Results for 'Gilberto Calvo'

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  1. Educación preescolar no convencional en Chile: experiencias y perspectivas.Viterbo Apablaza, Hugo Lavados Montes & Gilberto Calvo (eds.) - 1988 - Santiago de Chile: CPU.
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    La filosofía griega y su legado: homenaje a Tomás Calvo Martínez.Tomás Calvo Martínez, Orden Jiménez, V. Rafael, Alberto Bernabé Pajares & Ignacio Pajón Leyra (eds.) - 2021 - Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor.
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    (1 other version)Simplified method based on an intelligent model to obtain the extinction angle of the current for a single-phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive and inductive load.José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Héctor Quintian-Pardo, Emilio Corchado, María del Carmen Meizoso-López & Ramón Ferreiro García - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (1):37-47.
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    María Zambrano en 1939: el realismo español frente al racionalismo europeo.Sonsoles Ginestal Calvo - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (3):581-591.
    El presente trabajo pretende mostrar la convergencia y continuidad, tanto de temática como de sentido, de dos obras centrales de María Zambrano publicadas en el año 1939 desde el análisis de dos categorías, realismo y racionalismo, con las que se identifica a España y el resto de Europa respectivamente. Así mismo, se busca poner de manifiesto que si bien para la pensadora el racionalismo desemboca en la angustia del sujeto moderno y contemporáneo por llevar asociada la forma del sistema, encontrará (...)
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    The material ghost: films and their medium.Gilberto Perez - 1998 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    "Tough, smart, superbly engaging, The Material Ghost is a terrific book." -- Edward W. Said In The Material Ghost , Gilberto Perez draws on his lifelong love of the movies as well as his work as a film scholar to write a lively, wide-ranging, penetrating study of films and filmmakers and the nature of the art form. For Perez, film is complex and richly contradictory, lifelike and dreamlike at once, a peculiar mix of reality and imagination. "The images on (...)
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    Towards a sensorimotor aesthetics of performing art.B. Calvo-Merino, C. Jola, D. E. Glaser & P. Haggard - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):911-922.
    The field of neuroaesthetics attempts to identify the brain processes underlying aesthetic experience, including but not limited to beauty. Previous neuroaesthetic studies have focussed largely on paintings and music, while performing arts such as dance have been less studied. Nevertheless, increasing knowledge of the neural mechanisms that represent the bodies and actions of others, and which contribute to empathy, make a neuroaesthetics of dance timely. Here, we present the first neuroscientific study of aesthetic perception in the context of the performing (...)
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  7. Free will, the self and the brain.Gilberto Gomes - 2007 - Behavioral Sciences and the Law 2 (25):221-234.
    The free will problem is defined and three solutions are discussed: no-freedom theory, libertarianism, and compatibilism. Strict determinism is often assumed in arguing for libertarianism or no-freedom theory. It assumes that the history of the universe is fixed, but modern physics admits a certain degree of randomness in the determination of events. However, this is not enough for a compatibilist position—which is favored here—since freedom is not randomness. It is the I that chooses what to do. It is argued that (...)
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    Bioethics of Things: on the algorithmization of moral deliberation in clinical practice.Patrici Calvo - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (2).
    Health, such as the industry, university or city, is immersed in a process of digital transformation generated by the possibility and technological convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence on the one hand and their consequences on the other: hyperconnectivity, datafication and algorithmization. This is a process of transformation towards what has come to be called Smart Health, Health 4.0 or mHealth. However, despite the enormous potential that underlies the digitization of the healthcare sector, this (...)
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    Perceptual and affective mechanisms in facial expression recognition: An integrative review.Manuel G. Calvo & Lauri Nummenmaa - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (6).
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    The post as an utterance: Analysis of themes, compositional forms and styles in blog genre studies.Gilberto Consoni, Erika Oikawa, Gabriela Zago & Alex Primo - 2013 - Discourse and Communication 7 (3):341-358.
    The blogosphere’s heterogeneity has significantly increased in recent years. Thus, the blog-as-diary approach has shown its limitations. Viewing blogs as a genre is also misleading, as it confuses medium and genre. Considering that the studies of blog genres still need further theoretical and empirical investigations, we propose a method to assess blog posts, understood as utterances, the minimal unit of a blog. We then conduct an analysis of two large datasets from 100 Brazilian blogs. Three reviewers read and judged 5218 (...)
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  11. Reflexões sobre illness E disease.Gilberto Leocádio de Lima Filho - 2015 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 5 (13):7-24.
    O presente ensaio se empenha em problematizar elementos contidos nos conceitos de illness e disease proposto pelo Dr. Arthur Kleinman ; especificamente no capítulo II do seu livro “The illness narratives: surfering, healing and the human condition. Nesta obra Kleinman vai dissecar o fenômeno da enfermidade e suas aflições tendo reflexos nas reações psicológicas e sociais. Ou seja, a disease tendo desdobramento na illness. A questão fundamental a que esse ensaio propõe é pensar uma inversão e refletir se illness altera (...)
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  12. Julho-agòsto 1966 ano V—n. 5—vol. 8 sumário Eduardo Prado de mendon-ça—a Vida universitária eo.Gilberto de Mello Kujawski, Bre Artes Visuais & Giorgio Del Vecchio—A. - 1967 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 10:2.
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    Un'utopia "intelligente": l'economia di Bernard Lonergan S.J.Gilberto Seravalli - 2019 - Torino: Accademia University Press. Edited by Alberto Schena.
  14. Esbozo de la concepciôn Merleau-Pontyana del «yo».Kp Trilles Calvo - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:293-296.
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    Fenomenología y realidad virtual: el reto de un nuevo mundo.Karina P. Trilles Calvo - 2009 - Arbor 185 (736):427-435.
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  16. Are necessary and sufficient conditions converse relations?Gilberto Gomes - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (3):375 – 387.
    Claims that necessary and sufficient conditions are not converse relations are discussed, as well as the related claim that If A, then B is not equivalent to A only if B . The analysis of alleged counterexamples has shown, among other things, how necessary and sufficient conditions should be understood, especially in the case of causal conditions, and the importance of distinguishing sufficient-cause conditionals from necessary-cause conditionals. It is concluded that necessary and sufficient conditions, adequately interpreted, are converse relations in (...)
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    The Cordial Economy - Ethics, Recognition and Reciprocity.Patrici Calvo - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book proposes, from a civil perspective —such as that developed by Stefano Zamagni— and a cordial perspective —such as that developed by Adela Cortina—, orientations to design an economy in tune with what the historical moment demands. Among other things, this comes from encouraging institutions, organisations and companies to include in their designs aspects as important for carrying out their activities as cordial reciprocity, mutual recognition of the communicative and affective capacities of the linked or linkable parties, public commitment (...)
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  18. The interpretation of Libet's results on the timing of conscious events: A commentary.Gilberto Gomes - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):221-230.
    A commentary on articles by Klein, Pockett, and Trevena and Miller, in this issue, is given. Average shift in the point of subjective equality , calculated by Klein on Libet's data, and corresponding change in mean shift, calculated by Libet et al. , may be “corrected,” taking as a reference point the end of the minimum train duration. Values obtained, if significant, indicate a latency for conscious sensation of the skin stimulus of at least 230 ms. Pockett's main conclusions are (...)
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  19.  45
    The Impact of Bilingualism on Working Memory: A Null Effect on the Whole May Not Be So on the Parts.Noelia Calvo, Agustín Ibáñez & Adolfo M. García - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Human Observers and Automated Assessment of Dynamic Emotional Facial Expressions: KDEF-dyn Database Validation.Manuel G. Calvo, Andrés Fernández-Martín, Guillermo Recio & Daniel Lundqvist - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:397727.
    Most experimental studies of facial expression processing have used static stimuli (photographs), yet facial expressions in daily life are generally dynamic. In its original photographic format, the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF) has been frequently utilized. In the current study, we validate a dynamic version of this database, the KDEF-dyn. To this end, we applied animation between neutral and emotional expressions (happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgusted, and surprised; 1,033-ms unfolding) to 40 KDEF models, with morphing software. Ninety-six human observers categorized (...)
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    Conditions for minimal intelligence across eukaryota: a cognitive science perspective.Paco Calvo & František Baluška - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  22. Concessive Conditionals Without Even if and Nonconcessive Conditionals with Even if.Gilberto Gomes - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (1):1-21.
    This paper investigates whether 'even if A, B' is pragmatically polysemic, so that a nonconcessive conditional may have 'even if', and whether concessive conditionals, pragmatically defined, can fail to have 'even if' or a non-temporal 'still'. Different paraphrases are used to help elucidate pragmatic meanings. A theory of the pragmatic meanings of concessive and implicative conditionals is presented. The semantic meaning of 'even if' and the question of whether concessive conditionals imply the truth of their consequents are also discussed.
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    (1 other version)Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, Counterfactuals and Causal Explanations.Gilberto Gomes - 2023 - Erkenntnis 1:1-24.
    A theory of necessary and sufficient conditions is presented, as well as a theory of necessary and sufficient causes and effects, viewed as a particular case of the former. Ambiguities of the terms 'condition' and 'necessary condition' are explored, and a neutral meaning for 'condition' is favoured. The relation between necessary and sufficient conditions and implicative conditionals (including counterfactuals) is also discussed. Two problems of counterfactual theories of causal explanation are indicated, concerning (i) how to account for causes that are (...)
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  24. Supporting human autonomy in AI systems.Rafael Calvo, Dorian Peters, Karina Vold & Richard M. Ryan - 2020 - In Christopher Burr & Luciano Floridi (eds.), Ethics of digital well-being: a multidisciplinary approach. Springer.
    Autonomy has been central to moral and political philosophy for millenia, and has been positioned as a critical aspect of both justice and wellbeing. Research in psychology supports this position, providing empirical evidence that autonomy is critical to motivation, personal growth and psychological wellness. Responsible AI will require an understanding of, and ability to effectively design for, human autonomy (rather than just machine autonomy) if it is to genuinely benefit humanity. Yet the effects on human autonomy of digital experiences are (...)
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    The eloquent screen: a rhetoric of film.Gilberto Perez - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Cinema is commonly hailed as "the universal language," but how does it communicate so effortlessly across cultural and linguistic borders? Drawing on a lifetime's worth of viewing an reviewing, influential critic Gilberto Perez invokes a dizzying array of masters past and present includin Chaplin, Ford, Kiarostami, Eisenstein, Malick, Mizoguchi, Haneke, Hitchcock, and Godard--to explore the transaction between filmmaker and audience. The Eloquent Screen shows how cinema, as the consummate contemporary art form, establishes a thoroughly modern rhetoric in which different (...)
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  26. Meaning-preserving contraposition of conditionals.Gilberto Gomes - 2019 - Journal of Pragmatics 1 (152):46-60.
    It is argued that contraposition is valid for a class of natural language conditionals, if some modifications are allowed to preserve the meaning of the original conditional. In many cases, implicit temporal indices must be considered, making a change in verb tense necessary. A suitable contrapositive for implicative counterfactual conditionals can also usually be found. In some cases, the addition of certain words is necessary to preserve meaning that is present in the original sentence and would be lost or changed (...)
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    Consequential Implication and the Implicative Conditional.Gilberto Gomes, Claudio Pizzi & Eric Raidl - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-44.
    This paper compares two logical conditionals which are strengthenings of the strict conditional and avoid the paradoxes of strict implication. The logics of both may be viewed as extensions of KT, and the two conditionals are interdefinable in KT. The implicative conditional requires that its antecedent and consequent be both contingent. The consequential conditional may be viewed as a weakening of the implicative conditional, insofar as it also admits the case in which the antecedent and the consequent are strictly equivalent (...)
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    Independent effects of bilingualism and socioeconomic status on language ability and executive functioning.Alejandra Calvo & Ellen Bialystok - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):278-288.
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  29. The philosophy of plant neurobiology: a manifesto.Paco Calvo - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1323-1343.
    ‘Plant neurobiology’ has emerged in recent years as a multidisciplinary endeavor carried out mainly by steady collaboration within the plant sciences. The field proposes a particular approach to the study of plant intelligence by putting forward an integrated view of plant signaling and adaptive behavior. Its objective is to account for the way plants perceive and act in a purposeful manner. But it is not only the plant sciences that constitute plant neurobiology. Resources from philosophy and cognitive science are central (...)
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  30. Project, emotion, and orientation in complex societies.Gilberto Velho & Howard S. Becker - 1992 - Sociological Theory 10 (1):6-20.
  31. ¿ Orfandad política de los intelectuales?:(Traducción y notas de José Calvo y Felipe Navarro Martínez).Vaclav Havel, José Calvo González & Felipe Navarro Martínez - 2003 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 8:187-201.
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    (1 other version)Hiperética artificial: crítica a la colonización algorítmica de lo moral.Patrici Calvo - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 49 (1):1-21.
    Este estudio reflexionar pretende críticamente sobre la posibilidad de un enfoque dataficado, hiperconectado y algoritmizado de clarificación, fundamentación y aplicación de lo moral: la hiperética artificial. Para ello, se mostrará la ética como un saber práctico que, preocupado por la racionalización de los comportamientos libres, ha encontrado en el diálogo entre afectados el criterio de moralidad desde el cual poder criticar tanto el conocimiento como el comportamiento. Posteriormente, se profundizará en la etificación, el intento de establecer procesos de transformación de (...)
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  33. Interlude: La Lune de Gorée.Gilberto Gil & José Carlos Capinan - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (179):139-140.
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    Liberalismo económico y darwinismo social. Sobre la figura de Herbert Spencer.Borja Barragué Calvo - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:47-54.
    El trabajo analiza las razones para la acción. A partir de la distinción entre los enfoques de decisión racional y altruismo recíproco, el artículo examina sucesivamente ambos modelos, concluyendo con una breve observación sobre el poder de las profecías que se auto-cumplen. El texto argumenta que el enfoque de la decisión racional se basa en suposiciones erróneas sobre la naturaleza humana y, por consiguiente, conduce a predicciones igualmente equivocadas.
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    Cambio climático: ciencia, política y más.Gilberto A. Gamboa Bernal - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):2511-2511.
    Since the mid-20th century, human beings have become aware of the negative changes that planet Earth is undergoing, some of them produced by themselves and which endanger their existence. One of these changes is the increase in the average temperature caused by the greenhouse effect. The United Nations has taken care of this problem and organized 25 summits on global warming. In 2021, the World Economic Forum proposed leveraging the crisis that the world is experiencing due to COVID-19 for a (...)
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  36. Economic Racionality. The Reciprocity Paradox.Patrici Calvo - 2018 - In The Cordial Economy - Ethics, Recognition and Reciprocity. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Quintín Racionero Carmona en el marco de la filosofía española actual.Tomás Calvo - 2016 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49:249-259.
    Quintín Racionero Carmona en el marco de la filosofía española actual.
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    A consideration of the problem of Brazilian culture.Gilberto Freyre - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (2):171-175.
  39. Water and Cane Sugar.Gilberto Freyre - 1955 - Diogenes 3 (10):17-30.
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  40. (1 other version)América Latina: construyendo lo común de las luchas.Gilberto Valdés Gutiérrez - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 63 (3):105-118.
    El texto presenta una clasificación de los principales movimientos sociales populares de América Latina y aborda problemas del eje diversidad, identidad y articulación entre ellos. Se analizan algunos de los problemas presentes en el nuevo escenario y territorio político regional marcado por las políticas posneoliberales y la emergencia del movimiento social popular frente a la civilización excluyente, patriarcal, discriminatoria y depredadora del capital.
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    James Lindley Wilson, Democratic Equality.Gilberto Morbach - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (5):554-557.
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    Communication barriers in the technologist-patient relationship within the professional context.Elena María Muñoz Calvo, Mercedes Caridad García González, Luz Angélica Leyva Barceló & Kenia Ricardo Bencomo - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):38-55.
    Introducción: la formación de profesionales competentes es una de las misiones esenciales de la Educación Médica Superior, esto exige que los tecnólogos posean habilidades comunicativas para un correcto desempeño laboral en aras del mejoramiento humano. Objetivo de la investigación: identificar las barreras que inciden en la comunicación tecnólogo - paciente en las carreras de Licenciatura en Traumatología, Podología, Terapia Física y Rehabilitación Social Ocupacional, en áreas de rehabilitación. Métodos: se presenta un estudio observacional, descriptivo longitudinal y retrospectivo entre junio de (...)
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    Toland e la lettura moderna di Bruno.Gilberto Sacerdoti - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    Salvador em discurso: estudos discursivos.Gilberto Nazareno Telles Sobral, de Santana Neto & João Antonio (eds.) - 2013 - Salvador: UEFS Editora.
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    From Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II : Two Popular Views of Thomas More.Gilberto Storari - 1971 - Moreana 8 (2):25-28.
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    M. Merleau-Ponty, un pensador en guerra. (Los otros y la violencia).Karina P. Trilles Calvo - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 44:185-198.
    Este artículo pretende mostrar las líneas fundamentales de la teoría merleaupontyana acerca de la violencia, centrándonos en sus «escritos de guerra». Consta de cuatro epígrafes: una Introducción en la que describimos la situación histórica que influye en la propuesta de Merleau-Ponty, así como explicamos las expresiones «mains sales»-«mains propres». Un segundo apartado en el que caracterizamos las «manos limpias» en base al optimismo democrática el cual se apoya en una conciencia pura. En el tercer epígrafe hacemos patente la crítica merleau-pontyana (...)
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  47. State space semantics and conceptual similarity: Reply to Churchland.Francisco Calvo Garzón - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (1):77-95.
    Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore [(1992) Holism: a shopper's guide, Oxford: Blackwell; (1996) in R. McCauley (Ed.) The Churchlands and their critics , Cambridge: Blackwell] have launched a powerful attack against Paul Churchland's connectionist theory of semantics--also known as state space semantics. In one part of their attack, Fodor and Lepore argue that the architectural and functional idiosyncrasies of connectionist networks preclude us from articulating a notion of conceptual similarity applicable to state space semantics. Aarre Laakso and Gary Cottrell [(1998) (...)
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    Truth and Doxa in Parmenides.Tomás Calvo - 1977 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 59 (3):245-260.
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    Acerca de la racionalidad científica: Feyerabend y los límites de la argumentación.Gilberto Castrejon - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 14 (8).
    Object or subject of rights Cartay, Belkis Acerca de la racionalidad científica: Feyerabend y los límites de la argumentación Scientific rationality, Feyerabend and the limits of the argument Castrejón, Gilberto El embrión es vida humana The embryo is human life Chacín, Ronald Ética y política: Las consecuencias prácticas de la modernización en la óptica de una acción comunicativa Ethics and politics: Practical consequences of modernization from the viewpoint of a comunicative act De La Vega, Marta La libertad de expresión: (...)
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    Da Aparência À Essência da Derivação da Forma Mercadoria: A Forma Das Relações Socioeconômicas No Modo de Produção Capitalista.Gilberto Davanço Neto - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (39):182-212.
    Este artigo tem o objetivo de desvelar o núcleo da forma das relações socioeconômicas no sistema capitalista de exploração para acumulação de propriedade privada. Referido núcleo deriva nos sujeitos de direito, no Estado e nas demais instituições que derivam do modo de produção posto pela classe socioeconômica dominante que detém a propriedade privada dos meios de produção. Por meio do método materialismo histórico-dialética em Karl Marx e sob a ótica da interpretação filosófica e científica de Evguiéni Bronislavovitch Pachukanis e especialistas (...)
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