Results for 'Gross Regional Product'

973 found
  1. Reimagining Digital Well-Being. Report for Designers & Policymakers.Daan Annemans, Matthew Dennis, , Gunter Bombaerts, Lily E. Frank, Tom Hannes, Laura Moradbakhti, Anna Puzio, Lyanne Uhlhorn, Titiksha Vashist, , Anastasia Dedyukhina, Ellen Gilbert, Iliana Grosse-Buening & Kenneth Schlenker - 2024 - Report for Designers and Policymakers.
    This report aims to offer insights into cutting-edge research on digital well-being. Many of these insights come from a 2-day academic-impact event, The Future of Digital Well-Being, hosted by a team of researchers working with the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in February 2024. Today, achieving and maintaining well-being in the face of online technologies is a multifaceted challenge that we believe requires using theoretical resources of different research disciplines. This report explores diverse perspectives on how digital (...)
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    Тенденції економічного розвитку територій україни.Usik Igor - 2017 - Схід 2 (148):22-27.
    The article defines the current state of economic development the territories of Ukraine. Important factors that determine it are macro- and microeconomic. On a national scale, the indicator of gross domestic product is used to determine the results of economic activity. At the regional level, a gross regional product is a general indicator characterizing the level of development the economy. It represents a general indicator of economic activity, performance and characterizes the newly created value (...)
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    Semi-Analytical Solutions for the Diffusive Kaldor–Kalecki Business Cycle Model with a Time Delay for Gross Product and Capital Stock.H. Y. Alfifi - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    This paper discusses the stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of the diffusive Kaldor–Kalecki model with a delay included in both gross product and capital stock functions. The reaction-diffusion domain is considered, and the Galerkin analytical method is used to derive the system of ordinary differential equations. The methodology used to determine the Hopf bifurcation points is discussed in detail. Furthermore, full diagrams of the Hopf bifurcation regions considered in the stability analysis are shown, and some numerical simulations of (...)
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    China’s integration in the Asia-Pacific regional economic cooperation.Junhua Wei, Yue Gao & Ehsan Elahi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    China is actively deepening integration into economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement has come into force and China is one of its members. Furthermore, China is applying to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. This study uses the Global Trade Analysis Project model to measure the impact of the RCEP and CPTPP on Gross Domestic Production, import, export, terms of trade, and social welfare of major economies under various scenarios, (...)
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    Аналіз взаємозв'язку ступеня інтегрованості зі зростанням добробуту населення в країнах - членах єс, нафта, асеан, меркосур.Grygoriy Shamborovskyi - 2016 - Схід 5 (145):33-39.
    Modern world economy includes more than one hundred regional trade agreements in place and number that is continuously evolving. Recently some countries reconfigure their economic and political interests and priorities to protectionism. From another side, the expansion of the World Trade Organization has created side agreements with other regional groups leading to a web of trade agreements and understandings. The article is considered the features of integration agreements on the example of the EU, NAFTA, ASEAN and Mercosur. The (...)
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    Animating the Anatomical Specimen: Regional Dissection and the Incorporation of Photography in J.C.B. Grant’s An Atlas of Anatomy. [REVIEW]Kim Sawchuk - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (1):120-150.
    In 1943 Dr J.C.B. Grant, of the University of Toronto, published the first anatomical atlas ever fully produced in North America, An Atlas of Anatomy. Within the history of biomedical teaching, the publication of this textbook is remarkable for at least two reasons, both connected to the themes of animation and automation. The visual narrative of the anatomical body found in Grant’s Atlas encapsulated a paradigmatic shift in gross anatomy from a systemic approach (dividing the body into its systems) (...)
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    Соціальне підприємництво в забезпеченні економічного розвитку країн та подоланні територіальних диспропорцій.Liudmyla German - 2016 - Схід 4 (144):23-28.
    The paper demonstrates the necessity of introducing innovative approaches in addressing social problems of development. It proves the significance of recruiting investment in the social sphere. The author looks into the usage of social business for handling economic development problems of countries. There are factors promoting social entrepreneurship identified. Spatial social inequality in Ukraine is analyzed, the role of social entrepreneurship in its overcoming demonstrated.
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    Ethics and corporate social responsibility in latin American small and medium sized enterprises: Challenging development.M. C. Arruda - 2009 - African Journal of Business Ethics 4 (2):37.
    Considering the lack of substantive scientific or theoretical studies about ethics in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Latin America, this paper examines the context of an existent paradox, based upon the perspective of experts and academicians of Latin America and the Caribbean. These countries live different realities, due to their respective European cultural influences, as well as to racial and economic issues. Such facts impact the size and characteristics of their industries. On the other hand, the SMEs face (...)
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    Modeling COVID-19 Impact on Consumption and Mobility in Europe: A Legacy Toward Sustainable Business Performance.Waqar Ameer, Ka Yin Chau, Nosheen Mumtaz, Muhammad Irfan & Ayesha Mumtaz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This article has explored the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 -induced decline in consumer durables and mobility on nitrogen dioxide emission in Europe by providing empirical and graphical justifications based on consumer price index and gross domestic product deflator indexes. The empirical estimations show that carbon dioxide and NOx emission along with other greenhouse gases drastically decreased in the wake of COVID-19-induced lockdowns and decrease in the demand of consumer goods in Europe. This means that COVID-19 improved environment (...)
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    System-thinking approach to the applied interaction between transport and economy.Ylber Limani - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (2):275-289.
    This paper discusses the correlation balance of transport as a dynamic system and the economic growth of specific regions and countries expressed in gross domestic product. The contemporary transformation processes of the input resources to the desired outcomes need new intelligent approaches based on new information system techniques. These research determinations are specifically focused on achieving the objective of providing with the analyses concerned with giving a more estimated answer to some of the complex questions related to the (...)
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    The Global Pension Crisis: From Gray Capitalism to Responsible Accumulation.Robin Blackburn - 2006 - Politics and Society 34 (2):135-186.
    The ageing society has profound consequences for accumulation in each state and region because pensions represent a claim on future income and output. Today's United States and United Kingdom pension crisis stems from a failing private sector with excessive costs and risk. Public provision using pay-asyou-go payroll taxes has, by contrast, proved highly cost-effective and equitable. However, aging and unequal cohorts create a need for extra resources. Retirement incomes should total 12 to 14 percent of gross domestic product (...)
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    Design and Implementation of Multilayer GIS Framework in Natural Resources Management: Red Sea Area.Thowiba E. Ahmed, K. M. Kheiralla, Fatima Rayan Awad Ahmed, Rashid A. Saeed & Hesham Alhumyani - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    This study aims to create an integrated geographical information system database of natural resources represented by mining activities in the Red Sea area in Sudan. GIS is a vital tool to help the decision-makers in managing and classifying these resources in terms of quantity and quality within the concept of sustainable development. The paper extracts some models of investment map indicators. In addition to that, it conducts a study and research aimed at developing a mineral resources management and discovering and (...)
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  13. Strong versus Weak Sustainability: Economics, Natural Sciences, and Consilience.John Gowdy - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (2):155-168.
    The meaning of sustainability is the subject of intense debate among environmental and resource economists. Perhaps no other issue separates more clearly the traditional economic view from the views of most natural scientists. The debate currently focuses on the substitutability between the economy and the environment or between “natural capital” and “manufactured capital”—a debate captured in terms of weak versus strong sustainability. In this article, we examine the various interpretations of these concepts. We conclude that natural science and economic perspectives (...)
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    Give Me an Experiment and I Will Raise a Laboratory.Matthias Gross - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (4):613-634.
    Bruno Latour once argued that science laboratories actively modify the wider society by displacing crucial actors outside the laboratory into the “field.” This article turns this idea on its head by using the case of geothermal energy utilization to demonstrate that in many cases it is the experimental setup outside the laboratory that is there first, with the activities normally associated with a laboratory setting only being decided upon and implemented post hoc. As soon as the actors involved perceive unknowns (...)
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  15. Linguistic Intuitions: Error Signals and the Voice of Competence.Steven Gross - 2020 - In Samuel Schindler, Anna Drożdżowicz & Karen Brøcker (eds.), Linguistic Intuitions: Evidence and Method. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Linguistic intuitions are a central source of evidence across a variety of linguistic domains. They have also long been a source of controversy. This chapter aims to illuminate the etiology and evidential status of at least some linguistic intuitions by relating them to error signals of the sort posited by accounts of on-line monitoring of speech production and comprehension. The suggestion is framed as a novel reply to Michael Devitt’s claim that linguistic intuitions are theory-laden “central systems” responses, rather than (...)
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    Reading History: On Jacob Burckhardt as Source-Reader.Jürgen Grosse - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (3):525-547.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading History: On Jacob Burckhardt as Source-ReaderJürgen GroßeThere is a gap between the reputation Jacob Burckhardt (1818–97) has enjoyed among the educated public and among professional historians—a discrepancy that has become commonplace in the century-long reception of the Swiss cultural historian’s work. 1 Nevertheless, in the light of recent appraisals of Burckhardt as an ancestor of a different—perhaps a new—cultural history, and with the rediscovery of his contributions to (...)
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    Cognitive and Linguistic Predictors of Language Control in Bilingual Children.Megan C. Gross & Margarita Kaushanskaya - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In order to communicate effectively with a variety of conversation partners and in a variety of settings, bilingual children must develop language control, the ability to control which language is used for production. Past work has focused on linguistic skills as the limiting factor in children’s ability to control their language choice, while cognitive control has been the focus of adult models of language control. The current study examined the effects of both language ability and cognitive control on language control (...)
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    A comparative study of different neural networks in predicting gross domestic product.Han Lai - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):601-610.
    Gross domestic product can well reflect the development of the economy, and predicting GDP can help better grasp the future economic trends. In this article, three different neural network models, the genetic algorithm – back-propagation neural network model, the particle swarm optimization – Elman neural network model, and the bat algorithm – long short-term memory model, were analyzed based on neural networks. The GDP data of Sichuan province from 1992 to 2020 were collected to compare the performance of (...)
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  19. Can empirical theories of semantic competence really help limn the structure of reality?Steven Gross - 2006 - Noûs 40 (1):43–81.
    There is a long tradition of drawing metaphysical conclusions from investigations into language. This paper concerns one contemporary variation on this theme: the alleged ontological significance of cognitivist truth-theoretic accounts of semantic competence. According to such accounts, human speakers’ linguistic behavior is in part empirically explained by their cognizing a truth-theory. Such a theory consists of a finite number of axioms assigning semantic values to lexical items, a finite number of axioms assigning semantic values to complex expressions on the basis (...)
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  20. Emotion Generation and Emotion Regulation: One or Two Depends on Your Point of View.James J. Gross & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):8-16.
    Emotion regulation has the odd distinction of being a wildly popular construct whose scientific existence is in considerable doubt. In this article, we discuss the confusion about whether emotion generation and emotion regulation can and should be distinguished from one another. We describe a continuum of perspectives on emotion, and highlight how different (often mutually incompatible) perspectives on emotion lead to different views about whether emotion generation and emotion regulation can be usefully distinguished. We argue that making differences in perspective (...)
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  21. Visual Representation and Science: Editors' Introduction.Ari Gross & Eleanor Louson - 2012 - Spontaneous Generations 6 (1):1-7.
    The theme of visual representations in science was already central to our research when we aended the 6th European Spring School on History of Science and Popularization in Menorca, Spain, in 2011. As discussed in the review of this conference by Ignacio SuayMatallana and Mar Cuenca-Lorente (245), many participants not only described the particulars of the generation of individual images, but also broader issues surrounding the constitution of visual domains. We were impressed by the range of scholarship surrounding the production, (...)
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    Being Benevolence: The Social Ethics of Engaged Buddhism (review).Rita M. Gross - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):174-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Being Benevolence: The Social Ethics of Engaged BuddhismRita M. GrossBeing Benevolence: The Social Ethics of Engaged Buddhism. By Sallie B. King. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2005. 291 pp.This discussion of the social ethics of Engaged Buddhism is organized into chapters on four basic issues: the relationship between individual and society, human rights, nonviolence and its limits, and justice/reconciliation. Setting the context for these issues are an introduction, (...)
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  23. What Could A Feminist Science Be?Barry R. Gross - 1994 - The Monist 77 (4):434-444.
    Scientific discovery and scientific progress are made by scientists, not philosophers. Philosophers sometimes overlook this fact. It appears to be completely ignored by those who call themselves feminist philosophers of science. A favored claim among them is that the production of a feminist epistemology, or of a feminist society, or of both together, will produce something called ‘feminist science’. Feminist science will be different, they say, from the science we now have. One leading proponent of this view, Sandra Harding, writes: (...)
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    The Impact of Culture on Corruption, Gross Domestic Product, and Human Development.Wolfgang Scholl & Carsten C. Schermuly - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (1):171-189.
    The evidence of culture’s impact on corruption and its consequences is still inconclusive despite several investigations: Sometimes, theory is lacking and causes and consequences seem exchangeable. Based on psychological research on the distribution and use of power, we predicted that a steeper distribution of power induces more corruption and elaborated its negative consequences in a complex causal model. For measuring power distribution, pervading national culture, we augmented Hofstede’s ‘Power Distance’ with three additional indicators into a reversed, more reliable and valid (...)
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    Nexus between Tourism and Gross Domestic Product in Sri Lanka.Ahamed Lebbe Mohamed Aslam - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 71:25-32.
    Source: Author: Ahamed Lebbe Mohamed Aslam Nowadays, policy makers believe that the tourism is a positive tool for economic growth of nations because which helps to economies of countries by several ways. In Sri Lankan experience it was not statistically confirmed. The aim of this study was to test the nexus between the tourism earnings and the gross domestic product in Sri Lanka. To test this nexus this study used time series data during the period of 1970 to (...)
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    Society as experiment: sociological foundations for a self-experimental society.Matthias Gross & Wolfgang Krohn - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (2):63-86.
    Experiments are generally thought of as actions or operations undertaken to test a scientific hypothesis in settings detached from the rest of society. In this paper a different notion of experiment will be discussed. It is an understanding that has been developed in the classical tradition of the Chicago School of Sociology since the 1890s, but has so far remained unexplored. This sociological understanding of experiment does not model itself strictly on the natural sciences. Rather, it implies a process of (...)
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  27. Пошуки нових підходів до ведення сільського господарства в українській рср у період "розвинутого соціалізму".Oleg Malyarchuk - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    National scientists have elaborated the reform's gist, approaches, stages and consequences in the Ukrainian agricultural sector during the XX - XXI centuries. These studies have been conducted by N. Zhulkanych, S. Zhyvora, M. Zyza, M. Lendiel, E. Mazur, O. Malyarchuk, V. Nechytailo and many others. The paper aims to perform the comprehensive study of general trends and peculiar features of the agricultural development of the Ukrainian SSR in 1963-1990 and to define actual advances and drawbacks on the basis of analysis (...)
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    Hippocampus, delay neurons, and sensory heterogeneity.Michael Colombo & Charles G. Gross - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):766-767.
    We raise three issues concerning the Eichenbaum, Otto & Cohen (1994) model. (1) We argue against the strict division of labor that Eichenbaum et al. attribute to neocortical and limbic regions. (2) We raise the possibility that the anterior and posterior portions of the hippocampus may be important for different types of information processing. (3) We argue that, rather than reflecting relational processing, different neural responses to “match” and “nonmatch” trials may relate to different required spatial responses.
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  29. Developmental structure in brain evolution.Barbara L. Finlay, Richard B. Darlington & Nicholas Nicastro - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):263-278.
    How does evolution grow bigger brains? It has been widely assumed that growth of individual structures and functional systems in response to niche-specific cognitive challenges is the most plausible mechanism for brain expansion in mammals. Comparison of multiple regressions on allometric data for 131 mammalian species, however, suggests that for 9 of 11 brain structures taxonomic and body size factors are less important than covariance of these major structures with each other. Which structure grows biggest is largely predicted by a (...)
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  30. Interoperability of disparate engineering domain ontologies using Basic Formal Ontology.Thomas J. Hagedorn, Barry Smith, Sundar Krishnamurty & Ian R. Grosse - 2019 - Journal of Engineering Design 31.
    As engineering applications require management of ever larger volumes of data, ontologies offer the potential to capture, manage, and augment data with the capability for automated reasoning and semantic querying. Unfortunately, considerable barriers hinder wider deployment of ontologies in engineering. Key among these is lack of a shared top-level ontology to unify and organise disparate aspects of the field and coordinate co-development of orthogonal ontologies. As a result, many engineering ontologies are limited to their scope, and functionally difficult to extend (...)
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    Banana production and structural changes in socio-Economical activities in Boki society of the upper Cross river region: 1970-2000.E. J. Oshuo - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2).
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    Linking future population food requirements for health with local production in Waterloo Region, Canada.Ellen Desjardins, Rod MacRae & Theresa Schumilas - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (2):129-140.
    Regional planning for improved agricultural capacity to supply produce, legumes, and whole grains has the potential to improve population health as well as the local food economy. This case study of Waterloo Region (WR), Canada, had two objectives. First, we estimate the quantity of locally grown vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains needed to help meet the Region of Waterloo population’s optimal nutritional requirements currently and in 2026. Secondly, we estimate how much of these healthy food requirements for the (...)
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    Regions and the World Economy: The Coming Shape of Global Production, Competition, and Political Order.Allen John Scott - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book is a wide-ranging exploration of regions in the new world order. The author - one of the leading international figures in the field - explores the economic logic and political meaning of regions. Exploring developments from Silicon Valley to Hong Kong, he makes the case for the growing importance of regions as against the sovereign state in the `borderless world' of the 21st century.
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    A Regional Mode-of-Production Analysis of Political Behavior: The Cases of Western and Mediterranean France.William Brustein - 1981 - Politics and Society 10 (4):355-398.
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    Gross National Happiness: A Philosophical Appraisal.Thaddeus Metz - 2014 - Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (3):218-232.
    For more than 40 years, the Kingdom of Bhutan has eschewed evaluating its socio-economic status in terms of Gross Domestic Product and has instead done so under the heading of ‘Gross National Happiness’. As part of the upswing in international interest in well-being as the proper final end of development, it would be apt to critically explore the approach that has been in use for several decades. In this article I expound the central elements of Gross (...)
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    Cluster management model of the region development as the basis for ensuring the integration of science, education and production.A. A. Kartashova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (6):513.
    The aim of the article is to trace the integration of education, science and production through the development of regional cluster policy. At the present stage of development of postindustrial society in the global economy, the processes of globalization and specialization of national markets significantly increase competition between countries, between regions and between producers within the country. In these circumstances, the state authorities of the Russian Federation, while maintaining global leadership in the energy sector, define as long-term development goals (...)
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    Loss of regional accent after damage to the speech production network.Marcelo L. Berthier, Guadalupe Dávila, Ignacio Moreno-Torres, Álvaro Beltrán-Corbellini, Daniel Santana-Moreno, Núria Roé-Vellvé, Karl Thurnhofer-Hemsi, María José Torres-Prioris, María Ignacia Massone & Rafael Ruiz-Cruces - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  38. Marketing of organic products in mountain region of uttaranchal: Problems faced.Promila Sharma - 2008 - In Kuruvila Pandikattu (ed.), Dancing to Diversity: Science-Religion Dialogue in India. Serials Publications. pp. 32.
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    Analysis of Developments in Plant Production in the Governorates of the Asir Region, Saudi Arabia.Saad Jubran Al Kahtani, Fadhl Al Maayn, Mena Elassal & Sherif Abdel Salam Sherif - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:388-400.
    Plant production is diverse in the Asir region, and there are many methods of analysis. Perhaps factor analysis is one of the most important statistical methods through which productive power can be measured in various geographical regions. In this study, factor analysis was used to measure the developments of plant production in the agricultural sector in the Asir region, Saudi Arabia. The factor analysis showed the presence of three main factors that together explained about %86.55 of the total variation in (...)
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    The concept of 'region' in the sociospatial sciences: An instance of the social production of nature.C. O. Rambanapasi - 1993 - Social Epistemology 7 (2):147 – 182.
  41.  49
    Testing the local reality: does the Willamette Valley growing region produce enough to meet the needs of the local population? A comparison of agriculture production and recommended dietary requirements. [REVIEW]Katy J. Giombolini, Kimberlee J. Chambers, Sheridan A. Schlegel & Jonnie B. Dunne - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (2):247-262.
    Eating locally continues to be promoted as an alternative to growing concerns related to industrialized, global, corporate agriculture. Buying from local famers and producers is seen as a way to promote a healthier diet, reduce environmental impacts, and sustain communities. The promotion of the local food movement presents the question: is it possible to feed a community primarily from the foods produced locally? We conducted a systematic analysis comparing the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recommended dietary requirements for the (...)
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    Impacts of Skill Centrality on Regional Economic Productivity and Occupational Income.Keith Waters & Shade T. Shutters - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-7.
    A well-developed perspective in the study of urban systems is that cities are complex systems that manifest as networks of interdependent economic units. These units might be occupations, industries, labor skills, patent technologies, etc. Much research has focused on describing the nature of these networks, quantifying their links, and suggesting applications for policymakers. In this paper, we examine the US skill network, focusing on the relationship between network centrality and economic performance. Here, nodes are represented by individual labor skills, and (...)
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    The Pharmaceutical Market for Biological Products in Latin America: A Comprehensive Analysis of Regional Sales Data.Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Juan S. Izquierdo-Condoy, Jorge Eduardo Vasconez-González, Gabriela Dávila, Trigomar Correa & Raúl Fernández-Naranjo - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):39-61.
    The global market for biologics and biosimilar pharmaceutical products is experiencing rapid expansion, primarily driven by the continuous discovery of new molecules. However, information regarding Latin America’s biological market remains limited.
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    Energy productivity as a part of the green growth agenda in European Union countries.Tomasz Grodzicki & Mateusz Jankiewicz - 2024 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 24:89-96.
    Green growth aims to achieve economic growth while preventing environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and unsustainable use of natural resources. It decouples the effects of economic activities from environmental activities, thus seeking to make investing in the environment an engine of economic growth. Energy is one of the most critical inputs in all economic activities. It is an essential driver of economic development, and energy supply and efficiency of its use are crucial for green growth. Conventional sources of energy cause an (...)
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    Functional Connectivity Reveals Which Language the “Control Regions” Control during Bilingual Production.Karen le LiEmmorey, Xiaoxia Feng, Chunming Lu & Guosheng Ding - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  46. Effect of EM on peanut production and soil fertility in the red soil region of China.Q. Zhao - 1992 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 85:87-5.
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    Critical Reflections on Rothbard’s Concept of Gross Investment.Eduard Braun - 2014 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (1):43-59.
    This paper critiques Rothbard’s concept of gross investment. Rothbard introduced the concept in order to demonstrate his point that it is not consumer spending that primarily drives the economy, like the mainstream Keynesian view maintains, but the capitalists’ spending. In this paper, it is argued that, contrary to Rothbard’s opinion, the amount of gross investment as he defines it does not contain significant information concerning the question as to whether the capital structure of a society can be upheld (...)
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    Science Production in Germany, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg: Comparing the Contributions of Research Universities and Institutes to Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Health.Justin J. W. Powell & Jennifer Dusdal - 2017 - Minerva 55 (4):413-434.
    Charting significant growth in science production over the 20th century in four European Union member states, this neo-institutional analysis describes the development and current state of universities and research institutes that bolster Europe’s position as a key region in global science. On-going internationalization and Europeanization of higher education and science has been accompanied by increasing competition as well as collaboration. Despite the policy goals to foster innovation and further expand research capacity, in cross-national and historical comparison neither the level of (...)
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    Productions et styles régionaux dans l’artisanat céramique de Chypre à l’époque géométrique (XIe-VIIIe s. av. J.-C.).Anna Georgiadou - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (1):361-385.
    Cet article s’intéresse aux ateliers régionaux de production céramique de Chypre à l’époque géométrique. À partir de l’analyse détaillée de la céramique, qui constitue la documentation primaire pour cette époque, et suivant une méthode rigoureuse, on tentera d’identifier et de définir le caractère régional de la production céramique. Cela nous permettra de cerner des modes de développement spécifiques et différenciés selon les régions de l’île. En l’absence de sources écrites pour l’époque chypro-géométrique, cette démarche est susceptible d’éclairer les processus de (...)
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    When regional development becomes an institutional responsibility for universities: The need for a discussion about knowledge construction in relation to universities' third role.James Karlsen - 2005 - AI and Society 19 (4):500-510.
    The paper considers the role of universities as actors in regional development, and the implications for approaches to knowledge, including knowledge construction. The new role for universities requires the production of knowledge, which relates to the needs of the region. Particular attention was given to the Agder region of Norway, and Agder University College.
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