moderna e no design da vida cotidiana. Trata-se também de abrir novas perspectivas de resistências a normatividade (...)
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    The problems of modernity: Adorno and Benjamin.Andrew E. Benjamin (ed.) - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin have emerged as figures of great importance in the current debates about modernity. The central and privileged place of the philosophical problem of modernity has been threatened by the possibility advanced by Jean-François Lyotard that modernity as a project is over and the new concern is the postmodern. The work of Adorno and Benjamin is the background against which the problems of modernity and postmodernity are addressed in this volume. This collection brings together (...)
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    Walter Benjamin y el inconsciente constructivo de Sigfried Giedion.Jean-Louis Déotte - 2013 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 1:55-62.
    Walter Benjamin proposed as aesthetic and political objective to determine the axis of the common sensibility of the nineteenth century, based on the work of Sigfried Giedion: Bauen in Frankreich. Giedion's works have since formed generations of architects, as a result of its international at the head of the International Congresses of Modern Architecture position.
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    Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought.Martin Jay - 1993 - University of California Press.
    Long considered "the noblest of the senses," vision has increasingly come under critical scrutiny by a wide range of thinkers who question its dominance in Western culture. These critics of vision, especially prominent in twentieth-century France, have challenged its allegedly superior capacity to provide access to the world. They have also criticized its supposed complicity with political and social oppression through the promulgation of spectacle and surveillance. Martin Jay turns to this discourse surrounding vision and explores its often contradictory implications (...)
  7.  19
    Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption.Richard Wolin - 1994 - University of California Press.
    Few twentieth-century thinkers have proven as influential as Walter Benjamin, the German-Jewish philosopher and cultural and literary critic. Richard Wolin's book remains among the clearest and most insightful introductions to Benjamin's writings, offering a philosophically rich exposition of his complex relationship to Adorno, Brecht, Jewish Messianism, and Western Marxism. Wolin provides nuanced interpretations of Benjamin's widely studied writings on Baudelaire, historiography, and art in the age of mechanical reproduction. In a new Introduction written especially for this edition, Wolin discusses (...)
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    Guy Debord: New Afterword by the Author.Donald Nicholson-Smith (ed.) - 1995 - University of California Press.
    This is the first serious intellectual biography of Guy Debord, prime mover of the Situationist International and author of _The Society of the Spectacle_, perhaps the seminal book of May 1968 in France. Anselm Jappe rejects recent attempts to set Debord up as a "postmodern" icon, arguing that he was a social theorist in the Hegelian-Marxist tradition—not a precursor of Jean Baudrillard but an heir of the young Georg Lukács of _History and Class Consciousness _. Neither hagiographical nor sectarian, _Guy (...)
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    Lacan sive Althusser on Violence.Won Choi - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (2).
    The aporia of violence is probably the single most important issue that defines the failure of the leftist revolutionary politics as was experienced in modern history. It is what prevented it from ultimately achieving its goal by entrapping it in the perverse effect of the sovereign violence. As is well known, Slavoj Žižek in his book, Violence, proposes us to return to the practice of messianic or divine violence that Walter Benjamin conceptualized in contrast to that of mythical violence. (...)
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  10. Ulf Strohmayer.Walter Benjamin - 1997 - In Georges Benko & Ulf Strohmayer (eds.), Space and social theory: interpreting modernity and postmodernity. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 162.
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    Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought.Joyce Brodsky - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (2):185-188.
    Long considered "the noblest of the senses," vision has increasingly come under critical scrutiny by a wide range of thinkers who question its dominance in Western culture. These critics of vision, especially prominent in twentieth-century France, have challenged its allegedly superior capacity to provide access to the world. They have also criticized its supposed complicity with political and social oppression through the promulgation of spectacle and surveillance. Martin Jay turns to this discourse surrounding vision and explores its often contradictory implications (...)
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    Image and Parable: Readings of Walter Benjamin.Christopher Norris - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):15-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Christopher Norris IMAGE AND PARABLE: READINGS OF WALTER BENJAMIN Marxist literary criticism is a house with many mansions, most of diem claiming a privileged access to the great central chamber of history and truth. Only the most blinkered polemicist could nowadays attack "Marxist criticism" as if it presented a uniform front or even a clearly delineated target. Differences of oudook have developed to a point where debates within (...)
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  13. Walter Benjamin and the architecture of modernity.Andrew E. Benjamin & Charles Rice (eds.) - 2009 - Prahran, Vic.: Re.Press.
    Walter Benjamin's Politics of 'bad tasteMichael Mac Modernity as an unfinished Project: Benjamin and Political RomanticismRobert Sinnerbrink Violence, ...
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  14. Architecture and Deconstruction. The Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi.Cezary Wąs - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Wrocław
    Architecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi -/- Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than before distance. Within these relations three basic variations can be distinguished: the first one, in which philosophy of deconstruction deals with architectural terms but does not interfere with real architecture, the second one, in which (...)
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    Façades: Walter Benjamin's Paris.Patrice Higonnet, Anne Higonnet & Margaret Higonnet - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (3):391-419.
    “Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century” juxtaposes elliptical descriptions that reveal the interiorization of commodities in the economy of high capitalism. “Allegory in the nineteenth century vacated the outer world, to colonize the inner world.”32 Each of the exposé’s six sections consists of two parts: “Fourier, or the Arcades,” “Daguerre, or the Panoramas,” “Grandville, or the World Exhibitions,” “Louis-Philippe, or the Interior,” “Baudelaire, or the Streets of Paris,” “Haussmann, or the Baricades.”33The commercial arcade and not the factory is the (...)
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    Walter Benjamin and architecture.Walter Benjamin & Gevork Hartoonian (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    The essays compiled in this book explore aspects of Walter Benjamin's discourse that have contributed to the formation of contemporary architectural theories. Issues such as technology and history have been considered central to the very modernity of architecture, but Benjamin's reflection on these subjects has elevated the discussion to a critical level. The contributors in this book consider Walter Benjamin's ideas in the context of digitalization of architecture where it is the very technique itself that determines the processes (...)
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    Howls for Debord, on Guy Debord: Complete Cinematic Works , translated and edited by Ken Knabb.Benjamin Noys - 2004 - Film-Philosophy 8 (2).
    _Guy Debord: Complete Cinematic Works_ Translated and edited by Ken Knabb Oakland, California: AK Press, 2003 ISBN 1-902593-73-1 62 illustrations, 272 pp.
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    Quotational Practices: Repeating the Future in Contemporary Art.Patrick Greaney - 2014 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Literature and art have always depended on imitation, and in the past few decades quotation and appropriation have become dominant aesthetic practices. But critical methods have not kept pace with this development. Patrick Greaney reopens the debate about quotation and appropriation, shifting away from naïve claims about the death of the author. In interpretations of art and literature from the 1960s to the present, _Quotational Practices _shows how artists and writers use quotation not to undermine authorship and originality, but to (...)
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  19. The Dialectical Method: Althusser, Benjamin, and Adorno.Gonzalo Ricci Cernadas - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:421-446.
    Podemos encontrar una serie de autores que, inscritos en la tradición marxista, hacen uso del concepto de dialéctica, pero refiriéndola en forma adjetivada, atisbando una operación teórica con dicho término. Así, la dialéctica entre bastidores de Louis Althusser, la dialéctica en suspenso de Walter Benjamin y la dialéctica negativa de Theodor W. Adorno señalan, por igual, que estos filósofos utilizan esta noción tan cargada de significación de una manera distinta, expresiva de sus motivos teóricos más importantes. De esta (...)
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    The Society of the Spectacle.Guy Debord - 1994 - Zone Books.
    Analyzes the relationship of power, bureaucracy, and change in modern society.
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    Tenses of the Present.Peter Morgan - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (2):203-210.
    ABSTRACT David Roberts’ History of the Present asks what comes after the grand narratives of European modernity. Progress is over, but without a past and with no assured future, the present remains in conceptual limbo. For Roberts, we are entering a new stage of a global cultural modernity marked by the end of European modernism. Taking a fresh look at the contested endings of the modern, Roberts suggests that an extended concept of contemporaneity might replace the problematic dualism of past (...)
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    Lenin and philosophy, and other essays.Louis Althusser - 1971 - New York: Monthly Review Press.
    No figure among the western Marxist theoreticians has loomed larger in the postwar period than Louis Althusser. A rebel against the Catholic tradition in which he was raised, Althusser studied philosophy and later joined both the faculty of the Ecole normal superieure and the French Communist Party in 1948. Viewed as a "structuralist Marxist," Althusser was as much admired for his independence of intellect as he was for his rigorous defense of Marx. The latter was best illustrated in For (...)
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  23. AI as Ideology: A Marxist Reading (Crawford, Marx/Engels, Debord, Althusser).Jeffrey Reid - manuscript
    Kate Crawford presents AI as “both reflecting and producing social relations and understandings of the world”; or again, as “a form of exercising power, and a way of seeing… as a manifestation of highly organized capital backed by vast systems of extraction and logistics, with supply chains that wrap around the entire planet”. I interpret these material insights through a Marxist understanding of ideology, with reference to Marx/Engels, Guy Debord and Louis Althusser. In the German Ideology, Marx and Engels (...)
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    The Arcades: Contemporary Art and Walter Benjamin.Jens Hoffmann (ed.) - 2017 - Jewish Museum.
    _The Arcades Project_, the monumental unfinished work of cultural criticism by Walter Benjamin, is the German philosopher’s effort to comprehend urban modernity through the 19th-century Parisian shopping arcade. _The Arcades: Contemporary Art and Walter Benjamin_ combines artworks with archival materials and poetic interventions to form an original, multifaceted response to this collagelike cultural text. Jens Hoffmann astutely pairs works by thirty-six well-known and emerging artists, including Lee Friedlander, Andreas Gursky, Pierre Huyghe, and Cindy Sherman, with the thirty-six “Convolutes,” (...)
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    Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties ed. by Paul T. Wilford and Samuel A. Stoner (review). [REVIEW]Benedikt Brunner - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (1):159-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties ed. by Paul T. Wilford and Samuel A. StonerBenedikt BrunnerPaul T. Wilford and Samuel A. Stoner, editors. Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021. Pp. 328. Hardback, $65.00.Our present does not invite, let alone suggest, particularly optimistic expectations for the future. This volume, edited by (...)
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    Leben und Gluck: modernity and tragedy in Walter Benjamin, Hölderlin, and Sophocles.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  27. Benjamin's Arcades Project and the Postcolonial City.Rajeev S. Patke - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (4):2-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.4 (2000) 3-13 [Access article in PDF] Benjamin's Arcades Project and the Postcolonial City Rajeev S. Patke [Tables]Walter Benjamin. The Arcades Project. Trans. Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1999. [AP] Post-this, post-that, post-the-other, yet in the endNot past a thing. —Seamus Heaney, "On His Work in the English Tongue" Preamble Among the several Benjamins to be conjured from The Arcades Project is the (...)
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    Working with Walter Benjamin: recovering a political philosophy.Andrew E. Benjamin - 2013 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book provides a highly original approach to the writings of the twentieth-century German philosopher Walter Benjamin by one of his most distinguished readers. It develops the idea of "working with" Benjamin, seeking both to read his corpus and to put it to work - to show how a reading ofBenjamin can open up issues that may not themselves be immediately at stake in his texts.The defining elements in Benjamin's writings that Andrew Benjamin isolates - history, experience, translation, technical (...)
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    Winfried Menninghaus, Saber de los umbrales. Walter Benjamin y el pasaje del mito.Omar Quijano - 2016 - Dianoia 61 (77):185-188.
    Resumen: Este texto consiste básicamente en una presentación general de la corriente filosófica del nuevo realismo surgida en 2007 y en la que participan autores europeos y norteamericanos. Un punto en común de las diversas posiciones dentro de esta corriente es el deslinde crítico frente a la filosofía posmoderna y a la filosofía moderna en general. Explico esta crítica y sus implicaciones para la posibilidad de un restablecimiento en la filosofía contemporánea del pensamiento metafísico.: This text is basically an overview (...)
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    The Experience of Modernity. Shock and Melancholy in Walter Benjamin.Natalia Taccetta - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):107-133.
    If modernity involves a view through which it is possible to read the uninterrupted historical continuity of social utopia and the harmony of class and the progress of the 19th century, it is fundamental to explore what is the other face of this fantasy of progress that places the individual in modernity in a situation of depression and debt, inasmuch as those promises are never fully fulfilled. Walter Benjamin builds his idea of history rethinking this legacy. He imagines the (...)
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  31. The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility, and other writings on media.Walter Benjamin - 2008 - Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Edited by Michael William Jennings, Brigid Doherty, Thomas Y. Levin & E. F. N. Jephcott.
    In this essay the visual arts of the machine age morph into literature and theory and then back again to images, gestures, and thought.
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    Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences.Louis Althusser - 2016 - Columbia University Press.
    What can psychoanalysis, a psychological approach developed more than a century ago, offer us in an age of rapidly evolving, hard-to-categorize ideas of sexuality and the self? Should we abandon Freud's theories completely or adapt them to new findings and the new relationships taking shape in modern liberal societies? In a remarkably prescient series of lectures delivered in the early 1960s, the French philosopher Louis Althusser anticipated the challenges that psychoanalytic theory would face as politics moved away from structuralist (...)
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  33. The Generic Unmasked: Reproducibility and Profanation.Ekin Erkan - 2019 - Triple Ampersand 8:5.
    Walter Benjamin’s oft-quoted 1936 essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility” advances the claim that, for the first time in history, the “function” of the work of art is political, as evidenced by cinema. For Benjamin, film is the “first art form whose artistic character is entirely determined by its reproducibility” and Giorgio Agamben, a contemporary Benjaminian philosopher, further elucidates this “function,” positing that cinema essentially ranks with ethics and politics, not solely with aesthetics, (...)
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    Origin of the German Trauerspiel.Walter Benjamin - 2018 - Harvard University Press.
    Origin of the German Trauerspiel was Walter Benjamin's first full, historically oriented analysis of modernity. Readers of English know it as "The Origin of German Tragic Drama," but in fact the subject is something else--the play of mourning. Howard Eiland's completely new English translation, the first since 1977, is closer to the German text and more consistent with Benjamin's philosophical idiom. Focusing on the extravagant seventeenth-century theatrical genre of the trauerspiel, precursor of the opera, Benjamin identifies allegory as the (...)
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  35. The Primitivist Critique of Modernity: Carl Einstein and Walter Benjamin.David Pan - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2001 (119):41-57.
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    Toward the critique of violence: a critical edition.Walter Benjamin - 2019 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Peter D. Fenves & Julia Ng.
    Marking the centenary of Walter Benjamin's immensely influential essay, "Toward the Critique of Violence," this critical edition presents readers with an altogether new, fully annotated translation of a work that is widely recognized as a classic of modern political theory. The volume includes twenty-one notes and fragments by Benjamin along with passages from all of the contemporaneous texts to which his essay refers. Readers thus encounter for the first time in English provocative arguments about law and violence advanced by (...)
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    Kapitalismus: Kult einer tödlichen Verschuldung: Walter Benjamins prophetisches Erbe.Kuno Füssel, Michael Ramminger & Walter Benjamin (eds.) - 2021 - Münster: Edition ITP-Kompass, Institut für Theologie und Politik.
    Es sind in diesem Jahr 2021 genau hundert Jahre her, dass Walter Benjamin 1921 in einem Fragment mit dem Titel "Kapitalismus als Religion", der zunächst nicht zur Publikation gedacht war, mit prophetischer Klarheit entscheidende Grundzüge des Kapitalismus benannte. Dieses Fragment gelangte seitdem nicht nur zu einer grossen Berühmtheit, sondern gewann auch an Aktualität immer mehr dazu. Die hier anlässlich dieses Jubiläums versammelten Beiträge versuchen, den von W. Benjamin mit seinem Text durch das komplexe Universum der kapitalistischen Moderne geöffneten Bahnen (...)
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    The Complete Correspondence, 1928-1940.Theodor W. Adorno & Walter Benjamin - 1999 - Cambridge, Mass.: Polity Press in Association with Blackwell Publishing. Edited by Henri Lonitz.
    Each had met his match, and happily, in the other. This book is the story of an elective affinity.
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    Matter And Light - The New Physics.Louis de Broglie & Walter Henry Johnston - 1946 - Read Books.
    MATTER AND LIGHT The New Physics By LOUIS DE BROGLIE. Originally published in 1937. TRANSLATORS NOTE: THE Author has in certain places modified the original French text for the English translation, for the sake of greater cohesion, and has also revised some passages, in order to bring them into accord with the results of later research. Occasional Translators Notes are shown in square brackets. The chapter on The Undulatory Aspects of the Electron has the special historical interest of having (...)
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    Walter Benjamin and the Antinomies of Tradition.John McCole - 2018 - Cornell University Press.
    Few modern thinkers have been as convinced of the necessity of recovering the past in order to redeem the present as Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). Benjamin at once mourned and celebrated what he took to be an inevitable liquidation of traditional culture, and his determination to think both of these attitudes through to their conclusions lends his work its peculiar honesty, along with its paradoxical, antinomial coherence. In a landmark interpretation of the whole of Benjamin's career, John McCole demonstrates a (...)
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    Guy Debord.Anselm Jappe - 1999 - University of California Press.
    This is the first serious intellectual biography of Guy Debord, prime mover of the Situationist International (1957-1972) and author of _The Society of the Spectacle_, perhaps the seminal book of May 1968 in France. Anselm Jappe rejects recent attempts to set Debord up as a "postmodern" icon, arguing that he was a social theorist in the Hegelian-Marxist tradition—not a precursor of Jean Baudrillard but an heir of the young Georg Lukács of _History and Class Consciousness _(1923). Neither hagiographical nor sectarian, (...)
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    The Remembrance of Things Past: On Aby M. Warburg and Walter Benjamin.Matthew Rampley - 2000 - Otto Harrassowitz Verlag.
    The art historian Aby M. Warburg and the philosopher Walter Benjamin are widely respected as two of the most significant cultural theorists of the twentieth century. Their common interests in historiography, the function of collective memory, and the relation of modern society to earlier stages of human social existence, were important examples of the attempt to articulate, analyse and represent the experience of modernity. Drawing on a variety of discourses from aesthetics, art history, anthropology and psychology, they presented an (...)
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    Imaginary Communities: Utopia, the Nation, and the Spatial Histories of Modernity.Phillip Wegner - 2002 - University of California Press.
    Drawing from literary history, social theory, and political critique, this far-reaching study explores the utopian narrative as a medium for understanding the social space of the modern nation-state. Considering the narrative utopia from its earliest manifestation in Thomas More's sixteenth-century work _Utopia _to some of the most influential utopias of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this book is an astute study of a literary genre as well as a nuanced dialectical meditation on the history of utopian thinking as a (...)
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    Walter Benjamin: History, experience, and modernity.Mario Alejandro Molano - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (154):165-190.
    Desde finales del siglo XX, las investigaciones sobre modernidad, orientadas hacia distintos segmentos del campo cultural, han venido ganando un enorme terreno. Las obras de Walter Benjamin, leídas en esta perspectiva, cobran un gran valor. Se busca explorar cuatro temas benjaminianos: a) algunos aspectos de su concepto de historia; b) el concepto de experiencia, para mostrar su dimensión histórico-crítica con respecto al ascenso de la cultura moderna; c) las afinidades entre el modo en que se desarrolla la visión alegórica (...)
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    The redemption of experience: On Walter Benjamin’s ‘hermeneutical materialism’.Benjamin Loveluck - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (2):167-188.
    The aim of this article is to show how philosopher and critic Walter Benjamin related to the hermeneutical tradition — and tried to move beyond it by ‘redeeming’ human experience, while avoiding the pitfalls of the philosophy of ‘authenticity’. Though convinced that questions relating to historicity were central to any understanding of modern human experience, Benjamin explicitly rejected the Heideggerian alternative, and chose a path closer to Hans-Georg Gadamer’s. He attempted to combine theological interpretation with dialectical materialism, always grounding (...)
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  46. Gestural Cinema?, on two texts by Giorgio Agamben, 'Notes on Gesture' (1992) and 'Difference and Repetition: On Guy Debord's Films' (1995). [REVIEW]Benjamin Noys - 2004 - Film-Philosophy 8 (2).
    Gilles Deleuze's two-volume theory of film, _Cinema 1: The Movement-Image_ and _Cinema 2: The Time-Image_, have slowly been making an impact on Anglo-American film studies. The special issue of _Film-Philosophy_ on his work (vol. 5, 2001) and David Rodowick's excellent introduction, _Gilles Deleuze's Time Machine_ (1997), are just two signs, among many, of the growing interest in Deleuze's writings on cinema. His work has also inspired the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben to propose a new theory of film that significantly departs (...)
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    Guy Debord: Revolution in the Service of Poetry.Robert Bononno (ed.) - 2006 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Writer, artist, filmmaker, provocateur, revolutionary, and impresario of the Situationist International, Guy Debord shunned the apparatus of publicity he dissected so brilliantly in his most influential work, _The Society of the Spectacle_. In this ambitious and innovative biography, Vincent Kaufmann places Debord's very hostility toward the inquisitive, biographical gaze at the center of an investigation into his subject's diverse output-from his earliest films to his landmark works of social theory and political provocation-and the poetic sensibility that informed both his work (...)
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    The Point of View for My Work as an Author: A Report to History, and Related Writings.Søen Kierkegaard, Walter Lowrie & Benjamin Nelson - 1962 - Harper & Row.
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    Louis Althusser und das politische Denken der Frühen Neuzeit: Zwischen Marx und der postmarxistischen Theorie.Sebastian Neubauer - 2023 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    Louis Althusser is the blemish on the field of political theory. His barely explored and partly forgotten contributions are nonetheless formative for contemporary critical thought. Interestingly, at their very core his interventions are based on his own extensive readings of early modern political thought. Therefore, this study traces Althusser's readings of Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Montesquieu and is the first to do so. Building on this, the study demonstrates how Althusser's new foundation of Marxism, which is very much (...)
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    Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture.Louis K. Dupré - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture_ describes and analyzes changing attitudes toward religion during three stages of modern European culture: the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Romantic period. Louis Dupré is an expert guide to the complex historical and intellectual relation between religion and modern culture. Dupré begins by tracing the weakening of the Christian synthesis. At the end of the Middle Ages intellectual attitudes toward religion began to change. Theology, once the dominant science that had integrated all (...)
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