Results for 'Greg Procknow'

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  1.  2
    Ableism and the discourse of risk and safety in patient‐facing work‐integrated learning.Iris Epstein, Lindsay Stephens, Melanie Baljko, Greg Procknow & Paula Mastrilli - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12671.
    In many countries, such as Canada, the USA, England, and Australia, to graduate from a regulated profession such as nursing, students must complete a set of work‐integrated learning (WIL) hours and demonstrate their ability to safely perform physical skills and apply knowledge in relation to professional standards. For a disabled nursing student (DNS) undergoing training in higher education institutions (HEI), securing proper accommodations to participate effectively in WIL experiences has been difficult due to concerns related to risks to self and (...)
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    Relevant Agents.Marta Bílková, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš & Greg Restall - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 22-38.
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  3. Top, LR: Iveta Bales (Farrar Gesini Dunn), Jessica Wynd (Certus Law), Jessica Kennedy (Farrar Gesini Dunn). Middle, LR: Robert Routh (Certus.L. R. Bottom, Martin Hockridge, Greg Brackenreg & Athol Opas - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Development of a Measure of Sleep, Circadian Rhythms, and Mood: The SCRAM Questionnaire.Jamie E. M. Byrne, Ben Bullock & Greg Murray - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Race, Identity, and Representation in Education.Cameron McCarthy, Warren Crichlow, Greg Dimitriadis & Nadine Dolby (eds.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    This stunning new edition retains the book's broad aims, intended audience, and multidisciplinary approach. New chapters take into account the more current backdrop of globalization, particularly events such as 9/11, and attendant developments that make a reconsideration of race relations in education quite urgent.
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  6. Audit committee features and earnings management: further evidence from Singapore.J. L. W. Mitchell Van der Zahn & Greg Tower - 2004 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (2):233-258.
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    Revealing Male Bodies.Nancy Tuana, Wil Cowling, Maurice Hamington, Greg Johnson & Terrance MacMullan (eds.) - 2002 - Indiana University Press.
    Revealing Male Bodies is the first scholarly collection to directly confront male lived experience. There has been an explosion of work in men's studies, masculinity issues, and male sexuality, in addition to a growing literature exploring female embodiment. Missing from the current literature, however, is a sustained analysis of the phenomenology of male-gendered bodies. Revealing Male Bodies addresses this omission by examining how male bodies are physically and experientially constituted by the economic, theoretical, and social practices in which men are (...)
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    Emotion, Somatovisceral Afference, and Autonomic Regulation.Greg J. Norman, Gary G. Berntson & John T. Cacioppo - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (2):113-123.
    The precise relationship between the autonomic nervous system and emotion has been a topic of intense debate and research throughout the history of modern psychology. The present article considers some of the more influential theoretical frameworks that continue to drive contemporary research on the relationship between emotion and physiological processes. In particular, we highlight the multiple routes through which somatovisceral afference influences emotion and how this relates to the topic of emotion-specific patterns of autonomic nervous system activity.
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  9. LOGIC Greg Restall i.Greg Restall - 2003 - In John Shand, Fundamentals of Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 64.
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    The What-Is-X? Question in the Posterior Analytics.Greg Bayer - 1997 - Ancient Philosophy 17 (2):317-334.
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    An Inside Job.Greg Erlandson - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3-4):773-774.
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  12. Conceptual Spaces and Computing with Words.Greg Gibbon, John Rickard & Janet Aisbett - 2015 - In Peter Gärdenfors & Frank Zenker, Applications of Conceptual Spaces : the Case for Geometric Knowledge Representation. Cham: Springer Verlag.
  13. Reforming the Monastery: Protestant Theologies of the Religious Life.Greg Peters - 2014
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    Democracy Without Ideology?Greg Seals - 2007 - Philosophy of Education 63:371-379.
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    Schizophrenic and paranoid thinking in conceptual performance.Greg B. Simpson, Lyle E. Bourne, Don R. Justesen & Robert J. Rhodes - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (2):97-100.
  16. (1 other version)Re-shaping scholarly publishing: The Berkeley Electronic Press solution (Cause for Debate – 4).Greg Tananbaum - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 13 (3):164-169.
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    John Locke's Politics of Moral Consensus.Greg Forster - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The aim of this book is twofold: to explain the reconciliation of religion and politics in the work of John Locke, and to explore the relevance of that reconciliation for politics in our own time. Confronted with deep social divisions over ultimate beliefs, Locke sought to unite society in a single liberal community. Reason could identify divine moral laws that would be acceptable to members of all cultural groups, thereby justifying the authority of government. Greg Forster demonstrates that Locke's (...)
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    Do junior academic bioethicists have an obligation to be activists?Greg Moorlock - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (8):922-930.
    Activism and bioethics have enjoyed a somewhat strained relationship. In this paper, I consider activism specifically from the perspective of junior academics. I will argue that although there may be a prima facie duty for bioethicists to be activists, countervailing considerations for junior academics may mean that they, in particular, should refrain from undertaking activist activities. I will argue this on the basis of two key claims. First, I argue that activism may come at a potential cost to the academics (...)
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    An Introduction to Substructural Logics.Greg Restall - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    This book introduces an important group of logics that have come to be known under the umbrella term 'susbstructural'. Substructural logics have independently led to significant developments in philosophy, computing and linguistics. _An Introduction to Substrucural Logics_ is the first book to systematically survey the new results and the significant impact that this class of logics has had on a wide range of fields.The following topics are covered: * Proof Theory * Propositional Structures * Frames * Decidability * Coda Both (...)
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  20. Phenomenal character as implicit self-awareness.Greg Janzen - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (12):44-73.
    One of the more refractory problems in contemporary discussions of consciousness is the problem of determining what a mental state's being conscious consists in. This paper defends the thesis that a mental state is conscious if and only if it has a certain reflexive character, i.e., if and only if it has a structure that includes an awareness of itself. Since this thesis finds one of its clearest expressions in the work of Brentano, it is his treatment of the thesis (...)
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  21. Pluralism and Proofs.Greg Restall - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S2):279-291.
    Beall and Restall’s Logical Pluralism (2006) characterises pluralism about logical consequence in terms of the different ways cases can be selected in the analysis of logical consequence as preservation of truth over a class of cases. This is not the only way to understand or to motivate pluralism about logical consequence. Here, I will examine pluralism about logical consequence in terms of different standards of proof. We will focus on sequent derivations for classical logic, imposing two different restrictions on classical (...)
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    The coddling of the American mind: how good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure.Greg Lukianoff - 2018 - [New York City]: Penguin Books. Edited by Jonathan Haidt.
    Something has been going wrong on many college campuses in the last few years. Speakers are shouted down. Students and professors say they are walking on eggshells and are afraid to speak honestly. Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide are rising--on campus as well as nationally. How did this happen? First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt show how the new problems on campus have their origins in three terrible ideas that have become increasingly woven into (...)
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  23. Overall Quality of Life Measurement: Problems and Prospects in the Case of People with Disabilities.Greg Bognar & Ian Hunt - 2007 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 9 (1).
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  24. Mapping power : the shape of the state in the post-Civil War American South.Greg P. Downs - 2018 - In John L. Brooke, Julia C. Strauss & Greg Anderson, State formations: global histories and cultures of statehood. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Taking dictatorship seriously: a reply to Quesada.Greg Fried - 2014 - Public Choice 158 (1):243-251.
    Antonio Quesada (Public Choice 130:395–400, 2007) argues that a dictator has no more than two to three times the ‘average power’ of a non-dictatorial voter. If Quesada is correct, then his argument has major consequences for social choice theory; for instance, it warrants reconsidering the significance of Arrow’s Theorem. If Quesada is incorrect, however, then his position is dangerously misleading. This paper argues that Quesada is wrong. His argument depends on his own formal account of power, an account that is (...)
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  26. Fictions for Exposition.Greg Myers - 1992 - History of Science 30:221-47.
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  27. Untokened Sentences in Actual Languages.Greg Ray - 1995 - In James Hill & Petr Kot̓átko, Karlovy Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning. pp. 29-42.
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  28. The Development of Dewey's Thinking on a Science of Education.Greg Seals - 2004 - Journal of Thought 39 (3):81-98.
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    Reflecting the Image.Greg M. Smith - 2006 - Film and Philosophy 10:117-133.
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    London and the reformation.Greg Walker - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (4):575-580.
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    Ritual and the Individual in Roman Religion.Greg Woolf - 2013 - In Jörg Rüpke, The Individual in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean. Oxford University Press. pp. 136.
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    Structural Rules in Natural Deduction with Alternatives.Greg Restall - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (2):109-143.
    Natural deduction with alternatives extends Gentzen–Prawitz-style natural deduction with a single structural addition: negatively signed assumptions, called alternatives. It is a mildly bilateralist, single-conclusion natural deduction proof system in which the connective rules are unmodi_ed from the usual Prawitz introduction and elimination rules — the extension is purely structural. This framework is general: it can be used for (1) classical logic, (2) relevant logic without distribution, (3) affine logic, and (4) linear logic, keeping the connective rules fixed, and varying purely (...)
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    Current Emotion Research in Psychophysiology: The Neurobiology of Evaluative Bivalence.Greg J. Norman, Catherine J. Norris, Jackie Gollan, Tiffany A. Ito, Louise C. Hawkley, Jeff T. Larsen, John T. Cacioppo & Gary G. Berntson - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):349-359.
    Evaluative processes have their roots in early evolutionary history, as survival is dependent on an organism’s ability to identify and respond appropriately to positive, rewarding or otherwise salubrious stimuli as well as to negative, noxious, or injurious stimuli. Consequently, evaluative processes are ubiquitous in the animal kingdom and are represented at multiple levels of the nervous system, including the lowest levels of the neuraxis. While evolution has sculpted higher level evaluative systems into complex and sophisticated information-processing networks, they do not (...)
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    Copernicus, Ptolemy, and explanatory coherence.Greg Nowak & Paul Thagard - 1992 - In R. Giere & H. Feigl, Cognitive Models of Science. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 274-309.
  35. Coming to Know Principles in Posterior Analytics II 19.Greg Bayer - 1997 - Apeiron 30 (2):109-142.
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    Borel equivalence relations and classifications of countable models.Greg Hjorth & Alexander S. Kechris - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 82 (3):221-272.
    Using the theory of Borel equivalence relations we analyze the isomorphism relation on the countable models of a theory and develop a framework for measuring the complexity of possible complete invariants for isomorphism.
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    Qualifying choice: ethical reflection on the scope of prenatal screening.Greg Stapleton - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (2):195-205.
    In the near future developments in non-invasive prenatal testing may soon provide couples with the opportunity to test for and diagnose a much broader range of heritable and congenital conditions than has previously been possible. Inevitably, this has prompted much ethical debate on the possible implications of NIPT for providing couples with opportunities for reproductive choice by way of routine prenatal screening. In view of the possibility to test for a significantly broader range of genetic conditions with NIPT, the European (...)
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    Does Conversation Need Shared Language? Davidson and Gadamer on Communicative Understanding.Greg Lynch - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (3):359-381.
    In a rare discussion of Gadamer's work, Davidson takes issue with Gadamer's claim that successful communication requires that interlocutors share a common language. While he is right to see a difference between his own views and Gadamer's on this point, Davidson appears to have misunderstood what motivates Gadamer's position, conflating it with that of his more familiar conventionalist interlocutors. This paper articulates Gadamer's view of the role of language in communicative understanding as an alternative to both Davidson's and that of (...)
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    The Athenian experiment: building an imagined political community in ancient Attica, 508-490 B.C.Greg Anderson - 2003 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    In barely the space of one generation, Athens was transformed from a conventional city-state into something completely new--a region-state on a scale previously unthinkable. This book sets out to answer a seemingly simple question: How and when did the Athenian state attain the anomalous size that gave it such influence in Greek politics and culture in the classical period? Many scholars argue that Athens's incorporation of Attica was a gradual development, largely completed some two hundred years before the classical era. (...)
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    Christ and the Role of Civil Government: The Theonomic Perspective: Part II.Greg L. Bahnsen - 1988 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 5 (3):24-28.
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    On the Distribution, Use and Meaning of the Dhātu√vṛt in the Mokṣadharmaparvan and the Śāntiparvan of the Mahābhārata.Greg Bailey - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (4):711-732.
    Given the importance of pravṛtti and nivṛtti as shaping ideologies in the Mahābhārata and a host of other Indic texts, a study of the occurrence of the uses of √vṛt in the widest possible sense is a desideratum for an understanding of both the Mahābhārata and its Mokṣadharmaparvan. The present contribution discusses concentrations of occurrences of √vṛt-words in particular passages and considers whether these are associated with the communication of specific doctrines. Both nominal and verbal forms of √vṛt, prefixed and (...)
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    Sherlock Holmes Was In No Danger.Greg Carlson - unknown
    An important ingredient in understanding such sentences is resolving the question of: level in/of what? protection from what? what sort of documents? danger from what? Each of these is an example coming from novels, television commercials, and news reports. In the first instance, it is from a commercial for a brand of computers. In the commercial, which is pushing the most recent version of that computer, the voice-over announces (1a) just as a teenager exults after having apparently accomplished something worthy (...)
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    Directed Movement and Simulations at the Draper Museum of natural History.Greg Dickinson EricAoki & Brian L. Ott - 2010 - In Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair & Brian L. Ott, Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials. University of Alabama Press. pp. 238.
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  44. Sign Language Research and Linguistic Theory.Greg Evans - 1986 - Nexus 5 (1):1.
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    John Rawls and Christian Social Engagement: Justice as Unfairness.Greg Forster & Anthony B. Bradley (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    In this book, leading Christian political thinkers and practitioners critique the Rawlsian concepts of “justice as fairness” and “public reason” from the perspective of Christian political theory and practice. It provides a new level of analysis from Christian perspectives, including implications for such hot topics as the culture war.
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    The rhetorical invention of man: a history of distinguishing humans from other animals.Greg Goodale - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The Rhetorical Invention of Man examines how the category "Man" has dominated Western thinking since the sixteenth century. This category, a historical anomaly according to Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, has produced distortions in our ability to understand reality that do great harm to our health, morals, and environment.
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    Nietzsche in Context (review).Greg Whitlock - 2006 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 32 (1):92-94.
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    A lemma for cost attained.Greg Hjorth - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 143 (1-3):87-102.
    A treeable ergodic equivalence relation of integer cost is generated by a free action of the free group on the corresponding number of generators. Every countable treeable ergodic equivalence relation is induced by the free action of some countable group.
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    Glimm-Effros for coanalytic equivalence relations.Greg Hjorth - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):402-422.
    Assuming every real has a sharp, we prove that for any $\mathop \prod \limits_\~ _1^1 $ equivalence relation either Borel reduces E₀ or in a $\mathop \Delta \limits_\~ _3^1 $ manner allows the assignment of bounded subsets of ω₁ as complete invariants.
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    The Impossibility of Philosophical Skepticism.Greg Jesson - 2014 - In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa, Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 213-234.
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