Results for 'Geoffrey Builder'

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  1.  84
    The resolution of the clock paradox.Geoffrey Builder - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (2):135-144.
    Two ideal standard clocks, effectively isolated from interaction with other physical systems, and in a region of the universe free of gravitational fields, are assumed to move in any arbitrary manner so that they coincide on at least two occasions. In general, the reading of one of them will become retarded relative to the other in the interval between successive coincidences. This relative retardation is predicted by the restricted theory of relativity, taken together with the assumption that the 'rate' of (...)
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  2. Mathematics Without Numbers: Towards a Modal-Structural Interpretation.Geoffrey Hellman - 1989 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Develops a structuralist understanding of mathematics, as an alternative to set- or type-theoretic foundations, that respects classical mathematical truth while ...
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  3. Metalogic: an introduction to the metatheory of standard first order logic.Geoffrey Hunter - 1971 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
    This work makes available to readers without specialized training in mathematics complete proofs of the fundamental metatheorems of standard (i.e., basically ...
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    Varieties of Continua: From Regions to Points and Back.Geoffrey Hellman & Stewart Shapiro - 2017 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Edited by Stewart Shapiro.
    Hellman and Shapiro explore the development of the idea of the continuous, from the Aristotelian view that a true continuum cannot be composed of points to the now standard, entirely punctiform frameworks for analysis and geometry. They then investigate the underlying metaphysical issues concerning the nature of space or space-time.
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    Children and Paternalism.Geoffrey Scarre - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (211):117 - 124.
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    Thompson, Biographer.Geoffrey Cantor - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (3):475-488.
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    Stochastic Einstein-locality and the bell theorems.Geoffrey Hellman - 1982 - Synthese 53 (3):461 - 504.
    Standard proofs of generalized Bell theorems, aiming to restrict stochastic, local hidden-variable theories for quantum correlation phenomena, employ as a locality condition the requirement of conditional stochastic independence. The connection between this and the no-superluminary-action requirement of the special theory of relativity has been a topic of controversy. In this paper, we introduce an alternative locality condition for stochastic theories, framed in terms of the models of such a theory (§2). It is a natural generalization of a light-cone determination condition (...)
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    ‘The Twin-Brother of Space’: Spatial Analogy in the Emergence of Absolute Time.Geoffrey Gorham - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (1):23-39.
    Seventeenth-century authors frequently infer the attributes of time by analogy from already established features of space. The rationale for this can be traced back to Aristotle's analysis of time as ?the number of movement?, where movement requires a prior understanding of spatial magnitude. Although these authors are anti-Aristotelian, they were concerned, contra Aristotle, to establish the existence of ?empty space?, and a notion of absolute space which fit this idea. Although they had no independent rationale for the existence of absolute (...)
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  9. (2 other versions)Hume on Practical Morality and Inert Reason.Geoffrey Sayre-McCord - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 3:299-320.
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  10. Against reviving republicanism.Geoffrey Brennan & Loren Lomasky - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):221-252.
    University of Virginia, USA, lel3f{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> The strategy of this article is to consider republicanism in contrast with liberalism. We focus on three aspects of this contrast: republicanism’s emphasis on ‘social goods’ under various conceptualizations of that category; republicanism’s emphasis on political participation as an essential element of the ‘good life’; and republicanism’s distinctive understanding of freedom (following the lines developed by Pettit). In each case, we are skeptical that what republicanism (...)
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  11.  42
    Proof and implication in mill's philosophy of logic.Geoffrey Scarre - 1984 - History and Philosophy of Logic 5 (1):19-37.
    Following a brief preface, the second section of this paper discusses Mill's early reflections on the problem of how deductive inference can be illuminating. In the third section it is suggested that in his Logic Mill misconstrued the feature that the premises of a logically valid argument contain the conclusion as the ground of a charge that deductive proof is question-begging. The fourth section discusses the nature of the traditional petitio objection to syllogism, and the fifth shows that Mill had (...)
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  12.  79
    The history and narrative reader.Geoffrey Roberts (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    Are historians storytellers? Is it possible to tell true stories about the past? These are just a couple of the questions raised in this comprehensive collection of texts about philosophy, theory, and methodology of writing history. Drawing together seminal texts from philosophers and historians, this volume presents the great debate over the narrative character of history from the 1960s onwards. The History and Narrative Reader combines theory with practice to offer a unique overview of this debate and illuminates the practical (...)
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  13.  12
    Lyotard: writing the event.Geoffrey Bennington - 1988 - New York: Columbia University Press.
  14. Benevolence as an Environmental Virtue.Geoffrey Frasz - 2005 - In Philip Cafaro & Ronald Sandler (eds.), Environmental Virtue Ethics. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 241-246.
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    Do iconic hand gestures really contribute anything to the semantic information conveyed by speech? An experimental investigation.Geoffrey Beattie & Heather Shovelton - 1999 - Semiotica 123 (1-2):1-30.
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    In defence of generalized Darwinism.Howard E. Aldrich, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, David L. Hull, Thorbjørn Knudsen, Joel Mokyr & Viktor J. Vanberg - 2008 - Journal of Evolutionary Economics 18:577-596.
    Darwin himself suggested the idea of generalizing the core Darwinian principles to cover the evolution of social entities. Also in the nineteenth century, influential social scientists proposed their extension to political society and economic institutions. Nevertheless, misunderstanding and misrepresentation have hindered the realization of the powerful potential in this longstanding idea. Some critics confuse generalization with analogy. Others mistakenly presume that generalizing Darwinism necessarily involves biological reductionism. This essay outlines the types of phenomena to which a generalized Darwinism applies, and (...)
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  17.  34
    Of maps and chaps: David N. Livingstone and Charles W. J. Withers : Geographies of nineteenth-century science. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2011, 536pp, $55.00 HB.Geoffrey Cantor - 2013 - Metascience 23 (1):191-194.
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    The critique of equalitarian society in malthus's essay.Geoffrey Gilbert - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (1):35-55.
    The attack on perfectibilism in T. R. Malthus's Essay on Population (1798) is methodologically hollow. Malthus presents himself as a Newtonian empiricist, yet his analysis of equalitarian society is entirely abstract. Godwinian equality is debunked by means of a thought experiment. Malthus fails to take note of a variety of historical instances of equalitarian social practice (Sparta, the Moravians, and so on), thus undermining his empiricist posture. This deficiency in the critique of equality is remedied, to some degree, in the (...)
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  19.  47
    The New Dorothy Day Biography.Geoffrey B. Gneuhs - 1985 - The Chesterton Review 11 (2):256-257.
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    No time to waste: an exploration of time use, attitudes toward time, and the generation of municipal solid waste.Geoffrey Godbey, Reid Lifset & John Robinson - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Health care as participatory sense-making: an enactive perspective on relations between patients and health care providers.Geoffrey Dierckxsens - forthcoming - Mind and Society:1-21.
    Participatory sense-making is already an established concept within enactivism. It is used to define the participatory nature of cognitive relations, designating that humans and other organisms make sense of their surrounding environments not just on their own. They build cooperative networks, working together, to create ways of making sense of the world. However, so far little attention has been paid to how enactive concepts, such as participatory sense-making, may apply to the field of bioethics, understood here as health care ethics. (...)
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  22.  70
    What Music Teaches about Emotion.Geoffrey Madell - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (275):63 - 82.
    It is a remarkable feature of most contemporary discussions of emotion that they have been conducted without any reference to what it could mean to talk of the expression of emotion in music. This is a crucial absence, I shall argue, since a proper understanding of music's expression of emotion must lead to a correct view of the nature of emotion itself. Such an understanding will yield the view that emotion is a state of consciousness which is both intentional and (...)
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  23.  35
    On Courage.Geoffrey Scarre - 2010 - Routledge.
    What is courage and why is it one of the oldest and most universally admired virtues? How is it relevant in the world today, and what contemporary forms does it take? In this insightful and crisply written book, Geoffrey Scarre examines these questions and many more. He begins by defining courage, asking how it differs from fearlessness, recklessness and fortitude, and why people are often more willing to ascribe it to others than to avow it for themselves. He also (...)
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  24.  18
    The Stoic Roots of Hobbes's Natural Philosophy and First Philosophy.Geoffrey Gorham - 2021 - In Marcus P. Adams (ed.), A Companion to Hobbes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 45–56.
    This chapter identifies three main sources of the Stoic elements in Hobbes's philosophy: the early Christian‐Stoic Tertullian, the modern “Neo‐Stoic” school of Justus Lipsius, and the natural philosophers of the Cavendish Circle he frequented. Perhaps the most direct Stoical impact on Hobbes was the second/third century Church Father Tertullian. Hobbes and Cavendish are at bottom kindred Stoic spirits, though their systems diverge on the precise nature of material activity. The chapter explores the Stoic character of Hobbesian space, time, causality, and (...)
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  25.  15
    Early Modern Philosophical Theology in Great Britain.Geoffrey Gorham - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 124–132.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Religious Knowledge: Skepticism, Fideism, Reasonableness Atheism and Deism Science and Religion Biblical Criticism and the History of Religion Materialism and Immaterialism God, Space, and Time Creation, Freedom, and Laws of Nature Works cited.
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  26.  8
    Science in the forest, science in the past.Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd & Aparecida Vilaça (eds.) - 2020 - Chicago: HAU Books.
    This collection brings together leading anthropologists, historians, philosophers, and artificial-intelligence researchers to discuss the sciences and mathematics used in various Eastern, Western, and Indigenous societies, both ancient and contemporary. The authors analyze prevailing assumptions about these societies and propose more faithful, sensitive analyses of their ontological views about reality--a step toward mutual understanding and translatability across cultures and research fields. Science in the Forest, Science in the Past is a pioneering interdisciplinary exploration that will challenge the way readers interested in (...)
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  27.  9
    Black Mirror in the Future.Geoffrey A. Mitelman - 2020 - In William Irwin & David Kyle Johnson (eds.), Black Mirror and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 333–337.
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  28.  12
    Mill.Geoffrey Scarre - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith (ed.), A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 293–298.
    Son of the utilitarian James Mill and himself a major expositor of a utilitarian theory of ethics and politics, John Stuart Mill (1806–73) was also perhaps the greatest British empiricist philosopher of the nineteenth century. His massive work A System of Logic (1843 and several subsequent editions) was intended as a textbook of the doctrine which derives all knowledge from experience, including even our knowledge of the laws of mathematics and logic. Mill conceived his work as a sustained and careful (...)
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  29.  8
    Leo Strauss and his Catholic readers.Geoffrey M. Vaughan (ed.) - 2018 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    This book looks at the work and influence of Leo Strauss in a variety of ways that will be of interest to readers of political philosophy. It will be of particular interest to Catholics and scholars of other religious traditions. Strauss had a great deal of interaction with his contemporary Catholic scholars, and many of his students or their students teach or have taught at Catholic colleges and universities in America. Leo Strauss and His Catholic Readers brings together work by (...)
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  30.  64
    The moral philosophy of T.H. Green.Geoffrey Thomas - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Examining Thomas Hill Green's moral philosophy, Thomas defends a radically new perception of Green as an independent thinker rather than a devoted partisan of Kant or Hegel. Green's moral philosophy, argues Thomas, includes a widely misunderstood defense of free will, an innovative model of deliberation that rejects both Kantian and Humean conceptions of practical reason, a barely recognized theory of character, and an account of moral objectivity that involves no dependence on religion--all of which yield a coherent body of moral (...)
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  31.  49
    So... What Is Enlightenment? An Inquisition into Modernity.Geoffrey Galt Harpham - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (3):524-556.
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  32. Phenomenal properties are luminous properties.Geoffrey Hall - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11001-11022.
    What is the connection between having a phenomenal property and knowing that one has that property? A traditional view on the matter takes the connection to be quite intimate. Whenever one has a phenomenal property, one knows that one does. Recently most authors have denied this traditional view. The goal of this paper is to defend the traditional view. In fact, I will defend something much stronger: I will argue that what it is for a property to be phenomenal is (...)
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  33. Naturalness is Not an Aim of Belief.Geoffrey Hall - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2277-2290.
    Recently some philosophers have defended the thesis that naturalness, or joint-carvingness, is an aim of belief. This paper argues that there is an important class of counterexamples to this thesis. In particular, it is argued that naturalness is not an aim of our beliefs concerning what is joint carving and what is not.
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  34. Collective Forgiveness in the Context of Ongoing Harms.Geoffrey Adelsberg - 2018 - In Marguerite La Caze (ed.), Phenomenology and Forgiveness. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 131-145.
    During the Standing Rock protests in North Dakota, USA/Turtle Island, a group of military veterans knelt in front of Oceti Sakowin Elders asking forgiveness for centuries of settler colonial military ventures in Oceti Sakowin Territory. Leonard Crow Dog forgave them and immediately demanded respect for Native Nations throughout the U.S. Lacking such respect, he said, Native people will cease paying taxes. Crow Dog’s post-forgiveness remarks speak to the political context of the military veterans’ request: They seek collective forgiveness amidst ongoing (...)
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  35. Unity and Application.Geoffrey Hall - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8.
    Propositions represent the entities from which they are formed. This fact has puzzled philosophers and some have put forward radical proposals in order to explain it. This paper develops a primitivist account of the representational properties of propositions that centers on the operation of application. As we will see, this theory wins out over its competitors on grounds of strength, systematicity and unifying power.
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  36.  39
    Copernicus's Development in Context: Politics, Astrology, Cosmology and a Prince-Bishopric.Geoffrey Blumenthal - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (1):1-32.
    ArgumentDuring the two decades before the turning point in Copernicus's personal and scientific development in 1510, he had experience of political activity which has been largely ignored by the existing Copernicus literature but part of which is reconstructed in outline in this paper. Given the close linkage between politics and astrology, Copernicus's likely reaction to astrology is re-examined here. This reconstruction also suggests that the turning point in 1510, when Copernicus left his post as secretary to his uncle Lucas Watzenrode (...)
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  37.  28
    Staying over-optimistic about the future: Uncovering attentional biases to climate change messages.Geoffrey Beattie, Melissa Marselle, Laura McGuire & Damien Litchfield - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (218):21-64.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 218 Seiten: 21-64.
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  38.  9
    Reflections on Curren and Metzger.Geoffrey Habron - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (3):259-262.
    Curren and Metzger focus on the inadequacy of the Brundtland commission sustainability definition. However, very few differences need...
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  39.  24
    Cross-cultural similarities in gestures: The deep relationship between gestures and speech which transcends language barriers.Rima Aboudan & Geoffrey Beattie - 1996 - Semiotica 111 (3-4):269-294.
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    The Perils of MC, Lost in the Forest of DM.Geoffrey Galt Harpham - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (2):45-48.
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    Electronic bumper stickers: the content and interpersonal functions of messages attached to e-mail signatures.Mark L. Knapp, Geoffrey R. Tumlin & Stephen A. Rains - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (1):105-120.
    The two-phase study reported here examined the content and communication function served by electronic bumper stickers. EBSs consist of the sayings that are included in an e-mail signature file following personal identifiers such as one's name, phone number, and postal address. In the first phase, 334 EBSs were gathered and content analyzed into one of five message categories. In order of frequency they were: wisdom, humor, advice, religious, and socio-political commentary. In the second phase, open-ended responses from 134 EBS users (...)
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  42.  10
    Expressions of sceptical topoi in (late) antique Judaism.Reuven Kipervasser & Geoffrey Herman (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Scepticism has been the driving force in the development of Greco-Roman culture in the past, and the impetus for far-reaching scientific achievements and philosophical investigation. Early Jewish culture, in contrast, avoided creating consistent representations of its philosophical doctrines. Sceptical notions can nevertheless be found in some early Jewish literature such as the Book of Ecclesiastes. One encounters there expressions of doubt with respect to Divine justice or even Divine involvement in earthly affairs. During the first centuries of the common era, (...)
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  43. Disciplining Emotion.Geoffrey White - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (4):375-376.
    This commentary discusses the article “The Many Meanings/Aspects of Emotion: Definitions, Functions, Activation, and Regulation” by Carroll Izard (2010). Reading the article from the vantage point of cultural anthropology, these comments applaud its “ethnographic” thrust in explicating conceptual models used by scientists to define and analyze emotion. At the same time, reading the article as a kind of auto ethnography finds problems with its assumptions and methods that limit the extent of the exploration and preordain certain findings.
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  44.  20
    Education in an industrial society.Geoffrey Herman Bantock - 1973 - London,: Faber.
  45.  28
    Teleanalysis.Geoffrey Bennington - 2013 - Paragraph 36 (2):270-285.
    The telephone is taken as a privileged figure for discussing the relationship between Cixous and Derrida, particularly as it figures in some of Cixous's late work, and especially Hyperdream. It is suggested that the telephonic relation essentially involves interruption as well connection, and that this structure leads to reformulations of issues such as possibility and impossibility, life and death.
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    Law & the humanities: a lecture.James Edward Geoffrey De Montmorency - 1923 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Rise and Fall of Species-Life.Geoffrey Gershenson - 2006 - European Journal of Political Theory 5 (3):281-300.
    Rousseau’s founding critique of liberalism, the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, takes the ambiguous form of a sweeping myth of civilization. Political theorists usually interpret the myth by reading it as a tale of passage from primordial nature to civil society, but what happens when we privilege another of the essay’s organizing devices, its symbolic depiction of the history of the species as the life of an individual? Interpreted through this metaphor, Rousseau’s myth becomes a charged tale of a (...)
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    Epistemic freedom and education.Geoffrey Hinchliffe - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (2):191-207.
    First of all, I define the concept of epistemic freedom in the light of the changing nature of educational practice that prioritise over-prescriptive conceptions of learning. I defend the ‘reality’ of this freedom against possible determinist-related criticisms. I do this by stressing the concept of agency as characterised by ‘becoming’. I also discuss briefly some of the technical literature on the subject. I then move on to discuss Gramsci’s concept of hegemony and Foucault’s idea of ‘productive power’: I argue for (...)
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  49.  20
    Impotent Vengeance.Geoffrey Karabin - 2017 - Social Philosophy Today 33:131-153.
    The afterlife has been imagined in a diversity of ways, one of which is as a vehicle for vengeance. Upon outlining, via the figures of Tertullian and Sayyid Qutb, a vengeful formulation of afterlife belief, this essay examines Friedrich Nietzsche’s critique of such a belief. The belief is framed as an expression of impotence insofar as believers imagine in the beyond what they cannot achieve in the present, namely, taking vengeance upon their enemies. Nietzsche’s critique leads to the essay’s central (...)
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  50. Moral skepticism.Geoffrey Sayre-McCord - 2010 - In Sven Bernecker & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 464.
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