Results for 'Gastón Noval'

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  1.  7
    ¿Por qué los trabajadores del Astillero Río Santiago lograron evitar el cierre y la privatización? Memorias para la resistencia (1990-1992). [REVIEW]Juliana Yantorno & Gastón Noval - 2023 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 14 (27):e180.
    En este trabajo buscamos acercarnos a un análisis de la resistencia de los trabajadores del Astillero Río Santiago ante el vaciamiento e intento de privatización bajo el gobierno de Menem. Para ello, analizamos los procesos de lucha y organización durante el período 1990 a 1992. Hallamos tres aspectos que, a nuestro entender, son fundamentales para comprender este proceso: 1) la alta experiencia político y sindical durante los años 80 como base para la resistencia de los noventa; 2) El apoyo y (...)
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    The Unwitting Accomplice: How Organizations Enable Motivated Reasoning and Self-Serving Behavior.Laura J. Noval & Morela Hernandez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (3):699-713.
    In this article, we demonstrate that individuals use motivated reasoning to convince themselves that their self-serving behavior is justified, which in turn affects the distribution of resources in business situations. Specifically, we explore how ambiguous contextual cues and individual beliefs can jointly form motivated reasoning. Across two experimental studies, we find that whereas individual ideologies that endorse status hierarchies can strengthen the relationship between contextual ambiguity and motivated reasoning, individual beliefs rooted in fairness and equality can weaken it. Our findings (...)
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    The Dialectic of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: by Gaston Fessard S.J.S. J. Gaston Fessard - 2022 - BRILL.
    Gaston Fessard employs Hegel’s dialectical logic to clarify how St. Ignatius’s _Spiritual Exercises_ envisage and prepare the decisions and choices between contrasting options or major turning points in spiritual life, in moments of what Ignatius would call _Election_.
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    Accounting for Proscriptive and Prescriptive Morality in the Workplace: The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Mood on Managerial Ethical Decision Making.Laura J. Noval & Günter K. Stahl - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (3):589-602.
    This article provides a conceptual framework for studying the influence of mood on managerial ethical decision making. We draw on mood-congruency theory and the affect infusion model to propose that mood influences managerial ethical decision making through deliberate and conscious assessments of the moral intensity of an ethical issue. By accounting for proscriptive and prescriptive morality—i.e., harmful and prosocial behavior, respectively—we demonstrate that positive and negative mood may have asymmetrical and paradoxical effects on ethical decision making. Specifically, our analysis suggests (...)
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    The Sadder but Nicer Effect: How Incidental Sadness Reduces Morally Questionable Behavior.Laura J. Noval, Günter K. Stahl & Chen-Bo Zhong - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):351-368.
    This article explores the influence of sadness in ethical decision-making and behavior. In three laboratory studies, we found that an incidental state of sadness reduced individuals’ propensity to engage in morally questionable behavior, including both unethical and selfish acts (Studies 1 to 3). We found this effect to be mediated by the role of sadness in prompting people to pay more attention to the negative consequences of morally questionable acts and perceive those consequences as more problematic (Studies 2 and 3). (...)
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    Modelo de Gestión para el Teletrabajo en la Administración Pública Chilena.Alex Castillo Novales - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 6:117-147.
    El presente articulo aborda la experiencia de los y las funcionarias públicas con el teletrabajo en pandemia como base para proponer un Modelo de Gestión y matriz que oriente a las instituciones públicas en materia de teletrabajo, para convertirlas en organizaciones públicas resilientes que logren cumplir metalingüísticamente con el concepto de teletrabajo mediante la generación de valor público.
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    L'actualite de l'histoire des sciences.Gaston Bachelard - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 48 (2):220-232.
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    Publisher Correction to: The Sadder but Nicer Effect: How Incidental Sadness Reduces Morally Questionable Behavior.Laura J. Noval, Günter K. Stahl & Chen-Bo Zhong - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):369-369.
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  9. Gabriel Marcel - Gaston Fessard Correspondance, 1934-1971.Gabriel Marcel, Gaston Fessard, Henri de Lubac, Marie Rougier & Michel Sales - 1985 - Beauchesne.
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    Le matérialisme rationnel.Gaston Bachelard - 1953 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    "Entre la connaissance commune et la connaissance scientifique, la rupture nous paraît si nette que ces deux types de connaissance ne sauraient avoir la même philosophie. L'empirisme est la philosophie qui convient à la connaissance commune. Au contraire, la connaissance scientifique est solidaire du rationalisme et, qu'on le veuille ou non, le rationalisme est lié à la science, le rationalisme réclame des buts scientifiques. Par l'activité scientifique, le rationalisme connaît une activité dialectique qui enjoint une extension constante des méthodes". Voici (...)
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  11. (1 other version)La philosophie mystique de Simone Weil.Gaston Kempfner - 1960 - [Paris]: La Colombe.
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  12. La beauté.Gaston Rageot - 1924 - Paris,: Plon.
    1. ptie. L'inspiration sociale; les sources éternelles de l'art.--2. ptie. La technique personnelle: L'Allemagne du Clair de lune. Beethoven: la joie dans la douleur. Les sources de la sensibilité romantique chez Schumann et Gabriel Fauré. Les vraies sources du génie de Wagner. Émile Verhaeren. La poésie de mme. de Noailles. Balzac: La comédie humaine. Le théâtre de Théodore de Banville. L'œuvre d'Edmond Rostand.
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  13.  80
    The poetics of reverie.Gaston Bachelard - 1969 - New York,: Orion Press.
    In Poetics of Reverie he considers the absolute origins of that imagery: language, sexuality, childhood, the Cartesian ego, and the universe.
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  14.  55
    The New Scientific Spirit.Gaston Bachelard - 1984 - Beacon Press.
    Examines the changes during the twentieth century in the views of mathematics, physics, and the scientific method and discusses the role of the mind in science.
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    El trabajo no remunerado: un presupuesto no discutido de la teoría liberal de la justicia de Rawls.María Aránzazu Novales Alquézar - 2021 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 55:333-358.
    La astucia de separar la esfera pública de la privada, hurtando a esta última todo valor, empaña los orígenes de las teorías políticas más importantes de la actualidad, como es el caso de la teoría liberal de la justicia de Rawls, que presupone elementos no discutidos en el foro. La teoría feminista ha interrogado y desplazado la frontera entre estos dos mundos. Consecuencia de lo anterior es que, de manera sibilina, se produce una sistemática apropiación de la fuerza emocional y (...)
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    (1 other version)Le rationalisme appliqué.Gaston Bachelard - 1949 - Paris,: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Si l'on veut bien définir le rationalisme comme une pensée d'organisation, on devra lui accorder une matière à organiser, des éléments à assembler, des expériences à ajuster. On devra le juger au terme même de cette organisation, après son effort synthétique, après son travail de mise en ordre. Il y a peu de justice à le taxer d'incapacité à propos d'une analyse de ce qu'il prend comme éléments de sa construction. Autant dire que le rationalisme est une philosophie fonctionnelle, une (...)
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  17.  30
    La formation de l'esprit scientifique.Gaston Bachelard - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:443.
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  18.  8
    Los derechos de los niños y niñas a vivir en un entorno familiar libre de Violencia de Género.Teresa Picontó Novales - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 51:249-282.
    En el contexto de la familia, la cultura jurídica y social de los derechos de la infancia y adolescencia, los niños y niñas tienen el derecho a una vida libre de violencia de género, respecto de la cual son víctimas directas. En este artículo se estudian los cambios normativos (2015 y 2021) y la praxis judicial sobre el régimen de guarda y custodia, así como el régimen de visitas y comunicación en un contexto de violencia de género y/o violencia vicaria (...)
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    La philosophie du non.Gaston Bachelard - 1940 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    Pour Gaston Bachelard, le " non " signifie dépasser et compléter le savoir antérieur, la philosophie de la connaissance scientifique doit englober les contradictions, ce qu'il explique dans cet ouvrage sous-titré Essai d'une philosophie du nouvel esprit scientifique. Il établit le profil épistémologique de l'évolution, du réalisme naïf au surrationalisme en passant par le rationalisme classique et élargit le domaine de l'intuition à ce qu'il appelle une " intuition travaillée"s'exerçant dans un espace non analytique.
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  20.  24
    Demokracija i globalna kriza. Vanjski uzroci globalne krize.Fahrudin Novalić - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):109-128.
    Autor razmatra vanjske uzroke i prevladavanje globalne krize iz 2008. godine. Osnovni vanjski uzroci krize, prema mišljenju kompetentnih i uglednih autora, su: politika niskih kamatnih stopa Američke federalne banke, kriza američkoga hipotekarnog tržišta, neodgovornost američke vlade, pogrešna poslovna politika središnjih banaka, kriza međunarodnoga bankovnog sustava, neravnoteža između tržišta i vladavine prava, mikroekonomske i makroekonomske pogreške, masovna sekuritizacija nelikvidnih sredstava. Te uzroke prožimaju: nedostatno znanje o izlaganju likvidnosti i tržišnim rizicima, loše prosudbe, špekulacije, pomanjkanje učinkovita bankarskoga nadzora. Tržišni fundamentalizam i državni (...)
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    Stabilna ravnoteža terorizama. Radikalna destrukcija i osveta jednakom ili većom smrti.Fahrudin Novalić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (3):635-658.
    Radikalizam državnog terorizma i terorizma samoubojica u odnosu su frustracijske telerancije. Postoje i mogućnosti međusobnih napada oružjem za masovno uništenje – nuklearnim, biološkim i kemijskim oružjem. Frustracijska tolerancija obaju terorizama – terorom protiv terora – radikalizira njihove međusobne odnose i ostvaruje osvetničke ciljeve, jednake ili veće smrti. Unatoč tome, postoji mogućnost za uljuđenu toleranciju i rješenje sukoba – stabilnu ravnotežu suradnje, mira, sigurnosti i zdravog rivalstva među sukobljenim stranama. Rješenje je u pronalaženju umijeća politike koja pravila ne samo provodi nego (...)
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  22. (2 other versions)Encyclopédie Française, Tome 19: Philosophie-Religion.GASTON BERGER - 1957
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    Meatpacking Workers’ Perceptions of Working Conditions, Psychological Contracts and Organizational Justice.María Teresa Gastón - 2012 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 9 (1):91-115.
  24. Les quatre âges de l'humanité.Gaston Georgel - 1949 - Besançon,: Éditions "Servir,".
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    Notes from "Cinema 74".Gaston Haustrate & J. Dickson - 1974 - Substance 3 (9):153.
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    Encadré : Le Cameroun.Gaston Kelman - 2004 - Hermes 40:90.
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    Brian Kemple, "Ens Primum Cognitum in Thomas Aquinas and the Tradition: The Philosophy of Being as First Known." Reviewed by.Gaston George LeNotre - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (4):183-185.
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  28. Souvenirs personnels.Gaston Mialaret - 1992 - Paideia 16:157.
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    Fisuras en la Protección de los Derechos de la Infancia || Cracks in the Protection of the Rights of the Child.Teresa Picontó Novales - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 33:133-166.
    Resumen: La Convención de los Derechos del Niño de las Naciones Unidas con su aprobación en 1989 supuso un avance en la concepción de los derechos de los niños y sin duda, un importante desarrollo de los derechos de la infancia y de la adolescencia en muchos países del mundo. Más de veinticinco años después, ha llegado el momento de cuestionar el discurso de los derechos del niño tal y como cristalizó en la Convención y ello, por varias razones. En (...)
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    (1 other version)L'activité rationaliste de la physique contemporaine.Gaston Bachelard - 1951 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    En 32 romans, publiés entre 1934 et 1982, cet auteur d'origine australienne a élaboré autour de son protagoniste principal, l'inspecteur Roderick Allen de Scotland Yard, un ensemble de romans policiers d'enquête dans la meilleure tradition britannique.
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  31. La Formation de l'Esprit scientifique, Contribution à une psychanalyse de la connaissance objective.Gaston Bachelard - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (4):5-7.
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  32.  56
    The philosophy of no.Gaston Bachelard - 1968 - New York,: Orion Press.
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    La philosophie du non: essai d'une philosophie du nouvel esprit scientifique.Gaston Bachelard - 1980 - Presses Universitaires de France.
    Pour Gaston Bachelard, le « non » signifie dépasser et compléter le savoir antérieur, la philosophie de la connaissance scientifique doit englober les contradictions. Il établit le profil épistémologique de l’évolution, du réalisme naïf au surrationalisme en passant par le rationalisme classique et élargit le domaine de l’intuition à ce qu’il appelle une « intuition travaillée»s’exerçant dans un espace non analytique.
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    The cogito in Husserl's philosophy.Gaston Berger - 1972 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.
  35. Philosophie du Non, Essai d'une Philosophie du NouvelEsprit scientifique.Gaston Bachelard - 1944 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 49:85.
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  36. The Formation of the Scientific Mind: A Contribution to a Psychoanalysis of Objective Knowledge.Gaston Bachelard & Mary McAllester Jones - 2002 - Clinamen Press.
    Gaston Bachelard is one of the indespensable figures in the history of 20th-century ideas. The broad scope of his work has had a lasting impact in several fields - notable philosophy, architecture and literature.
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    Modelling Bistabilities that Link Macro and Microscopic Biological Phenomena.Gastone C. Castellani & Enrico Giampieri - 2011 - In Brian Hurwitz & Paola Spinozzi (eds.), Discourses and Narrations in the Biosciences. V&R Unipress. pp. 8--237.
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    El pensamiento filosófico.José F. Noval & Juan A. Canal - 1989 - Oviedo: [S.N.. Edited by Juan A. Canal.
    cuad. 1. La filosofía antigua -- cuad. 2. La filosofía medieval -- cuad. 3. La filosofía moderna. pt. 1.
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    Islamic World and Modernity.Fahrudin Novalić - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (4):869-896.
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    Sense of Truth.Fahrudin Novalić - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (3-4):453-469.
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    Philosophical fundations of learning a rhythmoformation of the course of adult life.Gaston Pineau - 2022 - Revue Phronesis 11 (3):161.
    À l’aide d’une autobiographie professionnelle de soixante ans de recherche en formation continue des adultes, l’article explicite les références qui ont ancré philosophiquement la construction d’une problématique rythmoformatrice des apprentissages adultes tout au long et dans tous les secteurs de la vie. Cette construction s’est opérée sur trois périodes transatlantiques : une période initiale en Europe (1959-1969) d’entrée dans la vie adulte (20-30 ans) en recherche-formation laborieuse de sens à la vie ; une seconde au Québec (1969-1985) de conception, construction (...)
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    (1 other version)Chronique.Gaston Wallerand - 1925 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 27 (8):409-419.
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    Jurisprudence universelle et théodicée selon Leibniz.Gaston Grua - 1953 - New York: Garland.
  44.  29
    Self-management as management of the self: Future directions for healthcare and the promotion of mental health.Gaston Franssen & Stefan van Geelen - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (2):179-184.
    In a recent attempt to update the 1948 World Health Organization definition of health as a state of complete well-being and absence of disease, it has now been proposed to change its emphasis to the ability to adapt and self manage in the face of social, physical and emotional challenges. The question how we should conceptualize such self-management, however, is rarely raised and its theoretical foundations remain largely unexplained. Still, to an increasing extent, scholars, health professionals, researchers, caretakers and policy (...)
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    Jacques Derrida and the Challenge of History.Sean Gaston - 2018 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    In the first book-length study of Derrida and the question of history, and in response to the 2016 publication of Derrida's 1964-1965 seminar on Heidegger and history, Sean Gaston explores Derrida's own political responses to the historical events of his time. He argues that contemporary philosophy can provide a basis for thinking about history.
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  46. La masculinidad desde el escenario: Francis y el teatro de revista mexicano.Gastón A. Alzate - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 17:13-29.
    This article deals with the theatrical work of Francisco García Escalante, known as Francis, from the point of view of Gender and Queer Theory. Since the theater work of Francis belongs to popular culture, this article analyzes elements of Mexican Review Theater (similar to Musical Theater) in reference to the dynamics she used to present diverse masculinities on stage. This essay also compares Francis’ symbolical construction of gender with that of popular singer Juan Gabriel.
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    Translation as Painting: The Ut Pictura Metaphor in Leonardo Bruni’s De interpretatione recta.Gaston J. Basile - 2021 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 84 (1):33-53.
    Leonardo Bruni’s De intepretatione recta has recently produced a growing body of literature which has improved our knowledge of the genesis, background and content of the work, as well as its pivotal role in the early history of translation and the humanist intellectual agenda. This article focuses on the conceptual metaphor which shapes Bruni’s understanding of the art of translation: the ‘Translation as Painting’ model. Drawing on a theoretical framework which stresses the cognitive value of metaphors, this article highlights the (...)
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    Towards a Dialogue Among Constructivist Research Programs.Gastón Becerra & José Antonio Castorina - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (2):191-198.
    Context: Constructivist epistemology is not a doctrinal set of clear and consistent theses and assumptions but a movement full of tensions, with minimally integrated lines of discussions. Problem: This situation explains why it is so difficult to come up with a general definition of constructivist epistemology that could serve as a starting point to study its several research programs systematically and comparatively. Method: We compare the constructivist epistemologies of Jean Piaget, Ernst von Glasersfeld, Humberto Maturana, and Niklas Luhmann regarding tensions (...)
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    Intuition of the Instant.Gaston Bachelard - 2013 - Northwestern University Press. Edited by Jean Lescure & Eileen Rizo-Patron.
    The instant -- The problem of habit and discontinuous time -- The idea of progress and the intuition of discontinuous time -- Conclusion -- Appendix A: "Poetic instant and metaphysical instant" by Gaston Bachelard -- Appendix B: Reading Bachelard reading Siloe: an excerpt from "Introduction to Bachelard's poetics" by Jean Lescure -- Appendix C: A short biography of Gaston Bachelard.
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  50. La Psychanalyse du Feu.Gaston Bachelard - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):522-523.
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