Results for 'Graciela Castro'

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  1. Las relaciones interpersonales en el ciberespacio.Graciela Castro - 2001 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 5 (8):2.
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    Effects of Age and Working Memory Load on Syntactic Processing: An Event-Related Potential Study.Graciela C. Alatorre-Cruz, Juan Silva-Pereyra, Thalía Fernández, Mario A. Rodríguez-Camacho, Susana A. Castro-Chavira & Javier Sanchez-Lopez - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Mimetic Theory and Latin America: Reception and Anticipations.João Cezar de Castro Rocha - 2014 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 21:75-120.
    The task of mapping the reception of mimetic theory in Latin America presents two challenges. On the one hand, rather than looking at just one country, this study has to take into account a mosaic of nations making up a continent, each with their own local diversities and particular complexities. Such circumstances impose specific rhythms onto the assimilation of Girardian thought, and being aware of these rhythms is vital to understanding the precise impact of mimetic theory. On the other hand, (...)
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  4. A Origem de Alguns dos Conceitos Metafí­sicos de Aristóteles.Susana de Castro Amaral - 2000 - Princípios 7 (8):83-94.
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  5. Reconstruyendo a Paul Auster.Francisco Castro Merriefield - 2017 - In Carlos Mendiola Mejía & Pablo Lazo Briones (eds.), De filosofía y literatura: el lugar de la literatura en la filosofía y la sociedad. Ciudad de México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    Moral injury and the need to carry out ethically responsible research.Victoria Williamson, Dominic Murphy, Carl Castro, Eric Vermetten, Rakesh Jetly & Neil Greenberg - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (2):135-142.
    The need for research to advance scientific understanding must be balanced with ensuring the rights and wellbeing of participants are safeguarded, with some research topics posing more ethical quandaries for researchers than others. Moral injury is one such topic. Exposure to potentially morally injurious experiences can lead to significant distress, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and selfinjury. In this article, we discuss how the rapid expansion of research in the field of moral injury could threaten the wellbeing, dignity and (...)
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    Presentación.María Casado González & Ana Rubio Castro - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 52:5-21.
    1. Bioética y Filosofía del derechoEste número de la revista ACFS está dedicado a la bioética y eso constituye un acontecimiento importante tanto para la filosofía del derecho como para la bioética, ya que implica reconocer oficialmente —en una revista filosófico-jurídica de tanta raigambre en nuestro país— que los temas de la bioética son parte de la filosofía del derecho. Para muchos es algo obvio, ya que la bioética se ocupa de analizar las implicaciones éticas, jurídicas y sociales de los (...)
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    O pensamento social no Brasil: estilos, idiomas.Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos - 2017 - Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ.
    Esta obra traz ao leitor ensaios publicados ao longo de algumas décadas, alinhados a tradição brasileira de 'pensamento social'. Entre os vários intelectuais e pensadores analisados por Castro Santos, a obra de Gilberto Freyre, um dos maiores nomes de nosso tempo, mereceu atenção especial. Além do escritor pernambucano, todos os demais autores tratados neste livro revelam uma preocupação com o Brasil, uma intenção de 'reinventar' um país, gerar uma nação, criar metáforas de transformação social, converter idiomas e, regionalismos a (...)
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  9. Cultural transmission and social control of human behavior.Laureano Castro, Luis Castro-Nogueira, Miguel A. Castro-Nogueira & Miguel A. Toro - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (3):347-360.
    Humans have developed the capacity to approve or disapprove of the behavior of their children and of unrelated individuals. The ability to approve or disapprove transformed social learning into a system of cumulative cultural inheritance, because it increased the reliability of cultural transmission. Moreover, people can transmit their behavioral experiences (regarding what can and cannot be done) to their offspring, thereby avoiding the costs of a laborious, and sometimes dangerous, evaluation of different cultural alternatives. Our thesis is that, during ontogeny, (...)
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    A Change Laboratory Professional Development Intervention to Motivate University Teachers to Identify and Overcome Barriers to the Integration of ICT.Willy Castro Guzmán - 2018 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 19 (1):67-90.
    Change is one of the central aims of professional development for information and communication technologies integration in education. Studies on the use of ICT in education highlights the large investments in infrastructure and professional development, and the limited results in students learning. Teachers’ professional development for ICT integration in education has evolved from the development of technical skills to pedagogical skills and content-related knowledge. The gold standard and design-based approaches have dominated TDP-ICT. This study presents the Change Laboratory method as (...)
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    Bernard Lonergan e a Probabilidade Emergente.Mendo Castro Henriques - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1727-1742.
    In Insight, an essay on human understanding, Lonergan presents a heuristic model of emerging probability in order to define, explain and extract norms from the dynamism common to all nature, including human nature, a dynamism that mirrors the reality of intellection. Continuity between different levels of nature discloses a directed, upward, but indeterminate dynamism of the emerging generalized probability. In addition to the ethical consequences that he elaborates, Lonergan remains in an open hermeneutic framework, beyond being proportionate to discursive reason; (...)
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  12. Uma interface entre o eu-corpo na psicanálise freudiana e o corpo próprio na fenomenologia do corpo.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro & Cristian Marques - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34968.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar, desde a psicanálise freudiana, um caminho possível que a leva ao encontro da filosofia de orientação fenomenológica. Em O eu e o isso, de 1923, Sigmund Freud emprega uma nova noção pouco explorada na literatura psicanalítica: o eu-corpo. O escopo de nossa análise delimita-se à interpretação e à explicitação da noção de eu-corpo tal como esta foi apresentada por Freud, confrontando-a com a fenomenologia em Merleau-Ponty e Michel Henry. Para tanto, propomos uma análise (...)
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    Argumentation in Suboptimal Settings.Diego Castro - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (3):393-414.
    When parties attempt to persuade their opponents of the tenability of a certain standpoint using reasons, they will often find that the circumstances of the dialogue hinder their chances of resolution. Power imbalances, cognitive biases, lack of time or hidden interests are some of the circumstances they need to face. I will label these circumstances as _suboptimal settings for argumentation_. According to the pragma-dialectical tradition, higher-order conditions for critical discussion are unfulfilled in these cases (van Eemeren, Grootendorst, Jacobs, & Jackson, (...)
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  14. Discurso: discurso de órden con motivo del XL Aniversario del 23 de Enero de 1958.Luis Castro Leiva - 2006 - In Luis Castro Leiva & Arturo Serrano (eds.), Para leer a Luis Castro Leiva. Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
  15. La belleza literaria del discurso racional.Manuela Castro Santiago - 2006 - A Parte Rei 45:12.
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  16. Paradoxes of Emotional Life: Second-Order Emotions.Antonio de Castro Caeiro - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (5):109.
    Heidegger tries to explain our emotional life applying three schemes: causal explanation, mental internalisation of emotions and metaphorical expression. None of the three schemes explains emotion though. Either because the causal nexus does not always occur or because objects and people in the external world are carriers of emotional agents or because language is already on a metaphorical level. Moreover, how is it possible that there are presently emotions constituting our life without our being aware of their existence? From the (...)
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  17. Caracterización de Los instrumentos de evaluación Del desarrollo Del lenguaje para hablantes Del español.Liliana Isabel Neira & Francisco Castro - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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  18. Identidad y hacedores de verdad.Javier Castro Albano - 2007 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 33 (1):103-115.
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  19. Vico Y el derecho Romano. Una aproximación desde la scienza nuova.Alfonso Castro Sáenz - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
    Una aproximación a la concepción viquiana del Derecho Romano que, desde la "soledad" vivida por el filósofo napolitano, asume como modo original de afrontar el derecho una poética jurídica y la búsqueda de una lengua articulada universal .An approach to Vico's conception of Roman Law that, from the "loneliness" of the napolitan philosopher, assumes juridical poetics as an original way of facing law, and the search of an articulated universal language.
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    Production, estimation, and reproduction of time intervals during inhalation of a general anesthetic in man.Nilly Adam, Angelina D. Castro & Donald L. Clark - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (4):609.
  21.  26
    Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence During Confinement: Characteristics by Age and Sex.Mavi Alcántara-López, Maravillas Castro, Antonia Martínez-Pérez, Visitación Fernández, Kaveri Negrón-Medina & Concepción López-Soler - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed to stop its advance have affected the entire population. Children living with difficulties or in vulnerable situations prior to the pandemic might have suffered an even greater impact. This present study examines the psychological impact of quarantine on children and adolescents exposed to intimate partner violence against their mothers. Participants were 185 mothers who reported 269 children, as well as 108 children who self-reported. An emotional and behavioral checklist was administered to both mothers and (...)
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    Conflicts surrounding individual and collective aspects of ethics in health emergencies.Claudia Garcia Serpa Osorio-de-Castro, Donal O’Mathúna, Angela Fernandes Esher Moritz & Elaine Silva Miranda - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (7):618-633.
    Disasters and public health emergencies raise a variety of ethical dilemmas, often including those that require balancing the best interests of individuals against those of groups or communities. The on-going COVID-19 pandemic provides examples of these ethical conflicts, as do other recent outbreaks. Decisions and actions in this context must address different ethical issues, ranging from those directly related to autonomy, consent, privacy and confidentiality to those related to interventions and technologies, such as efficacy, effectiveness, safety and fair access. This (...)
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  23. Profe: Te invito a jugar. El juego un espacio para la participación infantil.Ana Mercedes Peña & Ángela Marcela Castro - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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  24. Aproximación tomista al arte como lugar de diálogo entre Cristianismo e Islam.Sixto José Castro Rodríguez - 2008 - Ciencia Tomista 135 (436):377-386.
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  25. Para una kalodicea.Sixto José Castro Rodríguez - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (168):265-291.
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    “Ambivalent Insects” as Tools and Targets.Lisa Onaga & Luísa Reis-Castro - 2024 - Isis 115 (1):152-156.
    The binary categories of harm and benefit have often shaped how historians frame discussions of insects. Scientists also leverage the binary framing of insects as tools and targets to carry out their work, especially in the development of biological technologies for pest control. This essay emphasizes how binaries function in scientific practice. Two case studies spanning from the twentieth century to the recent past illustrate the shift away from chemicals in pest management and, in doing so, show the instability of (...)
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    Paleodemografía y biología de los homínidos del Pleistoceno Medio de Europa. El caso de la Sima de los Huesos de Atapuerca.José María Bermúdez de Castro - 1998 - Arbor 161 (635-636):215-234.
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    El accidente veloz:(notas sobre el vértigo contemporáneo).Fernando Castro Flórez - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 47:59-67.
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    Conflicto entre Derechos Ambientales y Desarrollo Económico en la Constitución Ecuatoriana.Romel Paúl Sarmiento Castro & Fernando Esteban Ochoa Rodríguez - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240162.
    Ecuador enfrenta el reto de equilibrar el desarrollo económico con la preservación ambiental, especialmente tras la Constitución de 2008 que promueve la sostenibilidad. Sin embargo, existen tensiones y contradicciones entre las políticas de desarrollo económico y la conservación ambiental. El estudio analiza cómo la ambigüedad en las normativas constitucionales sobre derechos ambientales y desarrollo económico afecta la resolución de conflictos en arbitrajes internacionales y su impacto en la sostenibilidad ambiental y el desarrollo económico entre 2000 y 2024. Se utilizó un (...)
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    “Saí da minha zona de conforto pela primeira vez sem perceber” – subjetividade, verdade e cuidado de Si.Anderson Ferrari & Roney Polato de Castro - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-26.
    Resumo: Nas comemorações de 40 anos do curso “Hermenêutica do Sujeito”, somos provocados a pensar a potencialidade dessa obra para colocar sob investigação um problema que as atualiza constantemente: a relação entre a subjetividade, verdade e o cuidado de si. Pois foi respondendo a essa provocação que elegemos uma aula de Filosofia numa escola particular para problematizar essa relação. A aula se desdobrou num trabalho em que os alunos eram desafiados a saírem de suas “zonas de conforto” e, assim, entrarem (...)
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    Editorial: Higher Education Dropout After COVID-19: New Strategies to Optimize Success.Ana B. Bernardo, Adrian Castro-Lopez & Alejandro Diaz Mujica - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Posibilidades educadoras de familias jornaleras agrícolas migrantes en México ante las condiciones de la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2.Ana María Méndez Puga, Irma Leticia Castro Valdovinos & Ignacio Roberto Herrera Martín del Campo - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-18.
    Este texto tiene por objetivo mostrar algunas de las condiciones que facilitan o complican el acceso al derecho a la educación, así como la permanencia de la escuela para familias jornaleras agrícolas migrantes en los tiempos del SARS-CoV- 2, considerando que gran parte del proceso de aprendizaje recae sobre las propias familias. Se realiza un análisis desde la cultura y la gramática escolar, contemplando las características de la escuela para estas familias y las posibilidades que tienen de responder a las (...)
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    (U)topías del pensamiento decolonial: Guamán Poma y Euroamérica.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2020 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 11 (2):179-186.
    This article analyses some of the main aspects that characterize the genealogy of thought proposed by the so-called decolonial turn. The article focuses on a specific case: Walter Mignolo’s interpretation of the work of Guamán Poma de Ayala, Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno (S. XVII). In this context, I will present a critique of the reduction made of Guamán to a frontier thinker whose hallmark would be to introduce the question of the coloniality of power. I will propose as (...)
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    Graduating political crisis and violence in the discourse of history: The role of Spanish suffixes.Claudio Pinuer, Claudia Castro & Teresa Oteíza - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (3):296-323.
    This article offers an analysis of the Spanish derivative morphology potential for graduating attitudinal meanings regarding the expression of political crisis and of contested meanings of human rights violations in the discourse of recent Chilean History. This study is framed in the typological principles of Systemic Functional Linguistics and in the appraisal system, particularly in the sub-system of graduation. The analysis demonstrates on one hand the productive role of the suffixes -ada and -azo when graduating attitudinal meanings regarding the expression (...)
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  35. En torno al tomismo analítico.Sixto José Castro Rodríguez - 2000 - Estudios Filosóficos 49 (140):151-160.
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    Recordar a Kropotkin. Contra el factor competencia.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2023 - Isegoría 69:e20.
    El artículo se inicia con un análisis acerca de la relación que Hayek establece entre los fundamentos del liberalismo clásico y las teorías darwinianas. De esta manera, identificamos un campo semántico que resultaría decisivo para una genealogía del factor competencia, reconociendo a este último como la hipótesis principal que fundamenta la naturalización del capitalismo. A partir de esto ofrecemos una revisión y actualización de la célebre obra El apoyo mutuo de Kropotkin con el objetivo de invalidar desde una perspectiva histórica (...)
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    Mortimer J. Adler e o Método da Leitura Analítica.Felipe Bezerra de Castro Oliveira - 2020 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 12 (33):65-83.
    O presente artigo apresenta um estudo sobre o método da leitura analítica, conforme abordado pelo filósofo da educação Mortimer J. Adler (1902-2001) em Como ler livros: o guia clássico para a leitura inteligente (1972). Nessa obra, Mortimer Adler, juntamente com Charles Van Doren (1926-2019), elaborou um programa de leitura constituído de quatro níveis, sendo o coração desse projeto o terceiro nível, a saber, a “leitura analítica”, cujo arcabouço teórico é voltado para a compreensão e interpretação de livros de filosofia e (...)
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  38. Rio and Le Clezio: A Quantitative Study.N. Campi De Castro - 1998 - Analecta Husserliana 57:273-298.
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    Gildo Marçal Brandão: itinerários intelectuais.Simone de Castro Tavares Coelho (ed.) - 2010 - São Paulo: FAPESP.
    Esta é a biografia de Gildo Marçal Brandão. A obra apresenta não só seus escritos, mas também informações biográficas, imagens, entrevistas e relatos de vários momentos considerados memoráveis da participação de Gildo no debate intelectual e político. Combinando trabalho meticuloso, os organizadores do presente volume têm o mérito de fazer tudo isso, uma vez que foram reunidos textos inéditos ou esparsos de Gildo, registros fotográficos, depoimentos de sua esposa - Simone Coelho - prefácios de dois de seus mais próximos amigos (...)
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    (1 other version)¿Está presente el problema de las otras mentes en la filosofía de R. Descartes?M. Luis G. Castro - 2017 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 11:47-56.
    The aim of the essay is to analyze the passages of the Cartesian oeuvre which could be related to the problem of other minds. After a brief presentation of the problem and what is known as the argument from analogy, we show that what we will call the automata passage is not an acknowledgement of the problem. Next, we raise a way of generating the problem, to show how it could be approached from Descartes’s works.
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  41. Michel De Certeau: História e ficção.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2012 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 19 (31):5-27.
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    Novel Remarks on Point Mass Sources, Firewalls, Null Singularities and Gravitational Entropy.Carlos Castro Perelman - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (1):14-27.
    A continuous family of static spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein’s vacuum field equations with a spatial singularity at the origin \ is found. These solutions are parametrized by a real valued parameter \ and such that the radial horizon’s location is displaced continuously towards the singularity ) as \ increases. In the extreme limit \, the location of the singularity and horizon merges leading to a null singularity. In this extreme case, any infalling observer hits the null singularity at the (...)
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    Renormalization-group approach to superconductivity: from weak to strong electron–phonon coupling.S. -W. Tsai, A. H. Castro Neto, R. Shankar & D. K. Campbell - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (17-18):2631-2641.
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    Considering the Scope, History, and Sophistication of Skilled Action in Expertise.Susan V. H. Castro - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (2):1-5.
    In his paper “Getting Sophisticated: In Favor of Hybrid Views of Skilled Action in Expertise,” Spencer Ivy (2023) argues effectively for what he calls a “sophisticated hybrid” view of expertise, driven by empirical considerations and argument from contemporary phenomenology and cognitive architecture. Here I raise three unfair objections which I think lead to some fair questions that may be productive for discussion and future work.
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    A autonomia da pulsão de morte na metapsicologia freudiana.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (2):62-101.
    Em Além do Princípio do Prazer, Freud propõe uma especulação sobre a pulsão de morte, mas percebe desde logo a dificuldade de isolá-la da pulsão de vida. A pulsão de morte possui autonomia em relação à pulsão de vida no quadro da teoria pulsional freudiana? Para responder essa questão, delimitando-a à psicanálise freudiana, propõe-se uma abordagem em quatro etapas. Em um primeiro ponto, faz-se um exercício hermenêutico baseado no texto Além do Princípio do Prazer. Logo depois, em um segundo ponto, (...)
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    Como afecta el contexto cultural en la administración de los negocios internacionales (How the cultural context in administration affects international business).O. Castro & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):679-700.
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    Cultura emprendedora, innovación y competencias en la educación superior. El caso del Programa GAZE.Javier Castro Spila, Julieta Barrenechea & Andoni Ibarra - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):207-212.
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    Contra la pretensión de hacer ciencia de la Ética.Luis Alejandro Castro Mcausland - 2021 - Humanitas Hodie 3 (2):H32a1.
    En el presente artículo, en primera instancia, se presenta qué se entiende por hacer ciencia de la ética. Una vez aclarado este concepto, se plantea la pregunta central del texto: ¿Es posible hacer ciencia de la ética? Posteriormente, se expone un recorrido por la literatura académica reciente sobre Wittgenstein y la relación de la filosofía de este con la ética, con la intención de contrastar la reflexión que desarrollo. A través de esto, se expresa la imposibilidad de hacer ciencia de (...)
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    Childhood Sexual Abuse, Sexual Behavior, and Revictimization in Adolescence and Youth: A Mini Review.Ángel Castro, Javier Ibáñez, Berta Maté, Jessica Esteban & Juan Ramón Barrada - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Conflitos étnico-raciais nos mundos do trabalho baiano: “Valentes, viciados E perigosos”.Rute Andrade Castro - 2019 - Odeere 4 (7):242.
    A segunda metade do século XIX foi um período de agitação econômica na vila de São Sebastião de Maraú pois, para surpresa de todos, descobriram nas margens do rio que de nome à vila vários tipos de minérios cobiçados pela indústria. Um grupo de brasileiros se dedicou a tais explorações, mas tiveram tal direito arrancado em nome dos interesses governamentais, que pendiam para o atendimento às ambições britânicas e por isso Edward Pellew Wilson conseguiu por decreto imperial ser o responsável (...)
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