Results for 'Guifang Fu'

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  1.  32
    Artificial Intelligence-Based Family Health Education Public Service System.Jingyi Zhao & Guifang Fu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Family health education is a must for every family, so that children can be taught how to protect their own health. However, in this era of artificial intelligence, many technical operations based on artificial intelligence are born, so the purpose of this study is to apply artificial intelligence technology to family health education. This paper proposes a fusion of artificial intelligence and IoT technologies. Based on the characteristics of artificial intelligence technology, it combines ZigBee technology and RFID technology in the (...)
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    Fu Peirong guo xue de tian kong.Peirong Fu - 2009 - Xi'an: Shanxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Pan Fu'en zi xuan ji =.Fu'en Pan - 1999 - Chongqing: Chongqing chu ban she.
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    Culture and morality: essays in honour of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf.Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf & Adrian C. Mayer (eds.) - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Zheng ju fa jing yao =.Guifang Wang - 2015 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  6. Qian fu lun.Fu Wang - 2008 - Kaifeng Shi: Henan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Jian Wang.
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    Zhuangzi de zhi hui: Fu Peirong "Zhuangzi" xin de.Peirong Fu - 2009 - Hefei: Huang shan shu she.
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    Fu Peirong zong jiao zhe xue shi si jiang =.Peirong Fu - 2018 - Xinbei Shi: Li xu wen hua shi ye you xian gong si.
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  9. Fu Shan Xunzi Huainanzi ping zhu shou gao.Shan Fu - 1990 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Liancheng Wu & Xunzi.
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    Ting Fu Peirong jiang guo xue: chong su xian dai ren de xin ling.Peirong Fu - 2008 - Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
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    Ḥawlīyāt Najīb Maḥfūẓ: al-dīn wa-al-falsafah wa-al-thaqāfah.Najīb Maḥfūẓ - 2019 - al-Qāhirah: al-Dār al-Miṣrīyah al-Lubnānīyah. Edited by Muṣṭafá ʻIbādah.
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  12. Implicit sequence learning and conscious awareness.Qiufang Fu, Xiaolan Fu & Zoltán Dienes - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):185-202.
    This paper uses the Process Dissociation Procedure to explore whether people can acquire unconscious knowledge in the serial reaction time task [Destrebecqz, A., & Cleeremans, A. . Can sequence learning be implicit? New evidence with the Process Dissociation Procedure. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8, 343–350; Wilkinson, L., & Shanks, D. R. . Intentional control and implicit sequence learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 30, 354–369]. Experiment 1 showed that people generated legal sequences above baseline levels under exclusion (...)
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    Dar just va jū-yi khirad va āzādī: arjnāmah-ʼi ʻIzzat Allāh Fūlādvand.ʻIzzat Allāh Fūlādvand (ed.) - 2017 - [Tihrān]: Intishārāt-i Mīnū-yi Khirad.
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  14. Mit Beiträgen von Peter Fürstenau.Peter Fürstenau & Gerhard Dallmann (eds.) - 1969 - Basel,: Beltz.
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  15.  18
    Fu Xuan "Fuzi" jiao du.Xuan Fu - 2008 - Yinchuan Shi: Ningxia ren min chu ban she. Edited by Kejun Yan, Xinmin Gao & Yun Zhu.
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    Fu Peirong xian Qin ru jia zhe xue shi liu jiang.Peirong Fu - 2018 - Xinbei Shi: Li xu wen hua shi ye you xian gong si.
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  17. Intiqām al-afkār: judhūr al-iʻāqah al-ḥaḍārīyah fī fikr al-Muslimīn.Fuʼād Bannā - 2009 - Ṣanʻāʼ: Muʼassasat Abrār Nāshirūn wa-Muwazziʻūn.
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  18.  95
    Creative hermeneutics: Taoist metaphysics and Heidegger.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu - 1976 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3 (2):115-143.
  19.  17
    The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-fu Lun.Anne Behnke Kinney & Fu Wang - 1990 - Center for Asian Studies Arizona State University.
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  20.  51
    Self-efficacy and Self-control Mediate the Relationship Between Negative Emotions and Attitudes Toward Plagiarism.Kit Wing Fu & Kell S. Tremayne - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):457-477.
    Plagiarism is a problematic issue in universities across the globe (Curtis & Vardanega, 2016 ). This study explored the relationship between negative emotionality and positive attitudes toward plagiarism through the mediation of academic self-efficacy and self-control. Negative emotionality was examined as three components: stress, anxiety, and depression. Self-report surveys were completed by 454 university students to investigate the relationship between negative emotionality and positive attitudes toward plagiarism, as well as the mediating role of academic self-efficacy and self-control in this relationship. (...)
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  21.  42
    A war or merely friction? Examining news reports on the current Sino-U.S. trade dispute in The New York Times and China Daily.Fu Chen & Guofeng Wang - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (1):1-18.
    ABSTRACT The ongoing Sino-U.S. trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies has since 2018 attracted much attention from the international media. This study used the approach of corpus-assisted discourse studies to compare how leading English-language newspapers from each side—The New York Times and China Daily — discursively constructed this issue. The findings indicated that while NYT tended to profile the trade conflict as a ‘war’ in line with mainstream hard-line ideologies that emphasize China’s presumed threat to national security of (...)
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  22.  47
    Against Zangwill’s Extreme Formalism About Inorganic Nature.Min Xu & Guifang Deng - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (1):249-257.
    Extreme formalism is a radical and important position in the aesthetics of inorganic nature. Zangwill offers a new formulation of what formal aesthetic properties are, according to which a formal aesthetic property of a thing is an aesthetic property that is determined merely by its appearance properties. An appearance property of a thing is the way it seems if perceived under certain conditions. With the notion of formal aesthetic properties formulated as such, extreme formalism, the claim that all aesthetic properties (...)
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  23.  51
    The underlying structure of metaphysical language: A case examination of chinese philosophy and Whitehead.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu - 1979 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 6 (4):339-366.
  24. Buddhist ethics and modern society: an international symposium.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu & Sandra Ann Wawrytko (eds.) - 1991 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    This volume offers a comprehensive overview of the status of the Buddhist tradition in a contemporary and global context. Buddhist experts from several Asian and Western nations address a number of ethical problems from the Buddhist perspective, including medical and environmental ethics, feminism, the social impacts of materialism, and ethnic minorities. All major schools of Buddhism are represented--Mahayana, Theravada, and Vajrayana--as well as a variety of sects such as Ch'an/Zen, Lojong, and Pure Land.
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  25. Morals and merit: a study of values and social controls in South Asian societies.Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf - 1967 - London,: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
  26.  21
    Can we still be at home? Agnes Heller and China.Fu Qilin - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 165 (1):169-178.
    This paper offers a short history of Agnes Heller’s relationship to China through three aspects: imaginative aesthetic enjoyment, real encounters with Chinese cultural spectacles and actual audiences, and the construction of an academic community through creative dialogue. These discussions suggest that Heller felt at home in China. Although Heller has passed away, a home for us remains in her work through remembering her and engaging further with her writings.
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  27.  43
    Feeling Energized: A Multilevel Model of Spiritual Leadership, Leader Integrity, Relational Energy, and Job Performance.Fu Yang, Jun Liu, Zhen Wang & Yucheng Zhang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):983-997.
    Past research suggests that spiritual leadership plays a pivotal role in enhancing employee job performance, yet we have little understanding of how and when spiritual leadership enhances employee job performance. The present study explores how and when spiritual leadership promotes job performance by examining relational energy as a mediator and leader integrity and relational energy differentiation as boundary conditions. We tested the theoretical model with data gathered across three phases over 12 months from 497 employees and their supervisors in 108 (...)
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  28.  29
    Six theoretical paradigms of Eastern European Marxist aesthetics.Fu Qilin - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):35-56.
    The conceptual and methodological contributions of Marxist aesthetics from Eastern European countries like Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, and East Germany were productive and significant despite various hurdles faced concerning institutionalization, legitimization and differing theoretical abuses. In its mode of inquiry and discursive practices, Eastern European Marxist aesthetics is both similar and dissimilar to its Western, Soviet, Russian and Chinese counterparts. The specificity here is the function of a unique geographical and socio-historical context, as well as interaction with other (...)
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  29. Ke xue qian yan di zhe xue tan suo.Shixia Fu (ed.) - 1983 - Shenyang: Liaoning sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  30.  68
    Confucianism, marxism-leninism and Mao: A critical study.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu - 1974 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1 (3-4):339-371.
  31.  41
    On Teitelman’s Pragmatist-Marxist Critique of The Meta-Theory of Justice.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu - 1978 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 5 (3):249-254.
  32. Ḥaqāʾiq al-wujūd.Fuʾād Kāmil Qadah - unknown
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  33.  21
    Social-Market Hybridity in Social Ventures: Scale Development and Validation.Jiawei Sophia Fu - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (2):452-486.
    Growing research suggests social ventures (SVs) variably combine social and profit orientations in core organizational features, and this variation in hybridity leads to divergent organizational dynamics and outcomes. However, no comprehensive and precise measurement scale has emerged to capture the varying degrees of hybridity across SVs. To advance theory and empirical research, this study presents an instrument for assessing how organizational actors perceive the degree to which social and market logics are (a) compatible and (b) central to organizational functioning. An (...)
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  34.  28
    Rejoinder to professor Howard Parsons' critical remarks.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu - 1975 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2 (4):447-454.
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  35. To Study Marxism with Marx's Academic Spirit.Xu Chang-fu - forthcoming - Modern Philosophy.
  36.  34
    Applying the M2 Statistic to Evaluate the Fit of Diagnostic Classification Models in the Presence of Attribute Hierarchies.Fu Chen, Yanlou Liu, Tao Xin & Ying Cui - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Historische Phantasie und praktische Vernunft: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Diltheys Theorie historischer Rationalität.Günther Fütterer - 1985 - Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
  38.  31
    The Conference on Eastern European Marxist Aesthetics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, November 2016. Abstracts from Proceedings.Fu Qilin & Peter Beilharz - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 142 (1):56-68.
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  39. Farewell to 'legal positivism': The separation thesis unravelling.Klaus Füβer - 1996 - In Robert P. George, The autonomy of law: essays on legal positivism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 119--62.
    H. L. A Hart complained about the ambiguity of legal positivism, and proposed a definition that refers to particular explications of the concept of law, to certain theories of legal interpretation, to particular views on the moral problem of a duty to obey the law, and to a sceptical position with regard to the meta-ethical issue of the possibility of moral knowledge. It is said to be restricted to the Thesis of Separation — the contention that there is no necessary (...)
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  40.  67
    Can unconscious knowledge allow control in sequence learning?Qiufang Fu, Zoltán Dienes & Xiaolan Fu - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):462-474.
    This paper investigates the conscious status of both the knowledge that an item is legal and the knowledge of why it is legal in sequence learning. We compared ability to control use of knowledge with stated awareness of the knowledge as measures of the conscious status of knowledge. Experiment 1 showed that when people could control use of judgment knowledge they were indeed conscious of having that knowledge according to their own statements. Yet Experiment 2 showed that people could exert (...)
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  41.  34
    Death and Help Expected from Nurses when Dying.Fu-Jin Shih, Meei-Ling Gau, Yaw-Sheng Lin, Suang-Jing Pong & Hung-Ru Lin - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):360-375.
    This project was undertaken to ascertain the perceptions of a group of Taiwan’s fourth-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) students regarding death and help expected from nurses during the dying process. Within the Chinese culture, death is one of the most important life issues. However, in many Chinese societies it is difficult for people to reveal their deepest feelings to their significant others or loved ones. It was in this context that this project was developed because little is known (...)
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  42.  57
    The mencian theory of mind (hsin)a and nature (hsing)b: A modern, philosophical approach.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu - 1983 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 10 (4):385-410.
  43.  69
    Intentional control based on familiarity in artificial grammar learning.Lulu Wan, Zoltán Dienes & Xiaolan Fu - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1209-1218.
    It is commonly held that implicit learning is based largely on familiarity. It is also commonly held that familiarity is not affected by intentions. It follows that people should not be able to use familiarity to distinguish strings from two different implicitly learned grammars. In two experiments, subjects were trained on two grammars and then asked to endorse strings from only one of the grammars. Subjects also rated how familiar each string felt and reported whether or not they used familiarity (...)
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  44.  8
    De xing jun wang lun: " Panguzi shuo Mengzi " di 1 juan.Fu Chen - 2007 - Taibei Shi: Tangshan chu ban she.
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    Editorial: The Role of Psychological Capital in Entrepreneurial Contexts.Fu-Sheng Tsai, Karen M. Leonard & Shalini Srivastava - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Some Random Comments on Hu Shi's Friendships.Fu Anming - 2007 - Chinese Studies in History 40 (3):3-33.
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    Marxism-leninism-maoism as an ethical theory.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu - 1978 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 5 (4):343-362.
  48. Kitāb al-durrah al-bahīyah fī al-akhlāqīyah al-dīnīyah.ʻAlī Maḥfūẓ - 1912 - Miṣr: al-Maṭbaʻah al-Ḥasanīyah. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
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    The Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction on Ethical Behavior of Chinese Employees.Weihui Fu - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (1):137-144.
    This study examines the impact of various factors on ethical behavior of 507 employees working for three state-owned Chinese firms. Regulation of one’s emotions had a significant positive impact on ethical behavior of respondents. Organizational commitment also had a significant positive impact on ethical behavior of the respondents. Among various facets of job satisfaction, satisfaction with promotion, coworker, and supervision had a significant positive impact on ethical behavior of respondents. Among control variables, age of the employee had a significant negative (...)
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  50.  39
    High-resolution transmission electron microscopy study of crystallography and morphology of TiC precipitates in tempered steel.Fu-Gao Wei, Toru Hara & Kaneaki Tsuzaki - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (17):1735-1751.
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