Results for 'Grocery stores'

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  1.  12
    Grocery Store Hug.Ryan McCarthy - 2019 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 9 (2):89-90.
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    A clean well lighted place: In search of food ethics in the 21st century grocery store.Glenn McGee - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (10):1 – 2.
  3.  37
    Use of financial incentives and text message feedback to increase healthy food purchases in a grocery store cash back program: a randomized controlled trial.Anjali Gopalan, Pamela A. Shaw, Raymond Lim, Jithen Paramanund, Deepak Patel, Jingsan Zhu, Kevin G. Volpp & Alison M. Buttenheim - 2019 - BMC Public Health 19 (1):674.
    The HealthyFood program offers members up to 25% cash back monthly on healthy food purchases. In this randomized controlled trial, we tested the efficacy of financial incentives combined with text messages in increasing healthy food purchases among HF members. Members receiving the lowest cash back level were randomized to one of six arms: Arm 1 : 10% cash back, no weekly text, standard monthly text; Arm 2: 10% cash back, generic weekly text, standard monthly text; Arm 3: 10% cash back, (...)
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    Frankenfood, or, Fear and Loathing at the Grocery Store.Jennifer Welchman - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Research 32 (9999):141-150.
    Genetically modified food crops have been called ‘frankenfoods’ since 1992. Although some might dismiss the phenomena as clever marketing by anti-GM groups, of no philosophic interest, its resonance with the general public suggests otherwise. I argue that examination of the intersection of popular conceptions of monsters, nature, and food at which ‘frankenfood’ stands reveals significant and disturbing trends in our relationship to organic nature of interest to moral and social philosophy and to environmental ethics.
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    The Moderating Effect of Store Format on the Relationships Between ICT, Innovation and Sustainability in Retailing.Antonio Marín-García, Irene Gil-Saura, María-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina & Gloria Berenguer-Contrí - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Innovation and sustainability are postulated as key variables for the future of large commercial distribution. In addition, the development of Information and Communication Technologies solutions, and especially those related to Artificial Intelligence and digitization, are particularly relevant factors in the current pandemic scenario in which retail companies operate. These tools are essential to face the derived changes in commercial relations, especially between companies and consumers. For all these reasons, this work aims to examine the effect of ICT, as a driving (...)
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    Explaining disparities in food safety compliance by food stores: does community matter? [REVIEW]Kameshwari Pothukuchi, Rayman Mohamed & David A. Gebben - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (3):319-332.
    This paper provides a conceptual framework to explain why disparities may exist in food safety code compliance by food stores in different neighborhoods. Explanations include market dynamics, community characteristics, retailer attributes, inspector characteristics, and enforcement approaches, and interactions among the factors. A preliminary and limited empirical test of some of these relationships in Detroit, Michigan shows a higher rate of food safety violations by stores in poorer neighborhoods and in neighborhoods with higher concentrations of African-American residents. Stores (...)
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    Buying into the food system: Trends in food retailing in the US and implications for local foods. [REVIEW]Amy Guptill & Jennifer L. Wilkins - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (1):39-51.
    The contemporary US food systemis characterized by both an unprecedentedconcentration of corporate control as well as afragmentation of sourcing and marketingprocesses, introducing both new constraints andnew opportunities for more localized foodsystems. The purpose of our study is to explorethese issues by investigating three keyquestions. First, what are the key trends inthe US grocery industry? Second, how dodifferent kinds of food outlets choose,procure, and promote food products? Finally,what are the implications of recent trends inthe food retailing process for strengtheninglocal flows (...)
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    After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History.Arthur Coleman Danto - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    Over a decade ago, Arthur Danto announced that art ended in the sixties. Ever since this declaration, he has been at the forefront of a radical critique of the nature of art in our time. After the End of Art presents Danto's first full-scale reformulation of his original insight, showing how, with the eclipse of abstract expressionism, art has deviated irrevocably from the narrative course that Vasari helped define for it in the Renaissance. Moreover, he leads the way to a (...)
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  9. Why Meat is Moral, and Veggies are Immoral.Robin Hanson - unknown
    You are in a grocery store, and thinking of buying some meat. You think you know what buying and eating this meat would mean for your taste buds, your nutrition, and your pocketbook, and let's assume that on those grounds it looks like a good deal. But now you want to think about the..
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  10. Normative Functionalism about Intentional Action.Chauncey Maher - 2012 - Normative Functionalism and the Pittsburgh School.
    In any given day, I do many things. I perspire, digest and age. When I walk, I place one foot ahead of the other, my arms swinging gently at my sides; if someone bumps into me, I stumble. Perspiring, digesting, aging, placing my feet, swaying my arms and stumbling are all things I do, in some sense. Yet I also check my email, teach students and go to the grocery store. Those sorts of doings or behaviors seem distinctive; they (...)
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    The Ethicality of Point-of-Sale Marketing Campaigns: Normative Ethics Applied to Cause-Related Checkout Charities.Jay L. Caulfield, Catharyn A. Baird & Felissa K. Lee - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (4):799-814.
    “Would you like to contribute to XYZ charity by adding a dollar to your bill today?” Point-of-sale campaigns for fundraising are common to grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants and warehouse clubs. Commonly referred to as ‘checkout charity,’ these fundraisers have generated over $4.1 billion in contributions for nonprofits over the past three decades. Yet little research has focused on the ethicality of this type of campaign. To address this need, we analyze the issue using behavioral ethics and normative theory. (...)
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    Navigating the Legal Framework for State Foodborne Illness Surveillance and Outbreak Response: Observations and Challenges.Stephanie D. David & Rebecca L. Katz - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (s1):28-32.
    For at least the past 15 years, food safety stakeholders across all levels of government have recognized the critical role that state and local agencies play in our nation's food safety system. State and local agencies are the first responders to foodborne outbreaks and have primary responsibility for keeping their residents safe from foodborne disease through effective surveillance and rapid response to outbreaks. They also conduct the vast majority of food safety inspections across the nation's restaurants, grocery stores, (...)
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  13. Say No to GMOs! (Genetically Modified Organisms).Gene Thomas & Chris Picone - unknown
    Time was when you could bite a tomato and not ingest fish genes. Time was when you could eat french fries and just worry about the fat and salt, not the bacterial genes that produce insecticides in the potato. Those times are over, thanks to corporate control over both genetic engineering and the lack of food-labeling. Unless you are a “hard core” consumer of organic foods, you eat genetically engineered foods everyday. While 80-90% of US consumers believe genetically engineered foods (...)
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    Food labor, economic inequality, and the imperfect politics of process in the alternative food movement.Joshua Sbicca - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):675-687.
    There is a growing commitment by different parts of the alternative food movement (AFM) to improve labor conditions for conventional food chain workers, and to develop economically fair alternatives, albeit under a range of conditions that structure mobilization. This has direct implications for the process of intra-movement building and therefore the degree to which the movement ameliorates economic inequality at the point of food labor. This article asks what accounts for the variation in AFM labor commitments across different contexts. It (...)
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    Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living.John Kaag & Jonathan van Belle - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Henry at Work invites readers to rethink how we work today by exploring an aspect of Henry David Thoreau that has often been overlooked: Thoreau the worker. John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle overturn the popular misconception of Thoreau as a navel-gazing recluse who was scornful of work and other mundanities. In fact, Thoreau worked hard—surveying land, running his family’s pencil-making business, writing, lecturing, and building his cabin at Walden Pond—and thought intensely about work in its many dimensions. And his (...)
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    Leading by Example: Values-Based Strategy to Instill Ethical Conduct.Arne Nygaard, Harald Biong, Ragnhild Silkoset & Roland E. Kidwell - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (1):133-139.
    Years of research clearly shows that relying on traditional organizational power bases is not effective when companies want to promote business ethics and performance. It is not only that the use of legitimate power to establish ethics codes and coercive power to punish employees who do not comply does not work; this study—based on a multi-method research approach in the retail industry—indicates that the classic iron fist leads to unethical business values and lower service performance. But there is a light (...)
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  17. Datos ciberetnoculinarios. Antropología alimentaria en el barrio de Gràcia de Barcelona.Cecilia Montero Mórtola - 2009 - Aposta 41:1.
    What culinary shifts in the network consulting prescription or buying food. Migration and food have an intimate relationship in the Internet-based exchange of knowledge and conflicts of identity. Anthropological work is framed in a suburb of Barcelona. It describes the daily displayed in grocery stores and cibers scenarios where cooking is an important unsuspected forcing the observer to perform their task with an ethnographic perspective more open and heterodox, incorporating new concepts and recognizing the complexity of a different (...)
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  18. Restorative relationships.Andrew Light - unknown
    It is an old wag among environmentalists that humans have become disconnected from nature. The culprits for this conundrum are various. If it is not our addiction to technological enticements then it is our life in big cities which alienate us from our “earthen elements.” The presumed result of this disconnection is that we do not respect the land anymore and turn a blind eye to the environmental consequences of our collective acts of consumption and pollution. Various bits of evidence (...)
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    Everyday Philosophy of the Turkish People in Stambul.A. Hilmi Ōmer - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (30):205 - 212.
    Until the very recent days of the Turkish Republic, when every effort is being made to adopt the ways of Western civilization, it has been the picturesque and wellnigh universal custom for shops to carry on their walls small placards, usually framed, and these placards have contained in beautiful Arabic writing verses from the Quran, traditions of Muhammed, rhymed and unrhymed sayings which have for generations been passed down from father to son. Coffee-houses, barber shops, booksellers, grocery stores, (...)
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  20.  52
    From Food Desert to Food Oasis: The Potential Influence of Food Retailers on Childhood Obesity Rates.Elizabeth Howlett, Cassandra Davis & Scot Burton - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (2):215-224.
    Few studies have examined the influence of the food environment on obesity rates among very young, low-income consumers. This research contributes to this growing literature by examining the relationship between modifications to the retail environment and obesity rates for low-income, preschool-aged children. Based on data combined from various secondary sources, this study finds that changes in the retail environment are significantly related to obesity rates. More specifically, the authors find a positive relationship between the number of convenience stores in (...)
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  21. Foundations of Everyday Practical Reasoning.Hanti Lin - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (6):831-862.
    “Since today is Saturday, the grocery store is open today and will be closed tomorrow; so let’s go today”. That is an example of everyday practical reasoning—reasoning directly with the propositions that one believes but may not be fully certain of. Everyday practical reasoning is one of our most familiar kinds of decisions but, unfortunately, some foundational questions about it are largely ignored in the standard decision theory: (Q1) What are the decision rules in everyday practical reasoning that connect (...)
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    Food Oppression in a Pandemic.Andrea Freeman - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (4):711-718.
    COVID-related racial disparities represent a spectrum of injustices and inequalities. Focusing on food oppression, this essay argues that racism infuses food law and policy in ways that contribute to racially disparate COVID deaths and severe illnesses. USDA nutrition program participants were at a nutritional disadvantage when COVID hit. Yet, government responses focused on food insecurity, not nutritional quality. Racism against a predominantly Black and brown labor force of essential food workers — from fields to meat plants to grocery (...) — created tolerance for the administration’s failure to protect or compensate some of the country’s most vulnerable workers. When COVID-driven supply issues threatened to narrow white people’s activities and choices, the favored response was to keep their options open by sacrificing Black and brown workers. A food oppression lens — understanding how corporate interests drive food policy — is necessary to achieve food equality in this pandemic and beyond. (shrink)
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    Redefining the food desert: combining GIS with direct observation to measure food access.Mark S. LeClair & Anna-Maria Aksan - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (4):537-547.
    As public and private resources are increasingly being directed towards the elimination of food deserts in urban areas, proper measurement of food access is essential. Amelioration has been approached through the use of farmers markets, virtual grocery stores, and corner store programs, but properly situating these assets in neighborhoods in need requires localized data on both the location and content of food outlets and the populations served. This paper examines the reliability of current techniques for identifying food deserts, (...)
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    Perceiving the Cultural Sea that is Our Home–Spiritual Formation and Western 21st Century Culture.Lisa Graham McMinn - 2017 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 10 (2):147-158.
    Spiritual formation occurs in the routines of daily living. We are formed by choices made at the grocery store, as we reach for our medicine cabinet, as we consider whether to drive ten minutes or walk thirty. Such seemingly insignificant choices reflect assumptions held about who we are, and how we are supposed to live in the world. Spiritual formation, like notions of civic duty, develops from within a cultural context. Cultural environments give us largely unquestioned taken-for-granted assumptions about (...)
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  25. Fruit and vegetable access in four low-income food deserts communities in Minnesota.Deja Hendrickson, Chery Smith & Nicole Eikenberry - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (3):371-383.
    Access to fruits and vegetables by low-income residents living in selected urban and rural Minnesotan communities was investigated. Communities were selected based on higher than state average poverty rates, limited access to grocery stores, and urban influence codes (USDA ERS codes). Four communities, two urban and two rural, were selected. Data were gathered from focus group discussions (n = 41), responses to a consumer survey (n = 396 in urban neighborhoods and n = 400 in rural communities), and (...)
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    Age differences in preferences for emotionally-meaningful versus knowledge-related appeals.Julia C. M. Van Weert, Nadine Bol & Margot J. van der Goot - 2021 - Communications 46 (2):205-228.
    Socioemotional selectivity theory (SST), an influential life-span theory, suggests that older adults prefer persuasive messages that appeal to emotionally-meaningful goals over messages that appeal to knowledge-related goals, whereas younger adults do not show this preference. A mixed-factorial experiment was conducted to test whether older adults (≥65 years) differ from younger adults (25–45 years) in their preference for emotionally-meaningful appeals over knowledge-related appeals, when appeals are clearly developed in line with SST. For older adults we found the expected preference for emotionally-meaningful (...)
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  27. The Magic of Holes.Achille C. Varzi - 2019 - In Pina Marsico & Luca Tateo, (eds.), Ordinary Things and Their Extraordinary Meanings, Charlotte (NC),. Information Age Publishing. pp. 21-33.
    There is no doughnut without a hole, the saying goes. And that’s true. If you think you can come up with an exception, it simply wouldn’t be a doughnut. Holeless doughnuts are like extensionless color, or durationless sound—nonsense. Does it follow, then, that when we buy a doughnut we really purchase two sorts of thing—the edible stuff plus the little chunk of void in the middle? Surely we cannot just take the doughnut and leave the hole at the grocery (...)
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    Corporate Decisions about Labelling Genetically Modified Foods.Chris MacDonald & Melissa Whellams - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (2):181-189.
    This paper considers whether individual companies have an ethical obligation to label their Genetically Modified (GM) foods. GM foods and ingredients pervade grocery store shelves, despite the fact that a majority of North Americans have worries about eating those products. The market as whole has largely failed to respond to consumer preference in this regard, as have North American governments. A number of consumer groups, NGO’s, and activist organizations have urged corporations to label their GM products. This paper asks (...)
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  29.  14
    The resilience and viability of farmers markets in the United States as an alternative food network: case studies from Michigan during the COVID-19 pandemic.Chelsea Wentworth, Phillip Warsaw, Krista Isaacs, Abou Traore, Angel Hammon & Arena Lewis - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (4):1481-1496.
    This paper examines the resilience of farmers markets in Michigan to the system shock of the global COVID-19 pandemic, questioning how the response fits into market goals of food sovereignty. Adapting to shifting public health recommendations and uncertainty, managers implemented new policies to create a safe shopping experience and expand food access. As consumers directed their shopping to farmers markets looking for safer outdoor shopping, local products, and foods in short supply at grocery stores, market sales skyrocketed with (...)
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    Growing pains in local food systems: a longitudinal social network analysis on local food marketing in Baltimore County, Maryland and Chester County, Pennsylvania.Catherine Brinkley, Gwyneth M. Manser & Sasha Pesci - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):911-927.
    Local food systems are growing, and little is known about how the constellation of farms and markets change over time. We trace the evolution of two local food systems over six years, including a dataset of over 2690 market connections between 1520 locations. Longitudinal social network analysis reveals how the architecture, actor network centrality, magnitude, and spatiality of these supply chains shifted during the 2012–2018 time period. Our findings demonstrate that, despite growth in the number of farmers’ markets, grocery (...)
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  31. The Institutional Theory of Art.Robert J. Yanal - unknown
    he first institutional theory of art is outlined in a 1964 essay by Arthur Danto, “The Artworld,” which ruminates on the paradox that Andy Warhol’s Brillo Boxes is art though any of its perceptually indistinguishable twins—any stack of Brillo boxes in a grocery store—is not. Danto’s offers this solution to the paradox: “To see something as art requires something the eye cannot descry—an atmosphere of artistic theory, a knowledge of the history of art: an artworld.” Ultimately, though, it is (...)
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    All roads lead to the farmers market?: using network analysis to measure the orientation and central actors in a community food system through a case comparison of Yolo and Sacramento County, California.Jordana Fuchs-Chesney, Subhashni Raj, Tishtar Daruwalla & Catherine Brinkley - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):157-173.
    Little is known about how farms and markets are connected. Identifying critical gaps and central hubs in food systems is of importance in addressing a variety of concerns, such as navigating rapid shifts in marketing practices as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic and related food shortages. The constellation of growers and markets can also reinforce opportunities to shift growing and eating policies and practices with attention to addressing racial and income inequities in food system ownership and access. With this research, (...)
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    The Effect of Nudging in Promoting the Consumption of Organic Fruits and Vegetables.Kerstin Weimer, Richard Ahlström & Francisco Esteves - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A field study collecting behavioral data was conducted to investigate effects of behavioral interventions, commonly known as nudges, in promoting the consumption of organic fruits and vegetables. Consumption, both organically and conventionally produced fruits and vegetables, was measured in a grocery store during 4 days where consumers were exposed to informational messages in combination with either emotional images or social norm messages. Measurements of daily consumption without exposure to nudges were carried out during four other days. The results showed (...)
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    Ghost Story; Carolina Horror Story; Honey.Emily Zhang - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):656.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:656 Feminist Studies 43, no. 3. © 2017 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Ghost Story The day our house burned, Mama dumped it in the river. Palms on the shore, finch in place of bruises. A hollowed tusk birthing pockets of gray glowing some kind of holy, salt-spittle and rattling. Carolina Horror Story Sandra, softest face south of the Mason Dixon line, got eggshells under her toes, eyes made of (...)
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    The Juggling Act.Samantha René Merriwether - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):205-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Juggling ActSamantha René MerriwetherDepressed. Anxious. Insomniac. Learning Disabled. Physically impaired. Sufferer of Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder. Would you choose any of these labels? How about taking two or three? Sound manageable? Probably not. But why? All across our society are plastered expectations of perfection, normalcy and “acceptable” images.I am 27–years–old and, despite the years of education I have received, the communication skills I have gained in English and American (...)
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    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on religious tourism amongst Muslims in Iraq.Arif Partono Prasetio, Tran Duc Tai, Maria Jade Catalan Opulencia, Mazhar Abbas, Yousef A. Baker El-Ebiary, Saja Fadhil Abbas, Olga Bykanova, Ansuman Samal & A. Heri Iswanto - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):6.
    Tourism, as an industry, has become one of the most dynamic sectors of the world economy these days and has specific features that are different from other industries. In the tourism industry, production and consumption points occur spatially at the same time. In addition, the tourism industry contributes to the economic growth of developed regions and can simultaneously distribute the wealth created geographically. It is notable that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused many challenges in the tourism industry (...)
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  37. Why Eating Roadkill is Wrong: New Consequentialist and Deontological Perspectives.Cheryl Abbate - forthcoming - In Book Chapter.
    Some animal ethicists argue that eating roadkill is permissible because salvaging and consuming already dead animals doesn’t cause harm to anyone. Moreover, some argue that eating roadkill is actually obligatory, insofar as a diet that includes some roadkill is less harmful than a diet that consists of protein (animal or plant) obtained only from grocery stores and restaurants. Against this view, Abbate argues that eating roadkill is wrong for at least two reasons: (1) better consequences would be produced (...)
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  38. Is there a freegan challenge to veganism?Andy Lamey - 2023 - In Cheryl Abbate & Christopher Bobier, New Omnivorism and Strict Veganism: Critical Perspectives. Routledge. pp. 35-51.
    Freeganism is the practice of eating food that is free. It is commonly associated with recovering food that grocery stores and restaurants have thrown away, but vegetables grown in one’s garden and other free foods, such as leftovers from a work event, would also qualify. It is worth asking whether there is a form of freeganism that can be justified in new omnivorist terms. Could it be consistent with animal protection to eat meat, just so long as we (...)
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    An oasis in the desert? The benefits and constraints of mobile markets operating in Syracuse, New York food deserts.Jonnell A. Robinson, Evan Weissman, Susan Adair, Matthew Potteiger & Joaquin Villanueva - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):877-893.
    In this paper we critically examine mobile markets as an emerging approach to serving communities with limited healthy food options. Mobile markets are essentially farm stands on wheels, bringing fresh fruits, vegetables and other food staples into neighborhoods, especially those lacking traditional, full service grocery stores, or where a significant proportion of the population lacks transportation to grocery stores. We first trace the emergence of contemporary mobile markets, including a brief summary about how and where they (...)
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    Calculating the Impacts of Food Gentrification in Portland, Oregon.Karishma Shah - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (2):1-32.
    While there is much research about the extreme gentrification currently occurring in most major cities around the United States, the economic impacts of food gentrification remain unstudied. Understanding how profits are lost by people of color in the restaurant industry helps to realize how food, restaurants, and grocery stores play a larger role in accelerating or even triggering gentrification in neighborhoods. This paper explores the cultural and economic impacts of food gentrification in Portland using data collection and data (...)
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    Viral Heroism: What the Rhetoric of Heroes in the COVID-19 Pandemic Tells Us About Medicine and Professional Identity.Patrick D. Hopkins - 2021 - HEC Forum 33 (1):109-124.
    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic the use of the term “hero” has been widespread. This is especially common in the context of healthcare workers and it is now unremarkable to see large banners on hospital exteriors that say “heroes work here”. There is more to be gleaned from the rhetoric of heroism than just awareness of public appreciation, however. Calling physicians and nurses heroes for treating sick people indicates something about the concept of medicine and medical professionals. In this essay, I (...)
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    Digital design options for social identity.Regina Penner & Lyubov Osipova - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:07-15.
    Introduction. Regardless of the perturbations and transformations of the external, a person realizes himself and presents himself to others in the direction of the so-called subjectivity. The topic of subjectivity, including the social identity of the subject, is widely represented in modern academic discourses. However, already in the first decade of the XXI century in the context of social and humanitarian reflections on the subject, the idea of the so-called digital subject was raised. In comparison with its biosociocultural counterpart, the (...)
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    Applying the Regulatory Powers of Public Health.Angela Z. Monson, Jake Pauls & Michelle Leverett - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (S4):68-69.
    The advent of sales over the Internet has led to interesting developments in sales tax policy as states attempt to monitor, control, and collect revenue from illusive Internet tobacco vendors. Tobacco sales have been successfully monitored and regulated, to some extent, in convenience stores, grocery stores, and smoke shops, and in most cases sales taxes are collected. The Internet, however, is extremely difficult to regulate. States could use their regulatory powers to ban the sale of products such (...)
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    ADA: Isolated Bouts of Depression Do Not Qualify as a Disability.Mayelin Prieto-Gonzalez - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (1):165-167.
    In Ogborn v. United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Local No. 881, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held that while major depression can constitute a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, isolated bouts of depression do not. Furthermore, the court held that an employee's firing after taking medical leave for depression does not violate the Family and Medical Leave Act, where evidence shows that the employee would have been fired for poor performance even if he (...)
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    The Tincture of the Doctor's Time.Holland Kaplan - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (1):12-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Tincture of the Doctor's TimeHolland KaplanI first thought of Mr. H as a "difficult patient" while reading the written hand-off I received on him as I was preparing to take over an inpatient general medicine service—"He leaves all the time to smoke." I don't think the statement was meant to imply anything about the patient; if anything, it may have been included for context to prepare me for (...)
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    Embodied ekphrasis of experience: Bodily rhetoric in mediating affect in interaction.Pirkko Raudaskoski, Jarkko Toikkanen & Hanna Rautajoki - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):91-111.
    The article investigates the rhetorical means of mediating affective experience in occasioned storytelling. The completion of this article has been supported by The Emil Aaltonen Foundation and The Academy of Finland project (285144) The Literary in Life and The Academy of Finland project (326645) European Solidarities in Turmoil. We are interested in the forms and aspects of bodily action in signifying and communicating a “para-factual experience” that was triggered by a real-life incident, but in fact only took place in a (...)
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  47.  12
    Coughin'/Coffin Air.Adilifu Nama - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):140-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Coughin'/Coffin AirAdilifu Nama (bio)Rummaging through the early remnants of a society that is facing climatic transformations, a single microbe forced America to pause, ponder and grasp the meaning of mortality in the early spring of 2020. Such a characterization is much more poetic than necessary, yet it is a frail attempt to capture the grand scale of the psychological and economic disorientation that has assailed the world and continues (...)
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    Associations between self-reported health conscious consumerism, body-mass index, and attitudes about sustainably produced foods.Ramona Robinson & Chery Smith - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (2):177-187.
    An evaluation was made of theassociations between self-reported healthconscious consumerism, body-mass index (BMI),and consumer beliefs, attitudes, intentions,and behaviors regarding sustainably producedfoods. Self-administered surveys were completedby adult consumers (n = 550) in threemetropolitan Minnesota grocery stores. Selecteddemographic and psychographic differencesbetween health conscious consumers andnon-health conscious consumers were evaluated.Compared to non-health conscious consumers,health conscious consumers were more likely tobe female, older, more educated, higher incomeearners, more active, healthier, and possess ahealthier body mass index. They also held moresupportive beliefs, attitudes, and (...)
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    Redlining, racism and food access in US urban cores.Yasamin Shaker, Sara E. Grineski, Timothy W. Collins & Aaron B. Flores - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):101-112.
    In the 1930s, the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) graded the mortgage security of urban US neighborhoods. In doing so, the HOLC engaged in the practice, imbued with racism and xenophobia, of “redlining” neighborhoods deemed “hazardous” for lenders. Redlining has caused persistent social, political and economic problems for communities of color. Linkages between redlining and contemporary food access remain unexamined, even though food access is essential to well-being. To investigate this, we used a census tract-level measure of low-income and low (...)
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    Communicating environmental information: Are marketing claims on packaging misleading? [REVIEW]Michael Jay Polonsky, Judith Bailey, Helen Baker, Christopher Basche, Carl Jepson & Lenore Neath - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (3):281-294.
    The increased usage of questionable environmental marketing claims has become an issue of concern for academics, policy makers and consumers. Much of the research to date, has focused on the accuracy of environmental claims in advertisements, with the information on product packaging being largely ignored. This study uses a content analysis to examine the environmental information on packaging. More specifically it examines the packaging of the population of dishwashing liquid bottles available in grocery stores in a large city (...)
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