Results for 'Mateusz Jankiewicz'

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  1.  13
    Energy productivity as a part of the green growth agenda in European Union countries.Tomasz Grodzicki & Mateusz Jankiewicz - 2024 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 24:89-96.
    Green growth aims to achieve economic growth while preventing environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and unsustainable use of natural resources. It decouples the effects of economic activities from environmental activities, thus seeking to make investing in the environment an engine of economic growth. Energy is one of the most critical inputs in all economic activities. It is an essential driver of economic development, and energy supply and efficiency of its use are crucial for green growth. Conventional sources of energy cause an (...)
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    “I” and “Me”: The Self in the Context of Consciousness.Mateusz Woźniak - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:350047.
    James (1890) distinguished two understandings of the self, the self as “Me” and the self as “I”. This distinction has recently regained popularity in cognitive science, especially in the context of experimental studies on the underpinnings of the phenomenal self. The goal of this paper is to take a step back from cognitive science and attempt to precisely distinguish between “Me” and “I” in the context of consciousness. This distinction was originally based on the idea that the former (“Me”) corresponds (...)
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  3.  19
    Idea słowiańska i muzyka.Mateusz Andrzejewski - 2010 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 16:261-276.
    Idea słowiańska” jest terminem ogólnym, odnoszącym się do wielu politycznych, historiozoficznych i kulturowych wątków, dla których inspiracją było językowe i kulturowe pokrewieństwo między narodami słowiańskimi. Takie ruchy jak słowianofilstwo i panslawizm miały na celu kulturalne i polityczne zjednoczenie Słowian. Idea ta wywarła silny wpływ na muzykę krajów środkowej i wschodniej Europy w XIX i XX wieku. Pod jej wpływem powstała znaczna liczba utworów muzycznych. Można utwory te podzielić na kilka grup. W jednych „słowiańskość” podkreślana była poprzez tytuł. Kompozytorzy używali również (...)
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  4. Psychoanaliza a polityka: stawka podmiotu.Mateusz Burzyk - 2013 - Diametros 35:1-20.
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    Model Theory and Proof Theory of the Global Reflection Principle.Mateusz Zbigniew Łełyk - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (2):738-779.
    The current paper studies the formal properties of the Global Reflection Principle, to wit the assertion “All theorems of$\mathrm {Th}$are true,” where$\mathrm {Th}$is a theory in the language of arithmetic and the truth predicate satisfies the usual Tarskian inductive conditions for formulae in the language of arithmetic. We fix the gap in Kotlarski’s proof from [15], showing that the Global Reflection Principle for Peano Arithmetic is provable in the theory of compositional truth with bounded induction only ($\mathrm {CT}_0$). Furthermore, we (...)
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  6.  44
    Foundations of geometric cognition.Mateusz Hohol - 2019 - London-New York: Routledge.
    The cognitive foundations of geometry have puzzled academics for a long time, and even today are mostly unknown to many scholars, including mathematical cognition researchers. -/- Foundations of Geometric Cognition shows that basic geometric skills are deeply hardwired in the visuospatial cognitive capacities of our brains, namely spatial navigation and object recognition. These capacities, shared with non-human animals and appearing in early stages of the human ontogeny, cannot, however, fully explain a uniquely human form of geometric cognition. In the book, (...)
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  7.  83
    A theory of implicit commitment.Mateusz Łełyk & Carlo Nicolai - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-26.
    The notion of implicit commitment has played a prominent role in recent works in logic and philosophy of mathematics. Although implicit commitment is often associated with highly technical studies, it remains an elusive notion. In particular, it is often claimed that the acceptance of a mathematical theory implicitly commits one to the acceptance of a Uniform Reflection Principle for it. However, philosophers agree that a satisfactory analysis of the transition from a theory to its reflection principle is still lacking. We (...)
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    Universal properties of truth.Mateusz Lelyk & Bartosz Wcislo - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    In this paper, we investigate abstract model-theoretic properties which hold for models in which a truth or satisfaction predicate for a sublanguage of the signature is definable. We analyze in which cases those properties in fact ensure the definability of the respective truth predicate. In some cases, we formulate different axiomatic theories which are indispensable for such properties to hold and we analyze the mutual definability relations between those theories.
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    Local collection and end-extensions of models of compositional truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (6):102941.
    We introduce a principle of local collection for compositional truth predicates and show that it is arithmetically conservative over the classically compositional theory of truth. This axiom states that upon restriction to formulae of any syntactic complexity, the resulting predicate satisfies full collection. In particular, arguments using collection for the truth predicate applied to sentences occurring in any given (code of a) proof do not suffice to show that the conclusion of that proof is true, in stark contrast to the (...)
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  10.  38
    Hermeneutics of Human-Animal Relations in the Wake of Rewilding: The Ethical Guide to Ecological Discomforts.Mateusz Tokarski - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    In consequence of significant social, political, economic, and demographic changes several wildlife species are currently growing in numbers and recolonizing Europe. While this is rightly hailed as a success of the environmental movement, the return of wildlife brings its own issues. As the animals arrive in the places we inhabit, we are learning anew that life with wild nature is not easy, especially when the accumulated cultural knowledge and experience pertaining to such coexistence have been all but lost. This book (...)
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    Roger Penrose's quantization of the mind (Rogera Penrose'a kwantowanie umyslu).Hohol Mateusz - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (3 (67)).
  12. Odbicia Negatywne. Dialektyka Tożsamości W Solaris Stanisława Lema.Mateusz Michalski - 2025 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 29 (29):133-144.
    W artykule podjęto temat procesu kształtowania się tożsamości Krisa Kelvina w Solaris Stanisława Lema. Głównym narzędziem badawczym zastosowanym w analizie i interpretacji powieści jest pojęcie negatywności zaczerpnięte z Kojèviańskiej interpretacji Hegla. Dialektyka tożsamości głównego bohatera Solaris opiera się na relacji z Innym, który staje się lustrem ukazującym odwrócony obraz pozytywny patrzącego. Odnalezienie tożsamości jest bowiem możliwe dzięki negatywności: utracie, braku, niedoskonałości itp. Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytania: co odróżnia nas od „neutrinowych gości”?, co pozwala odnaleźć tożsamość? oraz jak przebiega (...)
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    How to Do “Ought” with “Is”? A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to the Normativity of Legal Language.Mateusz Zeifert - 2025 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 38 (1):73-98.
    The paper addresses the question how descriptive language is used to express legal norms. Sentences we find in legislative acts, i.e. statutes, constitutions and regulations, express legal norms. Linguistically speaking, there are various grammatical and lexical ways of expressing norms, such as imperative mood, modal verbs, deontic verbs, etc. However, norms may also be expressed by descriptive sentences, namely sentences in present or future tense and indicative (declarative) mood (i.e. _The minister determines the tax rate_). In many civil law countries (...)
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  14.  31
    Truth and feasible reducibility.Ali Enayat, Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):367-421.
    Let ${\cal T}$ be any of the three canonical truth theories CT^− (compositional truth without extra induction), FS^− (Friedman–Sheard truth without extra induction), or KF^− (Kripke–Feferman truth without extra induction), where the base theory of ${\cal T}$ is PA. We establish the following theorem, which implies that ${\cal T}$ has no more than polynomial speed-up over PA. Theorem.${\cal T}$is feasibly reducible to PA, in the sense that there is a polynomial time computable function f such that for every ${\cal T}$-proof (...)
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  15.  38
    Interpretacja humanistyczna a teoretyczna rekonstrukcja kultury.Mateusz Bonecki - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):189-211.
    Author: Bonecki Mateusz Title: HUMANISTIC INTERPRETATION AND THEORETICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF CULTURE (Interpretacja humanistyczna a teoretyczna rekonstrukcja kultury) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.12, number: 2011/1, pages: 189-211 Keywords: CULTURE, SOCIO-REGULATORY THEORY OF CULTURE, KMITA, INTERPRETATION, HUMANITIES, FUNCTIONALISM, CULTURAL STUDIES, KULTURWISSENSCHAFTEN Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In this paper the author presents crucial aspects of Jerzy Kmita’s socio-regulatory conception of culture in order to define it as a theoretical background of “humanistic (...)
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    Models of weak theories of truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (5):453-474.
    In the following paper we propose a model-theoretical way of comparing the “strength” of various truth theories which are conservative over PA PA . Let Th{\mathfrak {Th}} denote the class of models of PA PA which admit an expansion to a model of theory Th{ Th}. We show (combining some well known results and original ideas) that PATBRSUTBCT,\begin{aligned} {{\mathfrak {PA}}}\supset {\mathfrak {TB}}\supset {{\mathfrak {RS}}}\supset {\mathfrak {UTB}}\supseteq \mathfrak {CT^-}, \end{aligned} where PA{\mathfrak {PA}} denotes simply the class of all models of (...)
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  17.  30
    Models of Positive Truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):144-172.
    This paper is a follow-up to [4], in which a mistake in [6] (which spread also to [9]) was corrected. We give a strenghtening of the main result on the semantical nonconservativity of the theory of PT−with internal induction for total formulae${(\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + {\rm{INT}}\left( {{\rm{tot}}} \right)$, denoted by PT−in [9]). We show that if to PT−the axiom of internal induction forallarithmetical formulae is added (giving${\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + {\rm{INT}}$), then this theory is semantically stronger than${\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + (...)
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  18.  69
    On the Rosser–Turquette method of constructing axiom systems for finitely many-valued propositional logics of Łukasiewicz.Mateusz M. Radzki - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (1-2):27-32.
    A method of constructing Hilbert-type axiom systems for standard many-valued propositional logics was offered by Rosser and Turquette. Although this method is considered to be a solution of the problem of axiomatisability of a wide class of many-valued logics, the article demonstrates that it fails to produce adequate axiom systems. The article concerns finitely many-valued propositional logics of Łukasiewicz. It proves that if standard propositional connectives of the Rosser–Turquette axiom systems are definable in terms of the propositional connectives of Łukasiewicz’s (...)
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  19.  34
    Koncepcja uczuć egzystencjalnych Matthew Ratcliffe’a.Mateusz Chról - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (1):345-373.
    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i krytyczna analiza koncepcji uczuć egzystencjalnych, autorstwa współczesnego filozofa psychiatrii o orientacji fenomenologicznej — Matthew Ratcliffe’a. Uczucia egzystencjalne są specjalną klasą stanów afektywnych, nadającą emocjonalnego zabarwienia subiektywnemu doświadczeniu rzeczywistości. Mają one charakter przedrefleksyjny i stanowią niejawne tło świadomości fenomenalnej, które w potocznym doświadczeniu pozostaje poza polem uwagi. Uczucia te mają ścisły związek z emocjami, determinując typy przedmiotów intencjonalnych zawartych w stanach emocjonalnych i wyznaczając repertuar możliwych do doświadczenia emocji. Najważniejsze uczucia egzystencjalne, które wyróżnia Ratcliffe, to: (1) (...)
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  20.  48
    Legal Translation Versus Legal Interpretation. A Legal-Theoretical Perspective.Mateusz Zeifert & Zygmunt Tobor - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (5):1671-1687.
    In this article we investigate the relationship between legal translation and legal interpretation. The common wisdom is that these activities are closely related, but the nature of that relationship remains disputable. We adopt the perspective of legal theory—as opposed to the perspective of translation studies—which seems to be underrepresented in the literature of the subject. We start with distinguishing between the two notions of legal interpretation: the wide sense and the narrow sense. We argue that the relationship between legal translation (...)
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  21. Fundamentalne teorie empiryczne w ujęciu Wittgensteina.Mateusz Adamek - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (4).
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    Working Memory in Aphasia: The Role of Temporal Information Processing.Mateusz Choinski, Elzbieta Szelag, Tomasz Wolak & Aneta Szymaszek - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Aphasia is an acquired impairment of language functions resulting from a brain lesion. It is usually accompanied by deficits in non-linguistic cognitive processes. This study aimed to investigate in patients with aphasia the complex interrelationships between selected cognitive functions: auditory speech comprehension, working memory, and temporal information processing in the millisecond time range. Thirty right-handed subjects aged from 27 to 82 years suffering from post-stroke aphasia participated in the study. Verbal working memory and spatial working memory were assessed with: a (...)
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    (1 other version)Przewodniki dla świata na rozdrożu.Mateusz Iskrzyński - 2018 - Etyka 56:133-142.
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    On Axiom Systems of Słupecki for the Functionally Complete Three-Valued Logic.Mateusz M. Radzki - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (4):403-415.
    The article concerns two axiom systems of Słupecki for the functionally complete three-valued propositional logic: W1–W6 and A1–A9. The article proves that both of them are inadequate—W1–W6 is semantically incomplete, on the other hand, A1–A9 governs a functionally incomplete calculus, and thus, it cannot be a semantically complete axiom system for the functionally complete three-valued logic.
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  25.  40
    Dialogue with Nature and the Ecological Imperative.Mateusz Salwa - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (4):123-135.
    The aim of the paper is to discuss the idea of dialogue with nature. Even though the idea of dialogue with animals, plants – even objects of inanimate nature – is well known, it has usually been treated as an expression of a naive or folk view. Yet, it has recently gained in importance as an idea that is used to describe an ecological approach to natural environment and tends to be treated as a foundation for an ecological culture. A (...)
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  26.  20
    Pluralizm eksplanacyjny w minimalistycznej neurofilozofii Henrika Waltera a fundamentalna teoria świadomości.Mateusz Tofilski - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:503-518.
    Artykuł jest próbą analizy koncepcji minimalistycznej neurofilozofii autorstwa Henrika Waltera w kontekście dyskusji dotyczącej problemu psychofizycznego. Bezpośrednio związana z ową koncepcją teoria o „zróżnicowanej metafizyce” została w tekście powiązana z ideą pluralizmu eksplanacyjnego i ukazana jako metodologiczna alternatywa dla poszukiwania fundamentalnych teorii świadomości. Jednocześnie poza ewentualnymi zaletami metafilozoficznej refleksji podejmowanej w ramach minimalistycznej neurofilozofii zarysowane zostały jej podstawowe ograniczenia i problemy związane z uznaniem superweniencji za punkt łączący różnorodne stanowiska neurofilozoficzne.
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  27.  65
    Cognitive Artifacts for Geometric Reasoning.Mateusz Hohol & Marcin Miłkowski - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (4):657-680.
    In this paper, we focus on the development of geometric cognition. We argue that to understand how geometric cognition has been constituted, one must appreciate not only individual cognitive factors, such as phylogenetically ancient and ontogenetically early core cognitive systems, but also the social history of the spread and use of cognitive artifacts. In particular, we show that the development of Greek mathematics, enshrined in Euclid’s Elements, was driven by the use of two tightly intertwined cognitive artifacts: the use of (...)
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  28. Sexual Quality of Life, Sexual Knowledge, and Attitudes of Older Adults on the Example of Inhabitants Over 60s of Bialystok, Poland.Mateusz Cybulski, Lukasz Cybulski, Elzbieta Krajewska-Kulak, Magda Orzechowska, Urszula Cwalina & Marek Jasinski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Axiomatization of Some Basic and Modal Boolean Connexive Logics.Mateusz Klonowski - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (4):517-536.
    Boolean connexive logic is an extension of Boolean logic that is closed under Modus Ponens and contains Aristotle’s and Boethius’ theses. According to these theses a sentence cannot imply its negation and the negation of a sentence cannot imply the sentence; and if the antecedent implies the consequent, then the antecedent cannot imply the negation of the consequent and if the antecedent implies the negation of the consequent, then the antecedent cannot imply the consequent. Such a logic was first introduced (...)
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  30.  22
    Wprowadzenie.Mateusz Kotowski & Krzysztof Szlachcic - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (3):5.
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    Universal properties of truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. In this paper, we investigate abstract model-theoretic properties which hold for models in which a truth or satisfaction predicate for a sublanguage of the signature is definable. We analyze in which cases those properties in fact ensure the definability of the respective truth predicate. In some cases, we formulate different axiomatic theories which are indispensable for such properties to hold and we analyze the mutual definability relations between those theories.
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    Are there really any errors in the Austrian theory of welfare?Mateusz Czyżniewski - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:505-527.
    This text reviews David Megger’s 2021 book entitled _Justice in Welfare Economics. __Libertarianism and the Austrian School_ (in Polish: _Sprawiedliwość w ekonomii dobrobytu, liberatarianizm i szkoła austriacka_). The review takes a critical approach, highlighting the most significant aspects of the presented considerations and emphasising their uniqueness and complexity. I intend to extensively discuss the author’s theses concerning the modification of the fundamental claims of Austrian school representatives about justice and welfare, highlighting both their strengths and weaknesses.
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    Metapolityczna synteza św. Tomasza z Akwinu.Mateusz Woch - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (1):95-100.
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    Kategoria afordancji a problem relacji struktury i sprawstwa.Mateusz Tofilski - 2024 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 60 (1):101-120.
    Artykuł zawiera analizę wykorzystania kategorii afordancji w koncepcjach socjologicznych, podejmujących problematykę relacji pomiędzy strukturą społeczną a jednostkowym sprawstwem. W tekście skoncentrowano się na dwóch koncepcjach, które stanowią próbę ujęcia tej relacji w spójnym podejściu teoretycznym i bez popadania w skrajny determinizm społeczny oraz nadmierny indywidualizm. Są nimi krytyczny realizm i koncepcja habitusu Pierre’a Bourdieu. Kategoria afordancji jest przedstawiona w artykule jako użyteczne narzędzie do opisu relacji między podmiotem a środowiskiem, które to narzędzie pozwala zwrócić uwagę na czynnik materialny w badaniu (...)
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    Comparing Axiomatic Theories of Truth.Mateusz Łełyk - 2019 - Studia Semiotyczne 33 (2):255-286.
    The main aim of our paper was to present three formal tools for comparing various axiomatic theories of truth. In Section 2 we aimed at showing that there are indeed many different approaches to defining a set of axioms for the notion of truth. In Section 3 we introduced three different \measures of strength" of axiomatic theories of truth, i.e. three reflexive and transitive relations on the set of axiomatic theories of truth. We have explained the intuition behind each of (...)
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    Imagining Immanent Causality: Depictions of Neo-Confucian and Spinozist Monism in the Works of Matteo Ricci and Pierre Bayle.Mateusz Janik - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (1):118-138.
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    Stosunek człowieka do świata.Mateusz Biernaczyk - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Stosunek człowieka do świata.Mateusz Biernaczyk - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    (1 other version)Jerzy Kmita–interpretacja humanistyczna i społeczno-regulacyjna koncepcja kultury.Mateusz Bonecki - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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    Relations Between Singapore and the People’s Republic of China in the Light of Donald Trump’s New Southeast Asia Policy.Mateusz Chatys - 2019 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 23 (1):133-148.
    The aim of the article is to analyze the relationship between Singapore and the People’s Republic of China in the light of the current policy of the President of the United States Donald Trump. The point of reference for the presented analysis is the foreign policy of the former President Barack Obama, based on the strategy known as “pivot to Asia” – the strategic turnabout of the United States to the Asia-Pacific region. One of its main objectives was the signing (...)
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    On a Three-Valued Logic with Blamey’s Interjunction for the Formal Description of Atomic Transactions.Mateusz M. Radzki - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (2):177-191.
    The article demonstrates that to describe the property of atomicity of transactions in database systems, we need a three-valued logic with propositional connective characterized in the same way as Blamey’s interjunction. However, the article explains that since Blamey’s partial logic with interjunction is a logic without tautologies, it does not satisfy some salient conditions of being a logic of atomic transactions. The article introduces a logic of the considered kind, and provides an example of the formal exposition of the case (...)
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    Podmiot ucieleśniony w zaprojektowanym środowisku. Analiza wykorzystania koncepcji afordancji w architekturze.Mateusz Tofilski & Filip Stawski - 2021 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 11 (1).
    The subject embodied in the designed environment. Analysis of the use of the affordance concept in architecture: James Gibson’s ecological psychology is considered as one of the research subtraditions within embodied cognition. Gibson emphasizes the nature of the agent-environment interaction through the development of the theory of affordances. According to this idea, affordances are relational properties of the environment that enable a specific action for the agent. Currently this concept is being applied in many different contexts. This paper considers the (...)
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  43. A Theory of Implicit Commitment for Mathematical Theories.Mateusz Łełyk & Carlo Nicolai - manuscript
    The notion of implicit commitment has played a prominent role in recent works in logic and philosophy of mathematics. Although implicit commitment is often associated with highly technical studies, it remains so far an elusive notion. In particular, it is often claimed that the acceptance of a mathematical theory implicitly commits one to the acceptance of a Uniform Reflection Principle for it. However, philosophers agree that a satisfactory analysis of the transition from a theory to its reflection principle is still (...)
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    Covid Monetary Expansion: Are Business Profits to be Blamed for the Inflation in 2022?Mateusz Machaj - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):441-450.
    Recent increases in inflation rates around the world has lead to many discussions on the causes of such rapid adjustments, some suggesting that higher profits are responsible driving force behind inflation. Here we will focus on the United States case and demonstrate why quantity theory of money is relevant to explain what has been going on with inflation after 2020 rather than profit based theory of inflation. First section introduces the argument. Second section restates quantity theory of money with relevance (...)
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  45.  20
    Wizualizacje w nauce jako dzieła sztuki.Mateusz Machalski, Mateusz Salwa & Piotr Welk - 2022 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 13 (3).
    Poster ma na celu zaprezentowanie na konkretnym przykładzie wizualizacji w nauce jako dzieła sztuki. Składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza to skrócona wersja artykułu oraz graficzna prezentacji owego skrótu, wygenerowana za pomocą algorytmu uwzględniającego rozkład liter w tekście (kod został dołączony). Druga część to hasła zapisane krojem pisma tak dobranym, aby wywoływał napięcie między wizualną stroną hasła (emocjami, myślami, skojarzeniami związanymi z formą) a jego znaczeniem (treścią). Poster zasadza się na założeniach przedstawionych w artykule. Proponujemy mianowicie, aby spojrzeć na wizualizacje (...)
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  46.  22
    Visual Sexual Stimuli—Cue or Reward? A Perspective for Interpreting Brain Imaging Findings on Human Sexual Behaviors.Mateusz Gola, Małgorzata Wordecha, Artur Marchewka & Guillaume Sescousse - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Feelings Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Patients Treated in the Oncology Clinics.Mateusz Grajek, Eliza Działach, Marta Buczkowska, Michał Górski & Elzbieta Nowara - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The number of cancer patients is constantly growing. Both WHO and IARC report that this number may reach up to 24 million new diagnosed cases in the next two decades. The proposed treatment and especially the diagnosis can have a significant impact on an individual's approach to the disease, as well as on the patient's quality of life.Objectives: The study aimed to assess the quality of life, feelings, and fear of cancer-treating oncological patients, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.Material (...)
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  48.  11
    Selected Behaviors and Addiction Risk Among Users of Urban Multimedia Games.Mateusz Grajek, Łukasz Olszewski, Karolina Krupa-Kotara, Agnieszka Białek-Dratwa & Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe rapid development of technology has led to the transfer of entertainment to the virtual world. Many games and multimedia applications use the so-called augmented reality. With the development of a new technological branch, a new health problem has emerged, which is infoholic addiction, attracting people with the specific functionality that is cyberspace and the virtual world.ObjectiveThe study aimed to assess health behaviors and the risk of addiction among users of urban multimedia games. Research methodology. The study was conducted among (...)
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  49.  23
    Biopsychologiczne podstawy poznania geometrycznego.Mateusz Hohol - 2018 - Philosophical Problems in Science 64:137-165.
    In this review-paper, I focus on biopsychological foundations of geometric cognition. Starting from the Kant’s views on mathematics, I attempt to show that contemporary cognitive scientists, alike the famous philosopher, recognize mutual relationships of visuospatial processing and geometric cognition. What I defend is a claim that Tinbergen’s explanatory questions are the most fruitful tool for explaining our “hardwired,” and thus shared with other animals, Euclidean intuitions, which manifest themselves in spatial navigation and shape recognition. I claim, however, that these “hardwired (...)
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  50. Czy potrzebna nam teoria fundamentalna? Refleksje na temat teorii świadomości Davida Chalmersa.Mateusz Hohol - 2011 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 49.
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