Results for 'Gillian Ramchand'

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  1.  25
    The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces.Gillian Ramchand & Charles Reiss (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This state-of-the-art guide to some of the most exciting work in current linguistics explores how the core components of the language faculty interact. It examines how these interactions are reflected in linguistic and cognitive theory, considers what they reveal about the operations of language within the mind, and looks at their reflections in expression and communication. Leading international scholars present cutting-edge accounts of developments in the interfaces between phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. They bring to bear a rich (...)
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    Truth is dead; long live the truth. Commentary on Conjoining Meanings by Paul Pietroski.Gillian Ramchand - 2020 - Mind and Language 35 (2):251-265.
    Pietroski successfully dismantles the idea of a formal semantic theory based on direct truth conditions and offers new and formally constrained alternatives. In this paper, I summarize the arguments but also provide a number of test cases to show that refusing to accept Pietroski's conclusions condemns the field to constantly restating and technically evading its own self‐created paradoxes. In the final section, I offer some positive proposals in the spirit of the Pietroskian enterprise with respect to thematic roles.
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    Two subject positions in Scottish Gaelic: The syntax-semantics interface.Gillian Catriona Ramchand - 1996 - Natural Language Semantics 4 (2):165-191.
    This paper examines the stage-level/individual-level hypothesis (Kratzer 1989; Diesing 1988) from the point of view of modern Scottish Gaelic. This language exhibits two syntactically distinct predicational structures, and in particular, two distinct subject positions distinguishable on the basis of word order. While the distinction between the two positions can be shown to support the stage/individual-level hypothesis in one sense, the picture is muddied by the fact that many habitual or ‘characteristic’ sentences seem to be formed according to the stage-level subject (...)
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    Justice for People on the Move: Migration in Challenging Times.Gillian Brock - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    By executive order, the US adopted an immigration policy that looks remarkably similar to a Muslim ban, and threatened to deport long-settled residents, such as the so-called Dreamers. Our defunct refugee system has not dealt adequately with increased refugee flows, forcing desperate people to undertake increasingly risky measures in efforts to reach safe havens. Meanwhile increased migration flows over recent years appear to have contributed to a rise in right-wing populism, apparently driving phenomena such as Brexit and Trumpism. In this (...)
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    Hegel contra sociology.Gillian Rose - 1981 - [Atlantic Highlands] N.J.: Humanities Press.
    A radical new assessment of Hegel revealing the problems and limitations of sociological method.
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    Debating Brain Drain: May Governments Restrict Emigration?Gillian Brock & Michael I. Blake - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    Many of the most skilled and educated citizens of developing countries choose to emigrate. How may those societies respond to these facts? May they ever legitimately prevent the emigration of their citizens? Gillian Brock and Michael Blake debate these questions, and offer distinct arguments about the morality of emigration.
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    Dialectic of nihilism: post-structuralism and law.Gillian Rose - 1984 - New York, NY: Blackwell.
    This book fundamentally challenges the radical credentials of post-structuralism. Though Derrida, Foucault and Deleuze claim to have 'deconstructed' metaphysics, their work has much in common with previous attempts to 'end' the metaphysical tradition, from Kant to Nietzshe and Heidegger, and by sociology in general. Gillian Rose shows that this anti-metaphysical writing always appears in historically specific jurisprudential terms, which themselves found and recapitulate metaphysical categories. She reconsiders post-structuralism in this light and assesses the relationship between deconstruction and the earlier (...)
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  8. A new problem for the linguistic doctrine of necessary truth.Gillian Russell - 2010 - In Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (eds.), New Waves in Truth. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 267--281.
    My target in this paper is a view that has sometimes been called the ‘ Linguistic Doctrine of Necessary Truth ’ and sometimes ‘Conventionalism about Necessity’. It is the view that necessity is grounded in the meanings of our expressions—meanings which are sometimes identified with the conventions governing those expressions—and that our knowledge of that necessity is based on our knowledge of those meanings or conventions. In its simplest form the view states that a truth, if it is necessary, is (...)
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    The broken middle: out of our ancient society.Gillian Rose - 1992 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
    The Broken Middle offers a startlingly original rethinking of the modern philosophical tradition and fundamentally rejects the anti-philosophy and anti-theory of post-modernity. Extending across the disciplines from philosophy to theology, Judaica, law, social and political theory, literary criticism, feminism and architecture, this book stakes itself on a renewed potential for sustained critique. Against the grain of much contemporary thought, this work of criticism offers the reader a way beyond the spurious alternatives of "totalization" or acknowledgement of the "other". The Broken (...)
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    Justice for People on the Move. A Précis.Gillian Brock - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  11. Language, Locations and Presupposition.Gillian Russell - 2010 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 9:194-205.
    Could it ever be right to say that a language---as opposed to a speaker of the language---makes, or presupposes or somehow commits itself to certain claims? Such as that certain kinds of objects exist, or that things are a certain way? It can be tempting to think not, to think that languages are just the neutral media through which speakers make claims. Yet certain, surprisingly diverse, phenomena---analyticity, racial epithets, object-involving direct reference, arithmetic, and semantic paradoxes like the Liar---have pushed philosophers (...)
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    Adaptation and face perception: How aftereffects implicate norm-based coding of faces.Gillian Rhodes, Rachel Robbins, Emma Jaquet, Elinor McKone, Linda Jeffery & Colin Wg Clifford - 2005 - In Colin W. G. Clifford & Gillian Rhodes (eds.), Fitting the Mind to the World: Adaptation and After-Effects in High-Level Vision. Oxford University Press.
  13.  83
    Practicing Evil: Training and Psychological Barriers in the Martial Arts.Russell Gillian - 2014 - In Gillian Russell (ed.), Philosophy and the Martial Arts. pp. 28-49.
    An important part of learning to fight is learning to overcome psychological barriers against harming others. Though there are some interesting exceptions, most human beings experience signi cant internal resistance to doing harm to other people. (Marshall 1947, Grossman 1995, Morton 2004, Jensen 2012) Whatever its moral properties, this reluctance to harm can compromise the ability to fight effectively. Hence one might think that combat training should help trainees overcome such barriers. -/- However, on one compelling theory of evil, what (...)
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    Gender, Teaching, and Research in Higher Education: Challenges for the 21st Century.Gillian Howie & Ashley Tauchert - 2002 - Routledge.
    Gender, Teaching and Research in Higher Education presents new insights and research into contemporary problems, practical solutions, and the complex roles of teaching and learning in the international academy. Drawing together new research from contributors spanning a range of international and interdisciplinary perspectives, this book discusses topics of particular importance in the UK, USA, Australasia and South Africa, including: curriculum, boundary disciplines and research assessments, the Higher Education institution, educational practice, authority and authorization, teaching and counselling. Discussion of quality audits, (...)
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  15. Marjorie Ethel Reeves 1905-2003.Gillian Lewis - 2006 - In Lewis Gillian (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V. pp. 309-318.
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  16. The mausoleum of Galla Placidia: A possible occupant.Gillian Mackie - 1995 - Byzantion 65 (2):396-404.
    Dans plusieurs publications récentes, on peut trouver mention du soi-disant mausolée de Galla Placidia de Ravenne. Puisqu'il est certain, d'après les caractéristiques architecturales, qu'il s'agit d'une chapelle funéraire, le soi-disant se rapporte à l'impératrice. Or, les éléments iconographiques de la chapelle sont étroitement liés à la vie et l'histoire de Galla Placidia. L'auteur revient donc sur la question suivante : qui est inhumé dans cette chapelle et, s'il n'y a personne, qui devait être l'occupant du tombeau ?
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    Discontinuous perturbations.Ramchander R. Sastry & John R. Klauder - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (1):81-91.
    Perturbations of quantum systems ranging from oscillators to fields can be either continuous or discontinuous functions of the coupling. The system under consideration is the familiar harmonic oscillator in one degree of freedom. Previous studies have shown that when the harmonic oscillator is subjected to a perturbation with a power law singularity, a permanent change in the system characteristics is observed for a specific range of power law values. The introduction of a logarithmic singularity into the power law potential fine (...)
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    Studies in the Growth of Nineteenth Century Government.Gillian Sutherland (ed.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    The main theme of this book is the complex relationship between government servants and the world around them and this is explored in a number of ways. The essays include studies of the people who played an important part in the development of 19 th century government: there is a chapter on the transmission of Benthamite ideas, an ccount of John Stuart Mill and his views on utilitarianism and bureaucracy, and of the work of Charles Trevelyan on the Northcote-Trevelyan Report. (...)
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  19. Private pain/public peace : Women's rights as human rights and amnesty international's report on violence against women.Gillian Youngs - 2008 - In Anna G. Jónasdóttir & Kathleen B. Jones (eds.), The Political Interests of Gender Revisited: Redoing Theory and Research with a Feminist Face. United Nations University Press.
  20. Global justice.Gillian Brock - 2008 - In Catriona McKinnon (ed.), Issues in Political Theory. Oxford University Press.
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    Analyticity in externalist languages.Gillian Russell - 2009 - In Sarah Sawyer (ed.), New waves in philosophy of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  22. In defence of Hume’s law.Gillian Russell - 2010 - In Charles Pigden (ed.), Hume on Is and Ought. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    An argument defending the view that one cannot derive an ought from an is against the usual (suspect) counterexamples.
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    The behavioural constellation of deprivation: Causes and consequences.Gillian V. Pepper & Daniel Nettle - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:1-72.
    Socioeconomic differences in behaviour are pervasive and well documented, but their causes are not yet well understood. Here, we make the case that a cluster of behaviours is associated with lower socioeconomic status, which we call “the behavioural constellation of deprivation.” We propose that the relatively limited control associated with lower SES curtails the extent to which people can expect to realise deferred rewards, leading to more present-oriented behaviour in a range of domains. We illustrate this idea using the specific (...)
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  24. Fancy loose talk about knowledge.Gillian Kay Russell - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (7):789-820.
    ABSTRACT This paper argues for a version of sceptical invariantism about knowledge on which the acceptability of knowledge-attributing sentences varies with the context of assessment.
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    The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism.Gillian Brock & Harry Brighouse (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In a period of rapid internationalization of trade and increased labor mobility, is it relevant for nations to think about their moral obligations to others? Do national boundaries have fundamental moral significance, or do we have moral obligations to foreigners that are equal to our obligations to our compatriots? The latter position is known as cosmopolitanism, and this volume brings together a number of distinguished political philosophers and theorists to explore cosmopolitanism: what it consists in, and the positive case which (...)
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  26. Adaptation and face perception: how aftereffects implicate norm-based coding of faces.Gillian Rhodes, Rachel Robbins, Emma Jacquet, Elinor McKone, Linda Jeffery & Clifford & Colin - 2005 - In Colin W. G. Clifford & Gillian Rhodes (eds.), Fitting the Mind to the World: Adaptation and After-Effects in High-Level Vision. Oxford University Press.
  27. Logic isn’t normative.Gillian Russell - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (3-4):371-388.
    Some writers object to logical pluralism on the grounds that logic is normative. The rough idea is that the relation of logical consequence has consequences for what we ought to think and h...
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  28. Philosophy of Science: A New Introduction.Gillian Barker & Philip Kitcher - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Offering an engaging and accessible portrait of the current state of the field, Philosophy of Science: A New Introduction shows students how to think philosophically about science and why it is both essential and fascinating to do so. Gillian Barker and Philip Kitcher reconsider the core questions in philosophy of science in light of the multitude of changes that have taken place in the decades since the publication of C.G. Hempel's classic work, Philosophy of Natural Science —both in the (...)
  29.  13
    Can we talk? : Augustine and the possibility of dialogue.Gillian Clark - 2008 - In Simon Goldhill (ed.), The end of dialogue in antiquity. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 117.
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  30. Breaking Waves: Feminism and Marxism Revisited.Gillian Howie - 2009 - In Andrew Chitty & Martin McIvor (eds.), Karl Marx and Contemporary Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 269.
  31. Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V.Lewis Gillian - 2006
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  32. Connoisseur and code-breaker: A.D. Trendall and South Italian Vase-painting.Gillian Shepherd & Rosaria Zarro - 2012 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 47 (3):33.
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  33. Logical Nihilism: Could There Be No Logic?Gillian Russell - 2018 - Philosophical Issues 28 (1):308-324.
    Logical monists and pluralists disagree about how many correct logics there are; the monists say there is just one, the pluralists that there are more. Could it turn out that both are wrong, and that there is no logic at all?
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    Hemispheric differences in serial versus parallel processing.Gillian Cohen - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):349.
  35.  67
    The harm-benefit tradeoff in "bad deal" trials.Gillian Nycum & Lynette Reid - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (4):321-350.
    : This paper examines the nature of the harm-benefit tradeoff in early clinical research for interventions that involve remote possibility of direct benefit and likelihood of direct harms to research participants with fatal prognoses, by drawing on the example of gene transfer trials for glioblastoma multiforme. We argue that the appeal made by the component approach to clinical equipoise fails to account fully for the nature of the harm-benefit tradeoff—individual harm for social benefit—that would be required to justify such research. (...)
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  36. Truth in virtue of meaning.Gillian Russell - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The analytic/synthetic distinction looks simple. It is a distinction between two different kinds of sentence. Synthetic sentences are true in part because of the way the world is, and in part because of what they mean. Analytic sentences - like all bachelors are unmarried and triangles have three sides - are different. They are true in virtue of meaning, so no matter what the world is like, as long as the sentence means what it does, it will be true. -/- (...)
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  37. Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account.Gillian Brock - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Catriona McKinnon.
    Gillian Brock develops a model of global justice that takes seriously the moral equality of all human beings notwithstanding their legitimate diverse identifications and affiliations. She addresses concerns about implementing global justice, showing how we can move from theory to feasible public policy that makes progress toward global justice.
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    Philosophy and theology in the Middle Ages.Gillian Rosemary Evans - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In the thousand years from the end of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and Reformation of the Sixteenth century the discussion of the great questions of philosophy and religion was intense. Does God exist? What is he like? What is the purpose of human life and how does God show concern for the future of mankind? This is an introduction to the debates which did more than anything else to transform the ancient into the modern world of thought.
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  39. Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche.Luce Irigaray, Gillian C. Gill & Margaret Whitford - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (4):150-159.
    This article reviews three recent books that enhance our understanding of the work of French feminist Luce Irigaray: Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche and The Irigaray Reader, and Philosophy in the Feminine, a commentary on Irigaray's work by Margaret Whitford. The author emphasizes a dynamic reading of Irigaray's philosophy and integrates theoretical concepts with poetic/utopian passages from the works.
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  40. Recent Work on Rawls's Law of Peoples: Critics versus Defenders.Gillian Brock - 2010 - American Philosophical Quarterly 47 (1):85.
    There is much current and growing interest in theorizing about global justice. Contemporary events in the world probably account for most of this, but if any philosophical text can be identified as igniting theorists' relatively newly found interest, it must be John Rawls's influential book, The Law of Peoples . There is a lively debate between critics and advocates of Rawls's approach, and much theorizing about global justice is framed in terms of that exchange. Because of its enormous influence in (...)
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  41. The Justification of the Basic Laws of Logic.Gillian Russell - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (6):793-803.
    Take a correct sequent of formal logic, perhaps a simple logical truth, like the law of excluded middle, or something with premises, like disjunctive syllogism, but basically a claim of the form \.Γ can be empty. If you don’t like my examples, feel free to choose your own, everything I have to say should apply to those as well. Such a sequent attributes the properties of logical truth or logical consequence to a schematic sentence or argument. This paper aims to (...)
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    Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour.Kevin N. Laland & Gillian R. Brown - 2002 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Kevin N. Laland & Gillian R. Brown.
    This book asks whether evolution can help us to understand human behaviour and explores diverse evolutionary methods and arguments. It provides a short, readable introduction to the science behind the works of Dawkins, Dennett, Wilson and Pinker. It is widely used in undergraduate courses around the world.
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    Reply to Critics.Gillian Brock - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Corruption and Global Justice.Gillian Brock - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Corruption is a pervasive problem across the world and is regularly ranked as among the greatest global challenges. Considering the role that corruption plays in exacerbating deprivation and fuelling social tension, peaceful and just societies are unlikely to come about without tackling corruption. Addressing corruption should be a high priority for those concerned with poverty eradication, peace, security, and justice. Yet, curiously, corruption has not yet been the focus of any books by philosophers working on global justice topics. Corruption and (...)
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    (1 other version)Judaism and modernity: philosophical essays.Gillian Rose - 1993 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    Judaism and Modernity: Philosophical Essays challenges the philosophical presentation of Judaism as the sublime Other of modernity. Gillian Rose continues to develop a philosophical alternative to deconstruction and post-modernism by critically re-engaging the social and political issues at stake in every reconstruction. The chapters cover Judaism and philosophy, ethics and law (Halacha), 'The Future of Auschwitz', post-modern theology, Judaism and architecture, Judaism in Hegel, Nietzsche, Adorno and Derrida, and modern Jewish thinkers - Cohen, Rosenzweig, Buber, Benjamin, Strauss, Arendt, Weil (...)
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  46. How the Laws of Logic Lie.Gillian K. Russell - 2023 - Episteme 20 (4):833-851.
    Nancy Cartwright's 1983 book How the Laws of Physics Lie argued that theories of physics often make use of idealisations, and that as a result many of these theories were not true. The present paper looks at idealisation in logic and argues that, at least sometimes, the laws of logic fail to be true. That might be taken as a kind of skepticism, but I argue rather that idealisation is a legitimate tool in logic, just as in physics, and recognising (...)
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  47. Situated neuroscience : exploring biologies of diversity.Gillian Einstein - 2012 - In Robyn Bluhm, Anne Jaap Jacobson & Heidi Lene Maibom (eds.), Neurofeminism: issues at the intersection of feminist theory and cognitive science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  48. Deviance and Vice: Strength as a Theoretical Virtue in the Epistemology of Logic.Gillian Russell - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (3):548-563.
    This paper is about the putative theoretical virtue of strength, as it might be used in abductive arguments to the correct logic in the epistemology of logic. It argues for three theses. The first is that the well-defined property of logical strength is neither a virtue nor a vice, so that logically weaker theories are not—all other things being equal—worse or better theories than logically stronger ones. The second thesis is that logical strength does not entail the looser characteristic of (...)
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  49. Human sciences.Gillian Beer & Herminio Martins - 1990 - History of the Human Sciences 3:159.
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    Context creation in discourse understanding.Gillian Brown - 1998 - In Kirsten Malmkj'R. & John Williams (eds.), Context in Language Learning and Language Understanding. Cambridge University Press. pp. 171--192.
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