Results for 'Guus Smeets'

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  1.  18
    Motivational Mindsets and Reasons for Studying: Development and Validation of a Classification Tool.Job Hudig, Ad W. A. Scheepers, Michaéla C. Schippers & Guus Smeets - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    First-year university students have multiple motives for studying and these motives may interact. Yet, past research has primarily focused on a variable-centered, dimensional approach missing out on the possibility to study the joint effect of multiple motives that students may have. Examining the interplay between motives is key to better explain student differences in study success and wellbeing, and to understand different effects that interventions can have in terms of wellbeing and study success. We therefore applied a student-centered, multidimensional approach (...)
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    Motives for Studying and Student Wellbeing: Validation of the Motivational Mindset Model.Job Hudig, Ad W. A. Scheepers, Michaéla C. Schippers & Guus Smeets - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research on the joint effect of multiple motives for studying was recently given a push in a new direction with the introduction of the motivational mindset model. This model contributes to a better understanding of study success and student wellbeing in higher education. The aim of the present study is to validate the newly developed model and the associated mindset classification tool. To this end, 662 first-year university students were classified in one of the four types of motivational mindset using (...)
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    Locally Orderable Structures.Guus Broesterhuizen - 1982 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 28 (1-3):7-14.
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    Identities and indiscernibility.Guus Broesterhuizen & J. Wierzejewski - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (4):592-605.
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    Two joints are more than twice one joint.Jeroen B. J. Smeets - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):779-780.
    An alternative multi-joint extension to the lambda model is proposed. According to this extension, the activity of a muscle depends not only on the difference between lambda and length of that muscle, but also on the difference between lambda and length of other muscles. This 2-D extension can describe more neurophysiological experiments than the extension proposed in the target article.
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  6. Why critical realists ought to be transcendental idealists.Guus Duindam - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (3):297-307.
    In A Realist Theory of Science, Roy Bhaskar provides several transcendental arguments for critical realism – a position Bhaskar himself characterized as transcendental realism. Bhaskar provides an argument from perception and from the intelligibility of scientific experimentation, maintaining that transcendental realism is necessary for both. I argue that neither argument succeeds, and that transcendental idealism can better vindicate scientific practice than Bhaskar’s realism. Bhaskar’s arguments against the Kantian view fail, for they misrepresent the transcendental idealist position. I conclude that, if (...)
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  7. Freedom and dispositions.Guus Labooy - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3.
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  8. Why Time is In Your Mind.Guus Duindam - 2022 - In Heather Wilburn, Philosophical Thought Across Cultures and Throughout the Ages.
    In this chapter aimed at undergraduate philosophy students, I provide a brief and simple introduction to Kant's transcendental idealism and explain the argument of his First Antinomy.
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  9. Deriving Positive Duties from Kant's Formula of Universal Law.Guus Duindam - 2023 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 40 (3):191-201.
    According to the objection from positive duties, Kant's Formula of Universal Law is flawed because it cannot be used to derive any affirmative moral requirements. This paper offers a response to that objection and proposes a novel way to derive positive duties from Kant's formula. The Formula of Universal Law yields positive duties to adopt our own perfection and others’ happiness as ends because we could not rationally fail to will those ends as universal ends.
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  10. Waar geest is, is vrijheid.Guus Labooy - 2008 - Ars Disputandi 8:1566-5399.
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    Ricardo's discursive demarcations: a Foucauldian study of the formation of the economy as an object of knowledge.Guus Dix - 2014 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 7 (2):1.
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    Hegel en het tekort van de Duitse sociologie.Guus Dix - 2006 - Krisis 7 (4):59-65.
  13.  38
    In search of good care: the methodology of phenomenological, theory-oriented ‘N=N case studies’ in empirically grounded ethics of care.Guus Timmerman, Andries Baart & Frans Vosman - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):573-582.
    This paper proposes a new perspective on the methodology of qualitative inquiry in ethics, especially the interaction between empirical work and theory development, and introduces standards to evaluate the quality of this inquiry and its findings. The kind of qualitative inquiry the authors are proposing brings to light what participants in practices of care and welfare do and refrain from doing, and what they undergo, in order to offer ‘stepping stones’, political-ethical insights that originate in the practice studied and enable (...)
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  14.  22
    Het onbehagen van juf Ank: Over veiligheid en vertrouwen in roerige tijden, written by Ronald van Steden.Marnix Eysink Smeets - 2024 - Philosophia Reformata 89 (1):121-124.
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  15. On the Doctrine of Elements and the Demands of Kantian Virtue.Guus Duindam - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
    In the Doctrine of Virtue, Kant develops an elaborate virtue ethics grounded in two ends that are also duties: our own perfection and the happiness of others. Kant says apparently inconsistent things about the nature of these duties, however, leaving ambiguous precisely what the demands of Kantian virtue are. In the Doctrine of Virtue, Kant says that duties of virtue govern only our freedom to set ends, not our freedom of action; that such duties are not coercively enforceable; and that (...)
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  16. Is judging time-to-contact based on'tail'?Jeroen Bj Smeets, Eli Brenner, Sonia Trebuchet & Daniel R. Mestre - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 583-590.
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    Duns Scotus on Atonement and Penance.Guus H. Labooy & P. M. Wisse - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (5):940-951.
    In this historical contribution, we assess Duns Scotus’s analysis of atonement (Commentary on the Sentences bk. III). We also include a partial exploration of his analysis of penance (Sentences bk. IV), because certain topics which we tend to discuss within atonement-theory, for example the analysis of the virtue of punishment, pertained to the subject of penance for Scotus. In recent scholarship, Andrew Rosato has argued that Scotus adapted the Anselmian non-penal view of Christ’s substitutionary satisfaction to the penal understanding of (...)
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  18. In defence of transcendental idealism: reply to McWherter.Guus Duindam - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (5):514-518.
    I recently argued that critical realists ought to adopt transcendental idealism in favour of Bhaskar’s transcendental realism. In response, Dustin McWherter presents two arguments against transcendental idealism: it is inferior to transcendental realism because it cannot account for the epistemic significance of experimentation, and it is internally inconsistent because it affirms the existence of things-in-themselves. This brief reply defends transcendental idealism against both objections.
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    Duns Scotus’ univocity: applied to the debate on phenomenological theology.Guus H. Labooy - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76 (1):53-73.
    Scotus’ theory of univocity is described: his exact definition of univocity and his view of transcendental concepts that are ‘simply simple’. These concepts are said to be univocally applied to God and creatures. Next, we describe Scotus’ views on univocity in ‘being’ and the precise meaning of the infinite and finite ‘mode’ of being. Finally, we apply these results to work of Heidegger and Marion. It appears that they had an insufficient grasp of the intricacies of Scotus’ theory of univocity (...)
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    Act en potentie in de metaphysica van Aristoteles.Albert Smeets - 1952 - Leuven,:
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    Governing by carrot and stick: a genealogy of the incentive.Guus Dix - 2014 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 7 (2):185.
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  22.  27
    The continuing formation of relational caring professionals.Guus Timmerman & Andries Baart - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):587-602.
    Learning to work as a relational caring professional in healthcare and social welfare, is foremost a process of transformative learning, of Building, of professional subjectification. In this article we contribute to the design of such a process of formation by presenting a structured map of five domains of formational goals. It is mainly informed by many years of care-ethical research and training of professionals in healthcare and social work. The five formational domains are:Relational Caring Approach,Perception,Knowledge,Interpretation, andPractical Wisdom. The formation process, (...)
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    Cultivating quality awareness in corona times.Guus Timmerman, Andries Baart & Jan den Bakker - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (2):189-204.
    The Covid-19 pandemic is a tragedy for those who have been hard hit worldwide. At the same time, it is also a test of concepts and practices of what good care is and requires, and how quality of care can be accounted for. In this paper, we present our Care-Ethical Model of Quality Enquiry (CEMQUE) and apply it to the case of residential care for older people in the Netherlands during the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of thinking about care in healthcare (...)
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  24.  29
    Stability relative to what?Jeroen B. J. Smeets & Eli Brenner - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):277-278.
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  25. Freedom and neurobiology: A scotistic account.Guus Labooy - 2004 - Zygon 39 (4):919-932.
    With the aid of some Scotistic conceptual distinctions, I develop a way of meeting the apparent deterministic sway of neurobiology. I make a careful distinction between formal and material freedom. Formal freedom, the ability to will or not to will a certain state of affairs regardless of whether it can be effectuated, remains, even if our material freedom to effectuate it is hampered by neurobiological mechanisms. These conceptual findings are linked with contemporary empirical research on obsessive-compulsive disorder and the possibility (...)
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  26.  7
    Act en potentie in de metaphysica van Aristoteles.Albert Smeets - 1952 - Leuven,:
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  27.  42
    The absence of representations causes inconsistencies in visual perception.Jeroen B. J. Smeets & Eli Brenner - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):1006-1006.
    In their target article, O'Regan & Noë (O&N) give convincing arguments for there being no elaborate internal representation of the outside world. We show two more categories of empirical results that can easily be understood within the view that the world serves as an outside memory that is probed only when specific information is needed.
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    The mechanisms responsible for the flash-lag effect cannot provide the motor prediction that we need in daily life.Jeroen B. J. Smeets & Eli Brenner - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):215-216.
    The visual prediction that Nijhawan proposes cannot explain why the flash-lag effect depends on what happens after the flash. Moreover, using a visual prediction based on retinal image motion to compensate for neuronal time delays will seldom be of any use for motor control, because one normally pursues objects with which one intends to interact with ones eyes.
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  29. UNESCO, intangible heritage and sustainable development-the reorientation of a convention.Rieks Smeets - 2024 - In Chiara Bortolotto & Ahmed Skounti, Intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development: inside a UNESCO Convention. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Flashbacks, intrusions, mind-wandering – Instances of an involuntary memory spectrum: A commentary on Takarangi, Strange, and Lindsay.Thomas Meyer, Henry Otgaar & Tom Smeets - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:24-29.
  31.  55
    Fantasy proneness, but not self-reported trauma is related to DRM performance of women reporting recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse.Elke Geraerts, Elke Smeets, Marko Jelicic, Jaap van Heerden & Harald Merckelbach - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):602-612.
    Extending a strategy previously used by Clancy, Schacter, McNally, and Pitman , we administered a neutral and a trauma-related version of the Deese–Roediger–McDermott paradigm to a sample of women reporting recovered or repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse , women reporting having always remembered their abuse , and women reporting no history of abuse . We found that individuals reporting recovered memories of CSA are more prone than other participants to falsely recalling and recognizing neutral words that were never presented. (...)
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  32.  47
    We are better off without perfect perception.Eli Brenner & Jeroen B. J. Smeets - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):215-216.
    Stoffregen & Bardy's target article is based on the assumption that our senses' ultimate purpose is to provide us with perfect information about the outside world. We argue that it is often more important that information be available quickly than that it be perfect. Consequently our nervous system processes different aspects of information about our surrounding as separately as possible. The separation is not between the senses, but between separate aspects of our surrounding. This results in inconsistencies between judgments: sometimes (...)
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    Respect for Autonomy and Authenticity.Guus Timmerman - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (2):309-341.
    Respect for personal autonomy and authenticity is a very important principle in late modern political and applied ethics. In the context of medicine and nursing, for example, a great deal of ethical research is devoted to this principle, both theoretical and empirical, raising many hotly debated questions, both conceptual – on the concepts of autonomy and authenticity – practical – on the application of the principle of respect for autonomy and authenticity – and methodological – on using empirical methods in (...)
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    On Bayne and Chalmers’ Phenomenal Unity Thesis.Guus Duindam - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (3):935-945.
    According to the Phenomenal Unity Thesis (“PUT”) – most prominently defended by Tim Bayne and David Chalmers – necessarily, any set of phenomenal states of a subject at a time is phenomenally unified. The standard formulation of this thesis is unacceptably vague because it does not specify what it is to be a subject. In this paper, I first consider possible meanings for ‘subject’ as used in PUT and argue that every plausible candidate definition renders the thesis trivially true. I (...)
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  35. On the Singularity of the Categorical Imperative.Guus Duindam - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (1):165-173.
    Kant famously claims that there is only a single supreme principle of morality: the Categorical Imperative. This claim is often treated with skepticism. After all, Kant proceeds to provide no fewer than six formulations of this purportedly single supreme principle—formulations which appear to differ significantly. But appearances can be deceptive. In this paper, I argue that Kant was right. There is only a single Categorical Imperative, and each of its formulations expresses the very same moral principle.
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    The potential of 3D‐FISH and super‐resolution structured illumination microscopy for studies of 3D nuclear architecture.Yolanda Markaki, Daniel Smeets, Susanne Fiedler, Volker J. Schmid, Lothar Schermelleh, Thomas Cremer & Marion Cremer - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (5):412-426.
    Three‐dimensional structured illumination microscopy (3D‐SIM) has opened up new possibilities to study nuclear architecture at the ultrastructural level down to the ∼100 nm range. We present first results and assess the potential using 3D‐SIM in combination with 3D fluorescence in situ hybridization (3D‐FISH) for the topographical analysis of defined nuclear targets. Our study also deals with the concern that artifacts produced by FISH may counteract the gain in resolution. We address the topography of DAPI‐stained DNA in nuclei before and after (...)
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  37. Bhaskar Contra Kant.Guus Duindam - 2017 - Understanding Society.
  38. Judicial Incoherence, Capital Punishment, and the Legalization of Torture.Guus Duindam - 2019 - Georgetown Law Journal Online 108 (74).
    This brief essay responds to the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Bucklew v. Precythe. It contends that the argument relied upon by the Court in that decision, as well as in Glossip v. Gross, is either trivial or demonstrably invalid. Hence, this essay provides a nonmoral reason to oppose the Court’s recent capital punishment decisions. The Court’s position that petitioners seeking to challenge a method of execution must identify a readily available and feasible alternative execution protocol is untenable, and must (...)
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    Manipulating memory associations changes decision-making preferences in a preconditioning task.Jianqin Wang, Henry Otgaar, Tom Smeets, Mark L. Howe & Chu Zhou - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 69:103-112.
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    How Can Punishment be Justified? On Kant's Retributivism.Guus Duindam - 2022 - In Heather Wilburn, Philosophical Thought Across Cultures and Throughout the Ages.
    In this brief chapter aimed at undergraduates, I examine theories of punishment and provide an introduction to Kant's retributivism.
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    An Interpretation and Defense of the Supreme Principle of Morality.Guus Duindam - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
    According to Kant, the supreme principle of morality is: “act only according to that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law” (G 4:421). This principle has come to be known as the Formula of Universal Law (“FUL”). Few philosophers believe it succeeds. But, I argue, few philosophers have understood what FUL means. This dissertation offers a full defense of FUL. It is, in fact, the supreme principle of morality—and it can successfully (...)
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  42. Primary teachers' attitudes towards science: A new theoretical framework.Lieke Asma, Sandra van Aalderen - Smeets & Juliette Walma van der Molen - 2012 - Science Education 1 (96):158–182.
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    Bookreviews.P. C. Beentjes, Arnold Smeets, Th Bell, Rob Faesen, Ton Meijers, Edwin Koster, Péter Losonczi & H. Rikhof - 2010 - Bijdragen 71 (2):220-231.
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    Proust revisited: Odours as triggers of aversive memories.Marieke B. J. Toffolo, Monique A. M. Smeets & Marcel A. van den Hout - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):83-92.
  45.  21
    Over de tweede bijbelkwestie.Guus van Hemert - 1960 - Bijdragen 21 (1):1-19.
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    Expanding Research Integrity: A Cultural-Practice Perspective.Govert Valkenburg, Guus Dix, Joeri Tijdink & Sarah de Rijcke - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-23.
    Research integrity is usually discussed in terms of responsibilities that individual researchers bear towards the scientific work they conduct, as well as responsibilities that institutions have to enable those individual researchers to do so. In addition to these two bearers of responsibility, a third category often surfaces, which is variably referred to as culture and practice. These notions merit further development beyond a residual category that is to contain everything that is not covered by attributions to individuals and institutions. This (...)
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  47.  14
    Keep Calm and Carry On: The Relations Between Narrative Coherence, Trauma, Social Support, Psychological Well-Being, and Cortisol Responses.Lauranne Vanaken, Tom Smeets, Patricia Bijttebier & Dirk Hermans - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In order to explain trauma resilience, previous research has been investigating possible risk and protective factors, both on an individual and a contextual level. In this experimental study, we examined narrative coherence and social support in relation to trauma resilience. Participants were asked to write about a turning point memory, after which they did the Maastricht Acute Stress Test, our lab analog of a traumatic event. Following, half of the participants received social support, whereas the other half did not. Afterwards, (...)
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  48. ThinkingJewellery : a process = SchmuckDenken : ein Prozess.Lothar Brügel, Ute Eitzenhöfer & Theo Smeets - 2011 - In Wilhelm Lindemann & Joan Clough, Thinkingjewellery: On the Way Towards a Theory of Jewellery = Schmuckdenken: Unterwegs Zu Einer Theorie des Schmucks. Acc Distribution [Distributor].
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    The classification of recovered memories: A cautionary note.Linsey Raymaekers, Tom Smeets, Maarten Jv Peters, Henry Otgaar & Harald Merckelbach - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (4):1640-1643.
    Traditionally, recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse have been classified as those emerging spontaneously versus those surfacing during the course of suggestive therapy. There are indications that reinterpretation of memories might be a third route to recovered memories. Thus, recovered memories do not form a homogeneous category. Nevertheless, the conceptual distinctions between the various types of recovered memories remain difficult for researchers and clinicians. With this in mind, the current study explored whether recovered memories can be reliably classified. We found (...)
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  50.  40
    Making researchers responsible: attributions of responsibility and ambiguous notions of culture in research codes of conduct.Govert Valkenburg, Guus Dix, Joeri Tijdink & Sarah de Rijcke - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundResearch codes of conduct offer guidance to researchers with respect to which values should be realized in research practices, how these values are to be realized, and what the respective responsibilities of the individual and the institution are in this. However, the question ofhowthe responsibilities are to be divided between the individual and the institution has hitherto received little attention. We therefore performed an analysis of research codes of conduct to investigate how responsibilities are positioned as individual or institutional, and (...)
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