Results for 'Guide-narrator'

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  1.  27
    The Pictorial Narrator.Vanessa Brassey - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 60 (1):55-70.
    In our everyday discourse we make frequent reference to pictorial narratives. We exclaim on the hunt scene in the cave painting, the frenzy unfolding in the graffiti, the adventure of the baby in the book illustration, and the disintegration of a marriage in the oil painting. Yet a more precise question concerning narrators and their relation to these so-called pictorial narratives remains overlooked. Theoretical debates in narratology are still primarily focused on literary narratives and so pictures remain relatively neglected as (...)
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    Narrating the Environmental Apocalypse: How Imagining the End Facilitates Moral Reasoning Among Environmental Activists.Robin Globus Veldman - 2012 - Ethics and the Environment 17 (1):1-23.
    Often assumed to induce fatalism, empirical evidence shows that environmental apocalypticism is frequently associated with activism. I suggest this is the case because the notion of imminent catastrophe reveals a moral to the environmental story, and in so doing furnishes a point of view from which people can determine what constitutes environmentally ethical behavior. Insofar as it guides behavior, this apocalyptic moral reasoning can be usefully understood as a folk version of consequentialism. Further research on how people put environmental ethics (...)
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    Selves, Interpreters, Narrators.Deborah Knight - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):274-286.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Deborah Knight SELVES, INTERPRETERS, NARRATORS I Autobiography, understood in die standard sense of someone telling or more frequendy writing the story of her life, has been a periodic focus of philosophical attention. Partly this is because philosophers such as Augustine and Rousseau have written some of the classics of the genre. Recendy, interest in autobiography has been renewed among philosophers concerned widi narrative and especially those concerned widi die (...)
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    Narrative and narration: analyzing cinematic storytelling.Warren Buckland - 2020 - New York: Wallflower.
    From mainstream blockbusters to art house cinema, narrative and narration are the driving forces that organize a film. Yet attempts to explain these forces are often mired in notoriously complex terminology and dense theory. Warren Buckland provides a clear and accessible introduction that explains how narrative and narration work using straightforward language. Narrative and Narration distills the basic components of cinematic storytelling into a set of core concepts: narrative structure, processes of narration, and narrative agents. The book opens with a (...)
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    Pediatric Brain Tumors: Narrating Suffering and End-of-Life Decisionmaking.Marije Brouwer, Els Maeckelberghe, Henk-jan ten Brincke, Marloes Meulenbeek-ten Brincke & Eduard Verhagen - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (3):338-345.
    When talking about decisionmaking for children with a life-threatening condition, the death of children with brain tumors deserves special attention. The last days of the lives of these children can be particularly harsh for bystanders, and raise questions about the suffering of these children themselves. In the Netherlands, these children are part of the group for whom a wide range of end-of-life decisions are discussed, and questions raised. What does the end-of-life for these children look like, and what motivates physicians (...)
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  6. The philosophy of the movies : Cinematic narration.Berys Gaut - 2004 - In Peter Kivy (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 230--253.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Some Issues in the Philosophy of Film Film Narration: Symmetry or Asymmetry? The A Priori Argument Three Models of Implicit Cinematic Narrators Absurd Imaginings and Silly Questions Literary Narrators Medium‐Specific Explanations.
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    Reading Voltaire's Contes: A Semiotics of Philosophical Narration.Carol Sherman - 1973 - University of North Carolina Press.
    Questioning a particular tradition of reading, Carol Sherman writes a series of metacritical essays that revise many of our assumptions about Voltaire's stories, substantiate others, and attempt to account for the phenomenon of interpretation for the paradoxical case of fictions that proffer truths. Micromegas, Zadig, Candide, and L'Ingene constantly guide the interpreter to a single reading; nonetheless, these tales deconstruct their premises at the hands of readers who are conscious of their own status as text.
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    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Logic and Divine Simplicity.Anders Kraal - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (8):572-574.
    This guide accompanies the following article: ‘Logic and Divine Simplicity’. Philosophy Compass 6/4 : pp. 282–294, doi: Author’s IntroductionFirst‐order formalizations of classical theistic doctrines are increasingly used in contemporary work in philosophy of religion and philosophical theology, as a means for clarifying the conceptual structure of the doctrines and their role in inferential procedures. But there are a variety of different ways in which such doctrines have been formalized, each representing the doctrines as having different conceptual structures. Moreover, the (...)
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  9. Why Philosophy of Language is Unreliable for Understanding Unreliable Filmic Narration.Marc Champagne - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (2):43-50.
    A typical device in film is to have a character narrating what is going on, but this narration is not always a reliable guide to the events. According to Maier, distortions may be caused by the narrator’s intent, naivety, use of drugs, and/or cognitive disorder/illness. What is common to these various causes, he argues, is the presence of a point of view, which appears in a movie as shots. While this perspective-based account of unreliability covers most cases, I (...)
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    In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics by Daniel Callahan, and: Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to the Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges ed. by John F. Kilner, and: Respecting Life: Theology and Bioethics by Neil Messer.Andrea Vicini - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics by Daniel Callahan, and: Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to the Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges ed. by John F. Kilner, and: Respecting Life: Theology and Bioethics by Neil MesserAndrea Vicini SJIn Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics By Daniel Callahan (edited by Arthur Caplan) CAMBRIDGE, MA: MIT PRESS, 2012. XVII + 206 PP. (...)
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    Features of Greek Satyr Play as a Guide to Interpretation for Plato’s Republic.Noel B. Reynolds - 2012 - Polis 29 (2):234-258.
    The paper borrows from recent work by classicists on satyr play and demonstrates significant parallels between Plato’s Republic and the structure, theme and stereotypical contents that characterize this newly studied genre of ancient Greek drama. Like satyr play, the Republic includes repeated passages where metatheatricality can reverse the meaning. The frequent occurrence of all the stereotypical elements of satyr play in Plato’s Republic also suggests to readers that they should be responding to Socrates’ narration as they would to a satyr (...)
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    Toward a Sunni Consensus on the Rightly Guided Caliphs.I. -Wen Su - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (4):825-849.
    This article studies how the ʿUthmānī position endorsing the first three caliphs, which was embraced by the majority of the ahl al-ḥadīth in the first two centuries of Islam, came to be replaced by the four-caliph thesis. It examines variations in the narrations of different chains of transmission of Ibn ʿUmar’s tradition in relation to the geographical affiliation and movements of the transmitters active in the late eighth and early ninth centuries. The analysis suggests that Ibn ʿUmar’s tradition was present (...)
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    “Alquería Traca Traca” espectáculo inmersivo y multisensorial para invidentes.Irina Verdesoto - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 20 (2):1-10.
    “Alquería Traca Traca” es la actualización de un sainete valenciano a un espectáculo inmersivo y multisensorial. Los objetivos analizan la re-aproximación al teatro presencial en 2021, e identifican las relaciones proxémicas, el distanciamiento social y el uso de las mascarillas. La metodología despliega la teoría del cronotopo artístico literario en tres partes y aplica ocho dimensiones proxémicas. Como resultados, la re-aproximación se da en tiempo lento y convivio del invidente, su acompañante, la narradora-lazarillo y el equipo de apoyo técnico. Los (...)
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    Retired Registered Nurses' Stories About Being in Ethically Difficult Care Situations.Eva Melchert, Gigi Udén & Astrid Norberg - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (2):123-134.
    Twelve retired nurses were asked to narrate a care situation in which it had been difficult for them as nurses to know what was the right and good thing to do. The transcribed interviews were examined by content analyses. Physicians were the central coactors in the nurses’ stories. Colleagues were seldom mentioned. Other ward staff were mainly called ‘the girls’. The patient was central and referred to with respect. All the nurses focused on experiential learning. Guiding ethical principles are listed.
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    Meaning making as a psychoeducational intervention to sustain families struggling with mental health issues.Lucia Zannini & Katia Daniele - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (59):71-82.
    In the psychiatric field, since the first decades of the XX century, some phenomenologically-oriented authors pointed out the importance of gathering patients’ experience of illness and meaning making. In the current literature, a few interventions for people suffering from mental illness and their families/caregivers, aimed at supporting them in making meaning, are available. Yet, also relatives have to confront with the “loss” of mental health in their family, just like patients themselves. Relatives could therefore perceive the need to make meaning (...)
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  16. Processing Narrative Coherence: Towards a top-down model of discourse.Erica Cosentino, Ines Adornetti & Francesco Ferretti - 2013 - Open Access Series in Informatics (OASICS) 32:61-75.
    Models of discourse and narration elaborated within the classical compositional framework have been characterized as bottom-up models, according to which discourse analysis proceeds incrementally, from phrase and sentence local meaning to discourse global meaning. In this paper we will argue against these models. Assuming as a case study the issue of discourse coherence, we suggest that the assessment of coherence is a top-down process, in which the construction of a situational interpretation at the global meaning level guides local meaning analysis. (...)
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    Reading from the middle: Heidegger and the narrative self.Ben Roth - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):746-762.
    Heidegger's Being and Time is an underappreciated venue for pursuing work on the role narrative plays in self‐understanding and self‐constitution, and existing work misses Heidegger's most interesting contribution. Implicit in his account of Dasein (an individual human person) is a notion of the narrative self more compelling than those now on offer. Bringing together an adaptive interpretation of Heidegger's notion of “thrown projection”, Wolfgang Iser's account of “the wandering viewpoint”, and more recent Anglo‐American work on the narrative self, I argue (...)
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  18. An Interview with Lance Olsen.Ben Segal - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):40-43.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 40–43. Lance Olsen is a professor of Writing and Literature at the University of Utah, Chair of the FC2 Board of directors, and, most importantly, author or editor of over twenty books of and about innovative literature. He is one of the true champions of prose as a viable contemporary art form. He has just published Architectures of Possibility (written with Trevor Dodge), a book that—as Olsen's works often do—exceeds the usual boundaries of its genre as it (...)
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    Dream Fact and Real Fiction: The Realization of the Imagined Self.Lain Edgar - 1999 - Anthropology of Consciousness 10 (1):28-42.
    This paper intends to explore the topic of consciousness in relation to the domain of the contemporary dream, its narration and interpretation. "Consciousness" involves the experience and interplay of dream, fantasy and "reality." Hence an ethnography of the dreaming subject involves several interlinked domains: the cultural construction of dream symbolism, dream narration, and dream interpretation within and through a group setting. The paper is based on findings from a recent ethnographic study of dreamwork groups in the U.K. Examples from the (...)
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    Qurān Recitations in Abū ʿAbdirraḥmān ʿAbdullāh b. Yaḥyā al-Yazīdī's Book – Ġarībü’l-Qurʾān and Tefsīruh.Adel Şatla - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):392-420.
    Quranic recitations have attracted great attention from scholars throughout the ages. The recording of Quranic recitations, whether in special works, tafsir or hadith works, began in the early periods of Islamic history. This study aims to introduce Ibn al-Yazidi, Abu Abdurrahman al-Yazidi (d. 237 AH) and to examine his approach to presenting and guiding Quranic recitations in his book “Gharib Al-Qur’an and Tafsir”. The Yazidi family is famous in the field of Quranic recitations. At the forefront comes Abu Muhammad Yahya (...)
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  21. Kant, Wordsworth, and the Aesthetic Experience.Yu Liu - 1994 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
    In my dissertation "Kant, Wordsworth, and the Aesthetic Experience," I explore the poetic and political implications of the Kantian aesthetic experience, and use them implicitly for a new reading of Wordsworth's poetry. The dissertation begins by considering Kant's view that beauty and sublimity are what may potentially occur inside each and every one of us in our interaction with any given object rather than what exists outside us in the external world. Emphasizing the reading activity of the spectator rather than (...)
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  22. Fiqh and Economics in Hariri's Makamat.İbrahim Özpolat - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):117-132.
    Ancient Arabic literature dealt with linguistic sciences such as sarf, nahiw, belagha and Islamic sciences such as fıqh, hadith and tafsîr. This is known to the elite and the common people. But what is hidden and forgotten is that Arabic literature also includes the foundations and rules of modern sciences such as sociology and economics. Among the ancient Arabic literature is the writing of Maqamat, which holds an important position among the masterpieces of Arabic literature. For this reason, it is (...)
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    Divine Repentance or Pedagogy? On the Rhetoric of Divine Repentance in 1 Samuel, Exodus, and Genesis.Israel McGrew - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1161-1198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Divine Repentance or Pedagogy?On the Rhetoric of Divine Repentance in 1 Samuel, Exodus, and Genesis*Israel McGrewCommitment both to the philosophical understanding of God as transcendent and immutable (as implied by reason as well as passages of Scripture) and to the inerrancy of Scripture can be a challenging position to hold. Since Scripture refers to God as repenting of things he intended to do, said he intended to do, or (...)
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    Amnesty International and Human Rights.Emma Stone Mackinnon - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 301–308.
    Arthur Danto was quite engaged in the world, through campus activism at Columbia and as an early member of Amnesty International USA. Danto's line seems to betray a deeply felt humanism that guided his practical politics. Danto's work with Amnesty was motivated in part by a brief glimpse into France's violence during the war in Algeria. He writes about being in Paris during the 1961 October Massacre and seeing the bodies of Algerian protesters, killed by police, floating in the Seine. (...)
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    Thucydides and law: A response to Leiter.Darien Shanske - 2013 - Legal Theory 19 (3):282-306.
    Thucydides is the author of the most harrowing account of societal breakdown in antiquity. Brian Leiter has recently made the provocative claim that Thucydides’ analysis of such breakdowns indicates that morality is of little import in guiding behavior, including legal behavior. Yet Thucydides also narrates events, particularly in Athens, that indicate that something resembling morality can continue to guide action, including legal action, even at the worst of times. Thucydides provides tantalizing clues as to why he narrates events that (...)
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    Reading the Fourth Gospel in the COVID-19 pandemic context.Johnson Thomaskutty - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-9.
    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic situation persuades a reader of the Fourth Gospel to interpret the Scripture in new lights. In the contemporary context, the gospel of John has the potential to attune the attention of the reader towards the existential struggles of the people with myriad interpretative possibilities. The Jews often twinned sinfulness and sickness together, and in that light, they considered Jesus as a social sinner and his followers as a diseased community. The Johannine narrator realigns the (...)
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    On the Possibility of the Prophet's Inauspicious Expression to Safiyya with re-spect to the ‘Aqrā-Ḥalqā Phrase.Şule Yüksel Uysal - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):321-344.
    Understanding the hadiths requires not only knowing the language well but also knowing the intention of the narrator, the environment and context in which the word is uttered. Furthermore, within a language, the presence of the words which have entirely disconnected from their real meaning due to the metaphoric and idiomatic use of them developed in time requires making more efforts to understand them. In this respect, the expression ‘Aqrā-Ḥalqā’ used by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for Ṣafiyya in the Farewell (...)
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    Confessions of a Poisoner, Written by Herself (review).Gail K. Hart - 2010 - Intertexts 14 (1):68-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Confessions of a Poisoner, Written by HerselfGail K. Hart (bio)Confessions of a Poisoner, Written by Herself. Translated and introduced by Raleigh Whitinger and Diana Spokiene. New York: MLA, 2009. xliii + 196 pp. $12.95.Confessions of a Poisoner is an epistolary, autobiographical novel, first published anonymously in German as Bekenntnisse einer Giftmischerin in 1803. Lurid accounts of sex, incest, murder, and other crimes contributed to its status as a (...)
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  29.  14
    Las hijas del Sol en el proemio de Parménides.Bernardo Berruecos Frank - 2015 - Dianoia 60 (75):55-84.
    Resumen: El presente trabajo esbozará ciertos elementos para una interpretación global del proemio de Parménides, a partir del análisis de uno de sus elementos centrales: las doncellas hijas del sol. Tras examinar las acciones que éstas realizan dentro de la narración, y con el objetivo de defender una interpretación alegórica, se definirá la actividad alegórica arcaica mediante algunos ejemplos. Finalmente, se trazarán los cimientos para una revalorización crítica de la interpretación de sexto Empírico y se argumentará que la alegoría platónica (...)
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    An Investigation on Narratives About Prophet Muhammad's Nice Voice.Fatih Koca - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (64):9-23.
    Starting from the nature of the concept of niceness, nice voice, smartness, together with the clues, is a skill that generally meets the common denominator. This ability is present in every human being, but with different levels. Just as every talent needs training and development, a nice voice needs to be distinguished, trained, developed and rewarded. In this way, a person who is created with a nice voice should be able to reach high level in terms of sound. This emerging (...)
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  31.  7
    Saint Thomas au XXe siècle: Actes du colloque du Centenaire de la “Revue thomiste”.Gregory M. Reichberg - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):479-484.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 479 Saint Thomas au XXe siecle: Actes du colloque du Centenaire de la "Revue thomiste." Paris: Saint-Paul, 1994. Pp. 475 (paper). In March of 1993 the Revue thomiste marked its centenary by sponsoring a three-day colloquium at the lnstitut Catholique of Toulouse on "St. Thomas in the 20th century." The commemoration resumed the following month with a conference at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), site of the (...)
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    A crítica como réplica bakhtiniana: Edward W. Said como crítico musical.Linda Hutcheon - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (1):208-227.
    RESUMO O artigo propõe uma leitura do trabalho do teórico pós-colonial Edward Said por meio de um olhar bakhtiniano. Ainda que Said e Bakhtin tenham se engajado de forma diferente na política de suas respectivas épocas e que tivessem ideias distintas sobre a relação entre ética e política, seus escritos abrangentes têm sido adaptados e suas ideias apropriadas por estudiosos em diferentes áreas - com frequência, as mesmas. Eles compartilharam a paixão pelo diálogo, explorando a alteridade e a exotopia, e (...)
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    Philosophical Analysis of the Structure of Christian Knowledge.V. Meshkov - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:124-135.
    The structural abstract discusses the features of modern post-non-classical scientific discourse, according to which all kinds of scientific and religious knowledge are simplified mental construction of a complex objective reality. All accumulated religious knowledge is a combination of various theoretical models of divine reality, the performance of which was checked by centuries of experience of mystical connection with the Lord. According to the requirements of scientific and religious discourse on incompleteness of knowledge, all religious texts of the Bible, the Koran, (...)
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    Textures of the anthropocene: grain, vapor, ray.Katrin Klingan (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
    Texts and textures: approaching an age of human-made nature through the particulate, the volatile, and the radiant. We have entered the Anthropocene era—a geological age of our own making, in which what we have understood to be nature is made by man. We need a new way to understand the dynamics of a new epoch. These volumes offer writings that approach the Anthropocene through the perspectives of grain, vapor, and ray—the particulate, the volatile, and the radiant. The first three volumes—each (...)
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  35. Shlomo Pines on Maimonides, Spinoza, and Kant.Warren Zev Harvey - 2012 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 20 (2):173-182.
    In his “Spinoza’s TTP , Maimonides, and Kant” (1968), Pines compared Spinoza’s dogmas of universal faith ( TTP , 14) with Kant’s postulates of practical reason ( Critique of Practical Reason , part 1). According to him, Spinoza’s dogmas, like Maimonides’ “necessary beliefs” ( Guide 3:28), are postulates necessary for political welfare, and do not fall under the jurisdiction of theoretical reason. They define the faith of the common person, not that of the philosopher. Kant, in his remarks about (...)
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    The Impact of Hadith Categorization on Hadith Criticism and Argumentation among Hadith Scholars.Abdul Jawad Hamam - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):1127-1170.
    This research is founded on the fundamental hypothesis that a holistic perspective and general understanding play a decisive role in shaping the terminology of any discipline and organizing its components and subfields within a coherent methodological framework. Possessing such a holistic perspective and understanding is a key factor in determining the creativity, innovative approaches, and depth of expertise of scholars, as well as their ability to guide the discipline in accurate and constructive directions. The study explores this hypothesis in (...)
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    The Understandings of Religion And Gender of Female Students of Teology Facul-ty (Case of Dicle University).Abdussamet Kaya - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1349-1369.
    The issue of gender is one of the important indicators for understanding religious interpretations at the individual and social levels. One of the responsible institutions in shaping the gender approach in Turkey are the Faculty of Theologies. The majority of the students who are studying in theology faculties and who will take part in the religious services of the society after completing their education are women. It is clear that the religion and gender understanding of female students of theology faculties (...)
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  38. La poética y el bachiller Sansón Carrasco.Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico 31 (61):395-408.
    The article presents some poetic-narratological thoughts on the function of the narrator in the 1615 Quijote. The author claims for Cervantes the invention of the "narrador infidente" ("unreliable narrator"), wrongly atributed to the American novelist Henry James. This ploy consists in guiding the reader through a series of unsuspected clues by employing statements that take advantage of the traditional confidence in the veracity of what is being narrated, but which in reality lead into error. This is a device (...)
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    Making decisions for hospitalized older adults: ethical factors considered by family surrogates.J. Fritsch, S. Petronio, P. R. Helft & A. M. Torke - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (2):125-134.
    BackgroundHospitalized older adults frequently have impaired cognition and must rely on surrogates to make major medical decisions. Ethical standards for surrogate decision making are well delineated, but little is known about what factors surrogates actually consider when making decisions.ObjectivesTo determine factors surrogate decision makers consider when making major medical decisions for hospitalized older adults, and whether or not they adhere to established ethical standards.DesignSemi-structured interview study of the experience and process of decision making.SettingA public safety-net hospital and a tertiary referral (...)
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    Last steps: Maurice Blanchot's exilic writing.Christopher Fynsk - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Writing, Maurice Blanchot taught us, is not something that is in one's power. It is, rather, a search for a non-power that refuses mastery, order, and all established authority. For Blanchot, this search was guided by an enigmatic exigency, an arresting rupture, and a promise of justice that required endless contestation of every usurping authority, an endless going out toward the other. "The step/not beyond" ("le pas au-dela") names this exilic passage as it took form in his influential later work, (...)
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    Conrad's Reply to Kierkegaard.Jerry S. Clegg - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):280-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CONRAD'S REPLY TO KIERKEGAARD by Jerry S. Clegg Varied answers to a fixed question have often guided interpretations of Conrad's novella, Heart ofDarkness. Who, that question has been, was Conrad's model for the enigmatic colonial official he calls Kurtz? Hannah Arendt has speculated that it was Carl Peters, an early explorer of east Africa.1 Norman Sherry has picked Arthur Hodister, a Belgian officer, as his candidate.2 Ian Watt has (...)
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    La question de Dieu au cœur de l'humain et la tâche théologique de son élaboration académique et publique.Denis Müller - 2008 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 96 (4):547-566.
    Il n’est pas de théologie, en général, et de théologie chrétienne, singulièrement, sans une option existentielle, sans que soit mis en jeu le sens de l’expression « existence théologique », dans un sens large, distinct de l’usage technique et contextuel que cette manière de parler a pu signifier à l’époque de la théologie dialectique, sous l’impulsion centrale de Karl Barth. « Pourquoi je suis entré en théologie » pourrait conduire à une narration autobiographique. Toutefois, nous souhaitons donner ici à la (...)
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    Preserved Perspective Taking in Free Indirect Discourse in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Juliane T. Zimmermann, Sara Meuser, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Kai Vogeley - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Perspective taking has been proposed to be impaired in persons with autism spectrum disorder, especially when implicit processing is required. In narrative texts, language perception and interpretation is fundamentally guided by taking the perspective of a narrator. We studied perspective taking in the linguistic domain of so-called Free Indirect Discourse, during which certain text segments have to be interpreted as the thoughts or utterances of a protagonist without explicitly being marked as thought or speech representations of that protagonist. Crucially, (...)
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    Anthony Powell and the Aesthetic Life.Marcia Muelder Eaton - 1985 - Philosophy and Literature 9 (2):166-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Marcia Muelder Eaton ANTHONY POWELL AND THE AESTHETIC LIFE Anthony POWELL'S work has been looked at carefully by relatively few critical scholars, in spite of the fact that he has been called "the most elegant writer presently working in the English language." ' I am surprised at how little he is read — at least in the United States. He is a splendid writer, often entertaining, always a skilled (...)
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    Spatial Form and Plot.Eric S. Rabkin - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 4 (2):253-270.
    Novels in general use three different modes of reporting: narration, dialogue and description. Understanding that even with a given mode, such as the description of a stone, the relation between the diachronic flow of language and the synchronic focus of attention can be manipulated, we can still note that in general narration reports occurrences in a reading time considerably less than actual time. , dialogue reports occurrence in a reading time roughly congruent with actual time , and description reports occurrences (...)
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  46. Reconceptualising teaching as transformative practice: Alasdair MacIntyre in the South African context.Dominic Griffiths & Maria Prozesky - 2020 - Journal of Education 2 (79):4-17.
    In its ideal conception, the post-apartheid education landscape is regarded as a site of transformation that promotes democratic ideals such as citizenship, freedom, and critical thought. The role of the educator is pivotal in realising this transformation in the learners she teaches, but this realisation extends beyond merely teaching the curriculum to the educator herself, as the site where these democratic ideals are embodied and enacted. The teacher is thus centrally placed as a moral agent whose behaviour, in the classroom (...)
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    Feeling trapped and being torn: Physicians' narratives about ethical dilemmas in hemodialysis care that evoke a troubled conscience.Catarina Ecf Grönlund, Vera Dahlqvist & Anna Is Söderberg - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):8.
    BackgroundThis study is part of a major study about difficulties in communicating ethical problems within and among professional groups working in hemodialysis care. Describing experiences of ethically difficult situations that induce a troubled conscience may raise consciousness about ethical problems and thereby open the way to further reflection.The aim of this study was to illuminate the meanings of being in ethically difficult situations that led to the burden of a troubled conscience, as narrated by physicians working in dialysis care.MethodA phenomenological (...)
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    Revolutionary in Counter-Revolutionary Times: Elaborating Fanonian National Consciousness into the Twenty-First Century.Jane Anna Gordon - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (1):37-47.
    One of the unique challenges of reading Les damnés de la terre ( The Wretched of the Earth ) today is that while it is an irredeemably revolutionary text, we live in a counter-revolutionary moment or in a global context that has tried very hard to discredit even the possibility of revolution. Fanon’s text does not only narrate the effective undertaking of an anti-colonial struggle—of what is required for people to identify the actual causes of their alienation and unfreedom and (...)
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    Linguistic and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint in narrative discourse.Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders & Eve Sweetser - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2):243-251.
    In this introduction to the special issue on time and viewpoint in narrative discourse, we highlight the central contributions of the issue concerning the relation between the linguistic construal and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint. We explain how linguistic and gestural cues guide the representation of narrative time progression and argue that this representation involves various cognitive operations regulating the alignment between the viewpoints of narrator, addressee, and narrative characters. These operations are steered by a variety of (...)
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    The Description of Paradise in Sayyid Muḥammad ʿAlī Rıḍā’s Genc al-Esrār.Duygu Kayalik Şahi̇n - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):341-363.
    In Turkish-Islamic literature, many copyright or translation nasihatnama with religious-mystical content have been written. In these works written in verse or prose form within the scope of Islamic culture and classical Turkish literature, information about the principles of Islamic belief and worship was given, and people were advised to be moral, faithful, observant of the orders and prohibitions of religion, prioritizing the hadiths of the Prophet, benevolent and tolerant. One of these nasihatnamas is Gencü’l-Esrâr, in which verses consisting of different (...)
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