Guus Labooy [7]Guus H. Labooy [2]
  1. Freedom and dispositions.Guus Labooy - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3.
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  2. Waar geest is, is vrijheid.Guus Labooy - 2008 - Ars Disputandi 8:1566-5399.
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    Duns Scotus on Atonement and Penance.Guus H. Labooy & P. M. Wisse - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (5):940-951.
    In this historical contribution, we assess Duns Scotus’s analysis of atonement (Commentary on the Sentences bk. III). We also include a partial exploration of his analysis of penance (Sentences bk. IV), because certain topics which we tend to discuss within atonement-theory, for example the analysis of the virtue of punishment, pertained to the subject of penance for Scotus. In recent scholarship, Andrew Rosato has argued that Scotus adapted the Anselmian non-penal view of Christ’s substitutionary satisfaction to the penal understanding of (...)
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    Duns Scotus’ univocity: applied to the debate on phenomenological theology.Guus H. Labooy - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76 (1):53-73.
    Scotus’ theory of univocity is described: his exact definition of univocity and his view of transcendental concepts that are ‘simply simple’. These concepts are said to be univocally applied to God and creatures. Next, we describe Scotus’ views on univocity in ‘being’ and the precise meaning of the infinite and finite ‘mode’ of being. Finally, we apply these results to work of Heidegger and Marion. It appears that they had an insufficient grasp of the intricacies of Scotus’ theory of univocity (...)
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  5. Freedom and neurobiology: A scotistic account.Guus Labooy - 2004 - Zygon 39 (4):919-932.
    With the aid of some Scotistic conceptual distinctions, I develop a way of meeting the apparent deterministic sway of neurobiology. I make a careful distinction between formal and material freedom. Formal freedom, the ability to will or not to will a certain state of affairs regardless of whether it can be effectuated, remains, even if our material freedom to effectuate it is hampered by neurobiological mechanisms. These conceptual findings are linked with contemporary empirical research on obsessive-compulsive disorder and the possibility (...)
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