Results for 'Gh Vrabie'

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  1. Homo sapiens - homo socious : a comparative analysis of human mind and kind.Henrik Høgh-Olesen - 2010 - In Human morality and sociality: evolutionary and comparative perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Human morality and sociality: evolutionary and comparative perspectives.Henrik Høgh-Olesen (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Human nature is enigmatic. Are we cruel, selfish creatures or good merciful Samaritans? This book takes you on a journey into the complexities of human mind and kind, from altruism, sharing, and large-scale cooperation, to cheating, distrust, and warfare. What are the building blocks of morality and sociality? Featuring contributions from leading researchers, such as Christophe Boesch, Leda Cosmides and John Tooby, Azar Gat, Dennis Krebs, Ara Norenzayan, and Frans B. M. de Waal, this fascinating interdisciplinary reader draws on evolutionary (...)
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    A politika világa: a marxista politikaelmélet alapvonásai.Attila Ágh - 1984 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    Public sector reforms, institutional design and strategy for good governance in east central europe.Attila A'gh - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53 (3):233-255.
  5. La question de l'approvisionement de Constantinople à l'époque byzantine et ottomane, în “.Gh I. Brătianu - 1929 - Byzantion 5:83-107.
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    Fundamentul filozofiei la Mircea Florian.Gh Al Cazan - 1971 - București,: Editura politică.
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    Ḥijāb dar tarāzū = Muslim veiling: a philosophical analysis.Surūsh Dabbāgh - 2017 - Landan: Ich and Is Midīyā.
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    The Roots of Human Creativity: Fire-Talks and “Hammocking” in the Runaway Species.Henrik Høgh-Olesen - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (1):99-104.
    Humans are neophile, curious, and explorative animals with impressive capabilities for creative problem-solving. I discuss some of the ultimate roots behind human creativity while reviewing two books on creativity and problem-solving. To E. O. Wilson, the driv­ing force behind creativity is our instinctive love of novelty, and creativity’s ultimate goal is “self-understanding.” I elaborate on and question this assumption. The theories of inclu­sive fitness and group selection are discussed, with Wilson in favor of the latter. Finally, the theory of gene-culture (...)
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    Winfried Menninghaus. Aesthetics After Darwin: The Multiple Origins and Functions of the Arts.Henrik Høgh-Olesen - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (1):127-130.
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  10. Politica, morala și dreptul, forme de reglementare a relațiilor sociale în socialism.Genoveva Vrabie - 1977 - București: Editura Politică.
  11. Nati. Acad. Set. U. SA. 97: 1 1800-1 1806. RAUSCHECKER, J. R, B. TIAN, and M. HAUSER, 1995. Processing of complex sounds in the macaque nonprimary auditory cortex. &гст «268: 1 1 1-1 14. RECANZONE, GH, 2003. Auditory influences on visual temporal». [REVIEW]Gh Recanzone, Sddr Makhamra, Dc Guard, Mm Merzenich & Ce Schreiner - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press. pp. 366.
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    Darbāb-i rawshanfikrī-i dīnī va akhlāq.Surūsh Dabbāgh - 2010 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Farhangī-i Ṣirāṭ.
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  13. The Case for Case.Fillmore Gh - 1968 - In Emmon W. Bach & Robert Thomas Harms (eds.), Universals in Linguistic Theory. (Edited by Emmon Bach, Robert T. Harms ... Contributing Authors, Charles J. Fillmore ... Paul Kiparsky ... James D. McCawley.). New York, NY, USA: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
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    The Implicit Narrativity of Objects and Ornaments—Widening the View.Henrik Høgh-Olesen - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (1):53-56.
    Humans are neophile, curious, and explorative animals with impressive capabilities for creative problem-solving. I discuss some of the ultimate roots behind human creativity while reviewing two books on creativity and problem-solving. To E. O. Wilson, the driv­ing force behind creativity is our instinctive love of novelty, and creativity’s ultimate goal is “self-understanding.” I elaborate on and question this assumption. The theories of inclu­sive fitness and group selection are discussed, with Wilson in favor of the latter. Finally, the theory of gene-culture (...)
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  15. Bibliographie zur Protophysik und ihrer Rezeption und Diskussion in Protophysik heute.Gh Hovelmann - 1985 - Philosophia Naturalis 22 (1).
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  16. In memory of Malcolm, Norman 1911-1990.Gh Vonwright - 1992 - Philosophical Investigations 15 (3):215-222.
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  17. Truth-logics.Gh Von Wright - 1987 - Logique Et Analyse 30 (120):311-334.
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    Aesthetics and Fetishism: Key Stimuli and Power Objects.Henrik Høgh-Olesen - 2018 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 2 (2):21-32.
    A fetish is a specific emotionally loaded object, body part, or situation that draws our attention and desire, and sexual fetishism is the sexual arousal that a person experiences when in contact with such a loaded object. Until now, psychology has had trouble understanding the distinctive lust objects and the orchestration of urges in the world of fetishism, so fetishism has therefore fallen into the category of perversions and abnormal behavior. In this study, fetishism is moved to the field of (...)
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  19. Bonnet critico di Kant. Due Cahiers ginevrini del 1788.Gh Muller & Riccardo Pozzo - 1988 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 43 (1):131-164.
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  20. Ipoteza în științele naturii.Gh D. Constantinescu - 1960 - București,: Editura Științifică.
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    Appetence, Key Stimuli, and Core Affects: Foundational Elements of Human Behavior and Mind.Henrik Høgh-Olesen - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (2):49-52.
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  22. Human mind - human kind : an introduction.Henrik Høgh-Olesen - 2010 - In Human morality and sociality: evolutionary and comparative perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  23. Dos caras de la hermenéutica.Gh Nyenhuis - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 22 (65):221-227.
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  24. Probleme des Erklärens und Verstehens von Handlungen.Gh Von Wright - 1985 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 19 (47):3-19.
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    The force dynamics of interactive systems: Toward a computer semiotics.Peter Bøgh Andersen - 1995 - Semiotica 103 (1-2):5-46.
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    Közelítések.Attila Végh - 2009 - Budapest: Napkút.
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  27. Sharq zhavoḣirlari: badialar.Gh Ghafurov - 2000 - Toshkent [Uzbekistan]: Ma"naviiat.
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    Factors Associated with Students’ Psychological Distress: The Roles of Creativity, Cognitive Flexibility, and Educational (Anti)mattering.Alexandra Maftei & Tina Vrabie - 2025 - British Journal of Educational Studies 73 (1):119-140.
    The present cross-sectional study examined some of the factors associated with psychological distress among students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. We investigated the roles of age, academic performance, creativity, cognitive flexibility, educational mattering, and anti-mattering and their roles when discussing participants’ psychological distress. Our sample comprised 337 students aged 19 to 29 from a Romanian public university, aged 19 to 29 (M = 20.86, SD = 1.55). Correlation analysis suggested that age, cognitive flexibility, educational mattering, and creativity were negatively (...)
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    Mutation databases and ethical considerations.Richard Gh Cotton & Ourania Horaitis - 2003 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers (ed.), Populations and genetics: legal and socio-ethical perspectives. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.
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    Reflections on the Philosophy of Science beyond Realism and Constructivism.Henning Høgh Laursen - 2002 - SATS 3 (1):83-101.
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    Arbejdets flertydighed - redaktionelt forord.Esben Bøgh Sørensen & Thomas Palmelund Johansen - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 76:7-15.
    WORK AS IMPROVEMENT - HUSBANDRY, HOUSEKEEPING AND CAPITALISM IN 16TH ANN 17TH CENTURY ENGLANDThis article traces the development of a new attitude to work as improvement in early modern England. By focusing on agricultural manuals from the period, the author shows how the attitude to work as improvement developed as a response by yeomen and gentleman farmers to their increasing subjection to market imperatives. In contrast to the ethics of housekeeping, which stressed the good maintenance and ordering of the ‘house’ (...)
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    Dynamic semiotics.Peter Bøgh Andersen - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (139):161-210.
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  33. Fī al-sīrah wa-al-adab al-Nabawī al-sharīf.Shaltāgh ʻAbbūd - 2004 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Hādī.
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    Introduction. Signs and Work.Peter Bøgh Andersen - 1996 - In Roland Posner, Heinz Klein, Peter B. Andersen & Berit Holmqvist (eds.), Signs of Work: Semiosis and Information Processing in Organisations. De Gruyter. pp. 3-12.
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    Semiotic engineering.Peter Bøgh Andersen & Lars Mathiassen - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (142).
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    The semiotics of smart appliances and pervasive computing.Peter Bøgh Andersen & Martin Brynskov - 2006 - In Ricardo Gudwin & Jo?O. Queiroz (eds.), Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development. Idea Group.
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  37. Filozófiai és történelmi tanulmányok.Gh Kovacs-Eichner - 2002 - Kolozsvár: [S.N.].
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  38. Robert Burns and British Poetry.Murray Gh Pittock - 2003 - In Pittock Murray Gh (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 121, 2002 Lectures. pp. 191-211.
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  39. Hay burzhuakan pʻilisopʻayutʻyan kʻnnakan verlutsutʻyun: 20-rd dari skizb.V. Gh Sevyan - 1971 - Erevan: "Hayastan Hratarakchʻutʻyun".
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    Para “reorientar” la historia de américa: En busca de sus relaciones con la ecumene euroafroasiática.Hernán Gh Taboada - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 9.
    Se adapta al título del libro de Andre Gunder Frank para proponer un esquema de conjunto de la historia americana desde una visión no eurocéntrica y desde la historia mundial. El acento no se coloca en la relación del continente con la Europa mediterránea o atlántica, ni en procesos endógenos, sino en los contactos que mantuvo con las otras civilizaciones del Viejo Mundo: África, la Europa oriental, Rusia, el Medio Oriente, India, China y el Pacífico. Se argumenta que antes de (...)
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  41. Etica lui Epicur.Gh Vlăduțescu - 1972 - București,: Editura științifică.
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    Ryan, Michael J. 2018. A Taste for the Beautiful: The Evolution of Attraction. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 200 pages, 16 color illustrations, 8 halftones. [REVIEW]Henrik Høgh-Olesen - 2018 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 2 (2):157-160.
    A fetish is a specific emotionally loaded object, body part, or situation that draws our attention and desire, and sexual fetishism is the sexual arousal that a person experiences when in contact with such a loaded object. Until now, psychology has had trouble understanding the distinctive lust objects and the orchestration of urges in the world of fetishism, so fetishism has therefore fallen into the category of perversions and abnormal behavior. In this study, fetishism is moved to the field of (...)
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    The Influence of the Religious Factors on the Electoral Option – Quantitative Analysis.Tudorel Andrei, Ion Gh Rosca, Stelian Stancu & Andreea Iluzia Iacob - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (21):20-43.
    In this study there are presented a series of aspects concerning the religious behavior of the Romanian population. By using quantitative analysis we have identified a series of religious key factors which can be used by parties and politicians to obtain votes during election campaigns. The obtained results highlight the fact that people with a lower level of education are more receptive to the political messages transmitted by religious means. Also, the influence of political actions and messages having a religious (...)
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  44. I︠A︡n︠g︡y keshenen︠g︡ moralʹ kompasy.Gh S. Ismăghilov - 1962
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    De la España africana a la América teocrática: notas sobre el ideario de Simón Bolívar.Hernán Gh Taboada - 2011 - Cuyo 28 (1):35-59.
    Las ideas de Simón Bolívar sobre América y sobre Europa han recibido alguna atención de los investigadores. Mucho menos las que expresó sobre Asia y África. Aunque fueron marginales a su pensamiento, la reunión de sus alusiones al respecto permite arrojar alguna luz sobre la reflexión de la Independencia y sobre los cambios que el Libertador experimentó en su percepción del naciente mundo que aparecía ante sus ojos. Partiendo de una actitud orientalista y despectiva inicial, con el tiempo llegó a (...)
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    Interactive fiction: Artificial intelligence as a mode of sign production.Peter Bøgh Andersen & Berit Holmqvist - 1989 - AI and Society 4 (4):291-313.
    Interactive media need their own idioms that exploit the characteristics of the computer based sign. The fact that the reader can physically influence the course of events in the system changes the author's role, since he no longer creates a linear text but anarrative space that the reader can use to generate stories. Although stories are not simulations of the real world, they must still contain recognizable parts where everyday constraints of time and space hold. AI-techniques can be used to (...)
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    Patterns of Devotion and Traces of Art: The Diplomatic Journey of Queen Elizabeth Piast to Italy in 1343-1344.Dragoş Gh Năstăsoiu - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):98-111.
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  48. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 121, 2002 Lectures.Pittock Murray Gh - 2003
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  49. Filosofia neotimistă în Franța.Gh Vlăduțescu - 1973 - București,: Editura științifică.
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  50. Introducere în istoria filozofiei medievale.Gh Vlăduțescu - 1973 - București,: Editura enciclopedică română.
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